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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Eh? I see, but is fine as im really new at enchantments. Susan said smiling as the hug hug before leave. Is better have these items than nothing.

Soon the two girls moved from that room and went toward the unused door, Susan was so focused than she heard the giggle but just continue walking, supposing than Rubi was just remembering a joke. The peaceful time ended soon, more likely once Ashera's voice come again. Soon Susan noticed the strange water snakes, she was getting ready her weapon when these turned into two girls what made the swordswoman girl stop and be amazed by just some seconds before Rubi talked and moves away. Miss Ashera, Its really needed to fight them? Asked to the unknown woman at her mind as she tried to dont let them circle her and surround her.

Hi, i havent the chance to see or know about a Nereid before, so i must apologize for my sudden surprise some moments ago. Also even if its safe to fight both of you, its a little hard to hurt anyone really, my apologize for what could happen on this fight. Susan said to the Nereids and in part to Rubi after heard about what happens to the summons at this maze. At least she was glad than she dont need to worry for killing anyone for an accident.

Susan dont have the time for heard about if she could escape of this fight, also she needed to avoid to let anyone find out than Rubi was helping her a little, so she get on guard with her shield at hand and that enchanted weapon too, at least she could know more of her new weapon now.

The silver haired woman rush to the two girls completely sure than they will see her coming but she still could take them a little out of guard so she aims to the smaller of them, the one who looks weaker, swing her weapon through that water body and then slash at it, supposing than this girl was as a slime and making her body splash around will reduce her stamina. Then she will try to avoid any upcoming attack from them getting out their distance with a quick jump before get closer and slash again the same girl.

(attack one of the two water girl two times)
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan: 21 vs 15 Nereid A, hit for 1 FP dmg.

Nereid A: 18 vs 16 Susan, hit for 1 FP dmg and one AP dmg.
Nereid B: 1 vs 3 Susan, miss.

Susan: 15 vs 20 Nereid A, miss

Nereid A: 7 vs 20 Susan, grapple attempt failed.
Nereid B: 20 vs 5 Susan, crit hit for 1 FP and 3 AP dmg and Susan is grappled on the floor and partially pinned.

Nereid A is the one with light blue hair.
Nereid B is the one with sea green hair.

(Also for reference they are in full humanoid form at the moment with just wet skin like they just got out of the bath, they can merely turn into a watery serpent.)

"Yes dearie you must battle your way through, if I just let you walk through without any challenge then there would be no way I could win," Ashera's voice came with a giggle, then the two nereids both stepped a step closer with smiles on their faces.

"Think of us as water nymphs cutie, and we're gonna make you feel really good when we get a hold of you... I promise," the light blue haired nereid said, licking her lips as she did.

When Susan made her move against them, going after the smaller of the two which was the light blue haired one, she was able to get in a good strike, her blade hitting her target's leg as the pair darted to either side of Susan to retaliate. The one she'd just hit managed to slip around and get right behind Susan, where she put her elbow into Susan's back though her armor soaked the brunt of the blow it did do some damage, and she could also smell a sweet scent wafting into her nostrils, which caused her body to start heating up slightly. Susan was able to slide around to keep the other nereid from hitting her fortunately when she came in with a high kick aimed at Susan's head.

Attacking again, Susan unfortunately missed her second swing at the nereid, who attempted to get her arms around Susan, but the young silver haired human was able to shake her off and away before she could. This however caused her to momentarily forget about the other nereid who did manage to get a hold of her as she tackled her to the ground, where Susan's head banged against the ground and dazed her for few moments as the nereid licked her lips and kissed Susan just as she stopped seeing stars and found herself pinned to the floor by the other nereid she hadn't attacked yet.

"Mmm, your lips taste delicious sweetie. I can't wait for us to taste the rest of you once we get you out of that sweaty old armor," the sea green haired nereid said as she held Susan there, the young human's body heating up a lot more after that kiss she'd given her, to the point now that her nipples were stiffening up a bit.

