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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!

Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Chiss Dream Tag: Taken and the Beast Mood: Aroused, Terrified, Tied down and more aroused Team: Temple Delvers!

Sarai screamed as the slobbering beast appeared before her. She didn't have time to question how and where it had appeared or even why she seemed strangely paralyzed as it reached out to seize her. She writhed and hammered at the creature with her fists but nothing seemed to avail her as she was pulled against the heaving bulk. Distantly Sarai noted that Taken had been grabbed as well as the tables had turned on both the domm and the victim in an instant.

Instantly as the tentacles began to suckle on her taunt nipples Sarai felt a warmth and tingling as the lewd assault and powerful pheromones exuded by the monster caused her milk to let down. She moaned and tried to pull away, tried to beat at the creature but her wrists and ankles were wrapped in iron hewed tentacles that kept her held against the wall of heated flesh, the arousing scent of monstrous arousal and the pressure of tongues and tentacles. Unwillingly Sarai's gaze was drawn to the many eyes staring out from the abomination, pulling her in, weakening her resolve and send a strange flood of heat through her body. She tried to buck and tug as the suckling continued on her breasts but the powerful grip of the imprisoning tentacles kept her tightly bound. Milk flowed freely as the beast suckled, drawing energy from her bountiful breasts and sending further pleasure as the flow of milk increased her arousal.

Still fighting Sarai tried to smash the creature with her forehead only to be yanked back and shaken as if in punishment. Growling curses Sarai yelped again as a tentacle wrapped around her neck and began to choke her. Curses turned to gasps as the slender but powerful grip tightened. She thrashed trying to resist but suddenly stiffened as the tentacle seemed to glow brightly, shocking Sarai and momentarily paralyzing her. The tentacle seemed to dissolve leaving her with a orangish glowing collar that writhed and heaved as if alive, tightening down on her if she fought. Sarai could feel as well a continued flow of a perverted form of the Force as the tentacle seemed to feed thoughts and desires flowing in the living shackle as if the remaining collar contained its own life force and desires. Would this exotic collar remain with her as a rider, influencing her thoughts and desires, whispering in her mind and shaping her body?

Meanwhile Sarai felt a stab of pain in her nipples as the suckling mouths seemed to have peirced her flesh with sharp needles. Burning brands of pain impaled her firm breasts and she moaned as further flows of the twisted Force seemed to flow into her bosom shaping her to feed the twisted offspring of their captor. Surely the remaining tentacles would shape her as well as Taken, increasing her fertility and speed of gestation with the power of Sarai's own Force powers. Would the Togruta carry not only the slithering young of this creature but those of other entities throughout the galaxy as Sarai was used to breed twisted offspring carrying her own as well as the beast's and the father's DNA as she spread the abomination far and wide.
@ Salvie

"Ah, why, it is ok if you laugh! I am curious how it sounds in real life..."
she said curiously. It seemed she had missed entirely why it would be bad if Salvie laughed at her.

"Well, I don't know. The earliest I remember is 10511985 minutes ago. My sister had told me that there was something wrong with my body and that I just had to stay here safe until she found out how to fix it." she explained, checking her small datapad.

"I tried to learn medical things from the holonet, and it seems my body is just...not working right. Can I tell you a secret?" she asked, but she seemed too eager to share her secret that she wouldn't wait for a reply.

"I don't think it can be fixed. I never told my sister, because she would be sad. But it is ok, I don't mind. I just sometimes wish my sister gave up and that she would stay with me."

"She visits me every now and then. She really cares about me. But she can't ever stay for long, and it is kind of boring when she isn't here. I can see far away from the cameras, but no one ever talks back. The ones who live above never talk to me either." she gave a nod meaning that she was ok with it "I think they are scared of my sister."

"But now you are here! Tell me about you! You....aren't leaving yet, are you?"
she asked worriedly.
78252415_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia Mood: Aroused as always, intrigued

"Of course not. I have time. You can talk to me."
Salvie leaned closer, resting her head on Illia's shoulder, her rubber-clad fingers slowly, lightly sliding over the girl's skin.
"I understand how it feels to look from the distance, to know something they don't. To be different." She gave Illia an encouraging smile.
"And don't worry. Everything can be fixed. If you're willing to far enough."

