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Temple of the Elders: TEMPLES

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
(If you find something inefficient about the way I've chosen to organize how I display temple information, you're right.)

The Temple of Calhoun: The Elder Bandit Lord

Rape. Murder. Robbery. Manipulation. Blackmail. Mutilation. Torture. Cannibalism. Calhoun was someone that led his gang using fear to inspire loyalty, the fear that they'd be the victims of his psychotic and sadistic crimes against humanity. From an early age he led a life similar to most criminals, except rather than do it as a lifestyle, forced into his criminal acts out of the desperation to survive or lack of willingness to be honest, Calhoun found he was rather exceptional at doing bad things. His gang began with other orphans like himself, and as he grew older, he made the competition around him submit to his will after examples were made of those who defied him. Townsfolk and travelers along the road would find corpses with their limbs severed, their genitals mutilated, and their guts hanging from their bellies hanging by their necks from trees. On one hand, the innocent folk were relieved to find the infamous criminals dead, and on the other, they were terrified that someone much worse had laid his claims of dominance over a lesser evil.

Calhoun's reign of terror continued to the point where he graduated from terrorizing territories, to fully owning territory. Settlements and towns eventually began to recognize the most horrible human being they'd ever seen as the authority, a right of power which Calhoun abused maliciously. At first they hid their women when they knew Calhoun was coming to town. This course of action ceased when it was found that he didn't mind abducting men either. The only difference was that while women returned, raped, bloodied, and abused, only the men's bones were returned, and all the meat Calhoun didn't want to eat. That was when the men went into hiding, and the women were often sometimes forced by the townspeople to attend Calhoun due to the fear he spread, fear that he would butcher and eat the flesh of the townspeople if his violent lust was not satisfied.

Most frustratingly of all to any who would try to stop Calhoun, the wicked bandit was extremely talented with all weaponry, spiritual powers, and the use of magic to manipulate the world. He was protected behind a fortress, completely secured with traps and protections meant to invite rather than scare away, so as to allow Calhoun to rape, and to feast on those who failed to reach him and kill him. His ambitions grew without end, to the point where he decided to reach for godhood.

Veelach, who had admired Calhoun's work for the talent behind it all, ignoring all the cannibalism and rape, was forced to take action. He certainly didn't want to, but Calhoun got a little too ambitious. He appeared before Calhoun, and announced himself as a man who greatly respected him. Calhoun, no fool, knew of the ominous aura Veelach carried and tried to avoid his capture, but it was far too late. By the moment Veelach had arrived, he had already turned Calhoun's lair into his very own prison. Completely under Veelach's control, Calhoun was bound inside his own fortress, never to be seen nor heard of by the population again. What remained of his army was scattered without their leader, and eventually removed completely by those seeking justice. Calhoun, made immortal through his own desire to become a god, was forced to sit in his throne, unable to fight against the Elder Veelach. All the power and influence he had gained was wiped out in an instant.

So ends the tale of Calhoun, damned to spend eternity inside of a prison of his own craft.

Surrender Chart
First, Roll 1d6

Surrender of the Rape Variety

Your character is raped by all individuals involved, multiple times. If it's not clear how many people are involved or it wasn't indicated, roll 1d10+5 to determine the number, and for each person involved, they orgasm inside the character 2-4 times(flip a coin twice). For each orgasm inside of a character capable of getting pregnant, roll for pregnancy. Then, roll the total collective pleasure dealt to the character by Multiplying 15+(4Xfloor) by the number of orgasms determined by the enemy. Once you have the total pleasure dealt, divide this number by your character's Pleasure Points, and that is the total number of orgasms your character suffered from the event. Apply all penalties that result from this, including Weakness, and HP loss as per the rules.

Surrender of the Robbed Variety

Your character is robbed of their belongings. Roll for High Denarii and then attempt to pay off that amount by losing your choices of denarii, equipment, and items. You must pay a value equal to or GREATER than the denarii owed. If you have nothing left to pay with and cannot pay further, nothing happens and you lose the remainder of your items.