Ruby meanwhile was watching with a slightly worried expression and Susan would see that she was obviously struggling not to jump in there and help her. But Susan knew that Ruby couldn't help her with whatever was going on without risking being punished.

Susan: FP: 4/6, AP: 4/10, grappled down to the floor with a -1 to break free from the nereid straddling her.

Nereid A: FP: 3/4
Nereid B: FP: 4/4, grappling Susan.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

At least now you think than i can win. Susan answer back to Ashere, not really happy to know than she must fight these two girls. her calm smile slowly turned into a pondering sign after heard the girls reffer themselves as water nymphs. It was great than she havent tried to said anything, as almost she supposed than they were like slime girls more likely... Sure but im already feeling great, is a shame than we cant solve this in a more pacifict way... like rock paper scissors, oh well.

Susan prepared for the combat at the instant and tried to do her best, yet she looks to still have problems facing two foes alone at a time. Soon she notice how the two water girls tried to get close her and mostly try to pin her at the floor, her face show some desesperation as the memory from her last battles alone against the werecats come. Soon she was unable to avoid both of these Nereids receiving a hit at her back what she supposed her armor would be able to block, then she noticed and exclaim more to herself is that smell? Susan was not sure but that scent was really good to be unharmed. She just shaked her head and continued missing this time her swing. This is not working, i will be unable to beat both of them...eek She mutters as she dodged the first blow in order to be taken off guard by the stalker foe.

oww...i need... a helmet. The poor swordswoman was trying to recover herself and stop the teardrops when suddenly her lips were pressed by a warm object. Confused by how that strange kiss almost melted her, the silver haired girl almost remain stunned until her blue eyes noticed how worried Rubi was for her, this could end really bad for the red skinned girl if she acts, there was not way than Susan could just mlet this happen, so she tried to fuocus her mind at the fight. It was risky but she suddenly tried to give to the green haired girl a headbutt to make her get away of her. If only i could fight one at a time, maybe then i could win.

If Susan could succeed at escape she then could try her best to maintain her distance of both of these girls, maybe stab them at theirs legs could give them the enough distance so she couldnt be tackled or kicked by these two close combat foes.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan: 8 vs 6 Nereid B, hit and freed herself

Nereid A: 4 vs 11 Susan, miss
Nereid B: 1 vs a7 Susan, crit miss and countered for 2 FP dmg.

Susan: 15 vs 16 Nereid B, miss

Nereid A: 6 vs 5 Susan, grappled and kissed, causing 1 AP dmg
Nereid B: 7 vs 13 Susan, miss

"But if you only fought us one at a time then you'd easily be able to beat us. Besides, we're sisters, and we share beautiful things like you with each other," the green haired nereid said as she held Susan, giving her a wink and beginning to move in for another kiss, however Susan headbutted her and forced her to release her. "Ouch... that's not very nice, we just want to play and make you feel good," she then said with a pout.

The blue haired nereid dove at her only to miss badly as Susan slid out of the way just in time, while the sea green haired one moved over again and attempted to grapple with Susan some more, only to get the hilt of Susan's sword in her face as they struggled for a couple of seconds and Susan spun a bit to cause this to happen.

"Cutie, we just want to have sex with you, you'll really enjoy it afterwards I promise," the blue haired one said to Susan.

Moving back in to try and finish knocking out the sea green haired nereid, Susan just missed as her opponent rolled out of the way, where just then Susan would feel a pair of hands wrap around her waist as the blue haired one hugged her from behind and kissed her neck, causing her body to heat up further. Susan was able to push the other nereid away though before she hugged against her too, using her foot to do so.

Susan: FP: 4/6, AP: 5/10, grappled from behind in a standing position, taking -1 to break free, and takes an additional -1 from AP.

Nereid A: FP: 3/4, grappling Susan from behind.
Nereid B: FP: 1/4,


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Maybe Susan was the most amazed of her plan working, however she couldnt feel bad herself after the words from the green haired girl. Sorry, i cant lost so easily on this game.