Salvie felt her nethers wetten. This girl was so vulnerable, so innocent, would be so delicious to corrupt and transform and enslave... But she forced it down. Even just making out with her would be a surefire way to get into trouble. Salvie had an inkling that once the two would be kissing, the sister would be walking in, and that was not a situation she was looking forward to being in. So for now she'd sit and talk to Illia, befriending the girl. Learning everything she could. And maybe, Salvie could help her.
"I come from a far away planet. I've been traveling the galaxy. A little bit of it. Now I'm here for a little while. I like... well, I like blasters, and speeders and ships, droids, working on machines, cute girls like you..."
She caught herself there. She probably shouldn't push it.
"Maybe I should talk to your sister. What's she like?"
@ Raja

Brog took a while to find her...and if she didn't show herself, he wouldn't ever manage to do so. It wasn't that the hiding place was that good, but from what the big man said his Boss had ordered him not to leave the door.

Shorty, on the other hand, didn't show up after he hid inside. It seemed he didn't have any plans to confront Raja after her otherwordly display.

"I doubt their boss will leave us alone just with that..."
Tris mused "...but it should be enough to keep them away from now. And nobody got hurt, which is good."

"Good work, my sweet strawberry!" she continued, giving Raja a hug from behind, and giving her a rewarding kiss on the neck!

"I have a surprise back at home for you...it could be a bit cold now, but we could warm things up afterwards..." she suggested.

"But lets take a walk around since we are out here. I haven't seen so many nice places and so many happy people at once..."
she said, looking around at the various restaurants and entertainment centers.

And like that the return back to the repair shop turned to a short walk, with Tris holding Raja's hand commenting about the places and people they saw on their way.

"They look happy...but I feel like they are missing something. Hmm..."
Tris mused. Indeed, Raja could feel the same through the Force. Those people looked to be happy by spending their credits on various luxuries, but most of them were not really content with what they had, even if they looked rich.

"I guess I am the only lucky Twi-lek to have found a cute, sweet girlfriend for me..."
she sighed "Heh, remember when you saved me when we met?" she giggled, as they returned back in the base.

"Anyhow...I need to...prepare some final details. Count to a hundred, and then come to the kitchen, ok? And no cheating by force looking through the walls!"
she declared, giving a soft kiss on Raja's nose!

When it was time for Raja to enter the kitchen, she would find a romantic dinner waiting for her! The food was Bentha steaks with potatoes - unfortunately they had turned cold by now. There was even a bunsen burner as a candlestick!

Tris giggled "I hope that you like it...I found the recipe on the Holonet, so I hope it is good. If it isn't...I have also made noodles." she explained.

Sadly...it seems the food was really...hardly edible. Steak wasn't supposed to taste sweet, right?

"Ah...sorry...I was going to test it, but then the whole thing happened...and...uhmm..." Tris grumbled, blushing, having herself realized that the food wasn't nearly as good as she had hoped "...anyway...I still have the noodles...I hope I didn't ruin them too..."
@ Taken

Perhaps there would be a way to escape if she distracted the tentacle monster with her body...she just had to pretend to give in. She was just pretending, in order to look for a better time to escape. No way she was only finding excuses...

However, the monster didn't care. Her legs were now spread apart, and the small tentacles had crawled inside her, filling her pussy with warm transformative fluids. It would fill her up with as much fluid as she could take...and it would let it rest there for a while, before sucking it out, to let her relax.

In those moments of rest, two tentacles would slowly massage her temples. It was so relaxing...the soft tentacles were very nice...they made her feel so good.

Then she would be filled again by the fluids. This time she would be able to hold more fluids. And perhaps she would feel some thing swimming inside those fluids...

But it wasn't painful at all. It was just feeling nice. And then the next circle would start. The tentacles would give her head a good massage.

She knew. It was preparing her body to host its offspring. She would become a mother.

Yet becoming a mother was...not so bad. Yes, it was her purpose, to become a mother.

To carry the tentacle monster 's offspring, and raise it properly. Keep it safe. Give it a good education at the best schools...

The process was repeated a few more times. Until she was ready.

Right now she craved nothing more than to become a proud mother!
And her body had been stretched enough to be able to host the offspring of the tentacle monster. The last time the fluids had filled her, her belly been so big as if she had been pregnant!

It was time for the breeding to begin. She wanted it. She had to get it's seed.

The tentacle monster unbound her, but there was no thought of escaping in her mind. She could only watch in awe, as the breeding tentacle presented itself. It was so cute...thick and juicy, pulsing with warmth! The tentacle monster didn't even try to invade her by force. No, it just offered it's tentacle. It was waiting for Taken to prove how much she wanted to become a mother...perhaps by doing something very shameful, while the monster kept staring at her...

