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"Indeed, it is her! She is like me, but she prefers to dress like an elf!" she explained with osme enthusiasm "Is she all right? I miss her so much..." she sighed.

"If you see her, tell her to be safe, please!" she would ask.

After faring goodbye to the soft-hearted vampiress, Cyra sneaked out of the tower, and back at the main body of the castle. Garus wasn't advertised to be in his study by anyone, so perhaps he would be there, where nobody would expect him to be?

Luckily the token that was supposed to grand passage to her was still working, and she failed to stumble upon a wandering armor patrol.


Finally, after following the instructions she had been given before, Cyra arrived at the study. It was the room next to the master bedroom - and even if for obvious reasons the vampire had no need for a bed, Tianka suspected there probably was a hidden passage between the study and the bedroom next door.

Still, once Cyra entered the room she would find out that such a thing was probably impossible. The wall at the right side of the room was only decorated by a large global (political) map of a world Cyra could not recognize. Any secret doors on this wall would be easily spotted. On the opposite wall, there was a small bookcase. There were only a few ancient leather bound books however - the majority of the shelves were filled with half melted, lit candles.

In the wall straight ahead, there was a sizable desk with a small tome covered with black leather places right in the middle. On the side there was a pen, a vial of red ink, and a pouch with white sand.

On the far right corner of the desk, there was a large tome, which gave Cyra a sense of familiarity...even if she was sure she had not seen it before. Not the good sense of familiarity with a long lost friend, mind you...perhaps something more like a deja vu.

At the same time, Cyra would hear the sound of a organ, faintly coming from somewhere below.

Two books, and a strange music...but which one to investigate first?

Cyra had nodded to the fiendling-vampire.. so the elf in disguise was a tiefling too.. well, who was she to stand in the way of the two lovers.. then there was the innocent village girl and her kinky mistresses.. oh, perhaps she could hook up with the Mayors daughter, if the illusion was accurate, she seemed more her type..
That or redeeming one of the more evil sucklers? hrmnn..

Wait why was she thinking about these things! She was supposed to think about kicking vampire butts and finding mayor-daughter helplings and acting chivalrous as fuck.

Moving on, Cyra briefly stared at the map, memorizing any name she could find on it, perhaps it would become useful for nerd-ghost later. She eyed the red ink suspiciously, before remembering who she was..

"Dudoi Cyra, you have a way to deal with all these nonsens mysteries."
She reminded herself. Sure it was troublesome deciding between potentially evil vampire diary and organ playing in the down low but she -was- a paladin.

She declared, looking about a bit more intensely. It should also work on undead and excessive necromantic energy. That sense of Deja Vu was troublesome for one that still struggled with bits and pieces of her memory. Still, if this was Garus diary (and hopefully not cursed) she was so gonna read it, and afterwards she could see that peculiar musician...
The map looked remarkably old, and while on first sight it looked like a world map, in reality it was the map of a big isle with a few smaller islands around it. The big Isle was marked as "Shadowmist Isle", and as it was a political map, it was obvious that the island was split in duchies. None of the names sounded familiar, but they did sound properly cliche. Blackcastle, Everdark....one of the smaller islands was even named Darkshade Isle!

The map had a skull-compass at the corner.

Cyra's detection didn't catch anything evil coming from neither of the two books, or anything else for that matter. Sadly, this detection couldn't go through walls and neither could it detect traps...

It is indeed Garus's diary...

....Or, as he calls it, 'Lord Garus's Memoir'.

It is basically his story, from his point of view. It is annoyingly verbose, but also very informative.

He was the son of the vampire who owned the castle, before getting killed by the vampire hunter. He claims that after his father was killed, he took over, chasing out the human hunter.

Afterwards, he describes how to recover he used the power of the Bloodstone Amulet, a family relic, to trick a foolish noble into helping him move his castle to a 'lesser realm', so that he can recuperate his losses. It describes how he picked up his 'brides', how much they all love him, and obey him with no second thought. He describes how he used the mightiests of magics to craft the armor knights, and how he ruled the peasants of the lesser realm with wisdom but an iron fist.

Cyra herself is included in the last pages. She is noted as a mighty advesary, with her every action greatly exaggerated. For example, the story about how she stormed the bridge, single handedly destroying the gargoyles, and Garus himself had to appear, before she would retreat.

He is also bragging about how, despite the paladins undeniable strength, Garus outwitted her making her fall straight into his masterful trap. Sadly, for obvious reasons, it is a work in progress, so the 'masterful trap' part is not explained....