Surrender of the Raped and Robbed Variety

Apply both Raped and Robbed surrender results.

Surrender of the Beaten Up Variety

Your character's surrender request is met with a firm beating. They are treated as if they were defeated by an event or enemy, and awaken 3 turns later with 1hp. If this causes them to fight a boss, they are probably going to lose.
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Re: Temple of the Elders: TEMPLES

Floor 1 Events
(Work in progress)
Low Denarii: 1d6+6
Moderate Denarii: 2d6+12
High Denarii: 3d6+18

Event 1: A wounded bandit
Introduction: You come across a bandit suffering from a wound, leaning against the stone wall. He looks like he’s on death’s door, and he begs for your aid. “Please, help me...” he requests.

Extra (Condition:Lactating): The bandit seems to note the lactating breasts before him, he seems to wonder if the milk coming forth will heal him.


Choice A: Put him out of his misery
Roll 1d6
The bandit is helpless against your attack. He’s killed while begging for mercy.
Reward: 2 exp and Low Denarii
It turns out the bandit was faking his condition, and he wasn’t alone.
Perception: DC 27
If Successful: You realize his ruse, and manage to flee before things get ugly.
If Failed: You are ambushed by a force you cannot hope to defeat. Roll on the Surrender chart

Choice B: Heal Him (Method of Healing Required)
Roll 1d6
Special: If offered a potion or healed for over 30 pts=Result1-2
The bandit’s wounds vanish entirely. He thanks you profusely, and offers everything he can as a reward, including his protection.
Reward: 2 exp, Medium Denarii, Resolves one enemy encounter instantly of the PC’s choosing (only for current level)
The bandit is healed enough to not worry about dying, but it appears he doesn’t have much to offer to thank you.

Choice B-1: That’s fine, let him go on his way.
The bandit leaves, leaving you without much reward for your good will.
Reward: 2 exp

Choice B-2: He’s lying, call him out on it.
Roll 1d6
The bandit grits his teeth and hands over what’s in his pockets before running off.
Reward: 2 exp and Low Denarii
The bandit quickly shoves you and tries to flee
If Speed is >15
You catch the bandit and are able to punish him. Regardless, you obtain the reward.
Reward: 2 exp and Low Denarii
The bandit flees from your sight.
Reward: Nothing

Choice B-3: Kill him (Not available if Idealistic)
Same as Choice A

Choice C: Offer Basic Medical Attention
Roll 1d6
The bandit eventually stabilizes. He thanks you and gives you a small reward to show his appreciation.
Reward: 2 exp and Low Denarii
The bandit doesn’t recover. He dies and it seems there was little you could have done to stop it.
Reward: Nothing
The bandit recovers. With a perhaps too-wide grin, he tells you of a place with great rewards. “I can take you there, it’s actually close by!” he promises.

Choice C-1: Trust him
Roll 1d6
His words turn out true. Where he promised, there was a well-crafted item.
Reward: 2 exp and EQUIPMENT GET
It was apparently a ruse. You were led to a trap that you willingly walked into.
Willpower DC 20
On Success: You resist the trap’s effects. The bandit is already gone by the time you look. However, it seems he was telling the truth about rewards.
Reward: 2 exp and Armor/Weapon get
On Failure: Your mind goes hazy as lust takes over. The trap sprayed a gas which you inhaled, much to your dismay. Since you triggered the trap guarding the treasure, the bandits gladly takes his reward, before robbing you as well of both your pocket, and dignity as he satisfies your lust against the temple wall.
You’re robbed of Medium Denarii. Make a Standard Pregnancy roll if applicable.

Choice C-2: Ignore his shady promises.
The bandit shrugs and moves on, as do you.

Choice D: You can’t help him, or perhaps you don’t want to. Move on.
Nothing Happens. You ignore the bandit’s troubles.

