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The 3rd Angel

Re: The 3rd Angel

In one brief instant Olga would feel a pain unlike anything she had ever experience as all at once her arm was no longer attached to her body; or at least she endured a sensation as it were not as her Eva's arm had been ripped clean out as the Angel rocketed off into the cloud, taking the arm with it! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Сука! Сволочь! Ебать! Говно! Мудак! Шлюха! Ебать!Ебать!Ебать!Ебать! AAAAAAAAAAH!" The bridge and anyone who could speak the language would likely go red and slack jawed as the com would be filled with a string of Russian swear words; even more so coming from the normally demure Olga, "Мудак! The Мудак ripped my Пиздец arm off!!!!" She cried out in pain and anger, as she tried to calm herself down and recover from the shock and pain from the Angel's unexpected move.

((Throw out Barrier again.))

[The Russian translates into: Сука (pronounced: suka) - bitch; Ебать - (pronounced: jebat') - fuck, Говно - (pronounced: gavno) - shit, Мудак - (pronounced: mudak) - asshole or motherfucker - Шлюха - (pronounced: shlyuha) - whore - Пиздец - (pronounced: pizdets) - expression used in surprise or anger, means fuck/fucking.]
Re: The 3rd Angel

Miyamoto looked on in shock as the Angel procceded to rip Olga's arm as it was nothing, leaving it dangling and bleeding where at it had been torn. He snapped to when Olga started screaming about her EVA's arm being ripped off, filling the chatter with what he assumed were swear words in a language he didnt know- nor want to understand.

"Olga, your arm is still there! It's just...mostly ripped off." Miyamoto forced out. He wasn't the best at consoling people, this being one of those times. He put up his knife for the moment, switich back to his ever useful Pallet Gun. He took a postion slightly ahead of Olga, eyes in the sky once again.

"I'll stay here and defend, I'm not sure Olga's EVA is in a condition to fight."

(Respread AT, look around with pallet gun aimed.)
Re: The 3rd Angel

With a flash, their foe vanished back into the sky. Her sister's screaming grated in her ear as she scanned the sky for it's whereabouts; it wasn't long before the unintelligible Russian cussing got to her. "Shut u-" she started, turning her compact to look away from the clouds towards Olga's unit, but when she saw the spraying blood out of it's now-vacant arm socket, and the machine started turning colors as Olga's arm flashed in the monitor that had opened up to display her in the plug, she caught herself. Pain - fine. She could scream if it was pain.

Charlotte continued to scan the sky for the absent Angel, ready to move her machine out of it's way when it flashed back down to Earth again. If she couldn't grab it to keep it grounded while they butchered it, she would have to just take down its Field as well as she could.

Aaaaaaah suka, you say.

Ready a grap uhhh okay maybe not. Ready a Neutralize instead! 4 of my 5 ATS. I'm still not sure if having there's any point to just having 1 ATS or how any of that shit works, but not having that shit up is bad times I assume, so. Unsure if that's a half or full action or whatever, too, bleh.
Re: The 3rd Angel

“Everyone, calm down!” Viktor’s voice rocked the bridge, looking at the screen with both anger and fear. “Olga, listen to my voice, you’re still there. Now focus or else you’ll be feeling more than just that.”

Viktor took a second, shaking almost uncontrollably as his hand reached his chest pocket, producing a lighter as he put a cigar in his mouth. He tried once, to lit it up, before noticing his hand wouldn’t allow anything for a couple of minutes if he didn’t deal with this. “I want to hear it from you, the fight isn’t over, but your condition is less than optimal. All units, do you feel you’re in conditions to continue fighting?”

“Sir, the VTOLs are in the area and ready to receive the order.”

“They will fire the moment this monster gets into range, not even a second later.”

“Yes, sir!”
Re: The 3rd Angel

"Yes," came Charlotte's reply. She was too busy scanning the skies to give a more detailed reply... or meditate on how retreat wasn't exactly an option.
Re: The 3rd Angel

Another thunderclap and the Angel dove once more. Smashing into Olga's barrier in an almost comical way, causing it to recoil, shaking its head and letting out more thunderclaps.

"Давайте вб'ємо ангел"

Its cry was cut off though, when a barrage of air to ground rockets from the VTOL's began to explode all along its body, the sheer number of projectiles meaning that even as a good half of them scattered into a variety of directions, the rest of them reached the angel.

Had it been any other case then what happened, the Angel would have been dead, its core nearly breaking apart as huge chunks of the creature were blown off by the rocket barrage. Then in another massive thunderclap and burst of light, the Angel was healed again, and looking incredibly pissed. The glow of its eyes turning into two black pools of hatred as it stared at the VTOLs around it. Which stood almost no chance lightning arched from the Angel and struck them down.

