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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!

78135802_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia, Attackers, Mood: Aroused as always, really horny, ready for battle

Salvie grunted in pain as she felt millions of nanites being extinguished by the heat of the blaster discharge. Being hurt felt new, strange, like feeling a million little Salvies who had danced and chatted suddenly fall still and silent...
Keep up the system infiltration. Stop the elevator once its on its way back down.

She took a breath as she brought her weapon back on target. She was horny and in pain and annoyed and she'd make them pay.
"Get down! Stay down!" She yelled, primarily directed at Illia, and she thought it unlikely the attackers would comply...

She raised her weapon and fired another shot at the first assailant. (Battlestrike failed, Attack: 21, Damage: 9)

An idea occurred to Salvie.
Can you see if there's any nasty gas lines in the walls? Something that could be vented into here? (Use Computer: 15)

(On the next Blaster Carbine hit, I'll use Negate Energy, UTF 23, and spend 1 force point to regain the damage as health.)
Raja Eren

"N-na I'm not.." She insisted, all the while nuzzling into Tris' hand happily. She did shiver a bit at the piloting memories. That was very scary, then very lewd, then a bit scary again. But with the petting she couldn't help her natural soothing-encouraging pheromone production, rubbing herself against Tris like a very red cat.

She let herself be massaged, smiling and closing her eyes, giving a soft, happy cooing noise when Tris rubbed just the right spot! "Awww.. I love you too.. a.. aah I mean err.. I hope no more bad things happen too .. yes.."
She nodded, softly taking Tris' hand.
"I didn't do anything.. that was the droid. I am glad you are better, I've only ever been this scared for one of my siblings... I wonder how they are doing.. oh I bet they are happy."
She nodded, while feeling.. well, normal, with her Girlfriends massage growing a little more sensual over time. Shy as she was, she was still a Zeltron, so all she did was enjoy it, smile, and open up her top, letting it slip down.

"Well I err.. am pretty sure you need to apply it to all my body.. all over.. but first!"
Raja smiled, .. this wasn't fair after all, so she scuttled over to trade places, arms leaning over Tris from behind, before giving her a gentle neck and shoulder rubbing, entirely innocent and soothing of course.. although her natural.. ability and perhaps moreso, the warm squishing of her bossom as she leaned closer to the green skinned Twi'lek, did their own thing. "I errr.. I really need a cute nick name for you too but I don't know any cute green fruits.."
This was a genuine issue for Raja.
@ Salvie


"Ah..." Ilia cried, hugging her head and falling down! It was not a very safe place to be, but there was nowhere for her to go either!

Luckily...or perhaps unluckily, they were focused on Salvie instead!

The red helmet guy soldiered on, despite Salvie's second hit on his armor! He hastily shot towards her, managing to hit her a second time!

"GOT HER!" he claimed...however, this time Salvie was prepared! She managed to absorb the energy of the blast instead of letting it damage her!

(+15 hp!)

"DROP YOUR WEAPON!" the one with the pistol ordered while shooting at her, however Salvie would easily roll away from the blaster shot!

It seemed like the battle was going in her favor, for now. However, her fellow nano-Salvies would inform her that the only thing that could cause some kind of hazard in the atmosphere of the room, would be disabling the life support system...and waiting for a few days for the breathable air to run out. Or perhaps if she caused some kind of malfunction in the air support, and if she was very lucky the smoke could then...but that would also take probably longer than the battle.

They also found access to the security camera's upstairs, but they would need some time to go through them...perhaps they should focus on getting improved access to the system first?

Initiative order:

Blaster Carbine Thug 16 (Heavily injured)>
Pistol Thug 25 > Salvie 17 >
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept and Galactic Breeder Location: In the Temple Tag: Taken Mood: Sleepy, content, eager Team: Temple Delvers!

Sarai shivered and writhed as the tentacles stimulated her. She moaned her obedience to her master that gripped her throat so tightly. She felt the throbbing pulse of pleasure and pain as her thoughts were shaped and her mind and body conditioned to obey her great commandment. Her womb had been twisted such that the DNA of her ovum bore not her own but that of the tentacle god that had given her part of itself that sat snugly on her neck as her lord. Sarai's link to the Force had been co opted and redirected to not only enhance her fertility but to serve the purpose of the creature to make her fertile with almost any conceivable being. She felt a warm deep surge, a desire... no an unshakeable, unquenchable obsession to travel, to meet new creatures and to breed. She would spread the tentacle god's offspring mixed with that of every conceivable manner of alien across the galaxy!