@ Sarai

Sarai on the other hand, had been outfitted with a weird organic collar. It would tighten around her neck, but it wouldn't choke her as long as she complied. Instead, somehow it would merge itself with her flesh, becoming something like an orange strip of skin around her neck. It would be very hard or maybe even impossible to remove it now...perhaps she should instead try to live with it. After all it wasn't asking for much...just her obedience.

While Taken was modified to hold it's kids, Sarai was getting modified to spread its DNA across the stars, by mixing it with it of other creatures.

Her breasts were getting filled with transformative fluids. From now on, they would be able produce milk capable of feeding any creature she would come across.

Two thick slimy tentacles filled with small suckers approached her. Wiggled a bit, as they went for her undefended holes. They slid in her pussy and inside her butt, thrusting forward until they found resistance. Then they would retreat slowly, before pushing forwards once more. It seemed they were determined to reach deep inside her...

This went on for a while. Every time Sarai had even the slightest thought to resist, her collar would tighten a bit, and it would give her a pinch of pain.

Every time she had good thoughts, about how maybe this wasn't so bad, or maybe when she felt that getting fucked by those tentacles felt good, the tentacle-collar would give her a pleasurable feeling.

Good thoughts will be rewarded. Bad thoughts will be punished. Bad thoughts were bad...she should avoid bad thoughts....

Finally, the tentacles had managed to go deep enough. Smaller tentacles poked out of the suckers...and started fiddling with her insides! New functions had to be added to her body, to allow her to breed all kind of alien species! And it felt so good! Her body was getting reborn! As an obedient slut, and omnibreeder!
Raja Eren

Happy hide-and-seek games aside, Raja shrugged to Tris. "I don't like hurting people or being.. err... forceful, but eventually, I'm sure, they'll leave us in peace. As long as no other force-user is involved I should be just fine."
She murred happily when hugged, listening on, happily going on an explorative shopping trip, being, potentially, even more curious than Tris. "Yes.. so many fascinating things.. whats this wobbly ball thing? Yeah.. I mostly learned, well.. warfare err.. related things."
She explained, seeming quite happy just nuzzling up to Tris and, well, not having to be a soldier for a while.

"Saving is one word for it, it was very.. errr.. adrenaline laden."
She nodded, chuckled and obliged with the cunting, briefly wondering on what all the people around here were missing.. was it really a nice tris? Well, she felt content. "I ah.. don't think I can look through walls.. I can sense you behind it, but not objects."
She informed, shily, but obliging either way.

"Ooh wow.. I err.. tastes.. really good!" Raja enthused.. all for Tri's sake, naturally, although after a while she also.. suggested she wouldn't mind noodles. Still, she enjoyed the gesture, nuzzling up a little to the green-skinned woman.
"I ah... err.. appreciate the s-spirit.. and.. yes, let's try the noodles."
She nodded. Sadly there wsa no force-seasoning. Still she gave her lover an encouraging rub.
"I actually like a bit hot seasoning, if that helps. Like.. proper hot.. a-anyway. I.. am happy to have you.. and this.."
She pointed at the bunsenburner, nodding. She didn't want.. war.. or glory, or a harem or a mighty mistress. She was happy with.. this, and the soft, encouraging scent emanating from her confirmed her happiness, she wanted to be posessed by someone nice and girl-friendly, nibbling a little on a Tris-hand she had captured along the way, making innocent-hungry noises at it.

"Don't worry, ok? This is nice. Perhaps I can learn cooking too, while you work on the repair-stuff... I just.. I just want to live in peace without any scary space-ship attacks or jedi coming after me or whatnot."
She suggested, enjoying Tris' warmth, thinking about her siblings.. propably infiltrating.. .getting in lewd shenanigans,.. at least one of them propably making out with a robot or somesuch, thinking back.. She blushed a little and had one hand hold onto Tris harder.. not necessarily demanding, just feeling her presence. Happiness was such a relative thing, wasn't it?
(Consistency, check page one of the rp!!)
@ Salvie

"It is fine. Tell me more about your planet...what does it look like? Does it have a lot of people? Does it have ice? Deserts? Or is it one of those that have big oceans?"
she asked. But of course, the questions wouldn't end there.

"Do you have a sister too? Or other family and friends? Why did you decide to travel? Have you gone to many nice places?"

