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Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

Oh dear. Mask no washies. Got it! Water is bad anyway, nya!

The town under siege sounds like it's in trouble. You should check that out, definitely. But this yoshi gal is really pretty! You oughta offer to buy her some more of this sweet food you mortals eat! Girls like food, I think.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

you should have some leftovers from that breakfast since we're on a Journey, it might come in handy to have spare food!

Also if you decide to visit that town in Trouble.
My kind of advice either go full Ham or Stealthy~
Like a Flying Coopa out of no-where.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

Evidently there's some besieged village on the island.
"The town under siege sounds like it's in trouble."
"Also if you decide to visit that town in Trouble."
The Shyster would nod slowly as the Stars offered a temporary distraction from the busty Yoshi with more dire concerns. "I have heard as much, and not just from this place either." Robin now opted for mental conversion rather than hushed whispers, as to draw less attention towards them. The mental voice was, at least currently, that of a ponderous man thinking measured thoughts. "There is a noticeboard in the plaza, where I have seen at least one notice in regards to the village... Goomshire, I believe it was called?"

The Shyster shuffled a bit on its seat to get more comfortable, looking as if having pulled one leg up over the other, as it leaned back a bit and rested both hands over a knee. The mental voice now that of a cautiously optimistic woman. "I suppose it would be our first good deed, to help those people, right? I know little of the alleged 'gang' that is terrorizing the place, but from what I've heard it is mostly Goombas..." A soft mental giggle was made at that point. "I mean, how hard could those be to deal with? They are only Goombas!"
"Koopas worked together with bowser in the past. I told you it's Bowser!"
"Uhm, rude? Not ALL Koopas worked with Bowser, you dummy!" The mental voice was now sounding a bit bratty and on the androgynous side. "And I told you earlier, 'Bowser' ain't someone talk about much nowadays! Get with the times!"
"That shit is unhygienic."
"Mask no washies."
For a brief moment the Shyster's mood would sour, but with a soft shake of its head the feeling would quickly wash off the Star's chosen one. The internal tone now of a tired, old, and regretful lady. "It is not yet time, for it to be washed clean of the past, oh Stars. Perhaps one day. But not this one." Raising a hand Robin would make a soft sweeping motion over its foul-looking face cover, and with a little bit of magic a veil would be put up. A few nearby customers in the restaurant would 'ooh' and 'aah' at the display of magic that caused the Shyster's mask to turn pristine white... And then go straight back to their meals. It was a simple, if quite convenient, magic. Only for decieving the eyes of simpler folks, as the facade was a brittle one. The elderly mental voice sounded as if trying to force a weak smile and some optimism. "But this will do for now, I'm sure. Got to make ourselves presentable, now don't we?"
"Oooooh! She's pretty. Why don't you go talk to her? Maybe she'll be a friendly ally"
"Things usually work out best when the person we're with has fun."
"This yoshi gal is really pretty!"

"Everyone knows yoshi's love melons."
"Seduce her using [...] a melon."
"You oughta offer to buy her some more of this sweet food you mortals eat!"
Once the topic strayed back towards the Yoshi the Shyster couldn't help but cast a few lingering looks towards the girl they had spotted earlier. Smooth lime green skin covering most of her, though with a white front- and underside as was typical of her kind, and she looked like she was prepared to run a marathon or two with a body that fit. Some barely visible hints of muscles accentuating her curvacious body to boot... A real catch, if they could get her to bite the bait. Bait they didn't have quite yet, however...

It was about then that the restaurant's owner would come by with the food Robin had ordered, prompting the Shyster to stop leaning on the chair, ogling the Yoshi, and sit more properly to greet the chef. "And here you go, Shyster! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed cooking it! That will be two coins, please." After a quick exchange of coins, and a wayward glance towards the Yoshi, Robin decided to add some dessert to his order. "I would like to add two Melon Smoothies to my order, if that is no issue?" The Shyster's voice was that of a young lad mustering his courage, and it seemed to give the Chef the right notion as the man broke into a beaming smile. "Oh-hoh, I understand, lad. That will be arranged with haste!" With the Human hurrying off to fix the additional order, Robin proceeded to dig into his meal. Fried mushrooms and spaghetti! Hardly the most exotic of foods, but it would serve to fill his belly!

[Robin gains 'Well Fed' status! +1 to All Rolls for the rest of the day!]

"Mmm~ A tasty meal and a possible date... Don't think I've enjoyed myself like this in a looong time~!" The Shyster's inward voice was that of an excited and peppy schoolgirl now! Practically overflowing with giddiness for what was to come! "Now we just need to figure out how to go about this! What kinda gal do you think she is?" The Shyster would briefly glance towards the lime-colored Yoshi a bit away from itself, the attractive specimen lounging in her seat after having finished her meal. Huh, did Yoshi's lay eggs after regular meals too? Only time would tell.
"Slam that yoshi against the wall Book. Make her yours utterly and completely book."
"Have the slut under our control"
Robin snickered quietly, thankfully low enough for no one else but itself and the Stars to hear. "We'll see where this goes first, alright~? We wouldn't be very heroic doing such a wicked thing, now would we?" The internal tone was a bit sing-songy and mirthful, and distinctively feminine. "And we ought to be heroes... after all~!"

After a dramatic pause Robin would turn its head to look towards the Yoshi, murmuring underneath its breath. "Every hero ought to have a loyal steed to ride, no~?"

HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
BP: 2/4

ATT: 1
DEF: 0

Lvl/XP: 1, 0/100XP

Status: Well Fed!(+1 to All Rolls, Lasts 1 Day)
Mood: Excited!

8/50 Yellow Coins
0/10 Blue Coins
0/10 Items

[E] Ancient Wand
[E] Ancient Mallet

[E] Magic Missile(2BP): Costs 2FP, +1 ATT, Never Misses, Crit Bonus: +1 ATT​
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

"She's probably here for a wa-ah-ah-iiiiiild vacation. Chat her up and promise a good exciting date and you'll be golden."
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

"Indeed a everyone knows a Yoshi would make a fine steed, they can be ridden all day and store so much in their throats not to mention how many eggs they can lay!"
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

"Rip annnnnd tear book. Rip and Tear book. Power is all that matters book. Good and evil come from the strongest book. You will be strongest book. So strongest book. Now rip and tear into her like a honey badger book. Don't stop until she is utterly yours book."
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

Okay that's better.

I super duper have been tunnel visioning your mask, so I have no idea what is going on right now, but I think we're having lunch or something now, so I think you should ejaculate into someone's soup.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

"Well, as to what she seems like, based on how she looks, I'd say she seems particularly normal, maybe a few interesting quirks about her, but, we won't find anything out lest you seize the initiative and talk with her, I doubt she'll bite, and I'm sure you understand the incoming innuendo, so I'll just keep it under wraps."
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

"Ooooh, she looks pretty strong too. I bet you could impress her with some kind of feat of strength, nya! If that's a thing you can do I guess.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

i agree with the last star maybe a Competition to show her she could Believe in your strength as you would probably in her's as well.

But! you should never fully trust someone whom you don't know everything about.
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time 2: Reboot straight outta Hell-oo

Slap a saddle on her and ride her around. I heard they like that