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SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

Star Wars

CYOA Episode I

Scum and Shadows

It is a period of civil war. The evil galactic empire consolidates its grip against a fledgling rebel alliance, but on the fringe worlds of the Outer Rim, untold millions are attempting to flee or simply avoid the conflict.

With no ability to seek justice from within the law, and ruthless criminal syndicates flexing their strength in all manner of illegal vice and trade, countless atrocities are being committed daily on thousands of inhabited worlds and piracy is rampant along the shipping hyperlanes.

During these dark times, a young heroine is pulled into the dark, shadowy underbelly of lawless society, and must take up arms on a path to an unclear destiny. As the ship she is travelling on enters into Bothawui space, it is rocked by the debris of a recent space battle. A distress signal is soon heard from a derelict Corellian heavy transport cruiser.​

There's a free crawl creator . If you want to feed the above into it and get the intro effect.

If you want to

Character Selection Process:

Question I: What is your species?

A) Human (average abilities, extra skills, does not suffer from non-human prejudices, you probably know what these look like)

B) Twi'lek (low strength, high social, good charmer/liar, good dancers, head tentacles, skin comes in most Skittles colors)

C) Mirialan (low cunning, high agility, somewhat spiritual, like facial tattoos, olive or green skin)

D) Zabrak (low social, high willpower, LOVE facial tattoos, have spikes on their heads)

Question II: How does your character make her way in the galaxy?

A) She is a bounty hunter.

B) She is a colonist with an honest job.

C) She is an explorer/opportunist.

D) She is a hired gun/mercenary.

E) She is a smuggler.

F) She is a technician.

Question III: What is her most prominent personality trait from the following pool:

Brave, Loving, Cautious, Enthusiastic, Compassionate, Merciful, Curious, Proud, Independent, Ambitious, Just, Disciplined.


Question IV: What got her into the mess she's about to be involved in?

A) An addiction (drugs, thrills, sex?)

B) Betrayal (Either she was betrayed or she betrayed someone else)

C) Blackmailed (Someone has evidence of her that could ruin her)

D) Bounty (Someone's put a price on her head)

E) Criminal (She's a fugitive from the law, regardless of her innocence/guilt)

F) Debt (She owes a very large amount of credits... probably to a Hutt)

G) Duty (She's contractually obligated to do a very difficult task)

H) Family (Somehow, someway, she's sacrificing for her family.)

I) Oath (She vowed herself away to someone else's cause)

J) Obsession (Someone or something is out there and she must have him/her/it)

Question V: What is the Force and who are the Jedi?

1. Just some hokey dead religious mumbo jumbo. Who needs space magic when you can have a fast ship and a good blaster?
2. Don't know. Sounds like Core world problems to me.
3. Weren't the Jedi involved in the Clone Wars? Pretty sure whatever "force" they had wasn't enough to save them from going extinct.


That's about it for now. I'll post more once we figure out more about our heroine. I've gotten the recent urge to try something in the Star Wars universe, which has the advantage of being iconic enough that everyone knows a little or a lot about it and can readily suggest things to me.

This CYOA is on ULMF and therefore it is subject to ero possibilities. That's why you don't see wookie or trandoshan possibilities for the main character's species. There's the chance of running into horny, scummy villains or horny alien monsters on unknown worlds. The story will take precedence to smut, but I won't make it too difficult to find. I will probably surround the MC with potential NPC consensual partners.

Also, the pics are just there to give a feel for what the character could look like, but are not necessarily what she'll end up appearing as.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I: B) Twi'lek

II: C) She is an explorer/opportunist.

III: Cautious

IV: J) Obsession (Someone or something is out there and she must have him/her/it)

V: 3. Weren't the Jedi involved in the Clone Wars? Pretty sure whatever "force" they had wasn't enough to save them from going extinct.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

1- Human

2- Smuggler

3- Compassionate

4- B & E (or just B if only one is allowed)

5- Core world problems
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I: A) Human

II: E) She is a smuggler.

