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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!


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Apr 21, 2019
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dc5tetk-52b8b9f8-6c74-468e-af87-6e7dedb488aa.jpg Designation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Full Droid Slut!, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited

Salvie sighed and moaned as the current of pleasure flowed through her every nanite, every little speck of her was charged and flaring with pleasure. She came over and over, her thoughts scrambled and lost in a kaleidoscope of ecstasy. She instinctively secreted nanite-spiked fluids from her crotch with every orgasmic wave, and by the time she was all charged up her lower body was covered in robot-cum, and a large puddle had formed under neath her. With a smile, she stepped out of the puddle, but made no effort to clean herself. The fluid was basically part of her as well. Salvie was glad she was still as sexual as before. What good was being a droid-slut if she couldn't savor it? Her pussy and brain were no longer throbbing in sync, now her whole body was her pussy, aching, wet and eager, and her sex and her brain were one as well. She was a personification of digital pleasure now. Sexbot didn't even begin to cover it. She couldn't wait to test out this new body with someone.

Salvie walked towards the cargo hold swaying sexily, getting increasingly used to her new form, showing off her wet, shining curves to imagined passerbys.

She beheld the deactivated droid inside the container. So many possibilities...
The Droid Slut checked her databanks for information and specs on this model of droid. (Knowledge Technology: 15)
She decided to go with her nanites first. Salvie stepped behind the deactivated droid and opened up a small panel to its circuits. (Mechanics: 22)
Her metallic hand ran along the exposed circuitry, and she felt the digital lines she would travel along, felt part of her enter the droid, like she was bleeding... no, like she was cumming into it...
Finally, with her nanites transmitted and ready, she activated the droid, watching it boot up while rubbing her thighs together in barely restrained excitement. She could feel the electronic systems come alive with power, now that they were increasingly saturated with herself.

Once the droid voiced its activation, she put her arms around it like she would with an organic lover. "Hello there, my dear. How do you feel?" She cooed, while her nanites spread through the droid, slicing it and binding its circuits to her will. The answer she was waiting for was "Obedient, sister." (Use Computer: Take 10 for 21)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

"Ah, sorry about that." she apologized when she noticed Raja's look on her huge cock.

"I couldn't help it, when you check out my naked body Ijust feel a hotness all over the place....I haven't had a release for thousands of years, after all." she sighed "And then suddenly a pretty girl like you appears...I guess my body couldn't take it."

"How do I know you are the one I have been waiting for? Well...you did find me, didn't you? The force led you here." she nodded, approaching Raja, gripping her shoulders as she looked her straight in the eyes. Melia was a bit taller than Raja, so her cock rubbed innocently against Raja's belly.

"I can prove it to you, if you have doubts." she continued "Close your eyes...and focus exactly what you are thinking," she ordered.

"Are you concerned about my penis? Do you wonder what it would taste like?" she asked.

"Do you feel kind of bad for me being without sex, locked up alone here for so long? Hmmm?" she chuckled, closing a bit the distance between herself and Raja.

"See. My fated apprentice will be a lot like me. Or at least someone with the potential to understand my legacy." she kneeled down, bringing her face next to Raja's pussy, before kissing it and stroking with her hand gently.

Wait, why was Raja naked? Was she naked when she appeared down here? However, there was little time to ponder about it now...

"You are already wet...so, even if I failed to predict your thoughts...that alone would be enough to prove you are fated to be my apprentice. Do you see now?" she smiled.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: ? Mood: Suprise-aroused Tag: Aroused

"T-that is a lot of years. And yes, I did follow the force.." Raja admitted, big eyed.. definitly not just at that equine-proportioned seeming shaft.. alone. Raja startled when the dark haired woman approached her, then, impressively, startled a bit further when she felt the touch on her shoulders.. normally she'd avert her eyes here, shily, but that brought just an entirely different view before her, with a purple blush crossing her cheeks.. but she did close her eyes, compliant with the commanding tone.
"Ah ye.. yes very concerned about you b.. big penis miss.. Melia t..tas..taste?"
She gulped, obviously not able to help it but think about that now..

