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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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It feels like you have been in here for years. Probably because you have been, actually, here for years.

It isn't all bad. You have each other, and while the training program is meant to make you compete with each other, with only each other for company all those years you are closer than if you were actual siblings. The facilities are spacious (and except for the droids empty). You have a nice pool where you can go swim, and all kinds of entertainment. Your supervisor, Officer Flair is very kind with you - as long as your behaviour is good - and she made sure that you got whatever you wanted.

Officer Flair
She is always there to check you are doing well, and she is practically like a mother to you. She has always been there to discuss anything with you. You can tell that she cares a lot about you.

And then there are the bad things. You have to train your body in the special gyms of the facility. You have to train your skills in the VR capsules, with
specialized training made just to mess with you. You have to compete with each other on who got the best scores...even if the tests you take are different.

Still, those are still acceptable. One can get used to the extreme training conditions.

The absolutely worst part, is Alk'ula, your teacher in the ways of the force and lightsaber combat. An ex-Jedi, he visits every few days for some more 'training'. His training is a series of getting physically beaten and mentally abused. He leaves you half dead, ready for a painful round of healing with the empires medical droids, and he goes to have fun before the time for his next 'lesson' has come.

If nothing else could keep you together, your shared hatred for him would surely do the trick.

However, soon your training is coming to an end. Or is it?

If Alk'ula had any say in it, it would go on forever. Luckily for you, it isn't for him to determine. It will be determined by a test - a test to see if your overall training has paid off, if you are ready to take missions and do your part for the empire. If you pass the test, you will be free to visit the outside world, and to avoid the cruel training. If you failed...you would have to get trained for a few more years.

The bad news, is that the one who will design and oversee your test will be Alk'ula. You shouldn't really expect it to be easy, and he will surely not let you pass except if your performance is undeniable.


@ Taken

Over the years of your training, you have found a mentor everyone else has been overlooking. The Memory Droid of the facility, the droid that has been modified to create your VR training scenarios. While most droids tend to be
wiped when they become somewhat independent, this one has managed to avoid this fate. As far as you know, it has only ever talked with you. It has told you of many things about the amazing things one can find in the universe. It also told you that while you are classified as 'Pantoran', your actual species isn't that based on his data, but an obscure species called Chiss. Maybe one day you can find your home planet and your origin?

His stories are always educational and you have learned many things from it. It had also told you it's own desires - it wants to know more about this world. While to you it looked "all knowing", it only knows what has been stored in it for the purpose of building a realistic VR environment.

If you have agreed to help him with collecting new data, it will also agree to help you in other ways. If not, the offer still stands. Yesterday, it told you that it found out what the test will be about.

Alk'ula will take you to 'The Wheel', a space station filled with Casinos and other entertainments. There you will have to find and apprehend a criminal, while keeping your identity as imperial agents hidden. According to its calculations, your cruel instructor has probably arranged to make the already hard mission harder.


This morning, you were woken up by Flair who explained you that you would start your test mission tonight. You are supposed to take your own gear with you for this mission (your own gear being what was calculated as the basic gear you would need by the VR system). However Flair will smuggle in some extra equipment for you - you will have to return it afterwards undamaged and keep it a secret.

She can get you items worth up to a total of 6000credits, however she can't provide official licenses. If you reveal that she gave you those items, she will be in trouble, and you will also fail your test. You have few hours to decide what items you want, as a team.

However the purpose of the test mission is secret, so there is a good chance you will get inappropriate gear if you aren't careful.

You have now gathered together in the dining room, to discuss with your brothers and sisters.

[Note: The PCs are the only ones who are trained in this facility]
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21232 Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Shy
Raja was dressed in a revealing loincloth and chest-wrap. It was that or the skintight training suit, which was way less comfortable.
If one had to pick just one word in particular to describe the Zeltron, it'd be 'well behaved'. Granted, those were two words, but they applied nonetheless. Raja didn't cause any trouble, was timid enough to be easily motivated to go along and her biggest request all these years had been a plushie. One would question what a girl like her was even doing at such a facility, but for one, asking too many insistant questions was unwise, and for two, there were those moments when she got angry and lost control.