III: Brave

IV: Debt (She owes a very large amount of credits... probably to a Hutt)

V: 1. Just some hokey dead religious mumbo jumbo. Who needs space magic when you can have a fast ship and a good blaster?
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I: A) Human
II: E) Smuggler
III: Independent
IV: D) Bounty (although I guess debt is more-or-less the same thing and/or can lead to a bounty)
V: 1) Hokey religion, ancient weapons, blaster at your side, etc.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

1. Human




5. 1
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I: B) Twi'lek

II: C) She is an explorer/opportunist.

III: Cautious

IV: J) Obsession (Someone or something is out there and she must have him/her/it)

V: 3. Weren't the Jedi involved in the Clone Wars? Pretty sure whatever "force" they had wasn't enough to save them from going extinct.

Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I: B) Twi'lek

II: C) She is an explorer/opportunist.

III: Cautious

IV: J) Obsession (Someone or something is out there and she must have him/her/it)

V: 3. Weren't the Jedi involved in the Clone Wars? Pretty sure whatever "force" they had wasn't enough to save them from going extinct.

This, but a bounty hunter instead. Bounty hunters get grenades and flamethrowers. Perfect for dealing with force sensitives.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I.) Zabrak

II.) B Colonist with honest job

III.) Loving

IV.) Oath

V.) Sounds like some sort of Core world problem that ain't doing shit for me.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Your name is Tamlyn Dao. You are a female human and captain of your own ship, the Eventide, a Corellian HT-2200 Medium Freighter, which you inherited from your late father, Xandor Dao.

To your knowledge, your father was an honest merchant, but between the overbearing Empire and the chaos of the Outer Rim, you have turned to smuggling as a way to keep yourself flying.

The lifestyle suits you, but other smugglers seem to think of you as too cautious simply because you refused a Kessel Run job and word got around. You knew that your old astrogation droid was breaking down at the time, and the risk was too great, but nevertheless, the stigma has stuck with you. You know that your caution has likely saved your life more than once, but some of these potential employers seem to think recklessness is a good quality...

The smuggling has come to define you, but there was a reason that you set out on this path. You've been searching for something - answers to a mystery that has haunted your family for generations. For you, it began when you were 16. A horrid dream of a dark jungle world filled with monstrous species. Ancient ruins with dark bloodstained symbols. Statues of people, some human and some not, with hollowed out eyes. A dark pit of whispering foulness. When you woke, you were weeping tears of blood. Later, your father would tell you that he had those dreams too, as had his mother and his brother. "The Weeping Curse" he had called it.

The medical droids and doctors classified it as a psychosomatic genetic disorder. They claim that aside from sensitive capillary structure near the tear ducts, the abnormalities presented no actual harm, and as the episodes could come years apart, there was no need to address the problem.

But on the night you found your father dead, his face was smeared with blood, and his eyes were gone. Attempts to communicate with your uncle led you to discover that the same fate had befallen him on the same night as your father - and further research led you to discover that your grandmother had passed in a similar manner.

You don't believe in curses, or magic, or gods, or the force, but you do believe there is a reason this has happened to your family. And you're out to discover the answers, no matter what the cost.

Recently, a merchant contact of your uncle - one who claimed to be an old friend of your uncle and father - provided you with some personal affects that included your uncle's personal contact list datapad. Aside from it being a useful tool for setting up future legitimate trade runs, your attention was drawn to a note made next to a particular entry: "Gammon Trudde - Merchant's Square, , Drev'starn, Bothawui -- BLOOD EYES!"

It's an entry over a decade old, but it was your only solid lead. You wanted to leave for the Both system right away, but your Loadmaster, Gek Borork, convinced you to take on a medical run to an outer rim settlement world. The trip turned out to be a bust, with plenty of merchants having already filled the need by the time you got there. Now you have nearly no credits left to your name and you arrive in the Bothan system with nothing but Buchan Roots to sell for a pittance. You're certain that you're going to fire Gek once you make landing, but you run into a problem well before that...


The Eventide exits hyperspace at the planned arrival point in the Bothan Sector, but immediately encounters a shower of debris scraping against the hull and a proximity claxon sounds in the cockpit.

"What's going on, Neema?" you shout as you take the manual controls.

"I don't know! Navicomputer confirms we made the jump to the right coordinates. My astrogation calculations were spot on!" Neema, your Twi-lek co-pilot, exclaims in fluent Basic as she flicks switches to transfer power to fore shields and sub-light engines.

