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Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Introducing the...

Devil Hunters

Lara -- "Bones"
Level: 2
KOs: 2

Red Tactic: Advanced Weaponry -- 4 Attack, 3 Defense, 1 Wits
Orange Tactic: Suppression Fire -- 2 Attack, 4 Defense, 2 Wits
Yellow Tactic: Cybernetic Calculations -- 2 Attack, 3 Defense, 3 Wits

Combat Power: Android Chassis -- Discard a Hero card to add one die to your next Defense roll.

Support Power: "Jacking into the Network" (ACTION) -- Move Lara to Team HQ to get two Team Points.

Danger: 1
Crime: 2
Mystery: 1

Skills: Science, Investigation

Janna Thorsdaughter-- "Thunderstorm"
Level: 3
KOs: 3

Red Tactic: Asgardian Flurry = 5 Atk, 3 Def, 2 Wits
Orange Tactic: Stormfang Unleashed = 4 Atk, 3 Def, 3 Wits
Yellow Tactic: Thunder Goddess = 3 Atk, 3 Def, 4 Wits

Combat Power: "Sword of Asgard" = Discard a Hero Card to use this ability. If you are using "Stormfang Unleashed" you may add one die to your next Attack or Defense roll.

Support Power: "Storm Gathering" = While present at a Mission Attempt, reduce the Trouble by 1.

Danger: 1
Crime: 0
Mystery: 1

Skills: Fight

Nina Emille-- "Witch"
Level 2
KOs: 2

Red Tactic: Elemental Invocation -- 5 Attack, 1 Defense, 2 Wits
Orange Tactic: Hex Caster -- 1 Attack, 4 Defense, 3 Wits
Yellow Tactic: Flight -- 3 Attack, 1 Defense, 4 Wits

Combat Power: "Withering Curse" -- Discard a Hero Card. If you are using "Hex Caster" you may had 2 hits to your Attack result.

Support Power: "Magical Interference" -- At a Mission where Witch is supporting, all Villain Backup Effects have a minimum cost of 2 Trouble.

Danger: 1
Crime: 0
Mystery: 2

Skills: Mystic

Rachel Leberanz-- "Gunslinger"
Level 1
KOs: 1

Red Tactic: Expert Markswoman = 4 Attackk, 1 Defense, 2 Wits
Orange Tactic: Trained Acrobat = 2 Attack, 3 Defense, 2 Wits
Yellow Tactic: Brilliant Tactician = 1 Attack, 3, Defense, 3, Wits

Combat Power: "Sharpshooter" = Discard a Hero card, if you are using Expert Markswoman, you may reroll all the Attack Dice you just rolled.

Support Power: "Trick shots" = Discard a Hero card. At a combat you are supporting, cancel the activation of a Villain's special ability unless they discard an additional Villain card.

Danger: 2
Crime: 1
Mystery: 1

Skills: Rescue, Protection


And introducing their nemesis...

The Devil Maid

Henchmen: 1

Red Tactic: Infernal Strength -- Attack 4, Defense 4, Wits 2
Orange Tactic: Demonic Invulnerability -- Attack 2, Defense 4, Wits 4
Yellow Tactic: Mistress of Hell -- Attack 4, Defense 1, Wits 5

Combat Power: Princess of Lies -- Discard a Villain card to use this ability. Devil Maid rolls in secret and declares her result. She may lie. If the lie is accepted, then the declared result stands. If the opposing heroine player challenges Devil Maid's declaration and the declaration is found to be true, the heroine suffers an additional wound. If Devil Maid is caught lying, she auto-loses the roll.

Scheming Power: Temptress of a 1000 Souls -- As an additional scheming action, you may discard a Villain card to look at the top five cards in the Villain Deck and arrange them in any order.

Danger: 2
Crime: 1
Mystery 3
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Introducing the...

Neutron Squad

Jenn Beatty -- "Buzzkill"

Level 1
KO 1

Red Tactic: Energy Slash - Attack 3, Defense 1, Wits 2
Orange Tactic: Amazing Agility - Attack 2, Defense 3, Wits 2
Yellow Tactic: Deceptively Resourceful - Attack 2, Defense 1, Wits 4

Combat Power: Unstable Energy -- Discard a hero card to add 2 dice to Buzzkill's attack roll. If either of these two bonus dice show a "1" result, then the attack automatically fails.

Supporting Power: Friends in Low Places -- When supporting a Mission with a Crime Headline, reduce the Trouble by 1.

Danger 1
Crime 3
Mystery 1

Skills: Investigation, Fight

Riley Carthage -- "Steel Scrapper"

Level 1
KO 1

Red Tactic: Lead Pipe -- Attack 3, Defense 3, Wits 1
Orange Target: Makeshift Armor -- Attack 1, Defense 3, Wits 2
Yellow Tactic: Utility Gadgets -- Attack 1, Defense 2, Wits 3

Combat Power: "So insane it just might work..." -- Discard a Hero card to add one die to Steel Scrapper's Wits roll.

Supporting Power: "Things that go boom!" Discard a Hero card to cancel (but not discard) a Villain's back up effect for this combat sequence at the Mission that Steel Scrapper is supporting.

Danger 0
Crime 2
Mystery 2

Skills: Science, Rescue

Veronica Chambers -- "Wintress"

Level 2
KO 2

Red Tactic - Ice Storm -- Attack 4, Defense 2, Wits 2
Orange Tactic - Martial Arts -- Attack 3, Defense 4, Wits 1
Yellow Tactic - Swirling Snow -- Attack 3, Defense 3, Wits 3

Combat Power: Freezing Touch -- Discard a Hero Card to subtract 1 die from opponent's Wits roll.

