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Terror in Old Edo!

Re: Terror in Old Edo!

It was as if she was firing on all cylinder this morning. She was the first awake, first to wake mistress, and had been amazingly successful in doing her first major task for the house. Looked like all those years living by herself paid off and paid off in spades. She dropped off the fresh laundry at Sakuyas room, had just finished with Ritsuko and Komma and was moving to her and Arias room. Were anyone to find her, they would find her in a good mood as she finished her work.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Thank you Aria, it was a most pleasant bath." She said as the golden haired elven maid pushed her demure mistress to the dining room. "Hmmm?~ Don't worry so much, Ritsuko. I'm sure you did the best you could. It'll be just fine." She said reassuringly to the depressed seeming maid before taking a small bite, and munching on the rice a little. "Hmmmm.....*munch much* It's.... good, Ritsuko. The flavor or taste doesn't seem to have been affected by it. A little crispy, but not hard or anything. You did well, we all make mistakes every now and then. Try to cheer up~" She encouraged the other elven maid in a chirpy sing song voice, as tugged on the maid's sleeve to bring her down where she could pat her shoulder comfortingly. "Now, Aria is out looking for Yumiko, I think I heard Komma in the orchard. Why don't you bring her in her breakfast?"

As Aria would find Yumiko back in their sleeping quarters, Ritsuko would locate Komma out in the orchard as the mistress predicted, but while she would see a half full basket of fruit, she would also spot Komma rummaging through the hedgery. She would most likely want to know what the patchwork maid was doing out there.....
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

After take Sakuya to the dinning room, the blonde elf decide to start her search around the place. Dressed and maybe a little tired after the work before the breakfast, she cheerfully moves through the corridors and rooms, trying to know more of the owner family but then she without trying found the other elf at theirs rooms.

I find you! said Aria with a giggle after trying to stealthily hug the other maid from her back. Why you leave us? The next time we should all take a bath together, is more fun and we could meet us better as we talk of our lives. Said the blonde girl as she cuddle her head on Yumiko,s back as this enjoy the silvergirl hair warm. The breakfast is ready thanks to Miss Ritsuko and our mistress order me to take you there
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Ah, thank you mistress.” The girl said with some surprise as Sakuya voiced her satisfaction, the fear of being beaten disappearing in a flash as the corner of her mouth curved into a small smile. It was clear that Ritsuko perked up a bit at her mistress’s words.

She was a bit stunned when her mistress patted her on the shoulder, but Ritsuko quickly replied with a slightly less gloomy-than-usual answer at the request. “Yes, madam.” She said and walked off into the orchard.

It didn’t take long to the four eyes, as she noticed the taller maid going about in a corner, she walked closer silently, feeling a bit curious as to what Kommatzie was doing. She stopped just about a step away from the robomaid, and looked for a second over her shoulder, before deciding she wouldn’t get any more information without talking to her peer.

“Komma.” She muttered.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Letting out a surprised gasp, Yumiko would then stutter out a surprised comment. "Ah! Aria, you surprised me. Sneaky little bugger." She cracked a smile as Aria began asking about why Yumiko was so quick to leave the bath earlier. A touchy subject for sure. "We...Well I didn't want to intrude. It only seemed reasonable that I not bother the mistress during her bath. One of us being there was quite enough. But I'm sure we'll get time later where we can enjoy some time to talk, regardless of setting." She was surprised at how affectionate the other elf was, especially compared to her. She was quite and soft spoken by comparison. "Later though. I promise we'll get some time to chat, just the two of us. How bout it?" Regardless of her response, she would smile at the prospect of food. "Well, no use waiting then. Lets go! She would allow Aria to lead her to the dining area, raising little objection as she did.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

As Komma would continue rummaging and Ritsuko would try to get the patchwork maid's attention, a bush off to the other side would rustle before a chubby little raccoon would pop out from behind them and jump up on top of each maid's head and steal their headdresses before dashing back off into the bushes. Once the little critter disappeared back into the hedgery, the duo would once again hear a mischievous laughter. It seemed like someone or something was wishing to play games with the maids.

Meanwhile Yumiko and Aria would make their way back to the dining table, where they would find the mistress sitting alone at the table by herself, missing two of the four maids. "Oh Aria, Yumiko. Good of you to make it back. Breakfast is ready, Ritsuko made miso and fried rice. I don't know if either of you had any preferences, so I hope it is okay. Speaking of which would you two mind going off to the orchard out back to see what is keeping Komma and Ritsuko? Their breakfast will grow cold, if they take too long~" She asked in a kind manner at the new arrivals.

Back outside in the orchard, Aria and Yumiko would find the two maids out near the bushes around the trees, It would seem Ritsuko was sent to fetch the patchwork angel, and Komma was out looking for...... something, but what might catch their attention the most, was that both of them were missing their headdresses.

((Komma and Ritsuko are at -2 for loss of headdress))
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Damned raccoon" Kommatiázo muttered to herself as the raccoon made off with her headdress. Turning to Ritsuko she said "Come on we got to catch that little punk and quick. With that Kommatiázo turned and tried to hunt down the little thief.