Event 2: Nutty Alchemist
Introduction: You enter a room of alchemy, filled with glass instruments and containers. Using them is a man with a peculiar look in his eye. He looks to you eagerly. “Hehehe, you’ll LOVE my new recipe! I want to test its’ effects, but I need an assistant, you see?” he explains. It seems that not even he knows what will happen.

Extra (Condition:Honorable): You feel an extra need for caution as to what you should agree to.


Choice A: Agree to assist him
Roll 1d6
You are given a potion to drink. Upon consuming it, you find yourself being rejuvenated! The mixture was also extremely delicious. “It’s a potion aimed at tasting like your favorite treat, while healing your body and restoring your spirit!” he boasts.
Reward: 25 HP&EP Recovered. 2 xp
The alchemist actually drinks his own potion, before revealing that he has grown a second cock. He then tries to ‘encourage’ you into being strapped onto his experimentation table.
Special (Honorable)=Choice A-1

Choice A-1: Allow yourself to be strapped down.
Roll 1d6
The alchemist puts his new set of genitals to work. You feel your energy being rapidly drained from you as you find muscle and magic are useless to you, the bindings both strong and sealing. You fall unconscious to the sensation of his lengths releasing inside of your ass and pussy as the last of your energy is taken. You later awake on the lab table, your bonds loose and the alchemist gone.
Loss: EP is set to 1. Roll for Pregnancy if possible
The alchemist does the obvious, happy to use his new set of tools on his ‘assistant’. The size and length of both provide a wild ride, eventually leading up to a messy climax. Quite pleased with his top-notch assistant, the alchemist provides a wealthy reward.
Reward: High Denarii. Roll for Pregnancy

Choice A-2: Refuse to proceed
The alchemist goes into a fit, but seems to do little to stop you from leaving. You easily use your talents to make him back off while you leave before anything happens.
Reward: Nothing
The alchemist angrily fetches a flask, before throwing its contents at you.
Reflex DC: 20
Success: You dodge the flask, getting out of the way immediately as you react faster than he can move. The contents spill on the floor, and the alchemist is left without options. You deal with him as you like, before continuing on your way.
Reward: 2xp. A ‘victim’ for a succubus, or for sadistic abuse.
Failure: The contents of the flask splash all over your body. Its effects seem potent enough to take down a creature easily five times your size as your body goes numb. Laughing, the alchemist drags your body into a cell. “I’ll jail this/these rat(s) for further experiments!” The alchemist announces.
Result: Capture of the rape variety. Must break free of bonds to escape. Refer to the Surrender Chart, and the capture w/rape section.

Choice B: Agree to help, but instead of being a guinea pig, offer to improve his chemistry.
Roll 1d6
The alchemist laughs with amusement. He prides himself as a genius. Yet as you take a look at his mixtures, you see that he is clearly insane. None of his mixtures make any sense. To compete, he challenges you to make a better potion. Either sugar water or something amazing, your results don’t matter. You both drink your own potions. He dies, you live.
Reward: 2xp and Low Denarii
The alchemist looks insulted, and angrily watches you try to improve his work. By accident or inexperience, you fumble. Your work explodes in your face, the fumes knocking you unconscious for a time. You awake some time later. The alchemist seems to have taken some of your possessions as payment for breaking his tools.
Lose: Low Denarii

Choice C: Decide against associating with the loony alchemist.
Nothing happens. You leave, and he ignores you.

Event 3: A camp! (Tass)
Introduction: The characters arrive upon a serene place, a place where they can safely rest. Or can they?

Extra (Condition:Mage or a Spirit Wielder with the Bomb power): The character may set defensive traps before resting. Treat results of 1 as 6 if the traps are successful, and results of 5 as 3. Results of 3 can be damaged by traps.


Choice A: Move on
The character leaves. Nothing happens.

