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The Adventure Begins...

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Re: The Adventure Begins...

Jack raised his left eyebrow at the speech and took the pokedex and the pokenav, storing the former in one of his lower cargo pockets and the latter in a small pouch on the back of his belt. "Beats smoke signals." he states at the keeping in touch comment, chuckling. When the assistant began handing out vouchers, he took his and slid it into his right pant pocket, where he kept his lighter, and then reached his left hand up to pet his Torchic on the head. "So. Who's heading for Oldale town? Snacks are on me when we get to the pokemon center there."
Re: The Adventure Begins...

The Shuckle took hold of Ty's hand, the arm felt fleshy like it had no bones in it. Ty smiled "so another foreigner is here, seems like there are a lot of them here." "Well it's nice meeting you two, I hope you have a nice time here." Just then the pokemon professor appeared at the door.

He started a speech on who he was, and what pokemon were. This speech went on for a few minutes, he eventually stopped and gave each of us two devices. The professor called the first one a pokedex which is am pokemon encyclopedia, the second one he called a pokenav which seemed to be a map and phone. After he handed everyone the devices he told us to pick up a voucher from his assistant. I walked over to the assistant and took a voucher, Ty now thought to himself "I'm ready to start my adventure."
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Syl listened to Professor Birch and smiled gently as she received her PokeDex, PokeNav, and her Voucher. Her eyes slowly scanned each of the devices and blinked, They're different from the one Mom and Dad had. I guess they're the newer versions. She pointed her PokeDex at Ralts, who looked at her with its eyes actualyl revealed underneath the little "green" helmet on its head.

"Ralts, a Psychic Pokemon. A Ralts has the power to sense the emotions of people and Pokémon with the horns on its head. It takes cover if it senses any hostility," the PokeDex blurted out.

"Of course, I already knew that about you, Rynne," Syl chuckled weakly before placing her hand on the Ralts's head and stroking it. Responding with her name, Syl smiled and then placed her PokeDex, PokeNav, and Voucher into her bag. With a light cough, she looked around at all of the other new trainers that came at the same time she did.

So all of these people are trainers, too...
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Benton had listened intently to the professor's speech, only getting up to collect his Pokedex and PokeNav, the latter he clips onto his bottoms. Flipping open the Pokedex the boy fiddled around with the various buttons, first scanning Shitake then moving onto the Pokemon that are on view. Once done he closes it and slides it into his pants pocket. The vouchers were placed into his wallet.

"Well I did plan on checking out Petalburg Woods, but it's on the way so why not," Benton replies to Jack's offer, a friendly smile on his face, a hand outstretched and Shitake perched on his head. "I'm Benton. Benton Reid. From Celadon."
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Charles nodded at Professor Birch when he saw him, having met him previously when he was beginning his studies. He got up, grabbing his new equipment and voucher, trusting Jaws to tell him where he put it all. He begins his preparations to leave, looking down the road to Old Town, hoping the others would leave him alone, but having a nasty feeling in the pit of his stomach that someone annoying would talk to him the whole way there. "Come on, Jaws," he muttered, turning to head down the road and begin the first steps of what he knew was going to be a long journey.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"Petalburg, eh? I guess I could go for some forest exploration." Jack says, turning his head to look at his torchic, who chirps and pecks him on the nose lightly. "Well, Benton. Looks like you and me'll be traveling together. So you better get used to Torch's chirping, haha!" he says, taking Bentons hand and squeezing it as he shakes it, laughing as he grins his yellow grin.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Kiyo flipped open his pokedex and held it up to Shade:
Nincada: It makes its nest at the roots of a mighty tree. 
Using its whiskerlike antennae, it probes its surroundings 
in the pitch-black darkness of soil.

"Hm. This could be mist useful for figuring out how to approach future foes." he said as he scanned it around the area to pick up info regarding the other trainers pokemon before flipping it back shut and storing it in his pack before clipping his pokenav to his gi. He then walked over to Kiko, "Excuse me, but would you be opposed to traveling with me? It'd be nice to have some company and someone to talk to along the way besides Shade here." "Niiiin~!? Cada, cada cada! Nincada!" The bug pokemon retorted back to his owner at his comment, "I didn't mean that I don't like to talk to you, Shade. It's just nice to have some human company too and someone who speaks the language is all." "Nin! Nin! Cada!" the bug huffed back. "So what do you say, miss? As I said before, my name is Kiyo, Kiyo Watubashi. What's yours?" he asked with a gentle smile and his eyes closed as he extended his hand towards Kiko.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Kiko smiled as she was given the devices and voucher, but she didn't seem to have a pack, nor have any pockets on her dress. Where she was planning on storing the tools soon became clear though. "Hold these Shuckie, while I get this thing going." Handing the PokeNav and voucher to her pokemon, Kiko brought her Pokedex up to get the reading on the Shuckle.

