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Tales Of The Universe



The year is 2X78. The world has been nearly taken over by a mysterious evil. There is no known source but a book that Mystique Sonya had read. It was prophesized in her land, that a dark king, still in his baby form, will eventually mature into chaos. It would take 5 platinum spheres to drive back the darkness. Mystique Sonya finds herself in one of the once bustling cities, hiding in the shadows.

"Platinum spheres.... Where the hell can I find platinum spheres at?" She moves into the city, which is on fire. Buildings and cars set aflame mysteriously. She looks around to the mysterious fires. "What is going on here?"

Looking ahead seems to be a yellow creature. Like a skinned cat, only taller. About her height. The creature looks back, smiling toothily. "Well, well. Mission accomplished. BOYS! She's here!!!"

The creature calls up 5 others. One of which is wearing shades. The supposed leader. "We've been scourging this here area for you, ninja girl. I heard you was searchin' for one of them Platinum Spheres.

Mystique begins to speak, but is quickly interrupted. The leader smirks. "We can't let you do that, see? The world is in chaos, and it's starting to get comfy around here. I can't let ya stop us from making it our world.

Mystique looks to them, then nods. "If I have to fight you, I must. Bring it on."

The Hotfoot Gang then extend their claws made of fire, then two of them rush up at the ninja. She uses her hat's ribbons, extending them as she rushes forward herself, clotheslining the creatures, going up to a handstand and aiming a two footed kick toward the leader.

Unfortunately, more of these creatures sneak up on her. "Damn.... where are they coming from?" She backflips over one of the creatures as the other tries to aim a fireball at her. She turns her head on another one sneaking up behind her, then extends her tongue, wrapping it around his foot, then slamming it into an oncoming Hotfoot.

She pants heavily, getting even more surrounded.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Suddenly a bold shadow casts over the fight, as something steps between the light of the nearby blaze. Looking up a strange rounded figure is visible standing upon an outcropping of rubble, silhouetted against the fire behind, complete with some kind of cape or scarf billowing impressively in the wind.

"Dood, who are these guys!? They look pretty mean. I better not get in their way or I might be next..." The mysterious figure whines quietly out of earshot of the combatants, and remains perched on the rubble above, apparently completely oblivious to the fact that it's attempts at stealth have failed monumentally.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Suddenly, a pillar of red flames erupted near the place where the Prinny stood. The ground cracked and two curved spires shot out of the rubble. A blood-red portal formed between them, surrounded with fire and crimson sparks. Suddenly, a person appeared inside this wicked "gate" and left it, the whole construction crumbling to dust behind him as if it never existed, the supernatural show ending just as quickly and suddenly as it began.

Sindri didn't even try to make his entrance stealthy. In fact, any attempt was doomed to fail. Crossing a large distance over the warp without performing a proper ritual was impossible for a sorcerer, and he didn't have time to do that anyway. A god's intervention (which supplied him with means of travel) was even less subtle. Those who were sensitive enough would feel psychic power pouring out of the newcomer anyway.

Myr carefully studied his surroundings. It seemed that whoever lived in this place had abandoned it recently. The cat-like creatures in front of him didn't look like a species capable of creating such a well-made city. They were weak, and the sorcerer payed them no interest. The other two seemed interesting, especially the girl. She seemed to have some trace psychic abilities which allowed her to manipulate her hat in an interesting fashion. Her tongue was unusual as well. Was she a mutant? Part daemon, perhaps?

The penguin seemed rather weak as well, but Sindri could sense a human soul inside. The body seemed to be an unstable container, and only the scarf kept the volatile powers inside of it contained. Myr frowned. Tzeentch had access to this place, so spawn of chaos could cross into this world as well. Was this creature some bizzare manifestation of the warp? The sorcerer decided to investigate. First, however, he had to get rid of the distractions. That is why he raised his left hand, pointed it at the nearest Hotfoot, and let loose a bolt of psychic power, which manifested itself as lightning. These things didn't seem durable, and even though they used fire, Sindri sensed no warp energy within them. He would dispose of these creatures first. Then, perhaps the girl would be grateful enough to answer his questions.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

The Hotfoot looks to the source of the spell, then is blasted hard, sending him flying unconsciously. Another one notices the penguin. He looks to Digger concerned. "Hey Boss! They're gainin' on us in numbers. What are we supposed to do now?

