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The Adventure Begins...

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Re: The Adventure Begins...

The professor turned to the two trainers, obviously embarrassed from being so engrossed in his research.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I take it you're the one of the trainers that came to start their very own Pokemon journey?"
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"That is correct professor, I’m Max and this is Nikki." He said, "I also wish to apologise for being so late"
As she was being introduced, Nikki gave a small wave then started to look around with Max telling her "if your going to look around please don’t get in peoples way or touch anything if you don't know what it is. We don't need a repeat of last time"
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"that's right. Sorry about being so late" Tycho said as he scratched the back of his head a little embarrassed.
"I'm Tycho Kotetsu, this is my pal, Nails." he said as he directed his hand towards Nails.
"Aron!" Nails added cheerfully
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"Well, now that you're here, I might as well give you two the full speech..."

Professor Birch clears his throat.

"Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Birch, but everyone calls me the Pokemon Professor. This world is inhabited by creatures known as Pokemon. We humans live alongside Pokemon, at times as friendly playmates, and at times as cooperative workmates. And sometimes, we band together and battle others like us. But despite our closeness, we don't know everything about Pokemon. In fact, there are many, many secrets surrounding Pokemon. To unravel Pokemon mysteries, I've been undertaking research. That's what I do. But I would like your help to unravel these mysteries as you start your Pokemon journies."

Professor Birch hands each trainers their own Pokedex and Pokenavs.

"The first device I have handed each of you is a called a Pokedex. It is, in simple terms, an automated encyclopedia that automatically records data on pokemon you have seen and caught. I originally intended to give you the local version of this device which only recorded data on the 200 species of pokemon that originally inhabited Hoenn, but seeing as new species of pokemon have started appearing in this region, I have upgraded them to National status so they will record data on all species of Pokemon. The second device I handed each of you is called a PokeNav. It is the standard navigation and wireless communicator used by everyone in Hoenn. They are all equipped with a GPS locator becon and satelite navigation so you'll always know where you are. I also took the liberty of registering each other's PokeNav communication number so you can keep in touch if you so desire. I believe that is all you shall need to know and you should be ready to set out on your own Pokemon journies. Be sure that each of you pick up a special voucher from my assistant. Take that voucher to the cashier in the Pokemart in Oldale Town and you will be given some free supplies that will help each of you get started on your adventures. Good luck to all of you."

The professor went back into his lab and his assistant started to hand out vouchers to each of the trainers.
Re: The Adventure Begins...

"Wow..." Was all Tycho could manage as he took the pokedex and pokenav.

"This is really happening now. It's a little late but it's finally happening!"

A rush of childhood memories flooded back as he stood there with devices in hand. He snapped back from his brief reverie as he realized there was a whole WORLD to discover filled with pokemon. He'd best get to work!
He then remembered the kid that was there with him and thought 2 heads are usually better than one so he'd best ask if he wanted to come along with him.

"Hi there! My name is Tycho, brand new pokemon trainer. Care to come along with me at least as far as oldale town? I've studied a bit about pokemon but a new perspective never hurts. Perhaps we can help each other out"
He said as he offered his hand in introduction
Re: The Adventure Begins...

As he was handed his stuff Max thanked Birch for them then said to Nikki "we have our stuff to really start out now lets not waste to much more time."
However, on his way out he heard the other trainer introduce him self as Tycho and ask if they could work together for a bit.
“You know that does sound like a good idea.” Max said “also my name is Max Night but you my call ether one if you wish.”
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