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Tailored RPs Initial Interest and character ideas


RP Moderator
Mar 7, 2010
Reputation score
Since I have enough free time to open myself to some Rping, I thought I would offer to run some little games for anyone who might be interested. I'd be looking at running threads for individuals or potentially small groups with enough corresponding interest, similar to how the EGG threads play out. I've got a fairly simple stat system that should cover anything that crops up and will tailor it more so to individual games as needed. The main stats will use a d100 system where you need to roll equal to or lower than your statistic to succeed the check.

Stat System:
Base Stats:
Build: A measure of physical strength and toughness
Reaction: A measure of both physical and mental swiftness
Mental: A measure of intelligence and willpower
Social: A measure of social skills and standing

Derived stats:
Hit Points: Build/10 (The amount of physical punishment a character can take before being unable to resist.)
Will Points: Mental/10 (The amount of mental punishment a character can take before being unable to resist )
Characters will be incapacitated after reaching 0 HP or WP and will remain conscious until they hit negative their base value.

Speed: Reaction/10 (Determines turn speed in combat.)
Melee Skill : ½ Build + ½ Reaction (Determines melee attack success rate)
Ranged Skill: ½ Reaction + ½ Mental (Determines ranged attack success rate)

Basic build, 210 points between the four stats, with no single stat above 90, modified by characters traits and such which will be discussed prior to play.

Below I've listed a few settings I've been toying with that I'm looking to run with, though I am by no means limiting the choices to theses. I can run fantasy things easily enough and would love to run something based around the Disgaea or Shin Megami series given the opportunity. I'm happy to tailor things to suit sexual encounters, though I'm likewise happy to run cleaner games. if you are interested, please give me an idea of what you'd be wanting, further figuring out will probably be done via PMs. I'd probably be looking at about 4-5 games to start with tops, just to see how well I keep up with those.

Highlights: Modern setting, Secret Research, Psychic horrors, Mind rape
A research centre studying the psychic phenomenon know as the Dreamweave falls silent. A containment unit is sent in to secure the facility and to ascertain the status of the test subjects and personnel. The very facility itself is warped by the powers being unleashed, making simple survival inside the facility no easy task. While the test subjects struggle to control their powers and retain their sanity, the surviving personal attempt to fight their way to the surface. The containment unit meanwhile faces the task of putting an end to the source while tying up any loose ends.

Highlights: Sci-fi setting, Sentient androids, Monster girls and boys, Space

The human race has advanced to the stars, colonising two new earths nd countless other genworlds inhabited by genetically altered humans. Death has been somewhat overcome by copying consciousness to lifelike android bodies, creating the Whispers, though they lie without any rights. Humans tend to only look out for themselves and various corporations have taken to abusing the lack of rights Whispers and Genhumans have.

Highlights: Modernish post apoc setting, bizarre mutations, corruption, strange critters

At some point the world ended, or at least it certainly seems like it. Empty broken streets and desolate land ave replaced the once thriving humanity. Most survivors have become something else, their bodies changing with no rhyme or reason. Terrible beasts stalk the darkness of the night, dragging off whatever they can find.

Magic Storm
Highlights: Fantasy Magic-punk, magic powered airships, magic firearms, magic monstrosities.

One great nation has started to harness magic to power all manner of things, using it as we would electricity. Great cities have arose with numerous inventions being created to take advantage of this new power. The only problem is that magic is not something that can be drawn from the air or the land. Those who can naturally use magic have been dwindling in number, in some cases disappearing from the nation. Tensions with the neighbouring nations have always been strained over their differing values, but when the disappearances started to spread beyond the nation's boarders, war was quick to follow.
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Re: Tailored RPs

Oh, you can count me in for some of the Broken or Genner threads.

Good idea for the stat system by the way.
Re: Tailored RPs

Sounds pretty cool. Broken sounds awesome. Dreamweave too, possibly.
Re: Tailored RPs

Am I the only one interested in Magic Storm?
Re: Tailored RPs

Nope. I kind of lean to magic storm due to my personal preference of high fantasy settings. Though broken or genner sounds okay to me too. If I went broken I'd like it to be fallout'isque.
Re: Tailored RPs

What is Mind Rape?
Also interest.
Re: Tailored RPs

What is Mind Rape?
Also interest.

Mind rape is either hypnosis/mind control, or psychological torture with possibly a sexual bend.

Am I the only one interested in Magic Storm?

No, though I find all of the potential settings interesting in their own right.

