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Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
The Rules

Object of the game: First time a team gets 15 Victory Points (VPs) the final mission is unlocked. The moment someone beats the final mission, the game ends, and the team with the most VPs wins. If the Final Mission is still around after five Episodes, the Earth is consumed by a demonic invasion and everyone loses.

The game will be played out in turns (called Episodes). Each Episode will begin with a New Episode Phase, followed by a Preparation Phase, then a Mission Phase.

New Episode Phase
-6 New Missions become available, one per each district in the city.
-Archnemesis assigned (beginning with Turn 2)
-First Player determined (player with least VP goes first)
-All Players may put into play one Storyline (if they have one to play.)

Preparation Phase

Receive Team Points (TP)
-For every Undefeated Heroine in the Team HQ, gain one TP.
-For every 5 VP a team has, gain one TP.

Assign Heroines
-Spend X TP to make a heroine Ready. (X = heroine's level)
-Spend 1 TP to put a heroine into Support.
-Spend 0-1 TP to put an Ally Hero Card into play for your team. (Max 3 Allies at any one time)
-You may assign one of your Ready or Supporting Heroines as a "Protagonist"
-You may save TP for later use.

Team Upgrade
If you have resolved 3 Storylines, you may trade them in for a Team Upgrade.

-Defeated and Wounded Heroines in the Team HQ are fully healed.

Mission Phase

Each Team has 5 Actions per Episode during the Mission Phase. The First Player will take an action, followed by their Nemesis player, who is followed by that person's Nemesis, and so on, until each team has used all 5 actions.

Before anyone takes an action, each team's Protagonist gets one free attempt to resolve a storyline. (see below)

Possible Actions:
-Medical Treatment
-Heroine Ability
-Storyline Action
-Attempt Mission


One Ready Heroine may be moved to a District, or to the Team HQ, and for free may bring one Supporting Heroine with her.
One Supporting Heroine may be moved to a District or to the Team HQ

Medical Treatment

Discard all wounds and any Defeated status on one Heroine.

Heroine Ability

Follow instructions of the Heroine Ability being activated.

Storyline Action

Draw 1 Hero Card and 1 Story Card.

(Story Cards come in two types: Storylines and Plot Twists. Plot Twists are treated as a part of your Hero Card hand and may be played as hero cards are, only Plot Twists usually cost TP to play. Storyline cards are put into play during the New Episode phase.)

You may spend 1TP to have your Protagonist Heroine attempt to resolve a Storyline. If you resolve your team's storyline, you collect it and gain 1VP. If you resolve another Team's Storyline, gain two Villain cards.

Resolving a Storyline
-Each Storyline will say either Attack, Defense, Wits, or Any. If it says Any, the Heroine's Nemesis gets to choose. The Heroine then rolls dice equal, to her highest value in that category. If she gets 4 or more Hits, she resolves the storyline successfully.

Attempt Mission

At least one Ready Heroine must be in the district where the Mission is taking place in order to Attempt a Mission.

Each Mission will have a Threat Rating (usually 3-6), a type (Danger/Crime/Mystery), and a relevant skill (Rescue, Protection, Fight, Science, Mystic, Investigation). Missions marked with !!! may be part of a Master Plan, which the Nemesis player announces after a Heroine commits to Attempting the Mission.

Determining Trouble
-Subtract the highest appropriate rating from a Ready Heroine (Danger/Crime/Mystery) from the Threat Rating. The Nemesis has the option to ADD their own rating to the Threat Rating by Scheming (see below).
-Roll the modified number of dice.
-All dice showing 2+ are a hit. 6s count as two hits.
-If none of the Ready Heroines had the relevant skill for the mission, roll an additional die for every result of '5'
-The resulting number of hits is the Mission's Trouble.

All but the acting player will draw one Villain Card, then, starting with the Nemesis player, opponents of the Heroine Team may play a Lead Villain. They may then play Backup Effects to augment that Lead Villain.
If this was a Master Plan, the Nemesis player may play their Lieutenant as a secondary Villain, if they meet Trouble Prerequisites. The Nemesis player may instead add a Rival Villain as a secondary villain,(regardless of whether this is a Master Plan) but may only use a Rival whose level corresponds to a present Heroine.

Playing Villain Cards

A Villain Card will usually represent a Villain, but there are cards that can only be played as Back Up effects.
Each Villain will have a name, a selection of Tactics and combat values, and a Backup Effect. Some Villains will have a special ability that can only be used if they are the Lead Villain.
Each Villain will also have a Trouble Prerequisite # and a Trouble Cost. Backup Effects likewise have a Trouble Cost.
To play a Villain as a Lead Villain, the Trouble of the Mission must be equal to or greater than the Trouble Prerequisite. You then reduce the Trouble of the Mission by the Villain's Trouble Cost when you assign that villain to the mission.
A backup effect's cost is paid with the remaining trouble.
Once all players have passed or all the Trouble is used up, combat begins.

Scheming and Master Plans
A mission marked with a !!! icon means that a Nemesis is likely involved, and the nemesis player of the active Heroine team may take one of four scheming options:
1) Attempt a Master Plan - this will result in a second round of combat with the Nemesis itself against any remaining heroines, after the initial villains have been defeated. If the Nemesis wins, they will get a Master Plan upgrade. If the Heroines win, they will get an immediate team upgrade and the Nemesis will be unavailable for the rest of the episode.
2) Raise Threat Level by the Nemesis' Danger/Crime/Mystery rating
3) Draw three villain cards.
4) Provide 'dice boosting' which will allow the Villains to roll additional dice for every 5 rolled, just as the heroines do when they are supported by a teammate.


Determine initiative. Unless the villain player has an ability or backup effect that says otherwise, the Heroines start with initiative.

Determine lead combatant. If there are multiple combatants on either side of the contest, the controlling player chooses which one will be the lead combatant. At the beginning of subsequent combat rounds, only the side with Initiative may switch to another combatant. If a combatant becomes defeated, their teammate will become the new lead combatant.

In a combat round, there will be three sets of dice rolls.
1)First the player with initiative will roll their attack dice vs their opponent's defense dice. If the attack dice are greater than the defender's, a Wound (KO) is dealt.
2)If the defender is still not defeated, they will now roll their attack dice vs the opponent's defense dice, in the same manner as above.
3)If both combatants are still standing, they will both roll their Wits values against one another. The winner of this roll deals a KO to the loser AND gains initiative in the next combat round. If the result is a tie, no wound is dealt and initiative remains with the current holder.

Special abilities may only be triggered once per combat round, though multiple separate abilities may be used.

Combat Dice

In combat a 3+ is a hit.
If there is a Supporting Heroine in the same district as the mission being attempted, all 5s will provide another die to be rolled. (Normally villains do not get this additional die)
All 6s count as two hits.

If all villains are defeated (receive their last KO) then the Heroine team collects Victory Points denoted on the mission description.
If all Ready Heroines are defeated, then they are removed to the Team HQ, with a defeated status marker on them. (And at this point, players are encouraged to Roleplay out the defeat.)

Master Plans

If the Nemesis was attempting a Master Plan, and the Heroines have won the initial fight, the Heroines have the option of retreating if they do not wish to risk losing to the Nemesis. This will mean that the Heroines collect no Victory Points, and the Nemesis will automatically acquire its Master Plan upgrade. If the Heroines choose to fight, a new combat begins with any remaining Heroines fighting against the lone Nemesis. If the Heroines are victorious against the Nemesis, they gain an automatic Team Upgrade.