There was not a second to talk more, as the young warrior could be grappled again by one of them. There was not a moment to think twice what to do or even get confused by the Nereid's words. Thee fight was turning into a struggle between the three challengers and it was impossible to have a time to rest, even then Susan managed to do a sudden counter to take away the green haired one, who looks almost tired with that potent hit on her head.

Then when all looks to be great, she was taken from the back and kissed on her neck, making her let out a small soft maon. No, please stop we cant do it now. Sibella must be doing her best. With the lust increased all her effort to struggle maybe will not be enough, but even in this state she noticed the green haired one the time enough to kick the Nereid at the front away. Even when she dont wanted to hurt them, Susan made a quick move to hit the girl at her back with her elbow. If she could get free them maybe she could find a way to hit a last time to the green one in a way to dont hurt her too much but make her get uncouncious.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan: 8 vs 9 Nereid B, miss and failed to break grapple

Nereid A: 18 vs 11 Susan, groping Susan now along with kissing her neck for another 1 AP dmg
Nereid B: 17 vs 19 Susan, missed

Susan: 17 vs 15 Nereid A, hit for 1 FP dmg and broken free

Nereid A: 13 vs 3 Susan, grappled again and kissed on the lips for 1 more AP dmg
Nereid B: 2 vs 11 Susan, missed again

Throwing her elbow back towards the nereid holding her from behind, Susan unfortunately failed to connect with her target, where she soon found her breasts both being groped and squeezed in just the right way, as her nipples hardened up underneath the palms of the blue haired nereid's hands, all the while her lips continued trailing kisses up and down Susan's neck and cheek, causing more lust to flow and burn through Susan's body. The sea green haired nereid meanwhile attempted to move in and grapple Susan from the front only to be shoved back by Susan's foot that came up to block her.

"Aw sweetie, we'll make you feel so good. Just give in okay and even your red skinned friend over there can have some fun too," the nereid holding her said, cooing into her ear as she kissed her neck again.

Susan was able to ram her elbow into the nereid holding her on her next try however, knocking the blue haired nereid off of her and knocking the wind out of her a bit. Before she could really do anything to take advantage of this though the blue haired nereid had retaliated very quickly and dove in at her, wrapping her arms around her again, this time from the front, where her lips pressed against Susan's before she could stop her, increasing her arousal that much more. The other nereid again moved in to attempt to grapple Susan from the other side, again failing, but Susan could tell her body couldn't take much more before she would have to have some relief.

"Hmhm, now I've got you, and I'm not going to let you go now cutie pie," the blue haired nereid told her after kissing her, licking her lips almost hungrily

Susan: FP: 4/6, AP: 7/10, grappled from the front in a standing position, taking -1 to break free, and takes an additional -2 from her AP.

Nereid A: FP: 2/4, grappling Susan from the front now, her lips pressed against Susan's.
Nereid B: FP: 1/4,


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Her sudden attack was easily evaded by the foe at her back, showing how skilled this girl was, she even started to grope the swordswoman's chest, dont looking to have problems with her armor being between them. At least the green haired one looks to be almost uncouncious to find the right way to jump over her. The time was ending and Susan could notice her body starting to fail at her will to fight back, her lips for some seconds eagerly retun the kiss from her captor before the silver haired warrior could regain her mind the enough to push away the Nereid mostly worried to enjoy the three girls at the same time. Ruby just before has started to build something on her than she never has noticed before inside her and doing it so soon will certainly cause her mind to accept this need to know more of this secret place hidden inside her most darkness conscience.

Susan tried to end the most damaged of her foes but this blue haired one was just so skilled and like nothing she recovered to hug Susan again, giving another arousing kiss to the already wet young human. Susan could notice the weakeness at her legs, she couldnt stop to look at the cute face in front of her. Im sorry... Sibella. Susan said feeling than there was not another way to end this, the Nereid could see the swordswoman ready to lost herself at her lips when suddenly trying at a blind spot the sword's hilt will hit the side of the Sidhe in order to make her need to breath for a while to get recovered. Then Susan will try to continue hitting the blue haired one or the green one as both should be close to faint after she get free.

