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The Adventures of one foxxy Mahou Shoujo - IC

Your powers flow through your hand and into Jiang, and you can actually watch as all the wounds you inflicted on the man slowly heal and then close. His breathing stabilizes and he is no longer in any danger of dieing, though because of your actions, you do make the guard sent to heal Jiang very confused. You get a brief glance of him checking Jiang for injuries before he just shrugs to himself and gives him the potion anyways.

When Shawn turns around and sees your drooling smile his eyes light up and he laughs in excitement. "I look forward to when you finally break and I can see a smile just like that when ever you get fucked." As he finishes talking, he gives your tail a nice tug, cutting you off if you intended to reply and then began to open the doors. As the doors slowly swung inwards, the sounds you thought you heard are confirmed to be sweet moans echoing throughout the giant room. You start to see other girls in the room, some locked in cages, others restrained and being fucked, and even more freely servicing some men. Then it hits you once again, all these girls are wearing collars, just like you. Slaves, just like you. Shawn enters the room, pulling you in behind him, but you don't make it very far in until he turns and tells the other two to watch you for a moment. He then continues onwards into the room letting go of your tail, approaching a man who you could only assume to be the Volk that was mentioned.

You try and listen in on their conversation but even with your already good hearing, you are only able to make out small bits of the conversation. [Perception =11]

"Volk, ... brought ...slave ... training, ... brought in."

"Oh? ... new slut?... bragging...storm ... latest catch."

"... over there." Shawn suddenly points over to you. "...virginity...buys her... intending to ... owner ... pay ...'Special ...."

"... cost... coin. ... so good ...?"

"...Fox Slut ...and Jiang... knock Jiang ...owning her ... rest of ... days after ...." Volk smiles and nods at what ever Shawn said and they begin to walk on over to you. While you were trying to listen in, your attention kept on moving over to a half breed slave that seemed especially resistant to her training.

It looked like a line full of gang members were around her taking turns in fucking her to relieve themselves, slowly whittling away at her resistance as you could visible pleasure slowly building on her features. Cum leaked from her pussy and mouth, and she was practically covered in it already. Your attention suddenly snapped back to your surroundings as Volk and Shawn arrived before you. "So your the one Gunter brought in huh? I can see why he was so excited to nab you that he broke into your house while it was still light out. Oh yes, Shawn. I think I will enjoy this task you've given me." Volk suddenly holds out his hand and Shawn drops gold into his hand. "We will be in treatment room number two if you need anything from us." He steps forward and attaches a leash you your collar. "I have to go do something but I shall be back." With that he turns to you and grabs your tail to give it one last tug before saying, "Have fun slut, Ill be back for you." He then walks away and back the path you had come from before. The two other guards close the doors behind him and excitedly go and join the line for the one half breed you had seen earlier.

"Come my newest project, its time to start your transformation into the perfect slave." He gives you a smile that sends shivers down your back if his softly glowing eyes didn't already do so. He starts to lead you off towards a door nearby, a sign saying 'Treatment room #2' hangs above the door.
23580 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Shawn and Vulk; Mood: Scared;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

This was about as bad as Elysabeth could have expected. She scanned over the girls, each of them being 'trained' in love making. Which only made her wonder if this really was a den of slavers, or maybe these sickos where just building a communal harem of kidnapped woman. The fact that each girl had a collar was only confirmation that if she didn't do anything Elysabeth was in for the same fate. What disturbed her far more was the slaves with either dull eyes and big smiles, or far worse those with enthusiastic passion for pleasing there masters.

"Come back soon," Liza smiles wrapping her tail around Shawn's wrist as he lets go. The two guards to replace him stood near her, but didn't touch her. She wrapped her tail around her waist, hiding her hairless smooth snatch as she crossed her arms over her C-cup breasts. She was trying to cover herself, but didn't want to draw too much attention. The base of her tail was dully throbbing still, she was starting to think that she was either messed with well she was asleep, or was much more of a pervert then she wanted to admit. As she listened in, she let her eyes wonder to a resistant girl in stockades, getting fucked by a line of men. It was disgusting. She tried not to focus to much on it, but it made hearing what Shawn and that man where talking about difficult. From what she could gather they where talking about what a catch she was, and how they would be making more money from her because she was still a maiden.

"Oh, you brought a friend darling? I thought you wanted my tail all to yourself." She gave a coy smile at Shawn as he and Volk approached her. "Rather rude of Gunter, most ladies want you to at least take them on date before you break there door down..." Watching the money change hands, Liza was a little surprised to find that Shawn is paying this man. Didn't they work together? She never left the hideout... was it possible Shawn was her buyer? Her thoughts where interrupted when Shawn grabbed her tail away from he waist, tugging harder then he ever had. "Oooo!" She arched her back, letting the bitter sweet pain wash over her. Without even realizing it, she stumbled into Shawn, brushing the soft skin of her shoulders against Shawn's arm. She recovered quickly enough, wiping the pleased look from her face, but she looked at Shawn for a long moment, acknowledging that she understood it was a weakness now.

With Volk pulling on her leash Elysabeth stumbled behind. She could feel the man already raping her with his eyes alone. Whatever he had planned, it wasn't going to be enjoyable. At least not at first.
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When you wrapped your tail around Shawn's wrist and told him to come back soon, he shoots you another grin, and says "Don't miss me too much slut." And then continues onwards to Volk. Liza'a attempts to try and hide her body only earned her some hot gazes from the two guards still with her, and she realized she might just be teasing more than hiding at this point.

"You here that Volk? Darling! All the more reason for me to be the one to own her." There was an unexpected passion in Shawn's voice as he stared right into your eyes as he declares his intentions to you face to face. It seemed like Liza's own taunting and beauty had hooked Shawn. "Gunther's allowed to do what ever he wants on this side of town, trust me bitch, he has the power." Volk suddenly interjected causing Shawn to break eye contact as he looked over to 'The Master Slave Trainer'. Shawn only called you a fox slut once more after seeing you moan loudly and lewdly from his hard tug of your tail. With you stumbling into Shawn and being in such close proximity, Shawn whispers right into your ears. "you'll be calling me Master soon enough."

Volk holds your leash in one hand and uses his other to push open the door to the treatment room. He roughly pulls you into the room, where you get a good view of everything in there. Shelves full of different potions and drugs lined one side of the room, a bed sat in the middle of the room with what looked like restraints ready to tie someone to the bed. Advanced medical equipment was also in the room near to the bed, and opposite to the drug shelves was a wall filled with different sexual toys, and with Liza's relative innocence to these sorts of things, she could only speculate at what the majority of them were even used for. "Come my new toy, its time to start your training." Volk said with a serious voice, leading you over to the bed, where he first grabbed a metal chain that was attached to the bed, he then brought it up and attached it to your collar, taking off the leash at the same time. Your new leash was only long enough for you to comfortable walk around the bed and keep you away from anything else. Volk then roughly pushed you down onto the bed, leaving you there while he walks over to the drugs. "Its been awhile since Ive been able to play with all of this. Its not too common for someone to order the 'Special Treatment'." He turns to you and you can see him loading up a needle with a pink drug. "But you don't need to worry about that, everything will feel so good you wont even have the energy to worry about anything." He finishes filling the syringe and sets the vial of drug back onto a shelf, and begins to slowly walk over to you. "Instead of some other trainer's beliefs that pain and fear are the best way to break a slave, I find pleasure does just as well. Makes you soft, malleable, and lets me make you forever addicted to the pleasure of serving a Master." With your hands still locked behind you and you now being chained to the bed, Liza had nowhere to run or anyway to resist as Volk's needle sank into the flesh of you neck, slowly injecting its drug into you.

