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Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

The woman nodded and knelt in the grass just out of reach of Ariadne. She smiled in a tired fashion and spoke softly once more.

"I am afraid this will be the first of many hard lessons my childe. All of us, even the benevolent and wise Saulot must live with this beast inside of us. You must do your best to control it for the beast feeds too much, killing without regard to our wishes. It is especially dangerous for we Salubri, as we can not take blood from the unwilling. I have given you enough blood that you shouldn't frenzy but if you feel the beast taking control you need simply use your willpower to fight the other."

It was then that Ariadne noticed the third eye within the forehead of her sire. As strange as the sight may be, it didn't surprise her any after the strangeness of the last few days. The eye blended perfectly with the beautiful face of her sire managing to make the gypsy woman look even more peaceful and wise than she already had. The music, her sire's calm smile, and the wish to control this thing fighting her soon had Ariadne calm enough to stop struggling. Though she could still sense the creature lurking within the deepest parts of her mind.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne listened to the woman's words, but they didn't seem very comforting in her current situation. She was a monster! Or living with one anyway. At least she seemed to have a few barriers that might help her fight against it. Combined with her own natural instincts, maybe that was all she would need. Ariadne could only hope.

Eventually, Ariadne felt her nerves soothed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, finding it oddly difficult and awkward to do. When she opened them again, Ariadne looked up at her sire shyly.

"I'm sorry. This is all so very new to me. Who is Saulot? Must we really live with this beast? I don't think I even know your name..." The questions kept adding up until Ariadne finally groaned and covered her face with her cold, newly pale hands. "I look so deathly..."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

The woman smiled happily as Ariadne seemed to calm, her smile only grew as the litany of questions poured from her new childe's mouth. She waited until Ariadne had groaned and covered her head before responding soothingly while she loosened one of Ariadne's bound hands.

"Yes you are a bit pale and I'm afraid you will have to put up with it till you can feed. Those of the kindred who stay close to their human origins can spend their vitae to seem more human or masquerade as the Toreador prefer to say."

The woman stood and moved to Ariadne's legs to continue undoing the binds as she continued on. "I suppose it is about time I have introduced myself to you since I already know so much about you. My name is Corauni and Saulot would be your great-great-great-great-great grandsire, the founder of clan Salubri."

She moved up to untie the last bind and looked a little tired as she answered the last question. "It is possible to rid oneself of the beast. Though it is an incredibly long and difficult road that many of us strive for but few have achieved. Saulot is the only one I know of to have found golconda."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne felt like her head was swimming with information as she listened to Corauni. She clung to each word as if each one might have the potential to make her feel better but few did. If none but the founder of her clan has mastered the beast inside her, how could she?

Just the thought made Ariadne uncomfortable because she knew she'd need as much mental fortitude as she could to win this battle. Battles were rarely fought and won on the first day, however. She knew that much from her studies with Anna. Ariadne sighed, thinking of her former life. She sat up and pulled her knees to her chest. To her surprise, nothing much hurt.

"I feel... different," Ariadne finally concluded, but she couldn't help but stare at Corauni's forehead. "What...." Ariadne opened her mouth to ask but then closed it again, at a loss for words. "Your forehead..."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Corauni looked up as Ariadne pointed before smiling once more and knelt beside her new childe in the grass. The third eye closed as she reassuringly put her arm around the fledgling vampire and said. "The eye comes with our clan's discipline of healing, Obeah. You won't develop one until you have mastered the abilities a bit more. It is better to keep it hidden most of the time, especially amongst mortals. They can be difficult to deal with thanks to our cousins in the other clans."

As she spoke she took a brightly colored scarf and expertly tied it around her forehead so that the eye was hidden from sight. Her reassuring hug returned once more before she continued. "You are different my childe but then you always were, not many would sacrifice themselves for love in the way you did. You will get used to the changes in your dead flesh soon enough but always remember to avoid the three banes of our kind: sunlight, fire, and the wooden stake. The first two will quickly kill us but the stake only puts us into torpor, something like a deep sleep or coma."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne leaned against Corauni. Despite the strangeness of the situation, she felt reassured by the woman's soothing presence. Even Corauni's voice seemed to be a balm to Ariadne's worries. It was probably silly, but she felt as if nothing could harm her as long as they were together.

"I suppose so," Ariadne replied bashfully when Corauni complimented her bravery. The young vampire shuddered at the memory. Her life seemed so close, yet also so far away. "I wouldn't wish it on anyone, that's for sure."

Ariadne giggled nervously and paused before speaking up again, this time more unsure of herself.

"I feel as though this is a very selfish feeling, but I can't help but wish you found me a little while sooner. Do you think I will ever see Anna again?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Selfish perhaps but one can hardly blame you for never wanting to feel that pain. Of course without such a show of sacrifice we may never have met, it is not often we healers embrace another. For we all know of the torment that comes from the beast." Corauni said as she held her childe close like a mother might hold her babe. She seemed to look sad for a moment as she struggled with how she wished to explain something and stopped to think.

