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That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine, Charmed, Aroused

Perception: Failure.
Resistance Damage: 5 + 9 + 10 = 24, Nila becomes Aroused next round and it stops there though.

"Oh think nothing of it dearie!" Aedeth replied fondly when Nila thanked her, "now eat up! You look like you haven't seen a proper meal for days, we'll have to slap together something more substantial for you later!" The food proved quite tasty, the fruit seemingly fresh and the rest well enough preserved that it didn't even seem like it had been stored for any great length of time. Aedeth helped herself to a few morsels as well, nibbling on this and that.

"Pah! Haven't I told you to think nothing of it already? It's common courtesy to help strangers in need, is it not? Wasn't that what you put yourself in danger for, if what you said about why you didn't feel the beach is to be believed?" her host in the lavish carriage said when Nila once again thanked her for her efforts, and while it wasn't a warm meal it was something to fill her stomach. The warmth of the carriage eased away her soreness and beat back the chill that had settled into her bones, leaving her feeling much better than she had when she'd arrived.

Taking up her glass, Nila found the substance within pleasantly sweet, and as she swallowed a second mouthful a very pleasant warmth began to spread through her. As she drank more of the sweet pale wine, that warmth would settle and grow, leaving Nila feeling light headed and heavy but in an entirely pleasant way. As she naturally relaxed, she couldn't help but notice a subtle but decidedly pleasant wafting through the air, like fresh lavender with an undercurrent of honey, and as she ate and steadily finished her glass of wine she would realize that it was coming from Aedeth.

"Care for some more? It's not the best of vintages, but it is nice, no?" she said as she slid beside Nila and drew out a bottle from under the bench they were now both sitting on, refilling her own glass and then doing the same for Nila's unless the kitsune protested, and the alluring scent grew more intense. She would feel herself relaxing more and more as her stomach was filled and she warmed up, to the point that she actually started to feel slightly drowsy, but the warmness spreading from her belly and the aroma coming from Aedeth left her unable to divert her concentration from the woman now sitting so close to her.

Her host was smiling at her, the finely shaped features of her face strangely appealing, from the soft lines created by her smile, to her creamy unblemished skin, to the slight dimples created by her smile, to her deep dark red eyes and the similarly colored locks of hair framing her features. "To new friends!" she said softly, raising her glass and clinking it gently against Nila's, before raising it to her full red lips and drinking deeply of the sweet liquid. Whether or not Nila joined her in the toast, she would notice a drop of the wine rolling out from Aedeth's lips as she drank, slowly sliding down her chin and over her throat in a way that was surprisingly enticing considering her inexperience.

A moment later Aedeth lowered her glass with a satisfied sigh, the fluid now gone, and then giggled and raised a finger to gather up the droplet of wine. "Ahhh, dear me! I am so clumsy sometimes!" she cooed, and then brought the drop to her lips and sucked it gently from her finger, looking into Nila's eyes in the process. The young kitsune would feel herself almost mesmerized by the other woman's eyes as she looked into them, and as such she didn't notice that Aedeth was getting closer until their noses were almost touching, until one of her hands had drifted onto Nila's upper thigh and the other had slid behind Nila's shoulder and eventually came up to caress the side of her face.

For a few more moments Aedeth simply remained like that, her finger slowly caressing Nila's cheek, but then she softly purred; "Do forgive me~" And then, with almost painful slowness, she leaned in and kissed Nila on the lips, an embrace that she would find impossible to resist with the increasingly familiar warmth settled in her belly and the subtle magic still working within her mind. Like the kiss claimed by the woman last night, it felt better than she might have expected to have soft lips pressed against her own, but unlike then Nila would feel no threatening tug on her spirit. Aedeth was gentle and teasing at first, pressing her lips to Nila's with soft gasps only to pull back as if daring the kitsune to follow, and when she did her lips would part to engage in a deeper embrace.

Aedeth's kiss would progress slowly from there, the other woman taking her time but the sensations she inspired and the various effects that the pair had subtly inflicted upon her denying Nila even the desire to pull away. Eventually her tongue would be felt against Nila's lower lip, seeking entry into her mouth and gently flicking against the kitsune's own lingual muscle in turn. The hand that had been caressing her cheek gently sliding to rest on the back of her neck, a single finger lightly twirling a length of Nila's hair, while the other began to slide back and forth over her thigh such that she only felt the other woman's fingertips barely rubbing against her skin through the barrier of her clothes. Aedeth would regularly let out alluring gasps and soft moans, their volume and intensity depending on how enthusiastically Nila returned her embrace, and with every pass moment the heat inside of her would grow more and more intense. "Please," she gasped again between breaks in which both of them could take breaths, "will you forgive me?"

Her lips descended briefly down Nila's chin, breaking the kiss for a moment before she suddenly lunged up once more, claiming Nila's mouth for another brief round of kissing before repeating her descent. This time she descended down to Nila's throat, trailing kisses all the way, only to turn and begin kissing and nibbling along the side of her neck, finding sensitive points that she'd never felt touched before in such a way. Her hand would replicate that effect, showing Nila sensations she'd never felt even on those occasions on which she had touched herself as her gliding fingers drifted closer and closer to the space between her legs. Every passing glide made excitement roll through Nila, made her crave more of the other woman's touch, but before she felt those deft digits reach the target that they were obviously heading towards the door of the carriage opened.