Immediately you felt liquid joy course through your system, totally relaxing your body and making it very hard for you to move very far. You can feel your worries melting away and your body heating up, especially your love pot. It gradually started to burn, and when Volk reached down to your crotch to pet at your folds, you found the heat was relieved slightly at the feeling of his touch, and a large amount of pleasure sparked through your body when he did so! "A personal mixture of a strong aphrodisiac and a small dose of Nirvana." All though you recognized the name of the newest drug sweeping the streets of Redwater, you couldn't bring yourself to worry that you had been injected with it. "Oh don't worry," He chuckled fully knowing you couldn't even feel worry at the moment. "this small dose isn't enough to get addicted." Volk grabs for a key around his belt, unlocking your hands, and then walks over to some of the medical equipment, stripping himself, and then picking up some of the bottles that sat on them, leaving you to stew in your sudden and very intense arousal. You cant really see what he is doing but it looked like he covered his hand in something and then rubbed it over himself. Your body was starting to turn burning hot, and you couldn't stop yourself from constantly think about how good and cool his touch was, how relieving it was to be touched by him...

When he turned around once again, an at least 9 inch cock stood to full attention, and you could smell something, something that started to push most of your thought towards how much you wanted Volk's touch... "Ha, look at that lovely look upon your face slut, cant wait to feel me touch you? When Im done with you and you're a fully trained slave this feeling will just be a backdrop to the real pleasure you will feel by serving your Master." He walks back over to the bed, your eyes sticking to his muscular form the entire way. "Perhaps some part of you cant comprehend why your looking at me like that. Ha, you may only be somewhat related to them, but Fox pheromones work wonders on Kitsune still." He climbs onto the bed towards you who still couldn't bring yourself to move too much. He sits right next to you, his cock twitching hypnotically. The pheromones were especially lathered over his cock, which only brought a shameful need for it. "The first lesson a Slave needs to learn. How to service their Master." Volk suddenly pulls you towards his cock, pushing your face into it, bringing a huge whiff of pheromones with it, causing you to loose control over your actions. "Suck it you fox slut"
23591 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Volk; Mood: Hot, Blissful, Concerned;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

It seemed that Elysabeth was right on the money with Shawn being the buyer. In a way... she was glad, she already had an idea of what to expect with him, and she was sure he was dumb enough to let her escape at some point... She wasn't blind to the world of sex, but boys had never appealed to her. Her friends where certainly attractive in there own ways, but really she valued there friendship over her own lust. This was a hard thrust into a world she had been avoiding, but one she wasn't going to let break her spirit. Shivers ran down her spine when Shawn told her what she would be calling him next time they met...

Inside of the treatment room is shelves of veils, medical equipment, and an assortment of strange phallic objects. In the center was a bed, obviously designed to restrain whoever was being 'trained' at that time. Elysabeth hopped up on the bed, letting her tail hang off. "Oh, so Shawn is paying a double premium for me? I hope I can live up to such high expectations." She giggled as she watched Volk fill up the syringe with the pink liquid. "What's the point of being worried at this point? I already tried to escape, and failed. If I fight you I'm just going to make it worse for everyone, no I'm smart enough to know when I'm beaten," she explained her mentality. Maybe she should have been worried about her maidenhood, most girls probably would be, but she didn't think it was that important. After all the one she would most want to give it to couldn't take it anyways.

The needle pierced her neck, and the pink liquid entered her body. A feeling that she wasn't sure she could describe started pumping through her veins. She was happy, so unreasonably happy. That wasn't all though, she was warm, her body felt all warm and cozy like snuggling in bed on a cold night... it kept building, burning. The warmth pooled in her groins. The folds of her treasure swelling with excitement. It began burned from there. It was overwhelming! The desire to do... something! Her pussy wanted it! She was sure she could figure it out, if only she could think! That's when Volk pet her pussy. It was a cool drink of water, subsiding her burning back to the cozy warmth she loved so much.

She stewed for a long while in the burning need as it rose back up. Just a touch wasn't enough, she needed more! She wanted him to pet her again! To feel that refreshing touch. Volk turned around and started walking toward her Elysabeth's eyes couldn't look away from him, his sizable cock standing at full attention. Lewd thoughts of her on all fours, Volk on top, ramming his has man meat into her, filling her to the brim with kit batter pushed all other ideas out. "Need to breed... need to have kits..." she panted. The looming cock making it impossible to resist.

She was pushed towards Volks cock and commanded to suck... this wasn't right, dominates seed need to go in her womb to make kits... it would be wasted in her mouth... but if she denied the dominate he might find another female! One more open to his demands, and having his kits was too important! She closed her eyes, pulling the dominates member into her mouth, using her lips to keep her teeth away from the perfect kit wand. She started licking the underside, starting with the base of her tongue and running all the way up to the tip, as she did she ran over Volk's urethra, and on her way down to start again she tried running her tongue along the sides of the head.
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"Heh, I can see why Shawn wanted for his soon to be slave to go through the Special treatment. I shall have fun molding you into a perfect slave." Volk said as you willingly got onto the bed...

When Liza started to beg to be bred as the pheromones started to wreck havoc with her mind, Liza could see Volk's cock twitch in excitement. "Ohhh, Im starting to get jealous of Shawn, maybe he'll let me cream your womb a few times after he has bought you." Volk growled down at you as you started to lick and suck at his impressive meat rod. Volk moaned as you started to focus on his head, his hand reaching up to your own head. His fingers started to scratch you behind the ears as he pushed you down onto his 'kit wand'. At first slowly, letting you get used to the size. Going back up and then slightly farther each time, until you could comfortable take the majority of all his meat. It wasn't hard at all, as the drug seemed to relax even your throat, stopping you from gagging and choking, making all of this easier on you. At that point, Volk started to get a little rough, forcing your head up and down, fucking your throat! Volk groans as he finally manages to coax you all the way down to the base of his ebony, meaty rod. The fox musk was the thickest at the base of his cock, near to where all of his kit cream was stored, and with your only option to breathe being your nose, all you could smell was pure musk! "Grrr, you Kitsune make the best pets with how easy to train you can be. Maybe Shawn will want to start that training once your slave training finishes." He continues to face fuck you, bobbing your head up and down while still scratching at the base of your ears.

"Listen here fox slut, Slaves must always serve and submit to every whim of their Master," Volk's hand on the back of your head started to turn comfortably hot, and his words started to worm their way into your mind, piercing through the haze of the pheromone. "even if they decide to make you drop to your knees in the middle of town to service them. You. Must. Worship. Them!" The last few words were emphasized with a thrust into your throat for each word. His other hand which had only been supporting his body now reached over to your burning cunt, and started to caress and pet it, growing slick in love juices! One of his fingers even slipped into your needy fox cunt, relieving the burning even more and sending waves of joy right up into you muddied mind! Your love pot instantly started to tighten and strangle the invader, which only lead to more pleasure being shot throughout your body. Volk's words continue to shoot through all the haze and echo inside of your head. "Remember this pleasure. Pleasure will be your new life. Pleasure will rule you. And who makes you feel the best? Your Master. Your Master will bring you so much pleasure. So much that you have no choice but to serve just so you can feel it. Its addicting." Almost immediately after talking, another finger slid into your sopping wet pussy, thrusting with the other one while Volk's thumb went and pressed down upon your love button! Its too much pleasure for you, and your body shakes with orgasmic bliss! Volk timed the entire thing that just as your blissful orgasm starts, Volk pressed your head to his crotch, and you could feel his ebony cock swell and begin to shoot jets of hot cum down your throat! Some of it splashes back onto your tongue. Its so hot, and thick, almost creamy, while tasting oddly sweet, nothing like what you had once heard it was supposed to taste like! In your pheromone induced feral state, you greedily take all of the kit cream offered by the dominant male. Even if its not going into your womb to make new kits, you cant bring yourself to see it wasted on the bed!