As you open it, roll a DC 15 Wisdom save!

"Bloody hell, I should attach like a biiiig delayed fireball to this castle before sending it back, would improve the world it ends up."
She grumbled, examining the map, reminded painfully of her place of growing up.

Welp, only thing to do was check out those books then..
Reading through Garus diary, especially under a certain duress of time (she still wanted to check out that music).. was a chore. "Although that last bit isn't too bad.."
She nodded at the bridge-storming.. perhaps Garus had some redeeming qualities after all?

Well, she was still.. herself, so she couldn't help but grab a feather and quill, striking out the falling into the trap bit and added.
'And then the mighty Cyra Darkbane snuck into my fortress and fucked all my brides, especially the cute dark haired one, after easily seeing through these dumb illusions. I should have known she'd be smart enough to storm my citadel with a gem of true sight after learning of my abilities.

She grinned, and checked out the other tome..

(21 save!)

Only to shake, and slam it shut again.. whatever that was, she barely managed to fight it off, before dipping the quill again.

"That dumb tome trick didn't work on her either, what will stop her?" She nodded, satisfied with herself and, albeit not too successful here, decided to check out the music-source next, if it was still going!
When Cyra opened the larger tome, it just took a look at it's contents before she felt something trying to influence her mind. Luckily, she managed to resist it and close the book before it was too late....

The music came from somewhere below.

Cyra passed through a couple of corridors, and was going down a majestic double staircase with stairs made of black marble, when the music stopped.

Having made it downstairs, Cyra found herself in what was the entrance hall of the castle. According to the teachings of her noble family, it was a very important room...keeping the less important guests waiting, or appearing just in time for the more important ones, was one of the most basic things to learn how to do.

She hadn't entered through the gate, as a visitor would have, but from the inside of the castle. A thick crimson carpet was covering the floor conveniently muffling the sound of her steps. There were also a few paintings of figures who were probably the previous owners of this place...all in all, it was exactly how Cyra would have expected it to be.

Before Cyra had the time to properly investigate the decorations of the room, or to decide where the music had originated from, she heard a pompous laughter behind a closed double door.

"Oh, what a surprise." a deep male voice said once the laughter subsided "And a pity. I guess I overestimated that holy warrior. Just charging through the bridge...hah. This time the gargoyles will surround her, and properly take care of her. Even those dumb brutes can follow a simple plan like this....I just hope they can bring her here in one piece." the voice sighed, after a small pause.

"My darling. Don't you see that resisting me is futile? The foretold time of our departure from this plane, is drawing near...what use it to still struggle?" he questioned, "There is no one who can contest me, even in this plane, even with my power suppressed..."

"Hmmmph. Defiant to the end. Have it your way then. Soon, my powers will be returned, and then you will beg to serve your master." he declared angrily, after a longer pause.

Cyra descended the stairs and tried to shake the feeling of.. familiar homeliness the dark castle evoked in her. She could almost see a young, white haired girl rushing past one of the paintings, playing with one of the maids. When one of your siblings grows up torturing small enemies and the other stuffs them and builds small chimera creatures out of them, you feel like you are the odd one out, after all..

However, she did freeze when she heard a propably genuine, male voice, rushing as quiet as the carpet would allow to the door it originated from.. her idea for a distraction-move seemed to have worked. Although she kind of missed the bard-girl now. This would be the ideal chance for a dramatic entrance music. But, it would also be a chance to drink her potion of Invunerability. She decided this was propably the smarter approach. She wasn't even sure what it did, but adding it ontop of her divine protections should give any vampire trouble and.. well, it sounded like it was a great idea to strike before he go his powers back. She drew her sword, readied her foot to kick open the door...

And hesitated. Actually, what would a holy knight do in this situation, oh yes.
She raised her hand, and drummed it against the double door. *knock knock* and again. *Knock knock knock?*

And then she kicked in the door!.. only to wince a little at the sturdy thing.
(8 strength check, hope it wasn't locked!)
6cb3cd81faa818adbab466ad2a679664.jpg "Who could it be at this hou..." the voice started asking after a pause, before Cyra kicked the door open!

The room was a huge dining hall! A large table, lit under illuminated by a dozen or so candlesticks, resting on it.

The was the fair maiden that was supposedly the mayor's daugter sitting in a seat next to the head of the table...looming above her, was the owner of the voice holding a piece of parchment with something written on it, on his hand!

His seat was at the head of the table, where a glass of wine was reflecting the flickering light of the candles. The seat next to him had a glass of wine served too, however this one looked untouched by the maiden, who looked like she was in a struggle - even if she was frozen in place!