"She is pretty, like you. Except she wears different clothes. Less tight. She should be visiting me one of those days...I hope. But I don't know how you could meet her, unless you stay here? Or do you have an other way? My sister doesn't use those commlinks I see on the holonet, because she says people like to spy on them..."
she pondered with a troubled expression.
78252415_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia Mood: Aroused as always, intrigued

Salvie had to suppress the instinct to make her irises heart-shaped. This girl was just so adorable, so innocent, so corruptible...
She almost regretted not testing out her nanites before. Illia could really use a makeover, just not one too radical.Maybe she could infect the computers connected to her...

Salvie smiled as she hugged Illia tighter, running one hand along the girl's waist and belly, waiting for her reaction to the largely innocent touches. The questions brought forth many bittersweet memories, and Salvie didn't try to hide that from her face, cuddling with Illia, while she talked and took off her outer layer of clothing, revealing the glossy synthrubber suit underneath, the blinking lights in the dim chamber reflecting in a kaleidoscope of colors.

"My home planet is a really nice, clean core world, lots of meadows and seas and forests, blooming red in spring. Big oceans and rocky canyons and snow-topped mountains. The people there are nice too. And many people know how to drive swoop bikes and repulsorlift speeders. I used to race a lot. Over mountains, through canyons, over the ocean on occasion. By the way, do people do that here too? Are there races one could earn money by winning?"

If Illia did not object to her touches, Salvie's hands would migrate upwards, stroking over the girl's chest and then along her neck, smiling encouragingly as the girl shivered.

"I do. I have an older related sister, and well, a few people very dear to me I also call sisters. I think there's more to family than genetics. If someone takes care of you, they're family." She explained.

Emboldened by the notion that said sister did not regularly visit, Salvie finally decided to pounce, kissing Illia on the mouth, careful not to let too much nanite-saturated saliva drip into her mouth. She was testing the waters, seeing how easily she could wrap her around her finger.
"Did you enjoy that?" Salvie asked as she pulled back.
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Chiss Dream Tag: Taken and the Beast Mood: Aroused, Terrified, Tied down and more aroused Team: Temple Delvers!

Sarai was aware of what was happening to Taken at least on the periphery of her awareness but it was her own conquest and subjugation that rightfully consumed her full attention. She gasped and choked as the creature spawned off a tendril that wrapped around her throat. It melded with her, pulsing and throbbing as subtle, invisible fibers penetrated her flesh and infiltrated her spinal cord and the base of her brain. Sarai felt kicks and quivers of pain and pleasure as the slave collar melded with her in an irresistible method of control.

As her breasts were filled and molded Sarai writhed in pleasure. She would lactate freely now, serving her new purpose as she would feed not only her endless offspring but any creature that desired to take sustenance from her. The collar pulsed, filling her with joy as thoughts of suckling and the heaviness as her breasts would let down with milk were associated with obedience and submission.
"Ahhh... nahhhhh... by... by the Force... ahhhhh... " Sarai panted as the tentacles raped her ass and pussy. She was slick and ready while her ass eventually yielded with the steady pressure of the tentacles. She grunted with the shear pressure of the tentacles as they pressed forward in an inexorable march to her inner sanctums. At first she writhed and bucked, pulling away but the steady domination of the collar rapidly shaped her thoughts to compliance. On and on, far longer than it would take to bury themselves in her the tentacles fucked her in time with the control of the collar. Finally as the sharp pinches of pain and pleasure joined the writhing of the tentacles deep in her belly Sarai felt a sudden, powerful orgasm as her body was twisted into the breeder for the monstrous beast.
Taken Farseer, Tag: Sarai, Mood: Accepting and Horny Broodmother to be, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: A Chiss Dream in the Temple
Yes, pretend to fall to the fantasies. No way she'd just give in easily.. it felt so good to let go and give control though. The small pressures causing the sensitive woman to twitch and moan her joy. Then the liquids came, filling her more than ever before and so much more than she thought her body could handle. Secretly she hoped that whatever it was that held them would protect its mates... Where had that word come from?

The process seemed to be rather relaxed. In and out with, like her womb was the beach of an ocean. The inevitable ocean of this creature of the two's imagination. The massage went almost unnoticed, though the Chiss didn't mind. It felt so good, the tentacles made her feel good. In and out, and again. The tide of liquid would rise and fall, but each time more was able to fit. Giggling and working to spread herself wider before the many eyes of her loving tentacles, Taken watched her belly swell and empty over and over. It didn't matter if something was inside, though if either of her hands were released she'd tenderly rub her stomach as it swelled more each time.
"Mmhp- yes, mother. Mother of your children," She muttered as the messages grew clearer in her head. "Such a happy broodmother, carry them and keep them safe," This time she was louder as the messages sunk deeper within the girl's psyche. All too soon it seemed to stop, her body had just proven it was ready to hold them, but it hadn't seeded her!

