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Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The quite falling over the group was almost painful. She tried being nice and she tried waiting and it seemed the goblin and healer were the only ones committed to taking any sort of action. Cassandra offered her opinion and Eeyie even took to offering a system to lead them back to this spot. If only she could be in work mode all the time instead of always eying the naga or fantasizing over some...perversion or another. She allowed the goblin to rest on her coils, all be it temporarily as she hit the butt of her halberd against the dirt. "All right. We delayed enough. We can't be out here for too long or else the fairy will get suspicious. Then again, even having her off our back for a minute would be a godsend. Lets move!" She took on a more authoritative tone, moving back down the path in the direction of town, forcing the goblin off. It would be some time before they got back, but at least a start is a start.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie would let out a muffled groan at being moved from the tentac- err naga lower body.. Yeah naga lower body.. As the orange goblin girl looking at Alexia as the pink naga didn't do anything to help the women up! The Goblin girl rolled her eyes at the silliness of the pink naga as she went and hoisted up the women before she could do anything, purposefully carrying her in a brides style before she spoke to Alexia “Leader! Leader! You forgot to carry the damsel! Do you want me to carry her?” The Goblin girl had a truly monstrous grin of perversion on her face as she leered down at the girl. (Considering this fluff holding. She can easily escape – Trying to dump her onto Alexia who can carry her far easier then Eeyie)

Eeyie made it pointedly to keep her body turned away from the only male in the group, making it seem like that by him not offering any help towards the female that he himself was a whiny girl! Or something along those lines it would probably look far more like a snub then anything else. Still if Alexia didn't offer to carry the women Eeyie would giggle out “Oooh I am going to have sunch funz teasing youz!” (Yes I do mean Sunchs)


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia stopped in her tracks and turned herself around, almost forgetting about how to actually transport their injured civilian companion. Seems in her haste to get the team moving, she failed to account for that. She slithered her way back to the diminutive goblin and spoke up. " Forgive me, Miss. In my haste, I failed to offer my assistance. Eeyie, if you don't mind carrying my weapons, I can carry our fair companion the rest of the way. May I?" She placed her weapons down on the ground as if offering them in trade. She knew she would have the strength to carry the woman, but the woman and her gear would be too much.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie would inwardly release a breath of relief at the sight of seeing the naga kneeling. As much enjoyment she would get out of teasing the women, it would mean nothing if she was dead tired to actually do anything about that teasing even as she goblin girl grinned as she said “Surez!” As she gleefully gave the women towards Alexia, not even bothering to hide her relief at having to carry the women all the way. She was short dammit and she may be strong but that didn't mean she would be made a donkey pack mule!

Still she would happily take Alexia's gear before she positively slithered over to Anthony as she cooed out “Ooh! Look at what I'm holding here~ Don't you just want to hold something that has been in pinkie's hands~?” She was hoping that this would garner a reaction from Anthony.. But if nothing happened she would be disappointed.. She had been so sure he had a massive boner for the pink naga.. Especially when she pants him..


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony rolled his eyes at the thought of calling that orange little monster a 'friend', but kept his reservations to himself. It was obvious the group was swaying towards 'take the unfortunate wretch back home, and then come back and follow the goblin while it stumbled about in the underbrush' was the prevailing plan of action, and his darling was feeling either particularly generous or was intent on teaching the lot of them a lesson or something, as she allowed them to come to a conclusion on their own.

While Alexia offered to carry the woman - so noble! - Anthony sought to interject, but was interrupted by that goblin. The nerve of it, asking his darling to do menial work so unsuited for her - especially when it had no labors itself!

The thought of contact with the soiled, traitorous, blonde wretch made him uneasy, but at the same time, he didn't think Alexia - clearly the most fit of their group - should handle the task of ferrying their rescuee back to town, and Cassandra would perhaps not have the strength for it - and even if she did, he was in her debt for revitalizing him and scaring off their attackers so quickly. As for the goblin, her blatantly lewd comments made it obvious it was interested in her, and he would not wish that even on his most dire nemesis. "Pardon me, Milady, but if I might interject again - as beneficent of you as it was to offer, would it not be... dangerous, to disarm yourself to carry the woman? Let me do this in your stead." "Can madam stand and walk? I am afraid we have no wagon to cart you back to town, and it may be too far for me to carry you upon my shoulder." If she stated 'no', he would sigh and heft her up on his shoulder anyway - he could always launder his clothes and bathe - but if she could, he would allow her the privilege of using him as a crutch and leaning on him as they walked back to town.

