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Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Talia: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 30
Xp: 0
Floor: 1
Time: 19

Talia and her desire for adventure led her to a mysterious location of odd fame told to her by a mysterious man with a suspicious smile and giddy, almost psychotic laughter. Riches, or power await her, the power to control an army, or a wealth to last your life, if you make it through the gauntlet within. Though he cared not to mention the fact that Talia, upon entering, felt herself go through a most otherworldly passage, the kind that removed sensation of marching step, and sense of gravity for a time as well. Until she stood on solid ground that is, with the exit nowhere to be seen behind her. Leading her to understand, she was trapped now, to foolishly pursue her treasure.


Talia comes across a bandit suffering from a wound, leaning against the stone wall. He looks like he’s on death’s door, and he begs for her aid. “Please, help me...” he requests.

Choice A: Put him out of his misery

Choice B: Heal Him (Method of Healing Required)

Choice C: Offer Basic Medical Attention

Choice D: You can’t help him, or perhaps you don’t want to. Move on.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia sighed as she looked around after finally emerging from that... Strange abyss she had crossed and into what appeared to be some kind of dungeon. She probably should not have taken the promises made by the crazed man at face value. Now she had to find a way to extract herself from this mess. Oh well. Every trap had a way out of it. Once she figured out where she was and how she got here she'd be able to come up with something that'd let her get away, she was sure of it.

Walking down the corridor, the girl soon came across evidence that this place was far from isolated. Somewhat unfortunately, the evidence came in the form of a wounded highwayman. The girl briefly debated whether to aid such a morally shady character, but ultimately she had to admit that in her current condition, she could not be picky about help. And if healed, the bandit could potentially prove useful.

"Hold still, this'll take a moment." Talia told the bandit as she examined his wounds. They were serious, but not beyond her ability to stabilize. While fire magic was suited mostly for destruction, it had some other uses as well. Reaching out and touching the man, the girl cast a Heat spell, mending flesh and bone to the best of her abilities.

[Cast Heat, 2d6 + 5 base heal, not sure if bonuses from talents/feats apply on account of how Healing tag works, but if they do then that's +12 to heal for spell levels.]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 28/30
Xp: 0
$: 16
Floor: 1
Time: 18

(Cast: Success. 9+7+10+4=30 points healed.)

Talia's spell saves the bandit from a mortal wound! The bandit’s wounds vanish entirely. He thanks Talia profusely, and offers everything he can as a reward, including his protection.
Reward: 2 exp, 16 Denarii, Resolves one enemy encounter instantly of the PC’s choosing (only for current level)

Talia encounters a shrine! Does she touch it? (If it's not cursed, may choose +2xp or ability to spend xp.)

The shrine looks to be akin to some great chaotic bandit lord, a dedication to him. He seemed like a bigshot around here.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia accepted the bandit's gratitude, though she acted modestly. She didn't want to let herself grow too proud of her ability. Otherwise, she could end up neglecting her development out of hubris. No, she fully intended to keep sharpening her skills to the very end. Moving on, she found a rather curious shrine. Rather than being dedicated to a god, it seemed to be glorifying some kind of bandit lord. Curious, the girl reached out to the shrine, intending to examine it up close.

[Touch shrine.]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Fine
Hit Points (HP): 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 28/30
Xp: 4
$: 16
Floor: 1
Time: 17

She touches the shrine, and it's a Warrior Shrine! Not much she can do with it though. So she simply gains energy from the strange monument to an evil criminal lord.

Proceeding onwards, Talia encounters the mad ravings of a man with glowing hands dressed in a robe.

(Perception: 17+5 vs DC21, success)
(Stealth: 10+6 vs DC21, failure)
(Talia goes first, no bonus)

While wondering through the unknown shiftings of the odd structure, or rather, another dimension, Talia was perhaps surprised when a man in robes happened upon her. He screamed at first sight. "Finally! Finally! My ticket, my carpet to follow to his glorious favor! Come, let me make you scream, as I electrify your body and then rape your womanhood!" he shouted, cackling as his hood flew back to reveal an orc's face wielding spiritual magic. His previous race's pride seemed gone, he was just insane for Calhoun's favor now.