Digger sighs, looking to Mystique, then to Sindri. "We scram, that's what! The Dark King is still just a baby! We can't let him down now!" With that, Digger rounds up the rest of his forces, rushing away from the heroes.

Mystique looks to the spellcaster, then backflips to her feet. She looks to him for a bit, then speaks. "Hello. Who are you?" She then looks to the penguin. "And what is that?"
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Sindri watched the creatures retreat. They seemed barely civilized, almost feral. They've reminded him of orks he faced during one of his missions as a champion of Tzeentch. These beings, however, were not as suicidally overconfident as the greenskin, and their boss was smart enough to correctly estimate his chances. Even with reinforcements, he'd stand no chance. However, he probably retreated in order to regroup and gather more troops. Without a doubt, he'd strike again when given chance.

Right now, however, Myr didn't trouble himself with these monsters. They were a minor threat. However, the dark king their leader spoke of interested the sorcerer. Tzeentch warned his servant, speaking of a dark force that opposed the influence of the warp. Sindri was ordered to gather the favors of all four gods, bring symbols of their power to an ancient shrine and sacrifice them in order to allow the forces of chaos to flow into this world and triumph. However, Myr didn't know where to start.

As he mused over this, Sindri realized that the woman spoke to him. He returned her stare, glanced for a moment at the penguin, then wondered what to say. She didn't seem to be alarmed by his display. Most likely, she didn't know what psykers were, and that meant that her knowledge of the warp was even smaller. It'd probably be safe to tell the truth. "My name is Sindri Myr. I'm an... Emissary of gods." It wasn't a complete lie, but the sorcerer did bend the truth a little. "As for this creature, I have no idea what it is. We've met by coincidence... And I must say, it's one of the most unusual things I've seen in my life."
Re: Tales Of The Universe

"Gah! What the hell is- !?" The Prinny exclaims nervously as the portal forms, his sentence cut off as his footing slips on the loose rubble and he tumbles over backwards.

"Ow... not cool dood..." He mutters clambering up again, realising that the two strangers are talking about and now looking at him. He looks between the pair of them blankly for a moment before speaking. "Huh... What are you looking at me like that for? Neither of you seen a prinny before?" The strange figure says whilst brushing the dust off himself.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

"No." Sindri stroke his chin. The creature's voice sounded quite... Amusing? It looked like some kind of a toy. It didn't seem to be agile nor very smart. However, it could probably be useful. "As far as I understand, you're a denizen of this realm, are you not? And by the way... What's your name?"
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Re: Tales Of The Universe

The sounds of lights steps could be heard approaching the trio, and when they turned to look they would be greeted by a white wolf taking slow cautious steps as it passed the debris that once held Sindri's portal. To the mortal eye the wolf would appear as any other creature of its kind, the only difference lying in the strange assortment of items somehow strapped to the she-beast's back. But those who could see the true nature of the world, those who had been touched by the gods of both Heaven and Hell would find a creature that shimmered a pure white, a creature whose body was adorned with streaks of red that spoke of her divine heritage. This was no mere beast. This was a god, one of the few that remained on this nearly broken world.

The great Goddess Amaterasu had been merely wandering by when she caught the faintest of glimpses of a pack of infernal creatures attacking a single human. Before the goddess could intervene a pair of creatures not of this realm appeared before her eyes. The smaller bird-like construct smelled of a human trapped by demonic forces, but the man was another story. A strange power lay at his command, one that reminded her of the spiritual powers of a few chosen men. But there was something odd. Uncomfortable. Amaterasu felt as if this man's power had somehow been tainted by an influence she had never seen, the same influence that created the portal he stepped through and made the hairs on her back stand up on end.

Normally the goddess would remove the taint of these two creatures from this world, but when she witnessed the male come to the aid of the surrounded female she paused. These beings held a foul smell that did not belong to this plane, and yet they did not pose an immediate threat. One had even attacked the new breed of demons that sought to destroy this realm. Perhaps these things were not as dangerous as she thought, and it was with this in mind that the goddess made her presence known. She continued past the two visitors, her posture showing she was still quite wary of the two until she finally stood next to the girl. Her head shifted between the three of them until she finally sat down. She doubted anyone here would understand, but those that do not try are always doomed to fail. A pair of quick barks were made, and unless someone could hear the emotion in her heart her words would be lost. <Greetings, outsiders...>
Re: Tales Of The Universe

"Oh. Yeah I guess so." The creature says shrugging. "My name? I don't think I've got one." He continues, now stroking the underside of his beak seemingly in thought. Whether it was actually intended as imitation or not couldn't be told. He freezes as Ameterasu enters the scene and walks past, slowly turning his head to follow its movements.