Turn Order:
1) Matariel
2) Olga II ; Matariel <-
3) Takehito ; Matariel
4) Charlotte ; Matariel
5) Viktor; Matariel
Re: The 3rd Angel

Olga stood there in her Eva clutching her arm, her head hung low and breathing heavily and erratically, her will resolve had taken a heavy hit at seeing the angel's actions, her body was pulsating slightly all over from the shock of the feeling of losing her arm. She was in a bad shape, muttering Russian curses and other things to herself as she attempted to pull herself together. The angel had just undone all their work, regenerating it's core almost effortlessly. Their support had just been removed from the equation. They had to destroy the angel, no matter what the cost.... She herself more than the rest felt this burden. It was, after all, the very reason she was brought into existence. She lived only to defeat the angels, even if she was replaceable, her life only had meaning or value if she defeated the angels..... With that thought in mind she would try to gather all of her strength and resolve and struggle to hold and maintain the pallet rifle in one arm while awaiting the angel to show itself once again, trying to take careful aim, and shooting for it's core, hoping to do some sort of damage to it, if not end it once and for all......

((Olga tries to pull herself together, before trying to take aim at the angels core with rifle.))
Re: The 3rd Angel

With a burst of willpower, Olga managed to pull through the fear and twisted her EVA around, letting loose with a rainbow shelled 16 inch round from her pallet rifle. The round barreling into the Angels core before exploding, but when the smoke cleared it became obvious that the angels core was only slightly damaged.

At which point the Angel changed targets, flying for Charlotte's EVA and in a bright flash, swept one of its claws forward. The Black and Red EVA responding by dodging out of the way, and right into another strike from the Angel. The claw tearing through the EVA's at field and cutting the tendons in its left leg, but by some luck Charlotte managed to keep her EVA standing.

And then Olga's arm vaporized into LCL as the lines on her EVA grew even brighter, every bit of the EVA now feeling like a part of herself and she felt like she could take on the world, possibly because at this point not even an N2 mine could have stopped her.

Olga Willpower: 2
Olga to hit #1: 2
Olga to hit #2: 8
Olga damage: 10 with 2 pen to Angel core
Matariel to hit #1: 7
Matariel to hit #2: 34
Charlotte to dodge: 4 (Success)
Matariel hit location #2: 99 (L.Leg)
Matariel Damage #2: 10 pen 5 (leaves leg at -3) (-10 to agility tests due to paralyzing toxin)
Olga suffers 7 Ego barrier damage (total of 9 out of 35)
Olga gains 52 Synch (total of 188)
Olga suffers 10 damage retroactively and loses left arm
Olga gains 1 free temporary fate point to spend each turn, must be spent that turn or is wasted
Re: The 3rd Angel

As Takehito looked on at what the EVA had did to his team, he felt an anger. They threw themselves relentlessly at the Angel, but all to no avail. It regenerated quickly, killing those brave soldiers that didn't have the good fortune to be in an EVA- then again, he wasn't sure 'good fortune' was the right way to describe this... everything had gone to complete and utter hell 15 years ago- they were just fighting for what was left.

"Your going to die today, no matter the cost." Takehito said through clenched teeth.

He took aim with his rifle and fired a clean shot aimed at Matariel's core.
Re: The 3rd Angel

Takehito's round, like Olga's before, managed to avoid whatever defenses the angel might have had, and struck the core, covering it in a blast of smoke and fire, though when the wind kicked up by the storm cleared the smoke it was rather obvious that the round had only just barely damaged the angel's core.

In response though the Angel lashed out at EVA 03M, another two bright flashes of light and Takehito's EVA was stumbling backwards, a red line sticking out against the white of the EVAs neck. Which quickly proved to have gone all the way through as the head slid off the body and the EVA fell to the ground. Inside the plug Takehito had felt like the slash that had decapitated his EVA had gone right through him, though in reality he was fine.

Even worse is that, when it detected the catastrophic damage the EVA had just suffered, the launch plug automatically activated. Which caught on the edge of the falling EVA causing it to spiral out of control and crash into a highrise building less then a hundred meters away. Leaving the pilot to be tossed around by the rough ride and jarring impact.

Takehito roll #1:22
Takehito Roll #2:5
Takehito Damage: 5 Damage Pen 2
Matariel to hit #1: 4
Matariel to hit #2:88
Takehito Dodge: 92 (Fail)
Fate point spent
Takehito Dodge: 73 (Fail)
Matariel hit location: 3 (Head)
Matariel Damage:20 Damage Pen 5
EVA03M head at -16
EVA03M is knocked out
Takehito suffers 6 points of insanity and 1 Fatigue
Ejection Roll: 44
Ejection Damage and distance: 10 Damage, 2 Dam traveled
Takehito has 1 Wound Remaining
Re: The 3rd Angel

The Angel swung once, and off slid 03M's head. That was one down - and with Olga's Eva on the cusp of rampage, Charlotte began considering retreating to regroup... Perhaps set up a defensive position further inside...

