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That Which is Stronger than Most Men (Darwin)

Re: That Which is Stronger than Most Men (Darwin)

Buggy chuckled as his nose was poked. "I won't mind carrying your bags." he said honestly, seeming rather eager to please her. He went silent though as their time came.

Through the splashing beach water they waded, until they were waist deep in the water. Holding a stone tablet, the sea bishop raised both arms, one hand with an open palm, and the other clinging to her tablet as she gave praise not to the sky or heavens, but to the two coming here to celebrate their love, and become bound together in ways most intimate. "To love and marry. To cherish and embrace, and to become one with another. With the power of the seas, I have come in answer to your call, and by that same power, I may create an indestructible bond between your hearts. From this union, there is no turning back. The bond your souls share will last forever, even beyond death. This is the true embrace of eternal love." the bishop announced, before regarding Charlotte exclusively. "Charlotte, is this the man you seek to bind to your heart and soul?" she asked, and with such finality in her tone of voice. She was truly implying that this marriage with Buggy would be permanent, no turning back, and wanted to know if Charlotte had the resolve to make such a decision.