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Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Riffet found himself looking over the strange rabbit like humanoids that filled the town not that far away from them. Fingers resting on the edge of the building after his hands fastened the fabric of his trousers closed and tightened it. Likely not going to help much if the two wanted to get it off, but it was a small sign of resistance in his mind. Despite how experienced he was he didn't want to give in every time the two craved his body...Then again, why did monsters desire men in the first place? She told him how their forms had changed thanks to a angel being a monster of lust..a succubus..Wait a minute..it couldn't be, could it?... His cheeks slowly seemed to turn red as he looked over the town. His eyes taking in the strange features of the rabbit like creatures, how their legs and hindquarters puffed out in fur and took the shape of a bunny, even little tails while the middle and head of them took on the appearance of a female instead of the animals the rest of them had. Do monsters feed on our souls?..Wait, no, that doesn't make sense. How would they keep me as a 'pet' if they drained me dry and killed me?..Perhaps its more of a metaphorical response? They drain the energy our bodies hold, everyday energy that we use up in spades when running and the like...

Reaching into his backpack he pulls out one of his writing quills, some paper and a bottle of ink and he starts to write and draw a basic appearance that matched one of the rabbits he was viewing. The knowledge he had found out going onto one sheet while the image of the rabbit and parts short bits of descriptions and theories of how their bodies work. "You know...your kind are very interesting, there is nothing like you outside of this island outside of shows and fantasy stories..I wonder if your species started the tales?" He seemed to muse this outloud, slightly zoned out and on his behind as he worked over the papers. Doing a surprisingly good sketch of the rabbits as they worked and kept making notes.

"But why do your kind target men? You don't take their souls...like the stories about succubus do, as I wouldn't be alive at the moment.." He's mumbling now. But easily heard with how close the two were to him. Almost seeming to have completely forgotten where he was or his own state as he worked over the paper. "Is my theory of them draining our energy, the kind that we use up each day with activities accurate? If that was the case the husbands, pets and the like of these beings must be very fit..kept in shape by each feeding. Though most of their muscle growth with be in the pelvis area..." He mumbled some more. Seeming to have finished his rabbit sketch and making another. This one matching Puripi. Notes appearing on how, if the energy is correct, how it could possibly be what keeps a being that seems to be made out of liquid together. "But how far does this energy and the variations of monsterkind go...Puripi holds characteristics that remind me of a jellyfish, the shock to my limb seemed to match well..but much more adaptable and perhaps..even morph-able? Levi however..she matched tales of creatures like Mermaids, but much more powerful than any story portrayed.." As his thoughts broadcasted between the two people his quill-hand did as well, both of their forms beginning to show up on ink as the world around him seems to fade away for him. Becoming completely focused on the task before him.

"But if that is the case, would she match a being of a more aquatic design like Puripi..or would she something closer to us humans? Mhmm. Lower half was nothing like a humans, much stronger and enhanced as well...Oh! Perhaps that fallen angel turned monster used herself and humankind as an example when she changed the rest of her species? Yes, that would make sense..would also explain why we're compatible as a species, if I was to guess that we are.."

The ink seemed to build up a little on the page for a moment as he chewed his lips. Mind moving away from his work to another issue that was much more present tense than everything else he just worked on. "But their culture...would it be based on the strongest monster? A kind of, 'strongest equals right' system? The leader of a town being beaten and then having it town taken over by the victor would point towards that..but would they follow if the new ruler had different views than they themselves had? And if they did, does the instincts of their monstrous ancestors have anything to do with their culture and how their system works?"
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

"Let's go ahead and get moving while you play your game of twenty questions, ." Levi declared as she walked ahead, down the path they treaded before. "You need to keep in mind the differences between the outer world and this one. In the world outside this one, the demons that exist are probably rare, I assume. That's because there are two types of demons that exist currently. The original demons and the new demons. The new demons are the ones that were changed thanks to the ruler of Hell getting murdered and replaced by another. As a result, she used her powers to change the very way her minions work, altering even their instincts. The demons that heard of this change that were in the main land where you came from either stayed where they were or accepted the change by going back to Hell and letting the global aura of the new ruler envelop them. So naturally, the original demons are a dying breed. For reference, it's the original demons that kill people."

