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The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tails


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
(Medium Main Building, Medium Walled Area, Located at Dragonback Lowlands)
A small ranch owned by Ashloriel, Kicke's Stepmother, that is being loaned to him while he fulfils his dreams of 'rehabilitating naughty girls into proper ladies', or some such nonsense. Still, it is a nice and cozy home, with room for expansion, not to mention it have a large, if somewhat overgrown, grazing area and a Barn.

=Kicke's House=​
Type: Medium Main Building
Floors: 2 Enlarged(1st, 2nd)
=1st Floor=​
5/8 Furnishment Slots

The first room one enters the house, with large windows on the right and forward side, the former looking out over the grazing area of the ranch and the latter facing out towards a forest in the distance. To the left is a rack to hang clothes on, and a little further forward and to the left is the door leading to the kitchen. Right forward from the entrance is the staircase leading to the upper floor, and beneath/behind the stairs is the door leading to the bathroom. There is a half-circle made up of two sofas and two couches with a low circular table in the middle of it, with a rugged red mat beneath it. There is a wide bookshelf along the wall to the right of the entrance, but save for a small handful books on basic cooking and living on a ranch, it is empty. And located next to the staircase is also a chest for storing items.

The Chest(Medium Item Storage): 0/20 Items

The Bookshelf(Medium Item Storage: 3/20 Items
-Beginner's Guide to Cooking
-Beginner's Guide to Ranching
-Beginner's Guide to Bovinians

A cozy little kitchen with most basic necessities to cook a warm meal. Opoosite to the door from the livingroom, there is small door leading into the pantry. To the left when entering the kitchen, there is a rectangular window facing out towards the main road, and the path leading up to the ranch. There is a rectangular table with one narrow end facing the window, two chairs on each wide edge and one chair at the narrow end opposite of the window. A stove and sink are located along the wall next to the window, with some cabinets above with cheap utensils, glasses, bowls, pots, pans and the like.

+The Pantry(Large Food Storage): 30/30 Items
-8 Cheap Meat(Dried Jerky)
-8 Cheap Fruit(Potatoes, Rice)
-14 Cheap Drink(Stale Cider, Water)

A small room with tiled floor and narrow windows at the upper ends of the two outwards facing walls, providing light without letting people peep inside. There is a toilet right to the left when entering, and past it are a sink and a small cabinet above it. There is a small closet on the opposite side of the toilet, with a pile of neatly folded together towels, five in total, four medium sized and one large enough to completely wrap oneself up in, or use for a picnic. Opposite from the entrance is a wall-to-wall long bathtub, made of wood with seats on the narrow ends, and large enough for three adults to comfortably share it, four or five if squeezing together, and likely quite a chore to fill up.

+The Closet(Medium Item Storage): 5/20 Items
-4 Medium Towels
-1 Huge Towel

+The Cabinet(Small Item Storage): 0/10 Items
=2nd Floor=​
7/8 Furnishment Slots

The first room on the second floor, with a wall directly to the left and some corridor space forward and to the right of the stairs. There are square windows on the forward and back ends, providing light. Immedietly to the left after climbing the stairs lies the Guestroom. Immedietly to the right lies the Master's Bedroom. If following the narrow walkspace between the staircase and the wall to the Master's Bedroom, one can find a small door that leads to the second 'Guestroom'.

-Masters Bedroom-​
The room is average in size, but have a few large mats to cover most of the floor, with a wall-long window on the opposite wall from the door in, giving a clear sight of the grazing area of the Ranch. There is also a small door leading to the second 'Guestroom'. Almost infront of the door from the central corridor lies a large bed fit for three, made of somewhat aged wood with cheap linens for sheets and cover. At the end of the bed is a small storage chest, but apart from these things the room is lacking in furnishing.

Master's Bed(Cheap Triple Bed): Allows 3 Beings to Rest, Restores 15HP/5SP during Rest

+The Chest(Medium Item Storage): 0/20 Items

The room is spacious and fairly scarce in furnishing, with two large square windows on opposite ends of the room, with one facing out towards the main road and one towards a distant forest. Along the wall opposite of the door are two bunkbeds, likely once meant for servants. There is also an large closet to store clothes and bedsheets in, along the wall opposite of the bunkbeds, right to the left when entering the room.