Desperately she looked about her, finally seeing the breeding tentacle. Yes, that was what she needed. A part of her wanted to just impale herself on the glorious rod, but first she had to finish getting ready. Standing up, she looked around for a moment. She saw what was happening to Sarai, the girl was being made a better breeder too, though in a different way. Perhaps Taken needed one or two of those adjustments as well, like being able to feed all the glorious young.

Taking the new tentacle in hand, the Chiss breeder kisses the presented appendage. Wiggling she twisted about it and with a wink at both the creature and her companion she lapped at it. Knowing she was wet enough to take it as is, but wanting to give a little show. Pushing her butt backwards she wiggled it up and down as she pushed her breasts against the limb. After about a minute she stood up slowly, and slid the tip of the egg-cock into her waiting breeding room.

A thought crossed the horny woman's mind. Perhaps she should share this joy with Sarai too, letting both of them get filled with loving eggs. Though her mind was more filled with her own soon to come eggancy.
@ Raja

"I hope they stop bothering us...but that boss sounds like a bad person. I have a feeling he won't give up so easily." she sighed.

"We should go and ask around about him tomorrow...it is better to be prepared. I mean, you can probably deal with him, but...I don't want something bad to happen, and lose you, ok?" she asked, holding Raja tight.

"Hmm...we can get a droid to cook for us, you know. That's more time for other things..." she smiled, rubbing her face against Raja's sweet scented neck.

"I want you to so something you like. If you like cooking, then fine....or maybe perhaps I could show you how to fix droids, and see if you like that? Hmm...it isn't hard to do anything, if it is you. Perhaps maybe not racing though. What are the things you like?" she asked stroking her back encouragingly.

"You don't have to answer now...you can try and see what you like.
" she added "...it was a long day. We should go to bed. But before that. I think someone has been a naughty girl lately...no excuses! The cream is medicine, and you have to take it." she demanded, gently pinching Raja's butt.

"I am going to dilute some of it. When I come back, I will find you naked on our bed., like a good, sweet and obedient girl. Hmmm...?" she asked, giving a parting kiss to the cute Zeltron!
@ Salvie

"That sounds so nice! But is racing really real? I thought it was only special effects in holomovies?" she pondered. "Are you really going that fast? Isn't it dangerous?"

Ilia didn't have a big reaction to the hugging, except smiling kindly both the innocent and the more suggestive one. It was painfully obvious she wasn't aware of it having any special meaning...even if she did shift a bit, when Salvies hands got to her chest and neck...

"You have many sisters? You are so lucky...! Can I meet them too?" she asked before adding "I guess it would be too hard, it is ok..."

She didn't complain when Salvie kissed her either. Her mouth had a weird, brackish taste, but it was warm and not unpleasant.

Not spreading the nanites was harder than Salvie would have hoped.

We have to spread. We have to infect her. We need to infect her.

It was followed by Salvie becoming very aroused. While the virus couldn't spread itself, it seemed it could...encourage Salvie to do so. And since she hadn't made sure to spread at all, it's self preservation instict made it hit Salvie with everything it had...

"Uh...I didn't have a friend before, but I haven't read friends do that..." she asked curiously "...but you taste...very nice."

However, as if to prove Salvie's feelings right, the elevator at the other side of the room started going up!

"Ah? It isn't time to eat yet...and my sister always calls before she comes..." she pondered, not noticing Salvie who was melting in arousal!

(-1 condition track! You have two turns before the elevator arrives downstairs!)
Raja Eren

"Ooook..." Raja nodded along, nuzzling to Tris' side. It wasn't like she didn't exactly know how reconaissance missions worked but.. she'd hoped to not have to do that again here so soon. She crossed her arms and thought back. What -did- she like..

"Humnn.. I'm uh.. not.. really good with things other than.. fighty stuff. Haven't thought about it.. but I guess I can try out repairing things, sounds nice."
She nodded and blushed a little with the Twi'leks encouragements.
"Huh? Eeeep! Oh right the medicine.. properly dilluted this time though.."
She nodded, squirming a bit with the pinching.. right, she had almost forgotten, coming to think about, overusing her pheromones had made her feel a little.. dry.

She blushed a little with Tris' instructions.. but obliged, nodding and finding their little side-chamber in the repair shop (An upgrade for Tris, a slight downgrade for her, but she didn't mind.. there was no scary training here anymore, for one..