With an exasperated sigh, you flick a couple more necessary switches, then hit the intercom. "Everybody hold onto your butts back there, it's about to get bumpy!"

Luckily, up until this point, the only things scratching the paint job off of the Eventide have been small scraps of metal, but up ahead you can clearly see the floating entrails of a destroyed heavy cruiser creating a man-made asteroid field right in your direct flight path.

"Taking evasive action!" You announce as you dive the ship down and to the right, avoiding a jagged piece of scrap that looked to once have been part of a command bridge.

Being a medium transport, your ship is not the fastest, nor most agile ship in the universe by any stretch of the imagination. Its bulk on both port and starboard sides is made up of four box shaped compartments, designed to provide ample cargo space, to which the four-seater cockpit, a small living space, and a large engine and class 2 hyperdrive were attached. As such, it is only with your natural reflexes and the aid of Neema in the co-pilot's chair that you are able to avoid plowing through a large piece of detached hull.

The evasion is taxing, and by the time you clear the most dangerous debris, you're sweating and breathing hard, with your nerves on edge, but you're in one piece and that's what matters.

"Should have enough room to slow down now, just keep on this course," Neema says, struggling to control her own trembling voice in the face of a surprise near-death experience. "Good flying," she adds, raising one of her 'lekku' (head tails) in a way you've come to recognize as an essentially Twi'lek method of giving a thumb's up.

The sensor beacon lights up, followed by an incoming transmission on all channels.

"Mayday, mayday. This is Civilian Bulk Transport Jorub-7, hailing any available craft. We have been disabled by pirates and our reactor core is compromised. Escape pods have been forcibly jettisoned and we require a boarding rescue party as soon as possible. Mayday, maday."

"Did I just hear that right?" The portly form of your loadmaster, Gek, makes his way into the cockpit. "Pirates?! We need to get out of here and land on Bothawui now."

"Cool your jets, Gek," Neema answers irritably. "There are people who need our help."

"Help? They're probably the pirates themselves!" Gek steamed. "Besides, we're running low on fuel as it is."

"And whose fault is that?" Neema answers sweetly but with venom in her tone.

"That's a bulk transport all right," you observe on the sensor read-out. "No weapons and handles like a brick, not exactly a pirate vessel."

"What if there's a corsair vessel hiding out there waiting for us to board?" Gek wagged a pudgy finger wildly in the air.

"Ugh, you are a Bantha-sized coward," Neema raises her voice.

"And you're a scrawny, tentacle headed tart!" Gek.

"Enough," you declare, raising your voice over the squabblers. You've decided how to deal with the situation. (A)

1. Ignore the transmission. Pirates are a ever-present danger from Mid to Outer Rim and you don't have the ability to deal with them. It's unfortunate if this is a true distress signal, but you can't take the chance.

2. Hail the Jorub-7 and inform them that a rescue vessel is on its way. People need help. How would you feel if pirates had disabled your ship and left you adrift?

3. Hail the Jorub-7 and inform them that a rescue vessel is available, provided a suitable payment can be arranged. You're broke and a girl's gotta get paid for sticking her neck out.

Aesthetic questions:

Tamlyn has (blonde/ brown/ black/ red/ dyed) hair, (blue/brown/green) eyes, and has (pale, fair, tanned, dark) skin. She has a (showy/utilitarian/stylish/laid back) fashion sense.

Neema has (beige/ yellow/ green/ blue/ purple/ red/ orange/ grey/ brown) skin. She has a (showy/utilitarian/stylish/laid back) fashion sense.
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A - 2

B - Red hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a showy fashion sense

C - Green skin and stylish fashion
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A3 Changed to 3. Putting 2 was a mistake. I messed up the order.

B- Red Hair, Blue eyes, Fair Skin, Showy

C- Blue (Green would be my second choice)
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A - 2

B - Red hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a showy fashion sense

C - Green skin and stylish fashion

This, except Orange skin. Green and blue twileks are a dime a dozen. Red is very rare and thus unlikely, even if it is the best looking, and Purple reminds me of that one from KOTOR.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Actually, I forgot the brown/grey option for Twi'lek skin color. According to a lore site, those are options too. I'll edit them in.