Once she was mobile - carried or otherwise - he started walking off, assuming the rest would hurry and join him.

"Well, it seems obvious what our next objective is, so let us not waste anymore daylight gawping about here in this obviously very treacherous vicinity, shall we, ladies? Let us make haste back towards town."

What the fuck, where did all these other posts come from? /me goes to edit
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

There was a whole lot of hassle between the goblin and their leader naga, but things eventually worked themselves out in somewhat sensible manners. Not one for physical things, Cassandra was most likely the only one who didn't volunteer to carry something, despite it going against her usual helpful ways in a lot of respects. Eventually, Anthony seemed to come up with the most reasonable way they could do this in. "I think Mr. Anthony is being the most sensible here. Regardless, I think we should move and not linger here too long lest something bad comes our way again." she told the others, quite willing to proceed with things.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Seemed now the team finally spoke up, and just as they were getting underway. Anthony, ever the nobleman and gentleman, made his offer known. Seems he is still going out of his way to take any burdens away from her. Regardless, she felt she did have to address one point he made. " Earlier the lady said her legs did not work so well because of her previous trauma. " With that she picked up the woman in both arms, cradling her like they were a pair of newlyweds. However, Anthony only had more protests to give and Cassandra of all people was agreeing with him.

" Before you suggest that I am completely helpless, I only gave Eeyie my polearms. I still have my sword in case of emergencies .Your concern is appreciated, Sir Anthony and Miss Cassandra , but I will be fine. I was born for this life." she drew attention to the weapon attached to what could be called her waist, the part of her body where her human half ended and her snake half began. She always wore some article of clothing around her waist, for modesty's sake. Last thing she wanted to do was expose herself to people who seemed...unusually attracted to her. Regardless! With her cargo in hand, the naga began moving back to town, heedless of her teams complaints.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie would point blankly stare at the hair-man giving him a bluntly 'Are you dumb' look. “If idijit noble! If she could stand up and escape from me she would've done so! I leered at her to get her running like a rabbit so I could catch and tease her!” The orange goblin perhaps stupidly bluntly yelled at Anthony. “She barely crawled away and gave a frightened and someone come save me look!” As the orange skinned goblin hooked her arms under her breasts, both giving a teasing view and giving off a vibe of being annoyed.

The orange goblin nodded as she listened to the naga's justification even as she blinked before saying “Polearms? Do you mind if we trade if we end up in a battle? I could go hide her in a safe spot and you get your main weapon back!” Still the orange goblin would hold the large polearm.. This weapon was easily too unwieldy for someone her size and at best she could use it as an overly long reaching pole. Still with no reaction coming from the noble as to her being able to hold onto Alexia's positions, Eeyie would feel a bit of her fun sink.

Still, she would begin to mark the trees back to town once they traveled, purposefully bugging Anthony of how he tripped her earlier.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Leaving markings wasn't too necessary, given that they found the scene on the road, but still, they went. The woman let herself be carried by Alexia, and even though Anthony offered, she seemed happier with the snake. And so, they took her back to the town. In the meantime, Cassandra would have time to recover her spirit. However, despite her regained strength, no doubt the fleeing bandits would have retreated to their lair and no doubt be prepared for the powerful group of girls that they encountered prior. They weren't worried about the guy though.

"Thank you so much." The woman announced. "I have to get back to my family and make sure they know I'm okay!" she said, before wanting down. "My legs feel better after the trip, I'll be alright! Again, thank you!" She waved to everyone, before walking away provided the woman let her down.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"Salacious sidewinder!" Anthony shot back. "Her legs are weak, not broken! Strain and atrophy will set in her legs go unused - she can't walk back on her own, but if she can with assistance, she must do so to rebuild her strength! Besides, she dove for cover when those villains jumped out at us - she's not paralyzed!"