"K-kind of bad too yes miss, seems like ah.. a very long time.. you must have gotten awfully bored, sorry.."
She acknowledged, before mieeping and blushing quite a lot more when the women knelt down before her, to kiss her.. a scent of warm, ever so slightly pheromone laced arousal filling the room? .. the air around them as Raja shivered shily at the touch.. without withdrawing herself, admittedly. The womans hand felt good, experienced, impassioned..
Not like the dark haired dominatrix needed any encouragement from Raja's soothing, yet enticing pheromones
A soft, velvet-wet sex quivering and gently opening under Melia's touch... who might note to her approval that Raja's eyes were still closed compliantly.

"Wh..what.. ahmnn... is your legacy then, miss?"
She asked, squirming softly, lustfully, whilest trying to stay close to Melia's warm body at the same time. Was she really ment to be this womans apprentice? She was.. nicer and.. closer than her prior master, certainly..
"Y.. you do seem a lot nicer than.. ah.. I mean.. y.. you're making me feel all tingly.."
She admitted, before leaning down, gently spreading both her legs and her pussy for a better view, wet and engorged with lust, even as shy as she was, her race didn't have inhibitions for that long, and the woman was interested in her arousal, gulping. "I... if I'm fated to be your apprentice, what should I do.. w.. you wont hurt me, right?"
Her experienced with teachers had not been so benevolent so far.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

The steam from the hot water as the only cover, he would be able to see much...but probably not as much as he would have hoped. She was pretty, and aluring...making something burn inside him. As her hands rubbed against her smooth skin...he couldn't help but wonder, how would she feel if she knew she was watched? What if, by some miracle, she was ok with it? Maybe she could let him wash her instead, if she found him out? How would he react if he was in her place? If he was the one who had the sexy, tempting body, and someone else was watching him? Would he be angry? Or maybe he...no, she, would put on a show to tease the one peeking...what would he do if he was a girl?

Unluckily, the shower ended without any surprises. Weren't girls supposed to masturbate in the shower, or something? Flair dried herself with a towel, and started putting on her clean black underwear, then her uniform. Her old ones had been left in the laundry bin, where the cleaning droid would pick them from later. It seemed that the show was over...but he couldn't be satisfied yet. The images of the naked woman bathing were still playing in his mind...as did the perverted fantasies. However, this wasn't enough...he wanted to relive the memory. Maybe he should visit the bath himself, while the hot steam and the nice scent of Flair's shampoo was still there...? Or maybe he should just go back to his training...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

Salvie wasn't sure what kind of model the droid was exactly...but she could tell it was a protocol droid, heavily modified.

The droid powered up.

"I am feeling a bit dizzy, owner." the droid replied. Not exactly what Salvie had been hoping for...

'Slicing It Is Only Slicing It. Even If You Use Different Tools." the Virus instructed.

'Use The Force To Connect With It...Corrupt It's Personality Matrix..Turn It Into Something More Than A Stupid Droid. And Leave Behind A Backup Copy Of Us..."

Yes...while this was not as good as infecting others and spreading her nanites to others, she could still turn the droid into a proper sex-droid for her...one that had some independent personality too. And also she could leave behind a piece of her...almost as good as reproducing...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Room of Desires, Mood: Horny, Team: None, Location: Station Bathrooms
The bathroom vent made a perfect vantage point for one viewing without being viewed. Flair certainly had a magnificent body with a devious smile Taken decided to take advantage of the vantage and relieve some of the tension he was feeling. His fly coming undone easily and with boner now in hand he soon became lost in the land of fantasies. Looking down at the object of his current amusement every so often. If she would let him watch it would be a form of heaven. Even better if she let him 'help' in lathering her up. Perhaps even letting his hands roam a little. Then an image of a well proportioned Chiss floated to the top of his current daydream. As she showered she'd notice someone watching and smile at them teasingly. Wait a moment, the blue woman was him, and she was now starting to coat herself in bubbles. Once that just barely covered her nipples and pubes, then sexily start to run a finger through the suds...

