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ACT [Terrarium] Anthophobia (RJ166403)

Re: Anthophobia

So what PRECISELY does the friendly plant-girl do besides be adorable?

  • "Retrieves" glowsticks (I think she eats them but I can't remember) and causes enemies to move toward her.
  • Intercepts attacks from wall-flowers and drinks their cum/gets creampied, which increases her arousal(?) bar.
  • Intercepts sex-attacks from normal plant zombies -- which I have taken to calling PLOMBIES in my head -- and permanently(?) disables them.
  • Upon hitting 0 arousal, or if you press and hold E next to her, she strips your clothes and raises her arousal bar by bumping uglies with you.
That's all I know about her so far. But I feel bad just leaving her behind with this random plombie.
Re: Anthophobia

So what PRECISELY does the friendly plant-girl do besides be adorable?

  • "Retrieves" glowsticks (I think she eats them but I can't remember) and causes enemies to move toward her.
  • Intercepts attacks from wall-flowers and drinks their cum/gets creampied, which increases her arousal(?) bar.
  • Intercepts sex-attacks from normal plant zombies -- which I have taken to calling PLOMBIES in my head -- and permanently(?) disables them.
  • Upon hitting 0 arousal, or if you press and hold E next to her, she strips your clothes and raises her arousal bar by bumping uglies with you.
That's all I know about her so far. But I feel bad just leaving her behind with this random plombie.

  • She heals you while having sex with her on easy mode.
  • She drops items for you after feeding off of certain wall-flowers, generally small medkits, ammo and very rarely, clothes.
  • Can disable up to three of the normal plant zombies.
She also has interactions with all zombie types, not just the regular ones if she happens to hit 0 arousal while close to any.

She only has a foursome with the regular zombies, she doesn't have group animations with any other zombie type.
Re: Anthophobia

There's some posts on the development blog a bit back that explain things, but essentially, she's an infected that somehow has managed to maintain her sentience, the green hair, red eyes and the flowers growing in her hair are mutations as a result of the infection. I don't think any of this is mentioned in-game.

Basically, she was raped by the plant zombies before the game started, right? :D
Re: Anthophobia

What do you think if you make a kid version of Anthophobia and release it on Steam? Recently there is this Cinderella Escape game which get published there. It is originally a hentai game & also available in DLSite.
Re: Anthophobia

Basically, she was raped by the plant zombies before the game started, right? :D

She'd essentially would've already become like those victims in the background who have turned completely green, turned into plants while having sexy time. At least, it's what would happen if she gave in to being raped.

It's more apparent with some of the Game Over CGs where you can notice her skin starting to turn green and her body starting to merge with whatever is violating her.

I'd say it's the main reason why you're unable to rescue the girl you find being raped in the 1st stage, since she has already submit and is already in the process of becoming a plant, same thing probably applies to the female zombie too and why you're unable to save her once the zombies start having fun with her.

Of course, I'm just speculating just based on stuff Sourjelly has mentioned on the blog, just expressing my thoughts on the matter.
Re: Anthophobia

What do you think if you make a kid version of Anthophobia and release it on Steam? Recently there is this Cinderella Escape game which get published there. It is originally a hentai game & also available in DLSite.

I gotta delete tons of dicks&balls for that XD

  • [*]She heals you while having sex with her on easy mode.
    [*]She drops items for you after feeding off of certain wall-flowers, generally small medkits, ammo and very rarely, clothes.
    [*]Can disable up to three of the normal plant zombies.
She also has interactions with all zombie types, not just the regular ones if she happens to hit 0 arousal while close to any.

She only has a foursome with the regular zombies, she doesn't have group animations with any other zombie type.

She'd essentially would've already become like those victims in the background who have turned completely green, turned into plants while having sexy time. At least, it's what would happen if she gave in to being raped.

It's more apparent with some of the Game Over CGs where you can notice her skin starting to turn green and her body starting to merge with whatever is violating her.

I'd say it's the main reason why you're unable to rescue the girl you find being raped in the 1st stage, since she has already submit and is already in the process of becoming a plant, same thing probably applies to the female zombie too and why you're unable to save her once the zombies start having fun with her.

Of course, I'm just speculating just based on stuff Sourjelly has mentioned on the blog, just expressing my thoughts on the matter.

Thank you for the precise explain! :D

NVM somehow i forgot that google is my friend :)

I'm sorry I end up made you find by yourself X_X)a;

Speaking of which, how does DLSite "feel" about developers releasing a JP-legal game (with proper censorship) and then - unofficially, on their website - offering a little patch that removes the censorship :)?
Has anyone ever tried doing this "behind their backs"? Or has anyone ever tried asking them upfront?

Um, not sure since I'mma coward to ask them about it X_X)a but I think some of dev made uncensored patch for his customer(which is I can't X_Xa). ex : dark star dev?
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Re: Anthophobia

This was the fourth ever eroge I've ever purchased, was well worth it. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more of it in the future!
Re: Anthophobia

It's weird that the little purple waddling dildo things (that are spawned from the huge white flower you can sneak past on level two) instantly kill you.

Also am I doing level 2 wrong? The uh, huge, invulnerable thing follows me and pounds my face into the ground. I can probably jimmy way my way through the whole level by abusing invulnerability frames and otherwise eating shit as I sprint past everything. But it's pretty difficult, and makes me think there's a cleaner way to do this.
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Re: Anthophobia

It's weird that the little purple waddling dildo things (that are spawned from the huge white flower you can sneak past on level two) instantly kill you.