Support Power: "Revenge - a dish best served cold." -- Discard a Hero card to add 1 HIT to the Ready Heroine's Wits roll at the mission where Wintress is supporting.

Danger: 1
Crime: 1
Mystery 3

Skills: Mystic, Investigation


Level 3
KO 2

Red Tactic: Energy Bolts -- Attack 4, Defense 4, Wits 2
Orange Tactic: Phasing -- Attack 3, Defense 4, Wits 3
Yellow Tactic: Flight -- Attack 2, Defense 3, Wits 5

Combat Power: Neutron Force -- Discard a hero card to use this ability. If using Energy Bolts, add 1 die to Nadir's Attack roll. If using Phasing, add 1 die to Nadir's Defense roll. If using Flight, add 1 die to Nadir's Wits roll.

Supporting Power: Aztrillian Laboratory -- (ACTION) Move Nadir to Team HQ to draw one Hero card and gain 2 Team Points.

Danger 3
Crime 0
Mystery 2

Skills: Science, Protection

And introducing their Nemesis...

The Elicitor

KO 2
Henchmen 3

Red Tactic: Advanced Weaponry -- Attack 4, Defense 2, Wits 2
Orange Tactic: Regeneration -- Attack 1, Defense 4, Wits 3
Yellow Tactic: Alien Energy -- Attack 3, Defense 2, Wits 3

Combat Power: Energy Siphon -- Discard a Villain card to activate this ability. Choose a Tactic (Red/Orange/Yellow). Your opponent may not use that tactic this upcoming combat sequence.

Scheming Power: Organized Technocrat -- In addition to your Scheming action, you may discard a Villain card to raise the threat level by a value equal to the highest leveled heroine in this Mission's district.

Danger 2
Crime 3
Mystery 2

Possible Team Upgrades:

-Aztrillion Factory Completed: Nadir is now considered a Level 2 heroine.

-Icy Survivor: If Wintress is defeated, she automatically heals and is placed in the Team HQ.

-Disciplined Energy: Buzzkill no longer fails her attack roll when rolling a 1 with Unstable Energy bonus dice.

-Tough Enough: Either Buzzkill OR the Steel Scrapper gains an extra KO.
Nemesis Master Plan

1) Perfected Alien Power - When Elicitor inflicts a KO with a Wits roll, inflict an additional KO.

2) Cripple Adversary - Select one Neutron Squad member - they now require an additional Team Point to make them Ready during the Preparation Phase.

3) World Domination - Minus 5VP from the Neutron Squad
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines


The Watch

Helen Ariana - Huntress

Level 1
KO 1

Red Tactic: Crack Shot - Attack 3, Defense 2, Wits 2
Orange Tactic: Enhanced Senses - Attack 1, Defense 3, Wits 3
Yellow Tactic: Skilled Strategist - Attack 1, Defense 2, Wits 4

Combat Power: Streetwise Fighter -- Discard a Hero card to reroll up to 2 dice Huntress just rolled.

Supporting Power: Recon Expert -- When a Mission is being attempted where Huntress is supporting, discard a resource card to prevent rerolls of 5s on Trouble rolls.

Danger 1
Crime 2
Mystery 1

Skills: Investigation

Lisa Lynn - LZ


Level 3
KO 2

Red Tactic: Super Strength -- Attack 4, Defense 3, Wits 2
Orange Tactic: Durability -- Attack 3, Defense 4, Wits 3
Yellow Tactic: Air Wave Strikes -- Attack 3, Defense 2, Wits 4

Combat Ability: Perceptive Fighter -- Discard a Hero card to force your opponent to reveal their Tactic before you choose yours.

Support Ability: Team Mom -- (ACTION) Move LZ back to Team HQ to draw a Hero card. LZ may then target any Storyline card in play and attempt to resolve it for free.

Danger 2
Crime 0
Mystery 1

Skills: Rescue

Melanie Grey -- Fade

Level 2
KO 2

Red Tactic: Mystic Blade -- Attack 4, Defense 3, Wits 1
Orange Tactic: Evasive Phasing -- Attack 2, Defense 4, Wits 3
Yellow Tactic: Teleportation -- Attack 1, Defense 3, Wits 4

Combat Power: Feinting Expert -- If your Defense roll is 3 or more, you may discard a hero card to add one die to your next Attack or Defense roll.

Support Power: Omnicron Imperial Guard -- Move Fade to Team HQ to draw a Hero card and gain a Team Point.

Danger 2
Crime 2
Mystery 0

Skills: Fight

Level 3
KO 3

Red Tactic: Mystical Energy Bolts -- Attack 5, Defense 3, Wits 1
Orange Tactics: Cosmic Shielding -- Attack 2, Defense 5, Wits 3
Yellow Tactics: Astral Combat -- Attack 1, Defense 3, Wits 5

Combat Power: Supreme Sorceress -- You may discard a Hero card to add 1 die to your next roll.

Support Power: Defender of Good -- (ACTION) Move Venus back to Team HQ to draw one Hero Card and remove one Wound from a Ready Heroine.

Danger 1
Crime 0
Mystery 3

Skill: Protection, Mystic

and also introducing their Nemesis...

