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Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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(Inspirational Music - )

In the lands of Zippangu, stories are often of both wonder and chaos. The mystical forests, filled with magic, are ruled by powerful gods each mighty in their own right. Few of these gods ever leave their home, as they know that their territory will be swept up by the nearest opportunist. They are friends just as they are enemies. They drink tea together and make friendly conversation while plotting how to thwart the other across the table. However, despite this nature so many of Zippangu possess, few actually bring it to terms of murder. Each god is ancient, and have known the other gods of these mystical lands for a long time. They are aware, that if they remove the others, then they will have lost their favorite pastime of conflict.

The game of morality has a habit of leaving the minds of ancients. The more time they spend in the world, the more they see of it, and how little things have no meaning. Eventually, all decide how they're going to live their lives. To keep things interesting, they are often unpredictable. Thusly, travelers often find themselves at the whims of these gods. Games they play out of boredom. It is often difficult to say whether a god can be trusted. One of those few cases where a god is dependable, can be found within the Bunny Village. It's ruler, a wererabbit named Fio, is renowned for being friendly to visitors to the mystical forest. The fame of the bunnies has done well to spread, leading to even human beings putting fake bunny ears on their heads, which they sometimes even wear when entering the village.

Rarely for business, Fio's Village is most often a place where mamono and humans alike come to take a vacation. In the highlands, where one can get a good view of the surrounding area, people stay and converse with the social bunny people, enjoying their time.

However, Fio's village is not as cozy and harmless a place as it may first appear... When something threatens the land of Zippangu, Fio and her people are ready to be the first to strike...

Such danger nears yet again, an ancient foe was freed from her prison. History prepares to repeat itself, while a hidden force tries to stop it. Such is this land's Tale...

Chapter 1: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog

Riffet was one of the many passengers of a boat that rode along the sea, carrying many interesting individuals. The most interesting being a girl with slight feline features, and a grim looking man wearing black, with odd oval shaped eyes, much like the cat's but flipped horizontally. Unlike many ships, this ship had the goal of reaching the area within the dead zone, a place where ships avoid traveling out of fear. Each were tasked with the objective of finding out what the secret was, and coming back to the mainlands to document their findings.

It wasn't long before the ship was attacked, seemingly by a mixture of woman and monster. Attractive female forms appeared, their power overwhelming as they tore the ship apart, stealing off with the crew and dragging them under the water. The oval eyed man and cat girl, Riffet would spot quickly escaping from the ship. Once they did though, Riffet would find that he had no boat of his own to sail off with. He was trapped in the ship, with no where to run. No matter if he tried to jump into the sea or try to do something on the ship, another monster sprang up from the water, looking like a young girl with a see-through body and a wide skirt, similar in appearance to that of a jellyfish.

"My name's Pirupi!" she declared, before Riffet was hit by her stingers, all feeling in his body suddenly gone as he fell over. The ship tipped over in that instance, before a barrel rolled down, and struck Riffet's head, knocking him out cold.

Everything went black.

Riffet, in his state, could barely feel the feeling of going underwater.

Something soft touched his lips. A feeling of suffocation was lifted.

Then, he felt warmth, as if he were laying out in the open sun...


(Inspirational Music - )

His senses would slowly begin to return... He could sense first that it was daytime, contrary to the time of night that it was aboard the ship. Then, he could tell that he was on a beach, the sand moving under his body and his clothes drenched with sticky, salty ocean water. Then, he came to understand that there were voices around him.

"I think you killed him, Puripi." announced a strong female voice.

"B-but, you kissed him! He got your magic!" a youthful girl replied.

"I'm not a mermaid. I just breathed air into his lungs." the strong woman chided the younger.

Just then, Riffet would be able to open his eyes if he so chose, but the first thing he'd do is cough. Salt water spilling from his lungs as he'd come to find that he was alive, contrary to the strong woman's beliefs. Around him, was the same see-through girl as before, and a rather outrageous looking fish woman.