Nemesis villains will have a Henchmen rating of 0-3. They will draw that many villain cards as free back-up effects at the beginning of their combat. No additional back up effects may be played from Villain hands, although they may be discarded to fuel a villain's special abilities. Unless specified otherwise, the Heroines begin with initiative.

Playing Rival and Lieutenant Villains

Lieutenant Villains: One for each Nemesis, representing their right hand men/women/creature. Lieutenants require the Trouble Level to be at 5 in order to be played, but have no actual cost. They may be played as either a first or second Lead Villain. They may only be played at Mastermind Headlines (With the !!! symbol). Lieutenants may only be played at a mission being attempted by their corresponding Heroine team. If they are defeated, they may not be played for the rest of the Episode and the victorious Heroines gain an extra Victory Point.

Rival Villains: Each Nemesis will start the game with 4 Rival Villains, each assigned to a particular Hero Level. They may be played as normal villains are, and may be played as an additional Lead Villain. They must be played only against the Nemesis player's corresponding Heroine Team, and only against a hero of the same level as the Rival Villain. Once a rival villain is played against a specific hero, they are now only playable against that particular hero. (They've been established as that Heroine's rival!).

When a LT or Rival Villain is played for its backup effect, it is only discarded if the Heroines win the fight. If the Heroines lose, the LT and or Villain cards go back in the Nemesis player's hand.

Hand Size Limits: Each player has a Hero Hand and a Villain Hand. Each has a max limit of 10. Storyline and Hero cards are in the Hero Hand, while Villain, Rival Villain, and LT Villain cards go in the Villain hand.
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Sounds cool
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

I dig. Master plans and evil shenanigans sound like fun heheheh
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Obliglatory interest get post. :3
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

I have been summoned!
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Ahem. *tosses a large hat into the ring*
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Well, now that there's six of you here for a four player game...

Being that this will be a game for the long haul and I'd rather have people who've been proven as active players with me before, so Tass, Tox, and Taki will play, as will Aguy.

Feel free to use this thread as a place to put down pics and short bios for up to four super heroines. You'll also want to make up a little backstory as to how your team has come together. I'd prefer all heroines to be humanoid, so no cosmic horrors get to be labelled as superheroes. Try to keep them sexy.

You're also responsible for creating a badass supervillain to be your team's nemesis. The Lex Luthor to your Superman, the Magneto to your Xmen, the Dr. Doom to your Fantastic Four. It should be a Mastermind type villain, not a thug type, nor a intergalactic threat that goes beyond the pale (ie: not Cthulhu).

Feel free to suggest things informally here while I sort out the finer details of the ruleset.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Mm, here's what I got so far (to be edited):

Name: Terese "Tess" Taylor
Codename: Adamantine
Powers: Super Strength, Superhuman Endurance
The consummate athlete, Tess was always possessed of a competitive spirit from a young age, excelling in nearly every sport she took up. In her youth, the tan-skinned beauty's physical prowess proved to be unmatched by anyone, including her childhood friend and rival Will, that is, until their mutual adolescence where her old playmate eventually developed a physique more impressive than her own. Envious of his apparent genetic gifts, she simply refused to accept that a female could be inferior to a man in any way, especially physically, so Tess developed something of a complex in that regard, all throughout grade school and even after entering Invicta University. Ever the adventurous one, she is an adrenaline junkie--constantly pushing her limits to the test. While training in the high-elevation dunes of the desert in New Mexico, she came across an old talisman associated with a legendary warrior's spirit, which granted her powers of strength beyond human comprehension. The choker had bonded to her by finding a common sentiment in the will to struggle against something initially perceived to be much greater than oneself; in short, her indomitable competitive spirit. Tess returned from the desert that day to find that she could lift cars and trucks with ease, sprint faster and go for longer than any normal human being. One of her professors in college, Eileen Xiang, felt the presence lurking within the tanned one's necklace during a lecture and invited her to join a team whose purpose would provide the greatest trial Tess would ever face beyond the sports she played--a challenge she gladly accepted.

Strong-willed, masculine in speech, and tough as nails, Tess doesn't take shit from anyone. While she is competitive, she is not a bully and is typically protective of those she sees weaker than herself, such as Amber. She has a soft spot for women in general, particularly her girlfriend Iris, a calm, soft-spoken landscape painter whom she met at a beach where she used to work out and do her runs. Very determined in spirit, she doesn't know the meaning of the word 'quit'. While she is naturally very athletic, excelling in practically every sport she attempts, Tess has a predisposition for single competition rather than team play, having taken up kickboxing, judo, and mixed martial arts in competition. She's something of a sore loser and often takes poorly to Polly's practical jokes, which causes the two to butt heads often. Of the four, she trusts Eileen the most, relying on her superior intellect to give the orders, while she does the muscle work.

Real Name: Polly Terres
Codename: Geist
Powers: Invisibility, Forcefield Projection
A light-hearted college student and member of Invicta University sorority Phi Phi Phi with a penchant for troublemaking, Polly was granted powers of invisibility and limited psychokinesis late in adolescence during a prank gone wrong. This practical joke involved attempting to scare a group of her friends while they were on a dare visit to the House on 17th Street, a locale said to be one of the most haunted places on the planet. While setting up various 'traps' designed to scare the living daylights out of her unsuspecting peers, she was caught red-handed by one of them. Consumed with embarrassment, she wished for nothing more than to just disappear, and a strangely sympathetic spirit dwelling in the house granted her that wish by bonding with her soul. From then on, Polly found that she could disappear and reappear at will, as well as manipulate ectoplasmic matter to move objects, albeit at a limited rate. Her newfound abilities only wound up helping to supplement her insatiable thirst for mischief. For a while, she continued to go about her daily life, using her powers to her own convenience (as well as to make life even worse for those around her), until she pulled a prank on the wrong person, Eileen Xiang--a professor at her university who was known for being oddly receptive to anything dealing with the paranormal. Employing a similar command over ectoplasmic matter, except stronger, this odd woman piqued Polly's interest when she detected her invisible form and restrained it. Hopeful to learn more about the state given to her by the haunted house, she chose to follow Eileen when the lecturer offered to teach her how to harness those powers in exchange for data on her supernatural 'condition', as she apparently has a very rare and specific ghost within her, thanks to the incident on 17th Street.

As one might expect, Polly is the prankster of the group and never at a loss for something 'humorous' to say, even at the most inopportune or inappropriate of moments. She lives on other peoples' reactions, and because of this, Tess and the 'Victoria' side of Amber tend to be the primary targets for her mischief. She is often more interested in temporarily thrills and passing fads than personal enrichment, looking only to improve her abilities for the sake of one day catching the incredibly serious, yet strangely perceptive (at least mentally) doctor off-guard. Polly is considered by some to be easily amused, but is also quickly bored, and in many ways fleeting. She is considerably more intelligent than her facade lets on, however, and would see a considerably higher level of academic success if she but applied herself properly.