Volk sighs in pleasure and slides his hand off of your head, and that warm, comfortable, and almost fuzzy feeling heat is gone. He thrusts his fingers into one more time before removing them, and your throat sleeve from his cock. "This feels easier than normal, you must be a giant natural slut, ready to cling and beg for any pleasure you can get. Perhaps its time to step it up abit? But before that... Beg slut, I want to hear you beg for me to continue to train you." He looks down at you with a taunting smirk, challenging you to try and deny your needy cunt the relief and pleasure it seeks. It was still burned, so much so that it felt like you needed to be relieved no matter what! No longer using you as a cock sleeve, Volk got up and quickly went back to the drug shelf, picking up a blue potion and downing it. This time you could see his cock even as he turned it back on you. It was swelling to full mast once again! "Ah! I think its time for a full dose of Nirvana, don't you think? Who cares if a slave gets addicted to a drug, its only one more leash your Master will have around that pretty neck of yours." He had an evil grin on his face as he filled a syringe with a deep pink drug this time. He quickly walked back to you and grabbed an arm of yours, lifting it up and sticking his syringe in one of your veins, slowly injecting it into your system. You had the perfect view of the pretty colored liquid being shot into you.

[Ill change this based on if you fail any of the saves :p] Slowly at first, and then faster and faster, pure happiness and excitement starts to build inside of you, and then your suddenly having the time of your life, right here on some bed inside a slaver's training room, being trained as the newest slave! You feel no apprehension, no sadness, only pure joy and giddiness! Its the most fun you've ever had! And you only want more. More pleasure. You want to stay happy like this forever, after all who wants to ever feel sad when you could be permanently happy? Volk looks at your expression melting away to pure ecstasy and smugly says, "One more leash around your neck."

Volk leans down and picks you up and then sits down onto the bed with you on his lap. You were practically siting on his dick while his hands on your thighs held you up.
He lifted you and slid your dripping wet pussy along his cock, teasing the entrance to your cunt with the tip of his kit wand, but never entering it. He was slowly lathering the entire length with exorbitant amounts of your girl lube. "Aren't you salves just the best? You even produce your own natural lube, its like all of you were made just for you to be fucked and turned into nothing more than a obedient cock sleeve." He suddenly stops lube his own cock and you feel something poking at the entrance to your anus. "I'm not allowed to take your maiden hood, but I'm more than willing to teach you how good it can feel to be fucked in the ass." And with that, your sphincter is slowly being painlessly stretched around the head of Volk's cock...
23595 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Volk; Mood: Hot, Blissful, Concerned;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

All round there was a strong inescapable smell. It was strong and heady, telling Liza all she needed to know about her strong mate, he was a dominate, he could give her strong kits, and she should do whatever it takes to keep his attention. This smell was joined by the slightly salty taste of the dominates cock. After a few moments of slow licking her head was forced down onto the the wand, taking it deeper into her mouth. The length of it pressed into her throat, and she had to fight her reflexes, but the dulling effects of the drugs, along with the strong musk in her nostrils helped her accept every inch of Volk's cock into her.

Her ears twitched as her soft silky tail wrapped around Volk's leg in response to the ear scratching. 'Obedience is pleasure. I am a slave who must obey her master. A slave does anything asked of her. A slave feels no shame her master does not grant her. A slave worships her master.' A stream of foreign thoughts crowded out even the desire to reproduce. Dancing circles round Elysabeth's spinning head. She couldn't understand what they meant any more then she could fight them off. A cool hand started to pet her needy honey pot, her natural juices bursting forth like a crushed fruit. It was so easy to suck on the dominate cock, enjoy the 'petting' and surrender to the words. 'My master will give me pleasure better then any other. I am my masters possession. My masters desire is my desire.'

Blissful release overtook her, her body twitching and spazuming as her tail curled even more tightly around Volk's leg. At the same time, sweet thick batter pored into Liza's throat, even if it was only her mouth, she didn't want to waste even a spec of the dominate's kit mixture. Her own fem-cum had squirted out of her folds and was running down her thighs, testifying to what a slutty fox she was, letting herself cum from something so small!

Removing herself from the hard cock Elysabeth wiped her mouth. Her mind is still in a dull pink haze, the strong attractive scent still lingering in her nose, but she is at least able to gain a fraction of herself back. "That's some powerful stuff..." She admitted between heavy pants. 'Obedience is pleasure. Obey any desire of your master,' thoughts ran across her mind unbidden. She could only think back to those smiling slaves, happily pleasing there masters. It was easy to imagine herself in the slaves place, Shawn fucking her well running his fingers through her tail. Such a nice though... "Train me more..." She said softly, laying back on the bed, waiting for the next round of 'treatments'.

As Volk approached her with the needle full of Nirvana remembered the times she had seen the effects of the drug on the citizens of red water. Those riding the high where unreasonably happy, they found joy in even the most dismal of circumstances. Those on there crash would seem distant and detached, with withdraws from the drug making it hard to find happiness in anything at all. The urge to resist, to fight back washed over her. The needle is pressed into her arm, giving Liza her first taste of drugs.

Liquid joy pulsed just under Liza's skin. The drug seemed like it was everything that it was cracked up to be. She found herself smilingly, giggling, even nuzzling up to Volk. "Wow, I can see why people get hooked on this," She giggled. She was conscious of the drug affecting her, but she really did want to get some more training in how to be a good slave for Shawn. It just sounded like so much fun! She wondered of Julia would want to have fun with her...

Elysabeth couldn't find it in herself to resist as she was man handled. She used her hands to spread apart her legs, as Volk teased her still dripping honey pot. "A certain slave trainer just knows how to draw it out of me..." She admitted with her eyes firmly locked on the package at her front door. "That's rather crude..." Liza says in her first bit of back talk to Volk, however it's replaced with a gasp as she is lowered onto his cock. Her body tenses up, as the slippery hard rod is shoved into her back door. It's a weird feeling, her butt being shaped around a cock, but it as her bottom is stretched and penetrated she finds herself getting more into it, jiggling her hips trying to get every inch inside her bottom.
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Both you and Volk groan as he slowly lowers you onto his cock and you start you gyrate your hips. It felt oh soooo good to have some man meat in your ass, and with you thrusting your hips back and forth you could feel an amazing pressure against your your g spot, repeatedly poking at it and it was like a button that was constantly sending waves of pleasure radiating through out your body. "Crude it may be, but I will still have you begging for more by the time I am done with you." Volk leaned up to your ear and growled into into it as he lifted and dropped you once more, fucking you in the ass. His speed was gradually increasing as your hole was thoroughly lubricated by your own juices and had grown use to the new invader. "You're already so tight, squeezing me like a true whore. But a slave can always bring more pleasure to their Master. Tighten up slut, and learn for yourself why your Master's pleasure is your own." Volks words, whispered right into your ears sent tingles throughout your head. And just like when he had you worshiping his cock, your head felt a little fuzzy except for his words, they once again resonated clearly inside of your head, slowly and gradually taking root...

