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Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

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Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Ridley, Flare, Syl and Rynne make it to the end of the tall grass and out into the more open area of the route. In front of them was a ledge spanning across the meadow between the thick overgrowth of trees with a natural ramp in the center. There were alot of opportunistic trainers waiting up atop the natural incline, eager for battle.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"That's a lot of trainers," Syl said as she looked at all of the trainers that were eager to battle and test their skills. She looked at Rynne and smiled gently. Once more Syl looked out to the field of many trainers, then to Ridley.

"Let's go."
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)


The group started to travel along the base of the ledge, towards the natural incline in the face of it.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Syl looked around at their surroundings, taking the sights in for a bit. With a few weak coughs, she walked with Rynne in her arms. At the same time, she continued to look around for any trainers that would want to battle.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

The two of them and their Pokemon start to head up the natural incline. As they reached the top, they noticed that all the trainers were busy battling. To the east in the distance, was a small patch of dirt littered with a few berry plants. To the west was a large expanse of grass.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Seeing everything, Syl continued to walk. She no longer looked around, and only looked in front of her. With another cough, she sighed and looked at Rynne.

"Raalts," Rynne said. Syl chucked and stroked her head. The pokemon nuzzled the hand and cooed contently.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Ridley turned to Syl.

"So, what do we do now?"
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"We need to get to Petalburg, of course. We keep going," Syl answered, doing exactly as she had just said.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"Okay, west it is then."

Ridley led the way westward.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Syl continued westward, wishing to make it to Petalburg before the sun went down. Her eyes drifted from place to place, seeing what was going on around them.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

As the two of them travelled westward, they noticed the large patch of grass to the northwest and to the sout was a narrow alcove of trees and a ledge going downward deeper into the trees. To the west, just south of the large patch of grass, was the entrance to Petalburg City.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

With a gentle cough Syl looks around and sees Petalburg City in the distance. With the narrow alcove and grass, they could do some more training and possibly more research. In the end, they'd end up at Petalburg City when they get tired. Syl deliberated her decision for several moments, before coming to a conclusion.

"I think I'll stick around here for a bit and do some exploring," Syl said with another cough.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Ridley looks up in the sky and sees that not much time has passed since they started travelling today and turned back to Syl and nodded.

"Not much time has passed since we set out earlier today. And we're not that far from Petalburg City. I guess we could explore here for a bit. Lead the way."
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Syl walked into the alcove and looked around, maneuvering through the patches of grass she did so. She didn't expect to see anything unusual, but it wouldn't hurt to look for the sake of research.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

As they stepped into the alcove, they noticed that the land starting to slope downward dramatically, the canopy of trees arching over the alcove made a natural tunnel down ward into a small misty grove where there was alot of tall grass and one lone trainer training their Pokemon there. He wore a straw hat and had a bug net and seemed to be about 11-12 years in age. He didn't appear to notice the trainers walking down into the grove.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Syl noticed the lone trainer and left him to himself. She did her own exploring, looking around at the sights and taking mental notes of everything.
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Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

As Syl and Ridley entered the grove, the trainer turned and smiled.

"Excellent, prey has wandered willingly into our hollow. My team of rare Bug Pokemon shall take you on!"

Ridley grinned at the mention of "Bug Pokemon" and Flare stepped up ready to battle.

"How many Pokemon shall you be using?"

"Two... But that should be more than enough to take down your Pokemon, even if it is a Fire type."

*The bug catcher hurls out his first pokeball.*

"Go! Nincada!"

"Give 'em hell Flare!"


"Use Ember!"

"Use Scratch"

Before the Nincada lands a single attack, Flare breathes out a small shower of Embers towards its foe causing it to faint. Ridley grinned in confidence as the trainer recalls his first Pokemon.

"That first battle may have been a fluke, but my other Bug pokemon will be much stronger. Go! Anorith!"

*The trainer sends out his second and last Pokemon*
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Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Syl looked back at the battle and saw the Nincada and Anorith. It was rare, so she took her pokedex and scanned both for the information. She then took a mental picture of the pokemon for future references.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

"Flare, hit it with an Ember!"

"Anorith, use Scratch!"

The Anorith moved much swifter than Ridley's Flare and hit her for alot of damage. Flare quickly recovered from the powerful attack and showered its foe in Embers. It seemed to do neutral damage, despite the Pokemon being a Bug type, but fortuneately, the attack left the Anorith with a burn. The anorith took damage from the burn, the pain from it making the Anorith not want to move unecessarily, causing it to hold back alot. The trainer bit his lower lip, realizing his Pokemon was in trouble.

"Anorith!! Hang in there, try and finish off your foe with another Scratch attack!"

"Flare, hit it with another Ember."

The Anorith hit Flare with another scratch attack, but it wasn't nearly as powerful this time. In response, Flare showered its foe with another shower of Embers, doing a neutral damage. Before the Anorith was finished off by its own burn its trainer realized that he has been defeated and recalls his Pokemon.

"Stop! You win! Anorith, return!"

Flare stood there with her head held high, triumphantly, obviously proud herself. Shortly after the bug catcher recalled his Pokemon, Ridley's PokeNav *ping*ed indicating that Flare can learn the move "Will-o-Wisp", but one of her previous moves would need to be supressed for the new move to be used frequently and more accurately. Ridley turned to Flare.

"Flare! Disregard the technique, "Roar" for the time being so you can make use of your technique."

Flare looked to Ridley and nodded happily, "Vul-pix!"

Ridley turned to the bug catcher.

"I paid for my overconfidence... But you're a pretty tough trainer. My name is James, perhaps we could register each other in our Pokenavs, that way I can call you for a rematch once I train up my bug Pokemon again. What do you say?"

*Ridley nodded, "Sounds like a plan to me."

The two trainers exchanged PokeNav information.

"Also, take this as a gift from me."

James pulls out a small yellow-green TM disc and hands it to Ridley. Ridley recieves a TM-81.

"Thank you very much."

"No... Thank you for that eye-opening battle. I look forward to our next battle. Good luck to you on your adventures."

James walked up the hill out of the grotto, probably towards the Pokemon Center.
Re: Terran Mind (Syl & Ridley's Adventure)

Syl observed the rest of the battle, receiving the data for James's Anorith on her pokedex and whatnot. She continued her exploring around the little alcove, walking around in the tall grass until she was satisfied.
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