Sighing, almost purring Sarai fell into a satisfied trance as her thoughts pulsed in rhythm with the desire of her master. She cupped her breasts, the taunt and perky orbs fuller now, the nipples larger and her areola the dark chocolate brown of a pregnant woman. Sarai wasn't lactating now but she knew that her body would provide a bounty of nourishment to her offspring to come.

"Ahhhh..." her sighs turned into soft moan as as she felt a gentle touch on her montrals. Sarai's eyes opened and she looked up at Taken. She reached and up and kissed the beautiful woman, taking joy in the knowledge that her friend and comrade carried the offspring of their joint master. Sarai felt a pang of jealousy knowing that Taken had been impregnated, the Togruta had watched and felt the special moment when joyed through the tentacles she had experienced a glow from Taken as their master granted the once-man the honor of bearing his egg in her womb. Sarai held the kiss for a few moment, taking the time to share their united but different destinies to spread the love and offspring of the tentacle god.

Breaking the kiss after a few moments Sarai sat up and smiled. She took a deep breath and tenderly laid a hand on Taken's belly. "The Master lives within you Taken. I offer you great happiness." Sarai stroked herself where a darker orange collar circled her neck. "The Master is with me as well," she cupped her own belly with her other hand. "I will mix the seed of countless alien creatures in my womb to bear His fruit throughout the galaxy." She looked around. "The air, the very feel of the Force is changed here. Nature is no longer twisted and constrained. We have done well and not just with our glorious Destinies."

Sarai rose and gently helped Taken to rise, holding her swollen belly with reverent love and awe. She couldn't help but stroke the round, fecund expanse of Taken's bulging stomach. "I'm happy." Sarai giggled and kissed Taken's belly. "We have so much to do and so much to tell the others. Let's go now and see if we can find our way back to our sisters."
78135802_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia, Attackers, Mood: Aroused as always, really horny, ready for battle

Keep infiltrating the system. Penetrate it deeply. Turn this entire network into an extension of me!
(Use Computer: 16)

Salvie raised her weapon and aimed again at the same target, firing another stun-discharge at him! (Attack: 16, Damage: 9)

Illia, can you hear me? She reached out to the girl, her message traveling through her nanite connection into the systems in the room, and from there into whatever implants the girl had inside her.
Is there another way out of here? Send your answer as a comlink signal. I'll be able to pick it up.
1597619549476.png Taken Farseer: the Master's Broodmother, Tag: Sarai, Mood: Sleepy Mama, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: In the Temple
Of course Sarai greeted the day with a kiss. Such a perfect way to wish another happiness. Subtly, Taken let Sarai take charge. Knowing their Master had gifted them both made Taken feel closer to her than anyone else she'd interacted with. Nibbling lightly on the orange breeder's lower lip, she teased her friend by also running a hand up her companion's stomach and towards the heavy, child ready breasts.

They soon parted and Taken lounged as her companion rose slightly. The gentle touch on the rounded stomach was blissful to the mechanic. "Thank you, and I am glad to see your acceptance of Master's plan." The Chiss' eyes brightened as her friend showed just how deeply the programing had set into her. With a cheeky grin, Taken suggested. "Since we've done so well, why don't we wait here a little. Enjoy the scenery..." Though it was very clear the way her eyes moved, it wasn't the forest scene the sharpshooter was interested in.

Slowly and together they got up, the Jedi clearly enamored with the blue expanse of pregnant belly. The attention got Taken a little wet, knowing her Master would be pleased by the soft love for its descendant. The kiss was almost better than twisting lounges with the orange lush. With a hum, the mechanic wondered if she should take some time when they returned to camp, just to be taken care of. "Yes, Let us hurry, and perhaps you can have your first blessing from the Master filling your womb." With a little further teasing the sniper adds, "Of course, luckily a certain human can help with the Siring." Then taking the orange woman by the hand, she started the decent from the temple and back towards the camp.
@ Raja

"Oh..." Tris moaned from Raja's massage, tilting her head backwards to demand a kiss!

"...it is fine...I promise."
she smiled "I like it very much when you call my name. I feel a nice thing when I hear you say it. Hmmm..."

"Perhaps I should say Raja more too...Raja, Raja, Raja...it has a nice ring to it..."
she mused "...do you like it?"

"I like strawberry because you are so nice and cute...but saying your name feels nice too. I would prefer you than any fruit anyway..."
she stuck her tongue at Raja!