Real Name: Amber Stromwald
Codename: Ember
Powers: Pyrokinesis, Flight
A normally mild-mannered and kind student of Invicta University, born of the esteemed Stromwald family, Amber actually comes from a long line of witches possessed of an ages-long curse. Her bloodline is literally haunted with the vengeful spirit of one of her ancestors, a witch put to death via burning at the stake over 300 years ago during the Salem Witch Trials. Amber finds herself involuntarily possessed of this ancestral ghost, "Victoria", a personality drastically different from her own, who wants nothing more than revenge against the Ashhurst family. When "Victoria" emerges, she temporarily bolsters Amber's own hereditary powers of flame conjuration and manipulation. As a 'haunted' individual, Amber quickly caught the attention of Professor Eileen Xiang, who promised that she could find a way to pacify the restless spirit within the student, given enough time and research into the matter--or at least 'gently' separate the two without causing the birth of a particularly powerful Malignus (see Eileen's background), seeing as this "Victoria" was obstinately attached to Amber through her bloodline and refused to leave until their own personal brand of justice was served. She agreed, and became the first member of the team that would later be known as the Phantasmal Four. The spirit bound to Amber is a particularly strong one, and as such, if it were to be turned into a Malignus from forcible separation from its host, the resulting abomination would no doubt be a nearly unstoppable fiend among its kind.

Amber is a gentle, somewhat quiet, and very tolerant girl, whose willingness to give others the benefit of the doubt make her appear exploitable to many. This fact is resented by the spirit living within her, "Victoria", who is a strong-willed, irritable, and stubborn character, quick to call others out on their mistakes and shortcomings. This kind of personality is what ultimately sentenced the witch of old to a death by burning at the stake, though Victoria is uncompromising when it comes to her own ways, and wishes her host would be more assertive. Amber tends to be predisposed towards household chores, cooking, cleaning, and is possessed of many stereotypically feminine qualities in terms of her society's more traditional gender roles. A good listener, she has solid relationships with the other three members of the group and is one of the few to be able to handle Polly's pranks without getting too worked up over it--that is, unless "Victoria" has a say in it.

Possessed (by 'Victoria'):

Real Name: Eileen Xiang
Codename: Eidolon
Powers: Command over ectoplasmic matter (influence on body), limited possession & technomancy (influence on mind), ability to detect souls and read their intent (influence on spirit)
The mastermind behind the team, Eileen is a brilliant professor of Invicta University who has devoted her life to the study of paranormal activity and parapsychology. Having been perceptive of spirits and otherworldly phenomena from a young age, she never truly understood exactly what all of it meant until the loss of her father, whose spirit she kept in touch with following his death, until one day when it could no longer be felt. She still had the ability to see and hear other ghosts, but his had simply vanished. It was then that her true interest in the veil between the spirit world and the physical bloomed, and she spent countless hours researching and wading through volumes of conflicting information in order to gain a better understanding of this balance. In her studies, Eileen found that her father could not have just left the way he did, as he was previously bound to the house that they lived in. Something had forcefully caused him to move on, and in a particularly unnatural way. To her dismay, further research hinted that by forcibly removing a soul from the location, person, or object it is bound to, one ultimately corrupts it and produces an incredibly high chance of the soul turning into a 'Malignus', or demonic spirit, which, if unchecked, can wreak havoc upon the mortal world until it is stopped. However, with the array of different sources on paranormal activity, she could only be sure by investigating the nature of the links herself, as well as the workings of the Otherworld, the 'mirror universe' of ours, a plane on which the spirits live. By approaching those with personal links to spirits, such as Polly and Amber, or those with 'haunted' artifacts, like Tess, she formed an investigative team meant to uncover the truth behind these otherworldly anomalies, exterminating Malignus where they could be found, as well as hoping to find out what became of her late father's soul.

Eileen is a serious, analytical, and no-nonsense type of woman. Having been something of a bookworm since her youth, she is a virgin, and can be less than adept at social situations, being rather dense to the thoughts of others despite her perceptiveness of those in the spirit world. However, she does care deeply about her students, especially those who she has taken under her wing--Tess, Polly, and Amber, although she is poor at expressing it. Ever the overachiever, Eileen acquired her Ph.D at only 18 years of age, making her one of the youngest and most esteemed lecturers at Invicta University despite her peculiar interests and apparent obsession with the supernatural. Even then, she is considered to be one of the country's leading authorities on paranormal activity. She possess three apparent powers. The first is the ability to perceive spirits and read the general 'aura' they give off, as well as an accurate idea of how powerful they are; the second is command over ectoplasmic matter, a slimy substance by which spirits can interact with physical objects while still in the spirit realm; and the third is a limited degree of possession, which she can use to temporarily control the minds of those not already occupied by spirits or override computer systems. Initially, she only had the first of these, but after enough self-training and cultivation of that power, it led to the development of the other two. Eileen's potential in that sense is actually limitless, although she has to put in the time and effort into discovering the other applications of her natural gift.

~ The Villain ~​
Real Name: Mana Kisaki
Codename: The Red Empress
Powers: Reality Shifting, Control over Ectoplasmic Matter, Limited Possession
The daughter of a family famous in the occult world, Mana was born with the same 'gift' as Eileen--she had the ability to perceive the spiritual world down to its finest details. She suffered tragedy when her father, a man consistently unfaithful to her own mother whom she loved nonetheless, died in an unfortunate accident and bound his spirit to his mistress. Desperate to have him return to her and her mother, the grieving Mana forcibly pulled his soul from the other woman, and this separation resulted in his soul being corrupted into that of a Malignus, which killed several people around her before fleeing. After failing her own attempt to retrieve her father's corrupted and rampant soul, she sought Eileen's help, in the hopes of finding out more about the Malignus, to see if they could be tracked down, captured, and restored. Eileen told Mana what she knew, and with their combined powers, the two of them ventured deeper into the Otherworld than either of them had ever dared to do alone. Eventually, they did find Mana's father, or what remained of him--a demonic husk of his former self. After a grueling and terrible battle, Mana was left lost in the Otherworld, floating halfway between the world of the living and the dead in her wounded state. Eileen, on the other hand, managed to returned with Mana's father, keeping him contained while she tried to fulfill what she thought would be Mana's dying wish.

But Mana ultimately survived, and returned sometime later, warped and half insane from her experience in the Otherworld. She found her father's spirit partially restored by the technological work and genius of Eileen, but in a rash moment, mistook a fit from the captive ghost to mean he was under pain and that Eileen's contraption was harming him. She released her father's spirit from its container at a delicate time in the restoration process, setting his new form, which was quickly overcome with dormant Malignus blight, loose upon the city. Eileen and her team quickly discovered what had happened, and in a desperate attempt to save the lives of many they were left with no choice but to destroy the Malignus housing the soul of Mana's father. Mana, arriving just in time to see this happen, swore hatred and revenge for Eileen and the others from then on. Seeking to turn the collective Malignus against Eileen, she employed the forbidden knowledge acquired in the Otherworld to conjuring the most powerful one she could. Little did Mana know that her spiritual potential was much higher than even she herself estimated, and she wound up summoning the Red Empress, the most powerful Malignus of them all. The Red Empress overpowered and possessed Mana, absorbing her thoughts and memories. Understanding the true threat that Eileen and her team posed to the Malignus as a whole, the Empress began to plot their destruction.

