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Terror in Old Edo!

Re: Terror in Old Edo!

The little raccoon began to thrash about and struggle in Ritsuko's arms even fiercer at Komma and Yumiko's words, clearly fearing for it's little life, "NOOOOOO! DON'T KILL ME! I DIDN'T MEAN ANY HARM! I WAS JUST FORAGING WHEN I FOUND MY WAY HERE! AND I HAD TO KEEP YOU DISTRACTED TO SNEAK IN FOR FOOD! SOMETHING IS HAPPENING IN THE FOREST! MY SISTERS ARE BEING FORCED OUT OF OUR HOME! I WAS DESPERATE, and also just wanting a little bit of fun while I was at it...... BUT PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHES BACK JUST TELL THIS ONE TO PUT ME DOWN AND I'LL GIVE THEM TO YOU![/B] Just please don't kill me okay....." the little creature begged, now beginning to sniffle and cry, truly sorry for her actions and fearing for her life.

"Let her go, Ritsuko. She won't get anywhere with my shield up." The mistress said softly yet firmly to her maid. If and when Ritsuko released the tanuki, she would quickly revert to her true humanoid form, only wearing Komma's missing clothes..... "H-here.... I have underwear on, so I'll just take these off and revert to my usual clothes..... You said you wouldn't kill me right.....?" She asked pleadingly, as she handed the clothes to the mistress's direction, where Sakuya would take the clothes and scoot them over to the beet red stark naked Komma. "Now, promise to not pull any more mischief like this, and we'll let you go. While you're at it while don't you tell us your name and just what exactly is happening in the forest? I haven't felt any sort of disturbance lately...."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Maybe it was the frustration and shame making her angry, but seeing the racoon frantically beg and plead for it's life and explain its situation may have brought the elf around. Still shaking and sweating somewhat, Yumiko would try and stand herself up and hear out the situation. When her fellow maid released the creature and she turned human, the elf had to admit that it was both cute and funny seeing the tanuki in maid clothing. Must have been the heat talking. However, she could no longer ignore the heat welling inside of her."E...excuse me, Miss Tanuki...could you please remove this curse f...from me? It's... it's getting hard to focus and I'm afraid I might jump someone if its not cured."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“I… understand…” Ritsuko muttered, still a bit wary, as she let go of the raccoon that changed form quickly, provoking a raising eyebrow out of the stoic maid. Another thing made the maid react the same again, as she noticed at her arms, which started hurting not long after. The numerous scratches on her arms were annoyingly painful but nothing that would cause the maid to actually wince, even as a couple tiny droplets of blood pushed their way through the small cuts, these was nothing compared to her old life afte all.

Not bothering with the harm to her skin, the silent maid simply watched as she distanced herself from the raccoon a couple of steps and just observe things unfold.

(OOC: Should I point out, Komma's pretty big, I'd imagine her clothes would be the tanuki's wrong fit.)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Rapidly re-clothing herself Kommatiázo (who wasn't looking any less like a beet yet) decided to fume from the corner, she said she wasn't going to kill the damned raccoon if it gave her her clothes back so she wouldn't. Though she was still very angry at the creature turned girl so she didn't trust herself to speak, especially not infront of the mistress.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Aria give a releif breat once all looks to be calmed, finally moving to a side to let all get recovered. However the suddenly transformation of the raccon made her get amazed and stunned. Wow, you are so pretty, i dunno what is happening at the forest but if it helps you, i wish to be able to help you and your sisters as much as i can, but im sure than our Mistress will know what we can do for you.

Once said this she heard to her fellow elf and get worried for her as she cant find out what kind of curse the silver haired one have. Please cure her, Miss. the young elf manage to add to the pray of the other elf, wishing than all get solved soon so they could start helping the raccon girl.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

The tanuki would sweat drop at Aria and Yumiko's request, "Oh, hee hee..... S-sorry, I got carried away with that spell.... I swear I won't run off, but if you let me out I'll fix that lil' problem right quick~" she said. "Alright, but if you try to pull anything, I'll have to punish you." Sakuya said as she released the raccoon, once she did the tanuki would scamper over to Yumiko and bend over to give the panting and blushing maid a short kiss in the mouth, her lithe tongue briefly flicking hers, before backflipping away and giving a earnest bow to all present.

