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Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

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Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Hinna hits the Poochyena for alot of damage. The Poochyena tries to hit its target, but misses and collides with a nearby tree, finishing itself off. It's trainer ran over to his Pokemon sniveling and crying.


The young trainer dropped a small sum of money before running to Oldale Town's Pokemon Center tears streaming behind him.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"Oh my...I didn't mean to make him cry," Syl brought her hand up to her mouth and coughed slightly into it, "Hinna, good job. Return..." She tossed the pokeball toward Hinna, returning it to her pokeball and catching it.

"Our first trainer battle, a very good experience wouldn't you think, Rynne," Syl said.

"Ralts...!" Rynne exclaimed.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Ridley turned to Syl and smiled.

"You did a good job."
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"Thank you. Now let's get going. There's much to do," Syl said with a gentle air before continuing to walk along the path they chose.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Ridley nodded as him and Syl continued along the southern path. They eventually came to a small curved path through tall grass in between a small grove of trees.

"So, what Pokemon do you suppose appear on this route?"
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"I had to take this route to come from Rustboro City. So I know a few of the pokemon that are around here. Let's see...," Syl stated before taking out her notebook and reading one of the entries about Route 102.

"Zigzagoon, Lotad, Wurmple, Seedot, and Ralts," Syl read, "That's what I saw the last time I came here. There's probably more, though.

"Ralts...!" Rynne said as she heard that other Ralts's could be found around here.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)


Flare pranced around, eager to venture throught the tall grass.

"Well, it appears Flare, Rynne and I are ready to venture into the tall grass. How about you Syl?"
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"Yes. Let's go," Syl responded as she followed Rynne into the tall grass.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Shortly after venturing into the wild Ralts appeared. Ridley looked to the Ralts and turned to Syl.

"Do you mind if I try and catch this one? I hear that Ralts are quite rare."
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Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"It's up to you. I already have one," Syl said, kneeling down and stroking Rynne's head.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Ridley nodded.

"Okay, Flare try to weaken it enough for capture. Use quick attack, but try not to hit it head on."


Flare dashed forward and hit the Ralts in the side, doing a fair amount of damage; the Ralts growled in response, causing Vulpix to hold back a little bit more.

"Okay, now just a little more Flare, we've almost got it."


Flare dashed forward and nicked the wild Ralts in the side causing it to stagger backwards a bit. It growled defensively in response. Ridley then hurled a PokeBall at the wild Ralts drawing it inside. After a few nerve-racking seconds of suspense, the wild Ralts was caught.
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Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

After Ridley and Flare had successfully captured a Ralts, Syl gave a congratulatory nod Ridley, "Good job. Now let's get going."

With that said, Syl continued through the tall grass.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

A wild Wurple appeared!

[Rynne has the speed priority over the wild Wurmple]
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Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"Hmm....," Syl saw the Wurmple and looked to Rynne, "Would you like to battle this one, Rynne?"

Rynne made a responsive nod and then hopped in front of Syl, ready to battle the wild Wurmple. Syl looked back to Ridley, "If you don't mind, we'll be battling this Wurmple." Syl looked back to the Wurmple, both her and Rynne at the ready to battle.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Ridley nodded and stepped back to give Syl and Rynne enough room to battle.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Use Confuse Ray, Rynne, Syl thought to Rynne, looking at the Wurmple.

"Ralts!" Rynne said before shooting out the dark purple beam at the little Wurmple, engulfing and surrounding it with several confusing images. Rynne didn't let up on the Confuse Ray until the Wurmple was nice and dazed.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

The Wurmple wiggled around in confusion and then after a while shoots a long stream of string at a nearby tree.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Now use Confusion,

Rynne didn't drop a beat, staring at the confused Wurmple and suddenly outlining it with the black and purple aura. The ominous aura shocked Wurmple violently within its daze.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

The Wurmple took alot of damage and fainted. Ralts gained a tiny bit of experience from that battle.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"Good job, Rynne," Syl said before picking Rynne up and holding her in her arms.

She looked back to Ridley and nodded gently, "Let's continue," before continuing to walk through the tall grass.
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