He was also too busy talking to attack first.

(Encounter! Talia vs. Caster)
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia sighed as she realized she could do little with the shrine. Well, at least it seemed to make her stronger, if only by a little bit. Shrugging, she moved on, only to soon encounter a sight far less pleasant than a stone idol. A maddened orc, driven insane by something - likely the influence of this place. A caster, from the looks of it, and one that would not hesitate to assault her judging from his shouts. Fortunately, he was too busy screaming to attack her, giving the girl an opening. Figuring she'd rather deal with the madman swiftly, Talia unleashed a concentrated sphere of intense flames, hoping to blast him to cinders and end his suffering.

[Flaming Sphere, 8d10 to hit, 3x(2d4 + 3 + 6) damage]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Fine, but a bit bashed.
Hit Points (HP): 23/30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 24/30
TP: 3/25
Xp: 6
$: 16
Floor: 1
Time: 16

She throws a fireball at her foe, and quickly hits them!
to-hit: 55
dodge: 40
Damage: 6d4+27=38 damage.

Her fires turn the poor sap into cinders. +2xp


Left with no choice but to proceed onwards, Talia barely went a day in the maze-like corridors before another group awaited her! This time, a large group!

Talia encounters 2 Depraved Warriors and 1 Caster.
Perception: 17+7-24 vs DC21, success
Stealth: 10+4, failure.
Talia encounters the enemy on equal footing! They strike first!

Warrior 1 strikes at Talia!
Tohit: 29
Dodge: 7d10=23
Talia takes 22-8=14/2=7 Damage!

Warrior 2 strikes at Talia!
20 vs 56
Talia dodges!

Caster 1 tries to touch Talia!
35 vs 41
Talia dodges!

Talia's turn.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Having turned the maddened orc into ash, Talia bowed her head in a moment of silence before moving on. The girl took pride in her magic, but there was hardly anything pleasing about killing an insane, suffering man. Unfortunately, soon she encountered more trouble - three other twisted beings, two of them melee fighters this time. One of them even managed to land a painful hit on her, winding her a fair bit. Not liking those odds, the mage decided to call in for help. "I could use a hand here!" She called out to her bandit companion.

[Use bandit, solve encounter.]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Grappled
Hit Points (HP): 23/30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 24/30
TP: 3/25
Xp: 8
$: 16
Floor: 1
Time: 15

The bandit she saved turned out to be quite capable. He came in, and effortlessly cut through all the enemies before Talia in three strikes. Once he was done, he sheathed the two axes he brandished to kill her foes. "There you go, as thanks for your aid. Perhaps we'll see each other later?" he chuckles, before moving down the path ahead. No matter how much Talia tried to follow or not, the winding paths seemed to twist him further and further away, dimensions beyond the third making her brain hurt with bizzare motion, rendering him soon gone from sight.


Moving on, Talia encountered yet more foes the next day.

Perception: 1=failure
Stealth: 18+10=28 vs DC21 Success
Enemy attacks first

Talia bumped into a group of 2 depraved succubi, orc men without clothes that somehow seemed to look attractive despite the sullen nature of the place, likely due to their nature. "Ah, lonely girl?" one inquired. "Let us play with you a bit." the other chuckled.

Succubus 1 tries to grapple Talia
Tohit: 37
Dodge: 48

Succubus 2 tries the same
Tohit: 21
Dodge: 14
Talia is grappled

She dodges one orc, while the other slips in behind her and wraps his arms around her upper body. "Gotcha, little human girl~" he cooed, as she could feel his foot long, thick prick pressing between her ass cheeks, erect and ready.

Talia's turn.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia watched the rogue go to town on the three menaces, impressed by his ability. Whoever or whatever got him earlier had to be either really powerful or incredibly skilled. Or just used the element of suprise. As he left, the girl found that somehow, it became impossible to follow him. A damn shame, that, but perhaps they'd see each other again. Moving on, the mage continued her lonely trek through the corridors of the dungeon.