Anthony narrowed his gaze at the little monster, giving the little goblin an annoyed, but appraising look. It's plan... it's plan seemed... surprisingly cunning, especially considering what a base creature it had proven to be in the few hours he'd been unlucky to know it. He'd have to watch that thing closer now...

Then he blinked. "Th... they are just weak, and not broken, right?"


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia let out a bit of a laugh as the goblin offered the trade in the event of an emergency. The goblin certainly was the oddest of her three companions. She meant well in her suggestions, but she was crass. She was friendly, but sometimes seemed a little TOO friendly. All in all, Eeyie was...interesting. Alexia was used to working with all types. The noble then decided to chime in and began arguing with Eeyie. Good gods, those two were going to get into a fight over everything! She would need to say something once they returned to town.

Thankfully, the trip was short and from the sounds of it, the woman was feeling much better and was happy to be home. She let the woman down an d let her leave, waving back as she ran off. "You're welcome! And stay safe!" With that distraction finally squared away, she returned her attnention back to the group, specifically, the goblin and the noble. "I understand you two don't agree on a hell of a whole lot, but for the love of the gods, could you stop harassing each other! Eeyie, quit teasing him so much. It's only gonna make him angry and that won't help when bad guys come to attack us. And Anthony, I expected a bit more restraint from a noble such as yourself. Now can we at least get along until this job is done? After we're finished and my debt clear, you two can tear each other apart. But for now, I'd like a little more cooperation. Or do you want me to tell the fairy that you two aren't pulling your weight?"

Part of her was surprised she was scolding the pair. Sure they argued from time to time, but they had only been together for a few hours. This sorta transition was natural. They'd work it out. "Sorry, but I don't mean to sound like a mother scolding her child. It's just getting silly. We're going to be at this for a while and I'd rather not have my team fighting each other. It's not too much to ask, is it?" Whatever the two said, the group would turn around quickly and begin their trip back to the location of the ambush. They needed to begin their hunt for the rogues and fast.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie would practically whine when the women ran into her village as she cried out “Why didn't youz do that to mez so I could chase yahz!?” The whine sounding like a puppy denied its treat and then kicked for good measure. The goblin girl would look sadly at the ground, kicking at it with her bare feet before brightening up at hearing Alexia speaking to her and the noble man-women thingy magigga.

We don't agree on hell? Whats what? When?” Eeyie asked confusedly as she looked up at Alexia, the towering naga indeed looking like a crass mother scolding her two children for getting into constant fights. A mental imaging of Eeyie made Alexia appear as if she towered in the sky, lightning bolts raining down from deep foreboding thunderclouds in the back ground. Eeyie could feel fear of punishment along with excitement as she twisted her legs together, trying to keep herself from popping a boner and give away her enjoyment of the lecture. Through at the ending part from Alexia about the harassment and anger Eeyie would pop a confused question “You thinkz I am trying to get himz so angriez at mez that he will leavez me for deadsz?

Eeyie shook her head saying “No! That isn't what Iz trying to do! Iz only want him to get so angry at me that he just ahhh!” As the orange goblin girl begin to sway where she stood, no longer trying to hide her arousal as she began to speak “Begins to attack me! Beating me black blue and then stepping on my body and snarling down at me and forcing me into a painful happiness! Then I can repay it unto him by raping his manhood till its all raw and making him wish he was a girl!” As she just practically hugged herself in pure delight at the thoughts of this. (-Totally adding Masochist to her flaws now >.>. Along with Sadist at this rate.)

But she would slowly pull herself from her self-induced fantasies, no doubt showing her allies just how easy it would be to manipulate her.. Or how scared it could become if they did do so, for that meant opening game onto them from the goblin girl. Still she would whine out “Can I still tease him every now and then? I can't tease Cassandra for at least a week for her healing me! And I dun wanna tease you till your free of your debt! Well maybe a little teasings if we stop in townz~” As the goblin girl said the last part, a truly perverted smile came across her face.