Bunkbed(Cheap Double Bed): Allows 2 Beings to Rest, Restores 15HP/5SP during Rest

Bunkbed(Cheap Double Bed): Allows 2 Beings to Rest, Restores 15HP/5SP during Rest

+The Big Closet(Medium Item Storage): 4/20 Items
-4 Full Sets of Spare Single Bedcloth

The room is fairly small, with only narrow, and barred, windows near the ceiling to provide scant amounts of light and fresh air. The two doors, one leading to the Master's Bedroom, and one to the small corridor, are reinforced and with solid locks on them. If entering from the Master's Bedroom, there is a trio of chain-and-shackle sets to keep slaves to on the left side, on the wall between the two rooms. On the opposite wall in the corner, furthermost away from both doors, stands a large contraption, with a central container with a tap to the side of it, with a lot of small plates one can flip out to access lengthy tubes with suction cups on the ends of them, magically enchanted to fit to whatever appendage or piece of anatomy they are attached to, in order to best perform the task it was made for: Fluid Extraction. The Milking Device also sports a leather padded, flexible and configurable seat, offering options for the 'client' to be either standing, sitting or laying during the milking process. There are also fine links of chains connected to leather-padded shackles, of magically configurable sizes and fashions, available so that the 'client' can be properly restrained.

Cheap Triple Slave Post: Holds 3 Slaves, Allows Captives to Rest, Restores 4HP/4SP during Rest

Fluid Extraction Device: Extracts Milk/Cum by 3 Loads per Breast/Cock per Hour from a Being put into the Device, Drains 1 Mana per Hour per Breast/Cock being Milked, The Milk/Cum is Stored until Tapped, Can store up to 50 Loads. Holds 1 Slave, Allows 'Resting', Restores 5HP during 'Rest'.
=The Grazing Area & Barn=​
To Be Fixed At Some Point
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Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

It had been an interesting month to say the least, what with him working out a deal with Ashloriel, his late fathers second wife, to be loaned a house to have as base of operations while he worked towards 'Justice', something his stepmother had been wary and reluctant of at first, but later agreed to once some 'details' had been worked out. Said details included that Kicke would recieve a weekly funding in his efforts to 'rehabilitate' criminals into honest citizens, or at least ones willing to work without a fuzz for 'acceptable payment'. Ashloriel hadn't been entirely clear, but as far as Kicke had been told, and promised, it would largely be 'Maid for Hire' kind of work that she needed employees for.

It had been a refreshing trek to his new home, and he had already taken in the land he was borrowing; a large grazing area and a small barn, the former wildly overgrown and the latter in need of some repairs and refurbishing, but Ashloriel had promised him that she would see to that in due time. He had also managed to get some bearing of his own house, having looked over the entirety first floor, and the guestroom on the left and briefly peered into the Master's Bedroom on the right, when he heard a weak knock on the door downstairs. If not for the emptiness of his home, and the echo it made to amplify the knocking, he likely wouldn've missed it completely.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Kicke surveyed his new base of operations, adjusting his super cool sunglasses with a wide grin. "Nice! This shabby little shit hole is great for a rogue hero of justice like myself! All the naughty girls of the world better watch out!" he boasted, before having a personal tour of the house. "Awesome! This is a lot better than sleeping on the roof of some building!" he announced, as he had to run from police a few times after having assaulted a woman who was picking someone's pocket. It was so hard to explain that he was trying to punch her, not rape her.

Then, a knock came. "Justice is knocking!" he announced, flourishing his cape as he charged down the stairs.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

"Hello..!" announced the girl at the door, as hesitantly as she had knocked. The unimposing woman wore her considerably more imposing, though rather unfortunately tarnished bronze armour, a set which seemed almost ill-fit to her frame. "Is this the residence of, ah... Kicke... Deathbooot?" She had heard someone thundering down the stairs; presumably the resident was in a position to hear her.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Before reaching the door, Kicke heard his name called. This immediately rose an alarm in his head, as he reached the door, threw it open with a violent motion, clad in his iron armor and iron hammer, as if ready for battle, as he looked at the girl who was knocking with a challenging frown. "This was supposed to be a secret head quarters! How the hell did you find it so quickly!?" he exclaimed at the girl, before raising a clenched fist at the girl. "Who are you!? An evil doer!? Are you with the law enforcement!? How many times do I have to explain it!? She was pickpocketing and I was trying to punch her! It was not rape!" he shouted to her.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

For someone armed and armoured, the woman at Kicke's door was quite easy to frighten. His abrupt arrival was met with a squeal of surprise as Rosella stepped back, bringing her hands toward her body and legs together, in what was about the exact opposite of a good combative stance. "I-, Ah-, Ashloriel sent me!" she managed to squeak out, quite afraid of the actions of what was presumably the man she was supposed to meet.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

His whole upper body slouched forward, arms hanging limp when she mentioned that she was sent by Ashloriel. After a moment he righted himself, and adjusted his sunglasses. "... Right." he said bluntly, before clearing his throat. "I apologize if my mother sent you to perform sexual favors. She's been sending girls like you since I was eighteen. When the first one came, I thought she was just nice, and then she violated my chastity and then charged me for all I was worth. NEVER AGAIN!" he shouted, roaring into the sky, before looking back to her. "... Come to think of it, all you've done is stand there and cower, do you fear me? Tell me who you are and what you want!" he demanded.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