The Dark Lady


KO 2
Henchmen 1

Red Tactic: Wrath of Ages -- Attack 5, Defense 2, Wits 3
Orange Tactic: Immortal Invulnerability -- Attack 3, Defense 4, Wits 3
Yellow Tactic: Centuries of Preparation -- Attack 2, Defense 3, Wits 5

Combat Power: Servant of the First Darkness -- Discard a Villain card to use this ability. If using Red Tactic, may reroll your Attack dice. If using Orange Tactic, may reroll your Defense dice. If using Yellow Tactic, may reroll your Wits dice.

Scheming Power: Evil Arts -- In addition to your normal scheming actions, you may discard a villain card to use this power. Opposing, supporting heroines do not confer the ability to reroll 5s on this mission.

Danger 3
Crime 0
Mystery 3
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Randomized player order is revealed!

1) Tassadar's Devil Hunters (also playing as the Dark Lady)

2 Toxicshock's Neutron Squad (also playing as the Devil Maid)

3) Takimaru's Phantasmal Four (also playing as the Elicitor)

4) Aguy's Watch (also playing as the Red Empress)

Familiarize yourselves with your new Nemesis, and your enemy team. It's important that you know your enemies' stories so that you can RP their Nemesis effectively. Feel free to PM each other with story questions just so that you're comfortable with the Villain concepts.

Almost ready to start. I'll be PMing you starting hands soon.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Well, it seems that it's me against Toxicshock once again.... Good luck :3
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

New Angeles. City where the angels fell. A metropolis spanning the new West Coast, reborn from the ashes of L. A., after the first coming of the demons.

With the demons came magic and mutation -- the arrival of true power. The ability to rearrange the world and beyond with powers never meant for humans.

Evil power was rampant. The government was ill prepared and powerless to stop the spread of the demonic forces.

But our world is not the only one with a Hell.

Twelve beings from the stars arrived. Twelve heroines. Known collectively as the Zodiac, they not only began to drive back the demons, but they taught humans to fight them as well.

In the end, Good could only do so much. The Lord of all Hell, an Entity known as Baal, was too powerful to destroy. The Zodiac warriors sacrificed much of their power in a final, desperate assault upon the Nexus portal, at the heart of the ruins of Los Angeles. Each of the warriors sealed themselves within the Nexus, driving Baal and most of his minions back into the infernal realm.

The Zodiac warriors remain sealed within the nexus into the present day, 35 years after the initial invasion. In the aftermath of magic and super powers appearing within the general population, the world has never been the same.

Over the Nexus Portal, the city of New Angeles has been built. A beacon of hope and resistance to evil, the city has been the epicenter of an awakening of super heroes.

However, not everyone blessed with extraordinary powers has noble intentions...


1.2 miles beneath Midtown New Angeles...

[Baron Sado] "So this is it, hmm? This is what you had us pour millions of dollars's worth of demolition and hush money into? Unearthing some old rocks?"

[Medusa] "Silence, human! It's not the stones themselves... it's the runes upon them! See here. This is the symbol of Cathala, or what you humans would call Aries. And here, next to it! Taurus. We have found the Zodiacs at last. With their power subsumed by the Dark Lady, there will be no more defense left for this world.

[Malphas] "Half of this world, off-worlder. And the infernal realm claims the souls of all humans.

[Spiral Face] "And the Red Empress... for her we claim the bodies of the soulless for our own purposes."

[Baron Sado] "Hey, before you three go dividing up humanity, just remember the deal. The Elicitor claims the mainland of Europe all the way to the Urals as her dominion, in return for her collaboration. None of this would be possible without her. Don't forget that."

[Malphas] "Relax, Baron. You and your Elicitor have been of great aid to the cause. She shall have her territory. Now... have your men clear away the rest of this rubble."


[???] Did you hear that sisters?

[???] Unthinkable. Why would any human cooperate with those creatures? Did they not learn from last time?

[???] It is no use. We must stop them.

[???] How sister? We are too weak in our current state. It will take too long for us to regain our powers fully, and the moment we leave this portal, the demons will be free to return.

[???] We have no choice. If we remain, the Dark Lady will capture our essence and use it for her own ends.

[??? and ???] Then we must... aid the humans. It falls... to them to stop this evil.

[???] You're right of course, Gemini. Let us separate and seek out heroes to aid us in the fight.

[???] Good luck to all of you. Be safe, and do not fear the darkness.


[Spiral Face] "Living ones... why do the stones glow?"

[Medusa] "What?! No... they could not have known!!

[Baron Sado] "It's getting hotter... the light... we've got to clear out. CLEAR OUT!"

[Malphas] "Sister... the guardians are leaving... our lord Baal will RETURN!"

[Medusa] "Run! You fool demon! The energy in those glyphs is becoming unstable!"

[Malphas] "Gyyaaahahh... The light... it's... it's holy energy! But how!? Hnnnh! I must... I must get away!"




Welcome to Tentacles Vs Superheroines.

Your initial hands will be PM'd to each of you. The goal of the game is simple. Get the most Victory Points by the end of the game to show that your Super Heroines were the most important saviors of the earth!

However, as soon as one team reaches 15 Victory Points, the final confrontation with Lord Baal will become available. If Baal remains undefeated for 5 episodes, demons take over the earth and everyone loses.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Episode 1: The Call Goes Out!

