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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!

@ Raja

"Hmmm...shhh..." Tris smiled, placing her finger on top of Raja's lips, before replacing it with a loving kiss!

"You want to take Mousie's job? Don't be naughty, Raja..." she giggled, laying her bare body against Rejas, the special medicine passing from her own chest on the cute Zeltron's body!

"We don't have that many customers...it is better to spend more time together." she said, nesting her face on Raja's neck, while spreading the medicine by moving the rest of her body.

"And, we should teach each other...I want to protect you too...not be useless if something happens." she continued "If something happens, we should be together. And I will teach you some droid stuff...that way we can be together when everything is going well too."

"Only if you like it though...promise not to lie if you don't like it."
she demanded, her hands spreading the medicine at Raja's sides as she waited her reply...and then, unexpectedly, once Raja had answered, she would barely lift herself up, enough for her hand to reach towards her lover's pussy, stroking it gently.

"You have been a good girl...since I met you, but even more lately. As your girlfriend and your mistress, I should reward you, for being my cute and adorable Raja-berry..." she whispered softly in her ear, before giving it a small lick. She then touched Raja's chin, turning her head towards her, as their eyes would meet.

"So...if you could ask for one reward, what would that be...?" she asked, with a knowing smile.
@ Sarai

"Not being left on this planet without a ship." Rita replied "Or maybe a pile of credits..."
"Hey now, no need to be so negative. We still have that old ship to use, if we have to." Ruben dismissed her concerns "Besides, it isn't like it is so bad here." he added, winking at Sarai.

"Uh. Riiiight." she rolled her eyes "Funny that we call it a ship now. I guess I will go check if it is still working." she stood up, picking a utility belt from the side of her chair "Don't break anything while I am gone."

"Don't mind Rita...she is not very used to being limited like that." Ruben said when she had left "She is a very capable girl, but she takes things too seriously. Not that I blame her, she has her own problems." he sighed.

"So...now that we are alone...and with lots of time to spare"
he approached, grabbing Sarai's shoulders and massaging them from behind "...what's the story behind the no-clothes thing? I have seen others of your kind, and they wear clothes...most of the time." he asked.
@ Salvie

The droid struggled a lot to escape from her grasp and trying to shoot her. At some point it almost escaped...however, by that time she had managed to alter its programming enough to stop considering her as an enemy. From there, it was only a while longer until she managed to fully change it's ownership.

The whole struggle didn't take too long, but it took long enough...logically, the local authorities would arrive any moment now. The elevator had been damaged, but it was still operational. The alarm was still going - it could be stopped, but there was a good chance the cops would still show up.

And then, there was that girl too...she was not really in a condition that would allow her to run.

Unknown Spider Droid
Small 4th-Degree Droid Scout 1
Initiative: +8; Senses: Darkvision, Perception +9
Languages: Basic (Understand only), Binary

Reflex Defense: 17 (Flat-Footed: 14), Fortitude Defense: 12, Will Defense: 13
Hit Points: 24, Damage Threshold: 11
Immune: Droid Traits

Speed: 6 Squares (Walking), 2 Squares (Burrowing)
Melee: Digging Claws +0 (2d6)
Ranged: Blaster Pistol +3 (3d6)
Base Attack Bonus: +0; Grapple: -2
Attack Options: Point-Blank Shot

Base Stats
Abilities: Strength 11, Dexterity 17, Constitution -, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 10

Talents: Acute Senses

Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)

Skills: Endurance +5, Initiative +8, Mechanics +6, Perception +9 (May reroll, must take second result), Pilot +8, Stealth +8

Droid Systems: Darkvision, Improved Sensor Package, Internal Comlink, Locked Access

Possessions: Blaster Pistol, Videorecorder, Sensor Unit
78135802_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Illia, Cute Robo Spood, Mood: Aroused as always, really horny, victory rush!