And yes, if Neema is a red (Lethan) then she's quite rare.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A - 2

B - Red hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a showy fashion sense

C - Green skin and stylish fashion

This, but I'd vote A3. Never do something for free. If they can't afford it, THEN we can make that call. But what if they're rich?
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A) 3
B) About-shoulder-length black hair with red-ish dyed streaks near the front; Blue eyes; Fair skin; Stylish or laid back fashion.
C) Orange or Purple skin; Showy fashion.
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A) 3
B) Brown, blue, fair, showy
C) Blue, laid back
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

We have a tie between A2 and A3, and we have a 3-way tie between green/blue/orange skin.

I'll wait to see if anyone comes in and votes a tie-breaker. If not, I'll roll some dice.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

C) Green skin
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

You turn on the short wave transmitter and adjust your position in your pilot's chair. You cut a dashing, attractive figure, dressed in your trademark form-fitting leathers, whose top shows ample cleavage beneath your jacket, and the outside of your leggings are bare along the sides all the way up to your belt, held together by thin, criss-crossing leather straps. You find that if you dangle something sweet in front of most weak-minded men, they're liable to be duped into a more favorable deal. Just as long as they don't touch.

You glance over at your green-skinned co-pilot - also a looker in her stylish Ryloth outfit and leather head-and-lekku cap. You've flown with her enough to know that she's fiesty on the surface but can be a soft and sensitive soul once you break the ice a little.

You put your lips to the transmitter.

"This is free trader Eventide. We read you Jorub-7. We can probably get to you, but we're running on fumes at the moment and that reactor core issue sounds dangerous. If you can offer us something in the way of fair compensation, we'll risk taking you on board and down to Bothawui - otherwise we'll be sure to alert the Imperial planetary garrison as to your situation."

You wait for a reply. There is silence on the other end.

"They must be thinking it over," Gek says, stating the obvious.

After a long pause, a new voice crackles through the communicator.

"This is Dall Kothri'ek, owner of this vessel and Bothawui branch manager of Jorub Shipping. I assure you that when myself and my crew are returned safely to the capital, you will be well compensated for your assistance."

You note the irritation in his voice, but that's to be expected. As far as leverage is concerned, you have him over a barrel, but he hasn't named a price and that is somewhat concerning. Still, bargaining back and forth while he is sitting on a damaged reactor will only anger him. He would promise you the moon, but when he was safe on Bothan soil, his mood will greatly influence your reward and whether or not a bounty is placed on your head.

"Roger that, Manager Kothri'ek. We are enroute to your coordinates."

"I still say this could be a trap," Gek warns.

"Gek, go make sure the cargo is secure," you say.

"It's just Buchan roots, not like they're fragile or need to be right side up --"

"Just do it." You insist, and the flabby man leaves the cockpit muttering to himself. Neema gives you a meaningful look, to which you put up your hands. "I know, I know. I'll see about getting a replacement once we're in the city."


You take as much precaution as you can when it comes to boarding. Your outer air lock attaches to the Jorub-7's hatch and pressurizes successfully. And now you wait beneath it with your blaster drawn.

You made your instructions clear. One passenger at a time, until you can verify that no funny business is going on. The first few on board are Bothan females and one injured male bothan with a bloodied and burnt face. He'll likely need medical attention in a bacta tank. Then a couple humans are passed through, technicians and engineers mostly. This is followed by more bothans and an aqualish, dressed in the yellow and orange uniforms of the Jorub company. Finally, the last one to leave the derelict ship is its owner, an old, graying Bothan who identifies himself as Dall Kothri'ek, the shipping magnate who promised to compensate you.

"Ah well," he muses, eyeing you up and down while stroking an elongated mustache at the edge of his wolf-like muzzle. "A pretty sight to see indeed. Thank you captain, for coming along when you did. Had we been forced to wait for an Imperial rescue, it might have been a far closer thing. Their search and rescue operations are getting more and more seldom this far out from the Core. And who might you be then?"

"Tamlyn Dao," you say, offering him a handshake. He takes your hand in his but raises it and plants a soft kiss on the back of it.

"You'll forgive an old charmer, his archaic habits my dear, but youth and beauty should be cherished when encountered," Dall says. "Now, let me think. Dao... Dao... now I am usually quite good with names and I believe I've heard it before."

"My father, Xandor Dao, he did some trade in the Mid Rim on occassion."

