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Tales Of The Universe

Re: Tales Of The Universe

The metal giant lay on the floor, unmoving as the dust and smoke cleared and would appear to an outside observer that whatever or whoever it was is now dead or has malfunctioned.

Inside though was a different matter entirely.

John, restricted by his armour grumbled quietly to himself as he struggled against the suits articifial limbs to test them to see if power still ran to them. Once realising his suit had failed on him yet again John let out a sigh of discontent.

Leaning his head forward, or in this instance upwards, John chins a button on his helmet. A reboot initialisation, this slowly goes through the process of rebooting all systems of his MJOLNIR battle suit. For John though the wait seemed like an eternity as he was currently a sitting duck for whatever may be lingering outside.

As life came back to the power armour the small gathering would notice a crackle of static electricity cover the length of the armour before it began to stir. The green clad figure slowly rose to his feet, seemingly assessing the situation and the creatures that had gathered around him. The giants hand slowly made its way to its holstered pistol, though noticing that none of them have made a move to attack him he quickly relaxed his arm.

"Where...where am I?" A strong, masculine voice crackled out of the helmet of the suit. Then, as if remembering a long ago trained in instinct the man snaps to attention. "Master Chief Petty Officer John-117." The armour clad man says, giving his position in what can be assumed to be the military the man comes from as well as his name. The numbers however would most likely have no meaning to anyone in the group.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Having not seen the falling objects in the sky, and only got as far as wondering what the sorcerer was looking at he only just catches the landing. The Prinny lets out a startled yelp as the impact sounds and the small shock wave of air hits him. "Whatwasthat!? A meteor?" He blurts out as the other two go to investigate. He looks to the goddog once, and then scurries off after them. Getting down on his front and poking his head over the edge when he reaches the crater. "Dood. That aint no meteor. It's like a green knight or something." He mutters quietly, though loud enough to hear easily enough.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

It appeared that this world was quickly being torn asunder. Quite literally, in fact. The sudden breach on the mortal plane was not unnoticed, and the strange construct that fell from the sky was as alien a thing as the two visitors. Amaterasu watched its descent for only a few moments before she spread her stance. Whatever that thing was it showed no signs of stopping, and should it veer from its current course she had no doubt this thing could cause some serious damage.

The sudden release of the green figure caught her attention, and as it fell to the earth at a safe distance the impact and destruction of the craft had her on edge. The mirror floating over her back began to rotate a bit, but once it seemed the blast from that explosion would be safely contained within the building itself all her weapons returned to a rest.

All that was left was to inspect the other thing, and the others were all too eager to jump right in. The Ninja Sonya seemed the most inquisitive of the group as she pushed herself right into the crater, but when the being with the green armor began to move the goddess jumped right in to land next to the inquisitive human. Now that she was closer Amaterasu could catch this being's scent, and though it smelled strongly of smelt iron and burnt armor the faint trace of a human managed to worm its way through. This was a baffling mix she'd never felt before, and she didn't know whether this thing was friend or for even when it stood and addressed them all. With all her attention focused on this newcomer the white wolf couldn't help but bark out her question. <What are you?>
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Re: Tales Of The Universe

"What...am I?" John repeats with a hint of confusion in his voice as he was questioned by the white wolf. "I am a Spartan. Trained from birth and augmented to combat and destroy the Covenant, humanities greatest foe." John paused for a moment as he allowed himself some more time to glance over the group that had crowded around his landing zone.

"I'll ask again; where am I? This doesn't appear to be Earth and you do not seem to be Covenant so I can only assume that whatever you are you are not allied with the Covenant. Now whether you're hostile or not is a different manner." The way John spoke and stood as he spoke to the group would suggest that he may be telling the truth about having been trained in the military from an early age.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Another one? The thought of another mortal hearing her was absurd, but there he was. This John-117 fellow with the impressive sounding title seemed to understand her quite well, possibly even more so than the Emissary. And he was a warrior, a breed of men raised to combat a threat Amaterasu had never even heard of.

In fact there were a number of things the sun goddess had yet to learn. She knew not why this town lay in ruins like so many others. She knew not how mankind had managed to even build such monstrous homes. She couldn't even tell how long she had been sleeping within that shrine. All she knew was that the sun stole rose in the East, and a new breed of demon had infested the land.

<I do not have the answers you seek, Master Chief Petty Officer John-117. I have been...slumbering for quite some time. All I know is that some rather foul creatures have laid siege to this land.> Once again her response would be nothing more than some random barks and howls to others, and even then all she could state was her ignorance. Her head hung in shame at being a clueless god, and all she could do was hope the Sonya woman could help fill in some blanks.
Re: Tales Of The Universe

The prinny looks bemused as ever at the wolve's "speech", shrugging and looking round to see if the others are as confused as he is. "Nah we aint hostile dood." He says himself, though looking around again to check his statement. "What's a covenant?"
Re: Tales Of The Universe

"If you're asking for the meaning of the word covenant..." Sindri spoke to the little dood. "I believe that pact would be the most simple translation. However, I'm quite certain that our armored friend has something a bit more sinister in mind." Myr didn't speak for quite a while, content with simply observing the marine and trying to figure out his identity, strenghts and weaknesses. He seemed to be very similiar to space marines the sorcerer encountered once, but much less fanatical - in fact, he was quite similiar to Imperial Guardsmen. A soldier, not a tool of divine wrath.

John also seemed to possess a considerable amount of psychic strenght, but at the same time, his mind was like tempered steel, pure of corruption. He had potential, but he resembled a Grey Knight too much to be considered a possible initiate of chaos. A pity. At least he could translate the wolf's words, a feat that Sindri found impressive. He started to feel some respect towards Master Chief - he liked competent people. And that power armor of his could prove to be very useful in battle. This man was very valuable.

"As the Prinny said, we are not enemies. In fact, some of us didn't come from this world as well... I am Sindri Myr, emissary of Gods. It is an honor to meet you, Master Chief Petty Officer John-117."
Re: Tales Of The Universe

Please, just call me John or failing that Master Chief," John says to the group as they use his full military title. At the mention of them not being hostile John relaxes his posture, though only slightly.

"You are correct," John says, turning to face Sindri. "The Covenant, as us humans have grown to call them are a collection of alien races hellbent on wiping out the human race as they have deemed us an affront to their so called 'gods'. They've wiped out nearly all of our colonies and before I ended up here they were attacking Earth, and while I had destroyed most of their fleet I'm unsure of how the battle is going to end with me being here." John pauses to let everyone absorb what he had said. "And you're an emissary of the gods?" John asks, curiosity in his voice. "Does the name 'Forerunner' mean anything to you?"

"If what you say is true," John turns to face the wolf once Myr answers his question. "Then the Covenant may have had a hand in the destruction of this land. Though if they have it is odd that they haven't glassed the entire planet. What I can gather though is that our being here any longer may draw unnecessary attention to us, either by whatever attacked this area before or some other force. I suggest we find somewhere to hide for now."
Re: Tales Of The Universe

"Forerunner?" Sindri frowned as he ran the name through his mind, comparing it with his memories. "Hmm... None of the gods I know bear such a name. It doesn't belong to any of their greatest warriors, servants and messengers either. It appears that this diety is unknown to me..."

Myr felt a bit uneasy when John mentioned glassing a planet. It reminded him of Exterminatus, an orbital bombardment meant to destroy everything on a planet - Imperium's final weapon against Chaos invasions. If the Covenant had such an ability as well, they could be an enermous threat.

"I agree with John's proposition. There is no need to stay here, so let us move. In the meantime, could you tell me something about the Forerunner? I would like to learn more about this being."
Re: Tales Of The Universe

"This would normally be considered classified information and you'd need to be granted access to be told this but given the circumstances I don't think protocol is an issue at the moment," John says to Myr before they set off for somewhere safer than the ruined city. "From what I've been told and from my own findings the Forerunners were a race much advanced to humans or even the Covenant which suddenly died out about 100,000 years ago. As I said earlier the Covenant believe them to be beings that attained Godhood through the use of the Halo arrays. What they didn't realise was the Halo's were a weapon used to contain and ultimately destroy a parasitic race called the Flood. The Halo's themselves weren't actually used to destroy the Flood, instead they were to be used to wipe out its food source; intelligent life. But anyway, the Covenant, thinking that the Forerunners used the Halo's to start their 'Great Journey' seeked to activate the Halo's themselves so they could begin their own Great Journey into Godhood."