Ariadne now had time to relax and think things through for a few moments in the calming caress of her sire. True she would be suffering with this monster inside of her but she could help so many people now that it just might be worth it. The singing changed now it was almost like the haunting song was inviting her and Corauni to join them. She now remembered the twin singers who had taken her down from the cross and wondered where they might be. She also remembered the poor mad girl who had warned her to avoid wizards. All of these crazy things seemed so normal all of a sudden though she knew it was anything but crazy.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Time seemed to stand still as Ariadne lay in Corauni's embrace. She couldn't argue with that logic - nor did she have the energy to. Instead, Ariadne just relaxed, letting the sounds of the strange song soothe her. That is, until she realized how bizarre it was to be laying there and listening to an unknown song with no singer in sight.

"Corauni.. what is that song?" Ariadne paused, giggling nervously. "I am not going mad am I?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Corauni laughed as she shook her head and pointed towards a flickering flame off in the distance. Ariadne simply hadn't noticed the fire as she had been distracted by the questioning of her sire. Ariadne was surprised by how clearly she could see the flame from such a distance and she didn't exactly like the fear that rose up in her gut at it's sight. Sitting near the fire she make out two people, perhaps the women who had pulled her off the wheel.

Corauni seemed to sense Ariadne's fear and whispered softly. "You needn't be afraid the fire is too far to send you into a frenzy. It is perhaps best to avoid getting too close until you have fed though. The singing comes from my two companions of the evening, Melpomene and Euterpe. They are what are typically referred to as ghouls or vampiric servitors. I borrowed them from a close friend in payment of a boon. The voices are enchanting don't you think."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

When Corauni pointed, Ariadne looked up. She regretted it right away. A knot formed in her throat, and her formerly olive complexion turned impossibly pale. The sight of that fire, simply flickering in the distance, was one of the most unnerving things Ariadne had ever seen. She'd seen some things, but this one took the cake. The worst part was Ariadne didn't even know why.

Without realizing it, Ariadne had been pressing closer to Corauni, her new bestial instincts telling her that her sire would shield her from the frightening flame.

"Why is it so frightening?" Ariadne asked, looking up at her sire fearfully and with a hint of embarrassment "I feel silly being afraid of a simple fire."

Ariadne shook her head to clean out the cobwebs before working up the courage to gaze at the two enchanting singers near the fire again.

"They do sound very pretty," The young vampire began before pausing. "You purchased them, you say? So vampires have slavery just as we humans do? Of all the possible similarities, that one is somewhat disconcerting."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"The beast is a simple creature and is therefore afraid of the most simple things. Like any animal it is afraid of fire though I do suggest avoiding the flames as they are one of the few things that can really cause harm to the kindred." Corauni said as she continued to hold her frightened fledgling.

She seemed almost shocked when Ariadne asked if the singers were slaves and shook her head vehemently saying. "Oh no I didn't purchase them nor are they slaves. They are loyal to their domitor but they receive gifts in return for their loyalty. They do not age and they can learn a modicum of the gifts that true kindred have. Most serve as protectors during the day while we sleep but others such as our friends were given the blood to preserve their talents."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"As long as they are happy, that's the most important thing," Ariadne replied. She was relieved to learn that her sire wasn't a slaveholder. It was a pretty common practice, but Ariadne always found it sad how people would treat other individuals like property. She tried her best to instill Princess Anna with kind hearted values, but sometimes it could be hard to get through to those who were born in the purple. They were told they were superior ever since they were born after all.

Ariadne pondered in silence for a moment before speaking up again. "I think you said earlier that you only ....feed...." Ariadne forced out the word, shuddering at the thought, before continuing, "From people who actually want it. Are those ...ghouls how you manage it?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Most ghouls are happy, though I suppose those with cruel domitors can be seen in much the same light as slaves. Something I most certainly wouldn't agree with, if only it were easier to convince others of our kind that kindness is a virtue." Corauni said.

"Yes our specific clan weakness is that we can only draw nourishment from the willing. Quite the difficult task as I'm sure you can imagine, we can't exactly go around advertising that we are vampires to every mortal we come across. Even if we have proven ourselves to be good and kindhearted they would more than likely stake us as monsters." Corauni said as she explained how she fed from people.

"Using ghouls would be one way of accomplishing the act, others use the power of animalism to feed from the simpler creatures of the world. I myself have built up what is typically referred to as a herd thanks to my reputation as a wise-woman and healer. For the time being you can share my herd but when the time comes you will have to learn what works best for you."