"That's it!" Dall claps his hands together. "Yes Xandor was his name. I remember him now. Dashing fellow, fiery hair, like yours. He used to fly on lighter transports, doing specialty jobs that were not suited to bulk transports. As such, we never became competitors, and so I liked him very much. I see he has upgraded his assets though - this is a decent little cargo vessel you have my dear. I wonder, should I worry about you? Ah ha ha. No, do not mind my little jokes. How is your father these days?"

You tighten your lips and look away, trying to think of a good way to answer that, but he gathers the truth from your mannerisms.

"Ah. Forgive me. The galaxy is a dangerous place, and for those that travel the hyperlanes to the edge of space, it is much much more so. We did not know each other well, but on the times we did share interactions, he seemed to me an intelligent, and worthy man. Reminded me a bit of myself when I was younger and full of pep. My condolences for your loss."

"Uh, thank you."

"Well! Let us waste no more time. As way of thanks, I shall invite you to dock your ships in the Jorub private shipyard, no docking fee, and if you like, you and your lovely co-pilot may stay in my house. And I shall give you each a 1,000 credits for your act of rescue. I trust it will be sufficient?" (A)

1. Yes, that is a generous offer.

2. No reward is necessary. It is good to hear someone speak kindly of my father. Your hospitality is enough and more than welcome.

3. Well... It's not just myself and Neema, there's also Gek. Could you spare a 1,000 credits for him. (You're totally going to split this between Neema and yourself.)


After the Jorub personell hunch down in the spare cargo space, you finish the trip to the center of the system, arriving at the third planet from the local star, Bothawui. It is a temperate world, with a varied landscape. Its capital city, Drev'starn, is situated in a relatively flat and lightly forested area, not far from an ocean coast, with steep mountains in the distance.

The capital is very metropolitan, with high rising buildings and multiple starports, some are public and thus run by the Imperials, but most are private, corporate ports, like Dall's Jorub Shipping.

The Eventide docks without issue and you let the personnel file out of your ship before exiting with Dall, who seems a likeable old fellow, eager to reminisce about the glory days of his youth. From his casual chatter, you learn that he is a self-made man, though he recognizes that he is a big fish in a small pond when compared to the other grand shipping magnates. Still, he does good business - or at least he had done until these pirates began showing up in earnest, growing more and more bold by the week. He believes that the Empire isn't doing enough to curb the piracy, distracted as they are by the terrorist rebels.

"Like two nexu beasts fighting over the feeding rights to a carcass - while they fight with one another, the scavenger birds pick at the easy meat," he mutters bitterly.

"The pirate who attacked us was a Trandoshan - and a particularly nasty piece of work, even for that predatory race. I don't know his name yet, but I fully intend to do some checking with some contacts in the Network. Once I do, you can bet there'll be a bounty on him. He's made a mistake attacking this close to Bothawui. Taking down an armed, heavy transport might impress some of his fences, but the Imperial Security Bureau will get involved eventually, that and the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Maybe even those Rebels too."

He invites you to dinner, suggesting that he would love to introduce you to his son, Caer, who apparently is proving to have no head whatsoever for taking over the business and enjoys wasting his father's money on swoop racing.

"Perhaps you could be a good influence on the boy and put in a good word or two for the lifestyle of a free trader."

You're wondering to yourself if you might not have had enough of this Bothan, kindly as he is. You wouldn't mind heading out to the local market to try and get a buyer for your roots and see what sort of legitimate cargo you could line up.

There's also the local cantina, where you could possibly get some information on black market goods and higher-paying contraband. Not to mention see about getting a new loadmaster to replace that oaf, Gek.

Then there's also the reason you wanted to come to this planet in the first place. You need to look up the name Gammon Trudde using the imperial planetary registry, to see if you can find a last known address.

What to do first?

1. Stay for dinner, meet Caer, be polite and maybe sneak off in time to get other things done.

2. Head to the merchant district, offload your cargo, get some credits with which to buy better cargo. The glitz and glamour of a trader, right?

3. Head to a cantina and track down leads to the black market. This planet is known for its spy network. There must be no shortage of highly classified goods in need of a capable transporter.

4. Go to the imperial registry and start tracking down Gammon Trudde.