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Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"At least according to the princes they are, though their domains do not extend beyond their individual cities for the most part. There are also of course the lords of our various nations, myself, my sire, and so on. Really it's best to be respectful to any of our kind you come across, too many of them would kill you for even the smallest slight." Corauni said as they took a turn and headed towards the center of town.

"I don't often spend much time at court though I have spoken to Prince Malusha on a number of occasions. She originally came from the lands of the Rus, though I'm not sure how long ago she left. She is of clan Lasombra, though I must say she is remarkably nicer than most of her clan. To many who know her she is a simple nun living in the Hagia Sophia, which is where we are now heading. Hopefully the boons I have accrued in her domain will be enough to sway her aid to our quest." Up ahead Ariadne could easily make out the dome of the church where this elysium was held. An odd term for a prince's court perhaps but then perhaps it wasn't. If her kind was as dangerous as Corauni made them out to be declaring a court peaceful would be a wise idea.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"She sounds like an independent thinker," Ariadne said after listening carefully to Corauni's description of her new prince. "Which makes her more likely to listen to our concerns but also makes her a bit unpredictable. A good person to have on our side at least, and I think she might help us. I always like to be optimistic."

Then the young Salubri sighed with a rueful smile. "With all these clans and laws and nobles, you'd think there would be whole books and tomes full of them!"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Perhaps she is, though I find it more likely that it is simply a mask she wears for the public. The Lasombra are perhaps the most manipulative of the clans, always controlling events from the shadows of which they are so fond. Even so I am fairly optimistic that she might be able to grant us some aid as well. I have done favors for her court in the past, and a boon amongst the kindred is worth more than gold." Corauni said as they drew nearer to the church.

A couple of laborers passed as they walked down the streets greeting the pair cheerfully. However Ariadne could not help but feel the sudden hunger of the beast within as she saw them pass. Despite the sudden disturbing urge to feed she was thankfully able to keep her composure. Quickly she followed after her sire who seemed to show no signs of the same hunger as Corauni added softly.

"The majority of our kind prefer to stay hidden as the first law of blood says. Some of the more creative kind even spread false stories among the mortals about us and what we truly are. There are of course exceptions to the rule, the barbaric tyrants and witches of the Carpathians tend to rule openly. Patriarch Michaelis also has ideas of ruling openly, though he has thankfully yet to convince others of his ideals."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne was just nodding and listening to Corauni's advice when the pair of local laborers walked by. The Salubri meant to offer them a friendly smile and respond to their greeting, but then beast rumbled within her. It was like sudden pangs of hunger but much worse than any hunger she had ever felt. Because it wasn't just hunger.. it was also like some part of Ariadne literally wanted to jump out at the poor souls and do unimaginable things. Things that, to Ariadne's horror, were now so very imaginable.

She quickly looked down and bit her lip, focusing on keeping her feet moving away from the delicious people. When she had gotten far enough away from the enticing meal and felt like she was under control again, Ariadne cautiously glanced to her sire.

"Corauni.." Ariadne whispered, glancing around uncomfortably and looking a bit embarrassed. "Just then, I felt very... hungry. It was so unnerving."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Corauni put her arm around Ariadne's shoulder in a comforting way as they continued on towards the steps of the church. "It is a bit unnerving and we all have to deal with the baser needs of the beast. So long as you do not give into the instincts of the beast you will be fine. Though after we attend court I should begin teaching you how to feed, it is one of the most difficult aspects of our clan's existence. Unless of course you are still feeling the pang of hunger in which case we can do it before?"

Ariadne was indeed feeling rather famished but it had definitely faded as soon as the two mortal laborers were gone. She felt as though she should be well enough to attend court before feeding. Still this entire experience had reminded her how new all of this was and she was feeling a bit unsure of herself.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I think I can manage. It was just... uncomfortable," Ariadne finally said with a woeful slump of her shoulders. She did feel better now that the humans had passed, but wasn't entirely sure of herself in her new situation. Still, it was important to try to meet this elder as soon as possible, and they probably wouldn't have to deal with many humans at the Vampire Prince's court.

"Maybe keep an eye on me in case I start acting strange?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I always found it more than a little uncomfortable, myself. If it makes you feel better in any way always remember that all of our kind must live with the beast. The vast majority of us have learned to survive without falling prey to our truly monstrous urges though. Granted the majority do not have our difficulties in feeding to deal with." Corauni said as she gave her childe a reassuring squeeze around the shoulders. She lead the way up the steps to the main doors of the church and stopping she added.

"Don't worry I wouldn't dream of letting you out of my sight around those such as our kind. Also I feel I should add that you should avoid staring at anyone if you can avoid it. No matter how difficult you might find it, some of our kind finds it to be incredibly rude."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"It does help," Ariadne replied, trying to put on her best smile but only managing a small one. She forced herself to take a deep breath and felt her confidence starting to grow again. If all vampires had to deal with the beast, it wasn't so different than some things humans had to deal with. While Ariadne didn't like to think of herself as arrogant, she did consider her intellect and mental fortitude to be above most people that she'd met. She would just have to put those skills to use in her new life now.