"I think I will do a mix from now on. You can call me any way you want, by the way...even mistress...or love"
she gave her a wink, knowing how shy Raja was sometimes about these things.

After Raja had massaged Tris for a while,the twi-lek turned the tables again!

"Now it is my turn again. Don't think you will be avoiding your medicine..."
she said with a soft spank on Raja's butt! She then pulled Raja's legs towards her, making the cute Zeltron's face rest on the pillows!

Of course that was because she had to put the medicine in the lower part of Raja's legs too...just focusing on the butt wouldn't do! Before he reached her feet however, she did give a kiss on her cute toes!

"They look delicious~ I hope you don't mind if I eat one or two..." s
he teased giggling, and softly 'biting' Raja's big toe for a moment "...hmm too small. I should let it grow a bit bigger..." she declared, finally starting to apply the medicine! "Oh...it is like I am marinading you...probably...I don't know about cooking..." she sighed.

"Hmm...are you ready to get your front side done too? I have a special thing planned..."
she offered, placing some medicine on her own bared chest! She was probably planning to so something very lewd...!
@ Salvie

Finally, the final shot was enough to knock out one of the two intruders! However, there was still one remaining...

"MAN DOWN, MAN DOWN!" the other one shouted, moving to the side of the room...however there was no proper cover to be found for him either! Still he didn't forget to shoot at Salvie's general direction. It seemed that he wasn't very good at shooting...

More worriyingly however, odd sounds were coming from the side of the elevator... a hair-raising screeching sound as if someone was cutting metal apart!

"Ah, ah..." the girl replied from her corner, obviously in shock from all the shooting that was going on. It seemed she would need a moment of silence to properly communicate...or perhaps Salvie could try to encourage her and calm her down.

Indifferent-> Friendly
The computer treats you as an authorized user and grants you access to any program and non-secret information (As long as this does not conflict with previous commands).

Warning: The computer is starting to suffer some damage from all the shots that it got. The nanites can bypass the damaged systems with a DC 10 Mechanics or Computer Use check.

Initiative order:

Pistol Thug 25 > Salvie 17 >
78135802_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia, Attackers, Mood: Aroused as always, really horny, ready for battle

Salvie felt the feedback, the feeling of integration, as more and more of the building's systems came under her control.
Still she extended her reach, flooded the circuits with her signals, felt the nanites reproducing and saturating the machinery. (Use Computer 25 for furthering access)
Give me more control, more vision. Show me who is out there.
At this point, even damage to connections and servers could not stop her from taking over. (Use Computer 22 for bypassing damaged systems)

She raised her weapon and fired another bolt at the second Attacker, hitting him in the chestplate. (Attack: 20, Damage: 5)
Then she rolled away, trying to dodge the countershot she knew would come any second. She saw Illia cowering in a corner, hunkering down as instructed. Good girl.

Don't worry, Illia. We'll make it out of this. I promise Just stay calm.
She communicated to the girl as she prepared the next shot...
@ Ves Kira

You had first met Ruben when you had tracked down the origin of your ancient amulet. You had reached an agreement, where you would help with finding and recovering the relics for a fair share of what you found.

Ruben however, never trusted you with the navdata that would lead to the planet. Or perhaps there was something fishy going on with his ship...as not even the Hutts had managed to recover the secret of theunknown planet from it's navcomputer. Luckily you had managed getting captured by the Hutts back then...but the last years haven't been very fun, with both the Empire and the Hutts after you. Of course, access to that mysterious planet was also gone.

You heard the news that Ruben had managed to steal his old ship. You know what this means. He would without a doubt start his usual work again. But it isn't like you can call him and ask him to join back...or to fly to that planet.

There are few ways however to reach him you can think of, based on your previous experience working with him.

You could try and stay close to some of his contacts that he sold his artifacts through. Without a doubt he will have to contact them if he plans to start his business again. Those contacts, rich merchants and nobles, weren't something you had bothered with in the past. It was a good thing because they wouldn't be able to sell you to those who were after you...but on the other hand it was a bad thing, because they wouldn't be easy to stay close to.

You could also try and make contact with those 'Black Snake' pirates. At the start they were just causing trouble for you, but Ruben cut a deal with them, and used them as a means of protection. Eventually Ruben will have to 'renew' his deal with them, probably. The problem would be that finding the pirates is not hard...persuading them to help you, would be harder. And their leader was a pervert, from what you have heard.

Finally, perhaps you could make yourself known, and let him find you. But that would bring others to you, too...