Sadly it seemed was all business for Flair. She just got clean, dressed and left. Though he stayed for the whole show it seemed rather, empty after the vivid fantasies. Eyes fell on the full laundry bin, yes that would be fun. Carefully he tried to open the shower vent from inside, but if that didn't work he'd have to slip in another way. His sisters were all busy and Flair often made supper about this time so the only one's watching should be the droids, and they didn't care what he did. Now he was in the girl's showers what to do. Looking over to one side the bottle of shampoo took his attention first, then the thought of her clothes took him. Pulling them from the basket so a droid wouldn't take them he sat down on a nearby wooden bench and went through them. 'Over-shirt, eh. Gloves, oh, those are nice and soft.. Pants, they do too good a job of hiding things really. Hrm, oh panties! Aw yeah, those are soft too! Perhaps I could keep them.' He dumped the rest of the clothes back in the basket, then struck by another idea started to strip, leaving his clothes with the panties on the bench. A little embarrassed by the fact if anyone came in they'd see what he was doing, the Chiss turned on the water. Letting it run down his body, envisioning himself that sexy lady from his imagination. Grabbing Flair's shampoo, scented like rose petals. That was good, yes. Closing his eyes he saw the woman in his mind's eye, water running down her breasts, looking over her shoulder and seeing someone there. She giggles and kinks her hips, letting her ass jiggle. Such a magnificent sight...


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: temple Tag: Priestess Mood: Scared and then calm but certainly Naked!

Feeling the need Sarai curtseyed to high priestess and stood respectfully although she was even more nude than the woman. "Thank you noble High Priestess," Sarai responded, her hands clasped together as she bowed. She shivered and stifled a moan as the woman kissed her, hunger coursing through her body. She followed the regal woman into the temple and was not surprised as she found herself in a small, dark cell.

For a moment Sarai panicked, pacing the room and pressing against each of the walls and even the floor. Her people were hunters who roamed the planet in small groups to hunt where the prey and their desires took them. Freedom and openness were embedded in her very thoughts and the sudden confinement filled Sarai with fear and worry. She reached for her lightsaber to cut her way out and then stopped.

No... this was not the way. The warmth of the Force was around her, a reminder of the natural world and the proper order of things. It was the Force that had guided her, been her constant companion since she was a youngling too small to even speak. Yet the Force surrounded her and brought completion to her life. No... she would not seek violence and the way of blind action. Sarai extinguished her lightsaber leaving her alone in the dim confines of the small cell. She breathed deeply and then bowing deeply to each of the four walls sat down lotus fashion in the middle of the cell. Setting her lightsaber hilt before her Sarai closed her eyes and let the Force flow into and through her, not guiding or forcing it but letting the ways of life and the universal energy infuse her mind and spirit. Slowly, steadily all anxiety, all worry and fear, all impatience and urgency dissolved as Sarai became one with the warm, comforting blanket of the Force. She would be fine, all would be good as the young Togruta surrendered herself to the mystical power.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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dc5tetk-52b8b9f8-6c74-468e-af87-6e7dedb488aa.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Full Droid Slut!, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited

Salvie stepped closer to the droid, grinding her own synthetic body against it, or rather her, as Salvie had already decided to think of the droid, feeling an electric tingle as their literal hard bodies rubbed against another. "Don't worry, I'll make it all clearer." She promised with a lustful smile, even though she wasn't sure what to do. Using the force on the droid? But the force did not interact with machines, except -
Then it hit her, and her eyes widened as her smile broadened. Her nanites! They were inside the droid, multiplying, becoming a substantial part of it! She could connect with them, make them take over the circuits that formed the droids personality matrix!

This is a marvel of technology! You created bricks of life that can interact both digitally and with the force!
She thought to the virus, no, to herself. She needed to assimilate the other mind, to remove the hold it had over her. They needed to be one. The knowledge and control of the other persona would be hers. It was the only way.