Available Missions:

West Paradise District:

Communication Lost with Government Installation
Type: Mystery
Skill: Rescue
Threat Level: 6 (!!!)
Victory Points: 6

East Paradise District:

Scientists Warning of Impending Tsunami
Type: Danger
Skill: Protection
Threat Level: 6
Victory Points: 5

Halo Woods District:

Rapidly Mutating Virus Discovered
Type: Danger
Skill: Science
Threat Level: 3 (!!!)
Victory Points: 3

Choir Heights District:

Ancient Curse Coming True?
Type: Mystery
Skill: Mystic
Threat Level: 4
Victory Points: 3

Midtown District:

Key Witness' Life Threatened
Type: Crime
Skill: Protection
Threat Level: 5 (!!!)
Victory Points: 5

Seaside District:

Demons Walk the Earth!
Type: Mystery
Skill: Mystic
Threat Level: 6 (!!!)
Victory Points: 6
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

We're in the Preparation phase, which can be done simultaneously by all players. You all start with 4 Team Points (because you get a number of Team Points equal to the number of Heroines At Team HQ (and not in recovery) at the start of the Prep Phase. You'll get an additional Team Point for every 5 VP you are currently at. There are also special support powers that let you get more Team Points.

The cost to make a Heroine "Ready" (ie, they can attempt a Mission) is in parenthesis next to their name, and is based upon their hero level. To make a Heroine supporting (ie, able to use their support power and support Ready heroines at missions) always costs 1 Team Point.

To Ready an Ally Hero Card costs a minimum of 1 Team Point, which gives you one activation of that Ally. You may spend 2 Team Points when Readying an Ally card to give you an extra activation.

There are 32 Allies available, of which 8 of them will be naturally allied to your team. This means that when you ready them, they'll get a free bonus activation. I have informed you in PM which of your ally cards are naturally allied to you and which are not.

One of your Ready Heroines can be marked as a Protagonist for this Episode, which means if a story event comes up, she can resolve it as part of her story action. Remember, you get Team upgrades from either thwarting master plans, or collecting 3 completed storylines regarding your team. (And each completed Storyline is worth a VP as well.)
Team Statuses

Devil Hunters: 4 Team Points

Bones (2): At Team HQ
Thunderstorm (3): At Team HQ
Witch (2): At Team HQ
Gunslinger (1): At Team HQ

Allies: None at this time.


Neutron Squad: 4 Team Points

Buzzkill (1): At Team HQ
Steel Scrapper (1): At Team HQ
Wintress (2): At Team HQ
Nadir (3): At Team HQ'

Allies: None at this time.

Phantasmal Four: 4 Team Points

Geist (1): At Team HQ
Adamantine (2): At Team HQ
Ember (2): At Team HQ
Eidolon (3): At Team HQ

Allies: None at this time.


The Watch: 4 Team Points

Huntress (1): At Team HQ
"L.Z." (3): At Team HQ
Fade (2): At Team HQ
Venus (3): At Team HQ

Allies: None at this time.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Slight set up hiccup, you all should be starting with one storycard in your hero hand. I'll deal them out to you in PM.

Knew I forgot something.... :eek:
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

"Looks like somebody's in trouble over in Midtown," Rachel began evenly, reclining back in her seat. "A key witness, if we can make sure that they live through the night, maybe we'll get a shot at whoever's gunning for them! Think of all that they'd know! We could do a lot to make the city safer if we could protect them AND capture whoever's out to get them!" Hearing her explanation, Bones brought up the dossier on the person in police custody, as well as those of the officers detailed to protect them on the main screen. "Their protective detail is... Insufficient," the android reported smoothly, the slight pause taking place as she also brought up the information on the case in which the witness was testifying. "I recommend that we deploy immediately, Rachel taking the lead and myself cloaked and on station. In addition, having Janna nearby in order to dissuade more dangerous criminals would be advised. I can provide coordinates for a number of positions around the apartment in which the police are keeping him that would allow you a clear view in order to observe, in case anything should go wrong."

The Asgardian scowled slightly at that, "T'would be my preference to see real combat! There is no glory or honor to be had skulking on a roof! Tis the manner of our enemies to do such things!" Rachel smirked slightly and made to reply, but Nina suddenly cut in "What about me? I don't want to stay here by myself!" Rachel sighed and made to reply to both of them; "We'll get you in on the next one, promise~ For now, stay here and man the fort in case something else comes up. And don't fret Janna, I'm sure you'll be able to jump in and hand out some spankings if anything goes wrong!" She smirked, and the armored woman blushed slightly while Nina pouted. Both of them simply nodded their agreement to the plan, however, and soon enough the three of them were out of their hidden headquarters and heading off to Midtown.

(Ready Gunslinger and Bones, set Thunderstorm as Support, deploy them all to Midtown District in order to attempt dat Mission.)
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Sounds good Tass except for one thing, you can only deploy one Ready heroine per Action. (Thunderstorm gets to come along for free since she's a Support heroine this time) So you'll have to choose either Gunslinger or Bones to go. On your second action you can have the other Ready heroine join her, then you could attempt dat Mission on your third Action.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Okay. Do that then.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Roger that... still need the other three players to check in.

Devil Hunter Status (1 Team Point)

Gunslinger: Ready
Bones: Ready
Witch: In Team HQ
Thunderstorm: Support

Allies: None at this time.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Taking a deep breath, Tess rinsed the remaining suds from her toned, hard body before shutting off the water. Even while taking a shower, she didn't remove the unique piece of jewelry that adorned her neck--it stayed with her even now. Some athletes had their own strange rituals to instill confidence before a match, while others had 'lucky charms'; a pair of shorts, a worn towel, a stuffed animal, and so on. For Tess, it was the necklace she wore at all times, a beaded choker resembling those made in the Apache culture, one that she had stumbled upon while training in the dunes of New Mexico. However, in this case it was much more than an object that simply let her believe that she could run faster, jump higher, throw harder, and endure more punishment than any human being; when she wore it, the necklace actually granted those abilities, giving her physical prowess far beyond any human being.