"Ah, he lives." The muscular fish woman declared. "Guess we can eat him now." she said simply.

"Yummy!" the see-through monster girl said happily.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Riffet, otherwise known as 'Rift' by his close acquiescences, or just those that had some sense to shorten the name due to how easily it could done, began to drift out of a rather forced slumber as feminine voices ring in his ears. And a rather violent hack coming from his lips as he expels the water that had managed to fill his lungs. Spilling it over his body as a hand clenches over his chest and across his heart. Taking in much needed and desperate breathes.

His gem like eyes slowly open and regard the beings before him, confusion at the forefront of his mind as he takes in their features and wonders how he came to be were he was. Not yet recalling what happened to him. But as soon as he hears their talk on 'eating' his mind snaps back to a memory of the tales the fishermen were telling back on the mainland...and his body instantly starts to tense. His lean yet slightly muscled form becoming more clear against the rather showy wet cloth as it sticks to him.

He looks to both of them...body ready to roll away and try to spring to his feet should any of them try to come near him. And his hand reaching for his pack, should it still be over his shoulder. Remembering tales of 'man quelling the beast through song'. He's clearly intent on reaching for something, unknown to them it was but a simple flute that he wished to test that rumour on.

"I-I am not at all appeasing, I assure you." He takes the features of each in. The stronger fish like being, the complete lacking of clothing on those rather sizeable breasts causing a hint of red to appear against his cheeks. But he doesn't let them distract him too much, mind already a whirl with thoughts and what they would do to him should he allow it.

However, despite knowing the most dangerous one was clearly the muscled fish-woman. From both the tone she used to regard the other, and the way her body seemed trained. He did not forget that the smaller, almost see-through being had a rather potent toxin that worked through his system quite quickly before...

He makes a small prayer to whatever may be listening that his luck holds up and he doesn't end up killed on his arrival to this strange place.....
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

The muscled fish-woman looked rather amused at his words. "Is that right? I think I'll be the judge of that." She said, before moving upon Riffet. Instead of going for his intestines, she went for his belt, suddenly exposing his lower half with expert motions, quickly undoing his belt and exposing his genitals to the open salty air. Upon seeing what he was packing, she looked pleased. "No matter how you argue it, this looks like a fine feast~" she said with a toothy grin, stroking Riffet's manhood in her tough hand while using her other hand to cup his balls. "Don't put up a fight, alright? It's best if you just lay back~ Enjoy the experience." she advised him, before lowering her mouth, letting him feel her warm breath against his manhood.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

His body tensed and went stiff as the tougher of the two came upon him. Fingers gripped around his musical instrument as she was upon him before he had a chance to make his escape. But instead of gutting him like he thought she would, she stripped his lower half and exposed that which made him a man. His face going into quite the blush, matching his hair almost as this happens. "W-What are you doi-" He never got a chance to finish as her hand grasped his length. His breath hitching as her fingers start to stroke him and make him harder. Gripping his balls and getting a feeling of how 'full' he is.

His grip on his flute goes slack and it rolls out of his hand. And onto the sands below them. Her warm breathe tickling against the growing hardness as it rises and brushes against her lips. He bites his lip and feels a shiver go down his spine. This was not what he pictured happening here.

He doesn't struggle, mildly worried that she would 'punish him' for trying considering what she currently held. Looking down at the tough and firm looking fish woman as she looked over the feast she desired. And his eyes give a quick look over at the see through lady to see what she was up to while her friend got ready to 'eat'.

He's still rather tense, and his eyes are showing quite a deal of confusion while his cheeks brighten in embarrassment. Ready to try and push her away should it go in a direction that matches the stories he had been told. But so far quite a lot of the image he knew about these beings were being shattered at this very moment.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

"Hee-hee~" the see-through girl giggled at Riffet when she saw him turn a deeper shade of red. "He looks so shocked~" she noted his appearance.