There was wine served on the other side of the table too...the one close to Cyra!

The walls were decorated with paintings and all kinds of art pieces...and on the side of the room, there was an organ resting against the wall!

"Oh....so unexpected." the noble - looking vampire mused, composing himself "I have been expecting you, my esteemed guest. " he contradicted himself "I am Lord Garus, the master of this castle. I know of you already." he continued in one breath, waving his hand as if to save the paladin the bother of introducing herself "Why don't we have a pleasant conversation first, before discussing business, as it is customary to do? The night is still young..." he offered, waving his hand towards the chair that had been obviously arranged for her, and the chair moved back as if some invisible servant was there, performing his duties...

It was incredibly hard not to shout 'fire inspector, I've heard theres too many open flames in this banquet hall'
"Oh yes, I prefer being civilized over having to.. you know.." She lied, hand gripping her moonsilver blade.

"dir'far jenmna.."
She whispered, in response to the vampire.
"I said I'm casting..."
She mused, stepping forwards and then disappeared in a poof of silvery moonlight. Could she still be.. err.. play a holy knight whilest fighting like this, teleporting into someone's blind-spot and striking from there? Yes, she decided, yes she could, when dealing with an asshole like this!

"Misty Step. Smite Evil. Moonlight resonance."
She declard, cutting the undead from behind, her sword vibrant in pale light. As she readied another swing, the follow up not as hard to avoid perhaps.

"I hath not come to converse, fiend. What little composure thine twisted plots have left in my heart, thine forceful disrespect of women has broken. I shall nay'er give thee time to recover the magic used to bind this poor maiden.
Fair Maiden though my time is short, know this, the fiend is wrong. There's always one that will contest such evil!"

She declared, swishing her cloak protectively before the Mayors daughter.

"This was the first strike, for a fishermans daughter by the lake" Cyra declared, dramatically "Ready thine counterstrike. Ready thine foul magic, run like the honorless cur thou art, It shall nay change the outcome. My Moonshade sword will cut through all the wickedry thou try to weave. If thou wish to speak so badly, confess thine sins and pray forgiveness as each strike of mine hand shall deliver the peoples suffering into thine hide,
the only way thine twisted kind can understand."

(Deception 13 to play nice. Followed by 11 initiative. Followed by a teleport as bonus and attack at him, wherever he may run!
First attack strikes at a 24, Deals 10 physical, 2 magical and 18 Radiant damage. 16 castercharisma check thingie to cut any spells away.
Next I presume misses someone on that level on a 13, would smite again etc if possible!)
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"Egami Rorrim!" he seemed to react to Cyra's sneaky spell just in time to cast his own...and three illusory duplicates appeared all around him, mixing up with him!

"I have seen all of your tricks alread...!!?" he boasted, as Cyra's sword went through one of the illusions...and leaving him speechless as the rest of them disappeared too, as the runes of the sword shined with pale moonlight!

"Eh...as expected from my destined advesary!" he declared recovering from the surprise soon enough, and dodging the second swing!

Surprisingly, he did not run away, instead he reached closer to Cyra trying to grab her!

"Why don't we dance then!" he said...but his attempts to get a hold of the Paladin were met with failure, her sword keeping him at bay!


[You wasted the smite, but he got the initiative and didn't move away so you could avoid misty step, if you wanted to. ]

Cyra smirked, ever so slightly. "I call it Moonblade or Moonshine sword as an act of misdirection. It's real name crudely translated from the tongue of the fey, is beam of moonlight that drinks all magic.
But don't worry, I can propably only do this one a day at best."

She tempted, innocently, before switching back into her knightly mannerisms. Garus was a strange man, cruel, yes, wicked, but she could see how he could have a wicked charm to those that underestimated him. She'd dealt with enough tricksters to know better herself.

"Sorry.. I am not really a holy knight.. well I -am- but also, more fairy dancing, less rigorous training, to my chargrim. upside, it helps me do things like this."
She mused, cutting at the vampire lord again.. but not aiming for him, specifically. She'd seen something far more interesting. Her sword was large, yes, but still comperatively agile, slithering like a moonlit snake.

"Ahem.. it may seem uncouth to undress thou so when we are but dancing.. yet a lady deserves her glittering presents, doesn't she?"
She mused, as her sword decidedly targeted Garus necklace. Ideally, she'd snatch the thing off of him, worst case, she'd miss it and cut him rather than the necklace.

