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Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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In the middle of night, the full moon shined brightly in the cloudy, ominous sky. It was around this time, that werewolf, vampire, gargoyle, and many other creatures of the night haunted the humans who dwelled on the island, abducting men and women alike, stealing them away to who knows where, with only a rare few ever returning with the tale of barely escaping a life of sexual slavery.

And on this night, were a pack of werewolves, currently engaged in a battle within what is known as a timeless battle between the vampire and werewolf races, hunting a sole vampire, in an attempt to defeat it, and take her male slaves for their own, and further expand their territory, not to mention their choice of mates.

However, not long after the pack began their march through the dark forest, with trees nearly dead, and several spots of marsh all about, a young member of the brood diverged from the pack, having caught the scent of the vampire her sisters and kin did not due to her strange, uncanny gift, which could only be explained as magic. Which, in all consideration, was not far from the truth...

None of her sisters followed her as she darted off without a word, quite used to the youngling's rebellious behavior. Thusly, she was on her own, her nose leading her on the hunt towards her vampire prey, leading her through the unfamiliar territory, hopefully to the monster's den, where all of the men would be kept. However, it was likely not in Siehydra's interest to capture a man, so much as it was to defeat the monster on her own, and gain such renown among her clan that would rival the pack leader. With such a glory to boast, Siehydra would be able to challenge the pack leader, and prove her worth to everyone, once and for all.

Thoughts of ambition are a thing that cannot be avoided in werewolves, even to such extent as to say that Siehydra was not ambitious at all. The tan skinned werewolf had no interest in claiming the title of pack leader, which was what 'everyone' wanted to be. And in the eyes of her kin, Siehydra was viewed as lazy, and flawed. Especially by her own mother... The Pack Leader, who, as the pack leader, gave her the title of, "Six," The meaning of the term coming from such belief that when a woman gives birth to her sixth child, that very child would be nothing but bad news to both herself, and everyone around her.

Despite Siehydra's distance from most of her kin, and how little she cared of them, her very blood could not deny the disgrace cast upon her. She would destroy the vampire, rip off the haughty noble's clothes, and dominate her as her kind was born to do. Keeping her pace, with the intent on humiliating the monster as if she were nothing but another human to rape. And with the scent of victory on her fur, all of the fools will stare in awe of her greatness.

Twigs and leaves cracked under her paws as she ran on all fours through the forest, intent on beating her kin to the vampire's location, before she skidded to a halt when she came into a clearing. Before her was the granted sight of a small castle, situated within the thick marsh to keep out any would-be trespassers. But, despite the ugly location, the masonry of the castle was magnificent; jet black stone, with yellow light coming from the windows, granting slight glances inside, where Siehydra could see that the interior of the dark vampire home was just like she had been told, luxurious, and fit for a queen.

The marsh was poisonous, and the only way to the castle was the wooden bridge, which was held high in the air, preventing access.

But, this did not stop the athletic werewolf by any means.

Leaping to a nearby, sturdy tree, landing on the highest branch she could reach, Siehydra climbed the tree, until she reached the top, where she leaped against the trunk with such speed that would be missed within the blink of an eye, before pushing with all her might, and hurling herself over the marsh with naught but her brute strength in her arms and legs, flying through the air with her claws out, before she caught the top of the bridge, holding onto the side with her claws, before pulling herself up with flawless speed, her whole body curling into a ball, and spinning as she slung herself over, and started to fall back down to earth. And right before the moment of impact, Siehydra stopped spinning, unfolding her body with perfection, and landing on all fours, her upper half low to the ground, breasts resting against the stone ground she now found herself on, and her lower half sticking up in the air, her ass presented with grace,

Now within the castle grounds, the vampire awaited Siehydra inside...

(/opening scene; now it's your turn. You can be creative with how she breaks into the castle as well, whether it's just crawling into a window that might be the vampire's bed room (;)), breaking in with force, killing any foes along the way, or sneaking in.)

(Remember, it's freeform, so don't hesitate to be awesome, so long as you stay in-character.)
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra straightened herself up from her position. Turning backwards and looking behind at the pit that she just managed to clear. She smiled proudly and arrogantly at herself. Also, even if she didn't mean to, was seeing if any of the other werewolves did follow her this time. Seeing no one else coming she said to herself, "Bastards... can't smell worth a shit." Although she did feel a slight tinge of loneliness and disappointment seeing that no one did follow her, knowing that they thought of her as just a stupid renegade. Ignoring these feelings, she just told herself that she was going to kick the living shit out of this thing alone and show them all just what she can do.