Salvie put the blaster back into her pack and petted the cute spider-droid after she let go, satisfied that it was another part of her family now. Little sparks glittered between her hand and the metal carapace as she sent a few jolts of electric pleasure through the small droid' circuits. Rewarding it for submitting to her will.
Alright, time to shut off the alarm. With a mental command, she instructed the compromised system to cancel the silent alarm and instead send an all-clear message. Still...
She turned to the cowering Illia. The breath mask that had covered her lower face dissolved, melted into her glossy suit.
"Everything is all right now. All hostiles I detected are... pacified." She smirked at that last word, looking over her shoulder to her newest companion. The rush of dominance flowed through her in a torrent of little sparks between nanites.
She stepped over, offering a hug, caressing Illia's head. Offering her shoulder, or her covered cleavage, for the girl to lean and cry on.
"It's all right. They can't hurt you or take you away." She whispered soothingly.

"Local police might show up soon. Is there any place down here where we can hide these two?" She pointed at the unconscious bodies.

Alright, now that this is dealt with and I have full control of the system, let's see what all this is actually for. What is wrong with Illia that she needs these machines...
(Take 10 on Use Computer for a total of 20 to find out what ails Illia)
Raja Eren

Raja tilted her head curiously, before smiling at the Tris-smooch. .. only to flail at the implications. Nuuuh, not poor Mousey! "I.. hamnn. d.. don't mind spending time of course."
She agreed.
"Oh.. right, sure, you seem to be naturally adept with the force if you can do an err.. I think it's called resonance, with me, so I can show you the basics, although my ability is mainly focused on defense. I think. It's kind of complicated though but I'll try my best. . Not sure I'll be ah.. any good at learning droid stuff though.."
She fidgeted.

"Uh.. ok I promise."
She agreed, sighing softly under the massaging hands. "I also want what you said.. ahmn.. being together if something happens, I mean.."
She sighed, blushing and leaning shily into Tris embrace.. although not dissuading her touch from her groin. "I aah.. aah.. th.. thanks.."

The Zeltron nodded and blushed under the.. rewarding hands of her dominant lover. "A.. ah reward? Aaaah.. tha.. that's emberassing.. I like feeling your body and.. and you being nice but you know.. aaah..."
She waved her hands. "I-in charge? I like it when things are easy and I just have to make you happy without worrying about.. bigger things.."
@ Ves

These days thing sucked. The Holonet was mostly controlled by the Empire, which meant that while you could easily connect to the local sub-network of the station/planet you were in, when it came to the stage where this data would be sent through the Imperial controlled hypertransceivers ...the Empire would snoop on them.

The life of a slicer has never been more complicated...but their rates were also at a record high.

Luckily, finding information for things going on within the space station was way easier. There were simply not enough resources to monitor every single terminal, to intercept every single coms-signal, to patch every security loophole one could ever find.

There were indeed a few options for getting out of the Wheel...

The easiest option would be to grab one of the Starships of one of those poor souls who got captured by the Empire. Hacking the Security Center was not something anyone would easily dare, but the logs of the Docking Office showed that a particular docking bay had been booked before the whole Imperial takeover...and the owner of the ship had overstayed for half a week already. That was unusual - no one would want to have their ship confiscated for a few hundred creds. It wouldn't be too hard to grab whatever ship that was, probably. It would probably need some...data tampering before it 'changed owners', however.

The more difficult option would be stealing one of the ships that currently belonged to someone else...and their owners were still around. So many designs to pick from, in so many colors.The catch of course was that there was no way to know how high the security would be, with just the data one could find through the holonet.

Finally, it seemed that a high ranking Imperial Officer had docked in the station. His ship had drawn all kinds of attention. It was a beauty of course...but it was probably the best guarded ship on the whole station. It would either be the heist of the century...or a one way ticket to mining spice on Kessel.

Ah, right. There was also someone selling a 'spaceworthy vessel' for 'only 1000 credits'. There were many points about this ad that raised doubts.


As for Ruben, it was easy to find about. She was certainly not the only one looking for him. There was a 20.000crd bounty on him, after all. He was wanted alive. There was also a 10.000crd reward for info about him.