"Thanks for the advice," Ariadne said, adding with a wry smile, "I guess I don't blame them. Shall we go in then?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Entering through the doors of the church, Corauni led the way through grand church to the less public areas in the back. Ariadne had been to the church before but never to the areas she was led through. She did note that they took a steadily downward path and eventually they stopped at a door guarded by a guard of slavic heritage. He was not a vampire, though Ariadne was unsure of how she knew this just at a glance, perhaps the beast recognized the beast of the others.

He said nothing as they passed but she noted that he stared at them rather intently despite what her sire had warned against. She had little time to ponder this as they entered into a large room, almost exactly a copy of the main worship hall above. She felt a bit of a shock as the majority of the room glanced at the new comers and she realized there were at least a dozen other vampires present.

Seated prominently before them all was a woman of obvious Kievan heritage dressed as a simple nun. She was engaged in close discussion with a heavily cloaked figure before her. Ariadne had no doubt this was this was the prince as her regal countenance outshone her rather plain dress. She had little time to ponder this however as the most gorgeous woman possible stepped forward in greeting to the pair. The woman was beautiful but there was something alien about it that seemed to draw Ariadne's eyes to her porcelain countenance and her supernaturally perfect features.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

As the pair made their way through the corridors of the church, Ariadne tried to calm her nerves. The thought of being back in a court setting after everything she'd been through was exciting and nerve wracking at once, especially since that court would likely be full of vampires. It would be like taking the first steps into her new society. Ariadne just hoped she would put her best foot forward.

Ariadne was lost in her thoughts and hadn't even noticed the guard until his unnerving glare caught her attention, causing her to shift her eyes to the side slightly in an uncomfortable manner. Don't stare. Don't stare. Don't stare. The young Salubri kept repeating over and over in her mind.

When they went inside the main court area, Ariadne glanced around the surroundings, noting the regal woman in the plain garb. She was almost certainly the prince or else someone nearly as important. Ariadne had seen enough powerful people over the years to recognize their manner. She didn't have much time to think on it, however, because suddenly the most beautiful woman on Earth stepped out to greet her. Luckily, Ariadne was still repeating Corauni's advice in her head. Ariadne's soft brown eyes widened for a moment, but she quickly averted them to greet the woman demurely as if she was greeting the Roman Empress.

"Greetings m'lady. My name is Ariadne," the Salubri said with a shy smile and a polite curtsy as she introduced herself. "You are looking quite beautiful tonight."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Beautiful was perhaps not the correct word for the tall woman standing before them. Her looks did not seem of the normal world as though someone had sculpted her features from a block of alabaster. The woman smiled pleasantly with a nod though her eyes betrayed the fact that she was a predator sizing up her prey.

"It is always a pleasure to welcome one who understands the importance of proper court etiquette. As seneschal to the honorable Prince Malusha I bid you a thousand welcomes to her court. I am Galatea, though I blush at your wonderful compliment. It took me hours to get the lips just right."

Galatea glanced at Corauni before giving a nod to her as well though her voice was a bit more terse as she welcomed her once more in her overly polite manner. Corauni herself was polite though there was an obvious bit of tension between the pair as she asked if they could have an audience with the prince.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne noticed something a bit unnatural about Gatatea's appearance, but she couldn't quite place what it was. Of course, just the fact that they were all vampires made everyone a bit unnatural, and Ariadne wasn't experienced enough to tell the difference between ordinary vampires and odd vampires. She wasn't about to start staring either, so she just added it to her list of questions to ask Corauni when they got another moment alone.

"You honor me with your greeting Lady Galatea," Ariadne said with a small smile and another polite courtesy before adding, "the hours were well worth it then, if I'm a worthy judge."

The young Salubri waited patiently while Corauni and Galatea discussed an audience with the prince. She felt it would be rude to interrupt her sire, and the strangers at court weren't the only vampires she was trying to impress on this night.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Despite the tension between her sire and Lady Galatea their conversation seemed exceedingly polite as Corauni made it clear that they sought an audience with the prince. Of course it probably didn't come as much of a shock to Ariadne who had spent plenty of time in various courts. The tension might have been a little alarming but Corauni had hinted at her dislike for the other clans, it wouldn't be odd for them to share the same dislike for her clan.

She did make a note that she would have to ask what exactly a boon was, since it seemed as if her sire had promised one to the seneschal. After the brief conversation was over Lady Galatea gave an excessively polite nod of her head to the pair before departing to move near the prince who remained in close discussion with the hooded figure. Though Ariadne still had to consciously keep herself from staring towards the beautiful seneschal as she departed.

Corauni smiled and softly said. "That was a bit easier than I had hoped. We should receive an audience as soon as the prince has finished her discussion with the Erciyan emissary. In the meanwhile perhaps this would be a good time to teach you of the other clans, while there are a number of them present? Or perhaps we could get you some refreshment, though it won't be nearly as palatable as fresh blood."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne was impressed with her sire's court navigating skills, having attained the meeting they desired in only a few short minutes. She wasn't exactly unbiased, and it seemed like nothing was without it's cost, but Ariadne still took comfort knowing that Corauni could handle herself in this strange and mysterious world.