Aedeth didn't stop, but she did slow significantly, and still kissed Nila's neck for several more seconds while the intruder, Aldem, stood in the doorway with a quirked eyebrow and watched her go at it. "Not interrupting anything, I hope?" he said dryly after watching for a few more seconds, prompting Aedeth to finally pull away. "What if you are?" the woman asked playfully, her cheeks still rosy and her fingers still gliding over Nila's thigh. "Your bath is ready," Aldem replied, addressing Nila rather than Aedeth. "I've made sure to warm the water, and Harpin has set up a curtain so that you can change and bathe in privacy. Though, if you'd prefer that I give you a minute, I can come back later~"
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila gradually began to eat more of the food laid out before her, hunger overcoming her desire for propriety. The carriage itself was doing wonders for her cold and sore body, the interior was pleasantly warm, and the seats comfortable, and the food was quickly doing the same for her stomach. It was certainly better than anything she'd managed to prepare for herself on the road, reminding her for a moment of her mothers' cooking, before she forced that thought from her head. Now wasn't the time to dwell on her regrets.

She took a sip of the wine, pleasantly surprised at its sweet taste and the warmth that seemed to suffuse her body as she swallowed it. She found herself feeling a little lightheaded by the time she finished her glass, but it wasn't too bad. She didn't drink much, so it was to be expected, and she let herself relax into the cushions of the seat behind her for a few moments, basking in the pleasant feelings and the equally pleasant scent that washed over her. It took her a few moments after recognizing it to realize that it wasn't some sort incense, but that it was coming from the woman beside her. She was curious, but let the topic slide, not wishing to offend Aedeth by asking about it, and it was far from unpleasant regardless.

"Yes, please, I would love another glass." Nila replied courteously when asked if she wanted more, passing her glass over to be refilled "I'm afraid I don't have much experience with wines, but yes, it is quite nice..." She added, cheeks flushing a little in what was only partially embarrassment, taking another sip from her newly refilled glass, savouring the taste and the warmth if brought her.

"Ah... yes, to new friends." Nila seemed startled by the declaration, hesitating for a moment before returning the toast, her glass clinking softly against Aedeth's before she took another sip. Her eyes were drawn to a single drop of wine that seemed to spill from the other woman's glass, trailing slowly down to her chin, and then down her throat. Nila's eyes followed it the whole way, almost mesmerized until Aedeth herself seemed to notice, catching the drop on her finger and bringing it to her lips. The entire scene was oddly... enticing to Nila's now somewhat foggy mind, and she soon found herself staring straight into the other woman's eyes, as if falling deeper into them.

The young kitsune let out a surprised squeak as she realized that Aedeth was suddenly almost on top of her, fingers gently caressing Nila's thigh and cheek. Still, she didn't try to pull away, just continuing to lose herself in those eyes. She found herself confused when the woman asked her for forgiveness, simple giving her a curious looked as she slowly leaned in closer, until their lips finally met. The kitsune let out a surprised gasp, reminded of the woman on the beach who'd done the same, but she felt no tugging on her soul, nothing more that Aedeth's breath against her own lips.

Nila simply melted into her embrace, though she remained mostly passive, unresisting against Aedeth's ministrations, uncertainty evident on her face an in her stiff responses. When she pulled back teasingly, Nila hesitated a moment before following, losing herself in the passion and pressing her lips against Aedeth's once more. The kitsune simply lost herself in the sensations, too much at once for someone who'd only had her first real kiss, and unwillingly at that, the previous night. When Aedeth's tongue teased at her lip, Nila barely even realized she'd let her mouth drift open slightly in response, tongue flicking at her own.

The kitsune let out a gasp as Aedeth's hands shifted, sliding to the back of neck and further up her thigh, prompting Nila to finally return the embrace, though she did little more than reach one arm around to the other woman's shoulder, the other resting at her lower back, drawing herself closer and deepening their kiss. "Y-yes..." Nila managed to gasp out between breaths as they parted momentarily, as Aedeth once again asked for her forgiveness, this time leaving Nila clear to her meaning.

Nila gave a soft moan as Aedeth's lips trailed down her throat, kissing and nibbling at the side of her neck, followed by another, deeper moan as her fingers also trailed along her thighs, closer and closer to her most sensitive places. It was an entirely new sensation to her. While she was not so innocent as to have never experimented a little with herself, being with someone so evidently skilled and experienced left the kitsune like putty in her hands. She didn't even notice at first as the carriage's door opened, not until she finally opened her eyes again to see why Aedeth had slowed only to see Aldem standing there, watching them.