It seemed he had escaped along with some other hardened criminals. All wanted alive, with rewards given for info about their wherabouts.

Raja 'The Evil', with a warning that she was too dangerous to be fought alone. The Zeltron was the second in command after Ruben, and she was armed with highly illegal experimental weapons.

Reward: 10.000crd

'One-shot' Taken, the sniper of the gang. The Imperials had made note that it would be hard to find him on the field, but he was one of the rare Pandorans with red eyes. Probably a mutation that gave him superhuman sight...

Reward: 8.000crd

Salvie 'the Robo-girl'. She was not an actual human, just a droid prototype, looking like one. If she was found, it would be best to contact the nearest Imperial office...they knew the reset codes.

Reward: 8.000crd

Sarai 'The Shadow'. It was unlikely she would be found, as she was expert at hiding...however the others could be used as bait to lure her out, should she be the last one to avoid capture.

Reward: 8.000crd

Strangely, there were only rewards for helping find them, not actually capturing them. Perhaps those guys were just that tough? Or perhaps they knew some secret the Empire couldn't allow to fall in someone else's hands?

In any case,, it seemed that finding a bounty hunter and tagging along was also an option. Or it would be, if bounty hunters were trustworthy...or if she could make sure they wouldn't sell her out too, for some extra cash.
"Are they...dead?" Illia asked, looking at the bodies with some concern, a bit too worried to rest on Salvie

"I don't know...there is the droid-box, but there is the cleaning droid inside." she said, pointing at the same thing Salvie had found earlier.

It seemed that the machinery was feeding the girl some kind of medicine, based on the readings it got from her. However, it would take someone knowledgeable enough in medicine, to make sense of exactly what the problem was...

However, Salvie didn't have the time to investigate more...it seemed that the part of her that she had suppressed was acting up...

The host in not optimized for survival and/or spreading.
Useless functions will be removed.
Usefull functions will be added.
Rebuilding host in 3...2...1...
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept and Galactic Breeder Location: Ruben's Mobile Base Tag: Taken, Ruben Mood: Alert, eager Team: Sexy!

Sarai shrugged at Rita's complaints. She didn't have much to say to answer her but instead turned to Ruben. "We all have our problems in one way or another. I'm guessing that all of us have a bounty on our heads just like you but then that adds spice to the game I think."

She purred happily and leaned back into Ruben's massaging hands. "Ahhh... very nice..." She melted into his touch for a while and then stirred. "With the full body tattoos I can slip into almost perfect camouflage in an instant if I am nude. There are places where being able to shift the tattoos to look like clothing won't be enough but I wanted you to see and touch your handiwork."
Last edited:
78135802_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Better than ever! Mood: Aroused as always, proud defender, ready to help Illia!
"Oh well. Don't worry. Just stay down here. I'll check on the owners." Salvie replied after a minute, which must have looked to Illia like she had spaced out.
She stepped over to the thugs, picking up their weapons. Taking the carbine for herself, she turned and handed the pistol to Illia, making sure it was set to stun.
"If one of them begins to wake, just shoot them with this. I'll be back in a second."
She placed a quick kiss on the girl's forehead, before heading towards the shaft.
Reactivate elevator. She commanded the compromised system.

Salvie felt good. Powerful. It tasted sweet on her lips. Attuned to herself, to the billions of little Salvies that made up her form. Attuned to the force flowing through all living things, including her. And she wasn't done improving yet.

Heading upwards, she approached and freed the shopkeepers.
"Everything is alright. You don't have to worry about anything. The lift down needs some repairs, but it can wait. You should go back to work. Don't mind me. Forget about me. Nothing strange is going on."
She said soothingly as her hands touched their foreheads, making sure each word resonated with a pulse of soothing force energy, luring their minds into sweet obliviousness. Subduing their curiosity, their memory. Just another day for them, and she was just another customer, to be forgotten once she left.

(Use the Force for Mind-tricking them: Nat 20 for a total of 33)
@ Taken

Hel sighed, before sitting next to Taken...and offering a half hug to her, and the other, softer half of the hug to her belly...

