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The 3rd Angel

Re: The 3rd Angel

All these people around performing clean-up made it a lot harder for Charlotte to get around... she was suddenly afraid she would step on someone or something. Not only that, but she had to worry about her umbilical dragging around - given how big it was, she could easily knock around NERV's trucks or personnels, and flat out crush anyone in it's way. She was even worried about using nearby buildings to hold onto as she walked, trying not to limp with the pain in her leg, and the true damage to her EVA's. After all, there had just been a battle here - anything could be damaged from her and her teammate's running and stomping around, and every cent spent on unimportant repairs like those was a cent not spent on defenses or better weaponry. Plus, if she knocked something loose, it would fall down... possibly crushing something, and causing yet more damage if it didn't.

And was that... it was! Even the Commander was out here! Shouldn't he have been back in Command, directing the clean up operations? And... wait, was he just talking to Olga and Pilot Miyamoto? Couldn't that wait until they were treated? Thinking for a moment, she decided to open a channel. "Pilot Alan requesting callsign of unit overseeing post-battle operations," she stated. "Also requesting status and ETA to Med of wounded Pilots Olga and Miyamoto." Waiting a moment, she also remembered to ask: "Pilot Alan also requesting orders."

Her heart was pounding... it... it felt like she was questioning Command, even just asking those questions...
Re: The 3rd Angel

“Unit 1, Commander Viktor Sokolov here. Go around the surrounding streets, I’ll personally bring you to them when they are transferred. Is that clear?” The man said over his intercom, finally calmed down somewhat after seeing finally some more attention brought to Olga by the medical teams. All that was left was Takehiko. Patting the wounded girl one last time, Viktor parted from her to address the Japanese pilot.

“Takehiko, how are you feeling. Does your body feel okay?” He asked, the concern in his face and voice never leaving him as he faced Unit 3’s pilot.
Re: The 3rd Angel

"Do not worry for me, Director, my injuries are minor. Just..somewhat shaken is all." Takehiko said, making a brief smile. He looked past the director to Olga, She was being tended to by all sorts of medical personnel, and rightfully so.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you...close to Olga?" Takehito started, eager shift the concern of his wellbeing to something else.
Re: The 3rd Angel

“No… nothing of the sort… it just pains my heart.” Viktor sighed, sparing another glance at Olga’s stretcher. “To see anyone in this state while under my guidance, I’m a failure as a commanding officer…”

“It’s never become easy for me to see people die.”
Re: The 3rd Angel

As the medical teams drove away with Olga, and the two pilotless EVAs were finally brought over to the elevator, a spot left open for Charlotte and her EVA to ride down as well.

While at the same time Viktor's cellphone buzzed once, a message of "Please report to my office immediately for debriefing," addressed from Base Commander Orlov displaying on its screen.

Total Collateral: 9
Base receives 25 Surplus
Base receives 15 research
Re: The 3rd Angel

“Nikolai!” Viktor bellowed on his cell phone just after reading the message, cursing under his breath at the ever timely intervention of his superiors. “Meet with Unit 1’s pilot and take her to the hospital the kids are in. Command just requested my presence.”

“You alright, Sokolov?”

“Not really.”

He sighed in frustration as he made his way to his own vehicle, he’d have to meet the man or he’ll be in trouble. Hopefully this wouldn’t take long.
Re: The 3rd Angel

Olga found herself lying on the hospital bed looking at the ceiling tiles, almost in a meditative state, lost in her thoughts. She found herself recollecting the searing pain in her arm as the angel amputated her Eva, clutching the limb tentatively. She thought back to the bestial, almost self aware nature of the machine as her synch ratio spiked from the traumatic event. She remembered seeing the creature slicing Takahito's Eva's head clean off and his plug flying out to a nearby building....

The Evas..... What were they....? Were they.... alive? Separate entities not just machines? They used them to fight the angels... They were the only things that could truly effectively fight the Angels... Why were the Angels attacking? Occasionally when left alone, with nothing but her thoughts, she found herself pondering these things, briefly; before her mental conditioning would begin to beat them back reasserting dominance...

Who was she? What was she? Did she only exist to destroy the Angels? What would happen to her once defeated? Would they simply discard her? Let her off on her own? As long as the Angels existed, they would have need of her.... This one thought persisted in her mind above all others.... So as long as the Angels were present, she would pilot.... She was an Evangelion pilot. It was what she was created for. But after that..... Then what...?
Re: The 3rd Angel

Viktor, now away from his vehicle, would find himself going rather deep into the underground base that NERV had running under Minsk. Eventually arriving at one of the lowest levels that he still had clearance too, where a single door with a plate that read "B.C. Vikenti Orlov" attached to the front of it. The office on the other side of the door was suprisingly bright, fake screens on the sides showing a picture of St.Petersburg before the city exploded in a ball of nuclear fire. Along with that the room seemed to have no place in shadow, bright roof lights keeping everything illuminated, including the rather friendly face of the base commander sitting behind a large oaken desk. The older (and balding) man had a smile on his face as he said "Ahh Viktor as fast responding as always, here pull up a chair and have a seat."

Viktor could only sigh, unable to hide his still shaking hands from the ordeal of before, he only looked at the base commander, though, he didn't have to see the images to remember the splendor of the city which he once saw with his own eyes. He sat down, leg jumping slightly and fingers twitching relentlessly, although the man himself didn't seem to notice such ticks. "Commander Orlov. What do you require of me?" He asked, somewhat impatiently, anyone on the base would surely know why. The operations director would never be able to stop worrying about his people.

"Don't worry Viktor I don't plan to keep you from the pilots for too long," Orlov said as he pulled up out a recording device, "As it is though we still need to do a preliminary debriefing just to get some questions on the recent battle from your perspective."

Leaning forward and looking down at the recorder he pressed a button on the recorder and said "Debreifing 001, interview with Operations Director Viktor Sokolov on the topic of the encounter with the Third Angel." Then leaning back a bit and re-focusing on Viktor he continued, "First question, the Angel managed to catch us off guard, were the early detection systems offline at the time?"

"They were not, the angel was detected in the immediate vicinity for unknown reasons."

"Okay, second question," Orlov said, "What is your opinion on the Russian Union Army units effectiveness against the Angel."

"Their help was invaluable in the fight." Replied solemnly the OD, "And their sacrifice bought us irreplaceable seconds. They fought bravely."

"Noted. Final question for now. What was your opinion on the capabilities of the EVAs and their pilots?"

"The pilots showed unparalleled progress, and the Evangelions were proficient, our only downfall was the Angel's resilience."

Turning off the recorder Orlov said, "Well then I'm sure you'll be happy to know that we have another EVA and pilot arriving shortly."

Now I'll leave you to dealing with the pilots," Orlov said with a dismissive wave, "And good work today. The United Nations is pleased with how little damage the civilian populace or the EVAs suffered."

"Thank you" Viktor said, with real gratefulness to his words, before lifting from his seat and rushing out of the door.

(End of this thread. Going to post next thread shortly continue from there.)