The muscular fish woman seemed less surprised about Riffet's reaction. "That's a mainlander for you. They're always so easy~" she chuckled. "Have often have you known the feel of a woman, boy?" she asked Riffet, licking the underside of his cock, from the base up to the tip before putting her lips around the head, sucking on it for a moment before letting it go with a wet pop. "Is my mouth good for you, boy?" she asked with a coo, before putting her hands under her giant mounds called breasts to show them off to him. "Or would you rather these? If you're feeling particularly bold... There's also down there as well... But most humans could last too long." she chuckled.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

He bites his lip and shivers under her touch. Face going redder and body slowly getting more flushed as the woman watched as her 'friend' played with him. Still rather shocked and not sure what he should do to what was happening. And feeling his legs slowly losing their strength.

His fingers clench as a tingle of pleasure goes up his spine as her tongue glide under the bottom of his cock. And a small moan slips out from his lips as her mouth get a taste of him like he was a piece of candy to be savoured by her. As soon as her lips leave him his strength goes and he falls on his rump and into the sand. Hands digging into the golden beach as he looks at her while she shows off her mounds to him and teases him. Knowingly or just giving him choices hes not sure of...

"I H-Haven't..." He answers her first question and goes quiet shortly after. Watching them both and pushing a little backwards in the sand as the watch him. His 'sword' standing tall like a pole against his lower body.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

"Well, that's not a very impressive response." The fish woman replied with a smirk at Riffet's discredit. "You'd probably die if I swallowed you, so my breasts should be more than enough for you." the fish woman announced, before moving up, her large, plush breasts moving up with her, allowing Riffet to feel her soft and sticky skin from being in the ocean. Her nipples would trail along his crotch as she moved, her points pushing into his skin as she rested herself over him before gathering her massive orbs into her hands, pushing them together as Riffet would find his cock smushed in between them. Just by breathing, the slight movements of her breasts shifting his cock around between them sent oddly powerful sensations of pleasure through his phallus. With a smile, the fish woman began rubbing her breasts together, sliding one up while sliding the other down, and then reversing the two, making Riffet feel as if his cock were moving back and forth between her breasts at the same time. There was no mercy nor area not stimulated on his cock either, his length having vanished completely between her massive orbs.

The incredibly pleasure from her breasts would leave Riffet feeling as if he were paralyzed. Her soft and sticky breasts rubbed him all over, a sensation nothing like he ever would have experienced back on the mainland, with any woman there. Her breasts felt as if they were made just for the purpose of driving a man mad, which they were successful in doing, as Riffet would quickly cum without much work needing to be done on the fish woman's part. His seed began to overflow from her breasts, dripping down from her large orbs to rest on Riffet and the sand below. "That's a cute face you made~" she cooed, grinning at him.

"My turn!" Pirupi announced.

"Have at him. He won't put up much of a fuss~" the fish woman promised. And she was right. After her tit job, Riffet would find a surprising lack of energy coming from his body, as if it was either blocked off, or sucked out. Either way, he could do little more than lift an arm in protest if he wished, as the jellyfish girl mounted his waist, smiling cutely as she lined him up and took him inside of her body, as if engaging in vaginal penetration, despite her apparently not having sexual organs. Completely see-through, Riffet would be able to see just how far he was inside of the fish girl as she began to ride him, moaning with her cute high pitched voice as she moved his cock back and forth, in and out of her gooey body. "You've got such a cute dick~" the slime cooed while winking at him, moaning still as she moved her hips. She quickly worked him to his second orgasm, before she began to cry out. "Cum! Cum inside Pirupi!" she demanded, before grinding her hips over his crotch as he came, working his length inside of her so as to extract the seed pumping out of his shaft to mix around inside of her body, allowing him to see all of the seed he had just poured inside of her.