Soon enough Talia ran into yet another group of foes, only two of them this time. That being said, both were sex fiends from the looks of it, which did not bode well for her. The fact that one had managed to get a grip on her didn't help. Struggling against the orc, the mage fought back with her greatest talent: magic. Aware she may be unable to work up enough fire to blast the two away, she called upon the aid of a creature: a Salamander, vicious and tough monster that was perpetually on fire. Fun little helper for any aspiring pyromancer, and something to sic on the grappler giving her grief.

[Summon Salamander: 20+8+8 Body, 2+8 AV, Natural Attack, Exceptional (already included), Healthy, Small, Quadruped, 2d10 fire damage in melee; have it attack the grappling orc if able]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Grappled, Excited
Hit Points (HP): 23/30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 22/30
TP: 3/25
Xp: 8
$: 16
Floor: 1
Time: 15

Talia summons a Salamander, and it attacks an orc holding her.
To-hit: hit
Damage: 12+12=24 damage;

"A mage?" the orc holding her inquired, grunting from the slash he took from the salamander. "We orcs know how to handle mages." he said, before one hand went to her breast to lightly caress her nipple, and the other went to her crotch while his mouth took her neck, kissing and licking her flesh. "Make sure she can focus as little as possible, and she'll be ours." he moaned into her neck.
Grapple: 29 vs 4
Talia is now excited!

The other orc tries to stop the salamander!
34 vs 32= The Salamander is grappled by the orc, what is he doing to do do it!?
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Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

"Like fucking Hell you do!" Talia snapped back even as she felt a shiver run down her spine. The orc knew what he was doing, for sure, but he was disgusting all the same. Fortunately, now that they had to split their efforts the girl had the advantage despite her position. While she was hardly the most powerful of mortals, her skill at fire magic was undeniable. Even in a grapple she could continue to keep frying her enemy, and her minion managed to badly would her foe before being caught. Making her fight much easier.

Of course, even in a grapple the salamander continued to fight. "Go for the eyes! Kill him!" The mage shouted, pushing her minion to keep attacking the orc that held it. Meanwhile, Talia herself unleashed an attack of her own: turning the palms of her hands towards the orc, she unleashed a spray of fire against him. While not as potent as a focused bolt, it did have the advantage of being far easier to aim, even in such close quarters. The sex-crazed man was in for a world of pain.

[Salamander: attack orc in Grapple]
[Flaming Hands: 1d6+1+3+6 damage, doesn't require winning a grapple check (Cone AoE), can be used in Submission Hold (Specialized Mage: Fire)]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Grappled, Pinned, Excited
Hit Points (HP): 23/30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 22/30
TP: 3/25
Xp: 8
$: 16
Floor: 1
Time: 15

The orc grappling Talia tries to use stunning gaze!
DC17 vs 8+4=12
Talia is stunned for 2 turns

The orc holding the salamander wins the grapple check, and pins the salamander down.
45 vs 33
Slamander pinned

They throw the salamander down and put an orc foot over it to hold it down, while the other orc's face looks into Talia's own as she turns to try and spit fire at him, before the glimmer in his eye stops her dead in her tracks. The moment she tried to find her target appropriately, was the moment she became docile and lost in the features of the well shapen orc's face. "Aye, we do. Now, relax, and enjoy the experience."


Talia is stunned and loses this turn. No longer stunned.
The orc tries to continue to possess Talia with his gaze:
DC17 vs 8+1=9, Talia is stunned for 2 more turns.

Talia's heart beats out of her chest, despite her greatest struggles her mind empties and she finds herself unable to look away from the orc.

Meanwhile the orc with the salamander starts to try to crush it.
48 vs 39, The salamander is put into a submission hold
Salamander takes 9-10=1 damage.


Talia is stunned this turn and the next.
The orc moves Talia down to the ground, pinning her to the floor on her front while his length sandwiches between her cheeks.

The salamander is being crushed.
55 vs 32-1, takes 24-10=14 damage.

The orc guides Talia to the ground as she can only offer subconscious resistance. "It's time, little human~" he cooes against her face as their eyes remained locked together, and the orc hugged her around her torso while pressing his tip to her folds.