(Use Luck if I can get away with it)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Ah, y-yes.” Ritsuko managed to respond, trying to keep her wits about what just happened, she followed Komma, for about 4 steps until she looked at the entrance of the place for a moment spotting both Aria and Yumiko. “You…” She muttered at the 2 elves, finding it impossible to stop following Kommatzie. She just gave a pleading look at the 2 arrivals before turning her attention onto the raccoon as well.

(Roll... whatever stat is needed for this as needed)
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

From the looks of the scene she and Aria just stumbled upon, the more experienced maids were in a bit of a pickle. And they were missing their headdresses. A most frustrating situation. "Well Aria, time to help out our co-workers. Lets show them how we elves catch a raccoon." Rolling up her sleeves, Yumiko took a few deep breaths before attempting to chase after the furry bastard.

(Skill roll if necessary, backed up by luck if needed)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Aria giggle and hug a last time the silver elf before answer. It would had be fine if you had join us, after all a bath is better as more people join and having two maids washing her, could had made our Mistress more happy and relaxed. Then the gold maid slowly get away and take Yumiko hand to guide her. Thanks, i will love a lot to chat a while with you, after eat and work a little of course. Said this, both elves went to the dinner room where thers mistress waited for them.

Soon the mistres ask them to go look for the other and both accepted, yet Aria feels really bad to let Sakuya alone eating when something could happen, but it was just a moment so she just tried to made this faster. Once outside she notice both others maids close some bushes and she supposed than they had miss something, as they looks to be really focused in their task. The blonde elf was so focused at her worries than she never heard than a raccon were the guilty of all this.Ehm, yes lets catch him... but first let me close this just in case. she know than she was not so fast and maybe that unknown fluffy creature could get inside the mansion and cause a lot of problems so she closed the door behind her and tried to find out a way to trap the creature if this return to where is the mansion.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Komma: Athletic x d6= 6 + Luckx d6= 24 30-2=28 vs TN 8 total- Super Pass
Willpower x d6= 8-2=6 vs TN 12; Fail. Komma is now the naked! :O (Now at -7)

Komma would manage through luck and determination to capture the mischievous little critter, but as soon as she would pick up the furry little devil, she would feel a terrible draft all over. If she dared to look down, she would soon find that she was as naked as the day she was born! Oh how humiliating for a maid! She would quickly drop the critter and let it scurry off again to cover herself; so as to not let the other maids get a look at her naughty bits.

Ritsuko:Athletics x d6= 8-2=6 Fail
Yumiko: 4xd6= 20 vs TN 8, Willpower: 10 vs TN 12, Fail. Yumiko is under effect of Horny! spell, -2 to all rolls.

As Komma would drop the little Critter, Ritsuko would sadly find that she was just not quite fast enough to catch it. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Yumiko was..... Though her fate would prove to not be much better then Komma's as while she did keep her clothes, she soon found herself wishing she hadn't.... An intense itching, heat and swell of pleasure would rack her body.... It appears the raccoon had magical powers and cursed Yumiko with a wave of arousal. It was a Tanuki! A magical raccoon! They would need all the luck in the world to deal with this nuisance.....
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Eek…” Came a weak little voice from Ritsuko as she finally processed what had just transpired. She looked lost for a moment as she gazed at Kommatzie’s body before turning to the raccoon, something like this was seriously new to the almost-mute. Although considering she’d seen little more than the interior of a basement, the cold streets and the interior of a sleazy bar, it was a given.

But the girl steeled herself, with an almost imperceptible shake of her head, she looked at the raccoon, even if she wasn’t fast enough to catch it, maybe she could make it corner itself?

“Aria.” She raised her voice a little, as she remembered the only other maid that was left standing besides herself. There was no time to explain, but Ritsuko hoped the elf maid would catch up to the idea.

She started moving, trying to guess the direction the raccoon would try next. Trying to cut the escape routes from the animal instead of following directly, helping herself with Aria’s positioning as to keep two escape routes blocked for as much as possible. With enough luck they might be able to catch it and stop this foolishness once and for all.

(Roll for cunning, a helping of luck if it is possible. And of course, if plmnko follows suit, does "Tag teaming" help in this situations?)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Once the door closed, Aria ended just in time to see how sudenly something weird was happening to her fellows. Looking how Comma ubiform suddenly dissapeaar made her get surprised and unable to understand what was happening, at least Yumiko dot get also undressed when the little creature was trapped by her, but the silver elf also drop the raccon.

Unable tounderstand what as happening she only get awaken of her doubts by Ritsuko weak voice. Aria frown softly and then get close, unsure of what the silent maid want. But she is sure than she cant let that little animal do that to the others maids.

She walked to the creature with her will at han to face it yet she was not sure what to do in that moment, maybe the creature tried to just efend itself or something but leaving Comma like that was just too far.

Please stop , we dont want to hurt you, we only want than you bring back the clothes of all. I know than you want to just get some fun but we can do it without hurt each other. The blonde elf say in a kind tone trying to calm the raccon and maybe make him friendly, but not getting so much close until he had returned the clothes. Meanwhile, the quiet maid could continue getting close stealty to try to trap the raccon if this fail.