"If we do that a bunch more times, Pirupi will split into two Pirupi!" the jellyfish announced.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Rift felt the colour drain from his face once again as she spoke on swallowing him, despite the situation he was in his mind played back dangerous and blood thirsty tales, and he began to wonder if this was some sick game of theirs where they tormented their victims before they feasted on them..at least, that was what he was thinking. Until that soft, sticky, and slightly clinging flesh of hers begin to rub against his skin as she hovered over him. Eliciting a small "Eep" From him as his cheeks burst into a blush again.

He found himself unable to move as her weight pressed down against his pelvis..and soon his member had been taken by her large bosom. His breathe hitching in tone as he watched her grab her chest and begin to squeeze them against his heat, her cheeks seeming to gain some warmth to them herself as she looked down at him with a lust filled hunger. The skin pulling against his shaft due to the sticky texture..which only made it even more unbearable as she started to move them. The tip, the sides, and even the root of his cock teased and played with by those pleasuring yet tormenting breasts. He tried to bare with the feeling shooting up his body from her chest, he really did, but it was simply too much. And he soon cried out in pure joy as his peak was reached. His thick creamy seed shooting out of him and covering those orbs of hers.

He laid there, open mouthed and panting as she looked down at him. His face quickly shifting into embarrassment as she teased him and pulled away..for a moment he thought they were done with him. And that he would get a moment to rest...but that soon went away as the one that had just been watching the entire time mounts him. Wet flesh seeming to mould against his body slightly.

His protests just didn't leave his lips and his muscles just wouldn't obey his commands for some strange feeling. Almost as if the power to resist them had be pulled out of him and devoured by them. And he quickly found his length captured by the see-through woman. The feeling pressing around his cock and capturing him making the thought of them being monsters vanish from his mind. Among everything else. His eyes trailing from the rather 'cute' woman that was smiling down at him, a face that didn't match what she was doing to him. And the fish-woman as she grinned and watched a little to the side.

"Ahh.hahah aaaHah MhmmmAH" His only response to the Piripi's words were his cries of pleasure. No other sound being able to pass out of his soft little lips. His eyes seeming to be glued to the sight of his own cock as it moved within her. He watched as she began to tease him like the other one had before, and quickly gave into her demands as she increased the tingling pleasure driven hard into him down at his loins. "AaaaaaAAAAHH!" His eyes couldn't look away as his sensitive tip twitched within her..and fired his seed into her. Watching it as it floated up into her body and started to join with her.

Again he was left panting and out of breathe. But at least the haze that had overcame his mind had lifted a little. Allowing him to think, even if he couldn't move. And listen to her words...His face seeming to change expressions to match his thoughts. He's always had trouble hiding his thoughts. How would that work? His face was clearly showing he was curious about it...even as a second thought entire his mind, wondering what her lips felt like as he stared up at her face. Eyes seeming to be staring at her lips...

"Sand itchy..." Despite his thoughts he briefly noticed that the golden sands were starting to irritate his back and neck. And so he attempted to rise. Pushing his arms up slowly..even if he had pretty much no chance of removing her from his waist unless she wished to...or the other desired another turn. She seemed to be the leader of the two....
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

"On second thought, Pirupi, let's not drain him dry." The fish woman suddenly suggested. "He'll be completely broken before too long, so let's savor him." she offered to the slime.

"But, there aren't any bishops! We have to brand him or he'll run away!" Pirupi complained, giving a fuss as she squirmed around on top of him, providing more stimulation to his now slightly strained length.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right... But aren't we near 'that' place?" The muscular woman inquired. That's when Pirupi beamed.

"Yeah-yeah! Let's take him there!" she agreed, smiling down at him.

That's when the two women finally looked back at him. "Curse your fate, boy. You're going to be our plaything for a while~" the fish woman said, before her shape seemed to shimmer, and her posture changed. She seemed to be standing up, and she did, eventually standing straight up, and on two human legs.

"Wooow, Levia! I didn't know you could do that!" Pirupi said with a bright smile.

