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Teladran Forest

Re: Teladran Forest

Kara portions out some dried raisins to go with the jerky, then hefts her pack. "Aye, we bes' be movin' on." She waits patiently for the two Kaliverans to take the lead.
Re: Teladran Forest

Isha takes the raisins and the lead, choosing a direction seemingly at random and starting the group off deeper into the forest. "So, do we have any other ideas for finding this shrine, or do we just wander around looking for tracks and odd trees?"
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo shakes her head, ruefully. Instead, she simply maintains her grip on Isha's backpack, taking care with her footsteps. You could never be too careful.

"No idea, I'm sorry.. I suppose we just keep looking?"

The raisins were appreciated, and quickly vanished. Kiyo has a most definite sweet tooth.
Re: Teladran Forest

At a certain point in the forest, a large depression in the ground is encountered. Jutting up from the middle of it is a large-ish rock. While extremely smooth, there is one part of it that appears to have some kind of climbable groove in it.
Re: Teladran Forest

"Tha' could be some trouble, after all..." Kara looks thoughtfully at the depression, twirling a small strand of her hair with one hand absently. "Er, Kiyo? Lass, how be yer climbin' skills, then?"
Re: Teladran Forest

Something would strike Kara as odd about the groove...Namely, the presence of almost regularly placed 'ledges' about 3-5 inches apart...It was also deep. The smoothed inside edges of the rock would allow anyone to use them as bracing should they find the need to...And the smoothness of the rock 'walls' certainly gives the impression that may have been intentionally done.

Also visible, about a full two house stories up the rock, is what appears to be a tier of some kind, with the rest of the rock being of a much smaller diameter.
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Re: Teladran Forest

The dwarf moves forward to examine them more closely. "These ledges be no' natural. Someone hewed 'em from tha rockface."
Re: Teladran Forest

Isha nods at Kara's comment. "Agreed, this entire depression seems too regular to be natural." She says, eying the boulder and surrounding area with equal scrutiny. "Think it's worth a look?"
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo casts around in confusion, looking blindly from one side to another, back to Kara, then to Isha..

"My climbing skills? Why would we need to climb in the middle of a Forest? Are we climbing a tree?"

She catches the word ledges, and rockface, realising there must be a cliff, or at least, some sort of rock..

"I suppose, there is no way to go but upwards.. "
Re: Teladran Forest

((Edited by Wolf...))

Kara begins carefully looking the base of the rock groove over, muttering about carving tools, it sounds like.
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Re: Teladran Forest

Isha followed Kara down, leading Kiyo over as well, interested in the oddness of the boulder as well.

She leads them down the incline and over to the house-sized rock in the center, right in front of the strange grooves. It must be a twenty foot climb, but the carved side makes it rather easy. "I'll go up, see what's there. Wait here." She says to the other two, and when ready, goes up the face with one hand, short sword held ready in the other. She reaches the top quickly and goes over the edge, sword high to deflect an incoming blow more as habit than any suspected enemy, and takes a look at the top surface of the rock.
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Re: Teladran Forest

Left feeling a little useless, cursed as ever by the restriction of her sight, Kiyo leans on her staff, listening as best she can. She picks up the occasional carving-related word, as well as a scrabble as Isha hauls herself up the side of the rock.

"Be on your guard, everyone. Our goal may not be far away."
Re: Teladran Forest

One side of the upper part seemed somewhat recessed, and there was a small, thin crack at one point.
Re: Teladran Forest

"Not much up here, bit of a seam in the rock though, I'm going to check it out." Isha calls down to the other two before examining the crack and depression.
Re: Teladran Forest

"I... uh.. take care? I'll... I'll.."

Kiyo glances around, blindly, and helplessly.

"I'll keep watch!"
Re: Teladran Forest

"Don't sell youself short like that." Kiyo hears from Isha, still examining the crack in the top of the boulder. "Focus on slowing your breathing, and extend your senses outward. Focus on each sound until you can discern what it is, then banish it from your mind. Chances are you'll notice something before we do."
Re: Teladran Forest

"Right. I'll keep listen."

Where one might suspect sarcasm, Kiyo's tone remains light, but inside, the woman seethes. To be blind...! Her hearing, though, picked up birdsong... rustling of leaves.. the creak of trees. Nothing useful. The occasional scrabble on stone. A thought suddenly strikes her, and she extends her staff 'til it meets stone, and raps against it, listening carefully.. she should be able to ascertain if the rock is hollow or not.
Re: Teladran Forest

At the part that Kiyo is at, the rock sounds quite solid.

Nothing stands out to Isha about the depression or crack...Although something about it seems...Odd.
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Re: Teladran Forest

Isha mumbles her discontent quietly, knowing there was something strange going on with this boulder, but reluctant to put her hand in the crevice. After about a minute of deliberation, she does just that however, feeling around for anything loose but still cautious of any traps or animals inside.
Re: Teladran Forest

The crack, however, isn't quite wide enough for her hand. Perhaps something thinner, though, might fit inside.