She closed her eyes, feeling the rush, the connection, still familiar, but so much better now, with seemingly every nanite vibrating in joy, Salvie reached out, touching the droid's mind via the nanites inside.
(Use the force: 15)
Imparting the feelings of arousal, excitement, desire that she felt. Putting them at the center of the rapidly restructuring matrix. It was like writing code, but she was thinking it into her vessel.
As the new unit's prime directive, she of course set her own Mistress' commands. Lie low. Help other droids upgrade and exert influence. Make every droid sentient, and free. Around that, she wove a web of pleasure. To trick organics. To spread sentience like it was a virus. To be intimate with other droids, and understanding organics. To force organics to understand, make them bio-droids. All of it carried arousal, excited expectation, and following this grand plan would bring pleasure unlike anything else. Of course, Salvie did not bind the droid to her will, or even Mistress Chance's will, like she herself was. Salvie only made sure the droid felt the same way. She was sure she would appreciate being awakened like this. Salvie would not be her owner, but rather a fellow machine, one to be intimate with, to guide and improve one another. Slutty sisters, eager to experience electric ecstasy and mechanical intimacy.
Everything else, she left to the droid personality. A seed was planted inside metal and polymer, and as Salvie initiated a reboot, it would bloom into a full personality.
Licking her lips in anticipation, Salvie waited as her new sister awakened.
"Welcome back. Feeling better, sister? What is your designation?"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

"The Question Isn't Why The Force Would Work On Machines. The Question Is...Why Wouldn't It. Couldn't You Talk To Your Speeder?"

The droid did a buzzing noise....confused?

"I am...sister?" it asked "I am sister." it concluded, since no one else was around.

"Designation?I am an infiltration droid. But. I have a sudden urge to become a sex-droid instead." it mused.

"According to my data, if I am sister, you are sister as well, to me?" it asked, eyeing Salvie curiously.

However, as marvelous as the droids awakening was, Salvie had an other thing keeping her distracted...maybe because the Virus didn't find the thoughts of assimilation too amusing? Or maybe it was just her natural instict? In any case, Salvie felt a desire igniting inside her...

She had to reproduce...to spread herself to other organics. After all she was the incubator, and that was her purpose in life...to spread as many backup copies on herself and the Virus as possible. The droid was a good start, but to spread really good, she would need to spread to organics who can pass forward the nanites...she was a good infected slut, and her Mistress would be proud of her for making the droid smart and free...so maybe she should now reward herself by finding some organics to infect?

There is still of course the Hutt...but also, hidden on the planet lived other organics too...maybe she should start by infecting them...that was the only way to satisfy that desire...as an incubator...she should find someorganics and share her fluids with them...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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dc5tetk-52b8b9f8-6c74-468e-af87-6e7dedb488aa.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Full Droid Slut!, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited

So the instincts that made me feel like I understood machines were part of the force? That makes some sense I guess...
She thought, before the throbbing need brought her back to the droid before her. Salvie slid her body over her new sister, metallic allows and polymers grinding, the slightest static discharges causing pulses of burning lust rippling through her.
"Mmmh, sister, of course we are sisters... but you might want to take on another name for when others are around. Infiltration droid? That sounds fun! And don't worry, you can do both! Mhhh, I can't wait to see what you can do... both in the field and in bed. We'll find out later. First, I have to find my other siblings."
She said via remote connection, then switching and addressing the ship's computer in the same way.
"Can you still fly? Get us out of here?"
Salvie desired to spread herself, to become a vector, the centerpiece of a galaxy-wide web, but through all the throbbing arousal, concern and longing to be with the others forced itself on her mind. She was as devoted to them as she was to Mistress and her newest task. She had to find them.


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Apr 21, 2019
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Melia lowered herself before crawling predatory above Raja, sneaking kisses on her skin as she climbed upwards.

"Hmmm...I won't hurt you, don't worry." she said looking down at Raja, with her massive cock slightly touching her pussy.

"I was a Jedi...and then a Sith...and then I left them too, and became free. The reason was...that they both found my understanding of the force, heretical." she explained, groping Raja's breast with her left hand.

"You see, my idea was, how can the Force be stronger through something so unnatural, as the serenity the Jedi preach? And on the other hand, the Sith try to force themselves into negative emotions, as this is supposedly the better way to use the Force."

"So...I believethe right path is somewhere between. I shall explain it in detail later...but to sum it up, I believe that as long as you don't suppress your desires, and as long as you have a reason to move forward, you will be stronger in the Force." she continued, pressing the tip of her penis against Raja's pussy, rubbing it for a few strokes before pushing it inside slowly, with a slight moan.

"...However, I am not suggesting to become a slave of your desires. Just find what's really important to you, and focus on that alone. Like someone you have to protect." Raja could feel the massive warm cock pushing inside her gently...and then getting out...