(No damage rolled because I want to target/sunder items, 24 to hit, then 20 to hit.)
"Hmmh...you do not disappoint...!" he said, trying to leap backwards to avoid the strike!

However, it was already too late! The sword managed to hit him on the neck, and strike the chain of the ruby pendant the vampire was wearing!

The sword however didn't sunder the chain! Whatever damaged had happened, was absorbed by the undead flesh beneath it!

"Hah! You think it would break that easily...!?" he gloated....before the sword shined once again....and the ruby crystal was instantly shattered to dust!

"Wh...how? NO!" he shouted, holding the pendant with both hands in shock and staring on the spot where the blood red gem used to be!

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over Cyra...but whatever it was, she easily shrugged it off, almost instantly. Thus, she had the clarity to notice the flames of all the candles flickering at the same time. The shadows danced along. However, when the flickering had stopped, they looked...different! Their shapes were the same as they should be, and they were just as deep as they were before. But there was a different quality about them...

"I am not ready...I have to..." Garus woke up from his shock, looking around anxiously "...right I still have time to..." he said taking a step back from Cyra, but his mind was clearly on some other matter!

However, he didn't have the time to really go anywhere, as the tip of a blade went through him, popping out from his chest! It seemed an other figure had appeared behind him, impaling him before he had the time to react!

Instantly, he turned to mist!

"Foolish." the woman said in a calm voice, while the mist moved towards the side of the room.

"Stay your blade, wanderer. Thank you for recovering what was stolen from me." she said, watching unnhurriedly the mist hurrying away.

"The part about it working only once a day was another deception. It can cut through any magic. Quite fond of it."
She enthused, before stumbling ever so slightly and shaking her head.. what was that? Well she could easily endure whatever this was!

"Wait huh?"
She looked around, confused now, before watching the back-stab blade, already having half risen her hand to moonlight-blast the retreating mist. Admittedly, he had done a really good job of selling how impressive she was, .. so she listened to the bid to halt.
"I'll require an explanation."
She declared, leveling her blade at the new woman. Wait, was that the major's daughter? Should she be clichee? Yeah, a little bit wouldn't hurt.

"Beginning thuswith: What hath thou done to the Mayors maiden fair! Did I dispel another of the fiends illusions? I tire of these trickeries."
Seriously, this was confusing. She needed someone along to explain these things.. Not Love, she'd just muse about motorboating that woman. Not Momo either, cute but.. not super helpful.. The ghost-mage? Nah, too, technical.. maybe a bondage drow could help?

"Those who are not of this world were, naturally, not brought back to this world." she explained "That wouldn't be the case should this fools schemes had not been cut short by your efforts."

"I am Lady Ivone Vanheim, the current ruler of this Island. You are most welcome to stay as much as you like."
she added "However, it was foretold that you won't stay for long."

"Oh, ok. Not one to mess with prophecies."
Cyra nodded and sheathed her sword, before turning on her heels and walking out!

She waved one hand and wandered out of the throne-room, cracking her neck a little and patting her sword, smiling. "Good sword, missed all of your spell-cutting goodness."

"There is no need to hurry. The girl who came with you would not die, even in her current condition." she said, walking behind Cyra in an elegant manner.

"She is on the bridge, still."
she nodded.


It seems that the one in the bridge, was none other than the huntress!

She was unconscious, and it looked she had suffered a lot of damage. It looked like the Gargoyles had not gone easy on her, just barely avoiding killing her.

The vampiress would arrive at her own pace, just a while later.

"Divine magic won't work on this island. She would have to recover naturally. You could take her with you, and take care of her in your own world. She has no reason to stay here, anyhow. Returning to your world I can't help with. The texts speak only that you need to follow the moon." she explained spectating from behind, with a glass of wine in hand.

"And there is still the matter of me owing you a reward. I will fulfil one request of yours, as long as it is within my ability to do so." she promised.

"Well, I am confused.. is what I would say if I wasn't blessed by the lights wisdom!"
She noted, although she had half extended her hands to heal the huntress with an inapropriate touch. "You're the Gargoyle queen, aren't you?"
She theorized, shifting out of her knightly mannerisms with the strange change, although perhaps some of it remained as she brushed her white hair back.

"You could explain the things I can't guess at and help her."
She pointed to the huntress. "I nay need things myself. I wouldn't be here for selfish reasons, but this is quite confusing..For starters, I presume you have reason to not consider Garus a threat anymore? Frankly, you seem more powerful, in a way."
She hmnned.
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She smiled at Cyra's remark, and her vampire fangs answered the question for her.