*Edit: Eeyie begins heading back to begin tracking the bandits once Alexia starts moving that way (Or Cassandra or Anthony)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

With some further squabbling, the group actually managed to get back towards civilization and get the weak lady to her home place. Considering how much the rest of the group had been arguing and flailing at each other, it appeared almost as a small miracle to Cassandra. The peaceful walk was still good, for it allowed her to restore her mental energies back to full capacity, a thing that was always fine for them. "I'd say that I agree with Alexia, moving ahead and getting back on track would be the best option here." the busty cleric told the others, but not pushing it any further as she was not one to argue over things.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"I-I... uwha- I- I di-don't, didn't..." the noble stuttered, almost looking as if he were going to cry. He didn't take being scolded by his object of unrequited affection very well.

Then, suddenly, he puffed up at the naga's reprimand - however infatuated with the snakegirl he was, he was a prideful man as many Badarian nobles were. "Excuse me, commander, but I have been been most restrained in my dealings with this miniscule cretin!" He said in a tone and volume just shy of a shout. "For Lich's sake, she pantsed me! Do you know how many times over any other noble in the entirety of Badaria would have snuffed her then and there?! Does the fact that I did not dissolve our group into dissension show I have only the most devotion to your quest?!" He stomped several times during his tantrum, kicking up a small cloud of dirt that dirtied his already road-dusted shoes.

When the goblin confessed her unthinkably lewd hidden intentions, the nobleman could only stare at it with an expression of revulsion, stunned and unable to say anything for several moments. When he finally regained his articulative abilities, he waited not a moment to exercise his ability of expression.

"Uuuuuuuuuuugghhh!" he groaned with distaste. "Foul creature, I am neither so crass as to beat an ally or a woman, however infuriating it may be! And even if I would, knowing you wish it ensures I will never, ever, ever, do it to you!"

"Now! If we are done, I would suggest we either find that woman's peasant home and demand a payment for rescuing her to fund our trek, or we head off to find those villains, send them to Hell, and get our denarii!"


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia was at her wits end with this. In the name of all that is sacred and holy, this was getting ridiculous! This Badarian had his head so far up his ass, that it wasn't even funny. Were they all this annoying and stupid? Did they all feel like they ruled the god damn world. Approaching the rather whiny little man,she stood a little taller on her tail, trying to use height to her advantage. "If you stopped talking to yourself for 5 bloody seconds, you would know that I was yelling at BOTH OF YOU! While she is more guilty of outward acts of harassment, you have taken the more verbal route. To me, that's just as bad. I apologize if I offended you, but I'm doing my best to get you two to stow the attitude. We're going to be in this mess for a long time and I'd rather not have you two killing each other when I turn my back. Now please...lets move on.

With that she lowered herself back down to her normal height, hoping the height and intimidation effect sank in. She turned away from the man and the goblin and began making her way out of town, but before she made it any significant distance, she stopped and turned her head slightly to address the man. "Come along now. I trust you don't want to make the object of your affection any more upset now do you?" She gave the man a sly grin, hoping that would hit some sort of mark with him. He wasn't hiding it very well.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie would just smirk at the noble as she said happily “Oh those foul man tried! By trying to turn me into an armless and legless doll! But theyz didn't succeedz! What makes you think you can?” Even as she visibly shuddered at the thoughts of Anthony's disgust and shock before she nodded echoing the pink naga. “Yepz yepz! Shez lecturing us both! If she doesn't wantz me botheringz youz, then I won'tz. Because I'll be botheringz her, especially after she is freed from her debt! Hopefully she won't give inz and provides me with tonz of funs!” As the orange goblin girl nodded happily before trotting over to Cassandra.

Helloz! Ima just trot silently by youz till we get back to the clearingz and I can workz my magics of trackings!” As the orange goblin nodded, before doing just as she said, going quiet by the mage. Remaining silent all the way back to the grove by the road. Through now that she was looking at the road, she wondered why she had made that markings? Eeyie would inwardly whine at her self-imposed silence since it made her think. One could almost see smoke coming from her ears at all her big thoughts.