She gave a surprised yelp as her mind finally caught up with what she was seeing, squirming a little under Aedeth's ministrations, even slowed as they were. "Ah, n-no, I'm sorry, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting after you went out of your way to prepare it for me! I-I'll be right there..." She replied, cheeks reddening even further at his implications as she clumsily struggled to disentangle herself from Aedeth to follow him. "I-I'm sorry about, um... cutting it short," she directed to Aedeth with an apologetic look, though her mind was still racing enough that she wasn't quite sure what exactly she was apologizing for.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine, Charmed, Aroused

Both Aedeth and Aldem chuckled at Nila's hurried escape from the carriage, and Aedeth would wave off her apology and reply; "Oh it's quite alright dear~ We can continue when you come back if you like!"

With the other woman's offer serving as her goodbye, Aldem would politely gesture Nila over to a curtained off area from which smoke was lightly wafting, the smell of burning wood suggesting that a fire had been started. "The fire should keep the water warm, and I left a towel out for you," he said as he held the curtain aside, revealing a small clear area and a wooden tub set over a metal plate with a fire burning beneath it.

"I can have Torg clean your clothes for you if you like," he offered, and the goblin would be seen lurking in the background, adopting a scowl when he was potentially given more work. "In fact, I insist! I'm sure Aedeth has something that will fit you in the meantime, if you finish bathing before your clothes are done being washed."
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

"Ah, thank you. You're doing so much for me..." Nila looked over the bath that had been set up for her as Aldem pulled the curtain aside. It wasn't much, but it was impressive for something that had simply been set up along the side of the road. Much better than anything she'd managed by herself, which had mostly consisted of bathing in streams or ponds. She was looking forward to the luxury of being able to bathe in warm water once again, even if she still felt a bit exposed despite the curtains.

That was most likely just her paranoia speaking though, and it wouldn't do to deny her hosts now, not after they'd gone through the trouble of setting this up for her. "Yes... I'm sorry for troubling you more, but that would be appreciated," Nila had considered refusing Aldem's offer of having her clothes washed as well, not wanting to trouble them further, and feeling a little uncomfortable at the idea of being left without them, but relented at his insistence. Besides, they could certainly use a wash after she spent the night lying on the beach in them.

"Um... just a moment then." The kitsune mumbled shyly as she stepped behind the curtain, pulling it closed so that she could undress in privacy. She quickly shed her robe and set her boots next to the tub, as they didn't need to be cleaned. After a moments hesitation she finally slipped her panties off as well, gathering her clothes into a bundle and leaving her entirely nude. Clutching the curtain to her body to cover herself with one hand, she shyly peeked around the edge, blushing lightly as she offered the bundle of clothes with her other. "H-here you are. Thank you again..."

With that done, Nila returned to the bath itself, gingerly lowering herself into the pleasantly warm water. She simply let herself bask in the comfortable feeling for several minutes, finally having a chance to properly relax after the events of the past day. She had missed this, the feeling of simply letting herself relax, forget about everything... Not since before she'd left home. Not since she still had a home and a family. She shook her head, trying to banish those thoughts. She couldn't let herself dwell on her regrets, especially not now. Aldem and Aedeth were being kind enough to do all of this for her, she couldn't bring her own problems to them as well.

The warmth still settled inside of her seemed even more intense than the heat of the water, tempting her to go further as she cleaned her body, to finish what Aedeth had started inside of the carriage. She tried to push those thoughts aside, even as her overly sensitive body gave a jolt as her fingers brushed across her nipple. She couldn't do something like that, not here... not with people so close, only separated from her by a thin curtain. She distracted herself by beginning to work at her tails, scrubbing at the fur and working at get all the sand that had been accumulated on the beach out of them.

As she always did, she paid special attention to the golden-furred tail, the one that contained her sister's soul. It was the least she could do, to care for the last thing she had left of Chika, even though looking at it always made her feel guilty. It had been her sister's choice, but she could not help but regret everything that had led up to it. If only she had been stronger back then, she could have helped, and Chika wouldn't have been wounded as she had, and she never would have had to make the choice.

She couldn't dwell on the past, however. She was a guest here, such as 'here' was, and she couldn't be acting remorseful in front of her hosts. She still wasn't certain what to feel about them, about Aedeth in particular after what they had done inside of the carriage. Nila blushed at the thought, sinking into the water until her nose rested just barely high enough above the surface to allow her to breathe. She had been too caught up in the moment, her body all too willing to accept the woman's touch—and it still was, almost craving it, something to relieve its desires.

Nila had feared that she had done something to upset Aldem when he caught them in the act, but he had not seemed bothered by it, more amused than anything... She was no stranger to such behavior, having spent much time in the company of faeries, but she had never been with anyone in such a way herself. Her experience was limited to what little she had seen of her some of her own sisters' trysts with the faeries, and she had always tried to give them their privacy. The young kitsune squirmed in the tub as her legs clamped shut on an overly adventurous hand, having idly made its way to her sensitive nether lips while her mind wandered.