(Rather uncertain here of whether I should be using "He" or "it" to refer to my character here. I'm kind of confusing myself with what the correct tense is too. '_' )
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Re: Tales Of The Universe

Sindri stared at the wolf in disbelief. When Amaterasu entered the scene, Myr winced for a moment as soon as he looked at her. This creature was pure of all corruption and without a doubt, she could hold more power than the sorcerer. Altough the presence of the warp made the goddess uncomfortable, Sindri was disturbed by Amaterasu's presence to a large extent as well. He quickly regained his composure, though. Such a phenomenon deserved some study.

The creature acted as if she was sentient. Myr, who got used to the fact that supernatural powers were the domain of beings with great mental capabilities, was not suprised by that. The items strapped to the wolf's back were more interesting. These artifacts were clearly of divine origin and held great power. Sindri began to worry that in case she (he didn't know why he immediately thought of the wolf as a female) turned against him, he'd be toasted in a few moments. He had to tread carefully.

Fortunately, the beast seemed eager to "talk". Sindri was sensitive to various forms of communication that didn't use sound waves as a medium. Altough Amaterasu's ability varied from telepathy, not allowing Myr to translate the words, he could understand the general intention. And he was sure that not responding to the wolf's greeting could be dangerous. "Ah... It is an honor to meet you, divine one."
Re: Tales Of The Universe

The moment the man responded the wolf's ears stood on end. Her head slowly tilted to one side as she regarded him, the surprise in her thoughts quite evident. Had a mortal actually understood her? Was such a thing even possible? A minute earlier it would have been difficult for the god to believe in such, but witnessing it with her own eyes had put her in a lighter mood. The tail slightly swishing back and forth against the ground was proof enough.

At ease and visibly more relaxed than before Amaterasu bowed her head slightly toward her guests to show her respects. She would begin to 'speak' again, but judging by the small creature's reaction it would only understand it as a series of barks and howls. <Welcome to our world, Emissary.> The taint that hung around that man was still unsettling and made her doubt his claims, but she would take him at his word, at least for now. <And you as well, uh...Prinny. I am Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun.> She would have continued, but instead she looked up to the human standing right beside her. It looked like the wolf was expecting something, and considering every else had introduced themselves she was waiting for the girl to do the same. There was a certain degree of civility to uphold, and should the girl not catch the hint the wolf would gently nuzzle the human as if she were a mother reminding a child to behave properly.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

"Say what? Divine one? You serious dood?" The prinny says looking back to the sorcerer surprised at his greeting to the wolf. Though it then dawns on him that if the human is correct, then perhaps a bit more respect would be in order. In regards to not becoming a chew toy anyway. And so he goes quiet again for the moment, listening to the unintelligible barks and howls as he tries to figure out what was going on.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Myr responded to the wolf's greeting with a polite bow. "Quite." Sindri replied to the Prinny's question. "I do not understand her nature completely, but that much is certain. And if I understand her intentions correctly, she offered us a welcome." He watched Amaterasu with interest. It seemed that only selected individuals could understand the wolf, which would explain why she seemed suprised for a moment. Sadly, his ability to read her was far from perfect. However, the images that flashed through his head reminded him of sun. Was this creature a sun goddess? Myr would have to study local myths later. For now, Sindri settled for watching how the situation develops. He noticed that Amaterasu looked at the girl as if she expected something, but said nothing.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Mystique nods. "Hello, Sindri. Prinny. I am Mystique. Mystique Sonya, ninja of the Dark. I was called to restore order. Legends have told that the hero would meet with people under fate..."

She bows slightly. She then looks to the wolf. She slightly, not really, pets her head and nods. "I heard of you in legend too. Unfortunately, I don't understand your words under your emotion. I may learn though. Welcome." She smiles a bit and pets once, sliding her hand.