But... to what end would that accomplish anything? The beast was already decimating them - there wouldn't be much point in letting it dart in to get the first strike against her, would there?

Instead, Charlotte gritted her teeth and thrust her knife towards the monster's core again. She would attempt to scramble away from it and withdraw afterwards, back somewhere that put the Angel between her and her sister - and perhaps allow her to pick up one of the discarded rifles in the process - either hers or Takehito's, it mattered little.

Stab he then bugger off. I'll spend Fate to reroll if I miss the stab, I guess.
Re: The 3rd Angel

Charlotte's progressive knife met Matariel's field once again and managed to power through the odd effect, keeping on target as it broke through the outer shell of the core. The blade vibrating white hot as it gouged at the core, before a massive crack split the red orb in half. One more boom of thunder emitted from Matariel before its form began to dissolve into LCL, raining into the streets below and making the city red.

Throughout NERV base many a fist pump was had as a chorus of cheers rose up at the death of the angel. Which were rather quickly tempered by the fact that they still had to deal with Olga, whose synch ratio continued to climb with each passing moment.

And Takehiko who was still trapped half buried into a high rise and half dangling over a 20 story fall.

Charlotte to hit 1: 20
Charlotte to hit 2: 4
Charlotte damage: 7 pen 4
Angel core reaches -5 damage fails toughness roll
Matariel dies
Collateral Damage suffered so far 8
Re: The 3rd Angel

“Hey, this isn’t over yet, the kids still need help!” Viktor barked, having finally given up in trying to light up his cigarette, he would have to find another way to relieve his stress later. He looked at the others for a moment, making sure people were listening to him before speaking again.

“Cut the power to unit 2, and prepare everything to retrieve the pilots and the other units… NOW!”

With that, every person on the room started scrambling around, trying to make Viktor’s order happen as fast as possible, while he looked at the screen, flicking the transceiver on with his increasingly shaky hands. “Olga, eject from the your unit now, that’s an order! To everyone, don’t worry, we’re coming to you.”

Congratulations… that’s a word that choked in Viktor’s throat, who was just barely able to look into the screens. The battle had been nothing but a clusterfuck… and his pilots were…

“Nikolai, prepare me a car, I’m going there myself too.”

“Sir!” With that, Viktor sped out of the place, trying to reach the place at the same time the ‘rescue’ squads did.
Re: The 3rd Angel

"да, Komrad Kapitan. I will try.... but I am suffering heavy feedback from the injuries sustained during the battle....." Olga deferred to her superior officer, "C'mon you громадный.... Just settle down and let me out....." She muttered under her breath as she would try to find the ejector latch and launch herself from her unit, "бог, не дайте мне умереть..." She softly prayed to herself as hopefully her plug would be fired from her behemoth into the sky and land god knows where.....

((Hopefully eject from the Eva and not kill everyone))

((Yes; monster; God, don't let me die...))
Re: The 3rd Angel

EVA 02 was not in good shape, the loss of its arm had also damaged its superstructure, which damaged the already very temperamental plug emergency launch systems. As it was the entire display lit up for just a moment after the button was hit with a "Warning Launch Failed" but then by some twist of fate the warning dissapeared as fast as it had come and Olga and her pod were launched into the sky as her EVA fell to its knees.

The parachute even managed to open which was a bonus because if it hadn't Olga likely wouldn't have survived landing. As it was though she certainly wasn't in great shape, the LCL being the only thing that kept her from bleeding out before the medical teams pried open the hatch, pulled her out of the plug, and put her on a stretcher.

Takehiko took a bit more work to get free, but atleast he wasn't risking bleeding out (though he was certainly still in need of some medical attention after being tossed around like a ragdoll). As it was though a ground team had gone to see if they could retrieve him without moving the plug, but had determined that was currently impossible.

Which left the job of retrieving Takehiko's plug to Charlotte, as currently all the VTOL lifters were busy trying to move the limp forms of the other two EVAs onto the elevator that lead to the geofront.

Viktor arrived at the same time the medical crew did, leaving him in a position to watch, and direct the emergency crews (and Charlotte's retrieval of Takehiko), and see first hand the damage that had been done to both the EVAs and the pilots.

(A.k.a. get to social interacting ye bums until people want to get carted off to medical leave and then off to dreaded school.)

