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The Adventure Begins...

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Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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The sun rose that over the grove of trees surrounding the town of Littleroot. The sound of Taillow chirping in the trees, cheerfully greeting this tranquil morning as they awoke from their slumber. The town was gradually bathed in the morning sun as it rose over the treeline, melting away the morning dew on the grass, indicating the start of a glorious new day.

The automated systems of the town's famous pokemon laboratory started to hum as they started up, waking the sleepy Professor Birch who was still tired from his extensive field studies. He got up to make himself a pot of coffee and looked to the calendar. He jumped in shock upon reading a note he had inscribed onto the calendar reminding him of the early morning orientation he was to give to a group of new Pokemon trainers.

"That was today?!"

The professor quickly started to gather up various items from his lab as he attempted to tidy up. Upon his assistant's arrival, the professor asked him to ask that any of the trainers that arrive early to wait patiently outside. Little did he know, the first few trainers had already made their way into the tranquil town of Littleroot...
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Re: The Adventure Begins...

Ty woke up to the noises of pokemon in the distance. He had made a long journey just getting to Littleroot. He yawned and said "todays the day I start my adventure." Ty got dressed in his usual attire, he picked up his pokeball containing ghastly, and left the home he was lounging in.

He walked through the early morning grass, on his way to the professors lab. He waved to any early goers in the town. When he arrived at the lab, he saw professors Birch's assistant. He walked to the lab door, and greeted the assistant. The assistant told Ty "the professor wants you to wait outside the lab." Ty nodded and walked to a nearby tree to sit under.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Syl slowly rose from her bed, the sun hitting her delicate skin. After a light wince from the brightness of the sun's radiance, she got up from her bed and stood up. With a slight cough, she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. She took a shower, brushed her hair, and got dressed in her usual clothes. Afterward, she double-checked her messenger bag. She packed everything she'd need for her journey in it, including her medication and whatnot. It also contained her Ralts's pokeball, but it didn't have the pokemon inside.

"Ralts...," the feeling pokemon said quietly as it approached Syl.

"Good morning, Rynne. It starts today...our journey," Syl said as she offered her friend a smile.

After a bit more preparation, Syl and Rynne left their little room and bid thanks and farewell for the kind person who let them rest there for the night. The pair then set off for Professor Birch's laboratory.

Upon entering the lab, they were told to wait outside until called for, so Syl went outside and looked merely took a seat near door. Another light cough came out of her mouth.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Benton, having been up for the past couple of hours scouring for berries to eat for both himself and Shitake, his Shroomish, he slowly made his way into the town of Littleroot. The boy took a slow, deliberate pace as he made his way to Birch's laboratory, allowing the weak, early morning rays of light to bathe his face and the cool breeze to rustle his hair and clothes; a dark green hoodie and a pair of black pants, along with his black hiking boots.

Once at the lab he is told politely to wait while the professor readies himself, and so takes a seat.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

On the small hill looking down on the sleepy little town, a shadowed figure stood watching the young trainers assemble. "Soon... So many young talents will converge on this small collection of houses, their desires and ambitions just budding before getting their chance to blossom like flowers in the morning sun. But what they do not know is that forces beyond their knowledge already have desires and ambitions of their own and... Uhm..." The figure paused, looking up at the brightening sky. "That wasn't how it went did it? Shuckie, where's that script I had written? Shuckie?" Looking around, the figure spots a red and yellow ball rolling down the hill towards the town.

"SHUUUCCKKIIEEE!" A loud cry breaks the morning stillness as the immaculately dressed Kiko runs into the town, chasing a small red ball with several holes in it. Bouncing as it hit a rock, the ball comes to rest in front of Ty, but Kiko is unable to slow herself. Catching her foot on the same rock she trips face-first into the ground just short of her pokemon. The yellow head of the Shuckle poked out of one of the holes, looking at her with apparent confusion, looking none the worse for its tumble into town.

Groaning, Kiko got to her feet and picked up the Shuckle and, after dusting her dress off as best she could, hugged the round pokemon to her chest. Looking at the other people gathered around, she suddenly had a terrible thought. Turning to Ty, she looked at him worriedly. "Did I miss it?! Was I supposed to be here yesterday? You're just resting up before going out on your journey right?" Barely giving the young man a chance to speak she looked up to the sky. "Oh Shuckie! We're too late!" She moaned, in obvious distress. "I knew we should have gone left at Mauville City..."
Re: The Adventure Begins...