Mana, as the Red Empress, has many of the same powers that Eileen has. She can manipulate ectoplasmic matter, although to an even greater extent given her spiritual fusion with one of the more powerful Malignus. As such, she can not only mold the dark matter into tendrils like Eileen can, but into all form of weapons, matter, even entire beings or creatures limited only by her own imagination. Her spiritual perception is higher than nearly any other being on the planet, and she can also possess those whose bodies are not already occupied by a spirit or guarded by one (such as in Tess' case). Even with that limitation imposed upon her, the Red Empress is as brilliant as she is powerful, and has more than just one method of dispatching an opponent.
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

~~~~The Devil Hunters~~~~​

Real Name: LHA (Lifelike Human Android) Model# 127, Prefers to be called Lara
Codename: Bones
Powers: Cybernetics, Durability, Limited Shapeshifting, Marksmanship


LHA Model#127 is an android developed by Dr. Antoinette Xanaveritus, a famed scientist and inventor who was once a superheroine herself. The android was the last thing that she created before she was captured by the Devil Maid and turned into one of the demon's sex slaves, and though Antoinette had intended for the cyborg to replace her, she wasn't finished when the doctor was taken. Her physical body was completed and is fully functional, giving her strength, agility, and durability far exceeding those of the average human being, and her basic programming was completed as well. She is capable of speech in any language known to man (and some that aren't,) is a master of dozens of martial arts (though inexperienced in them,) and is capable of using any modern or primitive weapon ever developed by man. In addition, she is capable of directly connecting to almost any modern security system and hacking through its digital defenses with ease.

What wasn't finished, however, was her personality. Originally intended to be based on her creator, the android was activated prematurely when Xanaveritus' lab was invaded. As such, she tends to be fairly cold and formal, and has only a limited grasp of humor and other emotional norms, and lacks any sort of cultural context. Her physical appearance was never truly completed, and though she can alter it at will it still remains fairly dull, if attractive. Though not completely organic, LHA127 possesses fully functional female sexual characteristics, and is capable of growing semi-functional male ones. She cannot reproduce, as she has no chromosomes to combine with those of others, but anything that lays eggs would find her as suitable a host for its young as any human female, perhaps even more so as she does not tire naturally.

Gunslinger was the one who found her damaged form in the ruins of Dr. Xanaveritus' lab, and she was also the one who repaired the damage that the Devil Maid's minions had done to the Android. Taking the artificial woman under her protection, Rachel eventually named Lara and gave her the codename, and as she developed more human-like emotions naturally she grew to prefer her given name to her codename or her model designation. Lara gets along well with all of her teammates, though this may be more due to the fact that she was programmed to value the wellbeing of her allies over her own.

Real Name: Janna Thorsdaughter
Codename: Thunderstorm
Powers: Superhuman Strength and Durability, Limited Control of Lightning

Picture(Ignore the crosses on the armor, I couldn't find a better picture.)

The daughter of the Norse god of thunder, Thor, and of a human women born in the 1300s, Janna was raised to adulthood on Earth before being taken to Asgard. Being a demigod, Janna is immortal and incredibly powerful, and after over 700 years of training she was returned to the mortal world when the gods of Asgard thought it appropriate for her, so that she might learn not only to wield her powers, but how to control them. As soon as she arrived, the demigod was set upon by the Devil Maid herself, the demon having felt the powerful soul entering the mortal world and seeking to consume it in order to increase her own power.

The two clashed for days before the demon was forced to retreat, her energies spent, and a weakened and wounded Janna was found by Gunslinger only hours later. The two did not get along well initially in the slightest, not only due to their clashing personalities but because Rachel immediately found the half-god almost undeniably attractive, feelings that Janna did not return. Though initially uneasy with the human woman, the fact that Rachel helped her recover her strength at least managed to ease the tension between them.

Being half-Asgardian, Janna can take an incredible amount of punishment, being capable of shrugging off fire from conventional weapons without any problem. She can dish it out just as hard, given her superhuman strength and hundreds of years of combat training and experience among the gods, and Thunderfang, the sword forged for her shares some of the same qualities as those of Mjolnir, her father's legendary hammer, allowing her to control the weather and project icy cold, powerful winds, and devastating lightning against her foes. Even though she is nearing her 700th year, Janna is a virgin. Serious and quick to anger, Janna is somewhat put off by Lara's emotionless and is generally annoyed by Rachel's apparent lack of seriousness, but gets along well with Nina when she isn't joining in on Rachel's antics, and drops any personal distaste she might have for her compatriots whenever any of them are in danger.

Real Name: Nina Emille
Codename: Witch
Powers: Flight, Magic Arts

Nina Emille was born into a long line of practitioners allegedly stemming from Morgan LaFey herself, but she herself demonstrated little magical potential until only a few months before she left her family's ancestral home in Northern Scotland to go to school in North America. She ended up at the same university as Rachel Leberanz, later known as Gunslinger, and the two became fast friends without ever knowing about one another's secret lives. Though she wasn't a virgin upon going to college, she had never had an encounter with another woman before, and Rachel's preferences and domineering role in their relationship became a point of discomfort for her for a short while.

Though by no means incapable of Evocation, the type of magic most often employed in combat, Nina had always excelled at more indirect forms of magic. Voodoo, spirit summoning, thaumaturgy, and the like all came naturally to her, even before she truly came into her magic. Though considered something of a late bloomer as most of her family came into their magic in their early teens, Nina nonetheless became an accomplished witch when her powers came into their full potential thanks to the teachings of her family, with whom she maintains a good relationship. Of course, her travelling halfway across the world, well away from the protections offered by her family and their estate, made Nina a very tempting target for a succubus like the Devil Maid, and it wasn't long after she had arrived at college and met her friend Rachel that the demon made her move on the inexperienced witch. Though she put up a good fight, Nina was caught by surprise, and soon fell to the powerful demoness. It was only because Rachel came upon them while the succubus was feeding on her that Nina's soul wasn't taken.

Their two night lives became one then, and they both graduated from college some years later before vanishing from the public eye, out for vengeance. In that time, Rachel and Nina were lovers on and off, but never lost their friendship, and it is partially because of observing their relationship that Lara has made attempts to be more human-like. Nina is generally fairly affable and jocular, but not nearly so much as her friend and tends to prefer to do things alone more than any others. She was immediately fascinated by Janna upon meeting her, though in a far more academic manner than Rachel, something that the half-deity greatly appreciated.

Real Name: Rachel Leberanz
Codename: Gunslinger
Powers: (Normal human, so these are more like skills) Hand to hand combat, Investigation, shootan folks

Though she is the only normal human among their group, Rachel is the one who brought them all together against their common adversary. Born to the CEO of a pharmaceutical company and his trophy wife, Rachel was 11 when the Devil Maid possessed one of the servants in their home and slaughtered her parents and all of her siblings in front of her very eyes as she hid in a closet. Though she didn't know, the demon had of course sensed her presence in hiding, but had delighted in torturing her mentally rather than electing to take her soul as she had with the rest of her family. After gorging herself, the succubus left her there to go off and begin conjuring more of her kin for purposes known only to her. Rachel was found days later when someone came to investigate the silent house, having not moved from her hiding place in the closet.

She had no close relations left to raise her, and as such the rich young girl was placed into foster care when she was released from therapy. Unable to access her own fortunes until she was eighteen, the girl went from riches to rags, as her adoptive family was incredibly poor. They had hoped to acquire her wealth upon adopting her, but luckily Rachel's father's will and the continued presence of his lawyer prevented this from happening. All the same, she grew to hate her adopted family, the father being little more than a drunk while her stepmother did little to teach her children or help her husband recover from his addiction. Her adoptive brothers and sisters were rarely more than warm to her, and as they grew older many of them turned to various sorts of crime.

She applied for emancipation when she was 17 and received it. By then, she had already worked her way into college at low income jobs, receiving a free ride at a prestigious university by her own merits alone. It was there that she met Nina, and became fast friends with the witch even though she didn't know about the other girl's abilities initially. Before then, she had been moonlighting as a vigilante, having been forced by necessity more than anything else to learn to defend herself from an early age. Her adoptive father, for all his faults, had taught her a great deal in that regard, being a private investigator. She learned to shoot, to throw a punch properly, how to grapple with someone bigger and stronger than she was, and, most importantly, how to follow a trail of evidence and how to notice things that other people didn't.

Then, during her sophmore year, the nightmare of her childhood reared its ugly head once more. She came upon the Devil Maid and her best friend together, the signs of a struggle around them evidence enough that the encounter was anything but consensual. Drawing the side arm that she carried hidden on her at all times, Rachel emptied into the demons head, all 17 rounds, only for the demoness to turn around and laugh at her. All the same, she managed to get it away from Nina long enough for the witch to banish the succubus, and after that the two girls kept no secrets from one another. It wasn't long before a rich and famous inventor, Antoinette Xanaveritus, hired both of them on to help her with her inventions, though the scientist's true purpose was to gain help against the various forces threatening their world.

Graduating with an engineering degree, Rachel also mastered numerous forms of hand to hand combat, marksmanship, and perfected her investigative techniques in order to better fight their foes, but all the while she searched most of all for the one who had destroyed her life once, and attempted to do so a second time. Despite her dark history, Rachel is unfailingly optimistic and rarely acts completely seriously, often openly mocking her opponents in the middle of battle. This sometimes gets on her companions nerves, particularly on Janna's, though she has always made sure not cross any lines with her relentless teasing.

Knowing that any moment might be her last, an idea reinforced by the loss of her benefactor only just recently, Rachel has never sought to remain chaste, figuring that if her life is measured in weeks rather than years, she might as well enjoy it while she could. It didn't take her long at all to find that she found men distasteful, however, and thus she became enamored almost solely with the fairer sex. For some, particularly in Janna's case and earlier in her relationship with Nina, this has caused some friction with her allies, but as with her jokes she has never allowed it to endanger any of them. Of the four women, Rachel is both the most driven to find and destroy the demoness that has so haunted her for over half of her life, and the most willing to put her life on the line (and more if necessary) in order to do it.