"Learned it from those Bishops. I've of course got more than enough magical power for it." Levia said with a smile. "Well, come on then, boy! You can stand, can't you?" she said, while Pirupi stood up and off of him. "Get some vine, Pirupi." Levia commanded, and Pirupi was soon coming to bind Riffet's hands behind his back, unless he decided to bolt right there. "You must be confused. You've arrived from a shipwreck to that place sailors dread, the island of no return I heard you call it. This is that place, and unlike a lot of rumors and ghost stories sailors like to tell, this one is true. You really can't return from here, because the currents suck in, but they don't push out. The outwards currents go along the bottom of the sea, but even if you could breathe underwater, you'd just be recycled upwards, up to sea level, and pushed back again."

"My name is Levia, and I'll be taking responsibility for you." she introduced herself with a grin.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

He gasped and bit his lip as the sensations went through his waist as she moved. And finally a sigh of relief left him as she slid off him. Feeling slightly used he shook, straining himself into raising as the other left to go get...bindings? Branding? Worried thoughts and a bit of a shock comes over him. Where they planning on making him a slave? What was a bishop? And why wasn't he dead yet, as he thought he would be when he awoke captured?

His eyes gain a slight hint of interest, for a brief moment as he watched the legs of the leader of the two shift. Turning with a shimmer into a more humanoid shape. Until eventfully resting on that of a man..Magic is real? He shakes his head. Now wasn't the time to think on that!

His mind choose this moment to focus on a last ditch attempt of escape. Quickly he reached for his flute and took it back into his hand. Hoisting his trousers back up and setting them in place, giving himself some modesty. And unfortunately giving them a bit of a show at the same time. Lifting his flute slowly towards his lips....Soon a sharp and loud sound of the flute lifts through the air. Alerting all and anything nearby of where they were. And now, with a turn and a leap of his feet. Sand kicking up into the air and towards the woman that had him pinned under her weight moments earlier. He dashes towards the forest in an attempt of running. Hoping other 'monsters' catch the sound and are brought to the beach, and perhaps a battle would emerge between the two and whatever came...Attempts of making more sounds to drive things closer to them as he keeps moving. Not looking back but listening to any sounds of pursuit that may be after him.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

The sudden play of his flute seemed to make the two women alert. Then, when Riffet picked up to flee, the jelly girl launched one of her tentacles and stung his leg as he went to step on it in his flight. It didn't hold him up as it should have, causing Riffet to collapse forward onto the soft sand. The other part of his plan, causing others to appear as a result of his noise, was actually effective. A trio of green skinned women appeared from the vegetation ahead, who apparently had turtle shells on their backs and odd white dishes on their heads. Avian women with wings for arms appeared, and an assortment of other wildly different mamono appeared.

"I'll have our audience gone in a moment." Levi announced, before standing tall before the approaching mamono, and opening her mouth. The pressure around Riffet seemed to thicken before Levi seemed to fire a watery aquatic 'beam' from her mouth that was powerful enough to level the trees it passed through. The attack didn't seem to hit any of the approaching mamono, but it did do well to make them flee from the display of power.

"I think you went overboard! You'll just attract the gods now!" Pirupi seemed to warn Levi, who didn't seem too worried.

"That would be nice, in this case, provided the right one shows up first." she replied, before Levi looked down at Riffet. "Are you going to try and run away again?" she inquired to the man who had his leg stung by a jelly fish woman.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

He felt something whip out and hit his leg. A wince coming to his soft features as the sting shot through him and numbed his muscles, causing him to lose his balance and tumble straight back down into the sands. Leaving an impression of himself within it.

He slowly rolled himself over, realizing that sudden movements would just lead him to being stung more. Resulting in him not being able to move at all..And soon he was watching as more of the beings appeared. And for a movement he even seemed hopeful...until a force seemed to press down upon him. And a blast of pure destruction came from the muscled woman. A slight shiver goes up his spine. Was it fear?

