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The Adventures of one foxxy Mahou Shojou - Lore


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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I like what Repetition did with their game and having a lore thread for it, soooo here is one for the game between KitsuneKinomi and me :D

World Name: None.
Setting: You are a normal as can be citizen, well one that has a secret identity as a Mahou Shojou!
Scale: As of right now, the action shall focus on the main city that you inhabit
The Main Stage: As of right now, the majority of the action and story shall take place in Redwater, a giant and wealthy City-State that sat on a very profitable piece of coast, which was smack dab in the middle of multiple kingdoms and empires. Being in this position meant that alot of the world's trade flowed through the city which earned it the nickname, Crossroads, and with so many different parties interested in making sure no one else gained control of Redwater, it was safe from the world's conflict. That didn't mean it didn't have its own internal conflicts though. Where ever wealth flowed, crime inevitably followed. As a result, Redwater had one of the largest crime networks in the world, thriving off of the wealth and opportunity that the city presented.

For many centuries, throughout the world there have been secretive families of Mahou Shoujos. They would fight against any invasion from outside planes and worlds in order to keep their world safe and 'pure', and so far they had succeeded in this goal, even at the cost of much of their power. You see, in the last century a particularly nasty invasion happened. The greatest in scale and danger that had ever endangered the world. It was le as by a demon who called itself Akuhei Hotaru. It and its generals were so powerful that it took many, too many, of the more powerful Mahou Shojou to sacrafice themselves just to seal the demon away. The hope as that he would be sealed forever, but it's been only almost another century and there are rumors going around the Mahou community. Sightings of the demons's minions, mysterious disappearances, even some ridiculous rumors of the weakest general having been revived.

World Issues:
Current, Akuhei Hotaru has been sealed for century's, yet the seal placed upon it has slowly cracked under the immense power of Akuhei Hotaru and thus small amounts of its power is seeping into the world. The amount may be small in comparison to its full power it can wield, yet its enough to spawn dangerous monsters, corrupt mortals to its service, and even summon the weakest of its generals.
More minor threats include the powerful and wide spread criminal underworld that has prospered even while under assault from law enforcement and the Mahou Shojous.
Impending, Collapse of the seal: Slowly scratching away at its seal from the inside until it collapses will still take a long time of work, but with help from outside from its minions, the great evil might be able to escape much sooner that it would alone. Its up to the Mahou shojous to keep its minions from unsealing the great evil and to find some way to reseal it once more

Faces and Places:
Julia: One of your friends, a fellow Mahou Shojo from a weaker and less renowned family among the small Mahou community.
Alex: Your other friend, and even though he was born male, Alex is also a Mahou Shojo just like you and Julia. He actually enjoys being feminine.


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Name: Elysabeth (Liza) Moonstone
Class: (4)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Follower of:
Elysabeth: Hand Holding, Ear scratching, Tail grooming... Maybe cuddling, but that might be to forward!
Mine: Corruption, mind control, pet play, transformation, non con, addiction, and breaking. Pretty much everything.
Elysabeth is the only child the greatest of the mahou houses. She has grown up in a time of relative peace with the great demon Akehei 'defeated' it was questioned if she should even be taught the old ways. But Elysabeth had inherited a strong sense of justice from her grand mother. Even if the demons where gone, villainy was all around! She trained in the use of her powers, and has using them as a vigilantly of justice for years now!
Durring the day Liza works at a local inn as kitchen help. She has refused to allow her parents to pay for her, so struck out on her own, and is trying to make ends meet well perusing her ideals!
PointsModTotalPointsRacePermanent Bonuses
HP: 36/36 (d10+1) Armor Class: 18 (2[Dex] + 5[Armor] +1[Enchantment]) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: 18 CMB: 6 BAB: 4
Mahou Power: 14/14
Fort9414[ ]
Ref7124[ ]
Will7414[ ]-2
Racial Abilities: Skilled, Change Shape
Class Features: , D , S , , , , D , M [Fatigued],
Traits: , ,
Feats: , , , [Great Sword]
Mahou Shoujo: You must transform to use your class skills. Transforming it a free action, and lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to 4+CHA+(2*(Level-1)). You also gain access to Bless Weapon and two cantrips as SLAs once per day.
TotalRankModClass SkillArmor PenaltyBonus
642 (DEX)-2
101 (INT)
404 (CHA)
002 (STR)-2
202 (INT)X
1034 (CHA)3
(Trained)XXX (DEX)-2
404 (CHA)
002 (DEX)-2
02 (DEX)-2
(Trained)814 (CHA)3
511 (WIS)3
404 (CHA)
(Religion)511 (Int)3
541 (WIS)
404 (CHA)
511 (WIS)3
202 (DEX)X-2
101 (WIS)X
(Trained)XXX (DEX)-2
(Trained)511 (INT)3
002 (DEX)-2
101 (WIS)
002 (STR)-2
(Trained)404 (CHA)

Gold: 850g
Combat: +1 Masterwork , +1 ,
Basic Attacks: (BAB +3)
+1 +72d6+4 (19-20)x2
Bite Attack (Kitsune Form only)+51d4+2

SelfStandard Action
(CMB: +0)VariesVaries
S [1/2] Per DayTarget in SightSwift Action
[3/6] Per DayTouch/Swift on SelfStandard Action
2 uses of Lay on Hands30-foot radius centered on the clericStandard Action
[10/10]SelfFree Action
DC: 14+Spell Level (10 + 4[Cha])
CL: 1