~~~~The Villain~~~~​

Real Name: Unknown
Codename: The Devil Maid
Powers: Numerous and unknown


No one really knows much of anything about the Devil Maid. The only one present to watch her come into this world was a frightened young girl, and she hasn't spoken of the event since. What is known is that the Devil Maid is twisted, sadistic, and limitlessly depraved. Her ultimate goals, and even her motivations for whatever they might be are unknown, but she seems to have no lows to which she won't sink in order to achieve them. As a succubus, she is endlessly lustful and can warp her physical form at will, becoming the one whom any person most desires in order to feed, a process that eventually leaves even those with the strongest of souls as mindless husks. Though she is powerful in her own right, the Devil Maid regularly employs not only her own twisted kind, monstrous creatures of all shapes and sizes as well as lesser succubi, but mortal henchmen who she has brainwashed, her favorite victims being mortal magic users whom she easily twists to her cause.
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Looking good Taki and Tass. I'm gonna start stating these characters up. From what you've both told me, it sounds like you each want one Level 1, one Level 3, and two Level 2's.

That's fine.

For diversity's sake, I'd like for Aguy and Toxic to take the more extreme ends of the spectrum, so one team will have two level 1's and the other team will have two level 3s.

The team with the two level 1s will have better threat reduction skills so the game will balance.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Team: The Watch
8/11: New pics, slight bio alterations
7/25: Added villain, finished bios, and all of my pictures are now broken... I will fix those and probably add to the Fade and Venus bios when I get the chance
7/24: Added 1st couple of bios, added powers to LZ and Fade
Roger that, I will take the majority level three heroines.

Sorry this is taking so long, I don't have nearly as much free time as I did ten days ago. At any rate, here are the basics. Pictures and villains to follow.

LV. 1
Real Name: Helen Ariana
Codename: Huntress
Powers: Uber Crack shot, great perception and analysis
Helen was born in a large city on the American East coast. The city was overwhelmed by a crime wave the likes of which had not been seen in a long, long time. The police were bribed or threatened into innaction, and the city became a cesspool of crime and depravity. Unable to do anything as a youth, Helen could only do her best to keep her mother and herself safe. The city streets were dangerous for women, so Helen became adept at avoiding unwanted attention early on, displaying a natural aptitude for avoiding trouble, not to mention an intimidating affinity for projectile weapons. Namely guns. She may not be able to curve bullets, but she comes pretty close, a natural, able to hit her target almost regardless of range, weapon, and environmental factors.

Unfortunately such skills were not enough to survive peacefully in the city. Certain undesireable people learned of Helen's natural talents and wanted to hire her. She angered them by her flat out refusal to work with the 'criminal bastards' who had 'ruined her city.' To teach her a lesson for her insolence, a local crimeboss had her mother executed. This sent Helen into a downward spiral, grieving continuously from the loss of her mother and with no direction in life, no goal except her own survival. Desperate for a purpose, she finally turned her skills to revenge. She single-handedly wiped out the gang responsible for her mother's death and then fled the city to avoid retribution from other gangs that might feel threatened, as well as to rid herself of the painful memories associated with it.

Drifiting aimlessly from place to place, she was approached by Venus and recruited into the The Watch as a recon member for her skills with firearms and her ability to assess situations quickly and accurately. She is being instructed by Fade in the finer points of recon work. She opted for the code name of huntress for her nack for hunting down criminals as though they were common vermin.

LV. 3
Real Name: Lisa Lynn
Codename: LZ
Powers: Flight, Hella strong, insane eyesight, air wave attacks, very high threshold for pain, very damage resistant (but not invulnerable ie. bullets don't really pierce, but can still cause concussive trauma if she takes too many hits)
Lisa is a presumed-failed genetic experiment. She was a testube baby, grown with seleected mutations in her genes. When the mutations had failed to manifest any significant changes early in her development, she was abandoned at an orphanage. It wasn't until her preteen years that she began exhibiting any changes. First it just seemed as though she was strong for her age, but it quickly became apparent this wasn't the case when she beat up some teenage bullies. As her strength grew, she became the recipient of the scorn of the orphanage overseers as well as her orphan peers. When she first demonstrated an ability to fly, she was kicked out of the orphanage, the people in charge wanting nothing to do with a freak like her.

Venus had been observing Lynn for a long time, and once she was kicked out of the orphanage she took her under her proverbial wing. From this point on, Venus provided Lynn with a source of guidance for developing her powers, as well as a friend she hadn't realized she needed.

While many would regard her early life as appalling, Lynn doesn't see it that way. She didn't find it so bad at the time because she didn't know any other way, and now she sees it as having made her stronger. Even now, she is posessed of a strong-willed, though compassionate personality. She tends to look after the other members of The Watch as a mother would, earning her the nickname, 'team mom.' Besides this, she is The Watch's main physical force in battle, throwing herself into the thick of battle and using her strength to toss aside foes, or ranged wind attacks when melee simply isn't an option. She uses her excellent eyesight to serve as a spotter for the team, pinpointing distant targets for Huntress to hit, or for Fade to teleport to. Finally, she uses her strength combined with her flight capabilities to carry other members into and out of battle as the situation necessitates, even serving as a sniping platform for Huntress from time to time. This is the source of her nickname LZ, for 'landing zone.'