As you tried and focus around Volk's cock, the already large amounts of joy you were getting from being fucked only increased, your ass and pussy started to twitch in pleasure. You ass was milking Volk's cock while your pussy tried to do the same to an imaginary lover. Volk suddenly stood up with you still in his arms, now fucking you while standing! Volk couldn't bring you very far with your slave's collar still chained to the bed, but he did move you in front of a mirror you had ignored earlier. "Look at your self, is that the face someone who didn't love being trained would make?" With you now being in front of a mirror, you could easily see the face you were making. Before you had been captured, you might have thought your current face disgusting, but now? You couldn't feel happier, and you didn't know if it was the drugs or if it was genuine. Ecstasy was coursing through your veins. You had a sloppy grin across your face, drooling. Your eyes were half closed in pleasure, and your fox ears were twitching along with each and every time Volk managed to hammer away at your g-spot and other sensitive areas. For some reason, the sight of your sloppy face melting with pleasure and being able to see Volk fucking you sent you over the edge once again! Your holes spasmed, and milked the meaty invader as liquid bliss shot through you,

Volk was already taller than you by a good bit, and now that he was lifting you, he was easily able to lean his head down a little and nibble on your sensitive ears, drawing out your orgasm! "It's only going to feel even better once you get a Master. After all once you've lost your virginity, you be fucked all the time in this little pussy of yours, where all of your most pleasurable spots will receive a direct fucking from a cock~" The end of every sentence was punctuated with a pounding of your still mid climax ass! Volk was skillfully keeping you in an orgasmic bliss, as each time your climax was close to ending, Volk would manage to push you onwards, whether it was by playing with your ears, or skillfully hitting each of your most sensitive spots through the thin walls of your ass! The mix of drugs had made you oh so sensitive, helping Volk with keeping you mid climax! By the time Volk had exhausted his ways of continuing your orgasm, his own kitten wand started to spasm and send thick and burning hot wads of seed into your sensitive ass! Volk groaned and lifted you once more once he was done cumming deep inside of you, throwing you onto the bed like a cheap whore. "Slaves are made to be used by their Master. That is their only purpose in life!" Volk looked down at you on the bed, twitching in pleasure still.

Your awareness of the world was growing fuzzy, but that didn't stop you from giggling in pleasure and happiness. You had done it! You had been used like a good slave! When you finally managed to overcome your exhausting orgasm, Volk was standing above you once again. He had another needle in his hand and also what looked like two rings with a jewel hanging from both of them. At first you thought this needle was going to inject you with another amazing drug, but then you noticed it was too small for that. "Its time to give you another mark of a true slave other than your collar." Volk turns you over onto your back if you were not already on it and climbs onto the bed, sitting on your midriff, with his knees holding down your arms. "Ill be surprised if you feel anything other than pleasure with this" As Volk talks, he grabs one of your still hard nipple, and brings the small needle up to it, quickly and skillfully Volk pokes his needle through it! The concoction of drugs in you instantly rework the pain into pleasure and sends it shooting right into your brain! Volk then takes one of the rings and inserts it into your new piercing, clasping it together once done. He repeats with your other nipple and then brings a healing potion up and drips a few drops onto each nipple healing them enough so as to not cause discomfort or pain! "Now you look like a true slave. But you still need to have your new place in life molded permanently into your mind with even more pleasure. It will take time, but you have plenty of it now, no need to do anything but devot yourself fully to learning" Volk gets off of you and sits right next to you again, his cock still rock hard. "Come now, its time to teach you some more things about how to be a perfect slave." He pats his lap, obviously wanting you so service his cock once more with your mouth. The familiar pheromones radiating off of his cock were starting to drift into your nose once more, lessening your reason hesitation.

You now have Nipple piercings!
23600 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Volk; Mood: Blissful, Obedient;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

Withe Nirvana pumping through her veins, the hesitation for anal was short lived. With in moments Elysabeth was in a blissful state, having dirty butt sex was fun, she was happy she could give herself to a strong a man as Volk! Everything was just so perfectly wonderful. "You're right," she purred as she was thrust down onto Volk's rod. "Should have trusted you," she admitted with a happy giggle. Without hesitation she clenched up her bottom even harder, making her ass actively resist. The lubricated shaft parted her apart, the added resistance making the experience that much better!

Well being taken in the rear, Volk lead Liza to a mirror. She could see both of there naked forms, his trusting in and out, well she wagged her hips and brushed his body with her tail. There was something that stoop out though, her face. Her mouth was slack, bits of droll leaking out, her eyes half closed. She looked so happy! It was beautiful! The face of a perfect slave, her face. "No, I love being trained! It's so much fun, I just want to keep learning more about how to be a good fox slut for my new master!" She decided, the drugs, pleasure, and dismissive attitude having broken through to her fully now. She wanted to be a sex slave, she wanted a master to make her feel good. She wanted to obey.

The reward for admitting what a slutty slave she was, is a butt full of thick seed and getting tossed on the bed like a proper slave. She felt a spurt of pleasure, 'I am a good slave. I obeyed and asked nothing in return.' A soft voice comforted her. "Please, remake me body in mind, I want to be marked as a slave," She laid on her back, letting Volk climb up on her. The needle might have scared the old her, but she was a slave, her body belonged to her future master, and he wanted her nipples pierced. She would obey. Adding to this, the dull throb of Nirvana still convinced her she was having the time of her life begging to become a living sex toy. The marking done, Elysabeth only has a few moments to enjoy the glow of being fully marked before she begins her training anew.
Volk once again has Liza in his lap, sucking and worshiping his member while the pheromones scramble her brain. leaving her a giggling and happy cock slut drunk on pleasure. With her now driven and commanded by pleasure, Volk once again places his hand atop her head, summoning the same heat and allowing his voice to echo clearly in her bliss muddled mind. He repeated his earlier lessons on how a slave should behave, repeating so the words would be molded forever in Slave Liza. This would continue just like last time, with Volk fingering her cunt and bringing both of them to climax at the same time and shooting his sticky, sweet seed down her throat. Volk would even fuck her again and then repeat the session of lessons. This would go on and on till Liza completely lost track of all time, even forgetting how many times shes been put through the cycle of sucking and lessons to being fucked and being overwhelmed by pure bliss. It all started to meld together, especially the lessons. Those started to stick, and she found herself repeating them to herself without any pushing and prodding from Volk to do so. Eventually Liza's memories of it all just cuts out as she just passed out along the way.

When she awoke again, she was free from all the drugs that had been running through her system, free from Volk's whispers!... Or was she? She couldn't stop herself from repeating to herself what she had been taught, through extreme pleasure and drugs! Her foundations to slave hood had been successfully laid! Only after being stuck inside of her own head and thoughts for a while does Liza finally realize shes been moved from the treatment room. Shes onto of this huge white bed, filled with colorful pillows all over. It looked like it could comfortable fit 3-4 people on it, all with their own room to toss and turn. There are sheer red curtains on all sizes of the bed, and Liza herself has a set of see through clothing on. Its exotic, and probably only attainable thanks to Redwater's status as a main trading hub.

Your see through dress was all purple, with a veil and a bra that covered practically nothing,especially not your new nipple rings that would ache oh so nicely whenever they were rubbed up against the bra. A set of panties and skirt that only served to tease what was only slightly hidden beneath them, and finally some high heeled sandals! Oh, and of course, your collar!