"Erm, sorry once again to all. To be honest, I really do not know what is happening.... I was playing with my sisters one day and then suddenly, the air began to get very heavy..... I mean there were no storm clouds or anything! It was an invisible miasma..... Then this hot and fierce wind blew throughout the area..... and my sisters were gone! I went looking for them...... but only found their clothes lying around...... *sniffle* I was so lonely.... Then..... then..... goblins and evil looking versions of my friends appeared.... I ran as far as I could.... through the woods, down the roads.... then I found the area around your home.... I used a concealed disruption spell to get through your barrier.... I was so lonely and hungry, that when I smelled your breakfast and saw your helpers, I thought I could have some happy moments for once.... I just wanted some food and someone to play with.... I apologize for going as far as I did....." She finished for a short spell, having run out of breath before getting a second wind and meekly asking..... "So..... will you help me, please?"
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Ritsuko barely batted an eye as the Tanuki gave a quirky little kiss in the lips to the elf maid, looking no less stoic than she’d done before, having already forgotten of the scratches on her arms, how could she? These wounds were nothing compared to what she used to go through.

With little concern about the remaining fair skin she had left, she just stood up, listening at the story the raccoon girl was feeding them. Which quickly provoked the girl’s eyebrow to raise as the story finished, the silent maid trying to figure herself out. She looked at her mistress, with eyes that seemed to be able to speak in Ritsuko’s instead… or was it her actual psychic powers, telepathy?

‘I’m interested…’ these words would appeare clearly in Sakuya’s head, when and if she looked in the silent maid’s direction.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"C...Carried away? W...What do you mean by..." Before the elf could mutter or let out another confused response, she was shocked by the tanuki's sudden kiss. Her eyes widened with sheer shock and surprise at the unexpected display of affection. Even if it was a cure for whatever strange curse she laid upon her, it was still strange. Yumiko didn't even know how to react when the trickster flicked her own.

When all was said and done, the feelings from before began calming down significantly and she could feel her mind returning to her. She took a few deep breaths to recover herself before focusing on the conversation at hand. Seemed a malevolent force was working its way through certain locations. It seemed the tanuki was scared and she needed help. Help that only they might be able to provide. "I see little reason not to assist her. For all we know, these creatures could be making their way here and then we'd be in danger. Of course, the final decision is up to you mistress. I will fight at your command."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

All was getting really strange in so Little time, not only the raccon has turned into a cute girl, but now she has said something about a posible danger tan could affect them too. Aria was thinking in this when the sudden kiss to her fellow kind was given by the strange raccon girl. H...hey, that was really needed? say worried the blonde elf thinking tan maybe this has been Yumiko first kiss, if that was true then she cant do anything now as she never have a chance to stop them.

Once passed this she needed to get focused in the forest problem, but these girls were just maids even when theirs mistress must have the enough to fight these strange forest spirits. At least Yumiko said tan she could use a rifle, but the others two girls were having problems with just a raccon, even when this were a magic one, Aria has choiced to never hurt someone and just love the persons around her, even when this could mean pain to her.