She was conflicted. She knew what her body was craving, even inexperienced as she was, but this was hardly the place to entertain such thoughts. She had to push them aside for now, she couldn't do something like this in the company of others. Even as she fought to control her urges though, her other hand crept up to her chest, letting out a soft gasp as her fingers played across her sensitive nipples once again before tearing it away, beginning to wash her hair to keep her wandering hands under control.

Not sure if you had any plans for anything to happen while she was in the bath, so I'll leave it here for now. If not, you can just go from when she finishes and I'll finish it up in my next post, or let me know and I can extend this post to finish.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine, Charmed, Aroused

Perception: Failure. :3

Aldem would allow Nila her privacy without any complaint, taking her clothes and bowing. "It's quite alright," he said, and then walked off, leaving Nila to her own devices. Her bath would go largely undisturbed, even the sounds of the environment somehow largely muted. The occasional whinny of the horses, the sound of booted feet moving around far from her little curtained off sanctuary, the occasional calls of crows or songbirds or pigeons, and the distant sound of waves crashing against the sea were all quiet compared to the sound of water sloshing around as she settled into the tub and soaked for a while. She would hear voices distantly as she began to wash her hair, would hear the occasional rustle from the curtain accompanying the wind, but no one would address her directly or bother her in any way as she cleaned herself and pondered the situation. Her body's heat would not diminish over the course of her bath, not even if she surrendered to her temptations and sought to please herself before climbing free of the covers.

"I apologize for disturbing you milady," Harpin's voice suddenly announced from just beyond the curtain. "But I have some clothes for you! Lady Aedeth provided them after making some alterations to make sure that they would fit you properly." A towel, a pair of red lacy underpants with a similarly adorned bra, a pair of white stockings that looked long enough to reach the middle of her thigh, and a simple white sundress were all slung over the bars to which the curtain was attached one by one. "She lacked something warmer on short notice, sadly, but inside the carriage is surely warm enough! I can leave you my spare riding jacket if you would like to stretch your legs for a bit after you've finished, however."

Should Nila opt to take him up on that offer, the warrior would tromp away briefly only to return and throw a dark blue jacket over the edge of the curtain as well. Regardless, she would be left to her own devices for a long while afterwards, free to bathe as long as she liked unless of course she soaked until the sun started going down. The clothes would prove pleasantly form fitting and comfortable, perhaps a bit less conservative than she might like and certainly not suited to the chill Crolian climate. Harpin's jacket would prove sufficient to solve that even if it was a bit big on her, its sleeves too long and its length almost sufficient to make it look like a dress on her, albeit a very short one. The dress, bra, and panties had all obviously been altered recently, but the stitching looked sturdy enough to hold under her usual activities.

Should she finish her bath and step out from the curtain within the next half hour or so, Nila would find the camp largely quiet upon her emergence. Aedeth and Aldem were nowhere to be found, though there seemed to be muffled voices and movement coming from inside of the carriage. Harpin was sitting on a stool about midway between the carriage and the tethered horses, a folding table set up in front of him with a number of things on it. Most prominent was the longsword that had hung at his waist, still in its ornate sheath, but it was placed far away from him. Closer was a carrying case of some sort with a number of bottles, rags, and numerous odd tools visible from within, some of which were in use on the object closest to him, a mostly disassembled rifle that he seemed to be cleaning. The only other person in sight was Torg, whom Nila spotted slinking off into the woods across the road just after she got out of the bath.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

"Ah, thanks you," Nila gave a start as she suddenly heard Harpin's voice from beyond the curtain, jerking her hands away from where they'd been subtly roaming her body once again and gripping the sides of the tub instead. She pulled herself up over the edge of the tub slightly to see what he had brought for her, looking on with some amount of trepidation as she realized how much more revealing these clothes were than her own, though they were certainly not immodest. She perked up at his offer of finding her a jacket as well, quickly jumping on the opportunity for something a bit heavier and warmer. "Yes, if it's no trouble, I would appreciate that," she called back to him.

When Nila finally finished bathing a short time later, the insatiable heat still raging within her fought against the chill of the air against her wet skin as she carefully stepped out of the water. It showed no signs of abating, but she hoped that it would prove easier to ignore when she was clothed once again. Taking the towel left for her, she began the arduous process of drying her long hair and the fur of her tails. When she tried on the clothes she found them to fit surprisingly well considering the difference in size between herself and Aedeth, both in terms of height and the curves of their figures. Evidently she was quite good with clothing to make such alterations so quickly, and had managed to get an accurate feel for her size without taking any actual measurements.

She felt a little exposed as she took a cursory glance over herself, or as much of herself as she could without a mirror, used to dressing a fair bit more conservatively outside of her home. Her body's obvious desires did not help matters either, leaving her flushed and fidgeting nervously as she slipped the oversized jacket over her shoulders. She finally stepped out from behind the curtain, hands clasped nervously behind her back as she fought to hide the visible signs of her persistent arousal. Taking a quick look around the camp, she could only see Harpin, who seemed to be cleaning his rifle, and caught a quick glimpse of the goblin Torg slipping off into the forest yet again.