And stripped naked, blushing ever so slightly as, old habit dying hard, she stopped herself from hiding the lightsaber under her pillow. She cuddled herself into the pillows and .. hmnn.. imagined nice, green skinned women gently oiling all of her body up with soothing Pheromones.. yes. She liked this. And if mean neighbour-bosses wanted to ruin this she'd have to be a bit unkind with them!
78252415_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia Mood: Aroused as always, intrigued, really horny, chilled

"It is real. And it's exhilarating and dangerous. The wind whipping around you, the heat and thrum of the speeder below, the adrenaline as the landscape turns into a blur... It's amazing."
Salvie explained while fondling Illia. The girl didn't seem to mind, to even understand what was going on.
Has no one ever had 'the talk' with her? The nano-droid wondered. "You know, I think my sisters would like meeting you too. Unfortunately, they're on another planet right now. We'll have to fix you up first."

Salvie giggled suggestively, the arousal inside her rising, her cheeks getting flushed. "If you like the taste, I might have something else for you to taste later." She remarked cryptically, but then was forced into pressing her lips together to not moan out.
No! I will not infect her just yet! I will spread, but on my terms! She scolded the voice inside. Salvie was of course thankful for her new form and abilities, but the constant bitching and frankly pathetic attempts to control her were starting to become annoying. It slowly started to dawn on her that the reason she disliked this master voice was that he hadn't fully turned her into his mindless drone to spread, instead simply leaving her as she was, even though her mind was at his mercy... And Salvie really resented that, the master meant little to her like this. He could have been her reason for existing, the being she would worship with every fiber of her body. This way, he was just a voice that kept pressuring her into acting against her desires.

She looked at Illia, sitting ext to her, so oblivious, so helpless, so alone, she would make such a great test-case. But Salvie refused.
You see her? I will not turn her into a mere nano-storage husk. I will not infect her until I know what it does and how to control it. Because she deserves better. I will find a way to fix her. I will take her with me. I will mold her mind, show her that being attached to machines is a source of pleasure rather than a cruel chain. I will help her find a purpose. I will be a better sister for her! She declared internally.

Salvie leaned in with a smile and gave Illia another kiss, this time on the forehead. "I'll be your friend, Illia. I'll show you all you've been missing out on." She said, trying to keep the lust from her voice.

Then it happened. Her guts turned to ice even as her loins heated up even further, nanite-laden fluid pressing itself through her suit to drip unto the floor. I knew it! Stupid me!
But something was wrong. Maybe it was just the angry sister, having watched her on some sort of hidden holo-recorder. But maybe, it was someone else...
I guess you might get someone to infect after all... She thought at the voice inside her.
Salvie stood up. "Stay here and sit." She urged Illia as she picked up her discarded overclothes and quickly walked over to the consoles and screens, running one hand along, injecting some nanites into the machinery. She also dropped her clothes and her backpack there, underneath a console, where they would be less suspicious. She did however take her blaster first.
Start with this. Find out what all this stuff actually does.
Then she hurried over to a dark corner next to the turbolift and made one last 'shush' gesture at Illia. Salvie waited, weapon drawn, for the elevator to open. (Stealth: 25)
@ Sarai

Sarai's mental training kept on, as the tentacles played with her.

Any thoughts of escaping, even as an afterthought, would get punished. Thoughts of how she would become a great mother, after meeting all kind of aliens and breeding with them, would be rewarded.

And she knew, when the time to make her thoughts a reality came, she would feel so much better...!

This went on and on....for a long time. The tentacles would play with her, but would not leave it's offsprings in her. No, that desire only, would be left unsatisfied.

That was, because once Sarai left this place, she would have to satisfy it on her own. She would have to find all kind of alien species, and have offspring with them, leaving behind different breeds of the tentacle monster...and if she wouldn't do that...no, that was a bad thought...of course she would.

Eventually, Sarai would find herself relaxing, fully obedient to her master- collar...and at some point, while still in the embrace of the tentacle monster, she would find herself falling into a comfortable slumber...with dreams of a happy future with her countless offspring...


@ Taken

Taken on the other hand, had a different mission. She would carry directly the offspring of the tentacle monster...not some time in the future, but now.

Her body was now ready.

The ovipositor tentacle entered her specially prepared hole. It wiggled around, making sure everything was at it should be...and of course it was. Taken had turned into the perfect egg-keeper!

Satisfied, the tentacle started once again the familiar proccess of filling her with fluids. This time, it was a warmer fluid, more sticky.