[just pretend kiss before hit the Blue nereid to get free them hit the most wounded of them.]
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan: 18 vs 17 Nereid A, hit and broke free

Nereid A: 13 vs 14 Susan, miss
Nereid B: 19 vs 11 Susan, hit for 1 AP dmg

Susan: 8 vs 5 Nereid A, hit and knocked out

Nereid B: 10 vs 15 Susan, miss

Susan: 6 vs 2 Nereid B, hit and knocked out... VICTORY!

Susan was able to bring the hilt of her sword around and right into the blue haired Nereid's side, knocking the breath out of her and causing her to stumble back in pain as she clutched her side and gasped for air. The blue haired nereid attempted to retaliate by diving at Susan again a few moments later, but Susan just managed to duck under her tackle. The sea green haired nereid though managed to get right up behind Susan while she was focusing on the other one and yanked her battle skirt on her armor up and gave her a sharp smack to the butt, making her butt cheeks jiggle a bit, the blow exciting Susan further somehow.

"Just give in cutie, we'll go easier on you if you do," the sea green haired nereid said with a mischievous grin on her face.

Susan would have none of it though and followed up her previous attack on the blue haired nereid with another, bring the flat end of her blade around and bonking her on the head, knocking her out cold where she fell to the floor flat on her face. The other nereid tried to get in and take Susan down herself, but alone with Susan focusing so closely on her and not having to look two ways meant that she could more easily fight back. So after dodging the remaining nereid's attack Susan spun around and clocked her on the back of the head with the flat of her blade as well, bringing an end to the fight as the second nereid fell unconscious to the floor. Susan herself felt her legs nearly ready to collapse to her knees so she could start playing with herself, the lust within nearly too much to handle, but before she could even think to do that, Ashera chimed in to give her an update it seemed.

"Well that was quite the hassle Susan. I almost wish that you'd have tried to fight Ruby now, because I don't think you could have taken her honestly," Ashera said to Susan, then she chuckled. "Hmhm, Sibella managed to break free and win her fight too, though not before those tentacles had their fun enough to fill her up. She's leaking some of their cum down her inner thighs even now," Ashera added, as if trying to provoke Susan.

Ruby walked over to Susan and caught her as she swooned a bit, the lust within her burning brightly and nearly too much for her young inexperienced body to handle. "Hey champ, you alright? Need to rest some? Come on, have a drink of water, it'll help calm you down," Ruby asked Susan, helping Susan to sit down near the door they came in and holding up Susan's waterskin and urging her to drink some.

(Susan is at 8/10 AP, it'll go down by 1 every post unless she deals with it, or unless she goes into another battle.)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With her body almost giving up to the flesh's desire, the whole willpower from the silver haired girl moved her hand in the right motion to take her foe out of guard, making her free again to continue this difficult battle. Soon was time to brace herself as the two Nereids jump at her, with her skills she easily could take the distance from the one than she has hit but then the second one exposed her body out of her armor to receive a spank at her rump, even behind her pants she couldnt avoid her lust grow by the strange hits of her foes, making her gasp pitifully and almost lost the strenght at her legs to continue fighting.

Just then her fighting skills come at time to find the right moment to hit the first nereid and make her fall on the floor. The last one come at her but Susan was now out of the problem to dont focus, easily with just a target she used the back of her sword to end this match. With the victory earned after a long fight Susan was ready to fall and if needed sattle calm her body with her own hands or even ask to Ruby for some aid.

Then Ashera talked at her mind once again, the words coming from her werent having effect on the swordswoman until Sibella was named. She just couldnt avoid to feel some hate to her, maybe this was just a game but mock like this of her partner was something than Susan could not pass. This game is ours, even if one of us could fall. Susan said throught her mind without say anything and just trying to fall to rest until at the instant Ruby catch her on the air and take her to the entrance door to rest and recover of her lust drinking some water, but there was not time for that.

