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Susan (Plmnko)


Dec 6, 2009
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Susan arrived at the door of a massive and ominous looking castle. It was hundreds of feet tall, built of obsidian black stone, with no windows anywhere to be seen to let light into it's halls less they had torches or candles to light the path; and to any and all observers, even if they didn't have any magical affinity or attunement, would feel an aura of overwhelming evil coming from it, it was not a place where many would wander off to on their accord. However this was where all leads from the people she had talked to lead to the kidnapped women being, so this had to be the right place. Even odder though, was the strange fact that there was NO security on outside proximity or perimeter. And she seriously had to wonder why? If she ventured forth to test the door, even more alarmin she would find it unlocked, meaning that they either forgot or were expecting her....... When she would finally head into the castle she would find herself in a medium sized room with a door on the south and east side.
Re: Susan (Plmnko)

Susan, a blonde woman had reached the place where many women of some close towns had been taken by some monsters, she have a long bow and a large pakage of arrous in her back and also a light backpack.
Her large blonde hair soon move by the air, when she openedd the large door, and her blue eyes look everywhere trying to avoid to fall in a trap, as all this looks really suspicious Could they be soo strong that they dont need to protect the entrance door? Susan think to herself, as she try to think that they just forget to put guards, she was alone and understmate her foes was something that she can allow herself.

After check the room in an attempt to find clues or traps, she decide to go to the east, makig a peek through the door before get inside.
Re: Susan (Plmnko)

As Susan would crack open the eastern, door she would see a short wide hall way that would go down a little ways before curving off to the south shortly and the continue off to the east. It was dimly lit by crude made torches adorning the stone walls. The hall itself seemed rather empty but if she turned or looked around the corner at the end she would spot what looked like a tiger-woman hybrid, She had a skimpy two piece Outfit, blue hair, a blue tiger striped tail and ears, she had athletic tape wrapped around her ankles, feet and forearms, and her fingers were tipped with nasty looking claws. She would have to walk slowly and quietly if she wanted to get by without accident.

(Sneak Check)
Re: Susan (Plmnko)

Susan made a total stop and take a moment to decide what she could do, that woman could be an allie, but there were few chances of it and also she had not heared that hibrids lived in the attaked towns. Her better choice was hit that woman with an arrow in her leg to then defeat her and earn some info, as she expect to make an apologyze if she was one of the victims or another person who come to aid the kidnaped town women.

The archer prepare her arrows and put one in her bow who target the half beast from the other room and with a quick aim, she send her arrow to the leg of the tigress and start to prepare other, maybe she could hit her again before the woman get closer, if her last shoot damaged the tigress leg
[try stealth free shoot]
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Re: Susan (Plmnko)

Susan 7 vs weretiger 7 (14 roll/2 for flatfooted) hit

Susans arrow would fly fast straight and true, soaring straight into the weretigers leg drawing a cry and roar of pain from the woman before she would quickly spin around on the balls of her feet; looking at Susan with bloodshot angry red eyes and bounding towards Susan with her claws reared back to rend at the woman's armor.

Susan 16-2(for close combat shot) vs Weretiger 6 hit

The woman quickly dropped down to one leg as the second arrow pierced her shoulder, small flows of blood trickling down her chest and leg from her newly acquired wounds. "GRRRRRRAAAAARRRRGGGH! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT, BITCH!" she cried out as she tried to fight through the pain and try to rake her claws across the woman's face.

Weretiger 3-2(for wound/hampered movement) vs Susan 10 miss

Unfortunately her wounds slowed her down and threw off her aim enough that she would go wide of her intended target.
Re: Susan (Plmnko)

Even when the tigressgirl was giving her best, Susan easily avoid her attemps to let a mark in the archer. With quick side jumps and back steps, the archer moved away of the range of her rival. How dare you to insult me when im trying to dont kill you !?

Said betwen dodges and her next shoot that she do when she was far enough of the half human. with a quick move she send to fly her arrow to the legs of the beast woman in a last attemp to make her stop to try to fight.
Re: Susan (Plmnko)

Susan: Roll(1d20)+0: 6,+0 Total:6 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 5,+0 Total:5 Hit
Susan: Roll(1d20)+0: 19,+0 Total:19 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 12,+0 Total:12 Hit
Weretiger: Roll(1d20)-4: 8,-4 Total:4 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 1,+0 Total:1 Hit

Susan's arrows would fly fast, straight and true as they would pierce both of the tiger woman's legs, but in her state of bloodthirsty battle rage, she would manage to at least drag her claws across Susan's armor before the wounds she had received would force to fall down upon her knees, "Damn....... I can't move...... Just finish me...... I'm no good like this anyways....... Just don't leave me like this...... crippled and worthless......" She grunted out from her clenched teeth, cursing herself and Susan for her current condition and her own failure.
Re: Susan (Plmnko)

With her rage tactic, Susan manage to get a easy victory, even when she dont end it intact. Her hand touch the little scratch in her armor, as she heard the last words of her foe, but instead of point with her weapon, she move afar and sit in the floor looking to her foe Why should i kill you? it was not my goal in this fight and i could look for help for you, or you could wait for anyone else. But if you really want to die for just had a loss in a fight, just cut your neck it will be easy for you. Anyway i just want to talk with one of the captors and know why they are doing this, i hope that is not the classic ones.

She waited for her foe decision before choice the next room.
Re: Susan (Plmnko)

The tiger like woman would cough up a bit of blood before answering susan, "The woman in this floor wont be able to tell you squat...... This...... G-HACK!..... This floor is just the start of the training.... once my mistress is done with them...... N-no one on this floor ever sees them again as they moved on to..... onto the next level of t-training....... You'll.... h-have to..... move onto the rest of the tower..... t-to find your an-answers...... little girl........ But if you don't plan on killing me..... there is a room with a healing potion in a room at the end of this passage....." She says as she lays there trying to nurse her wounds.
Re: Susan (Plmnko)

That trining sound like something that i must avoid, thanks for give me that information, at least now i know that this is the place where the kidnapped women are. She then get up and move to the door where the Tigress said that was a potion. Just wait her, i will return soon.

The archer woman get inside the next room with caution, as the monstergirl could be taking her to a trap, she even had doubts that it could be a good idea to heal her, but she must at least try to give her a chance.