Presumably, that meant Aedeth and Aldem were in the carriage, and she could hear sounds from within, but she found herself reluctant to approach. She paused halfway to the carriage, taking another look around the area to try to distract herself and calm her nerves, to fight away the lingering arousal and memories of what Aedeth had been so close to doing earlier... she shook her head as if to try to clear those thoughts from her mind and slowly continued until she reached the carriage. Not wishing to be rube by simply letting herself in, she hesitantly knocked twice on the door and waited for them to open it, or simply invite her in.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine, Charmed, Aroused

(Somewhat belatedly Nila gains 6 exp for the events of the previous day.)

A soft shifting sound would come from within the carriage after Nila knocked on the door, and then Aldem's muffled voice called; "Come in!" When she opened the door, Nila would find a scene not unlike the one she had been a party to before she'd taken her bath. Aedeth was straddling Aldem on one of the benches with her corset unlaced and pulled away, leaving it hanging off her back and her torso exposed save what was covered by a dark red lacy bra that seemed barely capable of containing her large, pale breasts. Her dress draped around them, hiding both of their legs, and Aldem's shirt had been opened and nibble marks were on his collar and neck while his hands rested on Aedeth's hips.

Two sets of dark red eyes gazed at her as she stood in the doorway of the carriage, Aldem and Aedeth smiling at her in a way that Nila had seldom if ever been looked at before. Though she had been sitting still when Nila had first opened the door, the woman who had claimed a kiss from her began to lazily roll her hips in Aldem's lap, permitted a soft gasp to escape from her barely parted lips, and raised a hand to beckon to Nila with two fingers, inviting her to join them while Aldem simply watched. The arousal that had been plaguing her since she had drunk the wine flared, and the subtle hooks in her mind urged Nila to accept that offer, but neither was strong enough or insistent enough to be completely irresistible, and if her fear stayed her she could retreat instead.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila moved to open the carriage door when she heard Alden inviting her in, but what she saw inside instantly brought her to a halt. She merely stood there, hand still on the now open door, gaping at them for a few moments until her mind finally caught up to her and she quickly averted her eyes, a heavy blush forming on her cheeks. It wasn't before she got a good view of the two of them, though, and she didn't miss Aedeth's beckoning gesture.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't, um..." The kitsune stammered, thoughts and words becoming muddled together as her mind tried to go in several directions at once. On one hand, she was confused by how they were simply inviting her to join them, and both embarrassed and flustered by the thoughts of what would happen if she did.

While she was still a virgin herself, and what had happened between herself and Aedeth earlier was farther than she'd ever gone—and something she still wasn't certain what to think about—she'd caught at least glimpses of such things in the past. She'd stumbled upon some of her elder sisters with the faeries that lived near their home in the past, as those faeries seemed to not have much care for privacy, something just felt... different here. Maybe it was the fact that they seemed to wish for her to join them, and as much as they had done to help her, they were still basically strangers. They'd only known each other for a matter of hours... It was too soon, things were moving too fast, and she didn't know what to think...

And on the other hand... as much as she wished she could deny it, she found herself far more tempted to accept their offer than she should have been. Her body craved it, something to sate these desires building within her, this insatiable heat... and somehow she knew they would, and more. There was some part of her mind that tempted her, told her to let them take her, to play out all of those fantasies she'd had in the past. Both of them were very attractive, and judging from her brief encounter with Aedeth, very skilled too. She could only imagine how it would feel, and she had a very active imagination.

She couldn't accept their invitation, but she couldn't bring herself to vocalize that, or even to simply excuse herself. What she really needed right no was to just take a walk and let herself cool down a bit, but she was frozen in place, paralyzed with confusion and indecision. She wanted to retreat, to cool her head and try to get her thoughts in line, but her hesitation would leave them plenty of time to try to convince her if they wished, before she managed to work up the will to do so.

Just a note for future reference: As of this post, Nila has been updated to use DG4 rules.
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Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine, Aroused

Resistance: Nila wins.

Nila's reaction to the pair's offer inspired a silence that they allowed to stretch just long enough for it to become awkward, the kitsune's mind rebelling against the inspired loyalty to the man who was looking at her expectantly. The battle was as subtle and unnoticed as the initial establishment of the minor psychic hold, and it cracked under the strain as it had been designed without Nila ever knowing that it was there. "Something wrong, sweet thing?" Aedeth crooned softly, her hips still drawing lazy circles on Aldem's lap while her hand returned to a bracing position on the bench on which they sat.

"Yes, what could possibly be the matter?" Aldem added innocently before leaning forward to kiss Aedeth on the cheek, to which the woman responded by slowly tilting her head to meet the next press of her lips with one of his own. Aedeth's hand came up and beckoned Nila forward again, but the hold on her behavior was gone, leaving only her arousal tempting her to accept that proposition. She would be freer than ever to flee the scene before it could progress any further, and if she did Nila would have ample opportunity to do as she wished, though she would find Harpin watching her curiously out of the corner of his eye while caring for his rifle.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila found herself frozen in place as she watched the two of them while her mind fought off the unnatural influence on her mind, freeing her from its clutches but leaving her unaware it had ever been established in the first place. Now that her mind was once again her own, however, she found herself questioning things she hadn't before... and why she hadn't questioned them before. Aldem and Aeleth had done nothing to inspire any sort of hostility, but why had she followed them so readily? Hadn't she learned her lesson about that.