Zeltron had a talent for the dark side, it is whispered, if this is true then among their people Raja was a prime example, if not for her timid behaviour, she could control the force impressively indeed. That was usually what her lessons were about as well. Her calm, shy gathering of the light side of the force interrupted by attempts to push her to her short bursts of far more overwhelming dark-side abilities, without just making her whimper and despair and lose her battle spirit. In a way, Alk'ula had a long term project with her and she was definitly not ready...

She also fidgeted a little, rasping some pepperoni ontop of her plate, spicey seasoning her one other big request. "Uh.. uhmn..." She looked about, fidgeting, clearly uncomfortable raising her voice, although it was easier with her siblings. She pushed her food aside and spoke up:

"I suggest... we don't smuggle anything in uh.. we don't need it.. because we can do this!..." She raised a fist.. then, her bravado fading swiftly, stared at the ground, running a hand through her purple-blue hair. "And I don't want to get Flair in trouble..." She mused, positively radiating shy hesitation. Well, it wasn't just a sensation, after years you knew enough about Raja's anatomy to know that her shy, subservient behaviour had a physical component to it, her natural pheromones encouraging others to protect her, dominate her.. they didn't get her in real trouble, as it always felt hard hurting such a precious thing. Well, there was also a constant nagging in the back of ones mind about seeing the cute thing kneeling nakedly with happy obediance in her eyes, but who'd do that to their nice sister??

.. so her cute act was always to be taken with a grain of salt, when she fluttered her eyelashes, lavender colored eyes wandering over you hopefully, as she requested:
"L.. let's not get our nice teacher in any danger, yes?" With a hopeful smile.

(Persuasion attack! 20 total! - up to you how persuading you find it of coure)
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Portrait1.jpg Salvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Sprightly
Salvie sat at the table, energetically devouring her food. Every second she was eating was a second she couldn't serve the Empire, after all. She was wearing a tight combat suit with integrated electronic systems for measuring and stimulating her nervous system. She responded to Raja with her usual chipper demeanor.

"It would be nice to do this on our own. And cheating is against the rules. But once we're out there, we'll have to take every advantage we can get on real missions. And the faster we get out there, the better we can serve the New Order." She pushed down a few more spoons of synthmeat-stew before continuing, "What do we need exactly, anyway? I am sure there is enough equipment at our disposal to go around. We may have to trade a little once we know our plan." With that, Salvie returned to her meal.
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Spotting Agent, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Annoyed

When the camera begins to pan, over at a wall panel Taken is frustrated typing something. He is garbed in his usual assortment of mismatched pieces of clothing which all have muted colors and the cloak that hangs off his back, a cloak he seems to wear everywhere. His hood is down, and his hair is in its braid down his back. He bangs his hand on the console then walks back over to his plate of food, a sad soup to which he added some of the spice to because he also enjoys the occasional flavor.

[OOC: I imagine a slightly South African accent]

"I have some information on the mission parameters, it sounds like we are going to a space station full of gambling called 'The Wheel'. We will need to find and apprehend a criminal there and bring them back. Without blowing our cover." Pointedly looking at the more gun toting members of the group. "Knowing Alk'ula this will be a very difficult mission. We will need to be more careful than normal and the extra could be useful if needed, however we should also make sure we go into this with a plan." To Raja and Sal "I agree that if we don't think we need it we shouldn't dip into Flair's offer, but we should also be prepared for some of the worst Alk will throw at us."

He then sits there quietly spooning some soup into his mouth listening and watching the others, his eyes glowing slightly.
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Emberassed
She nodded slightly at the cute but.. always very enthusiastic Salvie, half opening her mouth to respond, before smiling over to the reliable Taken. That were two tacid votes for not risking the cheating, which ment at best a tie for her approach.
"We uh.. have the Force." That was a great sollution to all things.. also Raja wasn't very good at it.

