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Terror in Old Edo!


Dec 6, 2009
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To keep things from getting to cluttered in the OOC I will move all of my options for my upcoming to this thread:

Master is 23 year old hermaphrodie aristocrat.

Master Choices:
Set 1
  1. OCD priest
  2. Brown Skinned Masochist
  3. Albino Artist

Set 2

  1. Cross dressing Bishonen
  2. Blind Handicapped Oracle or
  3. Lecherous Priest/Magician

Master Power Source List
  1. Political Power & Assets
  2. Blood Ties & Military Might
  3. Renown & Magical Power

Stress Explosion
  1. Binge
  2. Sleep
  3. Crying
  4. Seclusion
  5. Running Away

Master Color List
  1. Sky Blue Hair and Indigo Eyes
  2. Brown Hair and Vermilion Eyes
  3. Cream Hair and Orange Eyes
  4. ++ If Albino is selected she will have White Hair and Red Eyes

It seems like my two current potential players have opted for Horror, in which case the story will revolve around zombie/demon/cthulu/vampire/etc attacks in feudal Japan and the maids trying to protect the residence and the master. If a light hearted setting is chosen (If I get more people) I will work on the plot for that over the weekend.

Let the voting commence!
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

I just recently also got an idea for the game inspired by this anime: Thoughts?
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

It was just turning to twilight in the Japanese port city of Ijichokin, crickets could be heard happily chirping their symphonic chorus; merchants, dock workers, and families were beginning to pack up to head home at the end of a busy work day; the waves of the ocean at the dock's end were lapping serenely, and junk boats, cruisers, and merchant ships were being tied to the port with guards making regular patrols. The sun was starting to set as a lone carriage made it's way through the settling streets down towards the "seedier" area of the city. It had been a long trip from the quaint country area where the dual inhabitants of the carriage originated, and they were both excited and anxious about the assignment they have received. It was odd for maids such as themselves to be assigned to a bar in a red light district rather than a luxurious spacious mansion as they likely originally envisioned but they knew that they couldn't cut straws and be choosy about their jobs. Though they had heard many interesting and wonderful things about the mistress of the establishment, a well known and respected sage that the people of the city often turned to for fortune telling, blessings, and spirit banishments. Undoubtedly they likely also wondered what such a woman would be doing in a seedy bar. The occupants, a somewhat androgynous yet, charming young woman with pointed ears, blue eyes, and grey hair wearing a traditional Japanese house workers uniform; and a young woman also with pointed ears, wearing a dazzling golden maid outfit, lustrous golden locks, and orange eyes, sat on opposite sides of the cart, they had a while before arriving at their destination- so they had decent time to speak to one another and or get to know each other if they so decided.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Yumiko had to admit one thing: Coming to the city was certainly an...interesting experience. The day was ending and the streets were bustling with people of all ages. With all the changes happening to their country, this town suddenly became a bustling center for activity. The smell of the ocean was strong in this town and she honestly enjoyed it. It was almost like entering another world to the young woman, who had lived in the country her whole life.

The sight of her new job assignment however was NOT what she was expecting from all this. They were heading to a rather rather seedy part of town where less then reputable individuals were no doubt walking the street and for a young woman as quiet as her, all the noise and activity might get overwhelming. But work was work and she was not about to turn it down. Her family left her with many debts and she had to pay them off somehow. Better this than the alternative. At the very least, their employer seemed a rather reputable individual: A well respected sage that served the people of the town through fortune telling, blessings and exorcisms. Maybe her lodgings were only because she could not afford much on her services. Well, regardless, the tomboyish woman would have to get use to them. She had spent most of the trip gazing at the sights, even catching sight of a steam ship in the harbor. What wonders this new land beheld! With some time left to go, Yumiko thought it best to strike up a conversation. "Hard to believe that our services would be needed out here. I figure we'd be going to the capital."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

As the car moved through the city, the young elven girl could see how all the townspeople ended theirs day, getting all ready for the next day. She remain looking to the window for a while thinking at her next job and in what she could need to do to in order to acomplish her mission, she really wanted to dont go to that dangerous place and even less at a bar inside the most dangerous place of this city but there was not any chance of do it, at least.

