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Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40

Floor: 1
Time: 19

Sivis, the orc, marches into a ruined temple found within the lands of Crolia, under the rumors of treasures and wishes granted that lie within, with none who enter ever emerging forth victorious. She had assumed that with her talents, she would be successful. However, this was a ruse of her own design. As she entered into an ominous square building seemingly built of sandstone in a most odd location, she soon realized all of her knowledge and experiences were leaving her. Soon indeed... She realized she was without her confidence and her skills, brought to a level where she was most vulnerable.

As she stood now with limited options, both in preparation and directions to go as she'd look back to find the entrance she came in from was just a wall now, she saw that she stood before a strange monument of the bandit lord Calhoun.

Sivis has found a shrine!
She may touch it, risking a flaw, but in return she may either spend xp or gain some provided the gods favor her.

Touch it?
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis looks at herself in shock. She couldn't remember half of anything. She could remember the spells she had been able to cast but now it was like she had just watched someone else do it. She attempted a few spells and watched them fail. The magic wouldn't flow correctly, her fingers felt clumsy. Soon she discovered that at least she had been able to keep the core of her power intact but if legends were true, that might not be enough. This place... this place was dangerous. But she didn't even try to look for an escape. She was an orc, fleeing was simply not in her nature (except for when she left home and SHUT UP). She muttered a few of the more involved Orcish curses as she examined the shrine in front of her. With a shrug, she placed her hand on the shrine, attempting to invoke its magic. No guts no glory.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Paralyzex1
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 4
Floor: 1
Time: 16

Sivis touched the monument, and she felt a surge of energy rush through her that rendered her body trembling. She wasn't sure what had happened, but she felt energetic.


Moving forward, Sivis steps through the mysterious halls. As she leaves the monument room and heads down the only hallway to the next room, she feels as if the path is being constructed for her. Fortunately, it seems the path behind her is still there if she needs it. Somehow, she also feels as if she will not lose time backtracking, if she needs to.

In the next sandstone room, she finds a skeletal corpse and a bag on the sash of its clothes. Inside the bag is a small amount of denarii!

(+11 denarii!)

In the next room, Sivis thought she was entering what seemed to be a strange study, when a trap unseen sprung upon her! (Perception: 17+2=19 vs DC21).

Poisoned Darts fly from both sides! (Reflexes DC20 vs. 8+10=18). They strike Sivis as she's too slow to react from the surprise! Instead of death, she feels her body getting numb. Some kind of paralyzation agent enters her body.

(Sivis is paralyzed.)

The study went further on, a rather large study indeed, until she suddenly seemed to see it as a hallway. The at first square room now apparently a long rectangular pathway confused Sivis' sense of perception with every step, removing her from old predictions from the reality she knew. All to culminate on the next thing she discovered: Another trap. This time she was more aware of the danger, as it seemed to have been made by the same person. It was on the ground, clearly meant to be walked upon. Reason said that this would be harmful, but Sivis was quickly caught off guard by the fact that there was no reason in this place.

(Trap spotted. +2xp. Avoid, or step on the trap bravely for another 2xp?)
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

A journey has its ups and downs, Sivis thought, as she determined her next move. She looked at her hand and frowned. She could barely keep moving at the moment. Whatever that poison was, it had a heck of a kick to it. Hopefully she wouldn't run into any more. If she did, she would surely fall. And now another trap. She had never been cautious and wasn't about to start now. She'd just have to be strong enough to get through it. She stepped on the trap, facing the odds.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 6
Corruption: 332/400
Floor: 1
Time: 12

She steps onto the trap, which turned out to be a perhaps bad idea in hindsight. The energy flowed through her, making her feel some of her former power return. Which was all well and good, until she found herself zipped to a unique surrounding. Sivis appeared suddenly within a strange gray stone room that seemed to be of religious make. And around her were a large collection of blue and violet night elven men dressed in naught but loin cloths and black demonic masks. Upon her arrival, Sivis found that she had basically appeared already restrained by a rope above her head, and an anti-magic symbol beneath her feet to render her utterly helpless. To top it all off, before she could even figure out what was happening or what to do, one such elf attached a strange device to her cock that quickly began to milk her dick.

"Praying to the God Seeker proved worthwhile." one said. "He has delivered onto us a feast." another followed. Then, they each in motion removed their loin clothes to reveal large and mutated cocks akin to that possessed by demonkind. "Plant the seed. Breed until you have nothing left." one said with initiative, coming forth to remove Sivis' clothing, and promptly taking her vulnerable body by her hips, pulling her back to impale his large cock into her pussy, which felt oddly pleasurable. More so than it should. Though she soon realized that even her sexual experiences, if any, were gone as well. She might as well be a virgin, her tender pussy being plowed for the first time. Just the first of the night elves alone were already doing well to Sivis. His hip motion, his hands coming to her breasts to tweak her nipples, and his rough treatment ate away at her resistance in mere moments. Even though she didn't break before his hips moved faster and reached a climax, his cock throbbing and spilling forth his seed into her womb, the fact that he began anew only meant he'd make her break soon or later...