"Yes, it seemed to go quite well," Ariadne said with a smile, a more friendly smile than the courteous one she gave to Galatea, even if she was still inwardly wrestling with the desire to look at that intriguing woman again. The Roman Salubri inwardly cringed at the idea of what sort of refreshments vampires might enjoy in these parts - or any parts for that matter. As much as she worried about how she would handle fresh blood, she wasn't sure she wanted to start experimenting with strange cocktails either.

"I'd love to learn more about the people and clans here, though I wonder if it might be good to avoid saying anything that would offend any curious souls that happen to be listening in."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I suppose it went well, it's not the first time I've traded boons with the likes of Galatea after all. Truthfully though, I've never felt I really belong at a prince's court. Still it is a necessary evil in this case." Corauni said softly as she led the way over to a small side table where a number of mugs sat. The heady smell of cold blood as unappetizing as it might seem to the young vampire sent a pang of hunger through her frame as Corauni picked up a mug and took a small sip.

"Oh, dear that is even worse than I remember it." She said before quickly swallowing what was left in the glass with a shudder of disgust.

"I doubt anything I say about our cousins would be enough to cause offense, most would rather relish in their evil reputations. It does help that none of the Brujah are present either."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I think not feeling totally at home at court is an advantage actually. As soon as one feels like they belong at court, they become open to the inevitable manipulations and betrayals that occur. It's better to avoid trusting anyone with a title if you can avoid it," Ariadne replied, then frowned as she thought of Anna, wondering how her pupil and friend was faring without her. Obviously she hadn't taken her own advice, but that didn't mean it wasn't a reasonable thing to say.

Ariadne shuddered as she watched Corauni down the court refreshments, both envious and horrified at the same time as a ripple of hunger went through her body.

"I think I would prefer if my first time happened in the... natural way," Ariadne said, steeling herself against her urges. "I am all ears then."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"As you wish, my child. Since you mention manipulation and betrayal, we may as well begin with the Lasombra. The clan of shadows have turned the practice of subtle manipulation into an art. You would be incredibly hard-pressed to find a more powerful clan in all the world, as much of their influence comes from controlling various religions and churches." Corauni whispered as she looked towards where Prince Malusha sat. Her attention drifted over to Galatea as she spoke with a man dressed in the clothing of a general.

"The only clans which might come close to the power of the Lasombra would be the Tzimisce and the Ventrue. Galatea is of the Tzimisce largely seen as pagan tyrants by many of the other clans, especially the fiends of the Carpathians. The Ventrue are commonly referred to as the warlords, and are perhaps the most commonly seen of the supposed clans of leadership. All three of course are considered members of the high clans." She continued before pausing to allow any questions Ariadne might have.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne caressed her cross pendant in her fingers. She had always believed in Christian tenets, and she wasn't about to stop now. While most humans would consider her a monster, she didn't feel much different apart from the new powers and strange urges. Still, it was a bit jarring to learn that the Lasombra were involved in guiding her religious leaders. In truth, Ariadne didn't really know what to think of that. It was just one of those issues that probably required some long introspection!

"I see," Ariadne said before letting go of the pendant again, letting it fall around her shoulders. "Is there any knowledge that may be gleaned by studying the religious difference between Lasombra and Tzimisce, or are they simply pragmatists? I suppose these high clans sound very much like nobility among my people... I mean humans," Ariadne quickly added with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I'm still getting used to being part of a new society."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Their choice of religion is more a matter of who they were before the embrace, as it is with the other clans. Most Tzimisce hail from the barbaric lands far to the north of us, therefore those who do follow a mortal religion tend to be pagans.

The Lasombra have long been associated with religion throughout their past, and a fair number are true believers in their chosen faith. Though for the most part they are simply interested in the power given by association with the church." Corauni said in answer before continuing, her eyes now settling on the deeply cloaked figure speaking with the prince.

"The high clans are indeed the nobles of our society, much of our society mirrors that of mortal humans. Or perhaps mortal society mirrors us, it's hard to say considering the age of some cainites.

More often than not our own clan is considered a high clan, much like the Cappadocians. They may have a bad reputation as grave robbers and an inordinate fascination with death, but I find them to worthy allies on occasion. Their curse tends to make them look rather corpse-like but ugliness does not equate to bad.

The other high clans are the Toreador, who tend to lead a rather hedonistic and shallow existence. Though they have worthy members such as Eudora of Nyassa. The last would be the Brujah, some call them warrior-philosophers other's would call them angry fanatics. Their weakness makes them rather prone to frenzy."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne nodded like a good pupil as Corauni described more about the vampires and their society. She had always liked to learn and was more or less appointed to tutor Anna because of her scholarly interests as well as family connections, so she found herself quite fascinated to learn about her new society. She tried to take it all in, indexing all of the important information in her mind. Who knows when it might come in handy.

"With all this information and history, one would think there would be whole libraries full of it!" Ariadne offered enthusiastically before pausing a moment to think. "The high clans recruit mostly from human aristocracy then? That's why they are high clans? Or are there other reasons, like having more powerful abilities than... low clans?"