(affection and dunno if this could give a bonnus to Arm too)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Gah what in the 7 levels of hell!" Kommatiázo said as she tried to cover her chest and lower bit, then she snarled "What did you do with my clothes you little perverted bastard." Being as she was their wasn't much she could do to help, being too focused on protecting her modesty.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Just when she thought the furry little bastard was hers, the normally quiet elf maid felt an unnatural heat rack her body to it's very core. Her face was flush and she began to sweat and she dropped the magical creature before too long. Yumiko fell to her knees, her body not use to the sensation filling her. Why, of all things, would it do this to her?! Not only did it seek to torment the 4 maids, it also sought to humiliate them in every single capacity and no one was safe it seemed, what with Komma being stripped naked as the day she was born. With what strength she could muster, Yumiko called out to her companions. "B...Be...careful! That thing isn't natural! Ah! HA!" She cried out trying her best to suppress the feelings within her, unsure of how much longer she would retain her rational thoughts.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Aria Affection: 4xd6=24 + (Ritsuko Affection)[3xd6]9=33 vs TN 10 SUPER PASS! - Willpower: 3xd6=15+2xd6= 21 vs TN 10 - SUPER PASS Coon caught!

Aria's soft smoothing bell like voice would manage to pacify the wily critter long enough for Ritsuko to manage to slowly creep up on and swoop down the creature to catch! In a rare swing of luck and chance both maids would be able to resist the tanuki's magic this time around. The furry little would squirm and wriggle fiercely in the maid's hands/arms, attempting to bite at Ritsuko to no avail to force her to let her go.

"ACK! NOOO! DON'T SQUISH ME! PLEASE LET ME GO! I WAS JUST PLAYING! PUT ME DOWN YOU STUPID HUMAN! LET! ME! GOOO!" The tanuki would screech out at the silent maid, pleading to be released, "I didn't mean any harm! I'm a tanuki! I'm supposed to cause mischief! Nobody was really hurt!"

At all the ruckus, and noticing her help had been absent for a fair amount of time, Sakuya would finally roll her way outside to the orchard where she would be met with a most surprising site, "OH! Komma, Yumiko! What in the heavens........" She would cry out before seeing Ritsuko holding the raccoon tight. "Oh.... a tanuki?" She said as rolled her way over to Ritsuko. She would close her eyes in concentration for a moment before releasing a magical bubble around the maid and the animal. "You can let it go, Ritsuko. He or she won't go anywhere. The shield should be able to hold against only the most powerful magic."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Even in her heated state, Yumiko couldn't help but smirk as the creature got caught and was begging for mercy. Had she not been incapacitated, she would have gone and snapped the beast neck and turned it into a cap. But Sakuya arrived on the scene, curious as to the absence of her staff. Yumiko felt a good deal of shame in being seen in her state, but she could only imagine how shamed Komma must feel. However, it seemed Mistress was going to show the creature some kindness and mercy and let him go. Not surprised, given her personality. "M...Miss...Misstress, you are being too kind to this creature. Some punishment is necessary! He embarrassed me and brought great shame to Komma. That cannot stand! Even if he is a trickster, there is a limit!"
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Ritsuko was skeptical even as her mistress told her it was fine to let go of the animal that had tried to scratch and hurt her just moments before. “Sorry mistress… I feel safer like this.” She declared as she kept a firm, but not-hurtful grip on the feisty animal in her hands. Pressing the animal against her bosom to keep it pinned, she took one long breath as she calmed down, somewhat oblivious to the fact that she was now trapped inside the bubble with the tanuki.

“Miss Yumiko, I object to that resolution.” She quickly replied at the elf’s maid comment. Her glare as stoic as ever, but still trained on the maid in heat. “It might… have disgraced us… but nobody is hurt. This deserves punishment, but death is too harsh.” She said, unaware that Yumiko hadn't actually spoken that part about breaking the tanuki's neck.

The silent maid was somewhat out of breath after that, or maybe just flustered, it'd been the first time she'd have had to talk more than 4 words at once, and she wasn't too sure of her own voice.

(OOC: I could swear there was a mention of death penalty on Aust's post when I first read it...)
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

After the tanuki get caught, Aria remain quiet hearing all and just making a bow to her Mistress before give her point of view.

Ehm, Miss Yuniko only said than there should be a punishment for all what happened. Inform to Ritsuko before place her eyes in the tanuki, as also moves to cover the angel body from the sight of the others.

But i dont see a reason if the clothes are returned and it learn the lesson of never again make anything against us. We could even be friends and play some times
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"I'm all up for squishing the imp, or maybe sending him to hell so he can burn with the other perverts." Kommatiázo said as she continued trying to cover herself her face growing redder by the moment, "No you know what, that would be too good for him. I'm sure we can find something better!"

Then Kommatiázo realized that her mistress was actually present, getting even redder, out of multiple forms of embarrassment, she said "O-of course it's your choice in the end Mistress, though I vote for punishing him severely if he doesn't give us back our clothes, right, now."