Also am I doing level 2 wrong? The uh, huge, invulnerable thing follows me and pounds my face into the ground. I can probably jimmy way my way through the whole level by abusing invulnerability frames and otherwise eating shit as I sprint past everything. But it's pretty difficult, and makes me think there's a cleaner way to do this.

I am not entirely sure, but it only seems to show up when you make a lot of noise/run/have feet on the ground. Use the flowers that spit on you to jump up to higher places whenever possible, and it should show up less.

Also, I think the flares (big machines you press E near) can be used somehow to distract it, but I haven't been able to figure out how yet.
Re: Anthophobia

I also haven't the faintest idea how to get the level 2 boss to drop his shield. I mean he does, but I have no idea why or when or how. I've shot him in every part of his body, looked around the ceilings and floors, thrown molotovs, shot him while he spun, gimped his melee attack (run in and out of range) and shot at him during it, hit him with my bar... Is it just a random time variable?
Re: Anthophobia

I also haven't the faintest idea how to get the level 2 boss to drop his shield. I mean he does, but I have no idea why or when or how. I've shot him in every part of his body, looked around the ceilings and floors, thrown molotovs, shot him while he spun, gimped his melee attack (run in and out of range) and shot at him during it, hit him with my bar... Is it just a random time variable?

try run away from him and look closely. He will make weird noise if you make him do certain move >:D
Re: Anthophobia

Oh man, I didn't remember this game, I remember it being too heavy for my old shitty computer, a few months ago tho! Time to give this bad boy a run on my new machine.
Re: Anthophobia

I also haven't the faintest idea how to get the level 2 boss to drop his shield. I mean he does, but I have no idea why or when or how. I've shot him in every part of his body, looked around the ceilings and floors, thrown molotovs, shot him while he spun, gimped his melee attack (run in and out of range) and shot at him during it, hit him with my bar... Is it just a random time variable?

It's been mentioned a couple times already, but I'll reiterate. Whenever he does his spin move he launches out little blob things that eventually land on the floor. Jump over them and lure him to them. Repeat this 3-4 times and he'll be vulnerable.

As for me, I can't for the life of me clear the auto-turret segment of level 3. The closest I got was 1 bar from full power til I was swarmed and backed against the locked door. Those arm-shield bastards waste so much turret ammo :mad:.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the little shits start spawning from the hallway vents, wasting even more ammo missing the flower things.

I'm guessing I have to shoot out the legs of the shield guys to bring them down faster, but I kinda lost motivation to try another go after that almost-win.
Re: Anthophobia

It's been mentioned a couple times already, but I'll reiterate. Whenever he does his spin move he launches out little blob things that eventually land on the floor. Jump over them and lure him to them. Repeat this 3-4 times and he'll be vulnerable.

As for me, I can't for the life of me clear the auto-turret segment of level 3. The closest I got was 1 bar from full power til I was swarmed and backed against the locked door. Those arm-shield bastards waste so much turret ammo :mad:.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the little shits start spawning from the hallway vents, wasting even more ammo missing the flower things.

I'm guessing I have to shoot out the legs of the shield guys to bring them down faster, but I kinda lost motivation to try another go after that almost-win.

Hmmm, I did that part on the 1st go (normal difficulty), here are some of the things to look out for:

1. Shoot out the legs of shield enemies yourself, otherwise they waste a LOT of your turret ammo. Hitting them on the shield is pointless.

2. Make use of every single turret clip! Save your molotov (you should have at least 2)!

3. The 1st segment is relatively tame and there's an infinite bullet box, so where possible hold off reloading the turret and use your own gun until enemies start to swarm before reloading the turret. Your goal is to hold until you can close the 1st gate and be able to save 1 turret clip in your inventory to bring over to segment 2.

4. Assuming you've carried a turret clip from segment 1 into segment 2 and close that 1st gate, you should be able to ride it out the rest easy. Crouch a bit in front of your segment 2 turret and unload whenever you see shield enemies, use leg sweep whenever flowers or crawlers approach. Reload turret when empty. You should easily be able to ride til 2nd gate can be closed. Onward to segment 3.

5. Do the same as #4, when you run out of turret clips there should still be 1 or 2 bars of power to be charged before you can close last gate. Retreat to the last door control panel, this is where you hold (don't back up much further or you won't be able to reach the panel again to close door when power bar fills). Space out your 2 molotovs here and use bullets liberally, the power bar should fill up about the time your second molotov firewall expire, flip the door control and you're done.
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Re: Anthophobia

Wait wait wait.

You can CLOSE GATES? How? Those big stupid "GATE PANEL" things? I mashed E, X, Z, and every other key around them and they did nothing, despite looking super important.
Re: Anthophobia

Wait wait wait.

You can CLOSE GATES? How? Those big stupid "GATE PANEL" things? I mashed E, X, Z, and every other key around them and they did nothing, despite looking super important.

Admittedly, you can't close them right away, when the power restoration hits certain benchmarks you'll be able to close a gate then move on to the next one. A subtle hint on when a gate can be closed is if you notice enemies suddenly starting to spawn through the vents behind you.
Re: Anthophobia

Ah, right! I'm so used seeing those naked male zombies to the point that i forgot that they're naked lol

That's not actually a problem I think. Outlast, that horror game, has some full on male nudity with their penises being totally shown.

It'd be an M-rated release, but...
Re: Anthophobia

Sour Jelly, would you be upset if I bought the DLSite version, but then acquired a pirated, uncensored Kimochi version?