A mutter comes from his breathe as he listens to their words. "Gods?" It seemed he had much more to learn if he had any chance of surviving here. And what were these bishops? So much to learn..Perhaps he'd ask them if he finds himself being dragged along with the pair. But despite that, he found himself staring right into the woman's eyes. Levi being the leader and the 'power' being the two. "Perhaps...." He wasn't going to promise he wouldn't, he wasn't the best liar so it would of been rather easy to see through.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Levi grinned down at Riffet following his honesty. "Then I'll just have to make you so addicted to my pussy that you'll be unable to mentally function without it." She declared, before kneeling down over him, and taking Riffet's leg into one hand and licking her tongue up from his inner thigh to the place he was stung before sucking on his skin, quickly spitting out the poison she drew after the fact. His leg wouldn't immediately feel better of course, but it helped change numbness into needles and slight regain of leg control.

Then, Riffet was lifted like a princess, and carried in Levi's arms. "We're lucky that we bagged a cute one. Though you may get lucky, boy. If we tire of you, you'll be free. Until then, you're our pleasure stick." She declared, as Riffet would feel her grab a handful of his ass.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Riffets cheek warm into a small tender blush at the womans words of making him addicted to her. It was really not something he had considered happening to him, and despite the acts that will be happening to make that happen a light glimmer of worry appears in his eyes.

A shiver goes up his spine as she crouches over him and her tongue slides over his soft and tender flesh. Tingles going through his leg as the warm and wet tongue trails over his numb leg. His toes curling for a moment as her lips press down around the small wound and begins to suck the poison out.

He winces as the feeling of pings and needles spread over his leg instead of the numbness that had taken over it a moment ago.

His eyes open in surprise as she picks him up like a princess, and his face turns a deeper shade of red. "I'm h-hardly cute." Though he does squeak when her fingers grasp and begin to feel his behind.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

And so Riffet was carried from the beach and into the unknown lands he washed up on. In the muscular mermaid's arms, they went into the forest which became quickly more green as they distanced themselves from the sand, though never suffocatingly so. The trees were quite tall, easily dwarfing a two-story house, and were as thin as a human's torso. Their thin girth caused them to sway together as a breeze went by, making the whole forest seem to shift and move as if sentient. "I may be amazing, but I'm obviously out of my element here. Zippangu has some pretty tough folks who live here." Levi announced. "Hopefully though, we can make a really good trade for this man here. Seems like a cute little fish like him will fetch a nice price."

"We're gonna sell him, Levi?" Pirupi inquired.

With a confident grin, Levi nodded. "Eventually. I can get a man whenever I want, but maybe I can get something I ordinarily wouldn't from one of the lazy 'gods' of Zippangu. Who knows? Perhaps some fat kitsune has some astounding jewelry~!" Levi chuckled at the things she could trade Riffet for. Then, Levi looked to Riffet. "And you. Be on your best behavior, alright? If you can get me a good sale, then I won't pound your hips with my ass until they break. Besides, you might like your future master~. I heard some treat their men like adorable pets. You'll have your own little round bed on the floor next to her glorious mattress, she'll bathe you and 'milk' you every day. It's the most a slave could hope for!"
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Riffet didn't have much to do as he was carried further into the depths of these strange lands. Leading further and further through the thick swaying foliage of the strange trees that towered above them. And further away from the shipwreck he was removed from when the boat was overturned. He held in a sigh as he took in the surroundings with a small amount of intrigue. One ear open to their conversation, part of his mind distracted on what was going to become of him. And other thoughts on how he should be able to escape in his current state.

His ears twitched a little as he caught the part with her 'being out of her element'. Which seemed like a good thing to his mind. Increased his chances of being able to flee into the wild and her being unable to track him. And perhaps their state of being from the sea would make land travel more difficult for them? But how am I going to avoid that stinger? Mhm..wait until that girl is distracted by something and wonders off before fleeing?

His finger tapped his lower lip softly as he shifted in the stronger pairs arms and thought. A soft wisp of a sigh from his lips as he realized that 'weapon' of the one that held him would likely keep him from acting out his plan..unless...She doesn't want to harm me?