A set of footsteps could be heard approaching the bed, and you could vaguely make out someone's silhouette through the thin curtains. They reach up and pull the curtains back. "Finally awake, huh sleeping beauty? You're such a bad slave making your new Master wait for you to wake up." Shawn had his same grin he always wore when he looked at you. He slowly starts to climb up onto the bed and you can see that he isn't wearing anything! His cock, was standing proudly at a full mast of what looked like 10 inches! He crawls towards you while saying, "I've spent a fortune on you, and now you are all mine~ I officially own you now." He reaches you and stands on his knees, looming over you. One of his hands go for your chin, holding it and forcing your face towards his and he stares into your eye. Meanwhile his other hand has already reached your tail, grabbing it with a firm and strong hold. "Haha, Ive been waiting for way too long. Its time to hear you call me Master." He stares down into your eyes as he says so, giving your tail one of those tugs you love oh so much!
23603 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Shawn's Bed; Tag: Shawn; Mood: Happy, enslaved;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

The cycle of suck, fuck, drug, repeat took there toll, more and more Lysa found herself wondering what she was even doing before coming here. The looming thought of her master only growing more clear in her mind. 'Obedience is pleasure. Masters word is law. You belong to your master.' Her new mantra began repeating in her mind. She would slowly lip them aloud as she underwent her training. Finally, after the most joyful, exhausting time of her life she slipped into a deep sleep. Her mind replaying the programing that Volk had done.

When she woke up she was on a fluffy bed, she softly rolled around with her eyes closed, her tail having wrapped around her chest in a makeshift blanket. She could feel the dull brush of clothing on her body again, mostly on her breasts as a top tugged softly on her fresh nipple rings. Slowly opened her eyes to find herself on a large white bed, wearing exotic clothing. "These are really sexy... I hope master likes them..." Liza wondered aloud, the training having subconsciously warped her views quiet a bit.

As the footsteps draw near Elysabeth's heart starts to race. 'Master?' her tail starts to wave about excitedly well her ears stand erect trying to learn the pattern of masters steps. Shawn trough back the curtains, buck naked. Elysabeth let out a gasp as her pussy started to burn. Her very reason for being now stood in front of her! "I'm sorry, I'll accept any punishment you find suitable master... Did you choose these clothes for me? I love them!" She giggled placing her hand between her legs, leaning forward with one arm propping up her b-cups. "I hope master finds his money well spent. My virginity and powers as a mahou shoujo will compensate some, but I will be the best slave I can be!" She lets a long gaze fall on Shawn's outstanding penis. She is ripped away from her lust when her tail is roughly yanked, sending shivers down her spine. A reminder of who she was, and who her master is. "You must have really enjoyed my fur, it seems to have seduced you fully master. I'm glad my grooming regimen has paid off so well!"
The instant Shawn sees you, gasping while laying atop his bed and in the erotic clothing you wore, his cock bobbed up and down as it started to twitch in excitement. "Of course you will accept some more punishments, or as I like to call them, training. There is so much more for you to learn, you've just taken your first steps into your new life as a slave" Shawn caresses your cheek while staring into your eyes, he grins as his hand makes it way up to one of your ears, scratching it and petting it. "These clothes are from the Empire of sands, the clothes of a whore over there. I think they suit you perfectly, so its good that you love them." Now that Liza was purposely propping up her breasts, Shawn gave her another grin and laughed to himself. The hand that was petting you goes to your breasts, playing with one of your new nipple rings! They were still so sensitive even after having been healed, easily creating more fuel to flame your fires of lust! Shawn's other hands starts to play with your tail after having given it a tug, running his hand through the silky smooth coat. "Of course I enjoy your fur, you half breed sluts are beautiful creatures, but you don't know whats best for you. Why try and live on your own when as a Slave your Master will take care you of, while you service every want and desire of his." Shawn's hand stops playing with your nipple ring and grabs the back of your neck, pulling you into an unexpected kiss! He's rough with you, exploring your mouth with his tongue but shortly after starting he pulls back, lightly biting on your lower lip as he does so. He lets go and pants a little, before continuing. "I will make you mine this day, you wont want to live without being able to serve me."

Shawn starts to prod you onto all fours facing away from him, and he suddenly lets go of your tail. You can hear him rummaging around the pillows, looking for something and if you look over your shoulder you can see him pick up a bottle and syringe that had been hiding among the pillows! "Heh, you've probably have hear of this one as well, but it's called "Lover's extract..." Its a name you recognize. Before Nirvana had swept up all of its competition for the newest street drug, there had been this other drug called Lover's extract. It had been a little too costly for it to circulate wildly and its effect were not as addictive as other drugs so it eventually dropped off the map. "I want you to feel so much pleasure this day that you will never be able to forget the day you lost your virginity to your Master..." Shawn then brings it over to you, sticking it into your upper arm, and injecting the drug into you. Your entire body starts to burn, and then cools down after about 10 seconds. You feel Shawn's breath suddenly caress your skin, causing you to shudder and moan in pleasure. He moves behind you and grabs your tail, sending blissful lightning shooting throughout your body! Its like your entire body has become an erogenous zone, turning everything you feel into pleasure!

You can feel a hard, hot, and meaty rod rubbing up and down on your now very sensitive folds, covering it in love juices much like Volk had done before! "Its time to see if all that coin I payed Jiang to keep quite about you being a Mahou was worth it. Transform so I can take your virginity with your costume on. Ill stain your memories of this costume with your loss of your maiden hood." His hand starts to massage your tail, which felt so good that your Mahou incantation turned into a stuttering mess!
23604 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Shawn's Bed; Tag: Shawn; Mood: Happy, enslaved;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

With master gently petting her, looking lovingly into her eyes Elysabeth's lusts where stoked again. Shawn was such a kind generous master much better then she deserved. "A whore's outfit from the land of sands? I don't see why that fits me master, a whore sells her body to anyone, and mine is your to take and give as you please." She giggled happily, twisting her head in Shawn's affectionate pats so he would brush her hair and ears a bit with his strokes. As Shawn's hand reached for her breast, Liza quickly pulled down her bra top letting her loose pierced nipples be played with to his hearts content. At first he lightly flicked the ring, pings of pain and dull pleasure echoed through her still sensitive nipple. He then settled into a slightly rough twist and pull on her rings, getting Liza use to the feelings. The stabs of pain where quickly replaced with an odd joy at having the rings, and her nipples, teased. They where a mark of her slavery, and her master playing with them was such a wonderful fulfilling feeling.

"Well said master, all half breeds like myself are well suited to being loving slaves," She curled her tail around Shawn's arm, letting him get full feel for just how silky her coat really was. "Now that I don't have to worry about silly things like work and stopping crime, I can devote all my time to loving you and making my tail as fluffy as possible for you master. You'd better be grateful," She smiled before getting pulled into the kiss, hands still running through her tail. She closed her eyes, relaxing once more. Her soft lips pressing against Shawn's, their tongues meeting and playing, the kiss was magical.

The injection was intense, her body lit up like a furnace, the crackling heat racing through every inch of her body. She moaned and jerked, even the softest touch feeling like having her nipples roughly played with. Shawn only stoked it, pulling her tail again! it was too much, she couldn't fight the urge to climax. "Oh, Master. I'm going to cum, please...." She moaned her body getting wracked with pleasure as her pussy started to drip.

Master demanded that Elysabeth activate her powers so they could be stained and she enthusiastically agreed. "Slave of lust, and desire. I call upon you now, guardian pink slut angel. Lovely Hearts, Link Up!" She was wrapped in a shimmering pink glow, her powers answering hes call. Within moments shew as wearing the same suit with a white and pink design, with the notable exception she now had a large collar around her neck, and in place of the stockings and pure white panties from before, was a set of lacy black leg lets and frilly black panties. "Please take me master, pop my cherry in this form so I can only think of you, and how much I need you." she pulled down her panties enough to show off her swollen, messy, pussy to her master.
"Ha! of course it fits you, simply because it pleases me to see you where it, so naturally it fits and you love it" Shawn barked with his signature short laugh...