(Actions: Head back up the road if going that way and begin tracking bandits.)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia was already taller than Anthony, but even so, his wounded pride was no small animal easily cowed. The noble matched the snake woman's rearing up by puffing out his chest and holding his arms slightly out, trying to look bigger too. So he wasn't allowed to be offended at his mistreatment?! Was he supposed to swallow his pride while that disturbed goblin - a goblin, for Lich's sake! - made a mockery of him?! Was the fact that she reprimanded both of them supposed to alleviate the annoyance he felt that he was 'in the wrong' for throwing mere words!? Was her insincere apology supposed to mollify him!?

His infatuation with her kept him from challenging her numerous counts of bullshit, and though reconsidered his choice of Earthly Goddess, he ultimately bit his lip and said nothing.

And then she, without even deigning to turn fully towards him, bade him to 'come along now', like he was still a babe at his mother's hem, and that he 'didn't want to make her more upset with him, did he?'. He hadn't said it out loud, but she'd figured him out anyway.

When she put it like that, she obviously cared nothing for him. His chances were essentially zero, so there wasn't really any point in him bothering to help her with her quest, was there? He should just go home right now. Maybe father would only be immensely furious with him for running off and stealing from the family's coffers, instead of completely, frothingly, reason-banishingly, filicidally enraged.

"...Yes, Captain." He responded coldly. He wasn't sure why. He kept his resentful silence all the way back, refusing to look in his cold-blooded love's direction - and if Alexia wanted him to ignore the goblin, he would, too, pretending as if she didn't exist. As best he could.
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Cassandra rolled her eyes and sighed at the still-continuing squabble that was even joined by Alexia, who tried to bring some sense into the whole argument. "What have I gotten myself into..." she thought, the idea of going back home becoming more and more attractive by the minute. Eventually it looked like the thing had petered out, and the goblin switched places to avoid Anthony, now going around near the busty cleric's side. Since there was an ongoing promise of not being a pest, Cassandra accepted the whole thing without any second thoughts.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

In foul spirits, the group went back along the path. It was clear that no one was getting along, and everyone was thinking about deserting. Anthony even seemed to lose the main interest he had for joining on top of Cassandra simply wanting to leave. It seemed as if it all was just going to fall apart, before it seemed that help was coming.

They found the broken wagon where they had done battle, and would have to use Eeyie's aid to find out the bandit's path via the trees, but they would need not endure such a hardship as another wagon, this one much fancier and decorated, with gems and gold, screaming it's impossible value to the world, and on a bandit's path no less. This wagon was unique in that it had a wide top, and it did not seem as if it was used solely for luggage. As it drew closer, the diver of the wagon, a simple human girl, drew on a string with her hand, and pulled back the covering of the wagon to reveal a quite classy lamia.

"Hello, everyone." the lamia greeted the group. "I was sent an urgent letter from a very angry fairy, along with a wealthy pouch of compensation in return for aiding a group of your description..." she announced, looking amongst everyone, before her eyes settled on Anthony, and she gave a wide smile. "Do I have the wrong people?" she inquired.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia was beating herself up on the inside. Damnit, how in gods name did she allow this to happen? How did she let her group fall to pieces like this in such a short amount of time? What sort of leader would allow this to happen? She'd have to apologize to Anthony later. She put too much blame on the man and was treating him like a spoiled child. Heck, she'd have to speak to all of them in time. She owed each of them an apology. This was why she preferred working alone most of the time. The drama was non-existent. But the time for beating herself up came to an end as she caught sight of the lavishly decorated wagon. What in the world was something like that doing on a road like this? They were at major risk! But before she could address the driver, the passenger of the wagon was reveled, in the form of a beautiful lamia. So beautiful in fact, that the proud Alexia couldn't help but feel a tad jealous. She would certainly be getting Anthony's attention.

While Alexia was questioning her own femininity, the lamia in question was explaining how she was here to give them aid and how she had a letter addressed to them from their fairy employer. Putting her jealousy aside, the naga approached her well dressed kin and bowed her upper body somewhat. Seemed only appropriate. "You do not have the wrong group, my lady. My name is Alexia and I guess you could call me the leader of this little band. Why may I ask are we to receive this aid? We were about to retrieve the supplies we needed from a pack of rogues. Why the sudden change of heart from Miss Fairy?"