Well! He has 'some' kind of plan now. Something he could try to act out in the future if he was able to, and if not...well, he could always run from this new 'master', couldn't he? His face did pale quite a bit at the talk of his hips being broken and being turned into a pet. It wasn't something he ever thought of himself as becoming. Well, did any man or woman ever think of themselves being turned into slaves?

In the end he could only nod quietly at her 'request', knowing quite well that arguing on her thoughts aren't likely to get him anything. But perhaps he could start a little...discord between these two friends? "So Miss Pirupi isn't going to get anything then?" His eyes turn to regard the liquid woman and see how fast she moves on land. Basically on a hard service, instead of sand or sea. And more importantly to see how she reacts to learning that she isn't getting anything out of Levi's deal.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

"Your concern is touching, but Puripi will get a share of the pay. She's the one who caught you after all." Levi replied to Riffet. Pirupi, as Riffet looked at her, didn't seem to be all that fast on land. Her feet seemed to stick to the ground, and she seemed to purge whatever stuck to her feet every time she lifted her leg, making her steps much like that of a duck, waddling around. No doubt he could escape from that once he was out of stinging range. The actual problem would no doubt be Levi, as despite being a creature of water, her muscles were impossible. She was the person that looked able to leap an entire building in a single bound, tantamount to being a superhero one might say. Or a super villain as she seemed to be.

Riffet's intentions would be interrupted following the appearance of a girl with rabbit feet, rabbit hands, a rabbit tail, and rabbit ears, as well as a rabbit nose. The rabbit girl made her appearance through the trees as both she and Levi seemed to just so happen to run into one another. The rabbit girl's hair was long and white. The thick of her hair went down her back, and two more lines of hair went down the sides of her face, rolling down along her chest and over her breasts like a river flowing over a pair of mountains. She wore a red, eastern dress with various circular designs foreign to Riffet, making her seem like she was truly from another world. "Leviathan. I trust you aren't here to bring terror?" the bunny inquired, almost fearless even as she seemed to understand who and what Levi was.

"Oh, no~" Levi cooed. "Just here to see if I can sell this~" she held up Riffet as if he were a fish she caught.

"We don't practice slavery here." the bunny replied.

"Huh?" Levi arched in eyebrow, looking annoyed.

"We never engaged in the purchase of flesh here. Don't you know you're in the lands of Ryu?" The bunny informed Levi.

"I thought she bought up slaves!" Levi complained, seeming furious.

"No." The bunny replied. Then, in a fit of anger, Leviathan dropped Riffet to his feet, holding him with one arm and firing at the bunny with the other arm. A blue beam of what seemed to be extremely high pressure water shot forth faster than any arrow Riffet might have ever seen fired. It was far too fast for anyone to predict or avoid.

Yet the bunny was fine. In the blink of an eye, it seemed she was out of the way. There was seemingly no reason as to why she should still be alive, yet with an angry grunt, Levi seemed to accept the fact without question. "That kind of behavior won't be tolerated here."

Levi let out a low growl. "To hell with you, bunny." She said, before making her way past the rabbit, who stepped aside despite having the ability to dodge Levi's high pressure death. They began walking towards what appeared to be actual civilization. Trees began to be more vacant, and patches of farm were laid out in scattered locations. The choice of farm seemed to be, predictably, carrots. Though there was plenty of other variety. Lettuce, spinach, celery, just to name a few. After passing through a few patches of farm, Riffet would feel a brush of wind go past him as the familiar flow of white hair dashed past them. It was the bunny girl, running at a speed that would make the competitive runners from the mainland jealous. "Bitch is off to go whine to Ryu about my presence." Levi announced. "Let it happen! If Ryu wants to lock horns with me, I'll be happy to humble her!" Levi announced like a tyrant.

