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ACT [Swiss Made] Swiss Made RoR released!

Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Rya from the Toonpimp Forum.

Have a demo.

Open in Mozilla or internet explorer.
If your on a Mac, gtf off the internet.
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Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Sorry for the DP, Wouldnt let me edit my previous post.

Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Protip - hold space down instead of mashing it, it fills the bar up way quicker. Still, somehow this is pretty difficult for me...
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

this game is actually pretty awful. i knew it would be bad but not this bad. You'll end up dying because of the horrible controls more than anthing else.

1. sailor moons face is hideous
2. the controls are laggy and horribly delayed
3. the missile enemies sometimes glitch and never let you go
4. it takes far too long to get up
5. the enemies are bland and either stand still or move in one pattern
6. the animations run slow and sailor moon looks like she's moving in slow motion (may just be my pc though)
7. the animations are bland unimagnative and boring
8. it'll take just one try to learn all the patterns and then it's so easy that you'll be jumping into the enemies on purpose

I really can't say no matter how i try to look at the good points and i always try to find the best in games before i trash them that you should buy this.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

this game is actually pretty awful. i knew it would be bad but not this bad. You'll end up dying because of the horrible controls more than anthing else.

1. sailor moons face is hideous
2. the controls are laggy and horribly delayed
3. the missile enemies sometimes glitch and never let you go
4. it takes far too long to get up
5. the enemies are bland and either stand still or move in one pattern
6. the animations run slow and sailor moon looks like she's moving in slow motion (may just be my pc though)
7. the animations are bland unimagnative and boring
8. it'll take just one try to learn all the patterns and then it's so easy that you'll be jumping into the enemies on purpose

I really can't say no matter how i try to look at the good points and i always try to find the best in games before i trash them that you should buy this.

1. Its SwissMades art style, Its not as imaginative, It has realism instead, but it isnt for everyone.
2. Realistic controls, you cant just jump high from standing perfectly upright, Anatomy, c'mon.
3. I've never had that.
4. Would you get up right away if you were just fucked and cummed in by some weird beast? Stun time my friend.
5. I'll agree with you on that one, Level 2 and 3 got different tactics you need to use like stopping and waiting all together or ducking and not moving.
6. Lower the Quality.
7. Simpsons and south park already did everything, the internet itself is boring, not much else you can do about that, Level 2 and 3 got better stuff, Level 1 is well...Level 1.
8. Thats the way the game is made, Its Trial and error, its also porn, you dont wanna spend 10 odd days trying to beat a porn game, You only gotta play it a few times to beat it and see everything just like all porn games.

Pfft, People these days...
But whatever, thanks for the input.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

I will say i find the stun time the biggest drawback of this game. yes i can appreciate her being stunned from such an action but two points are one...she is supposed to be a heroine and she should be a bit tougher...the second point is that it seems no matter what i get hit just once and the monster chasing from behind is always there on top of me before she even starts to get back to her feet so it essentially became i get hit once its instant gameover. Other then the stun time issue i had i found no other qualms with it really.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Can't actually get the MU to work, but updating original post.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release


1. i had no problems with the art for any of the other games just this one though it may just be the fact that sailor moon always disgusted me

2. by laggy i mean the time between the button press and the response in the game it has nothing to do with the realistic movement also relistic movement does not make a good game in most cases it ruins it because of the response time. does mario take 10 seconds to jump in call of duty do you take 10 seconds to duck?

3. it may have just been a freak accident but the missile just kept looping around the screen over and over again until i got caught

4. there are a ton of other games that have that but along with the extended cumming process and the enemy behind you never stopping if you get caught near the beginning your instantly dead

5. level 2 and 3 sound exactly the same since most of the missiles i had to duck to dodge and the robot enemy made me have to completely stop and wait

6. i'll try that

7. they don't have to be new but theres not much variety besides the missiles

8. i like games, hentai or not, to have replayability and just holding right while occacionally stopping or jumping doesn't show much for replayability and there are a ton of games that take days to beat (most visual novels if you actually read them and ZYX games)

i suppose the game is worth the money you have to spend especially since there are a ton of worse games on the dlsite. the main reason i'm being harsh is because there are so many people who make games that are beyond amazing that are completely free (Toffisama for example) but then there are games that are rushed aren't even tested out and put on market that are complete crap that are sold or only made based on donations. (95% of the dlsite products)
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

I will say i find the stun time the biggest drawback of this game. yes i can appreciate her being stunned from such an action but two points are one...she is supposed to be a heroine and she should be a bit tougher...the second point is that it seems no matter what i get hit just once and the monster chasing from behind is always there on top of me before she even starts to get back to her feet so it essentially became i get hit once its instant gameover. Other then the stun time issue i had i found no other qualms with it really.