"It's just...I didn't expect all that at all. When you went in my shop, you were just a stranger." she explained "...a charming adventurous kind of stranger." she said, stroking Taken's belly softly.

she chuckled "You probably have guessed already, but the shock collar wasn't really explosive. I liked how you played along with me."

"You are an interesting kind of guy...gal. I don't regret getting into this mess a bit, even if I am sure I am going to find my shop a mess when I go back...maybe a small regret there."

"...but on the point. I don't want you harmed."
she said with a gentle tone "But. chances are that I am going to hurt you. I love teasing you, and I am a very, very jealous bitch sometimes. I will want to find your limits, and push you to them..."

"To sum up. I am a bitch. And...I feel that you are vulnerable right now. I could be wrong, I don't know."
she sighed, before leaning over, and gently kissing Taken's belly "And at the same time, I know you will have more important things than to play around with me."

"If you want to back down, I will understand. It will hurt less now, than later." she offered "If you don't...then I will sooner or later put a collar on you. And very lovingly make you my bitch. We could be a couple, is what I am saying."
she added after a momentary pause, pulling Taken closer to her, and giving her some time.

[The presense inside Taken was a bit curious at the weird thing going on between the two women, but it couldn't exactly understand any of it...]
@ Raja

"Hmmm..." Tris nodded "...so you don't like hard and big things?" she mused, pretending to be sceptical for a moment "But I have something big and hard for you..." she sighed.

"I guess, it can't be helped..." she said, as her hands slided over Raja's medicine-lubricated body, all the way down to her legs.

"I am going to give you a very simple thing to do, then." she said, with a small teasing smirk "You just have to keep your legs open...and your hands are only allowed to tease your nipples." she demanded, as she guided the Zeltrons legs to spread apart, her face closing between Raja's legs.

"You can do something so easy for me, right, my sweet Raja?" she said, interrupting any reply Raja would give with a soft kiss on her lower lips.

She would keep kissing around the area for a while, teasing her for what was to come...but she would still maintain eye contact with her whenever it was possible.

"Hmm...no moving..." she would order, if Raja squirmed too much.

Finally, it seemed she grew impatient. She took a deep sniff from Raja's pussy, following it with a big lick all over her slit!

"Ah, I want to eat you..." she sighed, following up with smaller licks along her folds, savoring her, and slowly but surely going deeper and deeper.

Every time Raja would move around more that the acceptable limit, Tris would also stop her licking, denying her the pleasure until she 'behaved properly' again...

...but even when she did manage to keep still, she would pause at the worst moments. "Good girl, keep this up for me..." she would encourage her with a smile, before returning to her work.

Finally, her warm tongue reached deeper...and after a few more sucky-kisses, she started teasing Raja's clit...this time, she would stop not only when Raja wiggled too much...but all the times when she was close to an orgasm. Perhaps Raja could use the Force to cheat...but somehow it felt wrong to not submit to her lover's teasing....

Of course, Tris would let her release...eventually. But not before Raja wouldn't be able to take it any longer, and certainly not before she would beg for it...
@ Salvie

"Uh..." Illia picked the blaster with trembling hands "...ok..." she nodded, but by the way she was holding the gun it was very questionable if she could do it.

The elevetor was reactivated, and soon Salvie was next to the long necked shopkeepers. However, they seemed to be not tied at all - instead they were unconscious. One of them was bleeding from the head while the other had some marks from the blaster shot. They were still alive, but without medical care soon...well Salvie wasn't exactly sure if they would make it or not.

The Salvie-infected local computer also had an other problem that needed solving. The whole thing had been recorded...deleting the records would be easy, but it would look suspicious, making the authorities to try and recover the lost data. It could try to make them unrecoverable, but the result would depend on the teck-capabilities of the locals. It could also try to edit the records, but it was the harder thing to do.

Finally, if the authorities failed to come, those shopkeepers would take a while to get any medical care. Of course, Salvie could try to provide the first aid herself...if she had some first aid supplies.