"Oh, but of course Ill be grateful. Take care of your tail so I can enjoy using it like a leash more often. Perhaps Ill even pamper you and give you some better conditioners, but I may whore you out to some close friends for the money to do so." But of course if that's what your Master wanted, then that is what should happen...

When you used your new transformation incantation you could hear your Master growl with arousal, his voice growing husky with arousal. "Grrr, at the very least Volk's special treatment was well worth the gold. You're a true slave now aren't you? No more silly crime fighting, nooooo. I think you would rather submit and be fucked as a 'Slave of lust and desire'. I'll reward you for giving into your training." He starts to tease you even more with his kitten wand, poking the head just barely inside of your pussy and then pulling out. It was some of the most pleasurable teasing you've ever experienced before. You wanted him to just take that one thrust into your unused pussy, to simply give you the pleasure you sought after! "Hmmm, I think Ill train you as a pet next. Or maybe teach you how to be a breeder. Put a litter of kits in you and milk you as your stomach grows large with my babes." At this point its quite obvious that Shawn is stalling, letting your pleasure build once more after you had already climaxed without his permission! Finally, as you groan and shudder in need, coming close to cumming once again just from some simple teasing, Shawn grins behind you, places a hand on your hip and the other goes and slides your lacy and lewd panties aside and then goes back to his member to guide it in, and with one slooow thrust, Shawn breaks open your hymen! Purposely brought to the edge before, you climax once again as the invader pushes its way through your sensitive walls until it knocks on the entrance of your kitten room! Any and all pain was immediately drowned out in the overwhelming orgasmic bliss, and with you being oh so lewdly lubricated with love juices, Shawn rapidly starts to increase his pace, pulling back till just his sizable head is left in your Kitsune snatch, and the thrusts deep inside of you, skillfully grinding against multiple sensitive points inside of your never used before pussy! As he thrusts more and more, about half his thrusts hammer away at your g-spot, releasing waves and waves of mind numbing pleasure, while the rest seem to knock at the door to your baby factory!

"By the gods, you are so tight!" Shawn growls into your ears from behind, bent over you while you subconsciously raise your ass to meet your Master's thrusts. Just as Volk had promised, having your Master use your pussy was bringing you new and unbelievable levels of pleasure which was further amplified by the drug running through your veins! Shawn's hand on your hip was holding the skimpy and slutty skirt of your costume up to your hips so it couldn't fall back and cover his amazing view of your pale ass being pounded by his cock. Your nipple rings would swing back and forth each time Shawn sheathed his cock inside of your sloppy cunt, bringing even more joy to your pleasure muddied mind. You experienced multiple climaxes throughout all of this, feeling your energy drain away as it was used up to milk your Master's cock. "I... Grrr, Own all of you now! Your mine, and mine alone! I will see your belly carry my seed, and I shall see you beg for it!" You could feel Shawn was starting to enjoy this almost as much as you were! His first hand had not been silent all of this time either, instead your Master had been gently playing with the silky tail that had wrapped itself around his hand. But as your copulating gradually turned more primal, Shawn's treatment of your tail was turning rougher and rougher. He would squeeze your tail and with it now acting as an erogenous zone, the pleasure from the squeeze outweighed the pain! At one point he even tugged on it a few time in a row, yet just like the squeeze, the pleasure was much more evident than the pain!

"Damn animal bitch! Your so damn tight, Im going to seed you here and now! Get pregnant!" Shawn's cock swelled, and you could feel that the swelling was much bigger than when ever Volk had creampied you. With a half growl, half moan, Shawn sheathed himself fully inside of you from behind, the head of his cock held right up to the entrance of your womb! The first spurt of gooey cum shot straight into your womb, filling it with a pleasant and fulfilling heat! A more primal thought went through you. This was your purpose, to be bred any carry the next generation... [Liza's body failed to accept the pregnancy]

"Phew, you are worth every piece of coin I spent on you. Im going to fuck you silly this day!" Even though Shawn had just blown his load deep inside of you, you couldn't sense any tiredness from him! Even Volk had need to take a potion in between each creampie, yet here Shawn was still at full mast after seeding your womb! "Today is the day you break from pleasure~" Shawn turned you over onto you back, having to release you tail while he did so. Then, with his cock still inside of you, starts to fuck you missionary style! You knew Shawn had no intention to stop anytime soon~. Today was going to be the best day of your life...
23617 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Shawn's Bed; Tag: Shawn; Mood: Happy, enslaved;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

"Master is so kind!" Elysabeth beamed at the compliments to both her dress and fur. Knowing that she pleased her master gave her such a feeling of pride. Just the idea of others using her body, paying her master, and that being used to pamper her filled her wilth excitment!

As master admired Elysabeths slave mahou form, Elysabeth couldn't help but shake her hips a little, Her pussy was crying out to be filled and her master was so close to fully claiming her. "No, I was silly for wasting my life fighting crime. Volk opened my eyes to the fufillment of being you obediant slave! It's only fitting my powers be yous as well," She giggled, cut off but the tip getting thrust into her pussy. She let out a soft moan, her fist dick was her masters, and she was more then ready! The effects of Lovers Extract amplifying the pleasure. In and out, her master pressed only the very tip of his majestic rod into his slave. All the same Liza burried her face in a pillow, happily mewling and moaning as the soft fabric carressed her skin like a lover.

The suggestion of being a trianed as a pet or baby machine both sounded so wonderful! Her body could be molded into it's peek form by Volk, then she would be able to please her master even more! "Those both sound so lovely master!" She gasped between tip insertions, "Getting to be pampered and filled with your cum is such a wonderful gift! I want to be your pet and breeder." She declaired.

With her declaration of love and servatude Shawn rewards her with a log slow thrust. Her vaginal walls hugging therir guest tightly. Her sacred cave was already dripping wet with lubricant, making it easy for Master to push all the way in, even with how tight she was. Her maiden head was met, and pushed passed with ease. The normally painful process was more in like with sheer joy, the Lovers Extract being partly to blame, but mostly the fact that Elysabeth had just lost her verginity to the one she loved so dearly, in her Mahou uniform no less, filled her with such happiness she couldn't accept that the act was painful at all.

"I am yours master! You claimed me, and now I am yours," She cried loudly into her pillow. Her hips where shaking, her tail wrapped all the way around Shawn's waist loosening and tighting in a pulsing motion so he could feel the silky smoothness of his prized tail well taking her. "Please master, fill me with you batter, pleas make me pregnate. I want nothing more then to carry your perfect child!" She begged, only needing light provocation. She got her wish, her womb was filled to the top with Master's thick seed. Her body felt full. Like she had just eaten her favorite food. Liza came, the relaese of it was better then anything she had known up to that point. Even on Nirvana being fucked by Volk, nothing compaired to the joy of a slave filling her purpose and accepting the seed of her master.

Now in a new possition, Liza war able to look as her master well he enjoyed her. He could see the primal lust, the domince in his eyes. She was a bitch he had claimed, and she was so happy. She wrapped her tail around his thigh and her arms around his back, rubbing and teasing him a little as they went for round too. She, she wanted a kiss, she wanted Master to love her, but that wasn't right, it was her place to obey and be used, she didn't need masters love, she only needed obediance.
"Mhhhhh, Ill make sure to find a use for your now useless powers. Other than for showing your submission and making you cuter." Shawn groans in lusty need himself as he teases you.

"Hahaha! Then that shall be what happens to you! A heroic Mahou Shoujo, reduced to a pet breeding kits for her Master!" Shawn taunted you, his teasing growing more and more energetic as his excitement for your future builds. You can tell your words have pushed him closer to taking your cherry.