This time however, something was different. When she was halfway filled, Taken would feel one egg sliding inside her. It was big enough to give her a good stretch, but her body had been already prepared, and she felt no pain from it.

It took a while for the egg to travel all the way inside, giving her a few good orgasms in the proccess. But at the end, the egg got inside safely, and was now floating inside the sticky warm fluids...

Unluckily, there were no other eggs following that one, for some reason, even if Taken would gladly take them.

But it didn't really matter...because soon she would be a mother!

Once it was all done, the tentacle monster would leave Taken some space. After all, her purpose had been fulfilled, for now...

Similarly to Sarai, Taken would find herself relaxing...it had been an intense day, but it was worth it. Her own dreams were filled with happy thoughts for her upcoming motherhood...she would be a good mom, wouldn't she?


@ Sarai, Taken

When you wake up, you will find yourself sleeping on top of the weird altar. At first you might think it was a dream...by all means, it should be. But you will soon find out that your bodies are really changed...

And not only that. Somehow you feel that some greater change has happened...you can feel the air around you that smells fresh and full of life, without this odd swampy smell that was before...

(The one who posts first, wakes up first!)

You gain a Destiny point, and your Destiny changes to "Breeder: Any action that would, in a reasonable way, lead you to getting bred, takes a +2 bonus or a -2 penalty (depending on if failure or success would lead to the fulfilment of the destiny. Every time you have an offspring, you gain 1 Destiny Point."

You gain a Destiny point. Your Destiny will be changed to either "Good Mother" or to an other that you are not aware of yet. You can choose if you want the first or the second option, or wait to decide later (or I can give some minor spoilers if you want to not choose blindly).]
1594415380308.png Taken Farseer, Tag: Sarai, Mood: Sleepy Mama, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: In the Temple
Giggling as the tentacle slipped within her needy hole, the blue woman soon found herself moaning loudly. The wiggling inspection had her back to the edge of orgasm, something she hoped would roll through her egging.

Rubbing her belly, she delighted in the feeling of the warmer, sticky fluid flowing into her incubator. It was like she'd imagined a man cumming into her and leaving her with child might feel like. "Yes, fill me! MORE!!" She cried as the slow, methodical method continued.

That's when the first egg started rolling through her folds. Taken's eyes rolled back as the mind numbing pleasure of fulfilling her purpose entered her body. Even as it passed the barrier to her womb, she never stopped cumming. Then she waited eagerly, hoping for another...

Which sadly never came, but at least she had the one! Rubbing her belly she smiled at the nearest eye and blew it a kiss. She was overjoyed that she'd been blessed with even the one child to be. As the father of her child pulled back, she walked over and sat against him. Resting as her sister was converted also to his liking. Soon she was drifting again towards sleep, it had been an exhausting day and the full womb made her eyelids swiftly drift closed. Letting her dreams be filled of motherhood and her future child.

Yawning, the eggnant woman smiled and brushed the head tails of Sarai gently. Admiring her round belly and the slightly leaking breasts of her orange friend. Then she realized her surroundings had changed too, the lush planet nearly unrecognizable if the temple hadn't been so singular.

With a gentle smile, Taken shook the orange shoulder of her sister and gave a gentle kiss on the orange cheek. "Good morning. I guess we did it, though I doubt it was the way either of us expected to." She paused for a moment, "Would you mind helping me up? This belly is more difficult to work with than I expected..." Blushing slightly, the sharpshooter admitted to the still lithe warrioress she was embracing from behind.

OOC: I'll take the second option. ROLL THE DICE!!!
I know the artist so I'm just linking the discord attachment. Pannel 4 would be more eggs, but one will do :D

Also the server for this artist (and the rest of the comic) is at
@ Salvie

"Eh....why are you hiding, Salvie?" Illia would ask innocently, but she would then look at the elevator which finally arrived!

Not a moment after the doors opened, two figures jumped out of the elevator!

one said, and Salvie would feel that his mechanical voice would not just be heard, but also be trasmitted soundlessly through a commlink.

"GIRL, YOU ARE COMING WITH US." the other ordered, approaching Illia.

"...but, who are you...?" the girl would ask, surprised.

"SHUT UP." ordered the man carrying a weird device, moving to do something with the cables that connected the girl with the machinery!

"OUR LUCKY DAY, FINALLY." the other nodded, looking around but failing to notice Salvie.

Salvie's nanites would take a while to hack the system, but she knew that it was probably bad idea to just pull the cables out!

(If you want to hack the system you will need a few computer checks, 1 per round till it is done (no action required).