Choice B: Rest. Consumes 2 turns worth of time.
Roll 1d6
A thief comes in the night. Roll a DC 27 Perception check, and on a success the character catches the thief and may do as they like with them. Otherwise, the character loses some of their money. The character gets a full rest if they don't catch the thief, or a partial rest if they do catch them.
Partial rest. Restore 20 HP and 20 EP.
The character is ambushed during the night. Roll an encounter, and the character starts out Prone.
Partial rest. See option 2.
The camp was a trap. The character is captured.
Full rest. Restore all HP and EP.

Event 4: Some Bad Dudes
Introduction: You find yourself fortunate to come across some dangerous looking men in leather hide vests before they realize you’re there. The room is fairly large, leaving lots of room for these dangerous men to be rather prolific with their numbers. A direct assault would be most unwise. This seems to be their camp of sorts, they’re juggling knives and telling vulgar stories to one another while laughing with repulsive tones. There are also sounds of violation coming from their shabby tipis(cone shaped tents) they have set up.

Extra (Condition:Lustful): You feel compelled to join in on the sound of ‘fun’ going on amidst this large encampment. Certainly a lot of people to party with.


Choice A: Sneak through
Stealth DC: 22
You manage to make your way through the camp, and even manage to pick up some of their belongings along the way.
Reward: 2xp and Low Denarii
Things go downhill quickly. You aren’t completely doomed though. Awareness of your presence begins to spread throughout the camp, but no one has directly seen you yet.

Choice A-1: Hide in a nearby tent, pretend to be one of the captured women
Roll 1d6
Special: If Lustful=Result3-6
Faces peek into the tent, but quickly vanish. You’re left alone, long enough to creep out of the tent and escape before things get bad. You also sneak some stolen goods for your trouble.
Reward: 2xp and Low Denarii
The search seems to last longer than one might expect. It does eventually die off, the rugged folk of the camp giving up on the hunt. Though it seems it’s also time for bed as someone enters the tent (1 man for every PC). They seem to note the addition to their tent, but don’t raise an alarm. “Ya must just be girls comin’ through. I can understand that. I’ll let ya go, no sweat! But why don’t ya show us some love before ya go on your way, eh?” they offered.

You’ve little choice. You also see other faces peek into the tent and chuckle. The camp seems to already be aware that you’re here. The option to fight your way out exists, but ends with your defeat. A succubus might be excited to be in this position, until it turns out that the one before you is also a soul sucker. Thankfully for those who aren’t of that nature, it seems he’s full. You are made to pleasure the one(s) who found you using every orifice. The sex is so intense that you actually pass out in their arms as they never seems to stop thrusting. You awake later, finding the entire camp entirely fine with letting you go.
Loss: 1 Turn, 15 HP from the intense sex

Choice A-2: Create a Distraction
Roll 1d6
Special: If able to cast Mage Spell Ghost Sound=Result1-2
Your distraction causes all attention to focus away from you, allowing you to not only slip away, but also walk right into the main tent, and rob the men of the camp of a fine treasure.
Reward: 2xp, Three EQUIPMENT rolls.
Your distraction fails terribly. It all ends with every single member of the camp looking directly at you. Taking you for an enemy, they bind you, and the entire camp proceeds to have their way with you.
Loss: Capture of the Rape variety.

Choice B: Negotiate for Passage Through
Roll 1d6
The rather nasty looking fellows only looked bad at first. Turns out they were okay people. You’re offered free passage. They even wish you good luck on your travels and give you a little of what they can spare to help you on your way.
Reward: 2xp and Low Denarii
They seemed a bit alarmed at first at your presence, but soon calmed down. They accept a toll payment to allow you on your way.
Loss: Low Denarii (If unable to pay, refer to the slavery section of Surrender for paying the toll with other methods.)
Gain: 2xp
It was all going so well at first. You were brought in to negotiate, but were bound, drugged, and gagged before you knew what hit you. Thankfully, after having their fun, you’re allowed to leave. You take a moment to recover in the afterglow of sex before moving on.
Loss: 2xp (Select a talent or stat points to lose if you don’t have enough xp.)
Roll for pregnancy 1d20 times.

