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Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat (FINALLY PLAYABLE)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
I'm sure many great discussions will occur here. The old man in the park that was high on PCP told me so.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

RE: Races being only cosmetic: I think that's fine, but maintaining the basic mutations and special mutations might be a good idea. A lot of those are kinda necessary for some of their specific mechanics, and while they might add a bit of an advantage to some of them, playing as a given race should feel like playing as a member of that race. That said, denying arachne the ability their free razor fingers and other things that are purely power might be a good idea.

That doesn't include any of the new stuff.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

I'm giving a shoutout in hopes at least one will answer. I'm opening up TotE for testing purposes. Only the first floor is (almost) done, but you may make a character, and play through the first level to test it and give feedback on your experience. Once I make proceeding levels, you can play on those in continuation from where you left off.

I suppose this is my second rollcall of interest. Following last time, it seemed a fair handful of you were interested. I'm making like Santa and checking my list twice. If you're interested, either make a character (following TotE char creation rules) or let me know here in case you plan on helping to test but can't be arsed to make a character at this moment.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

Someone Messaged me: "I'd give it a go, but I don't know enough to really give feedback."

To clarify this for everyone, I don't need an expert opinion. I don't even need a GOOD opinion or good feedback. Though, I'll be transparent. Making the various pieces of content of this game takes quite a bit of work. All the while, I'm thinking, "It'd be a massive bummer if I'm doing this while everyone else has already decided they're not interested in this." So, I'm fishing for an excuse to be extremely lazy with making this, while at the same time fishing for the off-chance that someone shows interest, because watching them make characters and run those characters through the Temple will help me continue working and possibly putting more ideas to make a Temple run interesting.

Either way, it's a win for me. In either scenario, I confirm something important. I can avoid putting effort into something no one wants to play on one hand, or I can acquire insurance that there will be people eager to play.

Most of all, the goal of this post is to ensure I don't waste my time on nothing.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

Due to the interest (that appeared collectively in the period of a single minute's time within each other), I've added the DG4 rules link to the char creation as I finally found it instead of having Tass give me a link. (I feel like a retard for never checking the OOC section. It was actually the last thread in which I looked for the damn link.)

Since there's three of you, Xivvix, Aust, and Zilrax(?), I can also test group play, maybe.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

Okay, posted my test character. The stats are starting to get complicated in DG4 (square roots? srsly?). Either that or I fail at the maths :eek:. I'm up for either solo or group play.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

Can i wait until the tentacle temple is ready? :3
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

The human temple will have tentacles in them. I probably won't make a tentacle specific Temple either. Though on the flipside, as tentacles are apparently universally appreciated, they're likely to be in every single temple I make, often as traps.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

What kind of temples do you have in mind? I supposed than the Aliens will have one for themselves alone, but oh well i will decide later if i want to try the human one at night.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

Private Message said:
Are we allowed to take more then one flaw, even if we don't get a talent?

Of course. Keep in mind though, Events in TotE can target specific Flaws to punish you for having them. TotE actually makes Flaws a detriment, whereas normal DG flaws can actually be cool to have sometimes.

I'm also posting these questions and answers in the OOC thread, so you should prolly post this stuff there.

Private Message said:
I made a male su-ku-ta which is a race that has mechanist benefits

Gotta read dem rules mang, although a few things I can see you not knowing if you didn't read the ponderings&plans thread.

-No Racial bonuses (Because races in DG are blatantly unbalanced)
-Temples are pre-designed, so if it's not tailored against males, then you cannot play a male. (The first dungeon I'm making for testing is a Human dungeon that is tailored against females. So males won't work/make sense)
-Mechanist hasn't been fully implemented due to spoilers. So it's unavailable, and considering it's purpose being mostly to support airships from the looks of things, still won't be used in TotE as they'll be out of their element most likely.

Private Message said:
Are futa's out?

Nope, futa's aren't out.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

What kind of temples do you have in mind? I supposed than the Aliens will have one for themselves alone, but oh well i will decide later if i want to try the human one at night.

Temples will be separated into themes in order to appeal to certain elements of fetishes. The human temple is as basic as things get. The fetishes they apply to are generally acceptable to everyone, and even though none too many are thrilled about the idea of getting humped by a human (as I would be about boars for example), they aren't likely entirely disgusted either. So, this is the basic temple to act as the first. Later on down the line, more temples will be made that cater to other fetishes.

Things I am likely to build down the line:
-Bestiality Temple (In the Amazon Jungle)
-Alien Temple
-Demon Temple
-Su-ku-ta Temple (aka the Temple of the Furries)
-Monster_Girl Temple (aka the temple that focuses on males, as well as a female variant.)
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

I only picked a Su-Ku-Ta warrior because I like cat people. XD Wasn't aware they had special class benefits.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

I only picked a Su-Ku-Ta warrior because I like cat people. XD Wasn't aware they had special class benefits.

That's fine. You can play whatever you like. The lack of powerful racial bonuses means you can play as fluffy tails or angels, but with the downside of lacking the that they bring to the table.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

So who wanted to be a mechanist?
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

No one. I just stated for the future that Mechanists are likely not to be a thing in TotE, so all things mechanist don't apply until further notice.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

Aw. :( No giant airship battling an entire temple of baddies?
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

I want to make a character, but I shouldn't.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

I'll have a character for ya later tonight. Once I get dinner and such. And given the potential average life expectancy of characters, I have plenty of ideas for characters.
Re: Temple of the Elders: OOC Chat

Oh great now I want a temple that is basically an airship.