"As for energy, that's not how it works. If anything, excessive draining of one person will render them thin and incapable of any physical task. A man drained every day will probably turn into a husk of his former self, not an athlete. That is to say, you don't get stronger by having your energy drained, you get weaker." she claimed, though snapped Riffet a look when he called her a mermaid. "I'm not a mermaid, boy! I'm Leviathan. The terror of the seas and shores alike! I am ancient enough to be a god! And rightfully so, as I will take the place of such a god in the coming days." she declared.

"Might equals right is a way of life that is always in effect wherever you go. You will find that if you are invincible enough, and powerful enough, then entire worlds will have absolutely no choice but to bow to you. Morals and other such nonsense are the reason. Power is the means. No one will like it, but they will all eventually accept it."
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

Riffet seems to notice that the two were suddenly moving, leaving him behind as his pen and ink glided over papers. Snapping out of the daze he was in from his words his hands start to pack his belongings and equipment. Letting get put back into the back he carried with him till this point and rising to his feet. Following from behind as he listened to her words. "Well, I think they may even be a dead breed in themselves. For I do not recall anything but legends and tales of monsters like that. Demons being slain by men blessed by god, stories like that are usually told to children. Quite a few times complete fiction have a demon or monster that kills innocent people being slain as well. Its a bit morbid now thinking on it.." He tilts his head as he thinks a little more. "Though that might just be my homeland...they might be more active in others."

His eyes turned and brushed over the people of the village as they went on with their daily lives. Completely unmindful or caring about what they were doing or talking about. Well, mostly, he would guess that some were curious. "Well...I guess I was thinking more on the physical act, instead of the draining itself...Would monsters of your nature even drain a man to the point of being, well, a husk?" A finger rose to his cheek and scratched it slightly. "I can't see many men enjoying reaching such a state, and I can't picture anyone finding a man like that attractive either." He shivers a bit. Picturing someone that looked positively starved dry and their joints and bones being able to be seen. Ugh, not a attractive image at all.

He jumped though and raised his arms in surrender, though it was mostly a calming gesture as he wasn't really afraid of her at that particular moment. She hadn't harmed him yet, though threats have been targeted to him. "I was only speaking on the smallest information I knew on monster kind, only creature I knew of that lived out at sea and had a tail like you had was a mermaid. I don't have a clue what you are either Piri, sorry."

After his attempt to placid her anger he slowly lowered his arms and parted his lips to reply. "While I can't deny your words, as history has shown that even humankind has a similar system....mostly among kings, rulers, and empires. I will counter that the rulers that lead a kingdom with benevolence, kindness, and a care for their people end up being those that last the longest. And quite a number of them lived out their entire lives, with only a small number being taken care of by rival kingdoms due to jealousy on how prosperous their kingdom had become." He turned his gaze and looked upon the sky as he got a thoughtful look upon his face. "While the tyrants, those that believed in the might makes right idea..and those that didn't care for their people ended up being betrayed, assassinated, spied upon, and dethroned quite often. Hardly any having a long reign."
Re: Tale of a Bunny and a Dog (Riffet;Sprig)

"I think you're missing the main idea here." Levi explained. "It's like the relationship between lions and their prey. Their prey will eat things like grass, which doesn't really satisfy their stomachs. However, when they eat grass and plants, they convert that into delicious meat that the lions enjoy eating. It's the same relationship. Humans eat apples, pasta, and so on. When you do that, you convert that into energy for your body and soul. And when your soul is healthy and strong, we consume that. Captive humans are allowed to recover as normal, before we feast yet again." she said.

"And for your information, the world you speak of is one ruled by mortals. In the world of mamono, things work differently. Your position of power is never, ever secure, and a kind but weak ruler is quickly dispatched in favor of a stronger one. If you cannot fight, you will be slaughtered. Human rulers hide behind their armies because they are just as soft and squishy as their minions. One surprise visit from a monster like me, and goodbye king~ If he isn't an old and used up bag of flesh, I'll happily make him my slave as I take over his kingdom." Levi declared.