Yes, dont worry we will find a way to help you and yours sisters, but we should be ready for what could be a difficult enviroment, i really dont like to fight but i will do my best. Say Aria trying to find out if the others were strong enough to defend themselves at least.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Kommatiázo, had managed to calm down slightly, though by no means was she not angry with the raccoon turned girl. Crossing her arms under her chest she continued to glare at the girl, but eventually sighed, gave a bit of a vicious smile and said I'd rather help deal with this problem now too. Better then having to deal with it later when its come to burn us for procrastinating, though its up to you mistress.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

The mistress sighed relieved, glad that her staff chose to be reasonable and spare the little scamp. She then wheeled herself over to the group, "Now then I imagine you have a name other than Tanuki, yes?" Sakuya asked the raccoon-girl, "Y-yes. My name is Tachibana, but you can just call me Tachi if you wish. All my friends and family do." "Very well, Tachi. Since you were able to sneak through my barrier, you can head back out and I shall head out to meet you shortly, I promise." The mistress said as Tachibana scampered away. "Ritsuko, I will need you to put up a sign at the pub stating we will be closed for a bit. I hate to do it, but we have given our word we would help Tachi. But first let me help relieve those scratches she left on you. She said as she placed her hands on Ritsuko's arms before closing her eyes and releasing a glowing pink aura over the wounds, the bite marks and scratches slowly disappearing. "There we go, good as new. If any of you have arms, I suggest you get them, as well as some provisions. I expect to have some left over chicken and such in the icebox. Once you're ready, meet out here and we will join Tachi outside. Be prepared, the woods are thick in magical energy, and even if they haven't been chased off or replaced by evil spirits, the magical inhabitants aren't very keen on human visitors. So be wary and on guard." She stated cautiously to her maid team.

Komma receives 1 stress from clothes removal
Yumiko receives 3 Stress -1 (2 Stress) for Hornification spell, -1 for removal
Ritsuko receives 2 stress for bites and scratches; -1 for Mistress healing (1 Stress)
All maids receive 2 favor for capturing Raccoon, and 2 more for agreeing to release and help Tachi

Begin "Dark Forest" Arc!
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Ritsuko remained silent as her mistress took her slender and punished arms and used some sort of magic on them, her eyes slightly wider than before, as if surprised at Sakuya’s actions. She kept staring at her arms for a little bit after it was finished healing.

“T-thank you…” She said with a bit of confusion. Barely registering as the Tanuki spoke her name, and then the voice of her mistress calling to her again.

“As you wish.” Was Ritsuko’s response as she sped off toward the entrance to do just as ordered; she opened the door, putting the sign of ‘CLOSED’ on the door before entering and locking it again without thinking much of it. She turned around, meaning to get back to the others fast, but something broke her stride, a rumbling in her tummy made her realize she had yet to eat anything, and so did the others.

She returned to the kitchen figuring out she could still salvage the breakfast she’d taken the effort to make for everyone, had miss Sakuya eaten hers? She didn’t have much time to ponder, getting it together, she did what she could to make some lunches out of the now slightly cold, but still quite serviceable breakfast.

She returned quickly, with the bentos in her hand, carrying them skillfully. "Everyone." She said to draw the attention of the people present. If anyone tried to count, they would notice there were 6 lunches in the girl's hands. While a bit small, Ritsuko was sure everyone would be satisfied.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Understood, Mistress. Just give me a moment to retrieve my weapon. I'll feel safer if I bring it with me." With almost surprising quickness, Yumiko rushed back into the house and returned to her quarters. Underneath her bed, she pulled out a rifle case and a shoulder bag. Opening the case, it revealed a well crafted and well maintained rifle. The case itself had the markings S-E on it, an indication of the manufacturer of the fine weapon. This was Yumiko's most prized possession: A .577 Snider-Enfield rifle.

The weapon had a rather mixed history in Yumiko's family. Her father was in town delivering a shipment of crops from the recent harvest and he met a rather drunk and dissolute man. He was down on his luck and seeking passage back home. Her father, feeling sorry for the man, gave the man the money he had just earned on the sale of the food to the man. In trade, he gave her father a few of his possessions, including his weapon. Part of Yumiko hated her father for nearly bankrupting the family, but it provided her a unique opportunity.

