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Tentacle Survival Adventure

Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure


'Lets find somewhere to get clean'

'Good idea' Kacie says as she flips the hammer and catches it by the handle as if she were cool and skilled.

you move out one by one, following up the group from behind.

Leslie follows Kacie as she leads, with her hammer held high, moving as if she were marching along. she is clearly as insane as she is enthusiastic.

The blonde girl shakes her head as she looks at you and you can tell exactly what she is about, you've seen that look before; in another life she was probably a privileged girl who treated others like they were less than her, she probably thought she was some kind of princess who treated her subjects like they were there to serve her, she was pampered and given everything she wanted, you doesn't even acknowledge you as she turns around and begins to follow Kacie, her attitude doesn't appear to have changed after being fucked by tentacles for decades, except now she will probably expect her tentacle semen to be delivered in a golden chalice. Bitch.

The petite girl smiles at you briefly before following the blonde, you can't as easily label her, but she doesn't appear to have much willpower of her own, preferring to follow others around and let them make the decisions, the blonde for now. At the same time, she has a kind of silent expectation for something to be done for her. a sheep through and though; she'd make a better tentacle slave than any of you combined.

Leslie holds her egg-filled stomach as she moves, her eyes empty and her face emotionless, she might be the least annoying person in the group, you don't think she will be any kind of issue, until she birthes all of those tentacles inside of her.

begin to walk behind leslie, she has a very scared walk to her, short steps, but at a good pace, her neck hunched forward like a scared dog.

This is hardly a group, Kacie would have been hard-pressed to find 3 girls more useless than this.

As you walk, you begin to sweat, it doesn't seem that particularly hot here though.

'One two three four, Hut! two three four!' kacie says in faint tones ahead of you raising and lowering the hammer after each couple of steps.

your steps grow heavier as you move, until you see the world go blurry around you, you go to call to the group, but you can't make out much more than a murmor, you go down to your knees, then everything suddently goes black, the last thing you hear is the breaking of glass.


when you come to, it is dark and you can feel something slippery and warm inside of your vagina, you look down to see the small tentacle creature from the jar fucking you, half on the ground and half inside of your pussy you put your hands on the ground and lift yourself up and put your back against a nearby tree

'ugh' you say as you look down, then follow the path of semen back to the smashes jar about 10 feet away, your back and thighs are covered in semen from the creatures non-stop fucking, it must have pulled you over here.

you go to reach down to grab the creature, you put your hands around it, but are completely able to grab it at all, it predictably reacts by thrusting deeper inside of you, causing you to groan and suppress a scream as pleasure shoots though you.

'dammit' you say, as you try to get to your feet.

you manage to get one leg lifted up and try to regain you balance before you feel a sudden weakness and fall over again on your back, you are too drained to do anything, this little guy has siphoned you of all of your energy.

you stare up through the trees and see the stars, while weakly trying to grab onto the energetic tentacle below.

'pointless' you say as you take your fingers out of you and place them on the grass by your sides.

'Its not fair' you say to yourself, closing your eyes.

When you wake up again its morning, the tentacle as found it's way to your ass and your body is covered completely in its' semen. you spit up a bit of cum before you use your tongue to retrieve it, your chest, chin and stomach are all covered in thick white cum, and between your legs is a pool of warm semen.

'you little fucker' you say, weakly, before reaching between your breasts and scooping up a bit of cum with 3 fingers and bringing it to your mouth.

Where did your group go? did they abandon you? did they think you left them? Maybe Kacie led them off the side of a cliff.

you laughed to yourself thinking about that one, before gritting your teeth as you feel another intense crippling orgasm.

You turn your head with an absurd smile still on your face when you see it, and your face goes pale in an instant.

you see a massive tentacle creature right next to you, with tens of tentacles below and a long thin tentacle pointed straight up and erect, the tentacle is almost as tall as the trees around you.

you feel the small tentacle inside of you cum one more time into your ass before it begins to exit, when it does, a large amount of cum begins to flow out of your ass to join the pool below you.

the tentacle starts to crawl over to the gigantic tentacle creature which finally begins moving all of it's tentacles at once; nothing good is coming now.

What do you do?