Siehydra turned around and stared at the castle. She played with her claws on the concrete as she thought of the battle to come. Going through imagined scenarios of what might happen she smiled arrogantly at herself. She was going to beat the living shit out of this vampire and do whatever she wanted to it afterwards. Siehydra did not even consider the possibility of losing before the fight even started. Maybe if she managed to not kill the vampire she could even have some fun with it...

Moving forward she smiled at herself pumped up from thinking about just how exactly she was going to kill this vampire, and how the others will recognize her what she can do after they hear about what she's done. Ready to kill anything in her path she picked up speed, practically running to where her nose told her the vampire was. Although, seeming reckless in her charge she did use her nose to try anticipate anything that may come at her.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The vampire's stench soaked the foundation of the entire castle. All except the outside walls made of stone reeked of undead royalty. So, with no real way of knowing where the monster laid in wait, Siehydra broke through the main doors, slamming the large double doors aside as she collided with them, before finding herself standing in a large hall, masonry made of tan stone, with a red carpet under her feet which went onwards towards a large stair, which forked into two paths leading to the second floor, with another set of double doors, no doubt leading straight to where the vampire was located.

But, between her and the doors, were several human servants who appeared startled at the werewolf's sudden invasion. Among them, two men, and one woman. Each of them dressed in noble clothing, no doubt suitors of the vampire, walking bags of blood for her to digest...

"It's-It's a werewolf!" one of the men shouted, hesitant about engaging in battle.

The woman, meanwhile, seemed the most bold out of them all, drawing her two handed blade, and directing it at Siehydra, "The creature is after My Lady Helen!" she announced the name of the vampire who took residence of the castle, "Draw swords! Kill the beast!"

At her command, the two men did draw their weapons... Challenging Siehydra to a test of her ability.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra ran in frustration to where she thought the vampire was. She wasn't used to not being able to sniff her enemies out. The undead stench also made her more frustrated, making her want to find the source even more, and destroy it, as she ran. She briefly wondered were the rest of her pack was. Although they may think of her as nothing but a troublemaker she couldn't deny the bond a pack had with each other, even if she didn't act like it. She somewhat hoped they would find her, but at the same time she wanted to take on the vampire herself far more.

Breaking through the doors she stared at the servants getting ready to battle her, noticing the males' hesitation to fight. Siehydra paced back and forth, showing her fangs in a menacing smile. Scratching the stone with her razor sharp claws she taunted the servants, as sparks flew from her claws, showing her fangs threateningly, "So you blood bags think you can take me on? If you drop your shit now I might give you a minute to run." She aimed her taunt at the hesitant males, thinking of them as the cowards of the bunch.

Not waiting for an answer Siehydra stopped pacing and got into a pouncing position, ready to aim herself at the female. She was obviously the only one that wouldn't run, and probably be the hardest to take down. She also had a hunch that would be the only one that she would have to take down, thinking that the cowardly males would run off as soon as the girl was down. In her pounced position she said, "Hope ya made up your minds." Then darted off at the woman lightning fast speed, ready to dodge her obvious first attack and slip behind her with her superior speed, taking out her legs to make her useless in case the men didn't run. She wasn't going to outright kill the woman. No, she liked to play with her food.
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Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The two men nearly took a leap back when Siehydra sent sparks from her claws, while the woman only blinked, showing considerably less fear than her opposite gender, who were more than likely so used to being dominated, that they had grown no spine during the course of their life.

And when Siehydra charged at the female knight, the woman responded with a reflexive swipe at the oncoming werewolf, nearly cutting the canine woman in half, before, acting on combat instinct, she reached down, and grabbed the ground, pushing as hard as she could immediately, so that her forward motion would be directed up, and over the swordswoman. And with a flip, Siehydra went soaring over the woman, landing on the ground behind her with her back to her armored foe, who was caught, even if only slightly, off guard. And before the woman could react, Siehydra planted her hands on the ground, and swung a leg around, low to the ground, colliding with the human's, and sending her to the ground on her ass.