“Your stepmother sends you.. Just what kind of relationship…” Rosella flushed slightly with embarrassment, apparently finding the situation abnormal. “Ah!” she gasped, broken from her reverie by another outburst. “No, she didn’t send me here for that.” The woman answered, far more happily than most women who had just been called whores, though there was nothing insincere about her smile. “I am Rosella, pala- …aspiring paladin, current cleric for hire. Ashloriel said you intended to catch bad people and try to reform them, and she hired me to help you do it.” She looked slightly away from Kicke’s face. “…Well, though I might be hired, she isn’t paying me… she expects you to cover my costs – I promise they won’t be high!” Her expression is suddenly a bit more desperate, apparently fearing that the man she was sent to aid would refuse her help. “I don’t eat much, and I can heal wounds, so I can help in a fight… your stepmum even told me about a bandit around here that we could catch.”
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Kicke's brow rose when she revealed that she knew what his plan was, and his smile rose as well when she revealed that she was going to help him. "So~" he chimed, putting a hand to his chin, and the other to his hip. "You're a fellow pursuer of justice, eh?" he seemed to assume. "Right! As an apology for nearly beating you into a pulp with my hammer, you can be my sidekick! And hey, I'm generous, so how about we split the dough from any bad guys we rob?" he offered. "Fifty-fifty!"

"Plus," he began to add, putting his hand on her head. "You're cute as a button when you make that little pouty face! And you have giant boobs!" he announced with a vulgar grin. "Yeah! So long as you don't give me a reason to hit you with my hammer, we'll get along fine! Come on!" he gestured, tapping her on the shoulder as he stepped out of the house. "Let's go get that bandit, and beat him until he regrets his life decisions!"
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

“Yes!” Rosella answered, showing considerably more conviction than she had at any other point. “Everyone should be able to live in peace and without fear… and that’s what I want to protect.” While some of it was presumably because Kicke had finally found the right answer, there was determination in her voice that gave away her passion. The armoured cleric’s eyes only lit up when her new partner in anti-crime proposed to split the profits of their hauls. “Really? I didn’t think I would get a chance to earn anything on this… thank you!”

Her elation only lasted so long, however. The praise of her general appearance caused her to cast her eyes to the side in nervous embarrassment, though the more specific praise drew as startled a “Wah?!” as if he had just groped her himself. Her physical response was much the same, the woman stepping back and reflexively moving her hands to cover a chest that was already more than defended enough, given the armour plating. Her eyes had met his for a moment as she was startled, but that one moment was all it lasted for before she cast them downwards, her mouth quivering a little as she attempted to articulate a response. “T-to say such a thing..! A-and… i..in the middle of a street…” her face seemed unable to chose between a look of nervous embarrassment, and happiness – presumably at the compliment. Putting the side of her index finger to her mouth, she continued after a moment. “…They’re really not… I mean, the armour is kind of…” she trailed off, walking quickly to catch up with the other soldier of justice, at which point she had a different train of conversation to pursue.

“Her. She’s a wood elf with fox traits,” Rosella began, seeming more comfortable though the ghost of embarrassment from the conversation only a little prior still lingered in her voice. “One who uses the bow. She’s hard to lure, being a woodelf who knows her territory well, and she only attacks the richest targets or robs the richest homes, and she’s good at it, so nobody has caught miss Robin yet.” She looked to the man she’d been sent to help with a smile of confidence, though whether it was an optimistic expression or not was yet to be proved. “But I think we have a chance to get her. Your clothes mark you as a noble instantly. If she decides to target you, we won’t have to hunt for her, and then we just need to beat her in a fight.”
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Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Kicke could only snicker at her reactions to his open observations of her physical appeal. But when the girl said it was a female bandit, Kicke seemed to become much more alert. "A woman!?" he exclaimed. "What's become of women these days!? Hmph, sounds like she's lost her way, and needs a little reeducation!" he announced with a grin. "Let's go!" he announced, beginning his march as he looked to Rosella. "So, Rosella, where do we go?" he asked as he walked along.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

“There’s a wood near here – we’re lucky, it’s quite close, you can see it to the other side of your house. I’ll lead you there.” Having said as much, the human moved to do as she had mentioned, apparently deigning not to comment on Kicke's other comment.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

"Tally-ho! Lead the way, fair breasted lass!" Kicke announced, marching with eager stomps that could wake the dead, not seeming to be a subtle man.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

After having figured out where to find their quarry, the two set off with a steady march along the roads. The gently rolling plains and small hills made the area easy to navigate. While still some distance away from their destination, some twenty or so minutes away from Kicke's home they came across his first neighbor; a large Ranch with vast stretches of fields, full of grazing Bovinians and merrily hopping Lapines.