Choice C: Blow the Camp Up (Explosion - Mage: Fire Level 5)
You cause a huge explosion. Screams everywhere, many of those taking refuge end up killing each other in the confusion to find the one who was responsible. Given most of everything is on fire now, it’s best you move on.
Condition: Failure to cast = If you fail to cast the spell, you're spotted in an awkward manner and are subject to capture of the rape variety.
Reward: 2xp

Choice D: Find another way Around
You decide that it’s better to not have anything to do with a camp full of dangerous people, and find a detour around them.

Event 5: Shell Game
Introduction: You happen across another wanderer in the Temple. Seems they’ve gotten off to a bad start, but look strangely optimistic about their chances. A woman of auburn hair and blue eyes challenges you to a gamble. Using hollow turtle shells, she offers to place the combined purse of both your wagers under one of the three shells before shuffling them quickly. (You can only bet with Denarii you actually possess)

Extra (Condition:Multiple PC’s): Given it’s three on one, the woman suggests a best of three. Two of you must beat her in her game in order to win the wager.


Choice A: Make a small wager
Roll Focus vs. DC 20
The woman congratulates you on your win. You follow the shell with the money in it without letting it go, and take your reward, your pockets feeling a little heavier.
Reward: 2xp and Low Denarii
She lifts the shell you picked, and there’s nothing underneath it. If you try to scramble for the other shells, you find the money isn’t there either. The woman vanishes with your money in hand, leaving only a haunting laughter as she magically disappears with your denarii.
Loss: Low Denarii

Choice B: Make a moderate wager
Roll Focus vs. DC 20
The woman curses under her breath at the sizable amount she’s lost to you. She grudgingly shoves her purse at you before storming off..
Reward: 2xp and Moderate Denarii
She lifts the shell you picked, and there’s nothing underneath it. If you try to scramble for the other shells, you find the money isn’t there either. The woman vanishes with your money in hand, leaving only a haunting laughter as she magically disappears with your denarii.
Loss: Moderate Denarii

Choice C: Make a large wager
Roll Focus vs. DC 20
The woman is shocked at the amount you wager, even more shocked when you win. She begins accusing you of cheating somehow, before she is reminded that you are stronger than she is. Wisely, she backs off before making things turn ugly.
Reward: 2xp and High Denarii
She lifts the shell you picked, and there’s nothing underneath it. If you try to scramble for the other shells, you find the money isn’t there either. The woman vanishes with your money in hand, leaving only a haunting laughter as she magically disappears with your denarii.
Loss: High Denarii Denarii

Choice D: Refuse the Gamble
You decide you don’t want to risk your money. The woman gives you the stinkeye as you leave.

Event 6: Spellbreaker Knight
Introduction: You come across a sight you feel you shouldn’t at this level. A heavily armored and scary looking human knight stands guard in front of an armory. You’re lucky enough to see him first, but the advantage of stealth you have over him gives you no feeling that you can take him on yet. Still, he eventually sees you, and rather than attack, he greets you.

Extra (Condition:Body>30): Upon getting a look at your physique, he looks impressed. “Greetings. Good to see someone around here appreciates a no nonsense approach to combat! Rather than escape this Temple, I’ve taken the liberty of aiding others on their way in the hopes that they’ll slay some wielders of the supernatural.”