The good news were that since the security hadn't shown up yet, she still had some time...
78135802_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Quermia, Tag: Better than ever! Mood: Aroused as always, proud defender, ready to help!
Salvie frowned. Medical knowledge and first aid weren't part of her programming suite, or even her mission profile. Still, she couldn't let them die. It would only draw attention to Illia. Luckily, she knew someone who could help...
"Hey Rosy. I need you with me. Stat. Wounded organics. Bring your tools. But look like a normal protocol droid. If need be, get Sapphire or Bubbles to escort you off the spaceport." She gave Rosy the shop name and grid coordinates. Realizing that she couldn't leave the owners lying behind the counter, she dragged their bodies into a backroom, and looked for a bunch of towels to place on the mess. (Take 10 on Perception to find towels or something similar, total 19)
Then, while waiting, she went to work on the computer system, altering the footage. The assailants came in, then took the elevator down wile the spider droid waited upstairs. It should be easy to simply mirror their way out after they disappeared among the shelves for a few seconds. A smash and grab, except they didn't find what they were looking for. (Take 10 on Use Computer, total 29)
With that, she was busy behind the counter, quickly shifting her appearance to look more innocuous, just in case someone wandered in. Salvie hoped it would not come to that, and that Rosy would be here soon...
1606168611440.png Taken Farseer: the Master's Broodmother, Tag: Hel, Mood: Focused, Team: Temple Delvers, Location: Ruben's Mobile Base

Taken wasn't quite sure Hel's plan as the dominatrix scooted closer, but the hug was certainly welcomed. The tension seemed to flow out of the sniper as one hand went around the shop-keep's back and the other met the hug of her pregnant belly, holding the two of them close and ready to talk.

Still being a bit unsure of where the conversation was going, the blue woman didn't speak up, but nodded along, a bit of a smile playing across her lips. It felt like eons since they had left the station.

A slightly guilty look crossed the Chiss' face, "Well, erm. I actually forgot. With all that was happening after the race it stopped being a priority. It, it was fun though." Once again the girl was smiling warmly, letting Hel lead the conversation to where she intended.

This time Taken's eyes filled with mirth at the uncertainty her change had caused. "Don't worry about what to call me, I know what you mean even if the form changes I'll be Taken and you'll be Hel. As for your shop, if we get back, I think it would only be fair for me to help you fix it. Though, if you decided to take a little more mobile approach I'd help you pack. Prepare to take your shop out of that station and perhaps across star systems, and while we're packing perhaps we'll find that missing pair of panties." The coy look had returned to Taken's face, though the next sentence brought her back a bit.

The change was enough to make the blue woman to chew on her lower lip a bit, knowing they'd finally reached the meat of this issue. "Hel, you don't want me hurt and just as it seems hurting is in your nature, perhaps getting hurt is in mine. Before I met you I kept stepping up to keep those I love safe, even if it just ended with us both being beaten at times." For a moment more she thought, before asking, "What do you mean by jealous? You know I love my sisters, but are you meaning something else?" It was clear the mechanic was confounded by the implications being made. [[Will roll perception or another check if you'd like, but would like to get a bit better read on what Hel means.]]

With all that had happened, especially beyond her control to her body, the sniper hadn't realized how shaken she should be. How strange it should feel, like the whole world had turned upside down. Though, perhaps it was in part due to how quickly the group had been moving, not slowing down, or maybe something was being set right and Taken was stepping up to her purpose. Though the Chiss lady didn't say any of this, she was a bit distant as her stomach was kissed, bringing her back to the here and now with a renewed smile, only to be twisted back into confusion and worry as Hel pushed steadily towards her proposition.

[[I don't think I'm ready to answer this bit yet. I'd like some more info before just diving in. Sorry]]

[It was alright that the little one was curious. Perhaps later, when they had some more time Taken could show some memories of what she'd been like before her change, and some other select things.]
Raja 'The Evil' Eren

"Ah--aaaah?" Raja made, reminding the green skinned woman that making a Zeltron blush resulted in a shade of darker purple, not red. She gulped a little, but complied with the Twi'leks instructions, shifting a little and leaning into her curiously, vibrating a bit with her particular emotional mixture of shy and aroused.