LV. 2
Real Name: Melanie Grey
Codename: Fade
Powers: Phasing, phase teleport, (think of those really irritating moves sub-zero and noob use in mortal kombat, except without the awesome ice or pit hole in the universe things. Has to actually move through something like a wall or floor to do that, can't just do it while restrained.) very skilled with swords and wields a mystical katana imbued with magical properties by Venus, naturally long-lived
Melanie is a native of the planet Omicron, the same as Venus. While special powers were not unheard of, her innate talent and unheard of gift for phasing landed her in an accelerated training program to teach her combat applications to her powers. Venus herself oversaw parts of her training. Her powers and mentality reached maturity during the apex of what was known as The Dark Rebellion.

A wizard of incredible power, The Dark Lady, had staged an uprising against the rulers of Omicron. She had used her fearsome magic and summoning skills to wage a long, costly war with the planet at large, nearly dealing fatal blows to the government forces on several occaisions. However eventually her forces were stopped, and she was forced to retreat into her own dark realm in defeat and shame.

Fade gained valuable combat experience during the war, participating in a number of key missions that would eventually lead to The Dark Lady's defeat. Making a name for herself and her skills, she was inducted into the Imperial Guard, a group of fighters renowned for their skill and bravery. When word came through Venus about the Dark Lady's arrival on Earth, she was sent with the wizard to put a stop to her once and for all. Once they recruited Huntress, she saw to the task of training her as a proper scout for the team.

Lv. 3
Real Name: ?
Codename: Venus
Powers: Wizard, back to being Merlin-super-wizard-girl, ageless
Despite her youthful appearance, Venus is a being of unknown age and near-unimaginable power. A native of the planet Omicron, she views herself as a servant to all that is good. No one really knows exactly how old she is, there are no records of her birth, though her influence can be tracked back through the ages, disappearing into the mists of history. Though what is known is that she has long been opposed to the equally-mysterious Dark Lady. Their battle has transcended the ages, recently culminating in the defeat of the Dark Uprising, and now the move of the battle to Earth. Venus has spent her time establishing The Watch and gathering individuals she believes to be the best-suited to defeating the Dark Lady here on Earth, and hopefully ending her schemes once and for all. She transported herself and Fade there undetected by the people of Earth, and has gathered The Watch. They now subtly go about their work in putting a stop to the Dark Lady.

In ages past, known only to Venus and the Dark Lady, a battle was begun between the Dark Lady, and Venus' master. Before her master could finish training her, the Dark Lady outwitted and killed him, with Venus barely managing to escape. That day she swore to avenge the loss of her master and defeat the Dark Lady and her schemes. As centuries passed, the two have battled back and forth, each achieving victories and suffering defeats. Venus' defeats were a little more humiliating though, as the Dark Lady had a penchant for sexually humiliating her conquests. When defeated, she was often unable to get away before suffering such humiliation at the hands of the Dark Lady's servants, or the Dark Lady herself if she was in such a mood.

After ages of battle, Venus feels a sense of finality over Earth. Whatever happens, their timeless war ends here.

Her chief amongst her powers are scrying magic, teleportation magic, and a variety of devestating elemental spells. She does not require anything to channel her magic, capable of utilizing it as long as she is able to focus.

Das Villain:
Real Name:?
Villain Alias: The Dark Lady
Powers: Uber wizard on crack, likes to summon creatures (monsters, humans, zombies, other shenanigans, all subjugated to her will) from who knows where to do her dirty work. Likes to sexually humiliate her victims
A woman shrouded in shadows, mystery, and deceit, the Dark Lady is a malevolent force bent on subjucating Omicron to her will. She is relentless, deadly smart, and will do anything to achieve this end.

Her history with Venus goes back further than any other beings can remember, the people of Omicron are long-lived by human standards, but even they don't live forever. Ages upon ages ago, she came forth from a dark realm, bent on carving out a place in this lighter realm. Back then, Venus was a fledgling wizard, studying under her own master in a time long before Omicron was the high-tech, magical planet it currently is. Her master stood against the Dark Lady's invasion, simultaneously holding her at bay while continuing Venus' training. However, the Dark Lady was alway the cunning sort and managed to outwit the master wizard, killing him and laughing as Venus escaped, swearing to avenge her loss. From that day forth, the two female wizards have fought a long and painful war. At times the edge goes in favor of one or the other, but always the tide turns before things look to dire for either.

After her uprising was quelled, the Dark Lady retreated to her own realm, intent on biding her time to strike again. However, she found mention of a lost planet, Earth. Upon scouting the planet out from afar, she magically transported herself there, intent on bending the people there to her will so that she could use them to help her take over Omicron. She was and remains undetected by the people of Earth, nevertheless, Venus located her and is coming to put an end to it all. The Dark Lady is eagerly awaiting their inevitable confrontation. She has already constructed a large crime syndicate which she is using to take spread her corrupting influence around the planet.
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Mmkay, which ones do you want to be Level 3? Looking at them, I'm thinking LZ and Wizard being your power hitters, Fade being Level 2, and Huntress being Level 1. But you're free to decide.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Backstories done. For the heroes at least.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Neutron Squad

Real Name: Jenn Beatty
Codename: Buzzkill
Powers: Hands can become high-energy blades
A former small-time crook, running as a lockpick and safecracker to crews for hire, this tall black-haired vixen quickly found herself being replaced by technology. Sometimes this technology was unwieldy, but their efficiencies far outweighed their field agent counterparts. Noticing this trend, and already quite used to having to fend for herself after running with these shady circles, she attempted to jump ahead of the game. Trying to create top of the line and highly mobile versions of her equipment would require high amounts of energy in small packages. Using her skills, she went on her first solo mission since she ever started working for hire, breaking into a privately funded research lab to obtain an experimental new powersource. Following this, she attached the devices to her hands, while they were still connected into the mysterious powersource... What would have been a horrible unforeseen accident that could have left her hands terribly scarred or burnt off completely, instead left her with an intense tingling sensation crawling through her skin. As she looked at her hands, she noticed that they were now glowing and giving off great amounts of energy.

She attempted to use these powers for her own personal gain for a while, but the life one leads when they can't touch anything without cutting straight through it can drive some sobering thoughts to any mind. She resorted herself to disciplines, trying to learn to control it. Spending time on improving herself, not only as a weapon but a human being. In this process, she learned to control the power, being able to turn it on and off. After that, she sought to recruit other like-minded and powerful individuals. Despite not being the most powerful of girls in the group, the drive she's embedded in herself was enough for the others to start treating her as the "captain," even against some protest from herself that they shouldn't have a leader.