Extra (Condition:Body>30): Looking at your weak frame, the knight frowns. “In a place like this, with scrawny arms like that, you must be one of those wretched casters. By obligation of my honor I shall aid you, but only at a price”


Choice A: Request his Unconditional Aid (Risky unless Body>30)
Roll 1d6
If Body>30 = Result 1
The Knight gladly offers his aid (or does so gritting his teeth if you’re weak), and gives you plenty of supplies.
Reward: 2xp and 50 Denarii

The Knight looks furious at your demands. On top of his hatred of the supernatural, your greedy behavior makes him react most poorly. As punishment, he backhands you so hard that your vision goes black. When you wake up, you find him gone.
Lose: 6HP and 1 Turn

Choice B: Offer Sexual Payment. (EP draining the Knight=you dead)
Roll 1d6
If Mutated(Flaw) = Result 3-6
The Knight spends a moment thinking about the offer. The appeal of your body seems to help his decision enough to agree. Clothes are removed, and he allows you to bring him to climax via the method of your choice. Afterwards, he leaves you with far less than you might've expected.
Reward: 2xp and Low Denarii

The Knight rolls his eyes at your offer, before simply ignoring you.
Nothing Happens

Choice C: Try a Sneaky Approach to get The Goods
Roll Stealth vs. DC 22
You wait until the Knight is distracted with combat from a convenient appearance of shady fellows with knives. Taking the chance, you take what you can before having to leave due to his quick return.
Reward: 2xp and Low Denarii

The Knight catches you in the act. Infuriated at you, he throws a bola you cannot hope to evade or counter. The bola limit you in every way, including the use of spirit powers and magic as he looks upon you angrily. "You filth! Try to take what you don't deserve, will you? Go be among your own kind while in those chains. I'm sick of seeing your like." He says, before you're banished to another area of the Temple, seemingly where the Knight has decided to use the natural holding cells the fortification has in place as a means to imprison the wicked who he captures. Bound in chains, and suddenly amongst an audience of bandits, you're helplessly taken advantage of while you hang by your arms.

You're later released after a time, copious amounts of seed covering your body and leaking from your folds.
Loss: Raped by 2d6 prisoners. Roll pregnancy that many times (unless infertile). Lose 1 Turn

Choice D: Decide Against Dealing with the Prejudiced Knight.
You leave to pursue other areas of the temple.

Event 7: Crazy Old Man
Introduction: You come across a scene of a skinny old man standing in front of a frog, poised as if ready for battle. He sees you, but only pays you enough mind to talk to you, his gaze seemingly focused on the immobile frog. “Don’t mind me, I’m just about to go toe to toe with this foul beast!” The old man said with zeal. “You trapped here too? You know, if you don’t wanna be here, maybe you should just leave!” he declared. “You’re only here as long as you wanna be here! I woulda left, but the Universe wants me to be here!” He announced proudly.

It seemed he gave on up fighting the ‘foul beast,’ waving his arms at it as if regarding a coward. “You look like you want help. Lemme ask the Universe!” He said, then looked straight upwards at the ceiling. “Universe said no. But! The Universe did say the number four. What does that mean? How the hell should I know!? Universe is damn crazy!”

“Maybe if you find Four, you’ll find what you’re lookin’ four! Anyways, I gotta go!” he said with a toothless grin, before sprinting off into the darkness.

Extra (Condition: Psyker): Everything the old man said made complete sense.


Choice A: Follow the running old man
Roll d20+Speed vs. DC 35

You managed to run fast enough to keep up with the old man long enough to see him slam through a solid wall with seemingly no effort. It seemed to lead to a room with seemingly no door or way inside. The old man also seemed to not be in the room, despite him not possibly being able to go anywhere else without you seeing it. Regardless, the room had some treasure in it, and you got a workout.
Reward: 2xp and Medium Denarii

You end up falling behind and losing track of the old man. Your lack of speed also seems to have resulted in a large figure catching up with you from behind, apparently the foul beast the old man spoke of. In the dark, you don’t even see the base of it, all you see is a rush of tentacles after you. They begin wrapping around you, and you feel your energy quickly being stolen away by their touch.
Loss: 30 EP

Provided you manage to stay conscious, you’re able to free yourself and escape to a nearby room. Otherwise, the tentacles wrap around your body as you fall unconscious. You’re taken to a tentacle den, where you are violated by the countless tentacles there.
Result: Capture of the rape variety (Or escape if your EP did not fall to zero)