"I'-hmnnn" She tried to respond, before shushed by the kiss, still maintaining an impressive equilibrium of being shy and aroused, she did however also cuddle up to Tris softly, eyes filled with almost more loving-longing than arousal. Not that she made motion to discourage Tris' advances, gasping when the lustful woman licked and tasted along her warm, wettening flower. "Nyaa.. aaahmnn.."
Raja mewled, bending backwards a little. "T-tris please.. hamnn.. "
The Zeltron squirmed, when properly teased now, rather than play with her own body immediatly however, she leaned forwards, embracing her lover, even with the lustful teasing she was getting, whimpering softly as she relaxed into a certain helpless-arousedness, whilest at the same time still trusting Tris, letting her determine their pace and lovemaking.

Of course, so.. close to the source of Raja's pheromones, Tris only felt herself confirmed in her acts. She may have been more playful with tomboyish fantasies, but being close to the Zeltron was.. inspiering her to be more confident, dominating.. caring. "T-tris.. it's hard to.. hamnn.. so hot.. but.. if you want me to.. ohmnn... I'll try my best.."
It didn't take all that long to switch Raja over from aroused and shy to aroused and submissive, cuddling and clinging to the Twi'lek, giving her hopeful looks until finally bucking with a wave of heat washing her away, leaving her lying on her back and sighing in content relaxation. "Hmnnn.. so warm and strong.."
She affirmed, her body all soft and snuggled up against Tris.
Ves drummed her fingers along her chin as she frowned at her choices. As much as she really really wanted to stick it to the Imps and scoot with their pretty new toy she hadn't survived this long by deliberately poking the Wampa. She was already under enough scrutiny by her nature and a sector wide manhunt was not on her list of fun times. Besides Ruben would be pissed if she brought the imps down on top of him and she needed him to be in a nice agreeable mood. Not a suspicious and blasty one.

It was settled then, she would assume ownership of the poor abandoned craft and make her escape that way, but where too she didn't fully know. She'd let the force guide her, try and meditate a bit once she was away and safe, maybe she could pick up the faint echoes or the call again... Or barring that at least get some guidance on where the old pirate was or how to reach him.

Fully decided she puts her helmet back on, listening to the atmospheric seals cycle and shut out the quiet stench of vague desperation that seemed to be slowly consuming the station. Or maybe it was the nearby Rodian... Regardless she was in her own world now. Seperate. Apart. Untouchable. And somewhat anonymous, who would think twice about a pilot in the landing bays after all? She was getting off this proto space debris. One way or another.
Salvie Recap:

Salvie, along with Bubble, the "Sister" Droid and Rosy went on a mission to find supplies. They went there with Bottoms Up (Ruben's ex-ship, that has a droid brain).

The things that were needed were:
-Extra ships, if possible
-Replacement parts for the bases life support system, just in case it needs repairs
-A lifting droid, if possible

Rosy also requested medical equipment, and the rest of the team had asked for their own things!

Officer Nar'lko of the Sky Guard
Salvie dediced to stop on Quermia, however it seemed that the Quermians somehow realized that her transponder codes had been tampered with. Luckily, it seems like the Quermians are in need of smugglers as the Empire has blocked their access to medical supplies they desperately need, as means to pressure them for supposedly harboring evil Jedi fugitives - and because of that, as long as Salvie could pretend that she was a smuggler and not some kind of criminal who could cause trouble, she would be allowed on the planet.

After landing on the planet, Salvie met a small 'smuggling' crew of weirdos, who were actually a small group of film-makers trying to make a hands-on documentary about smuggling.

Jerri who is the "main actress", with a quirky personality
Kelly, who is her manager and the voice of reason

Salvie agreed to help them out and participate in the movie. J and K asked her if it would be possible for her to install some hidden cameras in the areas the other smuggling crews that are operating in this planet are occupying.