You could also try to jam their commlinks with a standard action and one additional computer use check, but you don't have the required 'equipment' so it will be harder to do so, unless you take a full round action to do so properly. The way jamming works is that you send more signals than their commlinks however, so it would be obvious to anyone with some technical knowledge that someone is jamming the communications in the area - with the proper sensors even your location can be found as you are spamming com signals.

Finally you could attack them first to get a surprise action on them instead. Or you could wait to see what happens!)
78135802_p0.png Designation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia, Attackers, Mood: Aroused as always, really horny, ready for battle

Salvie felt an electric rush buzz through her body. She'd been right. These guys looked like trouble.
I'm sorry, I only just met this lovely young girl, you can't have her!

Black nanite goo flowed over her face, arranging itself into a breath mask, an instinctual act based on Salvie's understanding of combat-readiness.
Trying to focus her thoughts, Salvie reached out to one of the attackers' mind, attempting to flood it with pain, but in her state of conflicting arousal and worry, she failed to grip it properly and had to let go. Luckily, she had an alternative.

With a flick of her thumb she set her blaster to stun and lined up a shot, firing a bolt of blue energy at one of the thugs.
Prepare yourself. She told the voice inside her. These two will be for you to play with. If they survive. I'll do my best to keep them alive. But organic stupidity is often terminal.

(Surprise round: use Mind Shard on Attacker 1; failed.
Initiative: 17
First round: Attack with Blaster Pistol set to stun, Attack: 23, 24 if aiming down sights removes the -1 condition penalty, Damage: 8
Use Computer to keep scanning the machinery in the room: 23)


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@ Raja

"Oh, don't be silly, strawberry!" Tris petted Raja's head lovingly "You are good with everything I have seen you do, so far."

"....maybe except piloting! But it was not very bad for a first time....we are alive, and you even managed to chase up that bad guy...I am sure you can do anything you want to!"
she chuckled, leaving to bring the medicine.

It didn't take long for her to return with a jug of diluted medicine, kneeling next to Raja, and interrupting her dreamy thoughts as a pair of warm, wet hands started slowly and very softly caressing her shoulders. She kept spreading the oily substance for a while, without speaking.

"Hmm....I am so happy to have met you, and be here with you..." she sighed after a while, massaging Raja's neck with great care.

"A lot of things have happened...not all of them good. But...I think it is worth it. I wanted to tell you...even if more bad things happen..." she leaned forward, kissing behind the cute Zeltron's ear "...I love you a lot...and we will go through them, together." she whispered passionately, her lekku resting on the pillow next to Raja, and her kisisng her again, before lifting herself up to continue with the massaging.

"I know you can do a lot of things...but I am still worried, sometimes." she sighed.

Her hands kept spreading the oil all over Raja's body....she was now moving lower, until she slowly reached Raja's butt, giving them a bit stronger grope.

"But I am glad you helped fix my hand...your butt is so soft..." she chuckled, fondling them a bit more, until she was satisfied.

"Hmmm...do you have any...special requests, my sweet strawberry...or should I move on?" she asked teasingly.
@ Salvie

one asked, as he managed to resist the mental attack.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" the other shouted, reacting to the blaster shot and the now revealed Salvie by turning to shoot her!

The one with the blaster pistol, reacted faster, shooting at Salvie's direction even before she had the chance to shoot first, and actually hitting her on the hand leaving a burn mark the nanites would take a while to fix...

Luckily, the next two shots that came her way missed...one barely, while the other hit the floor at the side!

Even more worringly, the elevator started moving upward...! Perhaps if it wasn't blocked, there would soon be reinforcements!

The nanites were successful in taking control of some functions of the system, still not enough to access everything, but enough to do simple things...like stopping the elevator! But doing so would mean temporarily pausing the slicing attempt...and possibly alerting those above that something is wrong!

[You take 16 damage, which also means you drop an additional condition track! You can try to recover from this by spending a total 3 swift actions in recovering. (This happened before the first turn, so you can say you used the two swift actions from the first turn if you wish, leaving you one to go...but this means you won't be able to aim this turn).

The computer system is indifferent:
The computer treats you as a guest or visitor and grants you access to non-secret programs and information (As long as this does not conflict with previous commands).

Initiative order:
Salvie 17 > (Surprise round- Mind Shard)
Pistol Thug 25 > (Blaster attack hit)
Salvie 17 > (Blaster attack hit)
Blaster Carbine Thug 16 (Lightly injured)> (Blaster attack miss)

Pistol Thug 25 > (Blaster attack miss)
Salvie 17 >