Choice B: Try to find Four
Roll 1d6
If Psyker = Result 4

While looking for signs as to what Four could mean, you stumble upon a glyph written on the wall that barely resembles the number 4. Touching the glyph, it lights up, and a rush of knowledge and power flows into you.
Reward: 8xp

1-3 ; 5-6
You start putting signs on things that don’t make sense. You make four left turns, you touch every fourth corner in the maze-like halls, but all you end up finding is that you’ve wasted your time.
Loss: 1 Turn

Choice C: Just Move On
You decide you have better things to do than partake in the games of madness that the old man wants to play.
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Re: Temple of the Elders: TEMPLES

(How long's it been, years?)

Event 8: A Saucy Date
Introduction: You happen upon someone whom you find incredibly attractive (The details of male/female, and body type will always match the PC's desires). It seems they have someplace safe for you to stay, but it seems they might be using their beauty to entrap the foolish.


Choice A: Resist Temptation
Roll Willpower vs. DC20
You resist their charms and make use of their hospitality. They are frustrated that you aren't lusting for them, but do nothing about it.
Reward: 2xp and partial rest: 20hp and 20ep
You only think about resisting for one moment before that desire fades. Their attractive qualities simply match everything you could have wanted. It turns out that they're attractive for a reason, they're a succubus! You find yourself spending an unknown amount of time indulging yourself in their attractive qualities, while they indulge themselves on your soul.
Loss: 20ep, low denarii and gain 40 corruption
Choice B: Try to seduce them back
Roll 1d6
Whatever you said or did, it worked. You turn the tables and make them head over heels in love with you. They reveal their nature and give you some of what they've taken from unsuspecting fools who fell for their charms.
Reward: 4xp and medium denarii
It didn't work. Whatever you said or did, they caught on quick and realized you were trying to hustle a hustler. They didn't like that one bit, but they certainly didn't show it. They led you on, making you think you had them in the bag, before taking you to their bedroom. Thinking you were about to seal the deal, they revealed their true nature as a succubus. The intercourse left you drained, and they promptly kicked you out of their home. If you felt so inclined, it'd be easy to kill them. Though it seemed their ill-gotten stash is nowhere to be found.
Loss: 20hp and 20ep and 40 corruption. (If this defeats the PC, they become the succubi's sex slave.)
Choice C: Rape them (Why would you do this)
Roll 1d6
Wordlessly you move in. They go wide eyed as they find their attempts at charming you worked too well. They quickly back away and beg for forgiveness, not understanding in the slightest what was going through your mind. They offer all of their ill-gotten goods if you spare their lives. It seemed they thought you were going to kill them. What a fortunate misunderstanding!
Reward: 8xp and high denarii
There are many things wrong with rape. One on the list is that the thing you're raping might be a succubus. You pin them down, shift aside all the fabric in the way, and unleash the beast within. That beast soon turns into a kitten when you discover your soul being drained. Before you can pull away, the succubus latches onto you. As the avatar of irony, they continue the copulation until you have nothing left.
Loss: EP reduced to 1 and high denarii


Event 9: The Door of Redik Q. Lause
Introduction: You come across the legendary door of Lause. The ridiculous thing is that you don't recall ever learning of this legend, but here you somehow know of it. You know that what's behind the door is derived from your imagination, and that it only opens once for each person before closing for that person forever. It's not like you can just imagine a pot of gold and get it either. What you imagine merely give suggestion to the door. It decides your fate after that.

Extra (Condition: Lucky): If you get a bad result, you may reroll for another chance at a good one.