Unfortunately, I am currently at RP saturation once more, even though many of them have slowed down significantly of late. So, while this does interest me as so many things do, particularly since it's someone I haven't RPed with before, I must bow out.
Re: Tailored RPs

I personally am not for the mind stuff, makes my penis cry. And magic could be interesting, but it's not striking a particular fantasy with the description at the moment. I'm with burrito on this, mainly for broken.
Re: Tailored RPs

Magic storm is of interest to me. I shall consider it, especially knowing how good your threads are.
Re: Tailored RPs

Seeing as there seems to be the most interest in Broken and Magic Storm I went ahead and fleshed out the worlds a little so we can start narrowing things down. I'm hoping you'll find something to catch your fancy, otherwise I'm happy to run something more specific for individuals. I'll throw up a request sheet as well so I can get an idea of what I particular everyone wants out of their games.

The cold has started to creep over the ruins of the nameless city, snow and ice making the already harsh living conditions a true test of the survivors spirits. Their numbers are dwindling and tensions between small groups are running high as food stores run low. Some have succumb to their changes while others have simply walked into the wastes, hoping to find something more beyond the cities limits. The only blessing has been a reduction in the number of creatures prowling the streets at night, though they still pose a great threat to the unwary.

Nobody knows how this all came to pass, almost al memories from before the calamity seemingly wiped clean along with the world itself. There are those that seek to remember themselves, hoping it might stop them from turning into something else. Others band together, hoping their numbers will give them the strength to survive the moonless nights.

Perhaps you are a human, more or less, still trying to survive in the broken world. You may have found friends, allies, perhaps even family among the ruins. Maybe you are trying to right the world after the calamity some twenty years ago, or maybe you simply want to survive. Perhaps you've succumb to the change that afflicts those who live, becoming one with the darkness of the night. Perhaps you feel all would be better if they were as you are, or maybe you seek to regain what you have lost.

Magic Storm
With advent of the war between the great nation of Tervinan and the magically adapt kingdom of Valance, the world has witnessed a clash of power that has never before been experienced. Great magic powered machines decimate fortresses while powerful chromatic sorcerers wipe clean the fields of battle. Both sides utilise the best and brightest their nations have to offer, leading only to more pronounced devastation along the boarder towns. Whoever may win the war, the cost will doubtless scar the land for generations to come.

Even while the war is being fought, there is a growing unrest on both sides far from the front lines. In Tervinan, a series of terrorist attacks have left many cities without the power they have come to rely on. In Valance, there is growing disdain for those who favor technology over the arcane, with several steam works being forced to close. On top of all this there have been rumours of the smaller neighbouring nations funding the opposing side, threatening to spill the war into other territories.

Perhaps you are a soldier in one of the armies, or a civilian safe from the front lines. Maybe you can use magic and find yourself pressed into service or worse yet troubled by the disappearance of your fellow magic users. You might find yourself tasked with resolving the the growing civil unrest, or perhaps you are part of the problem.

Things I'd like to know from you:
You can post a reply here or PM me.

Preferred setting: (Can be something other than these two)
General plot idea: (What you roughly want to be doing in said world.)
Sex: (No, if it fits naturally, or if you want it to be the focus. Feel free to add any specifics/ things you'd like me to include.)

Character ideas: (Anything you might have in mind, nothing will be set in stone until play begins. I'll work up a list of traits and extras which might appeal to you based on this information.)
Solo/Group: (Simples, I'll try to run group games if there is interest but I'm happy to run solo games equally.)
Re: Tailored RPs

Okay, Broken sounds a whole lot more awesome to me now. So long as I can play a meta-human who hasn't lost his mind.

And Magic storm sounds a whole lot more appealing knowing I can be a soldier and not some lightweight in a robe.
Re: Tailored RPs

I like broken, but I have no idea what the general accomplishment would be. It seems like in that situation, it'd be surviving every day is the goal. Maybe I just lack the originality, but unless you're escaping the planet, which entails sci-fi settings, or somehow fix the earth? Idk. I'm not saying it's any fault of yours, it sounds like an amazing story, so amazing, in fact, that I wouldn't know how to expand on it with the thought of myself or anyone else in mind without being in it.
Re: Tailored RPs

Okay, Broken sounds a whole lot more awesome to me now. So long as I can play a meta-human who hasn't lost his mind.

And Magic storm sounds a whole lot more appealing knowing I can be a soldier and not some lightweight in a robe.

The levels of personal change will be up to you, including the state of your characters mind aside from the memory loss everyone has suffered. It can be purely cosmetic changes, beneficial changes or perhaps crippling changes. Something akin to is what I had in mind, but I'm happy for people to stick to what they'd prefer.

Actually all my thoughts for Magic Storm have the 'mages' running around in uniforms like everyone else. Robes get in the way. =P

I like broken, but I have no idea what the general accomplishment would be. It seems like in that situation, it'd be surviving every day is the goal. Maybe I just lack the originality, but unless you're escaping the planet, which entails sci-fi settings, or somehow fix the earth? Idk. I'm not saying it's any fault of yours, it sounds like an amazing story, so amazing, in fact, that I wouldn't know how to expand on it with the thought of myself or anyone else in mind without being in it.