Talia loses this turn, and is no longer stunned.
The orc tries to gaze into her again.
DC17 vs 8+18, resist

The other orc maintains the submission hold, aiming to crush the slamander for good.
52 vs 22-14, Salamander takes 44-10=34 damage. The Salamander fizzles out of existence.

Talia maanges to resist the magic as her salamander endures for as long as it possibly could, until the orc crushed it into nothing beneath his foot. Then, they looked to completely capture her before she broke free.


The orc tries to stop her from casting a spell, while the other grapples.
The orc grappling her casts stunning gaze.
DC17 vs 8+14=22, Talia resists

The other orc joins the grapple. "Just a little more, brother! She is almost subdued!" he shouts.

Talia's turn.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

"Not fucking yet I ain't!" Talia snarled back. Whatever trick that damn orc had used kept her incapable of retaliating for a while, but now she was free to fight back once more. And she was going to make him pay for it with his life. Even if she was pinned down, the girl intended to keep fighting just like she had planned to moments before the other orc started squeezing her salamander. By frying whoever was on top of her until they were charcoal.

[Flaming Hands: 1d6+1+3+6 damage, doesn't require winning a grapple check (Cone AoE), can be used in Submission Hold (Specialized Mage: Fire), aiming to catch the wounded orc]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Grappled, Penetrated, Excited
Hit Points (HP): 19 / 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 32 / 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 18 / 30
TP: 3/25
Xp: 8
$: 16
Floor: 1
Time: 15

Base Casting: 15+34-25=24, auto success.
Talia blasts the orc for 12 damage, killing it.

"Brother! You bitch!" the other orc cursed, before quickly and promptly mounting Talia, taking advantage of her weak form and slamming his cock into her folds. The pleasure is immediately overwhelming, his massive prick splitting Talia open at the seams of her pussy, until she felt his tip kissing her cervix as his balls slapped against her clit.

Talia is penetrated.
Pleasure taken: 25-9=16/2=8, Damage: 8/2, EP drained=4
Pleasure dealt: 11

The orc grunted, starting to viciously rape Talia's pussy. "Cast your spells, mage! While I'm draining you for all you've got!" he taunted, slamming his cock so hard into her pussy that her ass jiggled from the impact.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia shouted in pain as the orc began to rape her, a few tears escaping her eyes. Still, the girl was defiant and full of fire, ready to keep fighting back. "Gladly!" She screamed back at the orc, reaching within her soul for more power. She had burned through quite a lot of her reserves already, but she had to use even more or risk defeat. Now that there was only one enemy left, however, she had a bit more room in how she was going to fight. And the girl chose to give the orc a taste of his own tactics.

Once more she called upon the aid of a salamander, calling the creature into the world to aid her in battle. "Look! It's your favorite pet! Here to CLAW YOUR EYES OUT!" She snarled, commanding the small beast to attack the orc. Two on one she stood a much better chance of winning this battle before she took much damage. And while she could attempt to simply blast him off of her, doing so would be risky in her position. A combat familiar was easier to conjure and forced the orc to split his attention or get mauled.

[Summon Salamander: 20+8+8 Body, 2+8 AV, Natural Attack, Exceptional (already included), Healthy, Small, Quadruped, 2d10 fire damage in melee; attack the orc]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Pinned, Penetrated, Excited
Hit Points (HP): 16 / 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 25 / 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 12 / 30
TP: 3/25
Xp: 8
$: 16
Floor: 1
Time: 15

Focus: -44+15+15+15+4=5
Lv. 2 Spell Check: DC24, 5+8=13, Spell Failed

The orc succeeds at pinning her.
Pleasure taken: 23-9/2=7, 5/2 damage, 4 EP drained
Pleasure dealt: 11

The orc gets Talia's arms twisted behind her back as her attempted spell fizzles out, and his thrusts pound against her relentlessly, her pussy juices soaking the ground as he violates her with unwanted pleasure and steals her energy. "Yes... Yes! You're mine, and you're helpless to receive my seed! You're defeated you pathetic mage! So it's time to become my brood sow!" he declared, his balls bouncing off of her clit for slight added pleasure as he bottomed out his large dick in her pussy, causing her stomach to expand ever so slightly.