Real Name: Riley Carthage
Codename: Steel Scrapper
Powers: Enhanced intelligence. Inventions: Easily replaceable homemade armor and weapons
Riley was the first recruit Jenn had run into on her travels. This 5'2 woman was first encountered as a potential danger, shuffling around the local junkyard and muttering to herself, completely covered with various metallic trash. Though she was not the most socially aware of people, very little could throw her smile off.... well, that would be, if you could see it behind the armor. Even when Jenn was still wary of this strange girl and threatening her to leave the premises, Riley could do little but giggle and wave. She picked up a large lead pipe and headed over to Jenn, who backed up slowly, trying to warn this lunatic of what would happen if she didn't stop. Taking a wild swing at the young woman with her energy blades, Riley simply held up the pipe and watched it cut clean through to a smaller size. She met Jenn's confused stare with a brilliant grin and said "Thanks for the help there, Buzzsaw." After a minute or two of arguing (mainly instigated by the bewildered Jenn, which led to Riley changing the nickname to Buzzkill, giving her the name she still uses) Riley introduced herself, demonstrating her skills as an inventor and her high intelligence. She explained that her armor was tough, and when asked why it was made of such poor materials instead of some heavier iron alloys, explained that the assorted "treasures" of the junkyard were already tough and light, and on top of it all, easily replaceable. Because of this, Jenn nicknamed her the "Steel Scrapper." Only later would she realize how appropriate this name was, when this tiny frail-looking genius would show just how maneuverable and powerful her armor was in a fight, bashing enemies away with her small makeshift lead maces.

Ever since, she has traveled with Jenn fighting side by side with her as well as equipping them behind the scenes, and shed the stereotype as a quiet shut-in. They became close friends, and in her near-addled ramblings as she tinkered around in her "lab," Jenn was able to pick up small details about her past as a scientist. She was a gifted member on a team working on a revolutionary new battery. Although she felt she was well-liked and respected, becoming closer with the amount of work they had to do together to these few people than anyone else, because of her young age and relatively low level, none of the superiors or other members of the team told her the truth in that the technology and ideas given to them were by an anonymous benefactor. When she had found this information out on her own, she decided to try and contact higherups that she thought weren't immediately connected to the project, but on that same day, catastrophe hit when the battery overheated and destroyed the lab and all her partners. The higherups were well aware of where the battery came from and decided to use her disobedience to turn her into a scapegoat after her only friends died. When asked about this by Jenn, Riley told her that is why she would never trust her life in the hands of new technology again, only things she can make with her own hands and parts. And with these, she creates forms of travel for the heroines. She also provides the most helpful information and deductions involving any potential encounter, analyzing enemies backgrounds, criminal records, and threat level. It's amazing how much one can do when they forgo the hindrance of sleep. She still feels extremely close to Jenn and they do consider each other the best of friends, but Jenn would probably be happier if Riley didn't use her as her own personal cutting tool in her various inventions.

Real Name: Veronica Chambers
Codename: The Wintress
Powers: Ice ninja
A child who grew up in the northern wilderness with her family, Veronica was taught survival from a very early age. To some, her parents seemed extreme and unrelenting, while paranoid and shutout to others, but to her, they were loving figures who looked after her to no end. She was not without some normalcy as a child, as their cabin, though sequestered fairly deep within the large woods, was not so far away from a local town. And although the mother was an extremely skilled tracker and the father, a former soldier and cook, could provide the basic necessities for living quite easily, they did often make trips to the local town for more supplies as a luxury for their daughter. One day, when she was sent on the long trip to gather supplies, she came across the smoldering wreckage that used to be the only people she knew outside of her family, torn apart by some unknown force with the various burnt wood and stones surrounded by what looked like some lightly purple smoke. Upon returning home, she finds the same had come across their cabin. Overcome by tears, she tried to search through the ruins, crawling on her hands and knees through that violet mist, but found no evidence of her parents. Believing that they recognized what was coming and had a chance to escape, she tried to forge her own in the woods and stay until her parents would return to her. She learned a lot about how to survive, but was unable to build much of a working shelter for herself with the destroyed smoky rubble in the icy cold, where trees were hard as rock and the ground completely uninhabitable. Still, with a makeshift home from the debris, she managed to make it through each day, knowing in her heart that her parents would return to her.

Nine years after this event, a fully grown woman appeared out of nowhere in the city. She would hunt down the worst of the worst, murderers and the like, using impeccable tracking skills in this urban jungle. And when she would catch up to them, their prison would end up not being one of iron and concrete, but of ice. This strange ability, the result of years of radiative energy exposure through a constant low climate. These relatively strict punishments and policies of dealing with only a certain brand of criminal inevitably led her to others, with powers like herself.

Though she was the last to join up in the team, she was the next to meet the paired up Buzzkill and Scrapper. A brief argument ensued about the Wintress' methods, which quickly escalated to battle when the glow off of Buzzkill's hands reminded her of the same smoke dissipating from the smoldering ashes of her home. It took the two more seasoned crimefighters to barely hold off the rage of the newer heroine. She was unable to finish the two herself either, as the small armored girl was hard to get a bead on, and her ice traps and projectiles were quickly cut down from Buzzkill's hands. After a long battle of close calls, but no deafening blows, The Wintress had come the conclusion in the heat of battle that if her opponent had been unable to even come close to her yet, it was impossible for her to have been the one to destroy so many people in that time. She apologized for her actions and disappeared into the darkness, but never truly left. She would track and watch the pair from the shadows of the city, only finally throwing her hat in once was recruited.

Real Name: (Note: No one has been able to understand her pronunciation when asked. Closest guess from the team is: Bthziserea Sidzethygysril.)
Codename: Nadir
Powers: Energy Projection, flight, move through objects.
An Aztrillian scout, sent to investigate the disappearance of one of their probes. The planet is filled with beings like herself, ones that live completely communally, their structures filled in with long term temporary energy. The ghost like properties to them are a symptom of a dying factories all over the planet. A planet whose main resource is pure energy, given out evenly to every living creature across it's surface. As this resource started to die out, the properties in their bodies start to change without degrading. Their people do not get sicker, but merely, their structure forms a looser shape. The energy their bodies retain will still last the individuals centuries of their lives (of which they live out nearly 2400 years). Not being a warlike race, and unable to absorb energy directly, they didn't seek to conquer and steal from other planets. Instead, they sent out a mass of probes to different planets across galaxies, that would monitor and take in small incremental amounts of free-floating energy over time. These probes would return in two centuries, informing the Aztrillians of what planets had excess energy. All had returned, except the one from Earth.

Nadir (sp?) was selected to travel to Earth, using another probe not only as a form of propulsion across space, but also as "home" for when she arrives on the strange planet. It wouldn't absorb much energy, as it wasn't designed to steal energy from direct sources, feeling that would be dangerous to any planet they sent it to. However, the trace amounts it takes from the air day to day would be able to help her in recharging herself while she stayed there, through the applicator function inside which is normally used to transfer the energy to the factories, could be used inside her form, the only way for her to absorb the energy her body needs off her own planet.

The humanoid was much surprised when coming face to face with a similar species, which made her stay and moving around slightly less difficult than she had first assumed. Within days in her investigations, the powerful creature found herself following a trail to the city and meeting the superheroine duo of Buzzkill and the Steel Scrapper. Immediately recognizing the energy in this unique form, she spoke for the first time on this planet, revealing a very smooth sounding and calming voice, which disarmed any fear in the two women as she queried Jenn on how she came into possession of such a power. Understanding that the incident did not implicate this young woman, the alien introduced herself (several times, due to the misunderstandings between them). A closeby, but hidden figure also revealed herself to the group, but kept her reasons for doing so quiet, having heard the alien's interest in the energy she had become familiar with. Nadir had decided that Buzzkill's use of their alien-molded energy could be the best starting point for finding out what happened to the probe. With some small discussion between the group, it was decided they'd expand a bit, taking an abandoned factory near the junkyard as their headquarters, which would be immediately fixed up by the excitable and boundless little Riley. They each took their own quarters, making three bedrooms and a lab, which Nadir was originally going to keep her probe in, along with all the other equipment, but was made weary of the fact that almost all of the time Riley spent while Nadir was in the lab was studying her form intently.