Choice A: Open the door, but be prepared to shut it.
Roll 1d6
You peek inside, and find paradise! Treasure, knowledge, and a completely safe place to rest. Everything you could have asked for! Minus escape from this temple, but if you complain about that then the door immediately shuts on you for being unreasonably greedy.
Reward: 2xp, high denarii, and Full Rest (All stats restored, status ailments removed, and pregnancy resolved).
Roll Reflex vs. DC20. If you succeed, you shut the door the moment you see that the room is full of your desires. Your extremely distracting, sexual desires. They also want to rape you. If you fail, you're pulled in by tentacles and a harem of impossibly sexy and loose men and women blessed with angelic beauty. The door shuts behind you, and stays shut for a while, leaving you at the mercy of your own mental creations. So, it's not all bad, right?
Loss: 3 turns, and you're 100% pregnant. You're in there a LONG time.

Choice B: Leave the door alone.
Why bother with such an oddity? More like the door of Abb Surd, am I right?


Event #10: Realize the Legend
Introduction: You Encounter a great evil lord known as Lord Eyesee. He engages you in an inexplicably boring conversation about how evil he is and how stupid and weak you are. This fills you with the urge to reach deep inside yourself and try to realize some kind of hidden power. You also realize this can only be done by taking a wide stance together with the evil lord and yelling at each other as deeply and as loudly as you both can in unison as flames inconceivably erupt around the both of you. Despite how awesome you begin to feel, the ridiculous nature of what’s going on isn’t lost on you.

Extra (Condition:Exceptional): If you roll 4-6, reroll once.


Roll 1d6

You reach maximum power before he does and deck him right on the shnoz. You feel like you wasted an entire half hour, and your throat hurts, but you’re somehow stronger so there’s that.
Reward: 6xp.

Turns out Eyesee doesn’t deal in legends. And even if he did you’re not one. He grabs you by the throat from behind and kidney punches you until you whizz red.
Loss: 30HP. If this defeats you, Eyesee goes on to blow up your planet. You really let everyone down. Or maybe he doesn’t. You lost and he vanished so there’s no telling what he did, actually. Man, don’t you regret this?

Choice B: Peace out as hard as you feasibly can
You leave. He starts some kind of really cringy monologue behind you about how weak you are, and how scared you are in his mighty mightiness and lordyness and godly ness, but you don’t look back. You feel relieved when you cannot hear him any longer.
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Re: Temple of the Elders: TEMPLES


If you happen upon a trap, Roll 3d10 to spot it on DC21.
If you spot it, you may willingly choose to activate it.
Spotting the trap nets you 2xp. If you choose to step on it willingly, gain another 2xp, you brave soul.

If the trap is activated, roll 1d6 and refer to the list for the result.

The floor suddenly vanishes like an illusion and you fall, dropped into a magically sealed pit that you cannot escape from until a clearly hostile group happens by and picks you up for their own personal fun. Capture of the rape variety.

Aphrodisiac gas! Roll Willpower vs DC 20. If you succeed, you are aroused. If you fail, you're rendered Horny. (To get rid of horny, you'd need 2 turns. Arousal would only take 1).

Poisoned Darts! Roll Reflexes vs DC20. Dodge if you succeed, failure means you gain 1 instance of Paralyzation.

A trapdoor opens and drops a potion right into your hands. At any time you may drink the potion and gain its results for good or bad. Roll 1d6 when drinking the potion.
1 - Venom: Immediately take 40 damage. If this drops your HP to 0, consult the surrender chart as someone finds your unconscious body.
2 - Corruption: Immediately take 50 corruption
3 - Hallucination: The character gains the Hallucination status effect and suffers a random effect (do not add +2).
4 - Rainbow: Roll 1d6 and gain a random status effect starting from left to right that lasts 3 turns. (1-2)Inspired / (3)Aroused / (4)Horny / (5) Dismayed / (6)Fertile Flaw
5 - Cure All: Either remove a currently harmful status effect or guard against the next one. You feel healthy!
6 - Restore: Recover Partial Rest as if you'd taken a moment proper to recuperate.

A bag of petty jewels falls on your head. Ouch. Take (16+Floor#*4) HP damage and gain medium denarii

A door opens and it seems like it has artifacts that control the temple's reconstruction! Your random tampering allows you to gain +2 turns before the boss! Lucky you.​