Certainly, they had helped her as they'd offered, given her food, a bath, even let her borrow some clothing, but... something was still off. Why had she... allowed Aedeth to do what she had with her? She couldn't deny that it had felt good, but she should never have let it happen in the first place. She barely knew the woman, it wasn't right. And had she actually been considering accepting their invitation just moments ago? This wasn't her... she didn't think like that.

"I'm... I-I shouldn't be, um..." the young kitsune stammered, mind running in circles trying to make sense of everything that was happening. What did she say? What did she do? She didn't want to offend her hosts, despite how odd things were beginning to feel, but she couldn't accept their invitation either. "I-I'm sorry, I just need to... take a walk."

She shut the carriage door perhaps a little too hastily, turning and running back the way she'd come, to the clearing where the bath had been set up. She needed to be alone, to have a chance to get her thoughts in order. The distracting heat of the lingering arousal wasn't helping matters either... why was she feeling this way? She couldn't deny that both Aldem and Aeleth, and even Harpin were all attractive, but they were hardly the first attractive people she'd met. This wasn't a normal reaction for her.

If she wasn't stopped first, she wouldn't slow down until she'd passed the curtain and run into the trees beyond, finally coming to a halt and leaning against one of them. Everything was all off, it was wrong and she didn't know why. It had been since she'd woken up on the beach... no, not just then. She'd been tired and sore when she awoke, certainly, but no more than that. When they had approached, she had been prepared to defend herself. Why had she backed down so easily? Just after she'd told herself she wouldn't be so quick to trust everyone she met, too. She just didn't have any answers. When she tried to think about it, her mind just went in endless circles. Had they done something? Had something happened while she was unconscious? Was it some effect caused by the previous night's fight? Why was she only thinking about it now?

She just didn't have the answer. She sighed, trying to clear her mind. Thinking like this wasn't helping, she had to look at things calmly, and decide what she would do when she returned... unless they came for her first.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine, Aroused

Perception: ???

Splitting off from the caravan and wandering off into the woods, Nila wouldn't be followed, and would have a few minutes in which to collect herself. The fog in her head cleared, and while the effects of Aedeth's wine wouldn't fade entirely the fresh cool air would make its presence in her system less pronounced. None of the strange party would follow her, and she would be able to wander a good distance away from their carriage into the woods. Eventually she would stumble upon a blackberry bush, its branches still laden with fresh fruit.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila closed her eyes as she leaned her back against the tree, trying to get her jumbled thoughts in order. There was a nagging feeling telling her something was wrong, but she didn't know what it was. She was grateful for the jacket she'd borrowed as it kept the worst of the chill at bay, though the cool air still helped to drive back that unnatural heat that had suffused her body, though it still continued to burn within her.

She wasn't certain what she should do. She knew she had to return, even if she was feeling uneasy about the encounter. She still had Aedeth's clothes and Harpin's jacket, and they still had her own clothes, and besides the matter of possessions, she couldn't just leave without thanking them for everything they had done for her. Even though their invitation had surprised her, she knew that such things were not unheard of among the faeries her mother had known, perhaps they were the same way?

She didn't know much about other cultures, and she had perhaps made herself appear receptive when she was in the carriage with Aedeth—something she still wasn't certain why she'd done. She couldn't deny that it had been pleasant, but just like when that woman on the beach had kissed her, it was... wrong. Of course, Aedeth hadn't done anything to her, she hadn't tried to draw at her soul like that woman had, but it still felt wrong to be doing something like that with someone she had only just met, and who already had someone else as well. Even if he seemed all too willing to allow it.

It would take some time for Nila to get her thoughts in order and calm herself down, and yet more before she felt ready to return. If she was not disturbed, it would be another twenty minutes before she finally made her way back to the camp, this time walking much more slowly and hesitantly, instead of her hasty dash away. Surely there had just been a misunderstanding, there was no reason to be so rude to those who had done so much to help her. She'd have to apologize for just running off on them like she had...
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine

Perception: ???

As she waited to cool down out in the woods, Nila felt the heat that Aedeth's spiked beverage had inflicted upon her fading. The chill air and her body's steady processing of the substance would aid in that, leaving her feeling only lightly tipsy from the wine and the troubling question of how she could explain some of her own actions. No answers came in a flash of insight, however, and eventually Nila calmed and opted to return to the group. When she did, however, she noticed the berry bush that she had ignored shiver, and a glance toward it from her new angle would reveal the outline of a familiar figure crouched among it.

Torg the goblin was crouched in the bush, his spindly little fingers snatching up the ripe berries and hurling them into his mouth greedily one by one. He seemed to savor each one, chewing every mouthful until she could hear the tiny seeds being between his teeth before swallowing only to replace the eaten berries with more. He noticed she had spotted him, but only glanced her way with narrowed eyes for a moment before returning to his feast, and would only speak to Nila if she addressed him first.