Its just something that adds more difficulty to the game, Otherwise you could easily beat it.
I can beat this game in 1 run without getting hit once, But thats mostly because i've played the shit out of it since i was the head tester, Since all the bugs couldnt be fixed I just say use the old NES solution...Press Restart..or..refresh in this case.

Did you know if you press forward twice you can run rather than walk? You can usually only die first thing if you get hit by the very first enemy which is usually a Rape Rawkit but if you play with sound then you can hear the launch, slow down to a walk and easily jump over it, Bucket and Tree, jump over, RapeBorg, Jumping over him works if you time it right or run underneath, it takes timing.
Level 2 is the trickiest imo, Level 3 isnt too bad but enemies are camoflauged into the background so it makes it alittle harder.

Thanks for the input bud
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

actually made it to the 5th enemy. dodged two rockets early had to stop and wait for the robot jumping around so i could get by it then jumped a plant and i guess by a gltich or something another robot hit me after i had gotten past it. well after the rape and cum was over the chasing monster was still already on me by the time she started getting up. maybe if i hadnt had to wait for the jumping robots i coulda gotten up and scooted away but after all that distance and it was still there it kinda seemed just a little too fast.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

I got to the end and it was fine, then when I tried to replay, I was running in the street and it didnt spawn enemies or rockets.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Only problem i had with this game was the low rockets, since jusmp is slightly delayed, but it was nothing major, just had to keep my eyes on the right side of the screen.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Gotta love how even if you mash out of a rape animation at record speed, you're still stunned for SO FUCKING LONG that the Sasquatch-looking-guy has more than enough time to catch you anyway, and there's really no point in trying to put effort into escaping either way.

I'm looking at you, ridiculous rocket animation that doesn't even make fucking sense and just keeps you stunlocked for the sake of being stunlocked.
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Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Can someone upload to some place OTHER than megaupload? I keep getting to 75% or so completion on the DL, and then it just...stops.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Am I the only one getting a blank white screen when I try to play this?

Edit: Never mind, turns out it had just finished downloading prematurely and I didn't notice. Probably the same DL problem as kekken.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Game seems really sluggish for whatever reason. When I lowered the quality down to low, it helped a lot, but still...
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Time to stop this lurking...

I'm not sure what to make of this,the word:cheap comes to mind for some reason.I guess it's the rather poorly responsive controls and a little lame graphic style plus the lagging on high quality...even with a top of the line PC.

Since these threads tend to go off-topic....heres a question:Is there any erotic game with gameplay similar to the very first prince of persia?I know game like that would need pretty good animation but that was a game I allways enjoyed and in my opinion that style of gameplay would be pretty neat for some tentacle/monster game.
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

Is there any erotic game with gameplay similar to the very first prince of persia?I know game like that would need pretty good animation but that was a game I allways enjoyed and in my opinion that style of gameplay would be pretty neat for some tentacle/monster game.


STOP EVERYTHING! A porn game with tentacles and monsters based on POP? Goddamn that would be sooooooo awesome:eek: *drools*.
I would kill to get a game like that.

excitement --/>

Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

the DEMO is cool and all, but does any one have an idea to when/where the full game will be available?
Re: Swiss Made RoR finished, waiting on DLSite release

I'm looking at you, ridiculous rocket animation that doesn't even make fucking sense and just keeps you stunlocked for the sake of being stunlocked.

...I'll be honest, even I was completely dumbfounded by that animation for those things. I would actually be laughing at it if I wasn't so confused of what the heck was going on. Dang Mini-Rape rockets.

Other than that, the game seems alright so far. I don't mind the art.

the DEMO is cool and all, but does any one have an idea to when/where the full game will be available?

The site still says "Coming Soon" so there's no exact date for when. Maybe 1-2 weeks, I don't remember how long they took with Mission To Zebes the last time they said that.
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