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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Because a ship that size doesn't carry enough power to run a stasis unit for more than a year TOPS. Not without a level of power supply previously believed to be beyond the level the Ashotur were known to have. We're talking Telarin or Ingrali levels of power generation, Neutrino Ion levels or superior. A ship that small can't carry a generator like that given the materials the Ashotur should have had access to. Which means either that ship has been on this station considerably less than the four years... or they had a power supply superior to our own, small enough to fit in a ship like that, but routed sufficiently enough to avoid detection by our initial scans. We may need to run a much deeper scan of that ship just to be sure."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Thall keeps on shaking his head. "The first time we scanned it we didn't even pick up Pkaric inside. The skin deflects any attempts. . . Though now we do have it open. You have a point, though. To the hangar?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Agreed, we need to find out what kind of power supply is in there, an if it's rigged to go off."

Draven walks with Thall to the bay.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

It's gone. The ship is gone.
"No no NO no no NO!" Thall storms through the hangar to the spot where it was. "How- but- where. . . Oh! Ooooh. Oh, that bitch!" Thall balls his hands to a fist. "Stole it from right under my nose - well, if I had a nose", he adds under his breath.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven lets loose a hiss sounding more like a thousand angry rattlesnakes each second it's in the air before whipping around, storming out of the hangar bay, in the general vicinity of the command deck. He also is muttering something in his own language, and it doesn't sound like he's going to be very nice to whomever he's about to speak to.

"Vembrak belon embra tenhvash elok tor panta evrik ambra tahk!"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"What was that about my mother?" Thall doesn't expect an answer as he doesn't stop Draven, merely walking after him with large steps, fitting to his long and thin physique.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven reached his ship, and settled all his pre-flight commands before leaning back in his seat. A quick flick of his radio and he called out to Thall.

"Thall this is Draven, if your interested in exploring the old Ashotur system come meet me in the hangar bay at my ship, I'm getting ready to head on out."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"I am on my way." Just a minute later quick steps come up the ramp into Draven's ship, and the lanky frame of Thall enters the cockpit. "So you got the go from Nadia?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Indeed. She also said that our Ashotur ship is still on board in research, headed by a Dr. Ritter, woman I believe she said."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Thall makes a few noises in his own language that the translation system won't (or doesn't want to) translate. "I knew it. That woman is almost crazy in her pursuit of science, and so secretive that my people could learn a thing or two about them." He exhales deeply. "If I would eat solid food I would puke." It seems Thall has taken an immediate dislike to Dr. Ritter.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Yes well, I'm sure she'll manage to take good care of it while we're gone. If not well.... she won't be around to know what hit them if it really was rigged to blow."

He finishes everything out then nods. "Alright, you ready to head out?"

((This is in preparation for my IRL absence next week. Assume that Draven's "mission" is being run while I am gone, and when I get back I'll just fast forward as best as I can to present day as to what he's gathered.))
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Thall grins as he sits down, his knees slightly raised due to his tall frame. "Do you really have to ask? Let's go!"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven nods, then lifts the ship up and off, gently guiding her out of the station. Once they were a safe distance away, he engaged his hyper-drive and they vanished out of the system quickly.

After some time, they would arrive at their destination, and Draven would begin scanning the area they had emerged at for anything of note.

((And with that, I'm gone til the 14th.))
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

(Just killing time)

Kars was in the hanger, sitting atop his Hell Strafer which was on the hanger floor for once as opposed to the ceiling spot it was normally clamped to. A trailer containing some of Kars' belongings was parked next to the ship, mostly ammunition and weaponry. He was doing a bit of reorganising in his cargo compartments. The new facilities and storage available at the line meant certain bits of kit normally stored in his craft were no longer necessary to carry around all the time. He was pondering on whether he needed to keep two sniper rifles on board. There was his TPD coil gun, and his older .54 calibre rifle. While the coil gun was easily superior in general ballistics, the .54 couldn't be hit with EMP, could fire speciality ammo, and didn't have the glaring energy signature. He wouldn't have survived those Garik bounty hunters without the .54. One was still alive after all.

He packs both and moves onto grenades. Grenades were always fun.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The Deadly Mist plummets out of FTL, and Ffaryn emits a whooping squawk of surprise at the sudden slow-down - just like he did as the ship accelerated. "That was - intense", he remarks, even as the tuft of feathers on his head rises into a crest. Thall can't help the feeling that it won't go down for a while. "This station is bigger than most of the Ittaax'. It is your capital, yes?" Thall shakes his head gently. "No, not by far. The Alliance's headquarters are- deeper inside our territory", he quickly says. Not going to reveal the location to a race that may or may not be an enemy somewhere down the line. The signs point to No, but you may never know.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven nods, knowing what Thall is doing. "And as I mentioned before, Ingrali space is outside of this galaxy, much further away. We're coming up on the station, time for me to hail them."

He sends a direct link to Nadia, wanting to go straight through her in this case, still under the belief she'd be in charge there.

"Nadia, this is Draven. We've returned, though it may be brief. Permission to dock and bring aboard a representative of the Ittaax, a species we encountered on our voyage. I'm sending you a data stream packet as well, you may want to look at it."

He then sends her a compilation of everything that had gone on, from their first contact, to the mention of a human ship inside their territory that had been found, and even the request for help in determining why their outpost had gone silent.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

A radio silence ensues as Nadia studies the backlog. "Permission granted, Draven. Do escort the Ittaax ambassador to my office after you have landed, I would like to discuss things with him and the both of you."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Understood, we'll be there shortly."

Draven skillfully lands his ship back in the docking bay, then escorts Ffaryn up to Nadia's office.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Caitlin rolls into the docking bay, watching the bustle for a moment, looking for Kars. After a moment passes and she doesn't notice him, she calls out over the sounds of the bay. "Hey, Kars! You in here?", ignoring the stares she'd likely get from the rest of them.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

After a short delay, a grapple tether fires into the air and successfully latches onto the hanger ceiling, followed by Kars ascending up it hanging from the tether gun on his arm. He peers about the hanger in the direction he thought he heard something and soon enough spots Caitlin. "Oh, hey there! Long time no see!" He calls back with a swaying one armed wave.