His pace became quicker, and quicker, and Talia didn't need to doubt his words, his cock was pulsing and soon he'd be shooting her full of his cum.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia winced as the tried to re-focus. The pain kept interrupting her spellcasting, making it hard to get any spells off. At this rate, she probably wouldn't be able to stop the orc from filling her up. Grimacing, the girl relaxed, knowing she gained nothing from resisting the orc physically. However, she was not done fighting yet. Even if she no longer resisted being fucked, she could still keep pelting him with fire, hopefully until he died.

[Stop resisting pleasure, cast Flaming Hands, rinse and repeat until orc dead or Talia loses]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Pregnant(Minor Belly/Turn12)
Hit Points (HP): 30 / 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40 / 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 30 / 30
TP: 25/25
Corruption: 8 / 200
Xp: 8
$: 27
Floor: 1
Time: 11

The orc completely pinned Talia to the ground, limbs and all, as Talia herself surprised the orc as she started to submit to the pleasure, her ass raising to meet his powerful thrusts. "Submission... Hahaha!" the orc chuckled, thrusting with all the freedom allowed to him. All the while, she felt her energy quickly fading, soon likely to collapse entirely. "First batch of many, slut... Take my seed!" he shouted, before hilting inside of her, as Talia felt his thick and large sack hit her clit and soon pump powerfully, his cock throbbing with life as the inside of her pussy rumbled with the sensation of a powerful climax. In the aftermath, she felt thick, gooey orc cum sloshing around inside of her, trapped inside still by the dick pulsing inside.
Pleasure taken: 22/2=11, EP drained=6
Pleasure dealt: 13
The orc loses this turn

Talia casts burning hands.
Check: 49 - 46 + (1d20=11) = 14 vs DC12
Damage: 1d6 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 14 damage

Next Turn

After cumming, the orc tries to shrug off her attack, opting to put Talia into a submission hold. "Tenacious little slut! Stop resisting!" he growled.
Talia is put into a submission hold
Pleasure taken: 15/2=8, 4EP drained
Pleasure dealt: 6

Talia barely clings to her last energies, to try and cast her spell again.
Check: 49 - 66 = -17 + 1d20 vs DC12
Talia finds herself unable to cast her spell.

Pinned down, Talia finds herself falling short inches from victory, as the pleasure and weakness seeps in. The orc's cock she started to submit to made her world quake soon enough with a mind shattering climax. The orc's broken soul drunk deeply on the rich energies she had to offer, until Talia's body softened in his grip. His hard fought prize at the price of his brother now claimed. Talia lay on the ground, helpless as the orc took her cheek and forced her muddy gaze to his, her soul drained to the point where she could lose it to him if he wished. But, his eyes emitted a bizzare coloration, one which was so weak that she could have resisted it easily, but as she was... Talia was easily enthralled. The succubus soul of the orc taking over her mind and convincing her she was infatuated with the creature.

The sex that followed was as if the two were deeply involved, less about overpowering will, and more about domination. A relationship where Talia's legs wrapped around his hip as he delivered his cock into her folds. "Much better, I think." he said. "Now, your womb will be a fine replacement for my lost family... I'll have you work extra hard on producing a child." he said, grinding his cock into her seemingly without end... Cumming inside of her over and over again... Until, after taking an astounding seven more loads from his prick many hours later, Talia's stomach was bloated slightly with all of his cum. Not to mention he had his enthrallment so wrapped around her mind that she was forced to suffer the joy of the thought that his incredible amount of cum was no doubt drowning her egg while they embraced in arms, lips pushed together and tongues circling one another in the false romance in the dangerous temple.