Yes im fine, thanks to worry for me Ruby. But we must continue... Susan said as she gasp for air and then take a moment to drink some water and even use some to wash her face to calm herself a little at least. I... never expected than they could cause this effect on my body by just kissing me...

Susan then tried to get up and put her armor on place before remember where Ruby has pointed before the fight started, the left one is her choice and if possible maybe as they walk she could recover herself Sibella is fighting even when she is passing for something worse, so i cant let her be the only one trying her best
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well Nereids are nymphs after all, so of course they'd have that kind of effect on you from a simple kiss. Not quite as much as a succubus could cause, but all the same it's enough to make most anyone horny as hell, especially a human such as yourself," Ruby said with a raised eyebrow, as if amazed Susan hadn't expected this.

With that Ruby followed Susan out after she'd drank as much of the water and splashed her face a bit with it, looking a bit worried about Susan as they went through the door Susan had chosen. They exited the room they were in to a hall that led down some ways with only 1 door at the end, which Ruby opened up for Susan and held it open for her, gesturing her inside. Once inside there, Susan could see a door on the far side of the room, which was quite large, but half of it was cutoff from the rest by a large portcullis that was in place which blocked her from advancing and there was no way to climb over it as it went all the way to the ceiling. She seemed to have another choice here, as there were 4 levers that she could pull, 2 on either side of the room that were labeled numbers 1 and 2 on the left and 3 and 4 on the right.

"Well... I know nothing of this room to be honest Susan, sorry you're on your own," Ruby said apologetically, looking at the levers a moment. "If I had to guess though one of those levers opens the gate," she added.

"Okay Susan dearie, you have four choices here, but don't worry I'll give you some clues as to what each does. Just read the words and try to figure them all out to pull the correct lever, as there's only the one correct one. Pull the wrong lever and you'll have to fight some more of my summons. The one you're looking for is a being that can open the gate that won't... well you get the idea by now I'm sure," Ashera said to Susan in her head after Ruby spoke, where Susan then saw 4 inscriptions appear under each lever.

The inscription for the first lever read: They taste good grilled or fried, but uncooked they're slimy and slippery and can really put you in a bind.

The second lever's inscription read: They slither and hiss, and if they catch you things will likely be amiss.

The third lever's inscription read: They're creepy and crawly, and if they catch you then you'll feel like merely a fly to them.

And the fourth lever's inscription read: They are beautiful to look at, though strange to the touch, they can go virtually anywhere... even down a well.

Susan is at 7/10 AP now.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was slighty clueless about a succubi having that kind of power, not like her first kiss stolen att the game with that young succubi havent been so special but she never could had relate both things if Ruby havent said it. Uhm...i see, well not like a succubi would try to make me lost myself with just that, at least not the ones than live in the Matriarch castle. Susan said trying to hide her ignorance with the idea than she have of a succubi who she suppose would try something more entertaining like take her to a bed or some more indirect to dont let her notice it. It was clear than Susan have some problems to think with her head and body at heat, a little more and she could had asked for an example for her new partner to just enjoy herself but even now her will to act fast remain.

Still almost in a terrible need to pleasure herself she follow the path at the side of her red skinned follower, the door after the corridor show her than she will need to use her brain in this affected state. Ashera then come at her mind making her need to have her words at mind when she look for the difficult answer than should be easy in a normal state, the young swordswoman give a thanks trhoug her mind.

its fine Ruby, just having you at my side is really a great help at this dangerous game...hmm, lets read this before decide, i guess.