A bellowing laugh is heard as Kiko falls on her face, the laugh originating from a large muscleman dressed in a white muscle shirt and black cargo pants, with a Torchic perched on his right shoulder. "See that, Torch. Fell flat on her face." he says, walking towards the group with his hands on his waist. "Settle down, missie. You're on time." the large man says, grinning a yellow-toothed grin as his torchic tilts its head and chirps at her barrage of questions towards Ty. "Judging by the fact that everyone's waiting outside, I'd say that we're actually early." he says, searching his numerous cargo pockets. "Dangit, Torch, where'd you hide my pack?" he seems to ask his Torchic, pulling out a zippo lighter engraved with the Heat Badge emblem, but failing to find what he was actually looking for, though Ty or Kiko might notice the bulging back pocket he'd forgotten to search.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

As the muscled man in the white shirt would snap at his Torchic, neither he nor Kiko would notice a young man dressed in a black gi, with black boots and gauntlets on his forearms, wearing a maroon colored scarf around his neck and a bandanna on his forehead with the shape of a Soul Badge fastened to the front of it. He had brown slicked back hair and a Nincada resting on his shoulder. He would notice the bulge sticking out of his back pocket and softly clear his throat to get the mans, attention. "Ahem. Excuse me sir, but there seems to be something sticking out of your pocket. Is that what you are searching for? Also, I take it it would be safe to assume that you are also here for the PokeDex and PokeNavs that are being offered, yes? Oh, by the way; my Name is Kiyo, and this is my Nincada, Shade. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope to have a chance to face you both in honorable battle sometime." He said bowing slightly in a sign of respect and courtesy.
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Re: The Adventure Begins...

Jack stops searching, his free hand reaching into his back pocket to grasp at his pack of cigarettes, pulling them out and staring at them. "How did those get back there?" he asks himself as he shakes a cigarette out and sticks it between his lips, flicking his zippo open and striking the flint several times, trying to catch the fumes wafting out of the lighter. "Guessing you're one of those foreigners, then? Johto or Kanto?" he asks, looking over at Kiyo, the lighter finally catching as he holds the flame to his cigarette, lighting it and flipping the lighter closed. "Name's Jack. Jack Landers. This here's my Torchic, Torch." he says, stowing the pack of cigarettes in one of his cargo pockets and his lighter in his right normal pocket, before reaching up and petting the little bird on the head. "Hope we get to fight you at some point as well. Will make good practice!" he boasts, laughing heartily.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Benton watches the scene unfold in front of him, content with just observing the new arrivals than participating in their conversation. The boy does note that there is something familiar about the latest arrival. Not someone he recognises, more the style and air about the man.

"Looks kind of like Fushia's lot," Benton mutters to himself, his eyes wander to the symbol on his bandana. "Yeah, I'm sure of it now. What do you think, Shi?" With a flick of his wrist Benton releases Shitake, who quickly sits himself on the boys lap and nods.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Charles sat under a tree nearby, sharing a sandwich with Jaws, relaxing until the good professor could join them, sketching images of each of the trainer's pokemon that he could see, taking down how tall they appeared, and what condition they seem to be in. He winced when he saw Kiko go down, feeling sorry for her, but saying nothing to draw attention. Jaws sat on his knee, munching on his half of sandwich, snuggling a little with Charles.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"Umm, excuse me..." Charles would hear from beside him. A small-ish girl had walked up quietly to the fringe of the group, wearing jeans and an oddly-bunched blue hoody, and was leaning over to talk to him. "This is Littleroot town, right? I'm not too late to meet the professor, am I?"
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Charles glances at her, arching a brow. "Nope. This is where you meet him, but Birch is running late." He kept taking bites of his sandwich, reclining under the tree.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Syl coughed a bit as she watched the group converse among themselves and whatnot. A few coughs followed her initial cough, and her Ralts approached her with a bottle of capsuled medicine. Syl grinned a bit, her coughs fading as she took the bottle and took a single capsule. After replacing the bottle into her bag, the Ralts hopped onto Syl's lap.

"Looks like they're all here for the same reason we are, Rynne," Syl muttered gently, looking at the group.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Ty looked at the girl who just fell, it had brought a smile to his face. He then told her "as this other man said you haven't missed anything, I myself just got here." He continued consoling her "so please don't get upset." He looked pokemon in her arms. He looked at the pokemon in amazement, "what kind of pokemon is that, I've never seen it around here before?" He then held a hand out towards the spherical pokemon.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

A covered young man lay resting below a tree behind the lab, at his left side there were some leftovers of poke berries and at his side a little bagon rest over a sheet. Soon the noise inside the building call his attention and turn to a side to see the view before wake up completely and start to pick up his belongings, then use his pokeball to take the bagon and goes to eat something...