In addition, only for Tess did it provide such a boon. Eileen, one of the professors of paranormal studies at Invicta University, informed the sporty young woman that this was due to a special 'compatibility' that existed between her soul and the one residing within the necklace. It didn't take that kind of explanation to have Tess bond to it immediately, however; she knew that it was meant for her as soon as she picked it up. 'Adamantine', as she was code-named by her professor and team leader, was superstitious in more than just one way, but she was definitely one of the more reliable members of the group, never hesitating to throw herself into harm's way.

Casually reaching for the towel that hung over the stall door, the tan-skinned beauty furrowed her brow when it gently slid just out of her reach. Again, she motioned to grab it without much urgency, but the towel slipped far and away from her grasp, flying up into the air as if possessed.

Slamming the stall door open, which caused the metal panel to burst off its hinges, the woman stepped forward, her face taking on an expression of burning ire. Droplets of water still clung to her nude body as she narrowed her eyes in the direction of the floating towel. "POLLYYYYY!!!!!"

The absorbent cloth responded to the loud accusation by falling to the ground, as if dropped, while the invisible culprit attempted to make a swift getaway, but it was too late. Tess shot forward in an instant, tackling the 'ghost' to the ground and mounting them in a heartbeat. A figure faded into view beneath her strong hold, wriggling and squirming but failing to accomplish much against the well-muscled woman's superhuman strength. It was the form of a rather petite, purple-haired girl dressed in trendy clothes and possessed of a rather pale complexion, almost the visual opposite to the tall, dark-skinned blonde topping her. Those at the Invicta University campus knew her as Polly Terres, or 'Geist', the resident mischief-maker, one whose antics were facilitated by her powers of invisibility, amongst a few other things.

"Wah! How'd you find me?!" she gasped, still trying to worm her way out from between Tess's thighs. She was more disappointed than anything, ignoring the fact that the bronze-skinned athlete's womanhood was pressed up against her own exposed midsection, and that those gorgeous, dark breasts were in plain view. If she wanted to, Tess could quite easily have her way with the little trickster as some kind of lewd retribution for the prank, which was just one of many offenses that occurred on a near-daily basis. Luckily for Polly, Tess had no intention of exerting her sexual will on the diminuitive sorority girl. Her more intimate moments were reserved for her significant other, a gentle soul named Iris, who was, perhaps fittingly, nothing like the immature brat pinned beneath her.

"Freakin' idiot, it doesn't take a genius to figure out where you are in a place like this!" The toned beauty motioned to the wet shoeprints that were left behind as a result of the prankster's poorly thought-out joke.

"L... Lame," huffed Polly, a defeated look on her face. Her clothes were getting wet now, thanks to the contact between her and Tess, and she may as well have served as the larger girl's towel at this point.

"Oh, my... Am I interrupting something here?" came a light, somewhat airy voice from the entryway. When the two girls looked up, they would recognize the owner of such a distinct tone to be Amber Stromwald, or 'Ember', the most agreeable and kind member of the Phantasmal Four, often lenient enough to the point of being considered a push-over by some. However, those who truly knew her, such as Tess and Polly, were quite aware of the 'other' personality lurking within, a rather dark being prone to fits of destructive, fiery rage.

"Uwuuuuh, halp!" cried Polly. "I'm getting molestered by the butch chick! Mmph--" The purple-haired girl's words were cut short by the one mounting her, who was quick to cover her mouth.
"Ah, hey Amber," greeted Tess. "She was just tryin' to pull another fast one on me, maybe to see if I'd chase her out into the halls while in the buff. What's up?"

Amber returned the gesture with a most polite smile. "Oh, y-yes. If you two are done... u-uhm, playing... the Professor would like you to meet up in her office. She says it's very important."

"Huh. Well, if she says it is, then something bad's gotta be on the horizon," remarked Tess, who slowly, but reluctantly, lifted herself off of Polly, offering her a hand up. Gingerly, the girl known as 'Geist' took it and got back to her feet, then folded her arms afterwards, maintaining a somewhat pouty expression. Tess ignored it and went to fetch her towel before proceeding to dry herself off. "Alright, we'll be there in a sec."


Later, at a certain lecturer's private office in the Science building on campus...

A solemn-looking lady, with long black hair and blue eyes, steadily tapped her pen against a desk topped with various maps and papers. This was a nervous habit of hers, reserved only for when moments were particularly stressful. Now was one of them. Young for her level of expertise, she was known by others as Professor Eileen Xiang, or 'Eidolon', as the rest of the Phantasmal Four called her. This brilliant researcher was the brains behind the operation and the team's founder, and while she spent the majority of her time figuring out ways to defeat evil spirits known as the Malignus, she certainly wasn't opposed to employing her powers, as well as those of her students', for the greater good. As she tried her best to prioritize the situations marked on the maps with red dots, her students Tess, Polly and Amber stood nearby, awaiting her assessment.