The silver haired girl tried to hide her lust as this slowly get out of her system. Lets see, the first looks to be really gross, these others two looks like a snake and a plant so... dunno the fourth must be the correct as it dont looks so menacing. Susan said before pull the fourth lever.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmhm, it's still in their nature to do so though, so if any of them really wanted to have you they could easily seduce you. At least from what I know about succubi they can anyway. I just know that the ones in Midgar here and in the Netherworld don't force themselves on people, unless they simply can't hold back anymore," Ruby said, patting Susan's back.


"Aw, darn you and your luck Susan. You ruin all my fun and didn't summon the ones that would play with you a lot," Ashera said in her head in a disappointed tone.

As soon as Susan pulled the lever, a blueish skinned slime girl appeared before her, a smile on her face. "Mistress, what do you require of me? I am at your service, and will perform any two actions you want, so think hard before you choose," the slime girl asked Susan, a polite bow as if she were a prim and proper handmaid.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

To say the truth im from a distant place where there arent any succubi... and just some days ago i come to Midgar... so i dont know too much about them out of these days... but just some hours to arrive i know a lot of good people and some of them were succubi, so i suppose than all were kind to dont try it. Susan said as she slowly recover for the lust, smiling to Ruby in the last part to remark than she was also someone kind than she has meet in her still short adventure.


Yeah... sorry for that. Susan just sigh and softly scratch her silver hair, rolling her eyes to other side as Ashera show her dissapointment. The time to talk at her mind suddenly ended when that slime girl maid come out from nowhere, the green eyes girl soon smile back and wave softly as the maid said something about some orders, the human was thinking than she should be careful with what she could say now so she remain silent for a moment to think to what to say her.

Hi... so actions...hmm

Can you do something to help us pass to the door infront of us, please? Like dissolve the metal of that portcullis to make a tunnel than we can use. I guess than helping us to cross to the other side would be the best now. I will get an idea of what to ask later if we can pass that obstacle. Susan wanted to ask many things to this maid, she havent seen any slime form into a girl at her other game but the slimes had show dissolving skills before to destroy her clothes and others things, this girl should have some way to solve their problem.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmhm, aye I'd say that most of not all of those were just being nice, but watch out if you ever run into a succubus that's been really riled up. They'll emit their essence and make you so horny you can't think straight, they can even use their essence through touch to make someone feel incredible pleasure just by a simple touch. It's fun and feels really good and all, but if a succubus is really horny they can overdo it a bit sometimes," Ruby replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Yes mistress two actions that I must perform before my summons will end and I can go back home. And yes mistress I can aid you in passing through this gate, though I can't dissolve it unfortunately, I can only dissolve clothes, like the ones on underneath your armor. Allow me to pass through and open it up for you though," the slime girl said with a polite bow, walking straight at the portcullis and simply walking into it, where her body manipulated itself to pass through, splitting in the parts it needed to and making her look somewhat like a waffle of sorts for a few moments before she was through.

She then walked over to a lever on the far side and pulled it down, which in turn opened the iron portcullis up for Susan and Ruby to pass through without incident. "Hmhm, you know Susan you can always pull one of those other levers if you like. Ha, or you could ask this slime girl here what the other beings would have been, that way she can go on home. Because I don't think we'll need her anymore after this now that she's opened the gate for us and all," Ruby suggested to Susan with a wink as they walked through to meet up with said slime girl on the opposite side of the gate, where they saw a splitting path, one to the left and one to the right, the left one steadily going downwards from the looks of it, and they could hear the sounds of running water down that way, while the path to the right went steadily upwards and they heard... nothing really, making it seem like nothing was up that way for a while.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Fine... i will try to remember it the next time than i get close a succubi, im not against some fun but have it many times made it lost its charm. Susan said trying to also show her point of view about sex as she talk with Ruby.

Once the slime woman has accepted her request the silver haired girl could dont let her eyes to wide softly open by how the maid pass through the portcullis, it was great than she was not their foe as she was so cute and Susan dont want to loss the clothes than the matriarch has gift her even when she have a lot at her closet. Also she can take a relief breath as maybe the slime creatures arent so deadly as the ones than she found time ago where they merged with all the poor girls kidnaped by hundred of years inside that giant slime.