And he did. One hour later, the other men were casually waiting for their turn when the first alone came four times inside, and made her cum twice. That's when two teamed up on her, one from the front and one behind. One behind lifted her by the back of her knees, slipping a lubricated cock into her asshole, while the one in front easily slammed into her cum drooling pussy. All the while, she could feel their corruption being shared with her, helping to mutate her body. "This one is tender, and fresh. She must have just arrived." the one in her asshole said calmly, even as he brought her down and injected his hot load into her asshole. The one in her cunt leaned forward to lick along her neck from under the mask. "Fresh meat is just fine." he stated, before biting down on her neck lightly as he gripped her by her ass to deliver a load into her pussy... And they began anew, immediately thrusting into her ruined and cum filled holes with lacking concern for the mess of an orc they were making.

The group shared her amongst themselves, some even getting a second wind and hugging her from the rear to rape the other hole they didn't try yet. Time was hard to count or determine, but it felt like an entire day of violation. At the end of it, she was left unbound and physically exhausted on the ground, with both her holes gaping from all the demonic shaped cocks that plowed her, and the device finally detached, having completely drained her cock's cum to the last drop.

(Capture of the Rape variety trap. Sivis took 665 pleasure. She came 13 times. She gained 332 corruption. She took 68 Damage, and passed out... -3turns for Full Rest)

Sivis couldn't help but black out after the experience... To awaken much later. Her belly was perhaps surprisingly not swollen with child. It seems like the most she lost was her time.

It took a while to recover, forced to take things slow in the ever dangerous temple, but eventually her stamina returned and her holes were no longer gaping, and she was apparently not robbed either. So that's good.

But not far from where she passed out was another shrine! Or was it the same one? Hard to tell if she was going in circles. But still, she could touch it again...

(Shrine encounter! Touch? If so, choose desire, xp or ability to spend xp)
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Why did it have to be elves? Sivis spit on the ground, remembering the incident. The demon was fine. Sure, she'd find him later and rape him to death but the elves... that was just embarrassing. Fortunately Sivis had beat the odds and had not been impregnated. That was a sure sign of good luck. And a sign that she wasn't beaten yet. She touched the shrine, trying to draw more power into her.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 6
Corruption: 332/400
Floor: 1
Time: 12

Touching the shrine, she discovered it was a Spirit Shrine! She can spend xp for points in Spirit, or just gain 2xp.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis will gain the 2xp. Next time she'll be able to regain some of her lost abilities!
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 8
Corruption: 332/400
Floor: 1
Time: 11

Remarkably, she encounters yet another shrine. How about that?
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis will attempt to regain some of her former power (attempting to purchase Resistant)
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 8
Corruption: 332/400
Floor: 1
Time: 11

Sivis touches the shrine, and it's a Mage Shrine! Sivis may gain 1 Mage Talent of her choice for 8xp.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis sighs. She was hoping for something else but wasn't going to let this opportunity pass her by. She renews her knowledge and connection to healing magics. (Taking Focus in Body)
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 2
Corruption: 332/400
Floor: 1
Time: 10

Sivis Talent Get!

Sivis moves on, and discovers a trap!
Perception: DC27 vs 17+11=28
She spots it!

Sivis comes upon a strange rune on the ground. It's not clear what it does, but it's placed right in the middle of the open room with minimalistic signs of the mages who brought it into being. She may step onto such a trap bravely if she so feels (+2xp if doing so. +2xp just for spotting it for a possible +4 total.)
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Could she get any exp for doing what's she good at doing? (Counterspelling/Dispelling) If she can, she does that. Otherwise she steps upon it! No guts no glory! Though one might note she steps on it a lot less certainly than she did the first trap.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 4
Corruption: 332/400
Floor: 1
Time: 11

Boldly stepping on traps is her business! Because the trap looks like it was made by something very powerful, or through a great combined effort. It'd take days to remove it, and time wasn't on her side.

Stepping on the trap, Sivis suddenly is transported to a room where a crystal was on a pedestal. It glowed with a menacing energy, and she was possessed with the idea to destroy it. Upon doing so, she felt as if the forces that be around her gave her a slight break. (+2 time and xp!)


It presents two hands, one is a red orb, which looks like it might give +2xp. The other is the blue orb, which can allow you to spend xp. Touch it?
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis's good luck kept on going! She was going to need all the strength she could get and a little corruption wasn't going to kill her. Well, it wasn't going to kill her any time soon. She briefly wondered if finding all of these shrines was normal. She touched both orbs, first the orb of power, the red orb, then the orb of skill, the blue orb.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 8
Corruption: 332/400
Floor: 1
Time: 10

She touched the orb of power... And gained 2 xp!

She tried to get greedy and touch the other one next. All that happened was some mysterious force delivered a light zap to her crotch, as a voice boomed, "YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE, STOP TRYING TO DIP YOUR HAND IN EVERY BASKET!"

Moving on, Sivis came upon a trap!
Perception: 17+12=29, passed

She spotted it! Thank goodness! +2xp. She may still step on it for +2 more xp!

She stood in an occult looking room dedicated to worshipping some unknown god. The trap was a single tile decorated in occult scribbles.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

"Bah. Stingy." She rubbed her crotch as she walked. It was still a little sore. And then another rune. She scratched her head and looked at the god. "You know, I'm not exactly complaining but I thought the dungeons would be more interesting than a series of test-a-traps. I want to find something I can find." She sidestepped the trap and searched for something she could take her frustrations out on.

Just kidding MAF
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

Sivis: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 50
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Xp: 8
Corruption: 332/400
Floor: 1
Time: 9

After destroying that trap's self esteem, Sivis is moving on...

And discovers another shrine! Touch the xp orb or the talent orb?
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Sivis (Dragoon)

After allowing herself a brief moment to think, Sivis chooses the talent orb.