Playing a little with her lustrous long blonde hair she decide than she will try to do it in a kind and friendly way at least, maybe the bar owner will cooperate without the need of desesperate methods. The blonde girl turn to the other person in front of her, a really atletich and possible silver elf, the words of this girl make her nod and smile before answer. I know, i was expecting a castle or at least a luxury mansion, but maybe that bar is not so bad, for what i heard the owner is really a good person and if she can live there we could find a way to do it too.

She then make a little bow trying to make a friendly introduction yet manner introduction. My name is Aria Vanquish, lets do our best in our new job.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Yumiko Komori. A pleasure. It's not everyday I find another of my kin in these parts. My parents led me to believe I was the only one of my kind around here. Guess they were wrong about that too." She did not like speaking of her parents. They were the ones who left her in this situation and here she was, heading to a job in the most dangerous part of town. But she tried not to dwell on angry thoughts. That's not what she did. "I do hope the rumors of the owner are as true as you say. From what I've heard, the people see her as something of a godsend. One would think the people would have given her a better place to ply her trade. But I'm just ranting now. All we can do is help her out and do as good a job as we can."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

A pleasure to meet you too, Miss Yumiko. Aria answer as she place herself in a more comfy place to continue talkin. Oh well, they arent so wrong, i had been in many places and saw many of our kind in some of my travels. Her orange eyes shine softly as the other maid continue talking. Our mistress must have her reasons to live there, but yes the true is than im a little nervious for work and even live there. So, we should protect each other and look for our mistress as best as we can, if you have any problem please count in me, i will try my best to aid you in what i can. The blonde elf said said blushing and getting close, trying to give her hand to the silver elf and over all trying to accept her as a partner or maybe even a friend
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"So long as she's as good a person as people say, I won't object. And yes, we should keep an eye on each other just as much as our mistress. Kin need to watch out for each other after all. Yumiko spoke with conviction and had a confident grin on her face. She took the other elfs hand, as if to make a promise. "So long as I'm around, you'll have the best pair of eyes this country has to offer. Me and my rifle have never missed a shot yet. Especially when it comes to protecting people. And I'll welcome the help. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. "
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

After a short time more, the carriage would finally arrive at the heart of the red light district, where an extravagant restaraunt/pub would be found in the middle of a section of buildings; the building was in the style of a reaching up beyond the rest of the buildings, it had a rather nice looking terrace above the main building. "Well ladies, here we are. Golden Hall Pub and Diner. One of the finest establishments in our district. You needn't fret, Lady Tsukiyomi is an honorable woman and fair employer. You should be just fine." The driver said before waiting for them to get off the carriage and take their bags before driving off.

In a short while after they would be greeted by a young woman in a navy maid uniform with deep orange-red hair, pink eyes and glasses, followed shortly by a fair skinned lass with long flowing curly purple hair and the gentlest looking lavender eyes. She was dressed in the traditional shrine maiden attire and was transported by a nice looking wheel chair being pushed by another orange red haired woman in a dazzling gold suit just like Aria's with bright sky blue eyes, the only odd thing would be that they would notice a white downy angel wing and a black bat like wing protruding from her back. "Thank you Comma, Kagami. Hello ladies, my name is Sakuya Tsukiyomi. I am the owner, proprietor, and manager of this establishment. I look forward to working with and living with all of you~ Work hard, and maybe we can give a better light to this area, no pun intended~ But it must be getting cool out there, so don't stand on ceremony- come on in, and if you have anything you wish to ask of me or the others feel free to ask." She said kindly as the trio of women lead the two newcomers into their new workplace.

(( Ranger I hope the little liberty I took with you character is okay. I can edit if you wish. Also you and Arm will have been with Sakuya before Aust and Plm arrive.))
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Yumiko's words were of great pleasantness for Aria, who could notice than the car was starting to reduce the speed, maybe to turn to another street or because they were close to reach the bar. That sound amazing, but lets hope than you dont need to shoot to anyone or an kind of violence. The blonde woman turn to her luggage where Yumiko could reach to see a long katana. The true is than i preffer to solve any problem with a warm talk but you know, sometimes that is not enough.

