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Terror in Old Edo!

Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"That's fine, it means more for me!~" Tachi said as she quickly seized up Komma and Yumiko's portions of the food and began to devour the ravenously, "Oh my, what an appetite you have Miss Tachi~" Sakuya giggled as she proceeded to daintily eat her food along with Ritsuko and Aria. "You did a most fine job with the lunches Ritsu-chan. I look forward to seeing what other meals you can prepare in the future once we settle this issue in the woods~" Sakuya cooed out to the silent maid. Once all four had finished eating their meals, Sakuya would look to Ritsuko and ask, "Ritsuko. I will you need to steer my wheel chair please. Everyone, follow us." She said calmly as she would have ritsuko push her to a gap in the lower right corner of the fence around the orchard, they would go past a temple, well, clotheslines and picnic tables, and finally come to a small road with a bridge over the winding river. Once they would leave the mansion grounds, they would come to a winding grass road, divided by a river with a bridge over it. "Just past this road is entrance to the dark forest, we have no idea what we may face in there, so all must be on guard and cautious." She said warily.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Y-yes mistress.” Ritsuko stuttered at the praise, not really minding as the tanuki devoured shares that were not hers. The corners of her mouth moved slightly, as the faintly smiling maid approached Sakuya carefully, nodding at the request. Something of a smart thing to do, after all, unlike the others, Ritsuko didn´t need her body, let alone her hands, to be able to defend herself.

“We’re moving then.” The words flowed with a little purpose to them, even Ritsuko was getting prepared mentally in case they did have to fight.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Hey! I didn't mean you could eat my food!" Kommatiázo exclaimed at Tachi, swinging her chainkatana and free hand around in the air. Though she had managed to calm down by the time they had begun heading off again, keeping her weapon over her shoulder as they moved through the woods ready to defend herself in necessary.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Aria make a silent player and then started eating, just before suddenly Tachi take all the remain food and eat it in a really fast way. P...por Miss Tachi, she really must had been hungry to eat like that. Amazed answer and then turn to the two maids than dont had eaten Dont worry, once we return, i will do my best to prepare something delicious for both of you, it must not take us too much return to the mansion, right? Said wanting really to help both maids and will store half her food if they need it later, trying than Tachi dont notice it as she do it.

Once all packed she stay ready to use her sword if needed, but begging really to dont face anything at their little tour at the forest. She looks happily the back yard. We should go out to eat more often, we could play and use these picknick tables one of these days. She say thinking away of the posible near present mennace than they will face and just continue looking around the beautiful place in a caution way.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Yumiko said nothing as the hungry raccoon devoured her portion of the food. As she mentioned, she's use to going for good periods of time without food and now was no different. She just stood stoic, gripping her rifle with a measure of pride. But with the group moving, Yumiko would take a moment to collect her thoughts and rejoin the others if she had been separated. "f no one minds, I will take point. My eyes are trained for this sort of environment. My old home was near the woods and I had to hunt many time. Makes me feel the way my ancestors did all those ages ago." She had drifted off to a bit of a daydream for a moment before getting her attention back."Let's...lets be off. No time to waste!"
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

It would take them twenty minutes to make their away across the winding path towards the forest, the scenery at first serene, until they neared the end where they'd come across what seemed a broken down road sign to what was likely at one point a quaint little woods town outside of the forest. "It's terrible...." Tachi said sadly as the entered the hamlet, "This place used to be so bustling and full of happy kitsune and other magical creatures who were able to go in and out of the human settlement to get things for themselves; for those who weren't afraid to venture out into human areas. Now it's basically a ghost town.... all the shops are boarded up...." As they would pass the closed shops they would hear a rattling noise, if they ventured to search, they would find a pair of skeletons standing outside of the boarded up temple. If they wished to enter or investigate the building they would have to contend with the undead sentries standing guard.......

Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Miss Sakuya…” Ritsuko herself was feeling a bit threatened by the sight, the mere sight of the ghost town sending a bit of dread to the ever stoic maid, “Everyone… be careful.”