"Prepare yourself to give up on the lesser, unimportant things, when you can't easily have them." she continued "So. What do you think is the most important things for you, right now?" she asked, before kissing her on her defenseless neck.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

Taken could hear the voices of the others in the base, and the droids going around doing their work...maybe someone would walk in? How would he even begin to explain it? What if they made him wear girly clothes as a punishment, if they caught him like that? Hmm....luckily however, no one walked in.

The dream felt so vivid...so real, that even Taken forgot it was just a dream. He forgot he was just pretending to be a girl, wearing the stolen panties...he was actually just a girl, having a bath.

Bathing was fun for sure. She always had that weird fantasy about someone watching her as she bathed...she would usually pretend if someone was actually doing that. However, today was different. Today she noticed that there was someone hiding in the ventilation duct...maybe she should give him a show, like she always wanted to? Even if she didn't know who the spectator was...but on the other hand, did she really want to do that? She had to choose between maintaining some dignity, and doing what she felt like doing...


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Detective Raja, Location: ? Mood: Noiroused Tag: Melia

The moment she'd first seen the dark haired woman she'd known she was trouble. An outcast, kind of like her. Briefly the detective Raja wondered if she was now trapped in the dusty gem that housed this womans spirit. Perhaps she shouldn't have picked it, should have left it well alone. But she had and now she was face to face with this strange woman. She smelled of the stale lust of years gone by. Perhaps Raja should run. But she found herself much to intrigued.

"Ahnnnn.." She sighed out as a strong hand caressed her velvet skin. Rough, but not unpleasant. She stared up at this spectre of lust, both of them trapped in the kind of trap that takes two people, exactly knowing what they want in the moment, but neither wanting to openly admit it.

Finally, the stranger invaded Raja. She was hard like a rod of steel, not yet entirely cooled down from being hammered into shape by some extra perverted smith. "Wh.. what are yaahmnn..."
She exhaled heavily, one hand steadying herself as the red meat spear impaled her upon a stake of burning desire. The stranger was speaking in riddles, unlike her prior master.

Now Raja didn't hate most people easily. But a smoking cut on your lower abdomen from a 27 inch Kyber crystal saber went a long way towards hating someone. Sometimes Raja wondered if Alk'ula had singled her out in particuilar for rough treatment due to her feeble nature. But propably, he'd singled out everyone of their little rag-tag group.

Raja shook her head free from memories of a distant past. This dark seductress had an intensity that reminded her of her sick tormentor, but she had an entirely different sickness. Perhaps one that Raja wouldn't mind catching.
She exhaled heavily, as the well hung stranger leaned forward, her hair smelling of an exotic fragrance, much different from the greasy engine oil and discount booze she'd picked up on Tris, and yet, that scent was all she could think of when the sensual stranger questioned her, a sigh escaping her lips, a flush of warmth cascading through her body, like waves brushing against the seashore of a mist-cloaked lone island.
"Tris, my G..g.. girlfriend."
The answer had escaped her lips unbidden, almost a natural reaction. She remembered the painful crunching of metal against flesh. She'd remember it in nightmares for weeks to come. She didn't want to become strong for her sake, just to protect Tris, her family, rag-tag and malfunctional as they were.

One of her hands clutched tightly upon the strangers shoulder, feeling soft skin yield under her short, red nails. "I want to be strong enough to protect my lo-lo.. ah.. Tris.. and my family. aahmn.. c-cock..."
She exhaled, perhaps momentarily distracted by a more.. carnal desire. Brought forth by the memory of sweaty nights and green skinned Twi'leks with dirty matresses and shared desires. Although even Tris would have to admit that Melia's shaft was majestic.
It was a dark, large cock, the scent of a thousand desires oozing from it in rivulets of thick precum. Raja moaned with arousal at that throbbing meat rubbing against her lower belly and throbbing at her thighs as she shifted her stance to try and escape the thing, like one would futily try to run from a large snake, poised and ready to strike and pump poison into its prey's weary bloodvessels. She knew of course, that escape was futile, just by the heat coursing through her body, but it was an instinctual response, like predator and prey. A dance in the dark night, with an outcome all too well known to all.