Should she simply return to camp, Aedeth and Aldem were both out of sight, but the carriage windows were steamed up. Harpin was sitting where she'd left him, his rifle now whole and lying upon the table. It was his saber that the guardsman was seemingly caring for now, the rasp of a whetstone being slowly drawn against its blade the only sound in the camp.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila's hand shot to the sword at her hip as she noticed movement in the bushes, the blade halfway drawn before her mind caught up with her actions and she realized that it was only Torg, the goblin she'd met earlier. How she hadn't noticed him before now she didn't know, but she had been... distracted. She returned the blade fully to its sheathe after a moment, straightening once again and moving on without a word, as he seemed to have no intention of stopping her, or even speaking to her.

She had intended to say something, even if only an apology for nearly drawing her blade on him, but words escaped her at that moment, and she didn't want to delay. The longer she waited the more likely she was to lose her nerve, so she wanted to return and get things over with as soon as possible.

When she arrived, she found everything much as she'd left them. Aedeth and Aldem appeared to still be within their carriage, and Harpin didn't seem to have changed position, though he'd moved on from cleaning his rifle to sharpening his sword. She hesitated at the edge of the treeline, nervousness creeping up on her now that she was here. She didn't know how to handle this kind of situation, especially when everyone else seemed to be able to so easily remain calm while she became flustered so easily. At least her mind was clearer than when she'd left.

Quickly crossing the remaining distance with stiff but purposeful strides, unless Harpin spoke up or did anything to catch her attention and so long as she didn't hear anything to indicate that they hadn't yet finished, she would hesitate only a few moments longer at the door to the carriage before knocking softly.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine

Harpin, noting her arrival, diverted his attention from cleaning his blade and gave Nila a curt nod. "Hello again milady! I trust your walk went well?" he said politely, though if Nila chose to end the conversation early or even ignore it entirely the soldier would simply return to working on the care of his weapon.

Knocking on the carriage door allowed her to feel the heat radiating from it, and it took nearly a minute before Aedeth's muffled voice said; "Come in!" Should she open the door, Nila would find the inside of the carriage different from when she'd let it. Besides the clothes neatly folded on the floor, the table in the center had seemingly been collapsed into the floor as if such was a deliberate design decision, and the bench on which the pair had been seen together last had been folded out into a makeshift bed, complete with blankets.

Aedeth and Aldem were under those blankets, their shoulders and feet exposed at the edges but the rest of them covered. Both of them smiled at the young kitsune, their eyelids half closed with contentment and exhaustion after what could only have been exactly the act she'd run away from. The smell of it was thick in the air of the confined space, fresh sweat and a set of even muskier odors, and it all wafted over Nila in a wave as she pulled the door open. "Hello again... Enjoy your walk?" Aldem asked, repeating Harkin's question while Aedeth smirked at her playfully and wiggled beneath the blankets.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

"Um, yes, it was... just what I needed. Thank you for asking," Nila gave a curt nod along with her response to Harpin, but she didn't pause more than a few moments on her way to the carriage. She nearly lost her nerve when she went to knock, the minute she waited before getting a response feeling like so much longer, the temptation to just run away again rather than face them growing with each second until she finally heard Aedeth's invitation.

Opening the door to the carriage, the kitsune was almost overwhelmed by the scents and sights from within, blushing fiercely and turning her head away shyly after catching herself staring, only finally realizing what she was doing when Aedeth smirked and wiggled at her.

"Ah- I, um... I mean, yes, it was quite... calming," She blurted out awkwardly, struggling to salvage what composure she could. She'd thought she'd calmed down, but something about the demons, especially Aedeth, always managed to get her flustered. The blanket was covering both of them from the shoulders down aside from their feet, but she knew they were entirely nude beneath it, and she couldn't keep her mind from wandering and imagining just what they were hiding beneath it. Of course, if she wanted to know, she didn't think they'd take any issue with her joining them, after their previous offer... but no, she couldn't do that. It wasn't right, and she wasn't ready for that!

"I, uh, I just wanted to apologize... For running off like that earlier. You just, um... surprised me." She shook her head, trying to clear the inappropriate images from her head before continuing, "I'm just not used to anyone being so... open about it. Or, um, well... any experience at all I guess..." She began to mumble the last remark, her blush managing to grow even deeper as she shifted awkwardly, though not enough to be entirely unintelligible.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine

Both try to charm her at the same time.
Willpower: Nila wins both, surprisingly.

"Eheheh, it's quite alright! Not everyone is so... Comfortable... With their sexuality," Aldem admitted casually, rising up onto his elbows and exposing enough of his muscular chest that she could see the upper edge of his abdominal muscles. Aedeth, giggling, raised a hand and trailed it down her partner's chest. "It's quite alright, we forgive you dear~" the demoness purred as the bump representing her hand slid down further, beneath the blankets all the way down to his crotch.