"An unsettling amount of strange events have been occurring all throughout the city as of late. I'm afraid we're stretched so thin, however, such that attempting to handle them all at once in a timely fashion just isn't going to work out. There is one issue I'd like to check out first, however, and it's at the East Paradise District, closest to the water. Some of my seismologist colleagues have warned that a small tsunami may very well be on its way to the coast--and when they bother to tell me about these, they're usually right. If their predictions are spot-on, as usual, then those at the beach will be hit first. Remember, it only takes a tsunami several feet deep to cause some major damage."

Tess took on a somewhat panicked look. Iris, her girlfriend, was a landscape painter who often enjoyed visiting the beach, as it was one of her favorite subjects by which to fill a fresh canvas. In fact, it was there that they first met... and it was a beautiful day outside. If Iris was there, then she'd be right next to the water, and no doubt one of the tsunami's first victims if the professor's guess was correct. "E... East Paradise District?! I have to go, NOW!"

Eileen sighed and nodded, looking up at the agitated junior. "I know, Tess. You're worried about Iris. Normally, I wouldn't allow you to rush headfirst into such an emotionally compromising situation. However, of the four of us, you're definitely the best suited for the job. It probably goes without saying, but... be careful. Taurus is already on her way there to back you up."

The decision wasn't made haphazardly--'Eidolon' was right in this case, and Polly's lack of a protest or wisecrack spoke volumes in support of that. Of the four of them, Tess could run and swim the fastest, and was the least likely to drown. She'd be able to collect as many people as possible in record time, or find a way to block the flow with her super strength. If it was just the force of a tsunami alone, Tess could probably match it. Together with Taurus, a warrior of the stars known for her loyalty and stubbornness, and more importantly her apparent indestructibility, the remote possibility of stopping a tidal wave in itself was, as incredible as it sounded, very much a reality. The tan-skinned athlete was out the door in a flash. "If there's anything else, tell me on the comm! I'm going!"

Spending 2 Hero Points to ready Adamantine aka Tess Taylor. Sending her to East Paradise District.
Spending 1 Hero Point to ready Ally Card: "Taurus: Activate to get Def 5 for one roll. (aligned with Phantasmal Four)"
Spending 1 Hero Point to ready Ally Card: "Iris; Tess' girlfriend: Iris starts with one additional Activation. Allies that are aligned with Phantasmal Four may have their activations be paid for with activations from Iris instead of their own. (aligned with Phantasmal Four)"
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Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Venus hovered above her scrying pool, levitating in a meditative pose. Her staff, a tool of great power, lay gently across her lap. Her eyes were closed peacefully, as the grace of her inherited mantle as sorceress defender of good in the universe allowed her to seemlessly become one with the cosmos.

Breath in. Breath out.

All is calm. All is ---


The door opened so quickly that the metal doorknob left an imprint in the wall of the alien sorceress' private scrying quarters. For her part, Venus' eyes shot open and she lost concentration long enough to fall ingloriously into the pool, soaking her white dress to the point where her flawless body now shone perfectly through the thin, wet garments clinging to her skin.

"Venus! There's dark energy going off on all our Omnicronian scanners! Even the local earthlings are -- Oh! Did I... come at a bad time?" Melanie Gray, also known as Fade, began to blush profusely as she watched her mentor and personal hero staring at her rather crossly from within her pool.

"Melanie... you're one of the first Omnicronian citizens to develop powers of phasing and yet still you feel the need to slam open doors?"

"Well... I'd never just phase into your private quarters, Lady Venus! That would be rude!"

Venus looked blankly at her protoge for a long moment. Then, having been unable to convey the obvious through looks alone, sighed, and floated out of her watery pool, murmuring a quick spell to take out all the moisture from her garments and immediately place it back into the large container.

"It's all right, Melanie. I have sensed the dark energies myself. There is certainly a need for us to investigate."

"Should I notify Lisa and Helen?" Fade asked.

"It will not be necessary, they're out of town doing some other tasks for me. I shall investigate the matters personally. I'll ask you to accompany and play look out for any signs of my Nemesis and her minions. Just remember, that when it comes to fighting them, I'll handle it. I don't want you risking yourself."

"But Venus! I'm ready to fight!"

"No buts, Melanie. You'll have your chance soon enough. For now, let me do my duty."

The Watch:
Spend 3 TP to make Venus READY!
Spend 1 TP to send Fade to SUPPORT!
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

The Watch play a Storyline Event.

Surprise! (Devil Hunter Storyline) - The demons ambush! While in play, most wanted villains in combat with a Devil Hunter start with initiative.
Stat to Resolve: (ANY)

Back Up Effect (0) - Discard this card to win a roll result tied with a Devil Hunter.

(Note, I may have not properly marked Most Wanted Villains on your opening hands. If you have any, I'll point them out in a separate PM. Rival and LT villains are not considered Most Wanted Villains.)
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

In the interests of moving things along, Toxic has said to me in PM that he will be Readying both the Steel Scrapper (1 TP) and the Wintress (2 TP), and will be saving one TP over to the next episode.

We are onto the Action phase.

1st Actions:

Devil Hunters: Bones moves to Midtown, bringing Thunderstorm in as Support

Neutron Squad: Wintress moves to Choir Heights.

Phantasmal Four: Adamantine moves to East Paradise

The Watch: Venus moves to Seaside, bringing Fade in as Support.

2nd Actions:

Devil Hunters: Gunslinger moves to Midtown, joining Bones and Thunderstorm

Neutron Squad: Steel Scrapper moves to Choir Heights, joining Wintress

Phantasmal Four: Attempting Mission?