Either way, she pondered through the added information, before snatching up a little silvery foil from infront of her, before placing her lightsaber onto the table, and, emptying her mind of distractions, there was a slight tingling for those sensitives around her as she effortlessly drew the force into her, her lightsaber beginning to float infront of her, the ignition tip covered in the slowly folding foil.

"I uh.. figured that if we need to maintain cover I best disguise my uh.. lightsaber. As a main give-away.. thing..." She said, twirling her hand in the air and reforming her lightsaber to just be an apparent silvery metal-stick. "So uh I thought of something a girl could be excused for.. y.. yo.. you know, having on her, but wanting to hide, naturally, so uh... hehe.. I uh.." She cleared her throat, slipping her 'customized' lighsaber into a pocket. A simple ignition would easily burn through the disguise but it'd do. "Eh.. hehe.. you know the joke about the female Jedi's lightsaber settings, right?"

"So anyway.. uh.. an infiltration is like the worst... no one here is really specialized at that.... I guess that's why this is the thing.."
She let her head hang a little lower and there was a palpable air of needing comfort around her at that. She was not the usual seductive-confident Zeltron after all.

(Use The Force: Fancy lightsaber telekinesis 24!)
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Tag: Introduction. All. Mood: Introspective

The Togruta toyed with her meal as the others spoke. The slight, slender girl was dressed in a brief top and slight clingy drape and bottom that showed off her sexy, lithe body and the patterns of markings on her body. Over the course of their long training together Sarai had shown herself to be a quick learner and strong with the Force. She was earnest and eager in their training but had gravitated toward stealth and silence which seemed to come naturally to her as part of her heritage as a member of a hunter species. Sarai like many of her race was highly social and outspoken but worked well with the others and seemed to prefer group projects over acts of individual performance. She had always followed the orders of their superiors but was full of questions not to challenge but rather as part of an insatiable curiosity.

"We should definitely do this on our own. It would be a shame to embarrass Officer Flair but we should think about what equipment might help. Even something as simple as clothing that will allow us to fit into whatever covers or roles we chose to take on. I can use my powers to at least get myself past electronic scanners or imagers and we do have the Force. I can manipulate minds perhaps once I am past the guards and allow the rest of you to get past."
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Chiss THOT right here,.jpg Siruis, Chiss Soldier who's not that good with the force, Tag: Introduction. All Mood: Upset
Another week, another test from the Master. Something Sirius always dreaded since while they's claimed she's sensitive and an adept at the Force like her squad mates. To Sirius herself, she didn't feel special. She was even more listless with her meal then Sari Ran to her left. The Chiss soldier was leaning on the table, her cheek cupped in her left hand as she poked and moved her food about on her plate her solid red eyes downcast and half lidded as she half makes a frown at her food.

Unlike most of the other women, Sirius was dressed rather fully, black full arm gloved long shirt with an extra wide collar that can double as a hood if she needs it to, with a lighter pastel corset/vest over her modestly slim torso, with a brown plate belt and black leg hugging slacks that end knee length black boots.

When the talk of the mission comes up and if they should take Officer Flair up on her offer to smuggle them gear, Sirius makes a soft grunt. "I think we should do this on our own with the equipment Memo thinks best suits our squadron positions." She said through half her mouth, the other half still firmly in her palm as she stabs at a bit of her meal.
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Sprightly
Salvie turned her head towards Sirius. "That's easy for you to say. The logistics droid lost all the weapons I was allowed to take. Now I don't mind using a combat knife, but having some firepower up my sleeve would be nice. I spent so much time at the range simulator, I can't wait to try a blaster rifle out there. But let's start at the beginning. Who knows anything about the mission? What are we supposed to do? Who will do which part? What tools do we need and what do we have? Should we trade some of it around to make sure everyone has what they need?"
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Emberassed

She glanced over to Sarai, pondering what clothing might actually help in such a place, but deciding against pondering details. But, before she could respond much here, their Chiss-companion spoke up.. and seemed rather grumpy. Raja glanced over.