Her sense of dread grew by a lot the prospect of a fight drew near. Not because she had to fight, but because their mistress was there. If she saw them fail was something Ritsuko didn’t want but there was a worse fear in her mind… if their mistress fell because of them…

The maid breathed deeply, trying to calm herself as they looked at the unnatural sentries posted there. Seemed the group would be deciding if they wanted to check out the place or not… so she spoke her stance clearly. “Whatever the group decides… I’ll follow.”
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

The blonde elf was having a great time, looking each inch of the forest really starting to forget any fear, as they havent found any dangerous creature, the time to reach the town come. Aria awe in surprise of find so well builded town, she was expecting something more natural like a cave or a most hidden town between the mountains. Well, maybe they are hidden in a safer place, please dont worry miss Tachi, i bet than all are fine she add trying to calm the whole group, as they continue walking for a while.

After a moment, a strange noise take them to a place where two strange squeletons looks to be guarding a place. Do you know them Miss tachi? Maybe these town guards know where are the townpeople
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Either that or someone opened the old front gate. I think being re-animated towns folk might be the better of those two really." Komma said as she looked at the two skeletons, twirling her chainsaw katana around her. Looking rather eager for a fight (though she wouldn't admit that she wasn't actually great at fighting, not bad either though).

"Regardless its probably best to lay them to rest rather then let them sit around here don't you think?"
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Yumiko was a little torn as to how to treat the undead guards. Unless they were willing, undeath was normally a torment for ones soul and being brought back to life was a worse curse then anything. As such, she had to voice her opinion. "If I know anything about death, which isn't all that much, undeath might not be the best condition for these two. I say we put them down peacefully and allow them to rest properly. It isn't natural."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

The mistress was silent for a good few moments as the maids began speaking, discussing on how best to handle the situation, before finally speaking out, "Either way, I would advise we exercise caution. However, I seriously doubt those two are natural or friendly. This whole place seems to be under siege and I am getting an otherworldly vibe to it that I didn't use to on the few times I ventured near here. Miss Yumiko, do you feel like you can get a clean shot at at least one of them? Ritsuko, she won't be able to finish both of them at once, so you may want to prepare to use your powers to repel the other. After that we must proceed slowly and even more carefully, I doubt that they're alone...." She said before looking to the tanuki, "Miss Tachi, stay behind us." "......Okay...." the tanuki whispered softly with baited breath...
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“Understood.” Ritsuko replied curtly at her mistress’ orders, concentrating her attention at the 2 unnatural skeletons that guarded the place. “I’ll take care of one of them.” She said, feeling her mind psyched up and ready for the task.

“After you.” She said as she glanced for a moment at the gunwoman on the group, whether Yumiko missed her mark or not, the silent maid would fulfill her task, tackling the other skeleton to clear the way. Her mind deviated for a moment, though; as she watched the place… perhaps there was an object out there she could use to heighten the probabilities of wiping out her target? Perhaps even both?

(Is there a chance I can use Intelligence for this? If not just the appropriate stat for attacking.)
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

With the sudden tactic to take down the unknown old people of this unknown town, Adria just shrugged her head for a moment and make a little sigh bafore prepare herself to use her weapon to defend anyone if possible, ready to place her self at the front of the others once the attacks of the maids had ended and the corpses were close enough of them to make distance attacks.

My Mistress, I... i really dont had wounded someone, but i will try my best to repel them if all goes wrong. Answer Adria who knows than she could have problems defending someone else than is not her, as the training giving to her has made her invulnerable to the pain and tireness at battle, but she really is unable to hurt even her foes.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"I will do as you ask, Mistress. If my luck holds and the wind is good, I should be able to take them out in one shot each. But for now, I will focus on one of them. May my aim be true!" She said with enthusiasm as she took aim at one of the skeletons. She stood completely still and slowed her breathing. She aimed down the iron sights of her weapon, knowing her weapon was loaded and ready. With one of the skeletons heads in her sights, she gently squeezes the trigger, the rifle making a loud 'bang' as she fired.

(Use Skill to make the shot. If not, use strength.)
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Revving up the engine on her chain-katana Komma took up a defensive stance, seemed the mistress wanted her to keep the skeletons from reaching Ritz and Yumiko, the boom of the elf's musket drowning out the roar of her weapon for a moment, now she watched and waited to see what the skeletons would do.

(Use athletics as needed)