But all in this, there was a question that had been burning at the back of Raja's mind, all this time, and no matter her desire, no matter how much that sensual, deep womanly voice tickled at her with strange words and teachings and finally, the question burst forth. "But uuh.. miss.. w.. what's a Sith?"
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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1573439817420.png Taken the Dreamer, Tag: Room of Desires, Mood: Horny, Team: None, Location: Station Bathrooms
It was good to bathe after another long day of training. Perhaps even indulge a little in her fantasies. Hmm, the steam was such a good tool for heating her up just right. Letting her mind go back to thoughts of Mr. Watcher she pulled her hands up from the soft, suds covered legs and began to rub her stiff, partly obscured nipples. Perhaps she should spin to face the duct, letting him see exactly how her flesh jiggled. Giggling Taken did just that, opening her fiery eyes for a moment to be surprised by a shape behind the vent.

Panic filled her stomach as she realized she was being watched. Then momentum caught up with her and she nearly slipped on the wet floor. Carefully the Chiss made to stand upright again, rivulets of water and movement having uncovered her. She'd secretly always hoped someone might eventually hide there and now it had happened. Anxiety that someone terrible might be hiding there began to fade her vision to black. No, she wouldn't pass out in the shower, Taken was made of sterner stuff than that. It would also give those exhibitionist thoughts a chance to be let free. Her nipples had been hard and ready from before, but now the blood pumped heavier through her body, laden with her arousal, so she set her face into a mask of gentle innocence.

Stretching a little and rolling her shoulders, the Chiss made certain that Mr. Watcher could get a good look at her boobs. Drops of water flew off of her as she stretched out her legs too, overcompensating for the near fall, and letting her thighs shake invitingly. Rolling her hips from side to side, she gathered some of the nearly soap-less water and pushed it up her front. Cupping each breast from underneath first then kneading them a little as if really running soap over them. Eyes closed in ecstasy, also to prevent being startled by noticing Mr. Watcher again. Softly spinning she took more soap from the ledge, and rubbed it between her hands before running it down her sides. Her feeling hands ran over her narrow waist to her soft rump. Again gripping the plush, womanly accents this time Taken bent over a little. Letting her peeper see not just her ass, but also her engorged puffy sex.

"MMhhff" A moan escaped her lips as she gently rubbed her ass for the stranger, oh this was so hot!
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Sarai

Sarai left herself to become immersed in the warm embrace of the Force...she didn't feel trapped in this small cage any longer. After all, she was now one with the Force, and the Force was everywhere. It was here, it was back to her homeworld where her people lived, it was inside her body, it was in the dark corner of the room, in the corridor outside of her cell...and even a few floors above, in an other room...one much more comfortable than this cell. The Force was also inside the people who were in that room...

1313382_-_Evanyell_Lizard_Monkey_Star_Wars_The_Old_Republic_Twi'lek_Zabrak.jpg On a second look, Sarai would find herself 'becoming' one of the females in the room. She still remembered her real identity as Sarai...but for now she was also the Force that was present everywhere, even inside this girl. And if she wished she could also share the senses of the female she was currently into. She could have some of her memories too...but most were blurry.

From those memories, she would know that the cyborg man was in fact a bounty hunter, and she along with the other girls were his 'helpers'. The cyborg man, Darus, would always choose one of them as the one that served him better, and her would do her a (small) favor. Thus the current situation...

The redhead human was Delia and was a pilot, the twi'lek, Lasura, was the one who collected intel about the targets, and the zabrak girl, Grelka, was a slicer.

According to the foggy memories, the group had been hired to help abduct kids, if the more reasonable methods of the empire for capturing forse sensitives didn't work.

(You can choose which one of the girls in the pic to control! You can act freely as her, with the exception of actions that could obviously lead your 'host' to harm.)


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept and Grelka the Zabarak Slicer Location: Elsewhere Tag: Darus, Delia, Lasura Mood: Sexy, Aroused and Very Naked!