"Hey.. whats up, you seem a bit down about things.. more.. than.. uh.. u.. usual, you know..." She mused, before glancing back over to Sal and cleared her throat.. the poor Chiss was already down on herself, no need to antagonize her!

"I uh.. I think we got everything we can learn before things actually start uh.. I'd rather eat up and report I'm ready than speculate with insufficent information.." She mused, before, blushing and lowering her head..

"Sorry if.. I sounded pushy there..

anyway.. uh, if you really want a gun, I have one.. uh... I got it for training stuff as I don't really request much else. It's one of those sporting pistol things... I guess if you really want it, you can have it. I don't really.. It's kinda scary, you know. It goes pew.. and.. I'm afraid I might shoot myself accidentially.."
She shifted, seemingly oblivious to the irony of running around with a lighsword.... that she could feel through the force however, it was much safer!
Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Sprightly
Salvie's eyes lit up. She liked Raja a lot, and had spent quite some time with her, messing around in their quarters during rest periods. But as malleable and easy to manipulate as the Zeltron looked, Salvie had never actually managed to convince her of anything she didn't truly want. She was pretty sure Raja wanted most of the things she managed to convince her of during their times together. For someone who seemed to be perpetually uncomfortable and directionless, Raja was surprisingly good at saying no to things she didn't want. Thus it was a surprise to Salvie that she would share something this substantial.

"Thank you, that would go a long way. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, let me know," she winked.
Taken(M).jpg Taken the Spotting Agent, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Engaged

Now that they were on the topic of the mission Taken took a deep breath his eyes glowing brighter as he does so, and the smile that normally sits on his face as he looks over a challenge plays at the corners of his lips, you hear the scrape of of the steel chair on the floor as he straightens up and focuses on the task at hand. This is the challenge he loves, the tactics and planning even with limited information. After all some plan is better than no plan.

"Alright so Sal you have a gun now, do you need something with a little more reach, I think I could work with Memo to move some of the cargo around, for the right price if you feel you need it. Though I think the two of us should try to get access to the maintenance passageways and take advantage of the better vantages and access to mess with the workings of the station from the shadows. Raja you should probably work the main floor to get close to the target and also be able to put your convincing to good use. Siruis you should probably keep close to Raja as you are more comfortable up close and personal, also because she may need some good backup. Sarai you can probably get away with being anywhere, just keep close enough that you can put your skills to good use. By the way does everyone have communicators?"

He often gets like this when the chance to plan is given, and has been happy to adjust if needed but generally disappointed when we don't take the time to plan at all. He looks around the table for confirmation and the response to his question.

"By the way has anyone seen.. Oh what was her name? She lugs those absurdly large guns around."
A single crease appearing between his eyebrows as he leans back to think again.
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Much later...

"Are you sure you don't need anything, darlings? This won't be an easy mission. Anyway I guess it is too late now." Flair asked. 21292

You are all currently inside an old 578-R Space Transport, named "Hopeful Wanderer". Of course it had been modified to be more reliable, but it was still not the best ship for a starfight. Still, you weren't going for a starfight, so it was appropriate.

Something beeped signaling an incoming call,, and Flair pushed a button. "It is your instructor" she explained, before releasing the button.

A holoprojection appeared, floating above the panel. Normally comms couldn't work in the hyperspace, but the ship had a Hypertransceiver.

"Hello, my useless apprentices. Greetings Officer Flair.

You will be going to 'The Wheel'. It is an old hive filled with gamblers, smugglers and other scum. The empire doesn't control the space-station. You have to find and capture a rebellious fugitive. Just in case you don't get it, it is a test. This means he is someone I paid to do this. This means don't kill him.

Or well, do, and fail the test. I know you aren't ready anyway. You will pose as whatever the fuck you want to pose as. I have arranged an empty dock for you, so thank me for my generocity.