All seemed to be going well in the favor of the ambitious werewolf. That is, until the unexpected occurred; One of the two males decided to assist, by charging forth with a declarative shout, bringing his blade above his head, ready to bring it down atop the prone werewolf, thus chopping her in half, unless she acted quickly.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

As the woman fell down hard on her ass Siehydra grinned in satisfaction as she saw the woman. Preparing to take away her weapon, and deal with the two males that were to stupefied to do anything, Siehydra heard one of them . Looking off in the direction it came from, she saw that the male was getting ready to chop her in half. Due to her arrogance and how sure she was she had frightened them out of the fight, she was caught off guard. The only thing Siehydra could manage to do was clumsily roll out of the blades way, avoiding getting chopped in half...

Siehydra did not manage to escape unscathed however. She felt a burning pain on her right ear. Realizing that the male had managed to cut off a little more then the tip of her ear, she straightened herself up from her roll quickly, with rage in her eyes. The rage started to take over now and she was more of a beast, ready to kill them all without a second thought. Charging at the male with rage in her eyes, she let out a roar intending to kill him and anyone that she saw now, without a seconds notice.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Claws sharp, and rage spiked, the sight, and smell of her own blood drove the werewolf into a sadistic frenzy. The tan skinned werewolf's hair flowed like water as she pounced at the man who assaulted her, pulling her arm back to unleash a deadly slash he would not be able to avoid, the moment of his execution seeming to last forever, even though it all occurred within a split second. Siehydra's claws dug into the skin of his throat, pulling, and tearing his flesh as her body flew past his, a grotesque *rip* echoing through the hall, as the man's head flew off of his shoulders, followed by a loud thud as his decapitated body slammed against the ground.

Her next target, the other male, was frightened to the point of being unable to move. But, when she set her sights on him, he panicked, turning about, and fleeing as fast as his legs would carry him, nearly tripping several times in the process. But, no human could ever outrun a werewolf. And in a matter of moments, the man found Siehydra slamming against his back, driving him face first into the ground. With her legs planted against his back, she gripped his head with her right hand, pulling it up, while her left sealed itself around his throat, her claws digging in, and severing the flesh in one, clean slice. The man soon went limp from the accelerated blood loss.

The human woman, spotting her chance to try and end the conflict in one fell swoop, leaped at the werewolf from behind, letting out a ferocious yell as she dove straight at the monster's back, her sword held high above her head, ready to impale the beast's heart. But, this was not Siehydra's plan. Quickly turning about, the werewolf slammed her hands together onto the blade, just before the tip impaled her dead. The sharp tip of the weapon was just short of Siehydra's chest, while the woman tried with all her might to push, and kill the werewolf, before Siehydra suddenly kicked at the woman with both of her legs. Her feet slammed against her stomach, sending her flying away, until she landed on her back, sliding along the clean, marble floor a little, before coming to a stop.

Siehydra now was in possession of the human's blade, while the woman in question was laying on her back, catching her breath, completely defenseless...

The knight was at Siehydra's mercy.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Breathing heavily with the knights sword still in her blood soaked claws, laying on her back, Siehydra straightened herself up. She briefly glanced at the carnage she had just caused. As her Blood-lust subsided she realized she had lost control of herself, and killed the humans in a gruesome manner. Still, she did not give it a second thought as she saw the female-knight across the room, still alive. Siehydra threw the blade aside to the opposite side of the room the knight was in with a loud clank. Not allowing the knight to get back up, she made her way quickly across the room.

When Siehydra reached the knight she pinned her down, and smiled at her menacingly, showing the knight her fangs. She then bent down as if she was about to bite through her neck, but instead only bit gently. Her sharp fangs still caused the knights blood to flow. Without a word, she pulled herself away from her neck, and began to forcibly tear off the pieces off the knights armor, and clothes with her claws. Not caring for her toys well being, Siehydra's claws had sunk into the knight's skin on a few occasions as she tore off all her clothing, causing her extreme pain.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The knight yelped as Siehydra landed on top of her, eyes going wide as she assumed that it was death that awaited her, before she found that the werewolf had other interests in mind, as her clothes and armor were brutally torn from her body. She screamed as Siehydra made various cuts along her flesh, and once Siehydra had her pinned, now without clothes, the knight inhaled sharply when her mind began to piece together what the werewolf desired of her last victim.