Well, I left things pretty vague to keep it open for ideas, since I wasn't really planning to set the whole group towards the same task but I understand that there isn't really a goal as such. The wastes surrounding the city will be full of things to explore but again, unless you're into the whole exploring strange worlds deal that probably doesn't help.

Quick list off the top of my head of potential personal objectives:

- You have a clear memory of a family but don't have any clue where they are now. your search finally seems to be getting somewhere when you find a clue that they are still alive.
- You could simply be all about the saving others from the perils of the night or otherwise hunting down the source of the beasts to try to put an end to them.
- Rumours persist of another town beyond the wastes and you're determined to see if they are true or not by braving the wilds.

I have no idea if that helps but there we go all the same.
Re: Tailored RPs

That actually does, thank you. The latter suggestion really should have been obvious to me. Quite uninspiring to have someone give such indicative examples of lacking originality to want to be a member of an rp, eh? :p
Re: Tailored RPs

Oh don't worry, I spent a good five minutes staring at the monitor actually trying to come up with some examples. =P
Re: Tailored RPs

Oh man. Broken sounds like ! Except with monstergirls, and stuff, I guess. Anyway I .

Preferred setting: Broken
General plot idea: I wish to rise out of the ashes. Found a settlement, and do a buncha adventuring pertaining to founding a settlement. Securing a source of food, water, and energy, clearing the local area, stuff like that. Human, something else, all will be welcome - so long as they aren't assholes, anyway.
Sex: Well, I'm kinda shit at it, but crazy mutations and stuff are my fetish... if it fits in?

Ye olde character idea brainstorming: - Bioluminescent... something. A nightlight, to ward off the boogeymen - a beacon in the dark! Maybe some kind of anti-monster fieldy thing, too, so I'm not just a man who is also a flashlight... I was thinking "scientist who (at least feels like) is at least partially responsible for the end of the world" or "engineer", to help with the whole "building" bit.
- Similarly, I could become some kind of weird glowmoss-critter. Become photosynthetic, be sadly detached as other people starve while complain about how cold it is while I sunbathe for food... As a plantman I could totally get tentacles too, right? Tentacles are fun. ...Maybe, compounded with just being detached, I could be some kind of food source. Like, vegetables grow on my face and stuff, and/or my presence makes crap grow, even with the snow. Que possession wars.

Solo/Group: Party play would probably be ideal - for me, at least.
Re: Tailored RPs

Preferred setting: Broken
General plot idea: trying to survive, food supply is running low/almost completely gone and must trek to find anywhere new that's safe and habitable.
Sex: Sounds great by me, though ero has never been my forte. I assume it almost all with fit naturally, depending on the enemies.

Character ideas: Try to go with a civilian route with something that at least explains some level of being handy. I figure former short order cook would explain a decent understanding of knives, plus an ability to try and make a living now with cooking whatever he can sort out is fine to eat. As for mutations of some sort, [may be edited later]
Solo/Group: I'd most like this to be a group effort, figure it would differentiate the game well.
Re: Tailored RPs

...I'm probably biting off more than I can chew, with the impending storm of events and the like (the events leading up to such already beginning to wear me down as I speak) but...

Preferred setting: Broken
General plot idea: Survival is always a fun thing...Creating a cult or the likes, "uniting" civilization once again, may not be so bad either.

"Do not fear the winds of change. Rather embrace them...For only through acceptance shall salvation come unto you...

Sex: Depends on what character idea I end up going with. Though I'm mostly indifferent.

Character ideas: Solitary survivor, perhaps a "snow maiden" of sorts whose very blood has become ice cold so as to better adapt to the changing environment (through mutation of course)...An originally devout person who, perhaps incorrectly, has deemed the mutations and the calamity prior to them to be the will of the heavens, and desires to unite all those who survive under such a belief...and of course, as all good cultists do, exterminate the nonbelievers.

Solo/Group: I'd prefer group play, given the nature of the setting, though solo may be better for me given the possible schedule screws to come.
Re: Tailored RPs

Is it to late to join? If it's not I'm interested in playing

Preferred setting: Magic storm.

General plot idea: Survive the turbulence of inevitable war. Trying to avoid capture by the government, while helping people along the way.

Sex: Yes, if it fits I'll try my best to make it sound good.

Character ideas: Most likely a civilian that found they have magic powers. They will be on the run from the government to avoid being moved into the army. While coming to use with their magic, she will help other civilians in any way she can.

Solo/Group: Solo will probably work best for the plot I have in mind.

This will most likely be updated as ideas come to me.
Re: Tailored RPs

As things stand, it looks like the Magic Storm threads are going to be solo affairs. While the Broken game looks to have enough players with the same sorts of goals to be run as a group game, at least to begin with.

I'll work on getting some more world information for Broken pieced together and maybe a map or some such since you'll all be in the same sort of area. Otherwise I'll work on getting up any other information I deem necessary or useful then start launching threads once all the characters are settled.