Then, she looked to Riffet. "Change of plans, I'm not selling you. I'm keeping you around to keep me and Pirupi healthy. I'm going to make these bunnies hurt, and I'm gonna need to recharge my battery while doing so. Got it?" she sought to confirm with him. "Tell you what, if you stick with me in this... I'll give you a reward~" Levi cooed. "How does that sound, hm? Wouldn't you like a reward?" she said, trying to tempt him with greed, or perhaps lust.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Rift bit his lip as his intentions seemed to have melted away as she promised the goo girl a share of the 'profit', whatever the profit they might get is. Though he did hope that whatever the profit might be would be 'low', as that might give him a chance to be free. After all, why should she keep something that didn't bring any profit to her? He takes a moment to distract himself from his thoughts as he sees puripi feet seeming to make the ground 'purer' with each step. And looks over her feet with a small amount of interest. "Puripi, how exactly are you managing to do th-" And then he's cut off as something else appears!

And this girl that appeared to be part rabbit certainly did bring ones eyes directly to her. Feeling a bit of a blush beginning to form on his cheeks he tried to focus more on the details of the woman than her 'Ahem', generous proportions. The attire she wore was something he had never seen before..and quite thoroughly distracted him from ogling her. 'I wonder what sort of culture such a garment comes from...'

His head snapped back between the two when he hears that 'slavery' wasn't practised here. Perhaps he was in a better situation than he had thought? With a soft 'eep' as he was suddenly dropped he found himself on his feet again. And then dread as Levi starts to fire that beam towards the bunny. But then relief! And a small bit of hope appears as she seems to have gotten out of the way somehow. He doesn't know how, but she managed it.

Quietly he mouths to the bunny 'can you help me?' as he's pulled along by levi and past her. Trying to keep the movement of his lips out of the range of puripi as he does it. Naturally out of sight of Levi from the angle he was in as he tried not to trip as the strong muscled woman pulled him along.

Hearing the woman that held him growl and curse the bunny woman he choose wisely to keep his mouth closed. And silent as the colour that had appeared on his face due to the rabbit faded. He couldn't quite tell if the rabbit had caught his request or not, but he had a small amount of hope. And took the quiet moment to look over the small civilization that they seemed to have come to. The amount of carrots he saw managed to get a slight amused giggle from his lips.

But then Levi was making an announcement! And he choose to speak. "Who exactly is this Ryu that seems to be so important?" And then she is suddenly looking at him! And he's back to listening. What should he do? Stall? Make a run for it? Or something else?...Remembering how fast that bunny seemed to be, he decides to stall. Its the best he can do at the moment.

"How exactly would I keep you and pirupi healthy?" He glances over at said person to see how she felt about this whole situation. Or if she was even reacting at all, she wasn't the brightest person he had ever met.

His cheeks turned a little pink at the 'reward' and her cooing down at him. Try to use to his advantage or not? 'Mhmmm.....'. He looks up at her from under her arm as she looks down at him. "W-What s-sort of reward are w-we talking about?"
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

"You're nothing but a barrel of fucking questions aren't you?" Levi cursed at Riffet. "Ryu is a dragon serpent, just like how I am a sea serpent. She's one of the few forces in this world that can rival my power. In light of that, I'm going to bury her." Levi announced maliciously. "As for how you can help me," she gestured with one hand, getting a handful of Riffet's crotch. "This is how you can help me. Just lay on your back and count the stars in the sky when I tell you to. Not that hard for a main lander, eh?" she chuckled. "Your reward can be whatever you want. Isn't there anything you want? Money, power, whatever. Just ask for something, boy! It's yours!" she snapped at him.
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Rift winces a little as she curses at him. Its not like he can help it when he hardly knows anything of the world surrounding him. It was all new to him. And most certainly was his new 'role' as it was. Briefly he was tempted by her offers, but for all he knew this could end quite badly. And he didn't think she would think twice about killing him if he failed to 'help' as it was. Gulping softly he looks at her and his lips part as he speaks. "E-Erm, what about my freedom?" His cheeks were a little flushed as he realized what she wanted. Did taking him make her stronger somehow?