"The man is called Ruben B. Robal, and he knows someone is after him, but not who. Also, there may be others who want to kill him or whatever...he isn't exactly a law abiding citizen."

"Carrying weapons in 'The Wheel' is ok...but if you use Force Powers or Lighsabers you will be arrested until they make sure you aren't Jedi. Why am I telling you this? Hurry up and get arrested."

The call ended, without offering any additional information. It looks that even finding how the man you are after looks like, is part of the test.

Few hours later, you exit hyperspace and 'The Wheel' appears in front of you. Flair arranges the docking procedures (she calls at the pre-arranged dock and informs them of your arrival) and maneuvers the ship to land in a docking bay somewhere away from the other, most visited docking bays.

The dock is silent, and there is nobody in sight.

Later you will discover, that there is a reason nobody uses this dock. The door leading to the rest of the station doesn't want to open. It opens a few inches, and then SLAMS back close, with a loud booming noise. In any case, opening it will be the least challenging thing you have to do. You have to locate Ruben, and then capture him, and bring him back here. Alive.

Flair apparently will be waiting here, but she can't offer much help. However before you leave the ship, she secretly drops a credit chip (containing 500crd) in Sarai's pocket.

"Good luck everyone! Remember your training...and be creative!"

(OOC: You can write what you want to do on discord if you aren't sure if it is doable. Otherwise you can just describe what you wish to do. Feel free to split up, if you wish - there is no guarantee that it is safer to stick together, after all. In other words, I will arrange the encounters based on who is there.

Opening the door is a DC 13 mechanics check. Failure by 5 or more adds +5 to the DC. Of course you can try to find an other way out.

Generally I will allow you to be creative and add stuff - for example you could say "there is a droid entrance, maybe we could squeeze from there". However check with me before you do so.)
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Sprightly
"Let me take a look at the door."

(Mechanics: 23)

Salvie opened up the control panel, merely touched some wires, and the door shot open. "There we go. Just a few contacts being interrupted."

"Now, everyone has an idea what they're going to do?"
Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Thoughtful

Raja shrugged softly at Sal. "If... if you can use it better than me then it's fine.. uh.. I.. i kinda like hugs though.." Raja enthused, before handing the gun over to Sal. She.. just liked nice people, all in all.

"I uh.. do.. don't think I'd be too good ad convinging..b.. but I'll try.." she mused, towards Taken, before adding. "I uh.. like backup too! and I got a communicator.. thingie.. I'm just not really good with it.." She nodded.


Raja mieeped softly and hid behind whoever was closest when they were contacted by their instructor, but still paying close attention.. although she doesn't really speak up, certainly not whilest the comlink is up. "Interesting..
Uh.. I uh.. will try to learn more about our target, I think."

She crossed her arms, and seemed thoughtful for a moment, smiling over to Sal for opening up the hangar.. before sitting down, cross leggedly, closing her eyes and calming herself.. she had to keep her mind calm and still, as to not give more about herself away.. whilest she reached out through the force.. for someone that knew others are coming for him. She knew his name, but if they were to try and search this entire space station, their risk of failure was too great.

"Ruben... where are you.. what could you be thinking, right now."
(Use the force 19, to establish a simple Telekinetic link to our target! uwah!)
The door is repaired, and you can open and close it as you wish. If you wish you could hack its controls to put a password on it [DC 13 to do it at all, and what you roll is the DC for someone else to hack it open], but Flair is with the ship and no one knows you are here.

Raja on the other hand, reaches out to the Force. She knows not who she is searching for, only his name. However that is barely enough to give a direction to the Force, and form a temporary and faint connection with the target. Not enough for communication, but enough to get a glimpse at his current emotions.