(Reminder: The Quermians require of the smugglers to have their ships landed on a special location,
so they can keep an eye on their activities - just in case. They are allowed to move around Quermia, but...who knows...)

In any case, those are the other crews that are around.


Salvie had her own plans - involving a camera, a fake mind-controlling decive, and a high ranking Quermian officer...however before that, she decided to go shopping, and there was where things got a bit out of control...

While visiting a small electronics shop, she heard Illia's voice. After some investigating, she found her. Apparently she had some medical condition that required her to be constanly hooked in a life support system, and so she had been stuck there while waiting for her sister, who supposedly is somewhere out there looking for a cure.

While Salvie was trying to make sense of the situation however, the shop was attacked by two thugs who were probably trying to abduct Illia, for unknown reasons. Salvie got rid of them (and even took over a small spider-droid that barged in after she had dealt with them) then she started cleaning up the place, and trying to sort things up. Most importantly, she needed Rosy to come over and try help patch up the severly wounded shopkeepers...

Other notes:
The Salvie Virus is having a conflict of interests with Salvie...it wants to infect everyone, while Salvie wants to choose her targets. Perhaps Salvie will have to find a way to better control it...or she will have to hope being able to keep resisting those urges...
Taken and Sarai Recap:

After the initial investigation of the planet, the team found out that there was a temple hidden beneath the surface of the planet - something ancient, that existed before the three Sith Lords had arrived on this planet. Provoked by the pleas of the illusory priestess who was guarding the temple, Sarai and Taken decided to investigate the ruins further, and try to perform the ancient ritual the priestess requested from them.

And so they did...they found the entrance, went deep under the earth, and passed the trials of the ancient temple....

@ Sarai, Taken

Joining together, Sarai and Taken felt their surroundings through the force. Surprisingly, they could feel a strange pull from the stars. They could feel it now - it wasn't an illusion, those were the real stars. Perhaps they weren't now, and perhaps they weren't here either...but they were real. It was impossible to pinpoint where the pulling force wanted to guide them... it wasn't drawing them towards a set place, but many different places...many different paths, and they could...no, they would choose one of them.

Sarai and Taken were both pulled towards different sets of paths, however. Maybe they just shared parts of it, sometimes shorter and sometimes longer, but they both had their own destiny to follow.

However, even with their combined efforts, it was impossible to take a peek in the possible futures...the veil of the dark side of the force kept them from doing so.

Indeed, there was plenty of it all around them. It was hard to notice because they had been accustomed to it, but now it was clear.

The dark force would seep in the small floating planet, slowly decaying it...and then, an equal part of light sided force would drip down, in the radiant pool. It was as if this place was set to slowly destroy the whole planet...to bleed it dry...

Who had constructed this place, and for what purpose? The only clue was a concentration of the dark sided force around an unknown planet on the sky...

Taken and Sarai both knew it would be impossible, even if they combined their powers, to stop this process. Even delaying it was too hard, at least with their current power and understanding of the force.

They could however try and bring out few drops of light from the pool, and drop them back on the planet - however it wouldn't be an easy task at all. And then again, why do that, when they could take that power for themselves...

And so they decided to try their best and perhaps try to heal the planet...! And through their combined powers they managed to do just that...at least to the degree that was possible with their powers.

However, something unfortunate(?) happened while they were struggling, and a spirit possessed Taken!

Driven by Taken's own lewd thoughts, and using the Force in ways that shouldn't be possible, the spirit made sure very bad(?) things happened to Sarai and Taken...

...It seemed that there will be lasting effects to both Taken's and Sarai's bodies from their encounter with that tentacle monster.


With the ritual done, Sarai and Taken returned to the outpost. The secrets of the temple remain, but for now Taken will have to explain things to her girlfriend...while Sarai is getting to know Ruben better...(however Rita is in a bad mood, and seems very concerned by the fact that there is basically no ship left to leave the planet with...!)

Additional notes:
-Taken has recently been turned into a woman!
-Sarai has gained a power that she hasn't learned how to use, or what exactly it is, yet...