Shuckle quietly hides itself under rocks, keeping its body concealed inside its
hard shell while eating berries it has stored away. The berries mix with-

Kiko quickly cut the device off. "Ah ah ah... Don't want the special secret being revealed." She said to no one in particular. Handing the Pokedex to Shuckie - who then stored the three items in its shell - Kiko turned to Kiyo. "Sure! It's always fun to travel with friends." She answered enthusiastically. "Ah, my name's Kiko Weyridge, nice to meet you, Kiyo."
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Syl saw and heard everyone getting into little pairs for their journeys. With a weak sigh, she looked to Ralts and smiled gently. The little pokemon's eyes were once again revealed underneath the green "helmet" on her head. "C'mon, Rynne. Let's go. We should probably head for Rustboro and visit Aunt Moko," she said slowly before starting off toward Route 101 with a light cough.

"Ralts!" Rynne exclaimed before hopping into Syl's arms.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Ty walked to the guy with a bagon. He asked "would you like to join me on this adventure?" Ty then held out his hand to the man.
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Re: The Adventure Begins...

Crystal listened to the professor intently, checking what he was telling them in comparison to what she already knew. He sounded like he usually gave the same speech to people much younger than this group appeared to be, but otherwise it was quite informative. "Thank you..." She said quietly when handed the items, secreting them away in her hoody. Those backpacks some of the others were carrying looked really handy, she'd have to pick one of them up sometime soon.

She sat back while introductions were made, not really sure whether she wanted to travel in a group or not. champion is a rather singular title, after all. of course, it would probably make more sense to get some help early on, when things were toughest...
Re: The Adventure Begins...

The unintroduced trainer in the brown trenchcoat turned to Syl in curiousity and slowly approached her, his Vulpix following behind him.

"Hi, I'm sorry I never got the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ridley. I'm sorry to have eavesdropped, but I overheard that you were travelling to Rustboro City. I happen to be headed in that direction and was wondering if you would mind the company?"
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Syl blinked and looked at person who introduced themselves to her. Syl looked to her Ralts and nodded for a bit, coughing gently to the side. With a very light and weak smile, Syl nodded to Ridley's offer for company. Her eyes looked weak, but very welcoming to the company that Ridley offered.

"Sure...the company would be most welcome. I'm...," Syl coughed before she could finish, "...Syl."

Syl then gestured to her Ralts, "And this is my best friend, Rynne. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ridley..."
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Re: The Adventure Begins...

Crystal stood back and watched as everyone paired off and went on their way, a mite confused. She hadn't seen anyone split off into more than twos, and she could have sworn the trainer with the vulpix that arrived a bit after her made an even number, but she was the only one left once the commotion had settled down. Then she noticed the young man from the tree walking along on his own.
"What do you think, should we keep an eye on him and make sure he stays safe?" She asked the pokemon whose face emerged from her hoody just below her own. "The Dratini only nodded, then tried to sneakily pull itself back down into the shirt proper, only managing to get it's ears caught in the process. Crystal giggled, then helped her pokemon get where it wanted to go. "Silly one. Alright, we'll be sneaky." She says, then starts to follow Charles from a ways back, trying to look like she just happened to be headed in the same direction. Of course, everyone was, but that couldn't be helped.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"Well we finally made it Nikki" Max said to his Sneasel as they looked at Littleroot Town. "Hm I guess we better visit the Professor and let him know we made it." As they make there way to the lab.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"I can't believe how late I am!" He cursed to himself as he ran towards the building that he was told is the pokemon professor's lab.
" I know I said that I wanted to sleep Nails, but this is an important day!"
Nails merely responded with a defensive "Aron!" as he kept pace with Tycho running towards the lab in Littleroot town.
"Well, at least the trip here was fun. It's time to begin our adventure Nails!" Tycho said cheerfully as they entered the lab.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

After a quick stroll in town, Nikki was getting somewhat upset with Max at how long it was taking them that she let him know with a poke in the hand with her claws. “Ouch OK, OK the lab should be around here” he apologized as she crossed her arms, glared, and gave a small “Sne” back at him. As soon as he arrived, he found the fist person he could see and asked if he could talk to the Professor.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

The man nodded and led them to professor Birch who was so engrossed in his research, that he failed to notice the late arriving trainers.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

Seeing the professor so engrossed in his work Tycho couldn't help but feel a touch of envy. Now there's a guy who loves his work.
As much as he hates to interrupt, it looks like saying nothing will get him nowhere.
"Um, are you professor Birch? Sorry for my late arrival, but I'm here to start my adventure"
Re: The Adventure Begins...

As he was led to professor Birch and saw him at work Max know he would need to interrupt his work so he knocked on the door and spoke.
"Excuse me professor but I wish to let you know I have arrived and I apologize for being late."
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