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The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tails

Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

"If you're fine with it, hammer time it is then!" Kicke replied, before taking his hammer and charging at the burly bear.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

As Kicke charged forth and swung his hammer, the bearwoman took the brunt of the hit with a pained, if defiant, grunt. She lost most of her momentum from his blow, but it wasn't enough to keep him safe from her fists, despite the two of them fighting about as gracefully as two big sacks of potatoes tumbling at each other, and she hit him squarely in the gut, most of the impact soaked by his now dented iron armor.

Unfortunately the blow was strong enough to send him slightly off balance, requiring him to steady himself, and that was enough for the bearwoman to follow the assault up with another strike right in the chest, leaving another dent. "That's all ya got, city-boy? Come on, make it fun for both of us!", the woman cried out with a broad grin on her lips, apparently she was enjoying this, despite the risk of losing.

[Kicke's Status: 17/35HP]
[Bearwoman's Status: Wounded]

Round 1 Breakdown: Won Initiative, Hit Successful, Evasion Failed, Took 9 Damage
Round 2 Breakdown: Lost Initiative, Evasion Failed, Took 9 Damage, Kicke's Action
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Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Kicke charged forth and swung his hammer to hit the bear. The following pair of blow knocked enough wind out of him to force him to retreat back a bit just to get some oxygen in his body so he could keep fighting. "Ha... Ha-ha-ha!" he laughed. "Speak for yourself, I didn't feel a thing!" he announced, before swinging his hammer once more.
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Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Part of Rosella could be called thankful, and part of her couldn’t. She was thankful to not be fighting an innocent woman, but not worried that she might be caught up in combat anyway after this fight was done. If either side tried to do anything too cruel to their defeated opponent, it would be her duty as a paladin (…wannabe…) to intervene. The idea of fighting a largely innocent woman because her companion had opened with an insult, or of fighting the person she had intended to work with… neither was something she wanted to have happen.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Kicke's hammer found home, and crashed into the Bearwoman's side accompanied with a low but audible crack, sending her stumbling to the side, a hand moving to hold over her ribs as she growled in pain while sinking to her knees, her other hand planting on the ground to keep herself up. "Aoouuw, fuck, this hurts!", she painedly growled the words out. Meanwhile, a little further into the ranch a door swung open, and someone came running towards the scene, another Wood Elf by the look of things, if of a whole different kind of animal. Her long bushy tail trailing behind her as she cursed and grumbled, and once by the open gate she stopped to look the scene over, her eyes widening once she saw the bearwoman clutching her side and writhing in pain.

"By the Goddess, if someone doesn't start explaining what is going on here right now...!", her words were furious at first, but then moved a hand up to cover her mouth, her right ear twitching slightly as she took on a more meek look, the anger quickly replaced with uncertainty. She wore an oversized tunic and little else from what anyone could see, and by the way her hair looked, one could assume she had been roused from a long nights slumber.

[Kicke Hit, Bearwoman Defeated]
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Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Hearing the sudden crack, Kicke realized he did not mean to hit her like that, nor break her ribs. "Oh... That was not intentional." Kicke announced upon making his mistake. "Rosella... Could you heal her? That's..." Then, suddenly, another woman was on the scene, and looked fairly angry.

Holding up his hands defensively, Kicke shook his head at the approaching woman. "Um, nothing see here! She'll be alright in a moment!" he announced. "Hurry Rosella!" he announced.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Rosella didn’t need to be asked to help others. Her healing spell was being readied the moment one of the combatants had gone down, and it hadn’t been to use it on her partner. When the woman arrived, she didn’t make any defensive retaliation on the warrior’s behalf either, though whether that was just to leave Kicke to clean up his own mess, or because she was too busy healing the woman he had busted up was something only the human herself would know.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

The ursine woman grunted at first as Rosella cast her healing magics, but the pained tone was soon replaced with one of relief. It wasn't going to patch her up completely, but it would certainly speed her recovery. And by the looks of it, the damage hadn't been too severe. The long-tailed woman, meanwhile, looked to Kicke at first confusedly, but then looked relieved at the latter part of his answer. "She started a fight, didn't she?", the words were annoyed more than anything else, something the bearwoman snapped at. "Hey, he was being ru-owow!", she winced, having moved a little too fast for her condition, but slowly moved to a sitting position, unless Rosella dictated otherwise, in such a case she'd just go with the flow.

The fur on the new womans tail stood on end, like a thousand little angry spikes, as the tail rose straight up. "Why do you always get into fights!? You should know what time it is!", the grey-furred female looked to Kicke, eyes narrowing a little. "And you, why're you beating up unarmed women?! She can't do her job in her condition! Ugh! And I don't...", the long-tailed one was starting to look visibly distressed and frantic now, which culminated in her pointing accusingly at Kicke. "You! This is as much your fault as it is hers, so you'll have to fill in for her! You ARE a man, right? Not just compensating with a hammer that big?"
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

Kicke looked to the bear woman as she motioned as if to get up, but didn't look too worried as she didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Back to the first woman, Kicke put a hand to his chin in thought. "Hmm, I suppose you're right, fuzzy lady." he said with a grin. "I considered it a mere sparring match, but I guess I got a little too into it. If Rosella doesn't mind, I can fill in until she gets better! Then maybe we can fight again without causing any broken ribs!" he laughed.
Re: The Adventures of Kicke Deathboot, In The Lands of Conveniently Placed Fluffy Tai

“Don’t move! You don’t want the bone to crack any further.” With an expression that rather mirrored the new arrivals’, Rosella sighed. Kicke’s proposed reparation would only take them more time, leave them more off track. Still, as a paladin to be, she couldn’t deny that reparations would need to take place. Seemed she had found herself a troublesome companion… “I don’t mind.”