The two ghouls seemed to be putting out the fire as Corauni finished her explanation. Corauni urged Ariadne to rise with a smile and added. "It is time we headed back to the safety of my haven for the remainder of the night. Come and I will introduce you to Melpomene and Euterpe. Feel free to continue asking questions as we walk though, there is still a lot you will need to learn."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"That sounds nice," Ariadne replied with a friendly smile but then suddenly looked embarrassed. She examined her clothes, wiping away the dirt self consciously. "Oh my... I must look positively awful! Do you think they'll mind?"

It was a silly thing to ask, but Ariadne was used to the scrutiny of royal courts. The young vampire couldn't think of many other questions to ask anyway, so she just followed Corauni shyly, subconsciously keeping her sire between herself and that nasty campfire.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Their domitor might mind a bit as she is used to the finer ways of life such as you were probably used to at court. I assure you her ghouls won't mind though and their domitor would probably change her mind if you let her dress you. Perhaps you have heard of Eudora of Nyassa?" Corauni responded as they walked. Ariadne had indeed heard of the woman who was considered one of the premier courtiers at the emperor's palace. Well known for both her looks and money and the power that came with those things.

The two ghoul, Melpomene and Euterpe, soon joined the pair of kindred as they walked down the quiet trail of the forest. It was almost as if the animals had suddenly departed from the vicinity as they entered each new clearing. The ghouls did not say anything though they did smile pleasantly and bow their heads towards Ariadne.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Eudora? Yes, I know her. Anna always did enjoy attending her banquets," Ariadne replied pleasantly until realization suddenly flooded across her newly pale visage. Her deep brown eyes widened, mouth agape to form a perfect O. Ariadne quickly crossed over her heart. "She's a vampire too? Of course..." It explained a lot, like why they were never invited to Nyassa during the day. Still, what a strange to thing to think that a woman she'd known had been a vampire all these years, a very wealthy and beautiful vampire.

Ariadne tried to sigh in vain then turned to the approaching ghouls. "Hello Melpomene. Euterpe," She said, smiling to each of them in turn. "Thank you so much for saving my life." Ariadne paused, looking down shyly as they wandered through the forest. "I'm not sure if I deserve it, and I'm sorry you had to see me... like that. I don't know how I could ever repay you."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Corauni smiled at the startled look on her new childe's face and softly said. "You might be surprised by how many of us live amongst the court of the emperor. Granted our numbers are nowhere near the numbers of the mortals as that would be rather problematic. You probably already know a few of the more prominent cainites in the empire."

The two ghouls smiled and bowed in return though only one of them answered. "It is always a pleasure to help your sire, and if she says you deserve to be saved than you are certainly worthy."

Ariadne and her new sire, Corauni continued down the path for what seemed like an hour before a village came into sight. The whole time they were constantly serenaded by the gentle humming of the two ghoul's. Their voices truly were a marvelous thing to make everything seem so peaceful on such a horrid night.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Thank you again," Ariadne said, making sure to bow in return to both of the ghouls.

The pleasant journey along the forest path was a much needed reprieve for the Roman woman. She walked along in silence for some time, letting the sweet song of Melpomene and Euterpe soothe her battered soul. After everything she'd been through the past days, Ariadne had much to contemplate and it was difficult to process it all. One moment, Ariadne was having supper with the princess. The next, everything spiraled out of control. Little did she know, that supper would be her last. Those who knew the truth of her actions might call Ariadne a martyr, but in truth she merely acted out of instinct. Ariadne shielded her cousin from harm like a bear would with her cubs. It was still hard to process everything that happened since that moment.

Ariadne forced herself back into the present, distracting herself with her current journey. "Are we going to meet her now? Lady Eudora?" Ariadne wondered aloud to Corauni. "Did she wish to save me too?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne's sire smiled mirthfully as she answered. "We're actually quite a distance from Eudora and any who might know you on sight. Hard as it may be to believe you are now on the outskirts of Thessaloniki. It seemed the safest place without taking you somewhere completely new."

The pair of ghouls stopped their song as Corauni quietly continued to lead the way through the dusty streets. Ariadne had been to the second city of the empire of course but it was certainly true that she would not be as recognized here as in the capital. Eventually they came to a hospital and Corauni began leading them to the back through a twisting set of alleyways.

"I'm afraid Eudora does not know you are now kindred to her. Only the prince and myself knew of what I had planned, it's not exactly the sort of thing one advertises."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Thessaloniki..." Ariadne whispered. Could it be? It must have taken days to travel so far! To be so far from home and not even notice; Ariadne might have blushed if she were still living. She might have cried too. Ariadne tried to take the news in stride, emotions swirling within her petite form.

"That.. is a good idea. I suppose no one can know about me. For their safety." Ariadne smiled, but the implication of her words weighed heavily on her heart. She wished she could have said goodbye.

"What will we be doing here?" Ariadne asked, taking in her surroundings. "It looks like some sort of hospital?"