The Barn was located close to the road, and as the two passed the door to it swung open and a fit woman stepped outside, humming happily to herself. The most striking of her features was her crimson hair and tanned skin, the former being adorned with a pair of rounded and brown-red ears. She was wearing plain and brown overalls to cover her thighs and front, but it left her back uncovered, where the only other sign of clothing was that of white cloth in height with her generous bosom. And as Kicke came marching loudly, she turned her head, and broke into a smile at the sight of the two armored people, making her quickly close the barndoor and hurry over to the fence, waving their wave, her amber eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Oh hello there! Who're you guys, hum? Never seen your faces around here before! You look like soldiers to me, you hear to deal with the bandits or something?", with a beaming smile, the woman leant forward against the fence, arms folding and resting on the flat top of it, with her bosom resting on her arms.

( )
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

"Are you sure the path to the bandit is so close to these other barns?" Kicke inquired, humming and grunting with discomfort. "I don't want to reveal my presence to a possible enemy..." he hummed, though his loud armor was enough to reveal his presence to the sleeping dead. When the bear woman seemed to catch him and Rosella in her sights, Kicke groaned as he was approached. "Damn..." he cursed in a whisper, before he was greeted by the bear woman with her grin and her big, smug titties. Every proper female villain was always going to have large breasts, so Kicke immediately put this one on his list of suspected bad guys. It didn't make her a bad guy outright, as one could have big breasts and be a hero of justice, like his new sidekick Rosella.

Called soldiers, Kicke visibly twitched, and rounded on the bear woman, pointing a rude finger at her with an angry expression. "SOLDIERS!? We are heroes of god damn JUSTICE here to kick that bandit's ass raw! Got it memorized!?" he exclaimed rudely at the woman.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

“This should definitely be the most direct path. See, we’re walking right towards the forest.” Indeed, the road pointed near straight-on to the far treeline. The idea that there might be something to fear in the barns was apparently something she couldn’t grasp, as her companion’s second comment only received a questioning “Hm?”

Rosella had approached the farm without too much issue, at least, other than the one her companion made. “Kicke!” she shouted, half shrilly, clasping her gauntleted hand over his mouth, unless he had anticipated being grabbed by his ally. “We’re profoundly sorry!
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

The bearwoman blinked at the sudden pointing and rude tone of Kicke, visibly shocked by the sudden display of ill manners. And then her face darkened with a big scowl, her teeth bared a little. "So thats how it is, huh? I had thought you were a good guy, what with that shiny armor of yours, but you're just another brute from the city...", she growled quietly, pushing herself up from the fence, and put her fists together, cracking her knuckles. "You stay right there; around these parts we're either nice or at least polite to each other, and if you ain't either...", she started to walk towards the gate of her farm, eyes locked on Kicke. "You're in for a beating, city-boy.", she growled the words out challengingly at Kicke; while there certainly was time to make a run for it if he wanted to, running away from an apparently unarmed woman might be unseemly.

Regardless of whether or not Rosella had managed to silence Kicke, the rancher offered the fellow woman a small smile. "No need to speak on his behalf, sister; I'll beat the apology out of him, if he's man enough to face me that is.", and with that the woman disappeared behind the large double-doored gate leading into her ranch, and soon the sound of it being unlocked could be heard, now was the time for the two to decide what to do about this situation.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Kicke grinned at her sudden challenge an announcement of his character. "A challenge eh? Fisticuffs it is, then! If I win, you take back what you said about my character, and if you win, I'll agree that I'm a rude and bad man who needs to change his ways!" he announced, putting his weapon aside and getting ready to fight. He figured he was probably going to lose, but he just loved the idea of a little brawl as the mere thought excited him!

Once the bear woman was away, Kicke looked to Rosella with less of a grin, but still a grin all the same. "If you think you can convince her to back down, I won't pursue a fight, but I think will need some healing whether I win or lose!" he announced to his timid helper.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Rosella simply allowed her companion to leave her embrace, after the woman they had met had already taken offense. Starkly contrasting Kicke, she seemed quite worried about the turnout. It was hardly paladin-ly behaviour to go around insulting people, and though she hadn't done it herself, there was no way she could rightly interfere when the rancher decided to have at her companion.

Though, thankfully, Kicke seemed aware of that limitation himself. "Try not to lose..." was all she could reply, already downhearted toward the situation.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

The ursine woman growled, "If you win, that means you didn't get the beating you rightfully deserve, and if I win, I'll be either beating some politeness into you, or using you to keep my livestock happy tonight!", and with that, the gate to the ranch swung open violently with a swift kick from the woman, and she cracked her knuckles as she slowly walked down the slight slope between her gate and the road Kicke and Rosella stood on. "You want the first swing, tough guy? Feel free to use your hammer, a man compensating as hard as you do might very well need all help he can get!", her eyes gleamed fiercely, and unless Kicke took the initiative, he'd just might be beaten before even getting started.