"He is the son of a traitorous ex-subordinate of mine. He would have been of no concern...but as fate would have it, a mortal from an other realm gave him an opportunity, to perhaps become something greater."
she explained, sipping her wine.

"He stole this castle, and tried to prepare a trap for me. Perhaps if his actions were not as despicable, causing your ire, he would have fared better."
she chuckled. "By the time he wakes up, I will have taken measures to make sure he behaves."

"And before you ask, no, I am not bathing in the blood of virgins, nor am I feasting on the souls of the innocent."
she waved her hand.

"I can't help her, except by turning her to a vampire. However, as damaged as she is, she is not in risk of dying."

"Oh...you could use this. As a waste as it would be."
she said, offering a glowing stone at Cyra. It was a 'sunstone' and when she touched it, she could now feel that they had inside them...a sense of normality. As if there was something inside them that she could sense only now, in this world that severley lacked it.

"There is really not much for me to explain. My knowledge is only second hand, after all."

"As for your reward. It is a matter of honor, and it can't be waved. If you are not willing, I will then decide it for you."

As for healing the huntress...with the stone in hand, it happened as it should. And she was herself too. The first thing she did when she recovered her senses, was to draw her dagger...only to relax a bit after she had identified Cyra. "Rika, is it really you? I thought I was dead for sure...I am so glad you saved me..." she asked Cyra in a low voice.

"A mortal from another plane has taken that opportunity away."
She grinned back, only inwardly wondering if she still counted as fully mortal. "Hmnn. The Soul-crafting was overdoing it, yes. But I wish him no torture."
She must sound like a proper holy warrior here, but someone that presented her as so overpowering a threat could not be -truly- evil, right?

She took the sunstone and pondered briefly.
"I hath all the things I crave." Don't think about foxy or horsey sex or dark elves. "And perhaps this confrontation has made me stronger. I care little more than to be in a world where people feel more joy than misery each day. Where it is not the good people that need to fear the dark, but the wicked that need fear justice."

She explained her desires, before glancing down at the huntress. "Errrrrr... Well you don't seem to be dying, so nay, I'm not Rika. Good news, I remember-guessed that Garus had this important necklace, smashed it, he misted away in a panic, so that's propably good errr.. you shifted to another world, which is odd."
She sighed and crossed her arms.
"So guys where's all the vampire brides, I kind of started things off wanting to rescue them, wanting to see that through before leaving."
She nodded.
"Good. You never know with all those bloodsuckers, illusions and shapechangers..." Jack grumbled, standing up and starting to check her remaining wounds, but still keeping an eye on the vampiress.

Luckily, the noble lady seemed to ignore her remarks.

"She was from this world, originally. The others, were not. A bite can't change that." she explained.

"She belongs in this world, but she has no place in it. Her father was a wanderer, much like you. As for the others you speak of, they are out of my reach."

"I will grant you this small token of appreciation then."
she declared, pulling a silver ring with a small ruby from her finger, and handing it over. "Perhaps one day it will be of use to you."

"You can also have this."
she said, offering the piece of paper Garus has been reading before Cyra had barged in.

"Feed it with a drop of blood from your subordinates. Then, when they have something to report, it would appear written on it. A useful trinket for generals and rulers."
she explained.

"And now, if you excuse me. I have other matters to take care of."
she declared with a wave of her hand. Then, unless stopped, she would transform into a swarm of bats, heading back towards the castle.

She raised a brow and took the ring, before looking over at the Huntress. "Sure."
.. before handing the ring over to the huntress. "You heard her, some day it might help you and you need help more than I."
She smiled, and baged the grisly parchment, waving to the huntress and walking down the drawbridge. "I'm sure I'll find a way back to.. home.. or whatever."

She noted to herself.
It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the vampires gifts, but.. she had her sword, and felt more in control of herself than she had for..

Than ever. Huh. A strange thought. This place had been nasty, yes, but..
She shrugged. Sure, she still hadn't fully recovered her abilities, but.. who cared about that, she could handle any nasty thing in her way, she was sure of that. "You can come with me, if you want.. I'ma follow the moon, which, I gander means walking towards it, until I feel stupid, then coming up with the real sollution to this."
She chuckled. Only thing she was miffed about was not grabbing at least one of the cute vampires to pull back to her world.. oh well. Lack of goodbyes aside, she kind of missed Momo.. and she had another path of her. There were some dark-elves she had to.. confront. Yes. And it felt strangely.. right.. to just be the helpful stranger that disappeared after leaving the world a better place..