Grade 1 (1):

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23403 Name: Julia
Class: (3)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Julia had always been the most outspoken of the three. Well at least that's what she liked to think. She was honest and didn't hold back her opinion very often, a fact that did lead to some fights between Liza and herself, but with Alex's mediation, they had all remained best friends no matter how bad a fight could get. Sometimes the fights would be over something Julia had said, something Liza had did, or just because tensions were high thanks to puberty. Thankfully the fights had started to die off in intensity as they grew older, becoming even greater friends. When Liza wanted to start to fight crime, Julia jumped right in, infatuated with the idea of becoming a hero! Julia, just like Liza, refused financial support from her family, and instead works at a nearby jewelry shop as a clerk.
PointsModTotalPointsRacePermanent Bonuses
HP: 25/25 (d10+1) Armor Class: 17 (3[Dex] 3(Armor)) Initiative Bonus: +3 CMD: 17 CMB: 4
BAB: 3
Racial Abilities: Skilled, Change Shape
Class Features: Favored Enemy (Human), Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style (Archery), Endurance feat, Favored Terrain (Urban),
Traits: 2 ,
Feats: 4 , , , .
Skill Ranks = 22
TotalRankModClass SkillBonus
303 (DEX)
000 (INT)
101 (CHA)
731 (STR)3
000 (INT)X
311 (CHA)1
(Trained)XXX (DEX)
101 (CHA)
303 (DEX)
303 (DEX)
(Trained)201 (CHA)X
202 (WIS)X
731 (CHA)3
(Nature)740 (Int)3
942 (WIS)3
101 (CHA)
202 (WIS)X
303 (DEX)X
202 (WIS)
(Trained)XXX (DEX)
(Trained)520 (INT)3
1153 (DEX)3
202 (WIS)X
101 (STR)X
(Trained)101 (CHA)
- You gain a +1 on checks. This bonus increases to +2 when the check is made to influence those who are already friendly or helpful toward you.
Gold: 369
: Grappling Arrow x4, Backpack, Silk Rope, 10 rations
Combat: Masterwork , Masterwork Short sword, Mitheral Chain Shirt(+4AC, Max Dex 6, 0 skill check, 10% Arcane spell fail)
: 2 Cure light wounds, 2 Dark vision
Basic Attacks: (BAB +3)
Masterwork +51d8+1
Masterwork Short Sword+21d6+1(19-20)x2
Bite Attack (Kitsune Form only)+11d4+1
SelfStandard Action
(CMB: +0)VariesVaries
5/5[Minutes per day]SelfStandard Action
DC: 12+Spell Level (10 + 2[Wis])


Grade 1 (8/8):
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Name: Alex
Class: (3)
Race: Cat Kin (Human)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Alex, even though he was born a boy, is also a Mahou Shoujo, a rare occurrence, though not unheard of. He grew up with Julia and Liza training and playing together when ever they could get together. He would usually act as the mediator between the two when ever they fought. As they grew though, Alex grew more and more feminine, most likely because of his two best friends and his powers. When Liza suggested that the three of them use their powers to try and clean up the streets, Alex was hesitant about it at first, but eventually agreed to help not wanted Liza and Julia to do vigilante work without as much help as they would accept. Unlike the other two, Alex is not above accepting financial help from his family, letting him only have to work every once in a while at the Inn Liza worked at. Admittedly, he was a good singer, just not the best at his job because of how shy he could be.
PointsModTotalPointsRacePermanent Bonuses
HP: 21/21 (d8+1) Armor Class: 17 (2[Dex] 1[Dodge] 4[Armor]) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: 15 CMB: 2
BAB: 2
Racial Abilities: Skilled, Bonus Feat
Class Features: Bardic Bardic Performance, Versatile Performance [Sing ( , ) ], Well-Versed
Traits: 2 ,
Feats: 3 , ,

Mahou Shoujo: You must transform to use your class skills. Transforming it a free action, and lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to 4+CHA+(2*(Level-1)). You also gain access to Bless and two cantrips (Read Magic and Mage Hand) as SLAs once per day.
Skill Ranks = 30
TotalRankModClass SkillBonus
722 (DEX)3
003 (INT)X
0(13)03 (CHA)X
000 (STR)X
(Trained)XXX (DEX)
202 (DEX)X
202 (DEX)
-20-2 (WIS)
-20-2 (WIS)X
002 (DEX)
-2(13)0-2 (WIS)X
(Trained)612 (DEX)3
(Trained)933 (INT)3
1162 (DEX)3
000 (STR)
Gold: 483
: Masterwork Lute, Disguise Kit,
Combat: Masterwork Rapier (+1 Attack), Mitheral Chain Shirt(+4AC, Max Dex 6, 0 skill check, 10% Arcane spell fail)
Basic Attacks: (BAB +2)
Masterwork Rapier+51d6(19-20)x2
(CMB: +0)VariesVaries
Bardic Performance 11/11[Uses per day]Standard Action
DC: 13+Spell Level (10 + 3[Cha])

+1 to the DC of any or effect that does not provide ongoing control and results in peaceful acts, such as , , or a to lay down arms.

Cantrips: Mage Hand, Read Magic, Summon Instrument, Ghost Sound, Dancing lights, Mending, Prestidigitation, Lullaby, Detect Magic, Flare, Open/close.
Grade 1 (4): Sleep, Identify, Grease, Cure Light wounds.
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