As the path get open the two women move to the other side where the slime girl was waiting for them. Just then Ruby talk given a sugestion about what to ask to the slime girl, Sunsan playing a little with her silver hair shrunk her shoulders before answer. I guess than i could ask, but its not so hard to find it out with the words close them and mostly all of these levers will make us lost too much time fighting them or trying to get free of them.

As they get close the intersection Susan could notice the two paths and she ponders a little before turn to the others two girls. Ehm, i guess than we should take the path at the left there was a waterfall close the entrance of this maze so it must be connected but i cant take out of my mind the needs to know what is at the other path. She then turned to the slime girl and asked slighty fateful than she could help. Excuse me, Miss. Can you say us what you know about this maze like what would had appeared at the others levers with a small description of them and what we could find in these two paths? Please, i would be so grateful about it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmhm, alright Susan. Sex never gets old though I don't think... just bland sometimes when there's no kinkiness involved or anything," Ruby said at Susan's mention of sex losing its charm when done too much.

"Yes mistress, I can speak of those things. Down the two paths before you now, there's an underground lake which you would have to cross on a small strip of land running through the very center in a winding pattern, making it difficult to cross quickly, but there is another path on the far side of the lake that may lead to the end of the maze... although that path is more dangerous. The upwards path goes up a bit before you'll come into a large chamber where there is another path leading back down, it may take longer, but it is a slightly safer path... and it may also lead to the end of the maze, I'm not allowed to say specifically if one path or the other actually will though, only allowed to give vague hints. As for what would have been summoned from the other levers being pulled. Well... the riddles tell all. The first one would have been a squid of some sort that could survive out of water, the second would have been a lamia, and the third a drider, the fourth of course was me," the slime girl replied to Susan's questions, bowing every so politely just like a maid would.

"Well Susan, which way you wanna go?" Ruby asked curiously after the slime girl finished answering the questions Susan had asked.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The young swordswoman could not stop to get slighty red by the words given by Ruby, it was not like she havent loved that time together with the demon kind or that time at the castle. I mean, doing it ussually should increase the chance to make it, monotone. We should try new things before do it and at the intercourse...

So you are right too.

Susan know than a talk about this just at her actual state will not help her, even less when she in part wanted to calm this feeling at her body, but there was not time, the poor Sibella should be in a difficult situation right now.


The slime girl talked and the description of the others summons made the human girl sigh after notice to had fail in one at least. She never expected an spider humanoid or a naga, even now she cant find a way to could had solved this easily.

Thank you very much for said us this and if we meet again i will love to aid you in any problem than you could have. My name is Susan by the way

Said this she focused on her actual issue, both paths looks to be conected at the end for what it looks, just maybe the long road surround the water area. Hmm lets run all the way of the long path, in that way we will reduce the time and if something looks bad we could escape... something than we couldnt do at the short one thanks to the water. Said this she decide to run as Ruby follow her through the long path, at least in this way she will be able to calm the effect placed at her in the last battle.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Ah... well thank you mistress. I shall be leaving now though, my job is done. But a word of warning, it's best to not run quickly through the maze, you could trip. And the maze has a way of causing the ones going through it to slip, slide, and trip when they go fast to try and avoid things, forcing you to fight with a possible twisted ankle. Just a fair bit of warning mistress," the slime girl said before she winked away as if she'd never been there.

"Well... I could have told you that Susan. We can try to run if you want to though, just don't want you to get hurt or anything. Because mistress Ashera has her ways of manipulation that she can use against you," Ruby told her after the slime girl was gone, preparing to follow her at a run.