She shook her head back and forth violently, as her body attempted to twist, and pull itself out of the werewolf's grasp, "No! Stop!" she shouted at Siehydra, "I'd rather die than be humiliated like this!" she claimed, while trying to keep her legs closed shut, so as to prevent Siehydra access to her pussy.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra looked down at her new pet. With an amused, and sadistic smile on her face. She leaned down shoving her face close to the knights, causing their bodies to smash up against each other, and said to her , "You can go off and die after I'm done with you if it's really that bad, but right now... I own you." Then wedging her leg between the humans closed ones she forcibly shoved them apart with her strength. She shoved the knight down more forcibly to stop her twisting about, and show her that there was no hope for escape. Then, still leaning close, Siehydra kissed the knight, and unlike her actions before, this one wasn't forced and even seemed gentle.

Still kissing the Knight Siehydra made enough room between their bodies to slip her hand in and she started to play with the knights right breast. Then using her free hand she slipped it down in between the knights legs and started fingering her pussy, actually being careful with her claws so to not tear the knight wide open.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The knight blushed, while lowering her head as Siehydra declared ownership over her. Her breathing was heavy, and she was quite tense. However, her tension was broken when Siehydra leaned in for a kiss. The knight gasped in surprise at the sudden act of romance, moaning when Siehydra began to fondle her, before her body went solid in shock as Siehydra gently stuck her finger inside of her petals. As her arms went to try and pull the werewolf's finger out, a quick, cautionary warning, that told her the danger of such an act, would cause the knight to grudgingly remove her hands slowly, allowing Siehydra to play with her as she liked. Forced to be reduced to moaning and groaning pathetically from the pleasure, while doing nothing to stop her...
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra broke the kiss when she heard the knights moaning. She took sadistic pleasure in the knight contradicting her own words, and wanted to hear her moans fully. She started licking her face instead, a lot like a dog. Continuing working in her pussy she said to her whispering in her ear tauntingly, "You sure warmed up quickly to me... I thought this was more horrible then death for you. You do this often?" After her statement she begun nibbling on the knight's ear.

When the knight made a move to grab at her hand and pull it out Siehydra said, seeming to not care if she did decide to pull her claw out, "Ya see your friends over there? If you decide to shove my claw out of your cunt then that's gonna be what it looks like." Then not waiting for the knight to acknowledge her words she moved her face down to her open breast and begun nibbling, and sucking on it. Although she was careful to not chomp down on her breasts with her fangs, trickles of blood still still rolled down.

Siehydra herself begun humping the knights leg. She quickly started moaning, and panting. In a few moments the knight could even feel Siehydra's juice rolling down her leg.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

She let out a gasp as Siehydra nibbled at her ear, before turning away in denial of the affection the werewolf tried to give, "I will not squirm for you..." she whispered, knowing that fighting uselessly would only leave Siehydra with more satisfaction in the end.

But, as Siehydra began sucking on her breast, and rubbing her pussy along her leg, coating her leg with her scent, she looked down at the werewolf with insult, "How dare you mark your territory on me! You'll pay for this..." she claimed. Then, she tossed her head back with a small cry as Siehydra's claw gently began sliding along her sweet spot. A new flood of juices began pouring forth from the sudden stimulation, as her hand went to hold the back of Siehydra's head, gripping at her black hair, "Stop!" she pleaded, "You're going to tear me open!"
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra smiled down at her prey. She knew that she was sliding along her sweet spot, and she took pleasure in having the knight begging for mercy. Ignoring her pets pleads, she sped up her fingers, and began humping her leg even faster, intending to finish her off. Siehydra Raised her head from the knight's breast to her lips, kissing the knight passionately. She could feel herself close to climax, and as the ultimate humiliation, Siehydra planned to cum with her.

(( Somewhat rushed, but I kinda wanted this to be over ))
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The woman twisted, and screamed as Siehydra pushed her sexual limits, before suddenly letting out a whimper, and going limp, breathing heavily on the ground. Siehydra's finger was soaked with the girl's juices, while the werewolf herself hadn't had a chance to satisfy herself. But, the one she could fuck until she did was closer than she first would have suspected...

