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Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Pregnant(Minor Belly/Turn12), Grappled
Hit Points (HP): 30 / 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40 / 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 28 / 30
TP: 25/25
Corruption: 8 / 200
Xp: 10
$: 45
Floor: 1
Time: 10

The fellow was healed, and he stood up with a smirk. "How reliably kind of you!" he cheered. "Shall we?" he offered, following with her yet again. "I also must thank you with this, you beautiful pregnant life saver you~" he cooed, giving her 18 denarii as thanks as well as protection.

+18 denarii & +2xp

Moving on, Talia comes across a succubus!
Perception: Success
Stealth: Failed
Coinflip: Succubus attacks first

The succubus tries to grapple!
Grapple: 45 vs 38
Talia is grappled.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

"One more pregnancy comment, and you'll find yourself burning instead of bleeding." Talia replied with a sour expression, sighing. The threat was rather half-hearted and not too serious, but she clearly wasn't happy about her state or being reminded of it. Which made what happened in the next room even more annoying, as yet another sex-crazed enemy tackled her to the ground. "OFF OF ME YOU SICK FUCK!" The mage screamed, hurling profanities along with a spell. A summoning one, at that.

[Summon Salamander: 2 EP, 20+8+8 Body, 2+8 AV, Natural Attack, Exceptional (already included), Healthy, Small, Quadruped, 2d10 fire damage in melee; attack the succubus]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Pregnant(Minor Belly/Turn12), Grappled, Excited
Hit Points (HP): 30 / 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 40 / 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 26 / 30
TP: 25/25
Corruption: 8 / 200
Xp: 10
$: 45
Floor: 1
Time: 10

Talia casts salamander!
A salamander now exists to bite the succubus.

The succubus slips his hand up under her robe to toy with her body, a hand groping her breast and finger tickling her clit.
Talia is now excited.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia growled as the enemy began to molest her. She was not looking forward to a repeat of her earlier experience and decided to communicate this using the universal language: fire. Specifically, fire blasting from her palms combined with the fire from the Salamander's claws.

[Flaming Hands: 1d6+1+3+6 damage, 0 EP, doesn't require winning a grapple check (Cone AoE), can be used in Submission Hold (Specialized Mage: Fire), hit the succubus]
[Salamander: attack the succubus]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Pregnant(Minor Belly/Turn12), Grappled, Excited
Hit Points (HP): 30 / 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 21 / 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 26 / 30
TP: 25/25
Corruption: 8 / 200
Xp: 12
$: 45
Floor: 1
Time: 10

The succubus slips his hands into her panties and strokes her pussy while swirling his tongue on her neck.
Talia takes 21/2=11 pleasure damage, and is drained of 6EP, but gains that much back from Battery

Talia deals 10 damage.
The salamander bites and deals 11 damage.

If Talia continues, she takes an additional 16/2=8 pleasure, drained of 4ep, but loses none.

Talia then kills the succubus. +2xp.

Moving on... Talia comes across an event!

Introduction: You find yourself fortunate to come across some dangerous looking men in leather hide vests before they realize you’re there. The room is fairly large, leaving lots of room for these dangerous men to be rather prolific with their numbers. A direct assault would be most unwise. This seems to be their camp of sorts, they’re juggling knives and telling vulgar stories to one another while laughing with repulsive tones. There are also sounds of violation coming from their shabby tipis(cone shaped tents) they have set up.

Extra (Condition:Lustful): You feel compelled to join in on the sound of ‘fun’ going on amidst this large encampment. Certainly a lot of people to party with.


Choice A: Sneak through

Choice B: Negotiate for Passage Through

Choice C: Blow the Camp Up (Explosion - Mage: Fire Level 5)

Choice D: Find another way Around
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Between her own blasts and the salamander's vicious clawing and biting, Talia managed to finish her opponent off quite swiftly. Pushing the charred corpse off of herself, she couldn't help but note that something was off about her. She could feel her energy being drained by the succubus, yet somehow she kept draining it right back. Did the exposure to that orc from before change her somehow? She had no idea. The mage could only hope it'd not get any worse, as convenient as it was for now. Sighing, she moved on, wondering what else was in store for her.

Not much longer, the girl found herself staring at what was quite possibly one of the most disheartening sights she could hope to find. A whole camp of bandit rapists, from what she could tell. Talia took a moment to find a somewhat out of the way spot first before starting to concentrate. This sort of deep focus was usually risky, particularly in a fight, as it could impair her ability to dodge or strike accurately. However, given that she wasn't being targeted at the moment, she had all the time in the world to cast her spell.

The mage began to recite the incantation as magic energy gathered, burning like the flame it was alinged with. "Crimson-black blaze, king of myriad worlds, though I promulgate the laws of nature, I am the alias of destruction incarnate in accordance with the principles of all creation. Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me!" She all but shouted. Still, even if she was heard, it would be far too late to stop what came next. "EXPLOSION!"

[Dedicated Spellcasting to increase total Focus above 60, EXPLOSION! for 8 EP]
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Pregnant(Minor Belly/Turn12), Grappled, Excited
Hit Points (HP): 30 / 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 21 / 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 18 / 30
TP: 25/25
Corruption: 8 / 200
Xp: 14
$: 45
Floor: 1
Time: 10

And so, she completely exploded the camp. Confused, the camp dwellers started fighting each other under superstition that someone was a traitor. In the aftermath, she was just allowed to walk through.


Moving on... Talia encounters a shrine! A blue and red orb existed. The red orb seemed full of power (xp) and the blue one seemed to have knowledge (spend xp). Though the face of the statue was smirking, as if alluding to the fact that it might be corrupted, daring her to take her chance.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia eyed the shrine with suspicion. On one hand, she was reasonably certain she could use it to enhance her prowess now and become stronger. On the other, she was suspicious of it's influence as well. After spending some time in silent debate, she finally reached out and touched the blue orb, willing to take her chance in exchange for an opportunity to gain power to survive in this place.
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia: Pregnant(Minor Belly/Turn12)
Hit Points (HP): 30 / 30
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 21 / 40
Spirit Energy (EP): 18 / 30
TP: 25/25
Corruption: 8 / 200
Xp: 14
$: 45
Floor: 1
Time: 10

Talia touched the Blue Orb... And what came to her was knowledge of Spirit Users, foreign knowledge to her... So foreign that she didn't seem to gather or comprehend any of it. (12xp to gain a spirit user talent.)
Re: Temple of Calhoun: Talia (Cross Grave)

Talia sighed, pulling her hand back. Spirit Users... She lacked the qualities to make good use of that kind of power. The mage continued her journey, leaving the shrine alone. She had hoped she'd find one fitting someone like her soon. It'd make dealing with this place much easier for her.