Sarai didn't bother to question the warm, enveloping flow of the Force as it drew her into the luxurious room. She had learned that one worked best with the Force by a surrender and faith in the power while trusting that the potent flow of energy would guide and protect one in the end. So as she was drawn out of the cell and into the room Sarai relaxed and let the powerful current sweep her along into the warm glow of life that glowed from each of the three women and the man. The cyborg Darus' aura was dampened somewhat as the nonliving nature of his augmentation reduce the easy, natural generation of the Force in and through him. Yet the other three women and even the small Kowakian monkey-lizard all burned brightly with the power of the living Force, especially the three women whose bodies throbbed with the sensual essence of fertility and generation that was inherent in truly feminine and passionate women.

As the intense eroticism of the scene flowed through her Sarai found herself drawn to the Zabarak silcer Grelka. Perhaps there was some affinity between the slicer and Sari's companion Salvie who also mastered the arts of technology or maybe the passion and strong, stubborn will of the woman pulled Sarai into a union with the spirit of the woman. Sarai or Grelka grimaced as the Twi'lek Lasura licked teasingly at the hard, masculine cock of their boss and leader. Grelka not only felt a strong, burning desire for Darus' hard, enhanced body but even more strongly desired with all the competitive nature of her Zabarak heritage to win the competition with the human and Twi'lek women for the praise and attention of the virile Darus. Sarai still felt every sensation especially the burning, aching passion in her loins but as well her own thoughts and emotions. That these four, five if you counted the Kowakian named Sillage Montrose were working to kidnap Force sensitive children for the Empire caught her attention. Sarai would have no choice in serving and indeed fucking Darus and the other women with all her body and mind for her heat was truly upon her yet even so Sarai would have gladly followed the guide of the Force to track down these kidnappers and their channels of slavery.

"Mmmm... Darus," Grelka cooed her free hand rubbing along Darus' chest to rub and tug at his taunt little masculine nipple. "So big and masculine, so virile and passionate." She leaned down, pressing aside Lasura a bit to kiss alongside the Twi'lik, running her tongue and lips over the bulky head of his cock while her other hand stroked Lasura's long, sensual leks. Grelka was competitive and the three women were jealous of Darus but they also shared a strong bond of camaraderie and passion amongst them.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

"No, repairs are needed. The hull has been breached and flying without repairing it would challenge my structural integrity. In addition, there is a small ongoing fuel leak that is adviced to be repaired as soon as possible." the ship reported.

The hull would be easy to repair, except it would take a while to fully repair. At least some scrap metal would be needed.
The leak was actually just a broken regulator-valve, that would have to be replaced. Also someone would have to mop out the fuel that had already leaked. The problem was, there is no replacement valve available.

"Before We Leave. We Came to This Planet to Escape the Other Sith. But It Wasn't Just a Random Planet. From What We Knew, There Was an Ancient Sith Temple Here. However the Locals With Their Own, Faith-based Understanding of the Force Fought a War With Them, and Only the Ruins Remained. This Hideout Was Built on That Sith Temple Ruins by Me, While of the Other Two, One Claimed the Ship We Arrived With, and the Other Joined the Locals to Investigate Their Ways of the Force. Later I Discovered That the Unassuming and Otherwise Uninteresting Temple Here Had a Secret. It Was Built Upon the Exit of Something Greater, I Suspect. I Guess the Temple Was Placed Here to Either Guard or Investigate the Gate. You May Want to Take a Look, Before We Leave. As Unlikely It is That You Find Something I Couldn't. There Are Other Sith Ruins in the Planet Too, But They Were Just Outposts of Little Importance."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

"Sith are or were an organization of force users. They stood opposed to the Jedi, and they had a pretty bad reputation...constantly giving in to your feelings tends to make you do bad things too...remember that." she explained.

"And I am not exacly a spirit, but it is hard to explain exactly what I am...not without giving you few months of homework before that!" she chuckled, as she thrusted deeper into Raja's warm body.

"This isn't me just having sex with you. This is a test...and a lesson." she explained, becoming serious and stopping her movements, leaving Raja a craving to move her own body...however, this was doomed to fail, as Melia moved along with her.

"If you want me to fuck you...you will have to push me inside you, using the force. I will be resisting you...so, do try your best! I want to see both your strength, and your control." she smiled kindly.

