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Teladran Forest

Re: Teladran Forest

Isha mentally went through what she had on hand that might fit.

Short sword? No, blade is too wide to maneuver easily. Rapier? No, too fragile to risk it, and it isn't mine yet anyway...

She gets up and walks back over to the side with her companions. "Hey Karyn, pass me up a bolt, I need something to search inside a crevice with, it seems odd."

((Assumind Kara would do so.))

Bolt in hand, Isha walks back over to the crack and starts exploring it with the bolt, seeing if there was anything she could get out of it. It didn't seem too deep, but the angle of sunlight put the inside in shadow, so there wasn't much she could see.
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Re: Teladran Forest

Something that almost sounds like a soft click results...and part of the depressed part retracts. Behind it is a small recessed space, holding what appears to be an oddly designed bracer, and a small fragment of paper, seemingly sealed in a clear crystal.

Only a phrase and two words can be discerned from the fragment, due to damage. ...only the bracer can shield from the hammer's backlash and Fort Telladar.
Re: Teladran Forest

Isha carefully pockets the bracer and crystal-covered parchment, then descends the boulder and hands Kara back the bolt.

"I think we've found what we were looking for, I'll elaborate once we're out of this forest. We still have most of the day to travel, let's get to it." She says bluntly, then passes Kiyo her backpack strap and sets off again, Kara ((hopefully)) in tow.
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo is given a strap to cling to, and does so, somewhat gratefully.

"Where are we going..? I thought our shrine was in this forest? Did we find him?"
Re: Teladran Forest

"We've found a clue to his location, and I would prefer to talk about this away from any prying ears." Isha says, and by the tone of her voice you can tell she won't say anything else on the matter until the forest is left behind.
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Re: Teladran Forest

((And double post for the bump, sorry))

The companions are still in the forest by nightfall. Isha does a quick check of their new campsite, the turns and says, "I'll take second watch, do you feel aware enough to take a turn at watch, Kiyo?"
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Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo glances up, the cloth of her blindfold seeking the voice as best she could.

"I.. think so. I should just be able to go and sit down somewhere over here, and... listen."

True to her word, with the now-familiar sweeps of her staff, Kiyohime wanders a little way from the camp, then kneels down quietly, hands folded in her lap. A moment or two to focus, then she stills herself, awaiting the sounds on the wind.
Re: Teladran Forest

Isha just nods and sits own with her back to a tree. Within moments, her breathing becomes perfectly regular as she falls asleep.
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo sits motionless, listening to the quiet sounds of breathing, the stir and sway of the forest. Soft starshine sprinkles the clearing, and moonbeams flow down through the forest canopy here and there. When she is certain that her companions are asleep, Kiyo's hands rise gently, noiselessly, to her head.

Easy motions undo the crimson silk that serves as a blindfold, along with the pads she places beneath for comfort, and it is laid beside her. Slowly, she opens her eyes.

Carefully, for at first, the little light is painful to eyes long deprived of sight. Finally, bloody orbs take in the camp site, and the sleeping figures of her companions, for the first time.

Kiyo stirs from her position, taking her blindfold in one hand, and paces silently around the edge of the clearing, running her own checks. Finally, she slips towards the two sleepers, scrutinising their faces, fixing them in her memory. Her curiosity sated, the not-so-blind woman returns to her spot, and retrieves the staff she left in the grass. Leaning against the nearby tree, facing away from the camp, she watches the night.
Re: Teladran Forest

Only one thing happens during the first watch of the night...Occasional drops of water make it through the canopy.
Re: Teladran Forest

A drop of rain strikes Kiyo on the head, and she winces. Cold. Wet. This, however, reminds her of the time - and the fact that the watch change was close. With a sigh, she reaches for the blindfold, and slowly, almost painfully, binds her eyes once more, waiting for a little longer. Finally, when she judges it is time, she moves over to Isha, limping again, and making a lot more noise than before. Coming closer, she sweeps her staff, and knocks into her companion's legs.

"Isha? Watch change."
Re: Teladran Forest

Isha had a hand on Kiyo's staff and a sword half out of it's sheathe before she was fully awake. She let's out a sigh as she slides her blade back in. "Sorry, I probably should have warned you. I'm a fairly heavy sleeper, so I've learned to defend myself first and ask questions later when being woken up."

She stands and stretches, then does a round of the camp and feeds the fire a couple logs. "Anything interesting happen?"
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo smiles, wanly.

"Not that I saw. It started raining, that was about it."

The blind woman sighs, stretches, carefully, then heads towards her own pack. Her staff saves her from a nasty trip over a tree root, then she retrieves it.

"Right. I think I heard a spring somewhere nearby. I'm going to have a wander, see what I can find.... can't sleep, anyway."

Saying that, Kiyo limps off into the trees, soon vanishing from sight, though the knocking of her staff sounds through the forest for some time.
Re: Teladran Forest

"Alright, don't head off too far though." Isha says as Kiyo leaves the clearing. She then unsheathes a short sword and scimitar and begins a warm up routine with them, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Once her blades are almost a blur and she seems satisfied, she changes hands and does the entire sequence over again with the larger sword in her off hand, starting out slowly as before but speeding up more quickly. Once she is satisfied with that, she sheathes them both and does another round of the clearing, listening for the sounds of Kiyo in the darkness.
Re: Teladran Forest

Once safely out of sight, Kiyo removes her blindfold once again, tucking it away neatly, but is careful to keep tapping her staff against the trees. With the aid of her sight, she finds the stream she was looking for fairly swiftly, and circles it once or twice.

Once she's certain that she won't be disturbed, Kiyo slips out of her robe, and undergarments, then into the cold, cold water with a wince. Barely deep enough where she stands to come up to her knees, so retrieving her soap, she wades downstream a little ways to bathe. Special care taken on her hair, and feet - where blisters are beginning to form.

Any watchers would spot the obvious scar on her back, long healed, but present.

Finally, Kiyo stands, dresses, and wanders back towards the camp, putting on her blindfold as she does. She leaves her hair down, dripping, to dry in the cool night air, and finally wanders back into the campsite, and seats herself beside a tree wordlessly. A few moments later, and she adjusts for comfort, leaning back a little, and her breathing steadies into sleep.
Re: Teladran Forest

The rest of the night goes by uneventfully, the sun just rising as Isha wakes the other two women.

"Sun's up, we should be able to make it out of the forest by noon." She says as she finishes scattering the remains of the night's fire and packs up the last of the supplies.
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo appears to stir slowly, though her eyes are open behind the blindfold for some time before she "wakes". Eventually, though, the blind woman stands up with the assistance of her staff.

"On the road again, I suppose.. Where are we going, anyway?"
Re: Teladran Forest

"You'll find out once we're clear of this forest. Sorry for the paranoia, I don't even want to think about it until we're back on the plains. This has been far too easy so far, I have this nagging feeling that we're being watched." Isha says simply as she hands Kiyo the usual backpack strap, and sets off.
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo takes the strap in her left hand, with a sigh, and follows, dutifully.

Walk from the east to the west.. then back to the east.. some God hates me.
Re: Teladran Forest

The three of them travel all the way through morning, and right around the time when the sun hits its peak, the trees around them start to thin. Isha catches a couple glimpses of Anlundar Plains through the gaps. "Couple more minutes and we'll be back on the plains, we'll walk for another hour or so and take a break."