The Watch: Will Attempt Mission after Phantasmal four resolution.

West Paradise District:

Communication Lost with Government Installation
Type: Mystery
Skill: Rescue
Threat Level: 6 (!!!)
Victory Points: 6

East Paradise District: Adamantine (Two Allies)

Scientists Warning of Impending Tsunami
Type: Danger
Skill: Protection
Threat Level: 6
Victory Points: 5

Halo Woods District:

Rapidly Mutating Virus Discovered
Type: Danger
Skill: Science
Threat Level: 3 (!!!)
Victory Points: 3

Choir Heights District: Wintress, Steel Scrapper

Ancient Curse Coming True?
Type: Mystery
Skill: Mystic
Threat Level: 4
Victory Points: 3

Midtown District: Bones, Gunslinger, Thunderstorm (Supporting)

Key Witness' Life Threatened
Type: Crime
Skill: Protection
Threat Level: 5 (!!!)
Victory Points: 5

Seaside District: Venus, Fade (Supporting)

Demons Walk the Earth!
Type: Mystery
Skill: Mystic
Threat Level: 6 (!!!)
Victory Points: 6
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Adamantine attempts a mission!

The threat level is 6. Adamantine reduces it by 2 for her Danger Rating! Her Protections skill cancels the rerolling of 5s during trouble determination.

4 dice are rolled: 5, 6, 3, 5 -- 5 hits total. (Remember when determining Trouble: 6s = 2, 2 thru 5s = 1)

Trouble level is set at 5. Each Nemesis (except for Taki) draws a villain card.)

The Nemesis has the opportunity to play a lead villain. In Aguy's place, I will declare the following Lead Villain's appear!

Soul Drainer!
Trouble Req: 4
Trouble Cost: 3
KO 2
Red: Ball and Chain -- Atk 4, Def 3, Wit 1
Orange: Soul Absorbtion -- Atk 3, Def 5, Wit 1

Ability: Absorb Power -- Discard a Villain card: If you score 4 HITS or more on your Def roll, inflict 1 KO on your opponent.

Backup (2): Trap -- Discard this card to use Wit 4 on your next Wit roll.


Warmonger (Level 2 Rival Villain)
Trouble Req: 2, must be used against a level 2 heroine
Trouble Cost: 2
KO 2
Red: Sword Slash -- Atk 4, Def 2, Wit 2
Orange: Defensive Stance -- Atk 2, Def 4, Wit 2
Yellow: Experienced Warrior -- Atk 2, Def 2, Wit 4
Ability: Undefeated Foe -- Discard a Villain card: Add one die to your next DEF roll.
Backup (2): Fury -- Discard this card, cancel one KO just received.

This uses up all 5 Trouble Cost, so no additional backup cards need be played from the other players.


Tess arrived at the Paradise Promenade Beach -- one of the tourist hotspots of New Angeles. Away from the hub of the central business districts, this amazing surf area and boardwalk shopping district was the idealic setting where Tess had first met the one person who could make her forget about the possessing spirit within her: Iris.


Iris' usual spot for painting on her easel was on a grassy little ridge overlooking the beach, as well as a stone's throw away from Tess' usual beach workout spot -- an outdoor weightlifting gym for bodybuilders who wanted to sculpt themselves into ideal bathing suit shape.

As Tess veered her jeep into a parking spot, she glimpsed the cute little artist hard at work. Hoping that she would have time to tell Iris to get out of here before the rogue wave hit, Tess was pulled up by the sound of screaming near the water's edge. With the gift of her supernaturally acute eyesight, Adamantine saw a girl flailing about in the ocean, where the water had inexplicably gotten very choppy indeed.

In that very specific area alone, waves began to emanate, tossing other swimmers away in droves from the flailing girl. The spirit essence within Adamantine told her that something was definitely wrong -- there were angry supernatural beings in this area, and they were very close. The flailing girl abruptly stopped her movement and lay still, floating on the surface of the choppy water, but being unaffected by it. Then suddenly her eyes opened, glowing red, and she rose above the surface of the water, levitating. In her hands appeared a great chain that ended in a heavy ball on one end and a great anchor on the other. Weirdly, the girl was not wearing a bathing suit, but a rather fashionable warrior's outfit. Whoever she was, she was now looking angrily out at the nearby beach-goers.


As Tess stepped forward, a hand appeared on her shoulder, alarming her.

"Take care," said a woman's voice beside her. "That is a Soul Drainer. A malevolent entity that has inhabited the body of a Sea Guardian. It radiates a spirit draining field. If you fight it, you must be prepared to neutralize it quickly, before it absorbs your power."

Rounding on the mysterious adviser, Adamantine came face to face with a silver haired, amber-eyed girl wearing the most absurd headdress Tess had seen ever - two upright horns resembling that of a bull. The rest of her outfit was equally odd, and most notably, the girl had an incredibly impressive bust that she made no effort to hide.


"I am Taurus. One of the Zodiac Warriors. Your friend, Eidolon sent me on ahead to assist you. I'm afraid we don't have much time to talk, as --"

"Tess! Oh my god, Tess! Izzat you?" Iris ran over, the odd splatter of paint adorning her otherwise normal looking get up. "Something is happening down by the beach and wowza! Uh... who's your 'friend?'"

"We'll need to answer you another time, I'm afraid," Taurus began, trying to dissuade the little painter from further chit chat.

"Huh? Tess, what's going on?" Iris pressed. "There are people just falling over on the beach... and that strange girl is looking hella scary!"