A. Yell for help! maybe the others can hear you.

B. Resist! bite, grab and strike the creature, maybe you can scare it off?

C. Accept it, maybe it will go easier on you.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

Hmm someone looks to hate this girl. Maybe she just have bad luck

A The others two are more useless than this one, you are weak after the rape and let it fuck you will only make his work easier as it take you back the nest
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

B: we've been left behind...
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure


There was no ringing bell for 'Dinner time' in the lair, a tentacle made itself available in front of your mouth and expected you to let it in soon afterwards. If you resisted or took your time, it would squeeze through your closed lips as easily as the ones below and fuck your mouth until dinner was served.

The taste isn't like how one with such knowledge would imagine; not like human semen although it had a similar viscosity and color, The first time you taste it, the flavor is unformed, unpredictable and strange, but your tongue, or more accurately your brain, gets used to it, and it becomes whatever flavor the consumer may desire, even if it is at a subconscious level.

Fighting it then is hard, if not impossible. your body craves it, your mind craves it and soon after, every fiber of your being exists for the taste and the associating pleasure.

'Semen Addiction' is what preventing many of the human girls from escaping a lair, more than the physically grasping tentacles, the invisible tentacles around your mind is what keeps a slave loyal...


'Help me!' You yell, 'Kacie! Leslie!'

The massive tentacle beast before you strikes, grabbing your arms, legs and around your back and pulls you closer, you yell aloud as you look up and the tall tentacle above you is striking down with incredible speed, it slips through your open mouth and goes down your throat in the blink of an eye, you feel the tentacle inside you now, filling you with hot semen, your stomach feels bigger, but you feel pain as the tentacle continues past your stomach.

your try to reach for your neck as the air is cut off, but your hands are bound by strong tentacles.

'I'm going to die' you think to yourself as your brain panics and screams for air. Meanwhile, your intestines scream as the tentacle continues to tear through them, ripping them apart as they are split apart by the mass of the tentacle, the pain is excruciating, but it quickly passes from pain to burning to numbness to pleasure.

Blood and semen spill out of you as the tentacle exits your asshole, it curls around the front of you, wiggling between your legs before parting your cunt and entering you.

The panic disappears at once as you stop breathing, your brain settles as you realize that breathing is no longer necessary, the cum which was injected inside of you has taken over and functions as fuel for your brain and body.

The tentacle which has completely impaled you now retracts quickly, first it exits your pussy, then it goes back into your ass, a few seconds later, it exits your mouth, leaving you to cough up blood and cum. The creature releases you now, letting you fall to your knees; blood and cum continue to leak from your ass.

You hold your stomach now which is full of cum, something is wrong, you are different now, your desire to take a breath has vanished.

Another tentacle suddenly strikes, entering your mouth and cumming, the taste is different, it isn't cum, its tangy and more solid....like jelly....


Once girls reach the Lair, they cease to age, their looks can only improve, other than the dried cum in their hair and on their bodies, or their skin which with lack of sunlight, turns an unhealthy pale, but make no mistake, these women are more healthy than they have ever been.

Cellular degradation ends, new cells are in the best condition possible, following their genetic blueprint exactly, any slave under the influence of tentacle semen is all but immortal.


The voice which enters your mind is your own, but the words are not, they are as alien to you as anything you've ever seen, and you've seen some shit.

'I've destroyed your digestion tract and rebuilt it for you, you should find eating more simple now.'

'What did you do to me?' you ask the voice aloud, distressed by it's eerie message

'All of those intestines are unnecessary, they serve you no purpose as eating anything other than semen is pointless, from now on, more than ever you will need tentacle semen to survive.'


Wounds can be healed, severe lacerations, broken bones, anything can be healed by tentacle semen, given proper application, through slaves are rarely in position to hurt themselves too much which in the safety of the lair.


'You should rejoice, with the improvement i've given you, you can hold more eggs and more semen now than ever before'. the voice says

You begin to cry, this creature has done more than rape you, it has destroyed you terribly.

'You will need semen to survive, and as it happens, there is an endless supply of it back at the lair, ofcourse, given your recent betrayal, your invitation has been revoked'

'What do you want from me?' you say, with tears in your eyes.

'I want the others back, they are more important than you could ever imagine with your tiny human brain' the voice says 'you will be our agent in this matter, lead them each individually away from the group and we will handle the rest, when they are all recaptured, we will welcome you back, and your rewarding life as a tentacle slave may resume, fail and you will starve to death.'

'Why don't you just capture them all yourself?' you ask

'That is not for you to know, once again, it is beyond your comprehension'

What do you do?

A. Agree to help the Tentacles recapture your comrades.

B. Refuse to help the Tentacles recapture your comrades.

C. Refuse to say anything.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

A. Yes for now...
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure
