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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
((This thread includes the space around the station, the hangars, tunnels and other infrastructure. Specific rooms will get their own threads.))

The Dividing Line orbits the planet Tarum III, a now uninhabited planet spotted with ruins of a long lost civilization. The Line itself is a ball of steel the size of a small town. Two quadrants circle the station horizontally.

... Or they are supposed to be.
When the ships drop out of FTL they see a fallen giant. As it is the station hangs in the orbit lopsided, slowly turning and twisting around itself. All shields are deactivated, and there is no atmosphere, no gravity, no life support. The windows are dark, and the turrets hang there like skin peeling off after a sunburn. The steel surface has various dents where a stray piece of galactic waste hit it. An empty shell, devoid of all life. Desolate.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The Deadly Mist exploded out of hyper-space, visible for only a few scant moments before vanishing in a shimmer. Draven now stood inside of his cloaked ship, his sensors scouting the area. "Unless someone got here before me and has cloaking technology, it looks like I'm here first."

He continued to run sensor sweeps, his shielding and weapons already on hot standby should they be needed, but it didn't seem likely. It took a ton to make him hesitant, but the sheer lack of any life in this system, and the dark, deadness of the Line in front of him made him slightly uneasy, though he never would have admitted this to anyone. He would be glad once they had restored power, and it seemed that the others would be needing space suits in order to survive. He silently thanked the stars for his unique makeup, making him able to survive in the vacuum of space. He would wait until the others arrived, and then hail them to let them know he was there. He decided to use a human frequency, that way they had a secure line network.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Forward unto Oblivion shoots out of Hyper-space, and abruptly stops, Vance typing in commands and observing everything around him, a frown on his face as he looks at his engine status "Perfect, just perfect" he says, looking at the main viewscreen, looking at the abandoned station with disdain and disgust, wondering why he even signed up "Power's out, so that station probably doesn't have any life support." he thinks, flipping on the radio and adjusting it to a secure channel "This is the Oblivion, anyone out there, or am I the first one here?" he asks over the radio, his ship's computer scanning the area and logging it
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

As soon as the Dragon's Fang arrives, Umbral scans the station. 'About as I suspected. Looks like I'll need to seal up.' With that done, he pushes a distinctive button, and the transporting system on the ship bring the Viper helmet forward to the cockpit, and lowers it into place over his head. A few of the armor plates of his flightsuit shift up and seal the helmet into place.

Viper's voice comes over the comm channel. "If that thing doesn't have any hull breaches, I'm going to be surprised."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven's voice comes over the comms suddenly. "This is Draven aboard the Deadly Mist, I'm here. Switch to directorate channel seven, and advise others upon their arrival what channel we're on."

Seems Draven is playing it safe.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

In a blast of loose debris and exotic radiation, the Fire Bird arrives. Senkek looks and the displays on the bridge for a second before deciding to head off to the station to begin inspecting it. Laying in a course for the central axis of the station, he lets autopilot take control while he seals his suit retrieves his exploration gear: namely a jet pack, energy pistol, and a high vibration sword. As an after thought he shoots a small message out to any who had gotten here before him, This is Senkek, I'm heading in to look for entrance along the central axis, once inside I'll try and find the power core and get the station under at least minimal power.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"I'm going to run some more scans, and see if I can analyze some of this debris" Vance says over the radio, sighing afterward as he sips from a glass of water, then turns the radio to channel seven "And I'll make sure to alert them to which channel we're on, Draven" he says, pressing a button, causing his ship to begin inching forward, towards some of the debris "Hate being in those stupid things. Always makes me feel like I'm twenty pounds heavier" he thinks, stopping his ship near a piece of debris, examining it finely with his scanners, then sighing again, not pleased with the results "You guys aren't going to like this. The debris seems to be covered in traces of the same energy that most military's use for assault weapons. Whatever it was that did this, it hit pretty damn hard, at least, that's my opinion."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Copy that. Going visible."

A shimmer in space is the only warning as Draven's ship just appears, not far from the station itself. A snap of blue flared around the ship then vanished. Draven had raised the shields. A check would see that his weapons array was on hot standby, just in case.

"Any way to tell how long ago that happened Vance?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper's reaction is not too dissimilar Draven's. About the only difference was the lack of any cloaking capabilities on his vessel.

"Perhaps we should wait until the Telarin ship arrives. They're likely to have the best sensors among our ships, given the Telarin penchant for gathering knowledge."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Agreed. Sitting on hot standby until then."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Agreed. Weapons on standby. Who knows what the hell is out there, waiting to attack us."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Unfortunately, by this time, Senkek's salvager instinct has kicked in and his mind is stuck in a repeating loop of 'Salvage, salvage, everywhere! Wheeee!' He does at least get his radio switched over to the right channel before he gets too caught up. Still, he continues on his course towards the station.
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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Avid viewers may notice a few pieces of debris moving aside - and then the Zeta appears in the room they made. As Thall and Mara take in the image they are quiet for a moment before Thall speaks on the open channel. "This is the Zeta, requesting a safe channel- What is this?" The scanner shows a red light in the middle of the debris field. It seems the Telarin scanners have picked something up. "Mara, run a deep scan on that." His copilot nods and gets to work. "This should only take a few seconds."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The Scimitar appears in a flash of light, slowing down as it approaches the station. The cloaking system is activated, keeping the ship hidden from all sensors.

"This is Cyrus, anyone reading me?"

Looking out at the station, then down at the planet, he returns to the console and scans over the data he requested on the Brilliance. A memory suddenly returns from the darkest corners of his mind.

"I've been here before."

Cyrus grins as he returns his attention to the station and the other ships, thinking to himself that this may hold more information for him that he thought.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper's voice responds. "Dragon's Fang copies. Directorate channel seven was selected for secure communications. Zeta, be advised that Oblivion reports residual from military-grade weapons fire on some pieces of debris. Undetermined time of impact at this point."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Roger that. Channel Seven."

Cyrus switches channels.

"This is Cyrus. Who are we missing?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Only three ships, I think. The Garik, the Kopak, and another human. Don't know the name of the last, but from what I saw, she appeared to be a medical type. Oh, wait...I think that there may be another tech. Human female."
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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The Nerkat fades into existance. Sanya stays quiet and just transmits a friendly signal. She deploys the turret atop the ship as she waits for any instrutions as to what to do.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Thall switches over to the secure channel. "Our scanners are catching something in the debris field to the left- Oh, Orx! Charge your weapons! Cloaked Pirate Carrier!" In this very moment the ship uncloaks - and one red spot turn into many as at least two dozen Garik Raiders are charging out of the hangar bay that makes up the rear third of the 650 feet long ship.

An audio message comes over the open channel. "This is the Tarius calling the unknown ships. You better step off. We've been here first, and as such this is our prize."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper wastes no time. The second the message comes across the channel from the Zeta, the Dragon's Fang is already in full battle readiness, with weapons powered, armed, and the tactical sensors on full.