Adamantine was going to answer both of the two girls when something strong within her spirit necklace resonated with her -- a presence that felt disturbingly familiar and sent an involuntary shiver down her spine. Something evil was close by, and it wasn't the Soul Drainer.

Spinning around by instinct, Adamantine saw across the parking lot a strange and scary looking man. He was walking straight towards her, and at his hip he carried a large, deadly looking sword that crackled with dark energy. His eyes were like pin pricks of demonfire and his hair was a wild and untamed mass of red, reminiscent of a Noh theater headdress. His body was massive and cruel looking, and his teeth were like an animal's, jagged and sharp.


"We meet again!" The man said, drawing his sword, yet offering no further explanation just yet.

Warmonger selected as first lead villain. Tactic selected. Taki please submit Adamantine's Tactic color for the first round.
Re: Tentacles Vs SuperHeroines

Despite the amazing scenery, which didn't require the discerning eye of an artist such as Iris to appreciate, Tess found not the luxury of time to take it in. Her jeep skidded to a stop with a loud screech as she slammed on the brakes, nearly damaging them in the process, and she quickly sought out her loved one. Seeing Iris at her easel, sitting there peacefully, caused a big swell of relief to form in her previously tensed chest. She was safe--and that was all that mattered, first and foremost. While 'Adamantine' was there, she wouldn't let anything happen to her beloved painter, and her resolution in this matter was as strong as her body.

However, there was someone who wasn't quite as lucky as Iris, as Tess soon found out. She spotted the girl in the water, as well as the troubled swimmers all around her, immediately wondering if this had anything to do with the supposed reports of an impending tsunami. While her personal spirit gave her a good idea regarding the origin of the trouble beneath the surface, the sight alone of this stranger being 'possessed', with her eyes glowing red and levitating in such a fashion, was more than enough to tell the athletic superheroine that something was wrong here--and that this impending disaster, if anything, was far from natural. Her instincts drew her to make a sprint towards this new foe, which she could only guess to be a Malignus, or something like it. Given that it made no attempt to help the struggling innocents around it, Tess figured that this crimson-eyed girl wasn't here to make any friends.

Before she could take off, however, she was stopped just in time by a mysterious warrior, one who, by her clothing, didn't look to Tess like a native to this beach, or country, or world, for that matter. She had little reason not to trust her, however, as Eileen had mentioned as much about the support that was to arrive by that very name, 'Taurus'.

"A Soul Drainer... Got it! So I just gotta take her out in one shot, huh? Simple enough," remarked the super-powered woman, taking the horned warrior's words of warning as more of a challenge than anything. While normally, the thought of losing her powers terrified Tess more than anything, as with it meant the capability to protect her loved ones from the harm that the Malignus would bring, to her, it was still the equivalent of a loss in any other sport. Losing was a terrible feeling, an awful one that she wouldn't welcome, but the threat of such was not a deterrent for her. It was a motivator. She cracked her knuckles, preparing herself to spring into action regardless, when her girlfriend ran over to her, looking as cute as ever. While Taurus gave her the short and clear answers, 'Adamantine' gave Iris her own rundown on the situation.

"Iris!" Naturally, she was initially greeted with a hug, but afterwards, the bronze-skinned beauty addressed her with clear seriousness in her voice. "Listen, you've gotta get away from here as soon as possible. You saw it too, huh? Somethin' wrong's going on in the water, and it's no tsunami--but I have a feeling it'll be just as bad if I don't do something fast to stop it. It could get bad here, real bad, so after I take care of this, we'll be able to come here again, just like when we first met. Please, stay safe, for me. I'll see you back at home, alright? I love you." Raising a hand to caress her cheek momentarily, Tess furrowed her brow, wishing that she could savor the artist's presence and attitude even in this urgent moment, as she was always refreshing to the well-built athlete. But she knew that if anything happened to this wonderful girl, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself. While Iris' presence was inspiring in its own way, as Tess would invariably fight tooth and nail for her lover's safety, she simply couldn't keep her exposed to danger like this. After all, it was only a matter of time before the situation got worse...

And it did. Alarm bells rung deep inside Tess's soul; that is, her other soul, dwelling in the choker adorning her neck. She turned to see a frightful looking man, who obviously had her as his target, judging from his body language and menacing glare. While the girl known as 'Adamantine' herself wasn't physically familiar with the red-haired brute closing in on her, her bonded spirit was, and the very sight of him left her filled with the feeling of dread, whether she wanted to or not. Like a recurring sickness, he just made her feel bad inside. Tess soon understood him to be an ancient foe, a spirit at least as old as the ghost of the necklace she wore--and combat was inevitable. Even if she would have liked to whisk Iris away to safety before dealing with this new adversary, he was already there in front of her, and she knew that he somehow matched her, at least in speed and strength if nothing else. One thing she did have over him, however, was the strong desire to protect those important to her. Interposing herself between the crimson-haired demon and Iris, she raised her fists in a fighting stance. "Back me up. I'm going straight in," was all that she said, presumably to Taurus, before dashing forward, stooping low and making a digging motion with one hand to rip a chunk of concrete from the ground and hurling it at his midsection with an impressive fast-pitch on the fly. Adamantine ran right behind it, greeting the mysterious foe with a powerful blow aimed straight at his head.

Employing Red Tactic: Punishing Assault -- Attack 5 Defense 2 Wits 1
Also using one of Taurus' activations to get Def 5 for the first roll.