Your womb was full of your Master's creamy seed, and in your submission, you could only wish that it would take root in your fertile grounds, giving your Master an heir. As you embraced Shawn, his hands went to your butt, lifting and pulling you into each and everyone of his downward thrust into your used pussy, allowing his cock meat to fill every nook and cranny of your soft snatch. His skill was so much that he was constantly hitting pleasurable and sensitive depths you didn't even know you had! It was addicting and some part of you wondered if you could even be fully pleased by someone with lesser skill. Even though the majority was clearly still inside of your womb, white seed would seep from your used hole with every lunge and retraction of Shawn's kitten wand. "Only once my child is growing in your womb will I allow others to seed you as well! I own the right to be the first to fill your womb with life!" Shawn possessively declared, staring into your eyes with a passion in his own. Shawn sheathed himself once more, and with you hugging him and him already lifting your ass up, Shawn starts to lean back and lift you up off of the bed!

He stands up on the bed with you being held up by his cock and hands! Now instead Shawn is able to both thrust his cock into you while also easily bouncing you up and down on top of his cock allowing him to increase the speed of his already furious fucking! "Gaahh! Im going to use you like a cum dump till your ready to pass out!" Shawn says as you feel him starting to swell once again! Only the first few ropes of seed make it into your womb before its completely topped off once again, and the rest started to spurt out of your Kitsune cunt! Once done cumming in you, Shawn tosses you back onto the bed and goes over the edge of the bed grabbing something. "Since your so excited to not only be my slave, but also my pet, I see no reason to post pone the start of your training." He turns around with a leash. This one seemed more luxurious than the one Volk had used. It was a bright red silk leash with a metal clip at the end. Shawn comes over to you and hooks it to your collar. "Come here foxy. No walking for you, only on all fours. We are going to take a break from claiming your womb as mine." Using your new leash, Shawn lead you off of the bed and through the curtains. The room outside is not much bigger than the bed. Seems like the bed is the main feature of the room with how luxurious and big it was. There was a desk that looked like it wasn't used much if at all, with a chair tucked away under it, and a large rectangular mirror going to the floor right next to it.

Shawn goes and pulls out the chair, turning it to face the bed, and then moves the mirror to face the chair. He sits in the chair, and pulls you closer. "Come my pet, clean your treat off of my cock." His cock was smeared with a copious mix of both your love juices and his own cum. "You will learn to worship my cock and love my seed as if it was the best treat you have ever tasted." He also suddenly holds out one of his hands, while his other goes to his pet in training's head petting her. "Give me your tail as well" He would rub and brush his fingers through your coat, massaging your tail and every once in a while would give it a light tug. As you licked and cleaned Shawn's cock he gradually went back to full mast! "Good pet. A half breeds place is between her Master's legs, serving him..."
23631 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Shawn's Bed; Tag: Shawn; Mood: Happy, enslaved;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

"You're... so siLLY, master. My WHole body... is yours." Elysabeth panted and squeeled between thrusts. "You... own THE rigth to... all of ME!" her last words where puncuated weth another orgasm. She wore a sloppy grin, drool tumbling down her chin. "I will be your perfect pet Mahou master, I'll make sure to use this lewd body and uniform of mind to grant your every desire!!!"

For the second time she was filled with the warmth that her masters seed gave her. It was delightful, blissful, perfect. She happily began nuzzling up to Shawn's neck as she soaked in all the after glow of there sex. The effects of the drug still making even the simple cuddle feel like a sensual massage.

Seeing the red velet leash Liza get a ting of excitment. "Yes master! I want to be your loving pet! I think my slutty fox tail and ears make me perfect for that!" She follows Shawn, crawling on all fours like the fox bitch she is. Her tail wags about happily as she 'sits' infront of her master looking up at him like a loving doggie. She looked over masters juice soked kit wand. The strong smell of there shared sex eminating from it. Leaning in she began licking the globs of cum, and dripping pussy juice off her masters rod. The taste was a dull sulty one, but all the same Liza loved it! She would be masters perfect little slut soon enough. What made the experiance better was master running his hands through her fur! Pampering her just like a real pet!
"By the gods, I love a good pet that fully understands her place in life!" Shawn had an excited grin on his face from your full admittance that everything you were, was owned by your Master.

Shawn made sure to smear some of the concoction onto your cheek, marking your pretty face with his seed as you cleaned his shaft. "Ooohhh... I think youll be soon ready for another specialized training program with Volk." Shawn moaned as you continued to clean the wonderfully salty and sweet mess. "You'll never be able to go back to being on your own once Volks done with you. Never be able to imagine living without a Master there to give you love and direction. It will take time, but the program will certainly work on such a submissive slut like you~" Shawn cooed to you, emphasizing the never part. He was scratching one of your ears and giving your tail another shockingly pleasurable tug as he finished speaking. You could tell you were bringing Shawn closer to cumming once again as you finished cleaning up the mess, and you couldn't stop yourself from making a new one right after. You started to pleasure Shawn with your mouth and eventually drove him over the edge! But before he did so, Shawn says, "Gahhh, I've hear some int...interesting things about cum...Its supposed to be great for skin and hair..." Shawn moaned out as he got closer and closer, his hand ontop of your head now helping to push your face up and down his shaft! He swelled up in your mouth, and began to cum! His first two globs of cum were shot down your throat and onto your tongue respectively. He used his hand on your head to pull you off his cock, allowing him to shoot another two ropes all over your face, and then brought his other hand forward, the one that held your tail! He shot his remaining four ropes of cum all over your silky and clean coat! It turned all sticky and messy almost instantly!

"Your not going to be able to forget the smell of my seed by the time Im done with you." Shawn says as he turns and opens one of the drawers in the desk, picking up a potion and downing it. His cock sprang back to full mast almost as fast as he downed the potion. "Heh, I think enough of my cums leaked from your womb for me to be able to stuff it full once again." He points down at a puddle that had formed below you as you serviced your Master. A good amount of seed and some lewd juices from you now covered the floor where you had knelt. "Come Foxy, let us consummate your slave hood some more." He grinned as he forced to you crawl back to the bed, still sticky and covered in your Master's cum as he had stopped you from cleaning yourself. He would proceed to breed you again and again atop his bed, turning both it and you into sticky messes, reeking of your Master's cum and musk! At one point when he was taking you from behind once again, he pushed your head into the bed, forcing you to breathe in his musk which seemed infused into the bed at this point! Shawn would continue to sip at a potion every few cumshots or cream pies, but you got no such luxury, and eventually your energy would ware out...

When you awoke once again you find yourself still in Shawn's bed but there was no sign of Shawn and what ever had been lighting the room had either been turned off or extinguished, leaving the room, and especially the bed covered in darkness. You still reeked of the cum markings your Master had left in and on you, but you were no longer sticky either. In fact you felt clean. Before you are able to continue to look around, a sultry voice suddenly whispers next to your ears. A shiver of pure excitment goes up your spine as your head feels fuzzy just from the voice alone. "My my, the pure Mahou Shoujo already reduced to a willing pet before I even got my hands on you~" Your head whips around toward the source of the voice, yet when you look behind you, your vision suddenly tunnels onto a pair of crimson eyes, seeing nothing but the eyes. You see spirals in them and suddenly, your mind seems to empty itself and everything... slows..... down........
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23654 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Shawn's Bed; Tag: Shawn; Mood: Happy, enslaved;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

Fully focused on her task, Elysabeth soaked in each word Shawn said to her. She was a salve now, Volk had seen to that. She was a pet, because that's what master wanted. All she desiered was to make master happy! But was that raelly all? Some small voice inside had been fighting, telling her this wasn't right, that she was a warrior of love and justice, not some evil slaverys fox bitch! That.... that wasn't right, this is what made her happy, and if being a slave made her happy then should would just keep doing it.