Or perhaps there are less obvious options too. But the most important problem, was that a couple of days ago, the Wheel had been taken over by the Imperials.

Luckily they seemed content with just controlling the station, rather than purging all the criminals out of it...but sadly, a group of those criminals saw fit to steal your vessel and make a run with it. And then they got blasted into smithereens by the Empire, like the idiots they were. Along with your ship. At least it wasn't you. You were totally not planning to do the same, if you were faster.

Still, you now have to find a way out. Either go along someone else as a passenger...or steal one.

[Feel free to write a few things about yourself, what you were doing/how you found yourself at the Wheel, and what you plan to do next.]

@ Sarai, Taken

After a call, Ruben would come to pick up Taken and Sarai, with the portable mining platform.

"Are you two...wait, how can you even get pregnant so fast?" he asked Taken, somewhat taken aback "It was just a couple of days you were missing...!"

"Sarai, you are still up to the latest fashion I see. That belt really suits you."
he nodded.

"In the meanwhile, we managed to find a few old stuff from the ruins." he said, leading them towards the dining room "We are packaging them now."

There was a mess inside the dining room. A couple of small sculptures, a broken arrowhead, some things that looked like rocks, and a couple of jugs were spread over the table, and Hel was taking pictures of them. Rita was then wrapping them up, and spraying them with some foamy thing that would solidify moments later, making them look like odd balls.

"Makes finding them with scans harder." Ruben explained, drawing the attention of the others.

"...." Hel looked over, speechless

"...did you contract a disease that makes your belly bigger?" she finally tried to guess.

"Perhaps it is time for a break?" Ruben offered "We have all the time in the world, untill your sisters come back."

"With my ship."
he added, after a moment.

@ Taken
After leaving the temple, you had some odd feeling. As if you were not alone. (roll a Use the Force check!)
Raja Eren

Raja was more than happy to oblige the kiss, request, rubbing her cheek and nose up against the Twi'lek a little. Because she smelled nice!
"Uh oh.. ok Tris! Yey! Tris tris!"
The Zeltron enthused and joined in with the very literal name-calling, snuggling up warmly against Tris... although she did blush a fair bit at the other options for calling Tris, fidgeting with her red fingers and clearing her throat.
She made, flopping onto the pillows, but not one to fight a loving massage, wiggling her toes and giggling, just seeming.. content with the calm closeness between the two of them. "Hmnn? Mieeep my toesies!"
She squirmed a little, but turned around not one to deny Tris/love/mistress intent and to her credit, only moderatly blushing, but taking a moment to pull the other woman into a warm hug.

"Hmnnn.. I like this. You know just.. being calm and together like this.. feels like I should have done some more honest work.. uuh perhaps some cleaning around the place, but other than that.."
She gave a calm, dilligent smile, pondering and presenting herself for soothing massages.
Taken Farseer: the Master's Broodmother, Tag: Sarai, Mood: Playful, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: Ruben's Mobile Base
It had been a good day, pulling the good of the force back to this beautiful planet, getting to host the Master, and spending a relaxing time with another of his servants. It seemed that the spirit from before had decided to come along with Taken still. She'd need to think on this later though. Of course Ruben didn't understand, but Taken just smiled and shook her head as Ruben asked about her belly. "We are doing well, thank you. As for my condition, worry not. It won't hamper my ability." Of course he had to look at the other breeder of the Master. So leaning in close to Sarai, she whispered the orange slut, "You could probably get your first whelp of the Master from him."

Nodding, the mechanic acknowledged the collection of artifacts for the purses of the group. "Tell us how we can help in preparing them for transport. Our hands must not be idle too often on this path." The sniper looked quickly over the pieces, noting what had been collected and smiling at Rita and Hel. "It seems both groups have been successful. The planet should be stable for some time now." She told the team at large, before picking up one of the sculptures and wrapping it for Rita to spray.

Hel's attention was quite amusing to Taken. She turned and posed as the gears turned in her once Mistress' head. "No, just an egg for a being deserving of protection and praise. Perhaps, if you want.. we could get a matching one for you as well." Winking, Taken continued helping packaging the artifacts until they were all put away.

As Ruben suggested a break, the Chiss winked once more at Sarai before sliding over to Hel's side. "Mmm, perhaps it is time for a break." She purred, wrapping an arm about the Devarorian's and gently pulling her away to one of the bedrooms. As she headed away from the others, Taken reached into herself seeking the spirit again. 'Hello little one. Have you decided to join me on this little quest? You may know me as Taken, what should I call you?'