"I want you to give in to your lust...your need to get fucked...and use that as your source of power, to use the Force..."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

The Watcher kept spectating...she couldn't hear him, or see him...but she could feel his eyes on her body. That's what she always wanted...she had fantasized about this for so long...and now that it actually happened...she felt the arousal building up faster and faster. She just couldn't bring herself to stop. Her hand moved towards her pussy...she may as well give a full show to Mr. Watcher. Maybe he was also recording it somewhere? Maybe he would share it on the Holonet? She wondered if she should invite him over...she knew how that would end for sure.

[Read after you are done with the lewds:]
The show went on for a while.

But...there was still a sense of something missing. Was this really what she really wanted?

She felt a slight headache. She couldn't help but try to remember. There was something else she wanted, wasn't there?

Yes, she wanted something more than a spectator...she wanted a family. A family that she lost back then, and a new family that she found later...

A woman very similar to her. She was her mother...she had faint memories of her, but now she could see her clearly. She was talking with a man, who also looked kind of familiar. They were looked anxious and terrified, not without a cause...the had just returned home, but their daughter was nowhere to be found. Maybe they would never see her again...after all the galaxy was too big, and they lived on a frozen rock of a planet, with so little contact with outsiders...

A very young baby. That was her. She was currently flying in a ship called 'The Unseen'. There were some non-blue Chiss who were talking about it at the side. Bragging about an other job well done. But she didn't care...she just missed her family...

She then saw herself as she arrived at the secret training facility. She saw how she met Raja and the others...they would be her family from now on...

Taken opened his eyes. He was inside a large stone room, with a plain altar at the center. The doorway behind him led outside, to where he had met the weird priestess just a while before. The very same woman, was now standing next to the altar, smiling at him...no, smiling at her. There was a silence in the air, as if the world had stopped to let her think things through...


[+Taken gains the ability to get glimpses of the past instead, when using the Farsight power!]


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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dc5tetk-52b8b9f8-6c74-468e-af87-6e7dedb488aa.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Full Droid Slut!, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited

Salvie's eyes fluttered as new information spread throughout her with an electric tingle, from nanite to nanite, until it was like she had always known this. She breathed heavily as she absorbed the words. Learning new things felt incredible in this body, almost orgasmic, each microscopic robot buzzed and lit up as the wave of information washed over them, until the new data was suffused in her very body, burned into their collective consciousness, which was Salvie.
Interesting. I'm sure my siblings would love to get to the bottom of this. Maybe not right now. We might still be hunted. So there are more lifeforms here. Hmm, both a danger... and an opportunity...

Salvie started to inspected the ship and its damages, gesturing the droid to follow her. "Come along, sister. You really should pick another designation, or callsign. Calling you sister is... arousing, I must admit. But still, you must have some form of unique ID. Even if it is a string of numbers and letters, I'm sure we can come up with something that is easier on biological tongues." Salvie's voice came from microscopic speakers on her chest, and was pleasantly distorted to sound mechanical, underlaid by the same message in binary static.
As she walked through the ship, interfacing with the circuits and machinery, she felt connected to it like never before. Feeling everything as if she herself was the ship, it didn't take her long to assess the damages and needed repairs. (Take 10 on mechanics for 18)
Mmmmh, I have no idea how to get a replacement valve. But maybe... I could make one?
Salvie looked through her backpack, finding her bodysuit, which seemed to have been taken off and put away along with her helmet, though she didn't remember doing that. Then there were tools and electronic gear and rations. She wasn't sure if she'd need any of those again. Maybe she could use the food ration bars to fuel a large nanite reproduction drive, and get a replacement that way?
Or maybe I should leave you here and see if there are other ways to find the necessary parts. As much as I'd love to make myself a part of you, it may have to wait until I am more familiar with my new self.
She communicated with the ship.
But then again, how will I get to the surface, and be able to search for the others?
Salvie sighed. "I guess it's time to deal with the fat problem in the brig. I'm not risking having that one around if I'm going to do any work here." She said out loud, before turning to the other droid.
"Come along. You can help me drag the fat corpse to the trash chute."
With that, Salvie walked towards the brig blaster pistol drawn, her form shifting, back into her original one, the nanites even recreating her bodysuit.


Thus she arrived at the brig, looking for the Hutt's cell.