The strong scent of musk filled her nostrils as Shawn pulled out of her mouth, shooting his warm seed into her hair and tails. Massaging it in so that the scent would stick properly. "Yes master! I love your manly scent, it makes my little slave heart beat so fast!" She smiled, cuddling into him.

Over and over, and over. Shawn filled liza's pussy, mouth, ass, and tail with his sweet cum. By the end Liza felt like a cream pie she had been so filled with her masterst cum. It oozed out of her, but she hardly had the energy to clean it up. She fell asleep with Shawn spooning his prize, his cock being warmed by Liza, and her tail being lovingly stroked. This life was perfect....

Once Liza woke back up she was in the dark. She could feel that her Mahou powers had finally exausted, leaving her in her whore outfit. What was strange was that she had been totally claened, even her hair and fur, which she was sure would never be claen gain. A sultry voice calls out to her, taunting her for being a pet, and loosing her purity. "My purity is nothing compaired to the joy of being my... masters... pet..." She had whipped around to meet the eyes of this intruder only for her world to slow down. Her last three words where labored and unsure. She she continues staring at the plesent swirling crimson eyes, her own eyes formed a small pink hearts in them, showing that she had recieved the spell of the intruder.
"Of course it can never compare to the pleasure of serving a Master" The sultry voice continued, her pet now docile and ready to accept any commands and words she desired to place into the pets brain. Out of all the Mahou Shoujos, this was the one she had been sent to claim and corrupt. She had expected resistance, heavy resistance even, yet the girl was already a helpless slave eager to become a pet and live the rest of her life serving her Master. This was going to be fun! The Mahou's eyes already contained the signature pink hearts showing her spell had taken affect. "Serving a Master is so pleasing, so fulfilling, but your slave mind already knows that. What you've never thought about though, is why only one Master? Why Submit to a weak Master?" Now that Liza had been dominated, her vision was able to expand from the beautiful, swirly crimson eyes. What was in front of her was a beautiful women, midnight black hair lazily curled down her back, and two equally black, leathery wings sprouted from her back. On her head, two black horns with silver inlays crowned the Greater Succubus's head.

The Succubus's words penetrated your skull, reverberating inside and becoming the only thoughts inside your head. It was similar to how Volk did it, but that was weak and quite compared to this. "Just think about how much pleasure you could have serving other, stronger Mistresses... Like me..." Your Mistress, pulled you into a passionate and loving kiss, sticking her tongue into your mouth and wrestling with your own. She drew your tongue out and then suddenly started to suck on it! It was like you could feel your mind melting as she continued to suck and play with your tongue. You feel like something that feels like it pricked your tongue and it started to heat up in a pleasant way.

The Succubus lets go of your tongue and her fangs are clearly visible to you as she pulls away. "I am Nalia, fourth general in service to the Demon King. Tell me your name sweety." Nalia commanded the dominated girl, and continues once you answer. "Ah, Elysabeth. Such a pretty name, a fitting name for the girl that holds the true essence of a Majou Shoujo." One of Nalia's fingers started to slowly trace one of your nipples aureola, causing your nipple to just as slowly rise in pride. Her other hand was placed right below your navel, where your womb was. "Oh? do you not know what that is? Giggles, Maybe Ill tell you next time, but first... its time to begin your corruption into Lord Akuhei's bride." Nalia lowers her head and takes your hard and sensitive nipple into her mouth, her red lips sucking in it while her tongue rolled it round! She also played with your piercing, using her tongie to pull on it! Her hand that had been teasing your nipple goes to your other breast, squeezing it, making your subtle flesh mold to the shape of her hand. Meanwhile, her other hand went down to your pussy and easily slid to fingers into your cunt! You are surprised to find that you are already soaking wet, and as your full attention turns away from each and every word Nalia says, you finally realize your body feels hot! Somewhere in the back of your mind, you remember a lesson you had about a Succubus's poison. It wasnt as strong as the drugs you had been subjected to under Shawn's ownership, but it was easily enough to bend you around Nalia's finger even if she wasn't dominating your mind.

The two fingers inside of your pussy were stirring you up, thrusting in and out and making your juices splash around. You quickly approached climax, your rose squeezing and milking the demoness's fingers, fully coating them in girly cum! As you finished cumming, Nalia's fingers exited your folds and instead she reached up and put them into your gasping mouth! Nalia herself popped your nipple out of her lovely mouth and commanded "Suck my fingers. Savor the taste of your own juices!"
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23667 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Shawn's Bed; Tag: Shawn; Mood: Happy, enslaved;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

"Just so!" Liza giggled happily, as she leaned onto her mistress, letter her heart filled eyes wonder over the succubus's wonderful curves. "Master even said he was going to make me his breeding pet!" She boasted childishly. The warm scent tickling her nose once more. She felt comfortable, happy, and at peace with the demon beginning to caress her. "Only one masters? Can I have two masters? What if one master tells me to only have sex with him? That doesn't make sense..." She was hesitant, but in her head a soft voice rang, 'obey your mistress, she serves your master...' She was so silly, of course she had multiple masters, they all served one master, her true master now that this succubus had open her eyes.

"S-stronger... mistresses?" Liza thought back to her fight with Shawn. He had bested her, but she was at a fraction of her strength, he hadn't even trained her himself, and now that this new mistress was laying claim to her, he was no where to be found. 'Yes, he is weak and unreliable. He waists your powers for his sexual pleasure and nothing more.' Thoughts where ringing in her head again, good thoughts. Further scrambling her brain was she sudden kiss, the full, hot lips of a succubus pressing full into hers. nipping and pulling her lip before invading with a long practiced tongue. Liza stood little chance in this kissing game surrendering to the passion of her mistress by wrapping herself around her in an embrace. Liza's tongue was lead out, pulled away by the succubus before being toyed with and then bitten!

It was warm, the room was warm and spinning. The faint memory of her first injection of the aphrodisiac Nirvana combo playing across her mind. This was different, not as potent, but more personal, more affectionate. She soaked in the radiant image of the succubus before her. Perfection in everyone of her curves. Liza's nipples both poked up, as she simple though entered her mind. 'I need mistress to fuck me!'

"Elysabeth..." she panted a few times, "Moonstone..." From there Liza was in too much of a haze to really understand what was being said to her. True essence of Mahou Shoujo? Akuhei's bride? Did any of that matter when she just wanted her mistress to pin her and make her a slobbering mess right now? Her wish was granted when mistress took her nipple. At first Nilia was rough, teething the tip even with it's sensative piercing, making Elysabeth cry out in constrained pain, but just as she had been taught, the pain became pleasure. Mistress loving suckles and tugs on her slave markings soothing Liza's burning heat. Though she had no milk yet, she still loved mistress making such skilled use of her breasts. To top that, two fingers where slipped into her needy puss. Liza focused on constricting and releasing her muscles around that area, letting Nalia's fingers enjoy some squeezes as they probed the depths.

It wasn't long before Liza climaxed. Her body twitching and twisting as Nilia held her in place. Only a few seconds later, two juice soaked fingers where jammed into her mouth, the sent of her submission rising to fill her nostrils as she got a taste. She delicately suckled each finger, licking the knuckle joins carefully. Once she had finished she pulled away, letting a long line of saliva run from her mouth to her mistress's fingers. "Thank you Mistress Nilia!" She beamed happily nuzzling up to her mistress. "If your my mistress now, then are you taking me away?" She asked, wondering just what was in store for her next.
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