Olga Eject Roll: 10
Fate point spent
Olga eject roll #2: 99 (Perfect Launch)

Everyone gains 350 XP

(Forgot a trauma table roll for Takehiko so here it is: 90 (fails willpower test by 5 degrees)
Roll on trauma table: 71 + 50 + 10 (for insanity level)
The character suffers vivid and extreme nightmares whenever they try to sleep. The next day and for the next 8 days the character will be exhausted by lack of sleep and gains a level of fatigue. )
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Re: The 3rd Angel

"Pilot Miyamoto, please respond," Charlotte said as she approached his 'landing' point - stuck in a building, the plug shot deep into the building. It was highly armored and able to withstand the pressures and strain that the failed ejection and impact had put it through, easily.

The pilot inside, however, was another matter. "Pilot Miyamoto, this is Pilot Alan. I am beginning extraction of your plug - keep me updated on your status."

Concerned over his well-being - not out of any special affection, but simply because any wounds he might suffer was another wound to their enemy's advantage - Charlotte pulled him from the building. When she was done, she retrieved her sister's plug as well, and then asked Command if she should haul the two mutilated Evangelion's carcasses over to one of the elevators, before heading down herself - waiting to ask if it was also okay for her to simply hold her two teammates in her Eva's hands as they descended, unsecured, and without the bulk of their own Evas to absorb the G-forces of the descent - or their housings, to hold them secure and in place as they tunnel took them down.
Re: The 3rd Angel

The older man appeared by means of kicking the door of the car open and getting out with a swift jump, his eyes darted from side to side, trying to let the image of the wrecked units… and his wrecked pilots, avoiding despairing too much at the sight, or at least attemting to, he walked a few steps over to Unit Type 1. “Charlotte! Are you okay?” Viktor said into the receiver of his transceiver as he looked at the only unit still capable of moving on its own. Waiting little for her response as before he started directing her, “The medical teams are here, put Takehiko’s plug down carefully and we’ll do the rest, just stay calm… you all did great.”

Viktor sighed, barely believing himself those words he just sputtered as though he did. Without even trying, his eyes found the higher of his concerns, as he spotted the stretcher Olga was being moved in, he took off like a bat out of hell, arriving at the girl’s side in record time.

“Olga, talk to me. I’m here for you.” He said, quite obviously concerned as he looked at Olga’s now incomplete for with all kinds of remorse gnawing at him… why did he wait? Why didn’t he just ordered her to eject much earlier…? Why didn’t he trust his feelings at that point…?

He brushed the pilot’s hair softly, and caressed her cheek. How could he let one of his crew suffer like that because of his own doubts… He grabbed of the girl’s remaining hand and grasped it strongly with his own. “You’ll be fine Olga, I promise you.”
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Re: The 3rd Angel

Olga seemed to be just barely cognizant, barely aware of the events going on surrounding her as she was removed from her plug and placed on the stretcher. She barely made out her sister retrieving Takehiko's plug from the building it had been lodged in. She seemed half aware of the OD's presence as the older man came rushing to her stretcher, "K-Kapitan..... The Angel..... D-did we succeed? I a-apologize. I almost lost control of Unit 02. It s-seemed to almost have a mind of it's own as the Angel attacked..." She weakly managed to squeak out as the older man brushed her hair, "Y-you do not need be so concerned for my well being, sir. I....... I can.... be replaced. I am very well aware of that....." She said deceiving herself, as the normally lonely and quiet girl found the concern of others for her sake, to be a welcome thing....
Re: The 3rd Angel

“Don’t say that.” Viktor managed to punch those words through his clenched throat, unable at all to accept the loss of a single person. He wouldn’t just accept that, no matter what. “So what if you are replaceable… You’re still here, you’re still alive. Struggle, for all your life is worth… struggle to survive.”

Viktor’s teeth were clattering, still unable to completely stomach the sight of Olga looking as deplorable as she did. For the meantime, while he still had time to concern himself with her, he would do so. “Stay awake. You must not give up. That’s… that’s an order.” He contained himself, keeping from just going down of her and hugging her, he would only worsen her condition like that…
Re: The 3rd Angel

Takehito barely remembered anything after his EVA had been decapitated. A surge of pain, the ejection failing, and a vague feeling of falling. Charlotte was talking to him, but he was still getting his bearings again. He groaned for a moment.

"I- am...here. Bit shaken, but alive." He said dazed, before his plug was picked up and carried to wherever it was, as he blanked out again. He awoke once more, appearing to be on a stretcher, or a cloud, he didn't- nor couldn't care less. He looked over and saw Olga in a terrible state, and the OD next to her, looking as he was about to faint from seeing her.

He looked up at the sky, simply staring at it for awhile. They had finally beaten the angel, albeit at a terrible cost. Olga's EVA had lost an arm, his had been decapitated, and he wasn't entirely sure Charlotte's was up to full strength as well. Regardless, all that matters was that they had won.

That was all that mattered to him, anyways.