"That's quite enough, beast!" shouted the voice that could belong to none other than a royal. At the top of the stairs, stood a blond woman wrapped in a black cape. Her hair was well kept, with her bangs curving to the right of her face. The cape itself displayed spikes on the shoulders, giving her not only a royal, but also an evil presence. "I do not permit stray dogs in my castle! Leave with your tail tucked between your legs, you filthy mut!"
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra dropped her toy when she was done playing with her. Feeling disappointed, and unsatisfied she wanted more, but was bored the broken knight now. Then she heard a voice and quickly faced in the direction of the blond woman yelling at her. The way she dared to address Siehydra and implied she would run away made her fill with anger. She growled at the woman and yelled back at her, "I'll kill anyone that blocks me from getting what I came here for, so how about you get the fuck out of my sight before I do to you what I did to those two." Siehydra pointed her hand at the two bodies, with puddles of blood all around them.

Hoping to catch the woman off guard, Siehydra charged at the woman immediately after her gesture to the bodies. She was tired of the vampire's servants, and didn't want to waste any more time on them, preferring to just kill them quickly now instead of toying with them. In her anger at the woman's insults Siehydra did not fully take in the woman's appearance, behavior, and her choice of words, and because of this she didn't realize that this wasn't going to be anything like her last battle.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

As Siehydra leapt at the royal, red eyed woman, the well dressed vixen pulled her cape to cover herself, before flashing it open, as a single fire ball shot forth at Siehydra just before she landed what would have been a killing blow. The ball of compressed heat slammed into Siehydra like an explosion, feeling like she had been punched hard in the gut by a massive fist when it landed.

Flying back, the woman taunted the werewolf as she flew through the air, "Foolish creature! Such a straightforward attack against a superior opponent, typical of a werewolf. And without your pack, it sickens me to think of the mess your corpse will make on my floor." Once she finished speaking, Siehydra would land on the floor, instincts allowing her to land on her feet, unharmed. This caused the vampire to look fairly surprised, "What? How are you still able to stand?" she growled, before chuckling, and grinning down at her, "Your soul absorbed most of the blow, didn't it? To think you had any spiritual power at all..."

The woman began brimming with intense power, a fierce red glow emanating from her body as a wicked grin appeared on her face, "No matter how strong you are, the greater of the minds will know victory! My next attack will destroy both you, and your soul!"
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

When Siehydra landed she looked all around her body for scorch marks on her from the fireball. She was surprised to see that she came out relatively unharmed from charging a fireball head on. Siehydra finally realized what she was up against when she registered the fireball, the vampires manner of speech, and how she had claimed this was her castle. Instead of showing fear at her realization she smiled arrogantly. The object of her hunt had came to her, this was going to be so much easier for her now in her mind.

She quickly shook off the confusion at how she managed to survive the fireball with only the feeling of being punched hard in the gut. She did hear the vampire say it was because of her soul, which she didn't understand at all. Looking at the vampire she said arrogantly, "I don't need my useless packs help to kill you, I'll take you out by myself."

Heeding the vampires words, she actually did not charge her head on, learning from her past mistake. Hoping to surprise the vampire Siehydra actually waited this time for the vampire to use what she claimed to be a more powerful attack, and counter her afterward, hoping that her attack would connect if she caught the vampire off guard.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The vampire chuckled maliciously, "You've only your claws, and you think you're going to defeat me by such primitive means!? Perhaps if I'm lucky, your whole clan's as foolish as you are." she taunted her, before gathering balls of flame into both her hands, holding the flaming spheres on either side of herself, "And now you'll die from your mistake!"

Swinging her hands, she launched the pair of flaming balls of power at Siehydra, both of them homing in on Siehydra from the left and right directions, intent on catching her if she went about any direction, except for straight ahead. They flew quickly, and would be impossible to dodge. Leaping back would make their impact certain, and leaping to either side would only cause her to run right into one, before being hit by the other.

Charging straight ahead would allow Siehydra to outmaneuver them, but no doubt, that was the vampire's plan to lure her into a trap...
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The only words Siehydra said before she made her move to the vampire was, "I already said I don't need my useless pack to kill you, and these claws are more then enough to kill any wretched vampire." Seeing the fireballs coming from both directions, she knew the only way she'd be able to run is straight towards the vampire again. She knew that this was probably her plan, but perhaps overconfidence would be her downfall...

Siehydra did not have to think to know to do. Not caring that this was an obvious trap, she ran the only way she could to avoid the fireballs. Claws ready she ran straight ahead, and once again charged at the vampire head on, this time she felt ready for a counter although only her instincts would allow her to avoid anything running at this speed towards her opponent...