Confidence. Whoever this guy is, his strongest emotion isn't lust, fear, or anger. It is his confidence in himself....or maybe his preparations. Confidence...tinged with a hint of greed.
Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Thoughtful

Raja's eyes opened, her voice a little less feeble when filled with the guidance of the force.. naturally she cut her link quickly, hopefully without being noticed... "I can sense our target.. he's here, and he's confident.. in himself, or his success in this matter. I also.. suspect he'll get another payment if we uh.. fail in discovering him." She folded her hands.

"I uh.. I perhaps would suspect that he might have a strategy, our mean teacher might have told him the conditions on which we'd fail, so hiding behind security or in a crowd is the uh.. most logical place. We'll have to disable him..." She nodded.
"I would uh.. try and narrow down the possibilities of knowing where he could be by uh.. you know.. kind of locating which places here have the highest security, with.. y.. you know your.. mechanical computer... stuff.. skills. That would uh.. be the safest approach.. uh.. "
She shifted a little...

"I mean, if this was not an important test I'd do it differently but better to be.. uh.. careful right now.. right?" She wasn't a fan of speaking for too long, really, people always looked at her and she was pretty certain, judged how stupid she was, because they already had come up with better ideas on their own anyway...
Chiss THOT right here,.jpg Sirius, Chiss Soldier who's not that good with the force, Tag: Introduction. All Mood: Undecided
Before the mission briefing, during breakfast

Sirius turned slightly to look at Selvie, "You know how inept I am at the force while being hailed as a prodigy with the rest of you." She muttered, "Master always singles me out when I fail a Force lesson so I don't look forward to his sessions." Sirius had since returned to aimlessly playing with her food. "I much prefer the sim training that Memo prepares for us, since I don't have to worry about force this or feel that or move this, or 'Sirius! you failed again! Give me twenty squats!' that."

Later, after the mission Briefing

Sirius was decked out in the gear she was most comfortable with from her sim training, a tactical flak vest over her torso and a blast helmet, which was currently looped around a satchel bouncing on her tight ass. a pistol in a holster on her left leg.

Watching the Tech do her job, Sirius walked over and patted Salvie on the shoulder. "Good work Salvie." She said with a smile as she turned , this time to Raja, when the adept spoke up about her force scry. "Are you sure about that?" She asked, "Confidence is a nebulous feeling especially when you factor in the small fact we are on a Casino station," the Chiss pointed out. "We don't know this person. Master made sure that the deck is stacked against us, like he always does and this time it's even more against our favor." Sirius raised a hand to her chin as she thought for a moment. "I suggest we split up," she suggested, "We keep in comms with each other but each of us try and use our strength to weed this Ruben B. Robal out. By his name alone I figure he's at least a human, which won't make this mission any easier since they're more numerous then womprats." She muttered, before glancing at Salvie, "present company excluded."
Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Sprightly
Salvie smiled absentmindedly at Raja's suggestion. "Oh, I would love to access the mainframe of this place! What I could learn, or do to the people here... but it is sure to be guarded, and this place is huge. But if I find a secluded terminal, I may be able to extract some information." She pondered a bit while walking up and down in front of the now open door. "Still, the more access and info we get, the better. So I'll look for some hangar terminal, see if I can't pry some data and access points towards the more central systems from it. I'll work my way into the electronic heart of this station. Meanwhile, some of you can start asking around where VIPs or gamblers would feel safe. Everyone check your comlink frequency. We'll keep updating one another. Once I get digital access, I can pull up floor plans and open doors, or sabotage security..." With a start, Salvie noticed how worked up she had gotten and how commanding she must have come across. "Oh sorry, I mean, if anyone has any other ideas, please tell me, ha ha..."
Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Thoughtful Tag: Sirius, Sal, DM

Raja ponderd, and happily nodded along... she liked Sirius idea.. even though the Chiss was still hard on herself.
"Uh.. ... y.. yes. Very sure. Trust the Force. I wouldn't pick up on a random gambling success alone, .. although masking among the gamblers would be a good camouflage, the person we are looking for is uh.. you know.. hunted by several factions, yet they are confident. If they were just hiding among gamblers, I should sense more apprehension." She explained, before shifting back and forth a little.