UTF: 25 to discover the spirit within
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept and Galactic Breeder Location: Ruben's Mobile Base Tag: Taken, Ruben Mood: Alert, eager Team: Temple Delvers!

Sarai greeted Ruben with a broad smile and a hug. From her touch it was obvious that her clothing was really just the full body, adjustable tattoo. She winked at Taken and stayed snuggled to him as Ruben led them into the dining room where Hel and Rita were wrapping up loot. "You did well it seems. We were able to reach the deepest part of the temple and stabilize things." She giggled a bit at Taken's response to Hel, smiling as she imagined the woman swelling with one of the Master's progeny. When Taken tugged at Hel Sarai smiled at Rita and then Reuben. "So, just what would relax the both of you the most?"
@ Salvie

The shot managed to hit the second soldier, but he managed to shrugg off the stunning effect!

He kept shooting back at Salvie, and finally, hen managed to hit her! (21 attack, 6 energy damage)

At the same time, the nanites managed to get full access to the system. There was no camera inside the elevator, but the readings showed that it had been damaged. Judging from the sounds coming from the shaft, someone was drilling a hole at it's bottom.

There were cameras on the first floor however, and they showed the shopkeepers on the floor...

Also with the new level of access Salvie would find that there was a cleaning droid recharging somewhere in a hidden droid station on the other wall of the room. Finally, it seemed that the owners of the place had managed to ring a silent alarm to the local authorities before they got attacked.

Illia didn't reply, still trying to hide in a corner away from all the spooky blaster shots...

At that time the metal screeching sounds from the elvator stopped!
78135802_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia, Attackers, Mood: Aroused as always, really horny, ready for battle

So help is coming... except I'd rather avoid the authorities. Especially if I wanna make use of these bodies...
The idea that she would defeat these attackers, only for the security to come and take away her materials, her prizes, annoyed her to no end. Authorities meant trouble. That was a thought the first Salvie wholeheartedly shared, the second one completely rejected, and the third one reluctantly accepted. And Salvie 4.0? She found herself agreeing with 1.0 and 3.0. Her life would be so much simpler if not for meddling security police...

Still, better to walk away intact if poorer than get disintegrated right now.

thus Salvie decided to play for time, still exchanging shots with the remaining attacker while darting around the room. (Attack: 17, Damage: 11)
The elevator might prove to be a problem, though. She did have one more trick up her tight sleeve though...

Hunker down and cover your eyes and ears Illia. Things might get loud shortly. She send to the girl.
@ Salvie

Ilia was more than a little shocked, but luckily she could still follow Salvies instructions. Or could she? She tried covering her eyes with ther hands, only to realize that she would need them for her ears...she paused for a while, before deciding to just cover her ears instead.

Meanwhile, finally Salvie managed to deal with the last thug. However she could now hear a new sound coming from the elevator shaft...


It was...whatever it was...it was approaching...


Whatever it was, it as fast enough


Salvie has one round before the door opened...

...and a droid smaller than a cat, climbed out!

attackdroid2.jpg It took barely a moment to look around...before its eyes locked down on Salvie.

It seemed like it had found a target...!
78135802_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia, Cute Robo Spood, Mood: Aroused as always, really horny, ready for battle

Salvie reflexively breathed an audible sigh of relief as the second thug went down.
"Are you ok?" She asked Illia as she hurried over to one of the collapsed bodies, inspecting them and pulling their helmets off to see if they were still alive.

Then, she heard the clicking sound.
"Stay hunkered down. It's not over yet." She informed the girl and pointed her blaster at the shaft.
She had expected more attackers, but this didn't sound like another humanoid...
When she saw it, Salvie almost gasped.
They're using droids against me! So cute too! I can't harm this little thing, not its fault it has bad code owners!

Salvie jumped at the thing, wrapping herself around it, looking for a way to open the metal shell so she could pour her nanites into it...
It's alright sweetie. I'll save you. The nanite slut placed a tender kiss on the metal shell as she held onto the legs. Soon you'll be mine.

(Grapple plus force point for a total of 25!)
(Knowledge Tech 10 and Use Computer 17 to find a way to infect and reprogram it while it's being grappled!)
Ves sat at one of the less shitty tapcaf's and nursed a Corellian Whiskey, leaning on one of the less sticky places on the table and watching the beings flow by outside the window. She was unhappy, a state that was quickly revealed to anyone who thought they'd be cute and try to join her. The tight black pilots suit did little to hide her curves but anyone approaching her quickly found a sense of unease settling over them, unease quickening to dread as they approached. Unfortunately this natural defense did not work nearly as well on inorganics as the waitdroid continuously harassed her to order something new or free up the table.