They're still very new as a team, Jenn and Riley's experience together notwithstanding, and are still very driven by outside objectives, causing little rifts exacerbated by their traits; the aloof, quiet and hidden nature of Nadir, often anger-fueled and somewhat distant Veronica, Jenn's drive and sense of perfectionism, and Riley's socially clueless ramblings and offhand comments delivered throughout her quick speech.

~~*The Villainess*~~​

Real Name: Kerrigan Marthis
Codename: The Elicitor
Powers: Can use energy to create/enhance objects (like creating fields of smoke, or her special chains and staff that she carries), Energy siphoning and regeneration, Energy Projection, Flight,
Kerrigan was the daughter of a military dictator who was assassinated by a team of American soldiers, led by Commander Chambers. After being moved around in foster care, she came into contact with a strange alien device, which she accidentally opened, releasing a refined energy throughout her body. With her new powers, she sought revenge on the man who stole her family, then set out to crippling the government that sent him. With her various top schooling and experiences with rich families throughout her orphaned years, she picked up on economic and business strategies, and combined that with her new natural powers to develop large corporate fronts for her deeds. In a matter of years, she amassed a near monopoly on research and technology in the field of energy, but what no one could foresee was that her products were merely her own experiments she would use to boost her own energy, including the very battery she created that Buzzkill stole. Before selling less reliable versions out to the public she would use these machines to boost her own strength while using the funds to secure an army of thugs to enforce her stranglehold on the market behind the scenes, destroying competitors, suppliers who would sell others' products, researchers like Riley's team, or any potential threat to her business. She planned on using her company and subsidiaries to create a dependency on her control, to have entire states and their bureaucracies fueled by her power. And just when she was necessary for the federal machine to run, she would reverse the direction of all her devices remotely, absorbing all the energy into a single outlet; herself, whilst shutting down any means of defense.
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

So I've got 3 heroes from Toxic and four hero concepts from Aguy.

Rules are almost complete. Players should examine what's up there right now and ask questions for clarifications.

Completed Heroines and Nemesis will be posted publicly. For those who have yet to do so, please name your teams, provide a little bit of backstory for each heroine and the team itself, and a little bit of backstory about your villain too. Remember, someone else is going to be RPing your Nemesis, and if you want them to RP it well, you need to let them know what the deal is with your desired Nemesis. ;)
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Okay in the interests of getting this game moving again, I'm gonna start posting stats for the heroes and villains that have been confirmed. Then I'm going to read over the rules again and finalize them. Hoping to get this going actively by the end of this weekend.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Roger that! I have already informed Tass of this, but I am in the middle of finals until early next week. As far as this game goes, but I should still be able to post often enough, but if I don't get on then that's why.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Introducing the...

Phantasmal Four

Tess Taylor -- "Adamantine"
Level 2
KO 3
Red Tactic: Punishing Assault -- Attack 5 Defense 2 Wits 1
Orange Tactic: Indomitable Endurance -- Attack 3 Defense 4 Wits 1
Yellow Tactic: Warrior Spirit -- Attack 2 Defense 2 Wits 4

Combat Power: Ultimate Fighter -- Discard a Hero Card to reroll all the dice you just rolled on an Attack roll.

Support Power : "Girl works out..." -- (ACTION) Move Adamantine to the Team HQ and take one free story action against a Phantasmal Four story event in play, then gain one Team Point.

Danger 2
Crime 1
Mystery 0

Skills: Fight, Protection

Polly Terres -- "Geist"
Level 1
KO 1
Red Tactic: Telekinetic Thrust -- Attack 3 Defense 2 Wits 1
Orange Tactic: Ectoplasmic Shielding -- Attack 1 Defense 4 Wits 2
Yellow Tactic: Invisibility -- Attack 1 Defense 2 Wits 4

Combat Power: Element of Surprise -- Discard a Hero Card to add one Hit to your Attack Result.

Support Power: Haunting Distractions -- Discard a Hero Card to prevent your opponent from rerolling any 5s on their fight dice

Danger 1
Crime 2
Mystery 2
Skills: Investigation

Eileen Xiang -- "Eidolon"
Level 3
KO 2
Red Tactic: Ectoplasmic Tendrils -- Attack 4 Defense 2 Wits 3
Orange Tactic: Negative Energy Field -- Attack 1 Defense 5 Wits 3
Yellow Tactic: Super Genius -- Attack 2 Defense 3 Wits 5

Combat Power: Technomancy --Discard a Hero Card to make all of an opponents 6s count only as a single hit.

Support Power: Preeminent Researcher -- (ACTION) Move Eidolon to Team HQ and draw 3 Hero Cards.

Danger 1
Crime 1
Mystery 2
Skills: Science, Investigation

Amber Stromwald -- "Ember"
Level 2
KO 2
Red Tactic: Fire Blast -- Attack 4 Defense 2 Wits 2
Orange Tactic: Fire Control -- Attack 3 Defense 3 Wits 2
Yellow Tactic: Fire Wards -- Attack 1 Defense 3 Wits 4

Combat Power: Witchfire Immolation -- Discard a Hero card to use this ability. If Ember's Attack result is 4 or more, regardless if she won the attack or not, deal an additional Wound. Then deal one Wound to Ember. If Ember and her opponent both are defeated by this attack, Ember is considered victorious.

Support Power: Extinguish Flames -- Add 1 to the Danger rating of the Ready Heroine currently attempting the Mission that Ember is supporting.

Danger 1
Crime 2
Mystery 1
Skills: Protection, Mystic


and also introducing their Nemesis...

The Red Empress

KO: 2
Henchmen: 0

Red Tactic: Oblivion's Edge -- Attack 5, Defense 1, Wits 5
Orange Tactic: Undying Spirit -- Attack 3, Defense 5, Wits 3
Yellow Tactic: Fatalistic Omniscience -- Attack 3, Defense 3, Wits 5

Combat Power: "Death's Consort" -- Discard a Villain card to prevent a Wound. May only be used once per Combat Sequence.

Scheming Power: "Death Zone" -- As an additional Scheming action, the Red Empress may deal one Wound to all heroines attempting or supporting the current Mission. The Heroine player may discard 1 Hero card for every Wound they wish to prevent.

Danger 3
Crime 0
Mystery 3


Possible Team Upgrades for the Phantasmal Four

1) Polly "Geist" - Ace Detective -- Once per combat, Geist may activate her supporting or combat power for free (not paying the discard.)

2) Eidolon's Superior Lab -- Eidolon is now considered a Level 2 heroine. (Cheaper to field)

3) Kindred Spirits -- Once per Planning Phase, the Phantasmal Four get a free Team Point to spend towards playing Ally cards.

4) Ghostworld Travel -- As a single Action, the Phantasmal Four may move all Ready and Supporting heroes from one location to another location.


And the Red Empress' Master Plan upgrades

1) Malignus Summoner -- Red Empress has additional Combat Ability: Discard 1 Villain card to add 1 Hit to your roll result. (once per combat sequence).

2) Tearing the Veil -- Red Empress has additional Scheming Ability: She is now able to Raise the Threat Level in addition to any other Scheming option.

3) Undead Freely Roam the Earth -- Minus 5 Victory Points for the Phantasmal Four.
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