Aldem stiffened, and Aedeth's hand began to rise and fall beneath the blankets. Unbeknownst to Nila, both demons slipped into her mind once more, dragging the imaginations she'd had into the forefront and sprinkling them with detail.... Including her own hand replicating what Aedeth was doing. Her mind rejected the subtle push that would have gradually turned her into a needy mess, grounding out the magic without her even noticing it was there, but as Aedeth's hand rose higher with each stroke their subtle prod into her imagination wouldn't allow her to think about anything else.

"There's nothing wrong with being afraid, little one~" she purred softly, "we were all virgins once! But there's nothing for you to be frightened of~ Come in! Sit down!" She gestured with her other hand to the foot of the bed, "let Aldem and I... Educate you~" Despite their attempt to establish another bit of mental influence on her, Nila's will was still her own, and she could instead excuse herself and attempt to escape the situation before they drew her into their lewd actions.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila only grew more uncomfortable as the conversation continued, the demons remaining completely casual about the whole situation, continuing to tease her even as she stuttered and flushed with embarrassment. She caught herself staring at the lump in the blankets that was Aedeth's hand as it moved slowly down, and the kitsune knew what she was doing, and right in front of her.

She finally tore her eyes away as her imagination started to get the better of her, filling her mind with images of what it would be like if she was in Aedeth's place, if she just accepted their invitations and let them have their way with her...

No, she tried to push those thoughts away as she shook her head slowly as if to clear it. This wasn't right, it wasn't proper. She wasn't a stranger to the idea of more casual relationships, or opposed to them, her mother and many of her sisters having taken to the idea of the faeries they often spent time with on those matters, but it didn't feel right to her for her first time to be with these people who were all but complete strangers, curious as she was. She had goals she needed to accomplish, people she could still save... she couldn't just indulge in something like this here. She'd already wasted far too much time. Not only that but, as much as she didn't want to admit it, she was afraid. The idea was so tempting, so enticing, but it was inexplicably frightening as well.

"I, um..." Nila tried to speak, but found herself stuttering once again, eyes once again wandering to the pair to see Aedeth beckoning her over. She took a single step before her mind caught up with her body once again and she froze. "I-I'm sorry, you've been nothing but kind to me, but... I can't. Maybe it's just idealism b-but... I want it to be something... special. You have both helped me so much... but I've still barely known you for a day, it's just... too soon for me."

Nila finally fell silent for a moment, realizing she'd begun to ramble and said much more than she'd intended to. After a moment's deliberation, she finally managed to force herself to meet their eyes rather than stare awkwardly at her feet or sneak glances at the teasing motions beneath the blanket. "I have... something I have to do, someone I have to find. I'm sorry I can do little to repay your kindness, but I cannot stay idle for too long." The kitsune began to fidget a little as she spoke, fingers playing at the hem of the dress she wore, suddenly feeling very exposed in it, "Thank you for everything you've done, but I will... need to move on soon, I cannot wait for too long." She gave an apologetic look and a slight bow as she finished, unsure of how they would respond. She hoped they would leave it at this, but... they had been quite persistent so far.
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Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 96/96, Status = Fine

Aedeth let out a light bark of laughter at Nila's insistence that she stay away, and Aldem grinned. "I'm not trying to pull you under the covers and eat you, child~ Just inviting you to the edge of the bed is all!" she said with an infectious, bubbling mirth in her voice. She leaned down, exposing a great deal of alluring cleavage in the process even though she just barely managed to maintain her dignity, and patted the edge of the bed insistently.

"Trying to find someone are you? Will they vanish from the face of Donevrion in the next few minutes?" she continued in that same tone, "besides, if you're really worried about being delayed, what time are you even losing? If you could teleport to wherever it is that you're going, you'd have done it by now. Obviously you've never been there before, and we were only waiting on you! And that wretched little Torg of course, but he can always just catch up with us!"

As if on cue, the goblin hustled past Nila, rushing behind her and hopping up onto the driver's seat. Harpin quickly hopped up beside him, and the demoness calmly continued; "Would you rather walk, or get driven along this stretch of road?"
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

"What? No, I... Um... That is, I mean..." Nila stumbled over her words, blushing deeply over her misunderstanding. Or had it been? Hadn't they just been offering to "teach" her? What else could that have possibly meant? Were they just teasing her again? "I-I mean, yes... you're right. I would be glad to accompany you further. I can move quite fast when flying, but this is... certainly more comfortable, and the company is welcome."

Once she had a spot inside the carriage cleared for her, the kitsune would carefully step up and inside—turning away and waiting patiently if they decided to get dressed first—trying to block the obvious signs of what had been going on before she returned. "I... Thank you again for everything you've done for me," she would finally say once they began to move, "I'm sorry I don't have anything to offer you in return, but I left everything behind, even the money I brought with me is lost..." the young kitsune sighed again, shaking her head. That wasn't something to be bothering the people who'd done so much to help her with. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be bothering you with talk like that. It's not important, I'm sure I can find some work in the next town. I suppose we'll have to say our goodbyes there, then."