Just then the car stop and both girls heard the car driver words what made then get more calmed as both lift the bags, suitcases and anthing than they had bring with them. Aria in her case had bring four suitcases and two bags as also her long weapon, it take her a time taking all down and she was getting exausted before end, needing to make a pause when she notice the three girls in front of them. Thanks to take us here. were the last words than Aria give to the card driver as she wave to the car moving out the place. Her attention get now completely on the others girls as she leave her luggage at the floor for a moment, fortunately nobody more except the five girls were close so her things were safe at the moment.

She get amazed to know than the woman at the chair is her new mistress but afar of that she get just stunned by the celestial behind that woman. Two elfs was a little unusual but also a Celestial... this bar looks to have more than a strange owner and she just woner what more she could find about her new home and possible family. My name is Aria Vanquish. It will be an honor serve you Mistress Sakuya... Aria said with a curtsy before she start trying to take her things with all her will to dont get very behind the group. Once in a better place where they could talk she will turn to the others two new maids and bow to them. Its a pleasure to meet both of you, Miss Kagami, Miss Comma. Ehm can i prepare a little of tea for all? i guess than we could take a time to know each of us better. Ask the blonde elf as she try to find out where is the tea and water, it is a bar so there must be close the drink bar table, they could even sit on one of the tables or if the mistress want it go deep inside the house.

[use will if needed]
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“It is our pleasure to work with you.” Ritsuko said, in a slightly monotone and tired voice, as she gazed at the new arrivals through her glasses, as if to seize them before bowing in the all too common sign of respect. She took a step back, falling behind her mistress with a look on her eyes that was hard to describe. An empty stare that gave the sense that Ritsuko wasn’t entirely there, but at the same time felt like a penetrating gaze. The young maid overall looked cool and expressionless, her features locked in a forever neutral appearance.

She looked at Komma, over the eagerness one of the new arrivals was expressing. A bit of a doubt permeated her voice as she spoke. “If Mistress fancies of your service.”
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"A pleasure to meet you both" Kommatiázo said to the new arrivals, her job pushing her mistresses chair meant that she could only dip her head to the newcomers, instead of bow like Ritsuko. As the group moved back into the building proper the tall girl took a quick glance over the new arrivals and smiled, finally something fun might actually happen here. Things had been so boring with just Ritsuko around.

On the topic of Ritsuko, the dour girl was being her usual completely funkilling self to the new arrivals, especially that one who actually seemed eager. Deciding to take a risk she stuck her foot out discretely, between Ritsuko's response and any chance for the other girls to say anything, trying to trip the dour girl.

(Using Cunning)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Yumiko removed her personal baggage from the car, which totaled two bags and a suitcase and a final special item. The item in question was a finely crafted Enfield rifle. Top of the line rifle that her parents bought before they left her. In fact, the weapon itself was what put her family into debt to begin with. Again, more bad memories she didn't want to dig up. Right now, she had to worry about work. The silver haired elf was somewhat surprised at the group that emerged to greet them. A rather stoic girl with glasses, a tall half breed and the mistress of the home, a wheelchair bound shrine maiden. Heavens. And she thought she was strange.

"The pleasure is all mine. My name is Yumiko Komori." Was all she could get out as she was led into their new home. The half breed however had her wondering a few things. Just how could something like her exists? Well, she would have plenty of time to ask questions. Now they at least had a chance to get better acquainted.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Comma Cunning (6) vs Kagami (18) Fail
Aria Will (20) vs TN (9) Super Pass

As Kagami would begin her trek into the bar-restaraunt she would not fail to notice Comma stick her foot out to trip her, and would be able to step on it, hop over it or side step it or whatever; foiling her counterpart's mischief. As Comma and the Mistress made their way in behind Kagami she would point Aria out to the bar over along the far side of the room, "Some tea would be nice, Aria. Thank you. You should be able to find our tea selection and supplies back behind the counter. We have green tea, Oolong tea, white tea, and red tea. As well as plenty of sugar. Comma, please find us a nice table to sit at so we can sit and talk. We should have fair time to get acquainted, it is after hours."
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

With her mistress instructions, Aria easily manage to find out where the tea are stored, but then she got an idea and after bow and give thanks to her mistress, she moves and take a little notebook before return to where Comma had place them.