However, that rifle was not the one Yumiko uses. She had traded that weapon to get the one she used today about a year ago from an importer. It was expensive, but a worthwhile trade. She knew now the weapon would serve her well, much like the weapon that came before. Slinging the weapon over one shoulder and the bag over another (This one containing the cartridges for the weapon), she would make her way outside. Along the way however, she almost bumped into Ritsuko, who was carrying a rather heavy looking amount of lunch boxes for the trip. Not even asking her if she needed help, the elf would take half the boxes and return the the group with her. "Come and get it folks. Ritsuko worked really hard on this."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Nice to meet you Miss Tachi! I hope than we can manage to solve all this and find your sisters as fast as possible. Aria say trying to show to the monstergirl tan all was forgiven, however she was not sure of this even when returned to get her weapon. Maybe it could be a great way to see and meet more about her Mistress, but she fear tan something bad could happen to the others, they looks to be so kind girls to be attacked by wild creatures.

She walked without lost time to her room to get her only weapon tan she has bring, it was a magnific katana, yet she has never used it to cut something alive, it was a gift to succed at her misión and she really dont wanted to use it until now. Once ready she return to the others, just when Yukimo and Ritsuko returned. Thanks for the food Miss Ritsuko I will store one of the lunch in cause than we need it later.

Once made this and stored the lunch at her bag, she returned to the side of her Mistress, ready to help with what she can, yet not completely sure of this, maybe it was her Mistress obligation but also they could ask help for the town.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

While the others went off into the mansion to retrieve what they needed Kommatiázo had a rather more interesting way of getting her weapon. Reaching down under her dress she pulled out something that at first glance looked like a katana, with very odd serrated edges. With a rather vicious grin she pressed down a small trigger on the handle and it burst to life, the edges wiring around so fast they looked solid. Then she realized their were still people around and released the trigger looking a bit sheepish.

When Ritsuko and Yumiko returned Komma said Thanks, Rits! and took one of the boxes from the other maid. Storing it somewhere in her dress.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Once all the maids had arrived back outside the property with their respective weapons and Ritsuko with the lunches the mistress would wheel her way over to the group, "Oh. Ritsuko, how considerate. I had completely forgotten about breakfast, and after you had worked so hard to fix it for us. Very good. We could sit and eat for a brief spell, but if everyone is okay to go now we can head out." The mistress said giving her staff the option of either eating their food or heading out for their first adventure, "Uhm, excuse me...... but..... would you mind terribly if I ate just a little bit of that food...... I'm very hungry...." The tanuki squeaked out at seeing the lunch boxes. The maids could opt to eat now or wait till later and head out towards the forest to deal with the problem that had presented itself to them....

Mansion map, X=exit to next area. Spoilered coz HUEG image is HUEG.
(Area with circle of trees is orchard; in case it isn't clear)

Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Miss Raccoon” Ritsuko spoke up as she approached the Tanuki without any of the hostility the others had shown her from before, even after the raccon had bitten scratched at the almost-mute maid’s arms. Stopping only to extend her arm toward her, holding one of the lunch boxes in front of Tachibana “Here.” She said, handing over the sixth bento she’d made with the Tanuki in mind before turning to the others, opening her mouth to speak, but a different sound beat her to it.

Ritsuko’s tummy growled quite noticeably, causing the maid to rub her tummy meekly as she looked at the others. “I vote for eating now.” She said in her usual monotone, but with a bit of an embarrassed blush on her face.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

We should all eat now when the food is still warm and Miss Tachi must be really hungry to try to get inside the mansión. Aria answer, sure tan all would be looks better if they dont have hungry, she like the others take her part of the food and eat with manners close the Mistress ready to help her if she need it
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"If the rest of you wish to eat, then I will stand watch for now. No need to worry about me. I'm actually use to going a long time without food. Living on ones own gets you use to this sort of thing." Yumiko spoke with no fear or hesitation as she stood at the head of the group, acting as a guard for the rest of the maids and her mistress. She had her rifle at the ready, prepared to fight if the need arises.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"I'll help you watch, I don't eat as much either" Kommatiázo said as she leaned on her chainkatana and just looked around, looking the complete opposite of the serious Yumiko.