When Susan set off, Ruby stayed right on her heels the whole time, obviously being in better shape than Susan if her muscled abs, arms, and legs were any indication. They quickly made their way up to the larger chamber the slime girl mentioned to Susan before, where they heard some strange noises but couldn't make out exactly what they were unless they wanted to wait a few moments to catch their breath. The room was quite large too, so running across it would take a few seconds, but there was only the one doorway on the far side, making it simple as to which way to go. While they stood there, Susan could smell a sweet scent in the air that was pleasant and kind of relax and eased her worries a bit, but was also arousing her body again. If Susan glanced over at Ruby at this point while they stood in the doorway of the large chamber, she'd notice the red skinned devil woman's tight trousers had a large bulge growing between her legs, indicating that the scent was effecting her too.

Susan - AP: 6/10


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Thanks for the warning, i really never expect her than she could try something like that in a game. Susan said as she softly wave, amazed by how Ashera could be so terrible in her attempt to win this, it was not supposed than this would be a simple game out of any danger? If Ashera want her to have sex and pleasure to stop her, hurt her anckle would reduce this mostly, maybe she should be alert now as she is close to find the exit.

Yes i will try to dont fall as we run, lets hurry up. In part just walking would be boring if it take us some minutes, i want to know how the next puzzle will be. The silver girl add, the succees of this last trivia has let her with a need to solve another soon so she could end all this maze quickly, then after sace Subella she may return to check around, if she have the time to do it of course.

The girls moved as best as they could with caution until reach a moment when a strange noise come out, making the swordswoman stop to look around, she was tired and then she noticed something sweet in the air, she was not sure what is this, maybe a flower or a broken perfume's bottle was near.

Im starting to feel weird again, but there is the door so we can... Ruby! Look down! We must to get out of here Susan tried to wishper with the enough force so her partner could heard as she point to her lower body, soon Susan take her hand and pull her trying to run to the door, there was something making them get fall under a growing lust, she couldnt detedct it yet as she tried still to find it out when her attempt to rush to the door continue. She bite her lip and tried to dont focus at the needs to rub her neithers and already soft erected niples. Endure it, just a little more...just focus... She think to herself as she tried to get to the door and open it to let behind what is crating this effect on them, her eyes ussually looking down to avoid any trap than could stop them.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh dear, it's lust spores that are emitted by fungal alraune. They're poisonous and make those the inhale them incredibly aroused and less able to resist their advances, and more ready to have fun. They indiscriminately attack anyone but they'd never hurt you... well unless you tried to hurt them of course, but most any creature would fight back in that case I'd think. But you're right, we should hurry across in case there's one or more hiding around here," Ruby said, already starting to pant a little bit as her penis became completely erect and the imprint of it on her trousers was easy to see at this point as she adjusted her trousers, the red crown of her rod poking out the top of them.

As they went across the room, Susan would see a small area on either side in the walls that went outward and in those 2 areas were 2 large dark green flowers, their petals all wrapped up tight, as if protecting something precious within them, and all over the flowers and around the base of them were tiny mushroom looking things. "T-Those are fungal alraune Susan... they look asleep right now though, so we might be good. Come on," Ruby whispered as quietly as she could before moving on towards the far door.

As they neared the door, Susan tripped over a stray vine that was laying across the floor and was buried in some soft dirt. The two flowers both shuddered as their petals opened up wide to reveal a dark green skinned woman in each one of them. Their eyes both shot open as Ruby pulled Susan to her feet. "Oh no... S-Susan... run hurry. Before they blast us with more spores than we're already inhaling," Ruby shouted as the fungal alraune both jumped out of their flowers and started towards them, hot on their heels. The one from the left side of the room had green hair and a quite sexy and curvy body, while the one from the right side of the room had pink hair and larger breasts and just as curvy a body, as well as what looked like a cloud of spores was around both of them like an aura, and they both also had tentacles wrapped around their bodies.

"Oh my fungal alraune, they really love girls. Best not get caught else they'll plant their seeds in you and Ruby both. Though it'd be her just reward for aiding you I suppose, especially the way that those alraune like to tease and sexually torture their lovers. Poor Ruby, even her dick will be implanted with seeds too if you're not careful," Ashera's voice rang in Susan's head, almost tauntingly.