Her mind faded in and out, he drained her every day following while keeping his threads rooted in her mind. At some point they seemed to be in some orcish tent, possibly she was taken there between their bouts of endless rutting. "Why not make this exciting, eh? Show me some of that magic of yours." he said, giving the controlled Talia a moment to use her spell. Talia unwillingly used Prowess, to enhance the orc's sexuality greatly. His already huge cock and balls saw them grow in size by a half of what they were before. The orc's cock now over a foot long, three inches thick and his green balls looked to be just under the size of ostrich eggs. "Aaah~" he cooed. "Well done, that magic of yours can be good for something." he chuckled, before Talia already knew what was next, bending over and wiggling her small ass at the huge prick she created. The orc gripped her, and with a slow push, fit his massive girth into her pussy.

She created a monster, and the orc quickly threw her mind into disarray and somehow didn't even make her bleed. Instead she stretched to accommodate, and perhaps she'd realize as well that it was thanks to the orc sharing his warped nature with her somewhat, and the gratuitous amount of sexual fluids she was producing. This eventually allowed the orc to start thrusting at his usual pace, bloating her belly with his sheer length. So potent was he that she'd cum during sex and then when his massive balls blasted her womb full of cum with a surprisingly loud eruption, filling her ears and thusly her mind with the knowledge of just how much cum he was gushing into her womb. Though visuals also worked, as Talia saw her belly bloating much faster. That night ended with the orc sitting in place, legs spread, as Talia fell unconscious facing away from him while in his lap, his giant cock hilted into her pussy, and her belly thick with the illusion of nine months worth of pregnancy.

Three days later... Talia and the orc were in the middle of it again. Talia's body moved on it's own to be mounted by the orc and fucked savagely. Though just as the foreplay stopped and he was about to mount her, something happened. Someone like her, a passerby, killed the orc, and seemed to ignore her completely. The magic faded, and her body was finally allowed rest. Such that when she awoke, she would find that her belly was fat, but this time, not with cum. She was carrying an orc child.

(Full heal, Talia is now pregnant, 3 turns lost)
(Talia gained 108 corruption, Mutation gained: Battery)


Moving on after such an experience... Talia finds some treasure left behind by the orc that captured her. +11 denarii.

Then she comes across an event!

She comes across the bandit again, oddly enough. He looks like he met another unfortunate accident. "Oh, you again. Small world, eh? Thought you were gone, after what the orc did to you. But you're still going, eh? Just be careful, tenacity alone won't save you here..." he said, bleeding his heart out.

Choice A: Put him out of his misery

Choice B: Heal Him (Method of Healing Required)

Choice C: Offer Basic Medical Attention

Choice D: You can’t help him, or perhaps you don’t want to. Move on.
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Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia's awakening was far from a pleasant one. Much to her misery, what few memories she had as the orc's slave were vivid, evoking extreme hatred and disgust from the mage. Though she had managed to burn the disgusting beast, in the end her energy hadn't lasted long enough for her to finish the job. Brainwashed by it's twisted nature, her mind warped to the point where she gave in to the creature, spending several days as it's plaything until it met an ignoble end. Whoever killed it, the mage wished she could meet them and express her gratitude. Her only regret was that the beast did not suffer more.

The worst part of it, however, was the fact the bastard managed to knock her up. Talia would have gladly blasted it's spawn out of her were it not for the fact the act would likely kill her. Healing magic or no, she couldn't fix a gaping hole in her lower body. One thing was certain, though: she was not eager to be a mother. Furious, shamed and in dire need of causing someone, anyone PAIN AND SUFFERING, the mage set off to continue her journey. At least she managed to find some small cash among the scraps left from the orc. Gold didn't seem to have much value in a place like this, but who knew? It never hurt to carry some.

In a strange stroke of luck, Talia soon found herself coming across a familiar figure. The bandit from before, once more bleeding to death in a corner. And likely the person who slew the orc before, judging by his comment. "Again?" The mage groaned, approaching him. "Can't even say which one of us has worse luck here. Hold still for a bit, I'll fix you up again." She declared, kneeling next to him and working her magic. Spending her essence felt... A little off now, for some reason. Did the orc corrupt her somehow? The very thought set her on edge, but she grit her teeth and focused on the healing. That bandit had been a powerful ally so far.

[Heat: (2d6+5+6)x2 healed]