Ves was marooned, and she very much didn't like it. She was a pilot, a good one, and her calling was to be free among the stars, not grounded here, literally stuck to some shitty table as the universe passed her by. It was lucky for that group that had taken her ship that they'd been exploded with it or she would have had to explain to them exactly why stealing from Ves Kira was a terrible idea.

To the waitdroids relief she does indeed leave soon after, finishing her whiskey and blending into the throngs of beings here on the middle lower levels of the station. She needed a ride of this hunk of debris. She didn't need to be around when the empire started tightening its grip on the station. She had some time still, normally boys in white seemed to crack down on the "xenos" before working their way down to the poor humans and criminal element that she skirted but she hadn't survived this long by taking deliberately stupid risks.

She would spend some time at the port, watching the comings and goings and looking for something she could use to get out of here. Ideally something with some punch like an X wing but she wasn't about to be choosy. If it was hyper capable and held atmo she'd take it, perhaps literally, anything to get space side again. She had a man to find, and she wasn't going to find him here..

When she wasn't lurking around the docks watching for a ride out she would spend some time anonymously sleuthing the holonet, looking for mentions of her quarry by name and ship. If she could track his movements, she might be able to triangulate the position of his base, or at least narrow it down to a manageable search areas, it might even give her an idea of what he was up too.

(26 to gather info on a good ship to steal/borrow/buy/stow away/you get it

16 to gather info on Rubans whereabouts and recent actions via holonet

25 to use computer us security kit to keep my inquiries into Ruban anonymous, build my little triangulation doodad program, and supplement my search)


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@ Taken
"It doesn't like something I would want to." Hel shot down the offer to get egged too instantly.

"We could get some privacy...I have a lot of questions." Hel nodded, going with Taken to her room shortly after.


Hel took a seat on the side of the bed, and waited until Taken did the same. She didn't seem to be in a very lewd mood...

"Look, we need to talk. I understand that...things have been difficult for you, changing to a girl and all that. But you shouldn't give yourself up, ok?" she asked. She probably did care a bit about Taken even if she wasn't very good at showing it...

"I mean, that egg thing...I don't think it is a normal thing for your species, right?"
she sighed. "...I guess it is too late for that...."

"So. How do you feel about having turned into a woman?"
she asked, after pondering for a moment.

[The thing that was inside Taken couldn't really be bothered to reply to him, at least not in language! In was busy looking at all those weird things around it...]
Taken Farseer: the Master's Broodmother, Tag: Hel, Mood: Focused, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: Ruben's Mobile Base
Not too worried about the refusal, the mechanic was still smiling and just shrugged, agreeing internally that Hel was beautiful as she was.

Taken smirked a little, swaying her hips subconsciously as she headed towards the bedroom saying over her shoulder, "Oh... I hope I can answer them all..." She was a little worried about how cool Hel was being with her, so she was trying a little harder to spark some more interest. Hel had ran from her safe, secure job to join Taken after all...


Seeing her friend on the side of the bed wasn't comforting at all. Slowly her face returned to a more serious tilt as she focused on sitting with her extra weight. Once seated she looked deeply into the blue eyes of her companion, hands nervously clasped in her lap.

The soft words blew the gunslinger's worries out of the water. She'd been changed so much in a short time that she was again struck by how strange everything felt. "I... Thank you Hel." She smiled widely, not sure she had the words, but nodded as well to hopefully convey understanding.

Giggling a bit and shaking her head, Taken slowly explained some of what happened in the temple the first time. "I don't think it's normal for my kind to become girls spontaneously, but that ship too, has sailed." Though she cocked her head to the side at the seemingly wistful comment, "Late for what? After all I think Lock is still with me, we'll still be able to play and I don't think this guy," She rubbed her belly. "Is going to wait for too long."

Taking some time, the Chiss processed the question. "At first I was worried... I've always protected my sisters, but now I'm different and I thought I might be unable to keep doing that. The motions seemed to come naturally though, as if I'd been a woman for much longer. Other than that, the sensations are... odd. For example I never noticed how pretty the shades of orange on your face were, or how varied. Sorry." Blushing a bit the mechanic turned her head so her hair hid her face a moment.

[It was ok the little one wasn't interested now, perhaps soon they would chat.]
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