"Ah.. uh.. anyway, I think both of you have really good ideas! I.. I will try and do my best too, although not being allowed to use my abilities is.. err.. hard.. sorry.." She mused, looking down....

"Ah.. uh.. a.. also, another.. uh.. crazy idea.. uh.. it's propably stupid but,.. you know,... we know one more thing about our target, and that is that our master has contacted him.. uh... we also know which frequency he used, right so.. I dunno, can't you do a.. tech.. thing... and uh.. look for who communicated like that uh.. when you have.. the access.. I mean." She suggested, to Sal primarly, before blushing, and shifting.. and approaching the door!

"Uh right! I'll go.. do an.. investigation.. yey.. go Raja.. you can do this!" She peeked outside. "Ooh! They have one of those cleaning droids! Those are adorable!" She declared, before play-chasing down one of the cleaning droids with a happy giggle.... before she realized it, she'd already gotten some distance..

After refocusing with the cleaning droid escaping into a cat-door like opening she stretched and peered about.... there were way too many strange, and dangerous people on this place!...

But she also didn't like mean-masters training lessons.. she had to do this.. she squirmed, and froze up... this was all way too hard for her.. and with that, she fled into the nearest bathroom.

"T.. this is super scary!" She complained to her mirror image. She wasn't good with lots of different dangerous people... this was scary.. she was afraid of messing up and disappointing her friends.. and of her mean teacher. She lifted her hand.. She could just reach out to this overconfident man through the force again.. have HIM feel that fear. Squeeze him out of hiding! The force shouldn't have to hide from anyone and she knew she had the power... she raised her fist before the mirror.. and exhaled heavily... She needed to remain calm to do this and make no mistakes.

Raja turned and left the bathroom, determined to do her best for her friends. She never even noticed the crack running through the mirror. Then, she nodded to herself, before looking for the nearest security guard.

"Ah.. uh.. h.. hello.. uhm.. " She'd introduce herself. Their instructor wanted them to fail. What was the one way to make sure they could never find the man without failing? Where was the last place they'd look? And why would a wanted criminal feel confident?
"S.. sorry to disturb you, but ah errr.. " She gulped and her lower lip quivered a little, nervously. "D... do you have a moment of time for m.. me..." She sniffled. "I uh.. am supposed to find an employee of my masters and.. uh.. I can't find him and my master will be super unhappy and I think uh that he might be in trouble and perhaps gotten locked up or something like that c.. can you somehow check that? I know his name and stuff..." She asked, giving a hopeful look. "I.. I just have to have something I can report in..." She added.
Taken(M).jpg Taken the Spotting Agent, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Calm

Back at breakfast

Taken felt for Sirius, he too was weak in the force (perhaps a genetic thing) but he was a fast learner in almost everything he tried and although his tricks were not strong they were many. He knew his little sister would catch up, perhaps even surpass all of them. He had faith, and knowing how determined she was, she would succeed at connecting with the force eventually.

In the Hanger

Watching Sal get to work Taken gives a smile her way, and saying mostly to himself, "Ada girl, starting this mission off right." When the suggestion to separate was floated, he nodded, pulling up his hood and putting on his goggles to prevent the shine of his eyes being noticed. He listened to Sal describing where she was headed and made a mental note to keep nearby as she was the most likely to be swarmed by security, just the nature of the beast. He moved up to Sarai and whispered in her ear:
"How about I take a high spot and you a low, keep an eye on the others, and watch their backs. I know how much you like being near the action."

With that he followed Raja through the door to the hanger watching as she ran off. He shrugs his shoulders to get the rifle on his back to sit better, as its weight was different from the one he was used to in the sim, and begins wanders out to the main causeway, looking for some good vantage points that he might be able to get to and keep an eye on the crowds from. Preferably somewhere close enough to shoot from reasonably well, also. Anther thing he would be happy to see would be accesses to the back passages to avoid some of the crowds.

Perception: 11 (2+WIS+Trained)
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