In front of them she made a curty before say as much cutely possible. Welcome to Golden Hall Pub and Dinner" can i take your order?

As all decide we have a great variety of delicious tea. Green tea, White tea, Red tea and of course Oolong tea, each of them the best of this city
The blonde elf made a beautiful smile to them, trying to not only find out the fav of each one but also showing her skills to her Mistress and once she get the info she will hard work as best as she can to make the best tea than she can as also serve it [use Affection then Will if needed, but as she is just asking their fav tea, i dont see the need of roll for each player, in the worse case maybe only the mistress]
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

With an almost imperceptible move, the glasses girl sidestepped out of the immediate danger posed by her mischievous companion, but showed no other response beyond that, leaving anyone who noticed Komma’s attempt wondering if Ritsuko had even noticed it to begin with.

She stayed by the door as the others moved to the tables, looking at the others with certain interest in her eyes, it looked like she was slightly interested in the new arrivals, but didn’t attempt to say anything until Aria asked about the tea. “Don’t mind me, I won’t be drinking tea.” The expressionless girl said with the tiniest hint of a single emotion slipping in, apprehension, as she was never one to consume hot beverages or food. Such a shame, that even with the easiness she had to prepare food, her cat tongue impeded her from enjoying anything like the fairly relaxing time they were having there.

The maid reduced herself to gaze at the people from slightly afar, considering whether she should stay or not, as she didn’t really feel useful just standing there without doing much of nothing and didn't think her presense was necessary for the task of receiving the two new arrivals.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Adria was ready to write the orders of all, but she dont expecte than one of them decide to dont drink anything. The blonde elf blink for a moment before turn to Ritsuko who looks to dont be angry with her and it make her suppose than the glassed woman was just testing her or she could have something against the tea.

As you wish young lady, but if you are interested we have also cold dinks, coffe and even when is a little early i can offer you one of ours night drinks. Aria answer with an smile trying to remain her cute look and just wish than the girl dont ask for anything hard to make.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Seems Aria was enjoying getting into practice for when the store opened tomorrow. Yumiko had to admit, it was sorta adorable to watch the short elf work. Not wanting to leave her waiting, she leaned back in her seat slightly as she spoke. "I guess I'll try some red tea, with plenty of sugar to boot." With her order placed, she decided to address the other two women in the room. "So, have you been working for mistress for long?"
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Ritsuko blinked blankly, having clearly not thought of that before. She nodded slightly at the proposal as she skillfully avoided blushing out of embarrassment and thought of what to ask, “If that’s the case… I’ll have a cold tea, of any flavor you might wish to treat me with, if it isn’t much trouble.” She wondered if she was out of line requesting that much. She’d certainly would have been slapped across the face back then for talking this much…

Deciding to abandon her train of thought, Ritsuko saw fit to get a bit closer. Looking at both the new maids and at Komma, she stood with hands behind her back, waiting patiently for Aria, until her attention was robbed by the other elf, who threw them a quite normal question. “I haven’t been long here.” She said without thinking much of it, unable to find it in herself to even have a bit of curiosity to ask the two girls about anything at all.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Green tea for me please and thank you." Kommatiázo said to the eager elf girl as she wheeled the Mistress to a suitable table. Taking Ritsuko's dodge in stride and giving no indication that she was disappointed at the result, other then a small droop in her bat like wing.

When Yumiko added her own question she responded with a small smirk I've been here slightly longer, not by much though. It's going to be great to have some more hands around." Then taking a chance to ask the two a question, seeing as damp rag Ritsuko wasn't going to be doing it, "So I'm going to take a guess neither of you are from around here, that right?"