Some minutes later cleaned and ready after a quick breakfast he knock the door and wait for an answer, still yawning and checking his watch.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"O-o-okay, thank you." The girl says meekly, starting to turn away when her clothing... Ruffled, would be the best way to describe it. just then, a Dratini head appeared from inside her hoody, popping up just beneath her own head. "Draa?" it said curiously, tilting it's head sideways a tad.
"Yes, we're here. The professor is running late apparently, so we're okay." She informed the pokemon. "Ti, Draatini!" It replied, skaing it's head a little, the stress on the shirt pulling the girl along with. "Well, if you hadnt decided to run off and try to make friends with that Abra two towns back, we would have been on time. You should have known they always run away." She admonished, walking away from Charles absent-mindedly.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Jack turns his head to look over at the Shuckle, now curious "What IS that?" he asks, his Torchic practically bumping heads with him as it tilts its head back and forth studying the Shuckle. "That's not native to Mount Chimney, that's for sure." he says, scratching his head as his cigarette bobs up and down with his speech, also impairing said speech. "Then again, there are a few pokemon I've seen lately that aren't native to Hoenn running around with trainers." he says, grasping the cigarette and taking it from his mouth after a long drag, blowing the smoke upward into the air to keep it out of the others noses.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"Oh thank goodness!" Kiko broke out in a smile when she heard she was not, in fact, late. When she was asked about her pokemon, she again smiled. "This is Shuckie, a Shuckle. Not the most imaginative name I know, but he seems to like it. I think it's cute anyway." She held out the pokemon for Ty to touch or hold as she continued. "I met him in Cianwood City in Johto, so that would be why you haven't seen one Hoenn." Being held out towards Ty's extended hand, Shuckie extended featureless, yellow arm to poke experimentally at the human's hand.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Jack furls his brow at the strange pokemon "Guessing you're not from Hoenn then. Another immigrant." he says, placing the cigarette back in his mouth and reaching his left hand up to pet his torchic on his head. "Hey Torch. Whadda you think, eh? Cute, no?" he says, smiling as he sees the shuckle prodding Ty back.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

At that moment, a tall, messy-haired figure emerged from the morning mists with a Vulpix traveling loyally along side him. He had a cheerful expression on his face and his Vulpix companion seemed to enjoy walking along side him. The boy walked up near the others and patiently waited for the professor to emerge from the laboratory. His patience was immediately rewarded as the absent minded professor stumbled out the front door of his lab, but immediately regained his composure in front of the other trainers. He cleared his throat and began to adress the trainers gathered in front of his lab that morning.

"Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Birch, but everyone calls me the Pokemon Professor. This world is inhabited by creatures known as Pokemon. We humans live alongside Pokemon, at times as friendly playmates, and at times as cooperative workmates. And sometimes, we band together and battle others like us. But despite our closeness, we don't know everything about Pokemon. In fact, there are many, many secrets surrounding Pokemon. To unravel Pokemon mysteries, I've been undertaking research. That's what I do. But I would like your help to unravel these mysteries as you start your Pokemon journies."

Professor Birch hands each of the ten trainers their own Pokedex and Pokenavs.

"The first device I have handed each of you is a called a Pokedex. It is, in simple terms, an automated encyclopedia that automatically records data on pokemon you have seen and caught. I originally intended to give you the local version of this device which only recorded data on the 200 species of pokemon that originally inhabited Hoenn, but seeing as new species of pokemon have started appearing in this region, I have upgraded them to National status so they will record data on all species of Pokemon. The second device I handed each of you is called a PokeNav. It is the standard navigation and wireless communicator used by everyone in Hoenn. They are all equipped with a GPS locator becon and satelite navigation so you'll always know where you are. I also took the liberty of registering each other's PokeNav communication number so you can keep in touch if you so desire. I believe that is all you shall need to know and you should be ready to set out on your own Pokemon journies. Be sure that each of you pick up a special voucher from my assistant. Take that voucher to the cashier in the Pokemart in Oldale Town and you will be given some free supplies that will help each of you get started on your adventures. Good luck to all of you."

The professor went back into his lab and his assistant started to hand out vouchers to each of the trainers.
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