She then looks to the other two. "Legends also say there will be varied universes coming together. This is quite interesting..."
Re: Tales Of The Universe

"Indeed, it is interesting." Sindri pushed his glasses up - they slid down a bit during the brief fight. "However, I'd like to suggest that we move to a safer location. Altough these creatures we saw earlier ran away, it is quite possible that they are merely waiting for reinforcements before attacking again." Myr took a look around, checking for any hidden dangers. "I'm sure we all have stories to share, but I'm sure they can wait. I assume you know the terrain, correct?" The last question was directed towards Sonia. The sorcerer briefly wondered what is a "ninja", then decided to ask later. 'All in due time.'
Re: Tales Of The Universe

One would think that a god would find someone laying a hand on their head an insult. They would be right, but unlike her brethren Amaterasu seemed to shine just a tad brighter once Mystique patted the wolf's head. She even leaned into the hand slightly as it slid across her fur. As much as the goddess was a divine creature capable of feats that most humans would find amazing she wasn't so conceited as to think mortals were beneath her. Quite the opposite, she thoroughly enjoyed their company. There was a certain warmth that hung around a mortal soul, and whenever she came into direct contact with a living thing that warmth would seep through her body and bring a comfort that reminded the god of simply basking under the sun without a care in the world.

At Sindri's suggestion that the group find some shelter Amaterasu rose to her feet. She let out a small bark, no masked speech or emotion needed to let the others know she agreed. Sitting where those strange cat-like demons had been defeated only invited something stronger to appear and avenge its comrades. Hopefully this Dark King being didn't have any scouts capable of tracking them once they escaped.
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Re: Tales Of The Universe

The Prinny looks around the group without particualy doing anything that would gain attention at the moment. He decides that since these people hadn't yet tried to kill him, and seemed pretty strong, it wouldn't hurt to try to "infiltrate their group" and stick around them for protection. He hadn't yet remembered how he got here or what he was meant to be doing, so this seemed as good a course of action as any. Thus, the Prinny makes ready to follow after where ever they might head off to next.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

As the group talked amongst each other a tear in the sky opens up. At first it's just a pin prick, highly unlikely it would be noticeable by the group even though its a brilliant blue light. Though gradually over the next few minutes the hole gets bigger, until finally it's roughly thirty feet in diameter. The spatial tear bathes the entire city in its dazzling blue sheen for several seconds until a large, silhouetted object flies out of it. The hole then quickly collapses in on itself, sealing the object in this planet.

Hurtling through the air at breakneck speeds it was clear to John that the Banshee, for reasons unknown to him, had been completely fried and was now heading towards the ground faster than he would've liked. It was also unknown to him that he had just somehow travelled from Earth through a slipspace jump and onto this unknown planet.

John sighed to himself as he tried the aircraft's console one last time even though he knew it was a futile effort. The nose of the Banshee, once a rich purple colour was now charred black as the friction of the air coupled with the velocity it was travelling at begun to burn the ship. And its wings, which housed its anti gravity propulsion units were snapped clean off. As the Banshee neared the ground a giant green armoured behemoth slid and dropped out of the carriage. A few seconds later the Banshee slammed into a building, a brilliant blue-white explosion followed a second later.

As he fell through the sky John tried his best to limit the damage that would soon come from the impact of hitting the ground at such a height, though despite what he did his armour was only limited absorbing a certain amount of the impact. As John hit the ground a deafening rumble followed by a shock wave ripped through the city, an impact crater roughly twenty feet formed where John had hit the ground.

John now lay there motionless, his fate unknown to those who watched him plummet to almost certain death.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Sonya looks around. "We should be on the edge of the city. A little ways from here, we should be able to head into a field where- GYAH!" She jumps at the sudden sound coming from around her area. She rushes toward the crater to see what is going on.

She looks down into it to see a ship. A downed aircraft. She slowly approaches it.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Sindri was preparing himself to depart when suddenly, he felt something. Some kind of a subtle, yet oddly familiar feeling. As he tried to find the source, his eyes caught the sheen created by something in the sky. When Myr looked up, he noticed the large tear in the fabric of reality - and the aircraft coming out of it.

At first, Sindri wasn't sure it was an aircraft. However, as it continued to drop towards the ground, he managed to confirm this fact. It filled the sorcerer with dread - was this place discovered by the imperial forces too? This machine certainly didn't belong to any legion of the Space Marines, but it was kind of similiar to the aircrafts used by the guard. Myr immediately regretted not having any armor (or demonic hide) that would resist laser shots. He watched the Banshee crash into the building - and noticed that something detached itself from it before it's short "flight" ended.

Sindri followed Sonya, approaching the crater made by the falling object. He stayed at the edge of this new landmark, ready to blast anything that might be in it's center... If it was still alive, that is.